
The Official TTC Thread!


Aug 7, 2005
Oh, I guess that there is another website too! Maybe that''s the one you wanted.

Also, there''s a $2 coupon on the First Response website. I''m a big coupon-clipper, so of course I printed it out.


Jun 28, 2006
Fisher, I'm waiting til Sunday now unless AFF shows up or I have a temp drop since Friday could be only 8dpo. Sunday will still be early, but 10 has a way better chance than 8.

I have a feeling I'm going to be really disappointed this cycle. One of my bff's who I haven't seen since my wedding day is coming in from the west coast next week and another of my bff's who I also haven't seen since my wedding day is trying to come up from VA so we can all hang out. I keep thinking that it would be soooo perfect if I get a bfp this cycle because I'll be able to tell them in person instead of over the phone. They don't even know that we're trying. I'm worried that this alone is jinxing me. Kind of like all those times when I was a LIW thinking, "oh it would be so perfect if he proposed on such and such date" and then those days kept on passing by and it happened when I least expected it. I hate waiting.

ETA: Fisher, I forget, when are you testing?


Jul 6, 2005
thanks for the coupon alert peony. i''m not really sure which site mela wanted, regardless they are both so facinating!


Feb 27, 2006
Lulu, thanks for digging that up. I have it bookmarked on my computer, which is hanging out with the HP support people while I''m stick with a 6.5 yr old laptop with none of my stuff on it.

Mela, congrats!!!!
I didn''t think you were totally crazy - I just kind of knew, as well. (Of course, I also just knew on the previous two cycles, but I swear it was different this time around.

Robbie, Costco only sells the FRRRs, and they look so darn similar. Grrr. Just in case anyone decides to buy them in bulk there...

Do you know anything about the science/reasoning behind the Jonas Method? My conception date, according to them, is 6 days before I ovulated. I suppose it could be possible, but unlikely. Plus how is charting as effective at birth control as it is, if this kind of stuff matters as well? Plus, I''m puzzled by the note, "You have to know your birth time to use this method. If you don''t, the uncertainty of the moment of conception can reach 24 hours, which might make the whole method useless. " Not every baby comes at exactly 40 weeks, let alone at the same time of day they were conceived! (Or X number of hours off, or whatever they''re thinking there!) Not to mention that they have a disclaimer that independent trials didn''t replicate their results...

BB - Your photos are simply gorgeous!

happy in love

Jul 24, 2007
Date: 9/9/2008 6:55:55 PM
Author: robbie3982

I have a feeling I''m going to be really disappointed this cycle. One of my bff''s who I haven''t seen since my wedding day is coming in from the west coast next week and another of my bff''s who I also haven''t seen since my wedding day is trying to come up from VA so we can all hang out. I keep thinking that it would be soooo perfect if I get a bfp this cycle because I''ll be able to tell them in person instead of over the phone. They don''t even know that we''re trying. I''m worried that this alone is jinxing me. Kind of like all those times when I was a LIW thinking, ''oh it would be so perfect if he proposed on such and such date'' and then those days kept on passing by and it happened when I least expected it. I hate waiting.
hahahaha! I''ve been doing that too... first it was because it would be a "perfect due date" if it happened month #1, then next it was a BFP for DH''s bday that would be so perfect... this time it''s a BFP for my bday. It totally is like being a LIW! I can''t help but go through all these scenarios that would be great if it happened (insert day here)

I am keeping fingers crossed that you''ll get your bfp and be able to share your news with your friends in person! Good Luck!


Jun 28, 2006
Blen, yeah, the whole concept sounds ridiculous to me. I think it''s actually saying that in addition to your normal "mid-cycle" ovulation, you also have one spontaneous ovulation based on the lunar phase you were born in. It all sounds so crazy, but I can''t find any other lunar things that would explain why FF has the moon phases on the calendar.

Thanks, HIL!


Jul 23, 2006
congrats mela!!! Happy and healthy 9 months to you!!

I''m just beginning the tww --day2--and within the past 2 hours my (*)(*) are feeling a bit sore....and no i''m not making it
what days do you usually get sore before your AFF? usually mine get sore about a week after o, so its a bit early.


Feb 27, 2006
I noticed that I tend to ovulate fairly close to the full moon, but obviously that''s not true for most women. I''m sure that it was mostly coincidence, for me. I really have no idea why they have those on there. Maybe we should write them a letter.


Apr 14, 2006
Hey Blen, I''ve been meaning to ask: how is your back doing with the pregnancy so far?

I hope it''s going great for you. You''ve been a wealth of knowledge throughout this thread!!

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
Date: 9/9/2008 6:39:32 PM
Author: lovelylulu
mela: because i''m just waiting on feedback i did a little digging

Cool website:
Thanks Lovely! This is the one I was after.

Peony - thanks for that link anyways
I watched it and it''s a goodie. Now at least both resources are together for future TTC''vers.

Robbie - I''ve heard that babies are born according the the lunar calendar. Apparently the full moon has some labour inducing properties, or so the old wives tales say. Do we really think that FF would include an ''old wives tale'' into their program???!!! I do think we should write them a letter and ask.

Many many enquiring minds want to know

Crop dusting of Baby Dust for all my friend here.


Jun 28, 2006
Date: 9/9/2008 8:22:07 PM
Author: mela lu
Date: 9/9/2008 6:39:32 PM

Author: lovelylulu

mela: because i''m just waiting on feedback i did a little digging

Cool website:
Thanks Lovely! This is the one I was after.

Peony - thanks for that link anyways
I watched it and it''s a goodie. Now at least both resources are together for future TTC''vers.

Robbie - I''ve heard that babies are born according the the lunar calendar. Apparently the full moon has some labour inducing properties, or so the old wives tales say. Do we really think that FF would include an ''old wives tale'' into their program???!!! I do think we should write them a letter and ask.

Many many enquiring minds want to know

Crop dusting of Baby Dust for all my friend here.

Done and done:


Mar 28, 2006
As far as the full moon goes, I don't know anything about it's labor inducing likelihood but I am a nurse in a pediatric intensive care unit and we do get crazy busy on full moons. I don't know what it means but it happens.
As far as the Jonas method. I read the link and thought no way, they cannot predict conception based on when someone was born. But then I tried it. And this is probably all a coincidence but I plugged in my birthdate, birth time and looked at the conception dates for last year. And guess what, the month that I got pregnant I ovulated on the day that the Jonas method predicted I would have conceived. I still think it's all baloney though.

ETA I don't think anyone should use this to precict ovulation/conception but it might be fun if some of the preggos who know when they o'd plugged in their info to see what comes up!


Nov 12, 2004
CONGRATS, Mela!!!! How exciting!!!!

Love your pics, BB!!!!! GORGEOUS!!!

I hope all of you are well!!! Sending lots and lots of baby dust your way!!!! Best of luck!!!!


Apr 14, 2006
Date: 9/9/2008 6:55:55 PM
Author: robbie3982
Fisher, I'm waiting til Sunday now unless AFF shows up or I have a temp drop since Friday could be only 8dpo. Sunday will still be early, but 10 has a way better chance than 8.

I have a feeling I'm going to be really disappointed this cycle. One of my bff's who I haven't seen since my wedding day is coming in from the west coast next week and another of my bff's who I also haven't seen since my wedding day is trying to come up from VA so we can all hang out. I keep thinking that it would be soooo perfect if I get a bfp this cycle because I'll be able to tell them in person instead of over the phone. They don't even know that we're trying. I'm worried that this alone is jinxing me. Kind of like all those times when I was a LIW thinking, 'oh it would be so perfect if he proposed on such and such date' and then those days kept on passing by and it happened when I least expected it. I hate waiting.

ETA: Fisher, I forget, when are you testing?
I don't know, Robbie. I feel silly getting hopeful that far in advance. I want to see what goes on with my temps first. I want to see the temps stay above the cover line before I get to thinking about testing, you know? I will be happy if I'm still above the coverline by Sunday and may test then or on Monday.

I still find it really odd that if I ovulated, I would have ovulated this early on for me, especially considering my last cycle was a flippin long 60 days. It kind of makes me want to be not so hopeful.

But, I do have 6 or so pregnancy test strips left from my online purchase back in late winter.
I may pee just for old times sake.

**ETA: It never ceases to amaze me how much a mind can impact a person, you know? Like yesterday I kept feeling these dull pains in my pelvic area and then I had to pee all the time and today I do, too. No way is that a sign of pregnancy at 7 days post ovulation. Also, I very rarely have soreness in my breasts and tonight, they are sensitive to even the slightest touch. My bra is even annoying them. What the heck? I also took a nap yesterday and today and I usually only do that rarely (usually on Sunday afternoons, never through the week), but I just felt like I would collapse if I didn't lie down for a minute. A mind: it's a powerful thing, that's for sure.

On another note: is it safe to get your eyes checked while preggo? I would think so, no xrays or medications or anything like that. Just eye ball dialation and reading signs, but I thought I'd ask, anyway. I've been overdue for an eye exam for AGES. I really noticed it this weekend when we were travelling and I was driving and totally would have missed our exit if Paul hadn't spelled it out for me. The letters so didn't spell what I thought it spelled, that's for sure!


Jun 28, 2006
I have all kinds of imaginary symptoms that come and go throughout the day.

I think I''ve heard that your prescription can change during pregnancy so, if you have to have one while pregnant, I''d be wary about ordering new glasses and only order enough contacts to get you through the pregnancy since your prescription could change again after you give birth. I could be wrong though.


Feb 27, 2006
Fishie, my back''s feeling fine so far. It remains to see how it will do when I have a much bigger belly.

The mind definitely is powerful. If you were 6 dpo yesterday, that could be implantation. Or it could be gas or something, or it could be in your mind. It''s so frustrating.

I''ve heard the same thing about vision - something about your body, including your eyeballs, retaining more fluid during pregnancy. It''s supposed to go away after birth. I haven''t noticed any changes yet. I''m not sure how the stuff they use to dilate is during pregnancy - you could always ask your eye doc.


Apr 14, 2006
Date: 9/9/2008 9:52:24 PM
Author: Blenheim
Fishie, my back''s feeling fine so far. It remains to see how it will do when I have a much bigger belly.

The mind definitely is powerful. If you were 6 dpo yesterday, that could be implantation. Or it could be gas or something, or it could be in your mind. It''s so frustrating.

I''ve heard the same thing about vision - something about your body, including your eyeballs, retaining more fluid during pregnancy. It''s supposed to go away after birth. I haven''t noticed any changes yet. I''m not sure how the stuff they use to dilate is during pregnancy - you could always ask your eye doc.
Glad to know your back''s doing well. Here''s hoping it keeps up!

I should go ahead and schedule an eye appt. before I''m preggo, maybe. One more thing to get knocked off the list...


Apr 14, 2006
Okay, I think my chart is fully jacked up at this point.

Last night, I thought I had ew and tonight I just did, again. Who the crap knows what all that dull pain stuff in my abdomen was yesterday, and dang, I guess I've not ovulated if you can only have fertile CM once in a cycle. Maybe I'm not an ovulating person.

This is crazy.


Dec 16, 2007
Fisher, to be safe you should BD today if you can squeeze it in! To be safe... it is possible your body started to get ready to ovulate and then didn't and now it is gearing up again. This is not uncommon. To be clear, and to be TMI
... you have CF that is slippery, feels like snot from a runny nose when you cry, or like raw egg whites, and if you have a bunch on your fingers you can pull them apart and it will streeetch and NOT break apart even if you open-close-open-close your fingers? Abd if you take a bunch and drop it in a glass of water, it forms a ball and falls to the bottom of the glass. That is EWCF. If it breaks easily ot disolves in the glass of water or is lotiony feeling or clumpy, that is not EWCF.


Nov 15, 2005
Thanks for all the warm hellos! That''s why I love PS. It always feels like home even if I''ve come back from lurking for a while

A big Congrats to Pandora and Mela
I''m so happy and excited for you both!

Amber RE: TTC sex- I''m so sorry your hubby isn''t always cooperative! I think you should totally just seduce him!
Don''t mention baby making at all, like the whole week before (I know it''s probably terribly, terribly difficult!!) and just dress in something sexy he likes and see if he can resist you then! Or another idea, just go sit on his lap in the ((nude)) while he''s playing video games or whatever. Something''s gotta work. Even if he''s not an ''animal'' he is still a man afterall.

Blushing love the photos. Thanks for sharing!

Fisher I didn''t realize that the logging of your CM on FF could change the crosshairs or anything. If your temp went up above the line today I think that''s a good sign! I think you should do some reading up on CM. There was a link far back in this thread re: Fertility Awareness Method and it included how to evaluate your CM. There were photos, descriptions and everything (does anyone else remember that link, It was like a 16 page or so primer by a woman on how to do FAM by checking your CM). I''ll see if I can find it again.

My BCC percription is up this month, so I''m going to go back to the Doc. to get a new one
I was hoping hubby would agree that I could not renew, but he still wants to wait a little while longer. Good news is we have both cars paid off now and we''re thinking about buying a house maybe around the end of the year, anyways we''re just looking into it! So we are making progress toward the TTC kickoff! I''m going to have a great celebration here when I get to start TTC with the hubby!


Nov 15, 2005
Fisher, other girls have posted their charts here and on FF and they show EWCM a couple times during their cycle. Don''t get discouraged now. I think your charting really does sound good for you this month. I''d go and BD right now if you can!


Apr 14, 2006
Date: 9/9/2008 10:19:17 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Fisher, to be safe you should BD today if you can squeeze it in! To be safe... it is possible your body started to get ready to ovulate and then didn''t and now it is gearing up again. This is not uncommon. To be clear, and to be TMI
... you have CF that is slippery, feels like snot from a runny nose when you cry, or like raw egg whites, and if you have a bunch on your fingers you can pull them apart and it will streeetch and NOT break apart even if you open-close-open-close your fingers? Abd if you take a bunch and drop it in a glass of water, it forms a ball and falls to the bottom of the glass. That is EWCF. If it breaks easily ot disolves in the glass of water or is lotiony feeling or clumpy, that is not EWCF.
Haha... now I didn''t drop it into a bowl of water. But, I did do more "examining" than in the past, due to my inability to correctly distinguish. It''s clearish (although not clear clear), it''s globby (how''s that for a technical term?), not clumpy though (meaning it doesn''t break apart from itself), it does pull apart and stretch between the fingers, but again not inches and inches as someone else had described. I''m thinking maybe an inch or two, but I don''t have a ton to be playing with here, either. Not lotiony, stays in a glob unless it''s being pulled and stretched on, then back to the same glob.

So if I have two times of fertile fluid, does that mean I don''t ovulate? I''m confused.


Apr 14, 2006
Paul''s at Braves game. I''ll tackle him when he gets home.


Nov 15, 2005
Fisher I found it! Drk posted it back on page 9. It''s an online book from Justisse Method (that''s the linky) and it''s a FAM that focuses on CM. So it goes into lots of detail on how to check CM, how to wipe, how often to check it. And on Chp 4 page 31 there are a few photos on what it looks like. I suggest reading the whole thing if you haven''t already seen it before. Could prove useful!


Apr 14, 2006
I just played with FF again and it looks like it could change my O day again completely if my temps change to follow an ovulation pattern. Hmm... so, if this was my first "real" EW this cycle, then I could be about to O, and what I thought was EW yesterday could have been a combination, like I had thought it was. Interesting. Plus, if my temps were to align to give me a new O day, that would be more in line with my longer cycles, giving me a cycle of about 41-44 days, depending on when I O (if I O and in fact haven''t yet O''d) and depending on how long the LP is.

Hmm. Texted Paul. Game went into an extra inning. They won. He''s excited. He''ll be home within an hour... I hope it''s not to late to catch an egg if one hasn''t fallen yet.

Another question, I''ve never had ovulation pain as some women talk about, but for those who do, is it a build up, like over time of dull surges, or just one single whiff of a stab and it''s done? Trying to figure out what yesterday was about...


Apr 14, 2006
Thanks, sunkist. I shall go inform myself....


Nov 15, 2005
Date: 9/9/2008 11:06:35 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly
Thanks, sunkist. I shall go inform myself....

Have fun!


Aug 1, 2003
Congrats Mela and Pandora, and lots of sticky vibes to you both~~~~~~~~

Do you guys feel warm? I remember that being a very early symptom of mine. That and being very emotional.


Aug 31, 2005
Congratulations, Mela!

Date: 9/9/2008 10:34:54 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly

Haha... now I didn''t drop it into a bowl of water. But, I did do more ''examining'' than in the past, due to my inability to correctly distinguish. It''s clearish (although not clear clear), it''s globby (how''s that for a technical term?), not clumpy though (meaning it doesn''t break apart from itself), it does pull apart and stretch between the fingers, but again not inches and inches as someone else had described. I''m thinking maybe an inch or two, but I don''t have a ton to be playing with here, either. Not lotiony, stays in a glob unless it''s being pulled and stretched on, then back to the same glob.

So if I have two times of fertile fluid, does that mean I don''t ovulate? I''m confused.

Now, I''m no expert, and I obviously can''t see this for myself, but it sounds like sticky CM to me.

If you take the fertile CM off your chart, do you still get a solid or even dotted line? How do your temps look?
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