
The Official TTC Thread!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
digital made it real


Feb 17, 2007
Date: 4/21/2008 7:01:13 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
digital made it real

I like that. Sounds good to me!


Dec 4, 2007
Hi TTC''ers-just wanted to pop in with some baby dust and say WOOHOO neat freak!!

I also wanted to mention a couple of things I learnt on my TTC journey:

1. Pregnancy tests: some internet ones can be much more sensitive than the digital ones (depends on the brand). All pg tests detect HCG which is not produced by the ovary-it''s produced by the trophoblast, which is a fancy word for what happends when the blastocyst implants into the wall of the uterus. Therefore you cannot get a positive pregnancy test until implantation-which is usually at least 5 days following ovulation but more likely six to eight. Therefore if you don''t want to drive yourself nuts, try to wait at least until a week post ovulation as ''false'' negatives will occur because there is not HCG yet! False negatives can still then occur with insensitive tests. I think has a link to the relative sensitivities of each test. I tested 14dpo and got a dark line on an insensitive test-unequivocal!!

2. Coffee-the most recent study demonstrating harmful effects of caffeine was poorly designed. There is a LOT of poorly designed research out there which is why despite the fact I''m a (medical) doctor I trust my RE and OB absolutely. The hard word I''ve had on caffeine is one cup a day is fine. Look out for decaf-make sure it is water decaffinated, not decaf with chemicals. I''m totally off coffee (normally 2-3 cups per day) ever since implantation.

3. Fear-Indy, I feel for you! It''s a hard time in your life with a lot of upheaval. My word of advice (and it''s only that) would be if you want to start a family in the next year, go for it. You will find a way around it. I figured I would never have enough time/career space/money/security/support to make it simple to have kids and we wanted them so we just went for it. I thought it was going to take years and it took three months so that is a lesson to me to be ready when I start!

4. Blushing, yay for a fun trip-as someone (JG?) said, you don''t share a blood supply until implantation. If you are charting you should know when that is. Many women don''t get MS until 6 weeks-some do get it earlier.

I hope that helps! Good luck to you all.


Jan 8, 2007
WHOO-HOOOO Neatfreak!!! Sending baby vibes your way! You must be soooooo anxious!

Indie: I''m not trying to concieve yet, as I''m not even married yet, but I just wanted you to know that I definitely am scared! I''m scared about the whole "giving birth" part of having a baby, which pretty much comes with the territory! No way out of that! haha.
But my biggest fear is that I might have fertility problems, which so far it''s looking like I might.

It kind of makes it hard for FI and me because I want to hurry up and do it NOW NOW NOW just in case I won''t be able to, and he would rather wait a couple of years for me to finish school. But yeah, those are my fears. Infertility and crowning.


Jan 16, 2008
NF get the bloodword asap!

I did mine day after a test that looked like yours and my HCG level was 512 - barely registered we found out so early.

Dr. wanted to see me around 7 weeks to detect heartbeat but I went earlier to discuss stuff.

If you''re older than 35 find a perinatologist - OB should recommend. Then your''e considered "high-risk" bah!

First try! So happy for you I hope it rubs off.


Mar 28, 2006
NF that looks positive to me!!


Nov 10, 2006
Date: 4/21/2008 4:21:50 PM
Author: janinegirly
hey BB,

we''ve still got it narrowed down to chatham, madison, westfield. And we are looking but haven''t found *the* house yet. In this market, we figure we''d rather wait till we find exactly what we want and it makes it easier to not feel under the gun of a pregnancy timeline. Sooo, if we find something, great--but if not (in next few months), we''ll stick it out in our apt and then move when we do. That way I can stick with my dr., have a New York City baby, and keep having my nice 10mn walk commute to work (which''ll come in handy in that 8-9th month!). Plus have NYC to entertain me during materinity leave.

Also, I wanted to say that even if you drink on vacation during TTC it''s ok. Even if you did get pg right away--it wouldn''t harm anything (within reason, I''m sure you won''t be doing shots of tequila and smoking..haha). I read that the fetus doesn''t share a blood supply with the mother till a few weeks along. (I didn''t really stop my usual routine during those first 2 wks when I didn''t know I was I did some frantic reading up on it). So you could TTC on your vacation or a few weeks before if you wanted! I guess I can''t really say about morning sickness since i never got it, so no idea how early that kicks in! Oh and you asked how many cycles to track before TTC..I think 3 is a good amount. I did 2 before BFP (on third).

Keep me posted on it all!!
Got it - I''d be the same way too. Once I leave the city it''s going to be absolutely 100% right - right house in the right town. Plus, it sounds like you have a nice thing going with the walk to work, etc. I think you made the right decision to wait it out. Can I ask you what practice your OBGYN works out of? I am currently going to Murry Hill OBGYN and that place is crazy busy. I''d to go to a doctor who can give me more personal attention.

The plan is that we will definitely be trying on our vacation - most likely it will be our first time as I really want to enjoy myself while on the trip (I''ve really been thinking this over). We are leaving July 3rd so that will be around the start of my cycle.

I will definitely keep you posted - thanks for the helpful advice!


Feb 17, 2007
Thanks Lisa! Luckily the regular old digital (not even the super sensitive ones) said PREGNANT this morning! Yay!

And I am not over 35, so I shouldn't be high risk. Just hoping it'll stick! I left a message after hours for my doc yesterday and I am going to see if I can go in today for a blood test.

Independent Gal

Nov 12, 2006
Congratulations, Neatfreak! How exciting.


Sep 21, 2006
BB~ Sounds like you have a great plan. That way if it *happens* on your first official try, you can say you conceived in Europe! Plus you''ll know your chart really well by then.

My ob-gyn is affiliated with St Luke''s Roosevelt hospital. I''m not sure of the group practice name (is that what you''re asking?). I can always let you know her name. She was my ob gyn beforehand, and she''s nice but have to admit is rushed too. I do like the hospital though and it''s close to where we live.
I''ve heard great things about Columbia Presbyterian so if you have a dr. associated with them, I''m sure that''s great too..


Jan 16, 2008
NeatFreak - I have a huge smile on my face.

I feel like I was there (I know that sounded weird) you know through all the o''ing and scheduled bada binging and the TWW and
the anxiety early testing.

So happy for you.

Relax now. Chances are very good all will be well.

Keep us updated on it all!!!


Feb 17, 2007
Date: 4/22/2008 1:01:06 PM
Author: lisa1.01fvs1
NeatFreak - I have a huge smile on my face.

I feel like I was there (I know that sounded weird) you know through all the o'ing and scheduled bada binging and the TWW and

the anxiety early testing.

So happy for you.

Relax now. Chances are very good all will be well.

Keep us updated on it all!!!

Awww Lisa! You are super sweet. BTW, I LOOOOVE the name Olivia. DH vetoed it though because he wants a slightly less popular name (he's weird like that). But I love it!

Don't worry, I will have many many questions to ask you all! Especially because I don't want to tell anyone in my "real life" yet just in case something happens!

I am really bummed though that I can't see my usual GYN because she is technically a nurse practictioner. But she recommended someone else in their practice who she said is fabulous. And a quick google search of mommy forums turns up a number of women who love him. So that is good at least...

Did you all bring your DH to your first appointments? Or only to the "big" appointments?


Jan 8, 2007
Date: 4/22/2008 2:43:03 PM
Author: neatfreak

Date: 4/22/2008 1:01:06 PM
Author: lisa1.01fvs1
NeatFreak - I have a huge smile on my face.

I feel like I was there (I know that sounded weird) you know through all the o''ing and scheduled bada binging and the TWW and

the anxiety early testing.

So happy for you.

Relax now. Chances are very good all will be well.

Keep us updated on it all!!!

Awww Lisa! You are super sweet. BTW, I LOOOOVE the name Olivia. DH vetoed it though because he wants a slightly less popular name (he''s weird like that). But I love it!

Don''t worry, I will have many many questions to ask you all! Especially because I don''t want to tell anyone in my ''real life'' yet just in case something happens!

I am really bummed though that I can''t see my usual GYN because she is technically a nurse practictioner. But she recommended someone else in their practice who she said is fabulous. And a quick google search of mommy forums turns up a number of women who love him. So that is good at least...

Did you all bring your DH to your first appointments? Or only to the ''big'' appointments?
Congrats Neatfreak!! I can''t believe how fast it happened! Are you still using the strips just for fun? lol! Because it''s totally something I would do....maybe not you though...I don''t think you''re as crazy as me! lol

Speaking of me.....this is day 29 of this cycle. Sigh. Looks like another long one. I''m willing to bet that I don''t see anything for at least another 20 days.
Seriously CANNOT wait for insurance to kick in!!!!


Apr 9, 2005
Just checking up on everyone over here and I have to say: neatfreak, you''re pregnant!!!!!!
There is no mistaking that line. Congratulations! Sending you tons of sticky vibes. Come join us on the preggo thread! You''ll get tons of support and it''s a great place to get it all out of your system before you spread the word!!!


Feb 17, 2007
Date: 4/22/2008 4:06:38 PM
Author: curlygirl
Just checking up on everyone over here and I have to say: neatfreak, you''re pregnant!!!!!!
There is no mistaking that line. Congratulations! Sending you tons of sticky vibes. Come join us on the preggo thread! You''ll get tons of support and it''s a great place to get it all out of your system before you spread the word!!!

Thanks Curly. I will soon, when I get the courage up! It still seems a bit surreal and I am totally paranoid about miscarrying. Irrational I know, but I am really worried!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
NF I KNEW IT!!!!! YAY!!!!! Aren''t the digi ones fun? DH came to maybe 1/2 of my appointments. My first one was 6 weeks to confirm pregnancy. My first u/s was 6 weeks and 3 (or 4) days to date it. Let us know how it goes.


Feb 17, 2007
Date: 4/22/2008 5:59:40 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
NF I KNEW IT!!!!! YAY!!!!! Aren''t the digi ones fun? DH came to maybe 1/2 of my appointments. My first one was 6 weeks to confirm pregnancy. My first u/s was 6 weeks and 3 (or 4) days to date it. Let us know how it goes.

They ARE fun! DH has it on his home desk still. Ewwwwwwwww.


Nov 24, 2006
Ahhh Neatfreak, I am so HAPPY for you and your DH
Congratulations, how exciting to baby Neatfreak baking! hehe

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Date: 4/22/2008 6:05:04 PM
Author: neatfreak
Date: 4/22/2008 5:59:40 PM

Author: Tacori E-ring

NF I KNEW IT!!!!! YAY!!!!! Aren''t the digi ones fun? DH came to maybe 1/2 of my appointments. My first one was 6 weeks to confirm pregnancy. My first u/s was 6 weeks and 3 (or 4) days to date it. Let us know how it goes.

They ARE fun! DH has it on his home desk still. Ewwwwwwwww.

I think it disappears after an hour. We took a photo of ours


May 6, 2007
Date: 4/22/2008 9:30:46 AM
Author: neatfreak
Thanks Lisa! Luckily old digital (not even the super sensitive ones) said PREGNANT this morning! Yay!
the regular
And I am not over 35, so I shouldn''t be high risk. Just hoping it''ll stick! I left a message after hours for my doc yesterday and I am going to see if I can go in today for a blood test.
Neatfreak I just wanted to say Congratulations!!!! again. That is so awesome! Are you gonna keep it to yourself for now? It''s nice to have PS for a place to talk about it! Yay! Good Job!


Feb 17, 2007
Date: 4/22/2008 8:07:41 PM
Author: pavelover
Date: 4/22/2008 9:30:46 AM

Author: neatfreak

Thanks Lisa! Luckily old digital (not even the super sensitive ones) said PREGNANT this morning! Yay!

the regular

And I am not over 35, so I shouldn''t be high risk. Just hoping it''ll stick! I left a message after hours for my doc yesterday and I am going to see if I can go in today for a blood test.
Neatfreak I just wanted to say Congratulations!!!! again. That is so awesome! Are you gonna keep it to yourself for now? It''s nice to have PS for a place to talk about it! Yay! Good Job!

Thanks Pave! It is super nice to have PS to talk about it, because we are keeping it a secret for now. Don''t want anyone to get too excited and then god forbid have something happen. Both sets of parents want a grandbaby sooooo badly (it will be the first and only one until we have #2 probably) so we don''t want to get their hopes up until we feel more secure about it.


May 6, 2007
Date: 4/21/2008 12:19:57 PM
Author: lisa1.01fvs1

Date: 4/21/2008 7:50:49 AM
Author: neatfreak
Well ladies it is still pink this morning! It appears to be a little clearer, but it might just be because the test from yesterday has toned down a bit in color for my comparison. But there is definitely a line.

I am so scared of miscarrying though! I''m sure it is because I have anxiety, so I tend to obsess and worry about everything. Add to that the fact that I went off my anxiety meds a few weeks ago, and I guess it isn''t too out of the ordinary for me.

And Lisa-question for you regarding caffeine intake. I usually drink 1 cafe au lait (mostly milk) per day and some green tea. I can''t seem to find a conclusive answer about how much caffeine is safe. Did you just forgo it alltogether? And if so, is decaf coffee ok? Or green tea which doesn''t have a lot of caffeine?

It seems that a lot of things have caffeine in them, and I just can''t seem to find a reliable source of information about this...

Hi NF, glad to hear the line is still there!

Yes, coffee question. I drank one cup a day. More than that is forbotten but remember they don''t have any conclusive evidence for that 1 cup or 2.

I think moderation is best but I had no issues w/ this.

As to the anaxiolytics (meds) you can safely take these until embryo becomes a ''neural tube'' around 18 days post implantation.

Until then there is just cell division and no major organ dev. When in the nueral tube stage, the anatomy beings forming and then NO CAT. D drugs.

Most of these meds have fast half-lives so thay can clear quickley. Nature factors these things into the design.

That''s why you hear of women worry who drank, smoked or used drugs early who have had normal babies.

Nature gives you about a 3 week window to figure out you''re preggers before anything ''bad'' can happen.

Well, as for me got AF this AM.

22 day cycle again! That''s 25 day, 22 day and 22 day cycle for 3 months. Strange.

Anyone know a good fertility Dr. in OC, California? I heard of Dr. Werlin. Oh well......
Hi Lisa hugs to you. Sorry I didn''t reply sooner. I just saw your post on the other thread and realized I didn''t reply...It''s so hard when we get to that time and get our hopes up. I''m sorry that your cycle isn''t being cooperative and I hope you do go get a doctors opinion. I am 36 turning thirty seven next month and I feel an awful lot of pressure on myself right now too. I just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you.


Jan 16, 2008
Pave--thanks I needed that boost - don''t want to steal NF''s thunder, I am so happy that someone finally got knocked up around here!

Fate works in strange ways.

I was out w/ Olivia and the kindermusik teacher called to schedule stuff.

Anyway, I knew she went through IVF and had twins recently so I asked her about a Dr.

I called him (reproductive endocrinologist) and they told me they didn''t have an appt. until July!!!!!!!!!!!

So I pleaded my case & went into much detail. She was taken aback and said she''d speak to the Dr. directly to get me in sooner.

10 mins. later she called and I have an appt. next week!!!!!! Wed. - I said am I that much of a basket case?

She said no but that I have very convincing issues that need to be evaluated right away.

The consult is $260. Ouch, but he''ll do an ultrasound and at least get the ball rolling.

At 39 it''s best to get going.................We are 0 for 3 cycles and the clocks a tickin''

Neatfreak - hubby went to many of the appts. (as his job permitted) and took a couple days off work when I had the amnio. He was also there for all the bloodwork both of us did and any major ultrasound check (12 weeks/16 weeks for amnio,18 weeks amnio again, 21 weeks all level 2) pretty much everytime we went to the perinatologist. I also had reg. OB visits that he didn''t attend as much.

Those were sorta boring since we didn''t see the baby on US.

Pave what''s going on with you? Are your cycles as wacky as mine or what?


May 6, 2007
Date: 4/22/2008 11:54:01 PM
Author: lisa1.01fvs1
Pave--thanks I needed that boost - don''t want to steal NF''s thunder, I am so happy that someone finally got knocked up around here!

Fate works in strange ways.

I was out w/ Olivia and the kindermusik teacher called to schedule stuff.

Anyway, I knew she went through IVF and had twins recently so I asked her about a Dr.

I called him (reproductive endocrinologist) and they told me they didn''t have an appt. until July!!!!!!!!!!!

So I pleaded my case & went into much detail. She was taken aback and said she''d speak to the Dr. directly to get me in sooner.

10 mins. later she called and I have an appt. next week!!!!!! Wed. - I said am I that much of a basket case?

She said no but that I have very convincing issues that need to be evaluated right away.

The consult is $260. Ouch, but he''ll do an ultrasound and at least get the ball rolling.

At 39 it''s best to get going.................We are 0 for 3 cycles and the clocks a tickin''

Neatfreak - hubby went to many of the appts. (as his job permitted) and took a couple days off work when I had the amnio. He was also there for all the bloodwork both of us did and any major ultrasound check (12 weeks/16 weeks for amnio,18 weeks amnio again, 21 weeks all level 2) pretty much everytime we went to the perinatologist. I also had reg. OB visits that he didn''t attend as much.

Those were sorta boring since we didn''t see the baby on US.

Pave what''s going on with you? Are your cycles as wacky as mine or what?
Oh Ugghhh LIsa- I am not exactly sure right now. I told you last week I think that I ovulated much later than I thought(day 21 I think). So I tried to do the baby dancing like we were supposed to - but we didn''t get all of it done, lol. I am trying not to stress out too much about it because I think that will make things worse. So here I am still waiting- now its 10 dpo I think, right? I had a little cramping today, felt like AF was coming. Thursday will be the 12dpo and when I was supposed to test but I have been testing every day since 6 cause I''m crazy like that. I am trying to get myself ready for AF so I won''t be too disappointed- Are you glad you asked? that was the most rambling answer ever I am sure.


Nov 10, 2006
Date: 4/22/2008 9:45:22 AM
Author: janinegirly
BB~ Sounds like you have a great plan. That way if it *happens* on your first official try, you can say you conceived in Europe! Plus you''ll know your chart really well by then.

My ob-gyn is affiliated with St Luke''s Roosevelt hospital. I''m not sure of the group practice name (is that what you''re asking?). I can always let you know her name. She was my ob gyn beforehand, and she''s nice but have to admit is rushed too. I do like the hospital though and it''s close to where we live.
I''ve heard great things about Columbia Presbyterian so if you have a dr. associated with them, I''m sure that''s great too..
Thanks for the heads-up about your OBGYN. I haerd that Columbia Presbyterian was good too. I might make the switch once I become pregnant. We''ll see... Have you heard anything about NYU - that''s where my current OBGYN is associated.


Nov 10, 2006
Question for all of you ladies - as some of you know, I''m traveling to Italy and Croatia this July and we''d like to start trying on our trip. Have any of you charted while in another country? How will traveling effect my temperature and ultimately my timing w/ ovulation, etc?


Jul 6, 2005
congratulations neatfreak!!
lots of sticky vibes!!! must be thrilling to see a positive result!

DH and I are still thinking planning on TTC this summer. We have friends staying with us know and they have the most amazing little six month old baby boy. we met him when he was but a wee thing of five weeks old, so at this stage he is just a pure, giggling delight. makes me want to push up our TTC, but at the same time I''m struggling with balancing all the other considerations that go into having a family.

DH is currently looking to switch jobs. he has been at his current job for two years and likes it well enough, but he feels a little like the practice area is too narrow and that if he''s going to break out now is probably the best time to do it. I thought that he might have made the move by the spring, so that we''d be all settled with jobs by the time the summer rolled around. no such luck. the jobs that he''s looking at seem to be in no rush to hire. one job is in the government and they have a notoriously LONG *rolling* hiring process. though, it is totally a dream job and ironically enough where we met while we were both interns...

we shall see. keep your fingers crossed for us!


Sep 21, 2006
Congrats Neatfreak, let us know how your first appt goes!

BlushingBride~ I don''t know much about NYU, to be honest I didn''t do much homework on hospitals beforehand. Definitely ask around though....since I haven''t heard much, that might mean mixed reviews. You could check out the websites too to see their birth centers, philosophy,etc.

As for TTCing while travelling, I think there is a section on this in FF. I believe it recommends temping same time everyday in the new time zone. So if you do it at 7am now, do it same time there.
Over Xmas we were in LA, which is barely any change, but still I found it annoying b/c I was on vacation and sleeping in and not in the mood to temp. So I slacked big time. Of course that''s the month I got pg. If you were to see my chart, you''d see a shift, but lots of dotted lines and white holes!
I think by then you''ll know your cycle well that you might have an idea when O is, and you could just temp day or 2 before and after. Or just do the OPK. Charting/temping will cramp your vaca! Just enjoy it and see what happens (and like with me, it doesn''t stop nature). When you''re back, you can always be more on top of it.


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 4/23/2008 9:07:33 AM
Author: blushingbride
Question for all of you ladies - as some of you know, I''m traveling to Italy and Croatia this July and we''d like to start trying on our trip. Have any of you charted while in another country? How will traveling effect my temperature and ultimately my timing w/ ovulation, etc?

Just for your vacation you could rely on your cervical fluid only... it is very reliable from the experiences of my friends, all of whom used CF monitoring exclusively to conceive very quickly (1 - 3 months). You may need to do the internal "collection" though, I know you mentioned earlier you weren''t too comfortable with that. I don''t find that using a tissue allows me to assess it at all, there isn''t enough fluid externally... though on the fertile days there is a general open and wet sensation that is fairly obvious even without manual observations. It is good for you to get comfortbale with your body, so this is a good reason to start! Just poke a finger in there, swirl it around your cervix, pull it out and rub your fingers together etc. I found that way it was very very easy to see the progression from sticky to creamy to wet to EW and then dry. No need for 2 fingers (which seems a little much to me! haha





Feb 17, 2007
Skippy, Pave, Lulu, and Janine- thank you! We are so excited and obviously hope it sticks!

Blushing, TCOYF has a section on charting while in different time zones. It is super helpful, so read it if you haven''t already. I''m so jealous of your trip BTW!
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