
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread


Jul 13, 2007
PS. The possibility of O'ing on my own is mind blowing in its own right. But I feel like a PSA is needed (being a little goofy here). This weekend I got out of the house, had a crazy fun time for 2+nights with friends at concerts and had NO stress whatsoever. I also got PG the last cycle I was out at a concert right before O time. Amazing what a stress-free day or two can do for the body. The take home message.... Find SOME way to get away and have irresponsibe fun (aka kid free) if you can. It took me a day to recover, but I had the time of my life. Its been a loooooong time since I've been so relaxed and happy and carefree.


Nov 24, 2009
SS, definitely ask for clarification. Is it possible the RE meant that you had a leading follicle, separate and apart from the follicles they saw today, and already ovulated. Could the cyst have been a corpus luteum cyst? I think follicles can grow by 2 mm a day. I don't know how large your follicles were before, but it's possible you could have had a follicle that grew by 10 mm during that time. Glad to hear you had a fun night. Unfortunately, I don't think ovulation and getting pregnant are as easy as having a carefree night, but in your case, hopefully it did help. Good luck!


Jul 13, 2007
Oh MP, I didn't mean to make it sound like TTC and O was as easy as going out and having a fun weekend. I know first hand that isn't the case. I'm sorry if I offended you. I just think we who have been beating ourselves up with this for so long just get bogged down with numbers and calendars and we forget to take some time out for ourselves away from it, even if its just for an evening. I hope that makes sense. This whole process is a sensitive subject and I will be the first to say I am easily sensitive to comments from people around me these days. I hope I didn't do the same to you. *hugs*


Nov 24, 2009
SS, nope, I wasn't offended in the least, so I'm sorry if my comment somehow came across as me being overly sensitive. All I meant is that I think it's great you had a fun night, and you are right that it would probably do us all some good to have a carefree night or two once in awhile. (Although DH and I so boring these days and much prefer a night at home). In your case, maybe stress is inhibiting ovulation. My only point was that for most of us, the problem is not that we are too stressed out to ovulate on our own or with help; there are other underlying problems that make conception difficult or unlikely. No offense taken, and I sincerely hope that your fun weekend results in another little one.


Jul 13, 2007
Agree 100%. I think (know) mine is stress related. I hope we can all find the missing puzzle piece. ;))


Jul 5, 2010
I personally don't believe in the stress theory because I look at it this way. I wasn't stressed about ttc the first 8 months or so this time. So why didn't I get pregnant then?

When I got pregnant with C, I had been sent home early from my job because I made my boss angry. I was definitely stressed that day.

*shrugs* just thought I'd throw out another p.o.v.


Feb 11, 2008
Thanks everyone for the welcome. I like a good company :)

Random, I saw your earlier post about the OBGYN. I'll definitely keep that in mind. I know I don't have a progesterone problem! Sorry About your stress. I would hate to see you done trying, but I can see a benefit in taking a cycle off.

aviaster, enjoy your med free month.

mp, Thanks for the welcome. April is horribly long! I thought I had it bad when I could only schedule a March 21 in February...

sb, Thickening dust!!

ss, woo hoo! So excited for the next tww! I second on the stress free life. And many times you don't even realize how stressed you are!

AFM, not much going on. AF is almost gone, and I've quit temping until at least this weekend.


Apr 14, 2006
Thinking of you ladies! And excited to hear Bella had her healthy little boy. :)

Keep the faith, friends!

:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

C is 10 months now, and a joy! Except when she's hungry- then she's a very demanding, yet still lovely, little one. Definitely worth the wait! Keep on keeping on!!!


Feb 21, 2005
Jgator, thanks! It's nice to know the veterans are rooting for us. Interesting thought about measuring in a different spot, I hadn't considered that.

ss, glad you had a fun night out. Good luck to you too!


May 20, 2009
shortblonde - I read a post on another forum last night that might help you. There was a woman who posted about having a similar experience to yours regarding the lining being perfect and then shrinking. Her doctor determined that her estrogen was dropping after ovulation and started her on estrogen patches post ovulation. Perhaps that's what's happening with you - once you get close to ovulation/are ready to ovulate, your estrogen drops. It might be worth looking into.


Apr 28, 2008
Hi girls!

I'm more of a lurker these days but I read all the time and am cheering you all on.

DH and I started TTC our third baby last February 2013. Our first baby was the result of over a year of trying plus injectables, trigger shot + IUI. We had 4 follies but had just a singleton. Our second baby was conceived on our own after 7 months (we were all set to start an injectable cycle right before we got a surprise BFP). Our third baby we also conceived on our own after 6 months, but miscarried at 11 weeks in November 2013. On my second cycle after the miscarriage, I did an injectable cycle without trigger but that resulted in a BFN. I don't even think I ovulated without the trigger because my progesterone level came back at 8.8. ;( On my third cycle after the miscarriage, I did injectables + trigger shot and got a BFP! We had two good follies. I am now about 5.5 weeks so still very early but I really hope this pregnancy is a healthy one. We went for our first u/s today and saw two gestational sacs!!

I am rooting for all of you and hope we all get blessed with sticky babies soon. Infertility sucks but it's great to have the support of this board. It's really hard to read how some people just seem to get pregnant so easily and on the first try. I know we are all deserving of that.

LV, good luck with your IVF cycle!!! I hope this is it for you!


Nov 24, 2009
Oh Laila, congratulations! Sending you lots of sticky dust for your two little ones! Very happy for you. Question for you, I have pretty much exhausted IUIs and femara/clomid, and I will be seeing an RE next month to posisbly start injectables (depending on what they suggest). Did you ever try femara or clomid or have you always done injectables? Just curious if you have experience on the difference between the two. I'm not entirely sure if our infertility is caused by poor egg quality or bad tubes or what, but I'm really hoping injectables might help us, although I'm doubtful since I have always had a good response to clomid and femara. Again, a big congrats to you! I hope all goes well with your pregnancy.

Fisher, hi there! How are you? Glad to hear your little girl is doing well!

Choro, here's hoping your March 21 appointment isn't even necessary! I scheduled my RE appointment in January, and the earliest opening was April. They had a couple of cancellations that I naively didn't take because I was hopeful my last IUI would work. Of course it didn't, so I wait....

Random, I think in your case the endometriosis is the likely culprit and not stress. I'm sure stress never helps with conception, but it's unrealistic to think somebody who is struggling to conceive can completely eliminate the stress, and then worrying that the stress is causing your infertility will just make you feel bad about being stressed. I hear you on that one.

SS, did you hear anything more from your RE? Good luck with the 2WW!


Apr 28, 2008
monkeyprincess|1394045838|3628071 said:
Oh Laila, congratulations! Sending you lots of sticky dust for your two little ones! Very happy for you. Question for you, I have pretty much exhausted IUIs and femara/clomid, and I will be seeing an RE next month to posisbly start injectables (depending on what they suggest). Did you ever try femara or clomid or have you always done injectables? Just curious if you have experience on the difference between the two. I'm not entirely sure if our infertility is caused by poor egg quality or bad tubes or what, but I'm really hoping injectables might help us, although I'm doubtful since I have always had a good response to clomid and femara. Again, a big congrats to you! I hope all goes well with your pregnancy.

Hi, MP! :wavey: Thanks. Yes, I did do Clomid for two cycles but it never worked for me (one with IUI, one without). I never did try Femara. I switched REs because the first one kept wanting me to do Clomid and I just had a gut feeling that wasn't going to work for me. Plus he just was not friendly and didn't seem to care. So the new RE agreed to start me on injectables and that was my BFP cycle with my first born. I did Follistim and Menopur. Like you, DH and I have never really figured out what the cause of our infertility is. My DH has good sperm, so I assume it's me and my eggs. But injectables + trigger shot seems to be the magic answer for me. My RE thinks injectables are much better than Clomid. I don't know why he doesn't do Femara.

I really hope injectables will work for you too. I've been following your journey and rooting for you. I know how much you want your little boy to have a sibling. It sucks, but hang in there!! I think it WILL happen for you! My RE always says the fact that you've already had a baby is a good sign and that it's just a matter of time.


Jul 13, 2007
MP, no I didn't email them back. We were crazy busy at work today and to be honest, I'm not sure asking would really clarify much. If anything it would confuse me more, make me read too much into things, or get my hopes up or deflated. I figure what's done is done this cycle, we definitely wouldn't do any more femera, there is no indication to trigger, for either reason that the follicles weren't big enough on US, or because the progesterone level indicated I was ovulating and didn't need it. It seems like two totally different scenarios balled into one cycle. My prior PG a few months ago gave me a whackadoodle post O progesterone level that I questioned the whole TWW so Im trying not to read into labs too much. The only way we will know for sure is in 2 weeks. At least i don't have to test out a trigger this month. The ovidrel trigger lasted much longer than the in office pregnyl injection if anyone was wondering.

Smile of the day: a friend at work told me her sister in law who I also know is finally pregnant after TEN years of trying just about everything. They were just starting adoption paperwork too. So happy they were finally gifted with what they deserved. ::)


Nov 24, 2009
Laila, thanks so much for the info and the good wishes. Lately, I have been feeling a bit more optimistic that somehow we are going to have another baby, but I just wish I knew what we need to do to make it happen. Again, lots of good thoughts headed your way!

SS, that makes sense. I have a feeling a sticky bean is on the way for your soon. Congrats to your friend's SIL. Always so nice to hear stories of people who finally have their longed for baby after trying so long.

AFM, I think my hormones must be a bit whacked after being on fertility meds for 6 cycles. I'm probably 6dpo, and yesterday, I noticed a bit of pink tinged cm. It's not unusual for me to spot before AF, but never that early. My hormones must need to reset themselves without the influence of meds. Oh well, I didn't have much hope for this cycle anyway.


Aug 19, 2009
Congrats Laila!

Best wishes to all my ladies on this thread!!!

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007
Laila!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: I am so happy for you!! Overjoyed really!! You must be so delighted. It's funny because I think twins would rightfully cause panic for anyone, but I have a feeling you are taking it all in stride!! So happy to read this!!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

MP - I am glad to hear you are feeling more hopeful! Re: the pink, is it too early for implantation spotting???

SB - Sending you tons and tons of dust this cycle!!

RT - Hope things become more clear for you this cycle. Good luck!!

Aviastar - Sorry to hear about your BFN. :blackeye: Enjoy your break and hope you have a good appointment next week.

AFM, my meds arrived yesterday. The box was huge. There are so many meds. I thought it would be no big deal, since I've done a ton of injectable cycles, but it's a little overwhelming. They sent me four bottles of vitamins too (which I think were complementary and which were not requested), and there was a dark chocolate bar in with the instructions, which I found hilarious, but also kind of sweet. Haha.


Feb 21, 2005
Mp, I had the same thought about implantation bleeding. Not to get your hopes up...but sending dust just in case.

Lv, that does sound overwhelming, but it's nice that they sent some treats! One piece of advice I read was to break it up into smaller daily bags so you don't have to deal with the whole batch. Dust that this works for you.

Be back to respond to everyone else, I'm on my phone and it's hard to type. Thinking of you all.


Feb 11, 2008
Congratulations Laila!!
So happy for Split Shank's friend too! I have a friend who has a daughter after 10 years of trying. Human body is so amazing! Also just read
about a couple who had twins as soon as they adopted triplets. Love to give myself hope :)

mp, fingers crossed for the evil red spot to go away.

LV lol on the chocolate. :lickout: :lol:


Jul 5, 2010
Anyone wanna play WTFIGOWRTC? (WTF is going on with Random_thought's Chart). I should be 4DPO today but my crosshairs went away yesterday with my low temp and stayed away with my low temp today. Ugh!



Nov 24, 2009
Random, are you really consistent in how your take your temps and in your sleeping conditions and times? Your temps are all over the place, so assuming you are careful about being consistent with the timing, etc., I wonder if you are gearing up to ovulate but not actually ovulating or maybe having an annovulatory cycle for some reason. Is this unusual for you?

LV, wow, I'm sure that's daunting to get all of that stuff at once. Hopefully once you get it organized and get started, it will not seem so overwhelming. Sounds like they maybe should have included a few more candy bars :) Hope everything else is going well with you!

SB and LV, yeah, I wish it was implantation spotting, but knowing my body as I do, I suspect it is something much less exciting and that my hormone levels dropped to soon again or something. I think I had a tiny bit more the next day, but nothing since that I've noticed. Our little guy was sick the past few days with some kind of gastroenteritis or something, so I haven't had a chance to pay to close attention. I suspect AF will be arriving early next week.Still no call from the RE's office. But I guess the one good thing about the wait is that it forced me to give up the stupid timeline I had in my head and just hope it will eventually happen.

Have a nice weekend everyone!


Jul 5, 2010
monkeyprincess|1394206377|3629301 said:
Random, are you really consistent in how your take your temps and in your sleeping conditions and times? Your temps are all over the place, so assuming you are careful about being consistent with the timing, etc., I wonder if you are gearing up to ovulate but not actually ovulating or maybe having an annovulatory cycle for some reason. Is this unusual for you?

It's super unusual. I take my temp at 7am everyday when I wake up and I take it vaginally with a bbt thermometer. I haven't changed anything different in my sleeping patterns. Sigh. I don't want to tell dh we need to start bding all over again. He's sick and just wasn't feeling it last week. I normally have really distinct o pains because of my endo. I can feel the ovary getting ready to burst and then I can feel it when it does actually burst. It's crazy but I am able to pinpoint it. I also had about 4 days of ewcm. Maybe it could be a fallback rise?


Nov 24, 2009
Random, at least you get another shot this month. Hoping you and DH are able to make it happen when it counts.

More spotting for me today. Not heavy but very clear AF will be here soon, and I'm only 8dpo give or take a day. My hormones must really be messed up, and I worry what that means for my chances. April 15 cannot come fast enough.


Feb 21, 2005
mp, i'm sorry about the spotting. i hope you can get into the RE sooner, but if not, try to take advantage of the break by freeing your mind a little bit - the stress is so wearing.

rt, i really don't know what to make of your chart, sorry. i guess i would keep BD until you get a clear and sustained temp rise. have you asked your RE about it?

choro, keeping my fingers crossed for you. 10 years...i don't know that i can hold out that long physically or emotionally, especially since i'm already in my mid-thirties, but that is wonderful it worked out for them.

ss, good luck!

laila, congrats! that's great that the injectibles work so well for you.

brightlight, thanks for the suggestion about estrogen post-ovulation. i will definitely ask about that next week. i hope you are doing well.

4DPO here and not too much to report. I am feeling much better and more like myself without all the extra FSH/estrogen in my system and the stress of frequent doctor's appointments and blood draws. I'm sure it won't last long, but I'll take it for now.


Jul 5, 2010
Unfortunately we didnt, first we were sick for 3 days and now the last 5 days have been so busy we've barely seen each other with all the running around :( I stopped temping and I'm hoping that I did ovulate when I thought I did.


Nov 24, 2009
SB, yes, a break from appointments and meds and the associated stress and anxiety has been a nice change, although I hate the feeling that I'm just spinning my wheels until after the appointment. If I knew I could start treatment right away after April 15, I wouldn't be too bothered, but I'm worried I'll need to do additional testing/procedures before they'll start treatment, so it might be summer before I have a real shot again. I guess this a real test of my patience in this age of immediate gratification. Keeping my fingers crossed for you as always. I'm glad you are feeling more like yourself without all the hormones.

Random, sorry that things continue to be so frustrating for you. We've all been there. Things can only look up from here I hope.

Hi to everyone else!

BTW, AF seems to have arrived, which would make last cycle 20-21 days long. So crazy.


Oct 5, 2010
Hi everyone, apologizing in advance for a me-centric post- it's been an overwhelming kind of day, so I'll read and back and respond to everyone hen I can focus a little bit better :sick:

Appointment with the new doc this afternoon; so much a for a break this month! She wants to do an HSG before considering lap surgery. Her thinking is that if I am ovulating and the tubes are open then endo is not a major player in my infertility, although she suspects I do have it. If the tubes are blocked, she won't necessarily be able to tell that from a lap and it's fairly important to the whole process. This makes sense to me, so HSG tomorrow.

Also, she is concerned with the irregularity in both the length of my cycle and of my period, itself. She said just because there are no cysts on my ovaries does not rule out PCOS and my whole clinical picture shows some indication for it. So starting metformin immediately, like tonight.

Also, spotting on DPO9 is worrisome, so prometrium starting CD21 to support any possible LP defect. And a blood draw CD21, before starting the prometrium, for progesterone and AMH.

Meet back with the doc in early April to discuss all the results.

If the tubes are open, she wants to do one more clomid cycle with the metformin and prometrium support (April) and then if we are still not successful it will be time to talk to the RE about IUI and IVF, if we want to go that route. So I hope I'll have a better idea tomorrow after the test of what the next few months could look like. I did have to have blood drawn today for an HCG, cause they need a negative in order to do the HSG; it feels odd to take a pregnancy test when I know I'm not pregnant. I have to call in for the result in the a.m.

Add this to a two hour appointment with our financial advisor this morning and my brain is just about boiled- need mindless tv and chocolate ice cream, stat! :twirl:


Jul 5, 2010

I had to comment, we have the exact same issues it sounds like. If I'm out of line, feel free to tell me to bugger off ;-) This is just my take on what you wrote so take it with a grain of salt as I am definitely not a doctor haha

I'll start with the spotting you are having. My obgyn started me on the progesterone for the exact same thing. It turned out I did not have low progesterone levels so absolutely make sure that they get that test right. I recently found out that they had me on a regiment with progesterone that was actually acting as a type of contraceptive. Hence, why I am so adamant about people making sure they have the right diagnosis for that.

FWIW, after I had my lap done, the spotting went away. Completely. It turns out that this can be a symptom of Endometriosis and my lap fixed that.

The HSG- they actually can check your tubes while they do a lap (at least that is what I was told by two different REs so I am prone to believe it and I have read a lot of women who have written about having this done online as well). Also, they can do the HSG during the lap as well.

Yes, an HSG will determine if your tubes are open but here's the kicker- if you do have pcos, your body can register that it is ovulating even if it is not. If you have endometriosis on your ovaries, it can also affect your ovulation. So you can see that just having the hsg and a test indicating ovulation may not always be a indication of how easy you can get pregnant. I'm not saying they aren't important tests, I just don't think if they come out ok that you should just assume everything is a-ok.

Metformin- the first 3 weeks will be awful. That is the God's honest truth and it sucks. I'm currently on 1500 mg of it. Stick with it because I really believe it has helped with my ovulation a lot. Not to mention I lost 20 lbs on it which is always nice.

Prometrium- if you do end up taking it, you will feel totally insane while on it. At least I did, maybe you will be lucky :) DH referred to them as "b!tch bullets" in a loving way of course lol

IMHO, I would ask about the lap before ivf or iui. If you do have endometriosis, not only will insurance cover it but it may end up being what helps the most. I would definitely ask about that before going down the other 2 roads.

I hope you don't hate me after reading this, just trying to help and give some of my own experience!


Jul 13, 2007
MP, joining you in the 21 day cycle club. Beyond frustrated. Likely the cyst wreaking havoc on my system but should know more after US on Wednesday. I had a pizza and beer pity party for myself and just ended up feeling guilty about it.

Hope you guys have better luck this month!
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