
The Official TTC Thread!


Feb 17, 2007
Date: 5/26/2008 3:50:15 PM
Author: blushingbride
Yeah, that makes sense DD. I will be sure to tell my doc everything so she knows exactly what's going on. I feel a bit down regarding all this...I hope that it's something that can resolve itself easy...they say it can, but I hope for me that's the case.

Blushing, I just want to reiterate that while 10 days is on the shorter side of normal it is still normal and since there is so much error in measuring things, if you measure 9 days, you very well might actually be at 10 or 11. As much as I love TCOYF I think it can cause some hysteria where none is needed if you take everything they say without a grain of salt.

More than likely you are fine! TCOYF lists all the possibilities so women can know what's up, but they also bring many issues to the surface that aren't an issue for most women IMO. Just breathe, it'll be ok! And luckily if there is something up it is easily treated. (But the best way to diagnose for sure I guess is an endometrial biopsy! Yuck!)

I know it's easier said than done, but try not to worry yourself too much.


Oct 19, 2005
Howdy ho, ladies! Today was a busy day of shopping and ogling the maternity pants in Old Navy.
all in good time.

Annnnnyway, my prenatals have 2.5mg of vitamin B6, but I was also taking a B complex vite and if I remember correctly, my dad (who is a major vitahead) and the guy at Whole Foods told me the body will excrete the extra vitamin B that isn''t needed by the body. This is why your urine is bright yellow when you take B complex, or a vite with a lot of vitmin B in the mix.

Thanks for thinking of me and my mucous, DD! That sounded so gross. I''ve always been blessed (?) with vast amounts of CF, even when taking antihistamines. My last cycle, the EWCM was plentiful and very interesting to me, not so much hubby who was like, "Why are you telling me about that stuff? Just tell me what I need to do."

Soooo, a few weeks until EWCM time!

Independent Gal

Nov 12, 2006
Hmmm. Well, you can definitely overdose on B vitamins. There seems to be universal agreement about that in the journals I was poking through.

I think that people sometimes think: "A little is good so A WHOLE TONNE MUST BE GREAT!" but in fact a whole tonne can be toxic. Sure, it may make the body's capacity to do X all that more awesome. The problem is that it may, in the process, shut down the body's capacity to do Y. Everything has its side effects, even vitamins.

The recommended daily doses are worked out for a reason based on enormous amounts of research, and as with everything we ingest, moderation is the key.

By the way, did you see the recent meta-study (as in, an overview of a whole lotta other studies that aggregates all the data) on people who take super-vitamins? Apparently, they die sooner - much sooner - on average than those who just eat well.

I gather no one knows why yet, but I'm sure it has to do with the unanticipated effects of too much of this or that.

Soooo, just be careful! Too much of a good thing is not so good!


Dec 16, 2007
Amber, when did you go off the pill, or were you ever on it? Just curious whether you found that it affected your CF. Also, my tinckle is florescent yellow after I take my vitamin, if you pee out what you don''t need, does that suggest that my body is getting enough from the vitimin I am taking? Can you ask your vitehead dad?? You are on CD-3, right? I''m CD-4! If we O at the same time we will have the same due date if we get preggers this month! haha

NF: I think those are all very good points you raised, particularly about the error rate in estimating O-day. It is just that, an estimate, and without using an ultrasound we can''t be certain when we O. Blushing: if it takes an invasive test to see if there is somthing wrong, and you haven''t detemrined yet for sure there is a problem, maybe you can avoid the tests until later? Anyways, I''m very curious to see what your doc says, keep us posted!

As for TCOYF, I found the most helpful stuff the information about temping, charting, and how to monitor the signs. Also, the stuff about being clear in communicating with docs if you didn''t O at CD-14, which is the assumption. I guess all the rest you can take or leave as you see fit based on the rest of your research and communication with your doc.


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 5/26/2008 8:21:59 PM
Author: Independent Gal
Hmmm. Well, you can definitely overdose on B vitamins. There seems to be universal agreement about that in the journals I was poking through.

I think that people sometimes think: 'A little is good so A WHOLE TONNE MUST BE GREAT!' but in fact a whole tonne can be toxic. Sure, it may make the body's capacity to do X all that more awesome. The problem is that it may, in the process, shut down the body's capacity to do Y. Everything has its side effects, even vitamins.

The recommended daily doses are worked out for a reason based on enormous amounts of research, and as with everything we ingest, moderation is the key.

By the way, did you see the recent meta-study (as in, an overview of a whole lotta other studies that aggregates all the data) on people who take super-vitamins? Apparently, they die sooner - much sooner - on average than those who just eat well.

I gather no one knows why yet, but I'm sure it has to do with the unanticipated effects of too much of this or that.

Soooo, just be careful! Too much of a good thing is not so good!
How do they define super vitamins? I take a comprehensive vitamin with the RDI of everything... and I eat a complete diet.. is that super?? The article mentions Vit E, A and beta carotene... are they the only bad guys?? Jeez, how do we make health decisions with so much competing information. The potenital confounds and alternative explanations in a study like that boggle the mind, so it's hard to make a life choice based only on that information.The article doesn't say how much of each vitamin people were taking... the participants weren't randomly assigned were they? Just curious.


Oct 19, 2005
DD, yeah, I''m on CD3! How crazy is that? I''m super allergenic right now which reaaaally sucks. I was on the pill from 9/99-3/08, with breaks throughout. I''ve always pondered the excessive discharge, and was actually quite grossed out about it, until I realized a few cycles ago that that EWCM was what I had at those times. Apparently I also get a pain in my side on the O-date and the day before that, which I never really noticed, until I thought it was an AF cramp coming early, but found out from the doc it was Mittleschmirtz (totally spelled incorrectly).

I know Vitamin A can be harmful to a fetus, in too high an increment, so that''s why your prenatals have less vit. A than regular daily vitamins. From babycenter:

The trick during pregnancy is not to get too much of the preformed vitamin A, which in high doses can cause birth defects and liver toxicity. The government considers 3,000 mcg RAE (10,000 IU) the maximum amount of preformed vitamin A that you should get from supplements, animal sources, and fortified foods each day. (NOTE: You can still get as much beta-carotene as you want from fruits and vegetables.)

This is one important reason why you shouldn''t double up on your prenatal vitamins or take any supplements that your practitioner doesn''t recommend. Most prenatal vitamins contain at least part of their vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene, but some over-the-counter brands and other kinds of multi-vitamins contain excessive amounts of preformed vitamin A, so check the labels or show them to your practitioner before taking them.

This is also why women who are pregnant or TTC shouldn''t take Accutane! Also, I was told to take B vitamins because I''m a vegetarian, and I''m missing a lot of the vitamins I need. That''s all I know about that.


Jan 16, 2008
Hi Guys,

I asked RE about LPD and he was very clear that unless there are many signs that LPD is probably not a complication (fairly rare).
Bloodwork is the appropriate test and usually after ovulation as the corpus luteum (yellow body/follicle where the egg came from) provides provisional progesterone until the placenta can make its own during later part of first trimester.

INDY I''ve read conflicting things about Robitussin and I like what DD said about the other constituents that can actually dry u up in addition to antihistamines, caffeine, not enough water, etc.
I think drinking enough water or grapefruit juice will help.

The use of progesterone cream should be monitored in pregnant women. Its effects on the dev. fetus are not entirely known esp. after implantation.
I know plenty of docs prescribe it for women after achieving preg. but it is closely monitored. Most disharge it after several weeks depending. It''s a cat. B drug in oral form.

I found this article on oral progesterone use:

Pregnancy Risk Factor
B (Prometrium®, per manufacturer); none established for vaginal gel or injection (contraindicated)
Pregnancy Implications
There is an increased risk of minor birth defects in children whose mothers take progesterones during the first 4 months of pregnancy. Hypospadias has been reported in male and mild masculinization of the external genitalia has been reported in female babies exposed during the first trimester. Cleft lip, cleft palate, congenital heart disease, patent ductus arteriosus, ventricular septal defect, intrauterine death, and spontaneous abortion have been noted in case reports following use of oral progesterone during pregnancy. High doses of progesterone would be expected to impair fertility. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, additional studies are needed to evaluate the use of progesterone to reduce the risk of preterm birth. If needed, use should be restricted to women with history of previous spontaneous abortion at <37 weeks. The vaginal gel is indicated for use in ART.

I used the cream prior to my first preg. but discontinued use as Dr. recommended after pos. preg test.

MELA - best way to stay preggers has already been forcast by your body but certainly get lots of rest and avoid extreme physical stress and dehydration if m/s arrives.

And where is BLENHEIM?????


Dec 16, 2007
LISA: what's LPD?

ETA: Luteal Phase deficiency? Are yo usaying this is actually rare and we are all getting our panties in a knot over nothing?

Independent Gal

Nov 12, 2006
Date: 5/26/2008 8:30:56 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Date: 5/26/2008 8:21:59 PM

How do they define super vitamins? I take a comprehensive vitamin with the RDI of everything... and I eat a complete diet.. is that super?? The article mentions Vit E, A and beta carotene... are they the only bad guys?? Jeez, how do we make health decisions with so much competing information. The potenital confounds and alternative explanations in a study like that boggle the mind, so it's hard to make a life choice based only on that information.The article doesn't say how much of each vitamin people were taking... the participants weren't randomly assigned were they? Just curious.

I completely agree (and I haven't seen the actual study, just reports about it). Which is why I think it's so important just to stick with good old Epicurus and have a little of everything in moderation! 250 times the recommended dose of ANYTHING is probably not a hot plan is all.

I heard that even putting retinol on your face (which is just vitamin A) is bad for pregnant ladies. Anyone else hear that?


Feb 17, 2007
Date: 5/26/2008 9:33:44 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
LISA: what's LPD?

ETA: Luteal Phase deficiency? Are yo usaying this is actually rare and we are all getting our panties in a knot over nothing?

Yes. That is what she is saying...this is why I think TCOYF is a bit alarmist.

It makes it sound like everyone has it when it's pretty rare as far as I understand.


Feb 17, 2007
Date: 5/26/2008 10:23:01 PM
Author: Independent Gal
Date: 5/26/2008 8:30:56 PM

Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 5/26/2008 8:21:59 PM

How do they define super vitamins? I take a comprehensive vitamin with the RDI of everything... and I eat a complete diet.. is that super?? The article mentions Vit E, A and beta carotene... are they the only bad guys?? Jeez, how do we make health decisions with so much competing information. The potenital confounds and alternative explanations in a study like that boggle the mind, so it's hard to make a life choice based only on that information.The article doesn't say how much of each vitamin people were taking... the participants weren't randomly assigned were they? Just curious.

I completely agree. Which is why I think it's so important just to stick with good old Epicurus and have a little of everything in moderation! 250 times the recommended dose of ANYTHING is probably not a hot plan is all.

I heard that even putting retinol on your face (which is just vitamin A) is bad for pregnant ladies. Anyone else hear that?

Indy: Overdose of Vit A is very bad for pregnant women. Can cause birth defects. As per the discussion above, that is why most prenatals actually have less Vit A than normal vitamins.

Independent Gal

Nov 12, 2006
Hmmm. That''s why I was a bit worried to read the book. But I''ll try to keep my knickers from getting all knotted and take it all with a grain of salt.

Lisa what bad things have you heard about the robitussin? Things I should know?


Feb 27, 2006
Congratulations, Mela Lu!!!!

I just got back from an impromptu road trip to Virginia to visit our families. I tested this morning because it would be so much fun to tell everyone in person if it was positive, but I got a BFN. It''s only 7 dpo though, so I wasn''t expecting much. Hubby wants me to wait until Saturday morning to test again, which seems reasonable (12 dpo). I kinda want to test sooner though - Thursday or Friday night. Thoughts?

This weekend was so much fun. I''ve never spent much time around babies (which at times has made me wonder what I''m doing TTC) but got to spent quite a bit of time with hubby''s 7 month old cousin which was just wonderful.
She''s such a great baby and we kept threatening to steal her. The women in the family were all telling me that I was a natural at taking care of her and trying to convince us to start having babies of our own. It was a great little secret between hubby and me that we''re actually trying. I don''t want to tell them that we''re trying because I don''t feel like dealing with questions if it takes a while, but I''m fine telling them immediately when I get pregnant because I''d want their support with a m/c anyway. The baby''s mom had a m/c a couple of months before conceiving her, and everybody was so supportive of her.

I feel like my chart''s looking promising. I''ve had (TMI alert) snotty yellow CM for the last couple of days, which I''ve read is a pregnancy sign. I''m trying not to read too much into anything because I don''t want to be disappointed if AF comes, but it''s hard.



Feb 17, 2007
Date: 5/26/2008 10:28:35 PM
Author: Independent Gal
Hmmm. That''s why I was a bit worried to read the book. But I''ll try to keep my knickers from getting all knotted and take it all with a grain of salt.

Lisa what bad things have you heard about the robitussin? Things I should know?

It really is a great book Indy. BUT it brings up every possible reason for why women might be having a hard time TTC. And it doesn''t tell you how rare most of these things are, and the book makes it seem like they are very common. The best things to take from it are how to chart and learning about your cycles. Then take all the other information in ONLY if you are truly having problems TTC, otherwise it''ll just scare you IMO. I really really wish it included some caveats before the "problems" section!


Feb 17, 2007
Blen: Lots of fairy dust your way!!!! I know what you mean about wanting to steal babies, we went out to dinner last night with some friends and one couple has the most adorable 1 1/2 year old girl, EVER. I was practically insisting that they let me babysit her sometime, because she was just that darn cute!

And your chart certainly looks like everything is working nice and simply! Nice to know!


Jan 16, 2008
Date: 5/26/2008 10:24:13 PM
Author: neatfreak

Date: 5/26/2008 9:33:44 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
LISA: what''s LPD?

ETA: Luteal Phase deficiency? Are yo usaying this is actually rare and we are all getting our panties in a knot over nothing?

Yes. That is what she is saying...this is why I think TCOYF is a bit alarmist.

It makes it sound like everyone has it when it''s pretty rare as far as I understand.
Yes, you guys are so conscientious.

I too have "freaked way out on all this." It''s like med. student syndrome.

This is not to say women don''t suffer from such horrors but most are fine with good cycles and off ones.

I guess seeing the RE really put things into perspective for me. The specialist of specialsits was very nonchalant about most of my
perceived concerns (annovulation, LPD luteal phase def., progesterone issues, other hormone imbalances, fimbria, cilia concerns etc.).
Trust me I made him earn his $$ that consult! And of course I was convinced I had at least one or more problems.

He basically took a look at the length of my cycles as I have charted for past 2 years, my HX, and trans. vag. ultrasound and detailed family HX and
said I am ovulating - more likely not if cycles are really long - 35-45 days. Don''t have any real red flags and that I am basically just like everyone else
combating age and trying to hit that damned ovulation window. Humph! How do u like that?

So, you all sound just like me - a bit hyped up and excited and trying to figure it all out! BUT very normal.

Strange to think we could be normal. There is only a 20% chance in any given month that you will conceive anyway. So the odds are
sorta on the low side per cycle. Over time that increases.

By all means read away. But it is hard not to take on all the issues discussed in those pages and wonder if we posess them.

INDY regarding the Robitussin - sounds like a parlor trick to me. The body has its wisdom and there are chemicals in there that
are counterproductive to what you are trying to acheive. Plus its one more foreign thing circulating in you system at a time when the hormonal balance
has to be just so. Less is more. People have also suggested Raspberry tea, Vitex root, Ginsing, yada, yada. I can''t speak to all of these things
but I have gotten pregnant not using anything but sex at the right time. And a little alcohol. Probably doesn''t matter much if you try it or don''t.

NF''s right. The books are simply cataloguing the various clinical issues some women face. Having been though a lot of fertility testing
this past month and having the HX I have, I can say I am surprised at how healthy the reproductive system is. There are redundancies built in all over the place.

If you are young, have healthy ovaries (no cysts, endometriosis or PCOS, strange imbalances) it''s simply a waiting game.

Hell, I have 1 working ovary, am 39, had a 10 cm cyst removed before conceiving at 37 and then had a c-section to boot! (more potential uterine injury).
And we got BFP last month (although fleeting) and now might be preggo again!

BLENHEIM - you may tilt the odds (on this forum) if + this month! Keeping everything crossed for you. Doesn''t the 2WW suck?

Thinking of you all.....



Dec 16, 2007
Date: 5/26/2008 10:47:33 PM
Author: neatfreak

Date: 5/26/2008 10:28:35 PM
Author: Independent Gal
Hmmm. That''s why I was a bit worried to read the book. But I''ll try to keep my knickers from getting all knotted and take it all with a grain of salt.

Lisa what bad things have you heard about the robitussin? Things I should know?

It really is a great book Indy. BUT it brings up every possible reason for why women might be having a hard time TTC. And it doesn''t tell you how rare most of these things are, and the book makes it seem like they are very common. The best things to take from it are how to chart and learning about your cycles. Then take all the other information in ONLY if you are truly having problems TTC, otherwise it''ll just scare you IMO. I really really wish it included some caveats before the ''problems'' section!

I agree NF, aspecially after what Lisa has said and what you mentioned. I think the information about cycles and normal fertility is amazing and I wish I had learned this stuff years ago!

I also found the information about coming off the pill useful, even if it may exaggerate, since it is reassuring to know that things can be wonky for a while. As far as I have been able to see, the stats say after 6 months there is no difference in fertility between people who came off the pill and people who stopped using barrier methods of BC. Prior to that, there can be cycle disturbances that may make conception more difficult (low CM, irregular ovulation etc.). I feel good knowing that if I notice odd things in the next 3 months (I have been off the pill for 3 full cycles) then it doesn''t mean anything.

This AF was still odd... one day of flow and then 3 days of spotting. The spotting is only tapering off today, on CD-5. I am going to be very curious how things go this cycle because I feel like last cycle was getting normal after coming off BCP, and hopefully this one is even more normal!

blenheim your chart looks good. That''s quite the ovulation dip! And if your temp tomorrow if high again then you maaaay have a tri-phasic pattern? Keep us posted.

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
EEK! Hi Blein - welcome back from your trip ;p
I'm crossing every available appendage for you and sending TRUCKS full of baby dust.

Def keep poas. we're all here, waiting with baited breath!


Nov 10, 2006
Hi ladies - sorry I had to drop off yesterday - DH and I had to run to the airport to pick up his sister. While we were there, we saw David Archuleta which was cool (for any Idol fans out there).

Anyway, after reading all the posts this morning, are you ladies suggesting that a short luteal phase is different than luteal phase defect?

I have a call into my doctor, so we''ll see what she says when I hear back from her.

I spoke to DH about everything last night and he''s been great and very supportive. It''s funny because he even said that if I wasn''t reading TCOYF and doing all this research, I wouldn''t be driving myself nuts about everything and would just get pregnant when we start TTC.
Too funny...but he''s probably right.

Blenheim - sending baby dust your way!!!!


May 9, 2008
ooh, Blenheim i''m sending you tons of "second line on an HPT" dust....good luck!


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 5/27/2008 10:03:06 AM
Author: blushingbride
Hi ladies - sorry I had to drop off yesterday - DH and I had to run to the airport to pick up his sister. While we were there, we saw David Archuleta which was cool (for any Idol fans out there).

Anyway, after reading all the posts this morning, are you ladies suggesting that a short luteal phase is different than luteal phase defect?

I have a call into my doctor, so we'll see what she says when I hear back from her.

I spoke to DH about everything last night and he's been great and very supportive. It's funny because he even said that if I wasn't reading TCOYF and doing all this research, I wouldn't be driving myself nuts about everything and would just get pregnant when we start TTC.
Too funny...but he's probably right.

Blenheim - sending baby dust your way!!!!
I think what they/we are suggesting is that even though your luteal phase "appears" to be short, there is probably nothing wrong because a) there is error in estimating when you ovulate (+/- a couple days!!), so it may be longer; b) even at 10 days that is within the normal range and many women get preggers with "apparent" luteal phases of that length; c) an actual luteal phase defect (i.e., a disorder where you luteal phase is too short) is very rare accoring to Lisa's RE, so even if yours appears short there is little chance that this is a medical problem that will inhibit your fertility; and most importantly d) you have not tried to TTC yet, so there is no proof this is an issue for you. You are young, I bet you get knocked up within 3 months!

The tests like an endometrial biopsy etc etc at really invasive and you should probably only undergo them if there is really stong evidence that you have a problem, which right now, you just don't have!

I kinda vote you chat with your doc who hopefully will listen carefully and answer all your questions and will take you seriously without being overly-aggressive in his/her approach... but then you just knock boots for a few months as see what happens. If we take this process too seriously then ALL OF US here--Lisa, me, you, and maybe Indy--have luteal phase defects!
highly doubtful!!

I'm choosing to focus my attention on the fact that 50% of women get preggers within 3 months, the other 50% take longer than 3 months. I have only tried 2 months (and I don't think I O'd the first month) and you haven't tried at all yet! We need to give those odds time to kick in before we worry!

ETA: although reading and researching can be bad, I'm still glad I did it. I feel good charting, it helps me understand my body, and I think that's a good thing.


Dec 16, 2007
LISA So your doc basically thinks you just need time to get pregeroo?? That''s great... does that mean no IUI next cycle or are you still gonna go ahead with that if it doesn''t work out this cycle. Hey, did you already O??

Independent Gal

Nov 12, 2006
Lisa, you''re probably right about the Robitussin. The only reasons I gave it a go was 1) My pharmacist explained that it actually makes sense scientifically and explained the mechanism by which it works (so it''s not TOTALLY crazy)
2) I think it''s hilarious.

But it''s true it may have unexpected side effects and it''s probably best to let things take their course naturally. But it gave my friends a good laugh at girl''s night last night.

Independent Gal

Nov 12, 2006
You know, if we enjoy learning about our bodies so much, I vote that we each pick an organ and teach the others what it does. I mean, we''re all so excited about our uteruses or whatever, but what about...

...the gall bladder?! Do y''all know what your gall bladder does? Spleen? small VS. large intestine? Or even better, what about all the other glands and hormones and what they do? Pick a gland! Any gland!


What do you say? Pick an organ! Pick a hormone!


Nov 10, 2006
Gotcha DD - you are always so comforting and knowledgeable! I love it!! My doc just called me back and told me to come in today to get my FSH, LH and estradiol levels tested. So, I''m going to pop over during lunch and hopefully talk w/ her more in person. It''s so hard to talk about this stuff at work w/ all my co-workers sitting around listening! I really wanted to pick her brain, but couldn''t because there was someone sitting in front of me!


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 5/27/2008 10:32:43 AM
Author: Independent Gal
You know, if we enjoy learning about our bodies so much, I vote that we each pick an organ and teach the others what it does. I mean, we''re all so excited about our uteruses or whatever, but what about...

...the gall bladder?! Do y''all know what your gall bladder does? Spleen? small VS. large intestine? Or even better, what about all the other glands and hormones and what they do? Pick a gland! Any gland!


What do you say? Pick an organ! Pick a hormone!
LOL!! Well I know my friend had her gall bladder removed and now she can''t eat ANY fatty foods or... GASP... CHOCOLATE! I am not sure why she didn''t just jump off a bridge, but I guess she is a stronger woman than me.

Independent Gal

Nov 12, 2006
OK so gall bladder = chocolate processor?

Independent Gal

Nov 12, 2006
Kinda makes you believe in intelligent design if we have a ''chocolate processor'' built right in.

But then I think about that whole messy agonizing childbirth thing and I''m all ''hmmmmm.''


Dec 19, 2007
Just popping in to say HI - no, I''m not TTC - one little evil is more than enough for me.

Just commenting on the child birth thing. I thought it made no sense, but after I researched, hired a doula, and ended up with a natural childbirth, I think it is the most freakin'' amazing thing ever that my little ol'' body can do that. I am a superwoman!!!!

Independent Gal

Nov 12, 2006
Snip! maybe this post would've violated a PS rule. Don't want to get us started about intelligent design.
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