
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

BrightSpot|1390336843|3597872 said:
afm, I'm chugging along here. I feel like I'm having a few new symptoms this time around (including a weird feeling similar to motion sickness most evenings), which I'm really hoping is a good sign.
My first ultrasound is next Wednesday (1/29). According to my calculations, I'll be around 6w2d then. I'm starting to get nervous as the date approaches & really hoping for good news. If there's a heartbeat (please, God, let there be a heartbeat), I'd see it by then, right?

That's how my MS felt- like sea sickness. I didn't really barf very often but the motion sickness feeling was constant. As far as the heartbeat- 6w2d is right on the cusp so if you don't see it try not to freak out (I know, easier said than done). A couple of days makes a huge difference that early on.
amc80|1390339456|3597914 said:
BrightSpot|1390336843|3597872 said:
afm, I'm chugging along here. I feel like I'm having a few new symptoms this time around (including a weird feeling similar to motion sickness most evenings), which I'm really hoping is a good sign.
My first ultrasound is next Wednesday (1/29). According to my calculations, I'll be around 6w2d then. I'm starting to get nervous as the date approaches & really hoping for good news. If there's a heartbeat (please, God, let there be a heartbeat), I'd see it by then, right?

That's how my MS felt- like sea sickness. I didn't really barf very often but the motion sickness feeling was constant. As far as the heartbeat- 6w2d is right on the cusp so if you don't see it try not to freak out (I know, easier said than done). A couple of days makes a huge difference that early on.

I had an internal U/S at 6w or 6w1d (I think it was 6w1d) and they could see a heartbeat. They didn't use the doppler or measure it but you could see the flickering area in the baby.
amc, yeah, I don't feel at all like I'm going to vomit, just kind of a weird/heavy/icky feeling in my head & stomach. I feel fine for most of the day, but that weirdness pops up in the evening. That must've been awful feeling like that all the time, though!

I was worried that might be a little too soon date-wise. We're leaving to go out of town for several days next Thursday so that was the latest appointment I could make without waiting an additional week. :?

C-tek, that must've been so exciting to see your baby's hb! Hoping & praying I get that experience too.
Monkey, 6w2d is pretty close in terms of being able to see the heart beat but it should be okay if your dates are right. With the pregnancy after my miscarriage, I waited until 7 weeks to get the ultrasound. I HATED waiting a week longer but, if I went sooner and didn't see the heart beat, I probably would have lost my marbles. Here's to hoping you get definitive good news before heading out of town!
Thanks, pupp. I'm definitely worried about losing my marbles if I don't see something. I would've rather waited a few days longer, but I'm not sure I want to wait an extra week. (And this is when my RE wanted to see me.) Ugh. I guess I'll just enjoy my headache & try to remain calm & positive. :twirl:
You should be able to see the heartbeat at 6 weeks. It might be slow, but should be visible...but is totally within the bounds of normal if you can't see it. REALLY hoping that you see the little flicker!!!
brightspot the heart starts beating at around 6 weeks, so it IS early (particularly if there is any doubt at all about your dates, even a day or two) but you may well see it. I guess the only question is, will you be out of your mind with anxiety and fear if you DON'T see it?
Question - clear blue fertility monitor - yay or nay? I stink at interpreting tests so I'm considering getting one. Any experience?
Bright, I agree that you are cutting it a bit close on whether you'll be able to see the heartbeat, especially because you could be off by a day or two, but I'm really, really hopeful that this time is going to be different and you are going to see a growing healthy little bean with an equally healthy heartbeat. I believe we went in when I was like 6 weeks 4 days, and we had a decent heartbeat but it was not quite as high as I thought it should be. The measurement was a bit off too, and he was only measuring 6 weeks 1 day, so I freaked out (since I knew when I ovulated and had an IUI). But the next time, he was right on track, so it was probably just a matter of the tech being slightly off the first time or late implantation or something. I hope that doesn't add more stress, I just wanted to give you assurance that even if the measurements are not perfect, do not freak out! Continuing to keep you in my thoughts and prayers!

LV, that would be annoying to field the when are having another baby question. We haven't gotten that yet, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time. I have to admit, I've been guilty of that in the past. Going through infertility has certainly made me a much more sensitive person and aware that things are not always as they seem from the outside. Hope you are continuing to enjoy your vacation from meds and doctors.

Tbaus, so happy for you that things continue to go well, and thanks for continuing to send us your good thoughts!

Pupp, thanks!

SB, thinking of you lady!

You too, SS and Aviastar!

AFM, AF started yesterday, so I had another ultrasound today. No cysts and my work trip for the end of next week is off, so I'm going to try one more cycle of femara and probably another IUI. I know, I know, I was going to take a break, but there's a method behind my madness. The NP suggested that we try once more with femara and IUI, and if that doesn't work, then she wants me to go to an RE to try injectibles. She thinks with my high-ish FSH, injectibles may help produce higher quality follicles/eggs. I made an appointment, but there is nearly a 3 month wait (although I'm on the cancellation list), so I at least have that in place. I'm also having a HSG, although timing is not going to be ideal since I have to be out of town next Monday and Tuesday. She also took blood for an AMH test, but I need to wait a week before they get the result back. All in all, I feel like these were positive developments, and I'm feeling a little more hopeful that this thing still might happen, and it does help to know I at least have somewhat of a plan B in place. Thanks again for all the support. Your posts helped me through a dark few days.
Thanks so much for your replies, bella & pancake.

MP, thanks to you too. That's definitely reassuring that a preliminary measurement that's on the low side can turn around quickly & get right on track.

It's been really helpful in setting my expectations (or trying to!) for my first ultrasound. Because of my history, I'm really terrified of going in there & seeing another empty sac, as that's been my only u/s in pregnancy experience thus far. It seems the timing is really on the edge for seeing a heartbeat or not (even if the pregnancy is healthy & developing normally.) If I don't see one, I will likely freak out a bit, but if the other things are in place & seem to be developing normally (yolk sac, fetal pole), maybe I'll be ok. My doc is very compassionate & good at setting reasonable expectations, so I hope he can set me straight & make me feel ok if there's no cause for concern.

Oh, and pancake, congrats on your first appointment & strong heartbeat! Yay!

MP, I'm so glad to hear you seem to be feeling better. I've been thinking about you a lot lately. That's great that you can fit in another cycle with your NP. I'm hoping & praying this is the one that does the trick for you! If not, that's great that you have an appointment on the books with a RE.

missrachelk, I've never used the fertility monitor, but I hope someone chimes in with some info for you.

Thinking of the rest of you lovely ladies & hoping for good things soon!
BS, good luck with the US and ditto to the pp's re: heartbeat that early. With DS I had an early US due to spotting and it was just a few days early to see a HB, but showed a fetal pole and yolk sac. I don't think I slept for 10 days til the next one, which showed it just a flickering away like, "what are so worked up about, momma???" I think when my next time comes, I will go in thinking, as long as its something more than empty, we're making progress.

MP looks like we will be close cycle buddies. Starting super light spotting yesterday, little heavier today, and hoping for technical CD1 tomorrow or Fri. A few days earlier than expected but gladly welcomed so we can get this show on the road. First time getting CD1 US and Femera cycle. Are they just looking for antral counts on this one? Do you ladies have bloodwork done every cycle? I haven't had CD3 or 21 testing since way back in June when we determined that my ratios are normal, just suck at ovulating. I'm assuming nothing has changed. We'll be femera buddies too I guess! Anything different than Clomid? I've read less side effects but not sure what to believe.

Amateur question, does Femera give false positives on OPKs? Do you still test on your own even when getting monitored with US's before triggering?
Bright, I just realized I addressed you as monkey. :oops:

I hope Tuesday comes up on you quickly and see a little flicker on that screen!
Pupp, lol...I figured it out. :wink2: DH sometimes refers to me as a monkey as my arms are too long for my body.
And thank you. I hope so too! (u/s is on Wednesday, though.)

SS, that must've been a tough wait to see your LO's hb. Early pregnancy is such an anxious time. (As opposed to!)
And yes, going in for an u/s hoping to see a baby, but only seeing an empty sac is heartbreaking. I'm so sorry you had to experience that. Hugs. Here's hoping for sticky beans for both of us this round!
I've never used femara, but my RE always does a blood draw on day 3 of a monitored/medicated cycle. They've never called me with the results, but I guess this is an FSH check?
I don't think femara would give you a false positive, but if you take a trigger shot (which is hcg), you'll get a positive OPK & pregnancy test result until it's out of your system. So there's no need to use OPK's if you're being monitored. (And if you take a pregnancy test, make sure you know the trigger shot is out of your system. Mine was always gone by 11dp trigger/9dpo.)
Good luck!!

MP, I've been thinking about something for a while that I'd love to talk to you about offline. If you're game, you can reach me via my listing on LT. If not, no worries. =)

How's everyone else doing? LV, SB, aviastar? Thinking of you guys.
Bright, I know nothing about heartbeats on ultrasounds, but I am keeping you and The Bean in my thoughts!

Hey, SS, excellent that you can get this cycle started! I've only done one medicated cycle for myself, but yes, I did CD21 bloodwork (this morning!). And when I was an egg doner, which is more akin to IVF than clomid/femara, I had bloodwork every day or every other day for two weeks during stim. I'd want another round of CD3/CD21 just to see if the meds are affecting your levels in any way, but maybe that's overkill. Worth a question to your doc, I think.

Glad things are looking a little brighter, MP, and that you get a bonus cycle in! I like having a plan and it's great that you have the RE appointment on the books; hopefully that will be just the kick in the pants the universe needs to get you going! We all know how much life loves irony...

LV- I HATE THIS QUESTION WITH A PASSION! It's not very nice, but I'm inclined to make people feel awful about it every time. "When you are having babies?" "Oh, just as soon as God decides it's time." "Oh..." Take that awkward moment, you deserve it for being nosey!

I am feeling better; I did get a positive OPK on Sunday night, and, surprisingly a temp shift on Monday morning. That's a really short turnaround time for me, but it did make me feel better about going for the ultrasound on Monday. The ultrasound was...fine and mildly inconclusive. All the littles had stayed little, and there was a spot in the left ovary that had a follicle the week previous that did not have one Monday; it was a slightly grey area that the tech felt fairly certain was the corpus luteum cyst. But, there was no extra fluid in the 'cul-de-sac' behind the cervix, which she was really hoping to see to confirm O. Lining was great.

So I had bloodwork this morning to check progesterone again and see if it's on the rise at all. We head out of town in the morning, which I am really looking forward to. We get back Tuesday, which will be just in time for me to anticipate AF by the end of next week. I had some very mild and short lived cramps this morning (4DPO), which doesn't bode well for my progesterone levels, so I am prepping myself that this is just a stepping stone to getting this figured out! We're playing the long game here, and it's ok to lose a battle if we eventually win the war!!
Looking for some opinions...I've had really large sized blood clots in my period, the pain and of course the heavy bleeding from my endometriosis coming back. So I emailed my doctor about it..

Got my reply back from the RE.

"It would be very unusual for endometriosis to come back that quickly. Endometriosis doesn’t cause golf ball sized clotting either, although such clots would definitely give you a lot of pain. Why don’t you make an appointment to come see me so we can take a look and figure out a treatment strategy?"

Ok well for one, large blood clots ARE a symptom of endometriosis according to every single article and book I've read about it. So a little confused there. I don't want to come off as an a$$ about it but I'm starting to get concerned that maybe she is just in this for the money?

Also, I've read that the endometriosis starts coming back as soon as you get your first period after surgery.

Thoughts? It seems like everything I read contradicts what she tells me regarding my endo….
Bright, I believe you can see a HB on ultrasound when your HCG reaches 1500 if I remember correctly so based on your awesome doubling HCG betas you should definitely be all set for your u/s. Thinking of you and sending you positive vibes! Praying for tears of JOY when you leave there!
Brightspot, I have to confess my ignorance here. What is LT? Let me know, and I'd be happy to reach out to you. Too funny about the monkey arms. That is actually where my little screen name came from. DH used to call me the monkey princess when we started dated because I have long arms and legs. As for the princess part, I have no idea. I'll just assume that was a compliment :) Anyway, I'm continuing to think good thoughts for you. I'm sure you'd love this week to just fly by and be next Wednesday already, but you've got lots of good thoughts from everyone on here.

Random, I wish I could help, but I really don't know a lot about endometriosis. I hope you are able to get a more satisfying, thoughtful response from your doctor when you go to see her. Sorry about the clots as well, that must be so frustrating to see.

Aviastar, well, it sounds like that's good news then. I have always suspected you've been ovulated based on your ablity to track ovulation and having pretty regular cycles. Really hoping that the clomid may have helped and you will be pleasantly surprised. Keep us posted, and enjoy your vacation!

SS, I typically have an ultrasound before each treatment cycle, and I think it is mainly so she can make sure I do not have any residual cysts or anything. I don't regularly have bloodwork. For me, I didn't really notice any changes with Femara v. Clomid. With both, I tend to get headaches as a side effect, but that's about it. I've had two femara cycles before this one. The first one, I had great lining and three follicles. The second time, I had great lining again, but only one follicle. She thinks I might respond better follicle-wise to clomid, but I'm back on femara due to the lining issues. I take 5 mg for CD3-7. Here's to both of us having femara success this cycle!

AFM, I'm getting an HSG tomorrow afternoon. I think it is a bit early because I'm only going to be CD4, and there is a good chance, I'll still be spotting at that point. They said that was preferable to waiting until next Wednesday which would be CD9 because I tend to ovulate early and will likely be ovulated on CD11 or 12. Really hoping my tubes are still open, or maybe the HSG will clear them out a bit and help.
lizzyann|1390505557|3599620 said:
Bright, I believe you can see a HB on ultrasound when your HCG reaches 1500 if I remember correctly so based on your awesome doubling HCG betas you should definitely be all set for your u/s. Thinking of you and sending you positive vibes! Praying for tears of JOY when you leave there!

Lizzy, I'm not quite sure that's right. I think I've heard the levels should be at least that if you want to see "something" on an ultrasound. But I'm pretty sure the betas don't have anything to do with whether you'll see a heartbeat, rather, the pregnancy just has to be far enough along, and the heartbeat should start sometime at the end of 5 weeks or begining of 6 weeks. I wholeheartedly agree that nothing would make me happier for Bright to be crying tears of joy for once after that ultrasound!
MP - LT is LoupeTroop. Click on "Other" for Bright's listing. You can set up an account and email her from there.


I will type more later. Just got another - you should have another baby, with a bonus "hey, get a doctor if you need to, they can do lots of things these days" added in. I really need to work on projecting more of a "Don't talk to me EVER!" vibe. I can only laugh!
monkeyprincess|1390506234|3599628 said:
lizzyann|1390505557|3599620 said:
Bright, I believe you can see a HB on ultrasound when your HCG reaches 1500 if I remember correctly so based on your awesome doubling HCG betas you should definitely be all set for your u/s. Thinking of you and sending you positive vibes! Praying for tears of JOY when you leave there!

Lizzy, I'm not quite sure that's right. I think I've heard the levels should be at least that if you want to see "something" on an ultrasound. But I'm pretty sure the betas don't have anything to do with whether you'll see a heartbeat, rather, the pregnancy just has to be far enough along, and the heartbeat should start sometime at the end of 5 weeks or begining of 6 weeks. I wholeheartedly agree that nothing would make me happier for Bright to be crying tears of joy for once after that ultrasound!

Yes, that sounds right MP. 1500 to see something on u/s. I couldn't remember exactly what it was that the 1500 represented.
LV, I hate that question too - I know people have good intentions, but it's so insensitive. (I was actually asked something similar by the HR manager at work, who you think would know better given all the legal issues with asking about marriage/family status!) I'm curious to see what you think of the Chinese herbs.

Brightspot, still hoping you get wonderful news next week and have an uneventful and successful 9 months!

MP, glad you have a plan in place and I hope all your tests come back as expected. Keeping my fingers crossed that this is the lucky cycle for everyone!

SS, my RE only does bloodwork with injectibles. I had similar side effects with Clomid and Femara as well, headaches with both. I've not used OPKs while being monitored either.

aviastar, glad you are feeling better and hooray for ovulating! Enjoy your vacation...

random, I don't know much about endo, sorry. I've only emailed my doc a couple times and he is more vague over email than in person, so I would second going in to discuss.

Brightlight, hope you're doing well.

Me...I'm out. CD1. :(( So I will be starting a hybrid cycle with Femara and Gonal-F. I'm feeling pretty numb. At this point I think I will be more surprised if I ever do get pregnant than I am to learn that I'm not.
LV, thanks for clarifying about loupe troop. I can't believe someone told you to go see a doc! That's awful!

My mom & I recently visited a friend of mine who has a 2 year old and my mom asked her if she was going to make a sibling for her little one. (Bad mom!) My friend graciously replied with a laugh, "Easier said than done." I was pretty impressed.

Lizzy, thanks for your sweet post. I really hope I get to cry tears of joy this time.
Any advice on managing anxiety after losses?

Random, I'm so sorry about the endo! I don't know anything about it but I hope your RE can help.

SB, honey, I'm so sorry AF arrived. Big, big hugs to you. I'm really hoping adding the Gonal f gives you more follies & a bfp. It's very easy to use & the needle is small, so the injections aren't painful.
Though I totally understand how difficult it is to get bfn after bfn. It's beyond hard to remain hopeful at times.
I hope you can treat yourself to something fun & relaxing this weekend. Thinking of you.

Aviastar, that's great news that you ovulated. I don't think I've ever had a scan to confirm this myself. I hope you're having a wonderful trip & hoping you have some great news to share soon.

Brightlight, I hope you're doing well.

MP, sorry for being vague about Loupe Troop. I have a listing over there that's pretty clear if you want to reach out. And that's hilarious about the monkey limbs! I always knew we had a special kinship! And I've recently discovered that long arms are very effective for selfies.

How was your HSG today? I hope it went well & that you're feeling ok. Also hoping that it cleared something out so you can get KU this cycle!
Bright, I'll check that out sometime soon and try to figure it out. My HSG went okay, thanks for asking. I had the exact same thing as I did two years ago. One of my tubes was open and spilled right away, and the other was slow to open but eventually did. I need to verify, but I think it might have been the opposite tube this time. Who knows what all that means or if that is even a factor in our infertility. I'm hoping that if there was any blockage, it opened up. I have absolutely no idea why that keeps happening to me. I've never had an infection or STD or anything, and I don't think I have endometriosis, or at least I don't have any symptoms. It's so odd. Continuing to take femara, and I guess we'll decide by my next appointment if we're going to do another IUI. I think I might skip it if we only have one follicle again.

SB, shoot, I'm really sorry about AF showing up. I was really hoping you'd get a different result. My NP seemed optimistic about the prospects of adding injectibles, so I really hope that ends up helping you out this time around. If you don't mind, I'd love to hear about your experience, as it is likely that will be my next step. I know exactly what you mean about how it is getting harder and harder to imagine a positive pregnancy test. Hang in there.

Hi everyone else. Hope you're having a good weekend.
Hi, drive by post as I started a post on Friday but got busy at work and wasn't able to finish it and now I have a ton of things to finish before a hopefully early bedtime. Had my CD2 US and they counted around 30 sleepy follicles! Need to tiptoe around those buggers! L ovary had a 4mm one, and R had a 10mm one. Not sure what that indicates that early, if the big one was a residual cyst or if that's a normal size that early on. Dr didn't seem concerned and put me on 2.5 Femera for days 3-7 and going back for US on day 12. Might be able to trigger before we leave for our vacation so it will be more of a TWW distraction than a BD trip, which either way is fine for me!
Quick question. Anyone know much about AMH? I just got a voicemail from my NP that mine came back at about 1. She had said she would have liked to see it around 1.5, but 1 would still be workable and was consistent with my FSH levels. I am really surprised at my ovaries and their apparent premature aging. My mom didn't go through menopause until well into her 50s, so I figured I might still have a pretty good egg reserve. Feeling kind of down about it and hoping I don't run out of time, but I guess the fact that I still get a decent response to fertility meds is at least somewhat encouraging.
MP, your AMH is a little low but she was right that it's still decent! For reference, mine was .57 if I remember right. It really comes into play when doing IVF because you're likely to produce less eggs for harvesting, but women get pregnant alllll the time with lvls around 1. :) If you were planning to wait to TTC it would throw a wrench in things, but you're not waiting! Sorry if I'm scattered. This is why I lurk more than I post. :oops: I think of you ladies often though and hope that you all become pregnant very soon!

Speaking of, bright I can't wait for your us tomorrow!

Hugs ladies
LV - Sorry about all the intrusive questions about when you're going to have baby #2. Someone recently asked me when I was going to have a baby and then followed that up with, "You HAVE to have at least one, right?"

BrightSpot - The evening nausea sounds like a good sign to me. Have you tried Sea Bands? They really do help. Good luck at your ultrasound Wednesday!

Missrachelk - I've never use the Clear Blue Fertility Monitor, but I know a few years ago several women in this thread used them if you want to do a search.

Monkeyprincess - I'm glad the hsg was able to open up your tube and that the other one is clear. It sounds like you have a good plan to move forward. Also, I'm jealous of your long legs.

Aviastar - I hope you enjoyed your time out of town and am glad you're feeling better. I've got my fingers crossed that AF doesn't come for another nine months.

Random - Sorry about the terrible periods. I do think it's a good idea to go in for an appointment with your RE. If you still doubt what she's saying, perhaps it's a good idea to switch RE's or get a second opinion.

Shortblonde - I'm so sorry AF came. I know it's so disappointing and difficult to stay optimistic, but I know that you and your doctor will find the right strategy to get you pregnant. I hope you respond well to the Gonal-F. I agree that the needle is very small, and the injections are easy to administer.

Split_Shank - I'm inclined to think your big follicle is a residual cyst, but maybe you'll ovulate earlier than usual this month. Fingers crossed that you get a vacation BFP!

I'm still sitting on the sideline. I keep telling myself that this is a lesson in patience, and it will help me be very patient with my children.
Tammy, my friend, nice to see you pop in and thanks for the amh information. I'm really hoping I've just been having bad luck lately and there are still some good eggs left to be fertilized. Hopefully the stars will align and our next little miracle will enter the world one of these times! I hope you are enjoying your little girl. I just saw her picture, and she's a cutie!

Brightlight, thanks. I do hope that if debris in my tubes was an issue, it was cleared out. Believe me, I'm not sure my legs are anything to be envious of, but I do have long limbs in comparison to my torso and overall height. It must be really hard to sit on the sidelines. Patience is definitely going to be a useful virtue when you finally become a mother, but it's hard to endure the wait in the meantime. Really hoping that things work out for you and that you'll keep us posted on your plans (as much as you choose to share).

Bright, continuing to send you good thoughts and prayers. I have a good feeling for you this time, and I hope that good feeling is confirmed later this week. Dust, dust, dust!

Hi to everyone else!
Thanks Brightspot, MP, and brightlight - I appreciate your thoughts. MP, I will keep you posted about the injectibles, my first one is Wednesday night.
SB, good luck with your first injection! There are some nice how to videos online (search freedom fertility pharmacy.) I always iced my belly prior to the injection as well, which helps a bit. Hoping this does the trick for you!

MP, I'm sorry to hear about the lower amh levels, but it doesn't seem impossible at all. Also I've been doing some reading on amh levels (my friend just got an amh result of .25) & it seems the amh level doesn't predict egg quality, just quantity. And you seem to be getting a good number of follies with your medicated cycles. Just hoping "the one" comes up soon!!
And thanks for the prayers & dust.
I'm definitely nervous for tomorrow.

Tammy, thanks, sweetie! Your little daughter is so adorable, btw!

Bright light, I haven't tried the sea bands but I've looked at them. Maybe it's worth picking some up. (Though the sensation isn't that bad & I find it reassuring to the point that I'm worried if it's better one day.)
I'm sorry you're still on the sidelines. The waiting is so hard. I'm confident you'll have your little baby one day.

SS, a vacation 2ww is even better! That's when you need the distraction the most. Good luck!

LV, hope you're feeling better. Also hoping you get another bfp on a break cycle!

Avia & random, thinking of you guys.

Afm, not much to report here. The evening "motion sickness" feeling continues & is better some days than others (which freaks me out.)
I'm so hoping for good news at my u/s tomorrow but crazy anxious & nervous too.
Any dust & prayers you can send my way would be appreciated.