
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread


Jun 27, 2007
tammy77|1353566588|3312754 said:
Hi Ladies,

Just a short update. I had my scan today and it was pretty dismal, but not completely hopeless. I have only one follicle that's 20mm, but it's on the right side. My lining was 5mm though, so that's not so great. I should ovulate in the next 24 hours. Sooo, we'll see.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, hope it's a good one.

Do you think it was the Clomid that thinned your lining, tammy? Are they giving you anything to counteract that? I thought they liked to see at least 8 mm for implantation...think I remember reading that somewhere. Apparently, Red Raspberry Leaf is a good natural way to build up the lining as well.

I'm on Clomid (50 mg) again this cycle. Didn't feel like it affected me in the past when I took it - but this time I'm feeling a bit more moody/sad. Or maybe it's just TTC struggles causing me to feel that way. Not sure.

Anyway, hope you get a good result at the end of this cycle!


Jun 23, 2011
Hi sha,

I'm pretty sure it's the clomid. I had been taking baby aspirin and rrl the previous cycle though when my lining was good. I just thought I'd try a cycle with just clomid, extra folic and prenatal. At this point I am hoping that the extra day or two after my scan got me to at least 6 before I ovulated. We'll see! I do think I had a better ovulation though regardless. Tmi but this month for the first time in our ttc journey I've had the WORST nip pain of my life. :oops: It started on ovulation day and is finally letting up a bit now (about 4 dpo).

Af is due on the day of my re appt. The hopeful girl in me is praying that I'll get to cancel, and the pessimistic girl thinks I should reschedule to get an antral follicle count when she does my first appt (she said they do an us on the first appt). So I'm milling that over.

I'm sorry that your first cycle didn't work. I think it's totally normal to feel down beyond the first round. That first one holds so much hope, it's easier to sail through it even if you do have side effects. Are you being monitored to check your response to the clomid? I so hope that this cycle works for you. :))

Hi to everyone else. It sure is quiet around here. The regular ttc and wbw threads seem to be picking up though, so that's good! I do admit, the wbw one is painful, reading my first ttc related posts and knowing most have moved on to already give birth. Just gets a girl down sometimes.


Jun 27, 2007
tammy77|1354028907|3316429 said:
Hi sha,

I'm pretty sure it's the clomid. I had been taking baby aspirin and rrl the previous cycle though when my lining was good. I just thought I'd try a cycle with just clomid, extra folic and prenatal. At this point I am hoping that the extra day or two after my scan got me to at least 6 before I ovulated. We'll see! I do think I had a better ovulation though regardless. Tmi but this month for the first time in our ttc journey I've had the WORST nip pain of my life. :oops: It started on ovulation day and is finally letting up a bit now (about 4 dpo).

Af is due on the day of my re appt. The hopeful girl in me is praying that I'll get to cancel, and the pessimistic girl thinks I should reschedule to get an antral follicle count when she does my first appt (she said they do an us on the first appt). So I'm milling that over.

I'm sorry that your first cycle didn't work. I think it's totally normal to feel down beyond the first round. That first one holds so much hope, it's easier to sail through it even if you do have side effects. Are you being monitored to check your response to the clomid? I so hope that this cycle works for you. :))

Hi to everyone else. It sure is quiet around here. The regular ttc and wbw threads seem to be picking up though, so that's good! I do admit, the wbw one is painful, reading my first ttc related posts and knowing most have moved on to already give birth. Just gets a girl down sometimes.

Yeah, I feel you. :blackeye: This TTC journey is so full of struggles... hope and disappointment and excitement and fear all in one. It's hard, especially when you feel that time is running out and you're not getting closer to where you want to be. :(( Hopefully, we'll all get there one day, though...even though the whole journey is taking longer than most of us would've anticipated.

Re: Clomid - This is my first cycle being back on it after taking a 3 month break. The other cycles on it (unmonitored) did work, though, in the sense that I ovulated at the usual time...I think it was mostly lack of well-timed BD that was the problem. :knockout: We'll see how it goes for this cycle.

It's good that you had a nice strong ovulation this month! Hopefully that's a good sign that will lead to a bfp in the coming days, and that you'll get to cancel that RE visit. Thinking good thoughts for you!


Aug 19, 2009
Well ladies, I am back from the RE.

He's pretty well known and is with a large internationally regarded fertility center/university located in a part of the city that is a PITA to get to from my house and my office.

First of all, the office staff are AWESOME! They are super professional, nice, helpful, and informative. They email you all your paperwork in advance and contact your insurance company to verify coverage details in writing from the insurance company. (I wish every doctor's office did this as it made the visit so much more enjoyable and efficient!). I verified coverage beforehand too, but it was great that already had all my paperwork labeled with the right lab, what my insurance would and would not cover and yet another confirmation that the Dr and any other provider I would see that day was in-network. Hopefully I won't have any bad surprises re labwork like I do at every other Dr's office I have ever been too...

They also have you send all your records, including films, post-op reports, etc. to their office for the Dr to review in advance. He didn't seem especially well versed in my history, but he did seem a little familiar with it s I think he did read it or was at least briefed on it.

There was no wait to be seen--as soon as I had signed in and met with billing they took me into the Dr's office to talk, then he took me to an exam room for internal exam/ultrasound, and then I had my blood drawn.

I think I had really high and really low expectations of what it could be like (either the kind genius who would care about me and really want to figure out what was going on with my body or the condescending ogre who would try to push me into aggressive treatment). He wasn't either of those. He was nice. Seemed a little bored but was fairly engaged. He did not take as thorough of a medical history as I would have expected (e.g. did not ask me about my mom's fertility or how often DH and I have s*x) but definitely listened to what I said and added it to my electronic medical record.

He said the irregular cycles I had been having were definitely not normal, but that recent irregularities could be normal as my system regulates itself following my surgery this summer. He said we should do the full prenatal blood panel today, including genetic testing (that is one that I am hoping there are no insurance issues with as I am still not clear if that's a normal part of the first appointment) and he did an ultrasound and internal exam. Then I need to go back for CD2 bloodwork when my next cycle starts (hopefully in about 2 weeks) and he wants DH to get a semen analysis.

He said several times that he doesn't know why I am not getting pregnant.

The good news: he said the uterine lining looks great. No sign of any kind of polyps and it is the "good kind of slightly thick, with great triple pattern" or something like that.

Also, there is a large follicle on each side (seriously, they looked like black golf balls on the screen). So he confirmed my thoughts that even though i didn't really have a period this month I am mid cycle and will hopefully ovulate soon.

So, we'll see...DH and I are swamped this week and next, but I already told him that the "magic" needs to happen today and every day until I have a temp shift:) and I am going to prioritize doing the yoga DVD too.

On a more fun note...DH and I did a lot of driving over Thanksgiving (30 hours in 4 days) and finally arrived on some names that we both love. So, regardless of how our next child joins our family hopefully they'll have a great name:)


Elias (DH is still not 100% on this, but it's been my #1 boy name for a looooong time and I think he'll come around:)


Jun 23, 2011
Hi Bella,

Wow, good luck this cycle! It sounds like you have a great shot at conceiving! ::) I'm also super excited to hear that you had a pretty good visit with your RE. It's interesting to hear your experiences, especially since I'm up to see mine in a week. Oh, and love the names! DH and I have had ours picked out since before we started TTC and they haven't changed. I'm not sharing though!

As a side note, I am pretty sure that after this cycle I'm going to stop posting personal details and baring my soul on the thread. I've already slacked off on it quite a bit and recent experiences have left me feeling very unwelcome (not by the lovely women on this thread, please know that). If anyone would like to continue to talk off PS please let me know and I'll set up a DB or LT listing to connect, I'd love that.


Apr 14, 2005
Bella, I'm so glad your RE visit went well & you feel good about the plan to move forward. It sounds like the office is pleasant, friendly & efficient, which is great! And your doc sounds great too. I'm glad you don't feel he's pushing you into anything you're not ready for. I think good things are ahead for you.

Sha, good luck with your clomid cycle.
Are you being monitored this time? Hoping you & your dh can time things well & have luck!

Tammy, I'm so sorry you had a bad experience with posting! Hugs to you. That would be great if we could connect via db or something.
I hope your lining has thickened a bit more since your last appointment & that you have a tiny bean about to burrow in! I think I remember someone (mp?) who had a lot of nip pain on clomid. I hope it eases up soon!

Mp, I'm so glad you're starting to feel a bit better. Getting sleep must make the world such a better place! I hope little E is doing well.

Hi to anyone I missed.

Afm, not much to report on the ttc front though the weird bleeding finally stopped, which is good.

In other sad news, my beloved 95 year old grandmother fell & broke her hip on Tuesday. She had surgery & is in the icu now. It's been very difficult as she's so weak & has also been confused and disoriented (she's usually super sharp). I've been staying with her & my parents since the surgery.

Please send any prayers or PS dust you can her way. She's so special to me.


Apr 14, 2005
My dear sweet Gran passed away on Friday. We were extremely close & I'm just devastated by the loss.

2012 has really been a rough year. I guess I should've been happier when I was just infertile & balding, but still had my Gran. :blackeye:


Nov 24, 2009
Bright, I'm so very sorry for your loss. I hope the memories you have of your grandmother will get you through this rough time. Praying that you are blessed with a little one very soon.

Tammy, I don't know if you are still checking, but I wish you all the best. Please come back when you have good news to share though!

Sha, dust to you that you had good timing and the clomid does the trick.

Bella, hoping you get some answers soon regarding your fertility issues. It is so frustrating when there is no diagnosed problem. But it is great youare open and willing to add to your family through adoption. Maybe you will get to do both!


May 6, 2007
Bright Im so sorry to hear about your Gran. I really hope 2013 is a better year for you all around. You have been through an awful lot. Hang in there.


Jun 27, 2007
So sorry to hear about your grandmother's passing, Bright. :blackeye: It sounds like she was very special to you, so I can just imagine how you feel right now. :(( HUGS!! You've been through so much this past year....I really hope 2013 brings the joy and blessings that 2012 didn't.

Thanks for the good wishes earlier - you too mp.


Apr 28, 2008
Oh, Bright, I'm so sorry. My deepest condolences. You and your Gran will always have a special connection.


Feb 29, 2008
Hi guys,

Yes, I am back. I just came back from France 2 days ago and it was wonderful.

Bright - so sorry for your loss.

Tammy - I hear you. I did not look at my old threads, but I am now the only girl from my residency class who does not have a child. The second to last one gave birth last week, she was preg just before I started treatments, that was hard.

Bella - I am glad to hear your apt went well, hope things get figured out.

AFM - I am going to make a very long story short. AF came this week, so I went in for a follow up US to ensure the cyst that was in my ovary was gone. My surgery kept getting pushed back due to work and to conflicts with the doctor's schedule. Now my doctor (don't ask me why) has asked if I am ok with skiping surgery and go straight to IVF. I am ok with this because if the surgery shows I have endometrosis or that the right tube is blocked all they are going to do is go to IVF. And I am limited on the time off I can take from work. I start sometime mid-Jan. My day 3 FSH is high for my age. It was 11.7 the first time he took it, and 10 today. With the FSH, the worst value is the one they use. He thinks my chances are 40% with IVF, only 10% at best with an IUI. Wish me luck.


Jun 23, 2011
Oh Bright I'm so very sorry for the loss of your grandmother. :(sad Please know that you're in my thoughts and prayers. :((

Ltl, how very exciting to be starting IVF soon! I'll be thinking of you!

I'll still check in with you guys and cheer you on! :) I'm just keeping my whining to myself. ;))


May 6, 2007
LTL that's exciting news! And I think your 40 percent sounds wonderful! I only had one cycle but am here if you need anything.

Hi to everyone else. Hope you are all keeping on and staying positive. Onto 2013, no???


Nov 27, 2010
Bright, I am so sorry for your loss. Hugs to you. You were blessed to have your grandmother in your life for so long.

Little, good luck with IVF.

Bella, sounds like you have an amazing RE. Hope things go well.

Tammy, good luck with your RE appt.


Aug 19, 2009
Bright, I am so sorry for your loss!

LtFirecracker, Wow, good luck with the IVF. Sounds like you have a treatment plan that you feel good about which is great :appl:

yes, 2013 has got to bring many wonderful surprises and unexpected blessings!


Jun 25, 2007
Bright, I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. Here's to hoping 2013 has something awesome to offer!


Apr 8, 2009
Bright - So, so sorry to hear of your grandmother's passing. My thoughts are with you and your family.

Bella - Glad to hear your visit to the RE went well. Best of luck with your next steps.

Sha - Hope things go well with clomid for you!

LTL - Great to see an update from you. Glad you loved your trip. Super exciting to hear about IVF. Sending dust your way for January!

Tammy - I hope you are doing well and that you had a good visit with the RE.


Jun 23, 2011
Hi Girls,

I didn't have any surprises at my RE appt, just confirmed what we already knew we were dealing with. I think I like her, but I'm overwhelmed by trying to decide which way to go treatment wise. It's between Femara/trigger/IUI or Femara/FSH injections (I think)/trigger/IUI. She called it a "combo cycle". My AFC was dismal, 2 (possibly only 1) on the left and only 3 visible on the right (my good tube side), confirming that my AMH was correct. I'm going to look into acupuncture and just ordered some royal jelly/bee pollen from the Vitamin Shoppe, probably sitting this cycle out while those things kick in then do Femara/IUI next month.

Anyhow, just trucking along. Sorry so brief. Hope all is well with everyone and thinking good thoughts!


May 6, 2007
Tammy HI I just wanted to send you cyber hugs. I saw your posts last time about your amh and I wasn't able to reply. It's beyond hard to find out our body isn't cooperating with our plans. I was pretty upset about my labs and situation too. But I hope you can be one of the fortunate ones and that IUI will work for you! I think I took the combo drug for IUI. I forget what my dr. told me about it- maybe one drug is natural and one drug is synthetic? Did they explain the differences to you? It's good you like the doctor. I'm sorry your afc wasn't what you were hoping for. But remember you only need one- I saw you are going to start the royal bee pollen stuff. Are you still doing the coenzyme q 10 and the dhea? Also, I don't think you mentioned before but are you opposed to accupuncture? I have no idea what pushed me in the right direction since I did all of the things I just listed but maybe in combo it would work for you too? Big big hugs.

Hope all of you are doing well.


Feb 29, 2008
Hey guys,

Tammy: I would love to continue to talk with you even if you don't want to chat here. Let me know. I am sorry you had such a bad experience. This is the only place I am posting, although I read other forums time to time.

Pavelove: Hi :wavey: I really hope all is going well for you. I will let you know if I have questions.

Curly, JGator: Hi to you as well thanks for the dust

Well, a lot of boarding stuff going on. Believe it or not, it has been almost a year since I first started working with an RE. So our new clinic wants our labs redone before IVF (they require labs annually). So I had the remaining labs done today. My DH had to go in as well to get checked. We had a bunch of consents to sign. I still think I will start OCP right after Christmas. I am checking OPKs just in case, although I am not holding out hope I am CD8 today, and figured I should still try even though my odds are super low (3% or less). Just blocked my schedule for work, so all I have to do now is wait.


May 6, 2007
Ltl Good luck! I'll keep my eyes open if you need anything. Yes I am doing well thanks for asking. Just got the all clear on fetal echo and anatomy scan which is a huge relief :).


Aug 19, 2009
Wow, Lt! I can't believe that it has been a year with an RE for you! Sounds like 2013 will bring some exciting net steps!

I am just trucking along, 9 DPO I think but I haven't really been paying attention. I am pretty sure that I'm PMSing and at this point am interested to see what my labs say (they should be in at the end of this week/beginning of next week) and just get on with Christmas--we'll be out of town for almost 2 weeks with my inlaws :-o (i love them dearly, but that's a lot of family time! I am not sure I would want to spend 2 weeks with my own family let alone DH's...).

DH and I are still at an adoption impasse which is frustrating and painful (especially when I learn about children who need families right now and know that we want more children but DH just isn't ready yet...) so I am praying and waiting and we are talking about it periodically. but right now we are stuck with at this time, I want to and DH doesn't...The adoption conversation is kind of always the elephant in the room now, but it definitely intensifies towards the end of my cycle each month...

B is absolutely incredible. He's amazing and hilarious and gorgeous and I just feel so, so blessed! We first saw his photo in Dec 2010, so this is always a really special time of year for me as I remember that process that led us to him (DH was not interested in moving forward with an adoption for a long time then either, but now could not imagine his life without B and is a great dad...that change of heart that let us move forward with adoption then is my thread of hope during this waiting time...)


Aug 19, 2009
and...CD 1 :knockout:

plus I passed out in the bathroom this morning, no clue why. Whacked my head on the tub and floor. Thank goodness DH is an EMT! I am fine, just bruised, and it was probably a fluke thing, but not a fun way to start my day, especially when it is CD 1...


Jun 23, 2011
Bella, omg! :errrr: I hope you're really okay and big hugs re: CD1! :(sad

Short update, I think I'm going to go the femara/iui route for January after a break this month. Starting RJ (just ordered it, should be here tomorrow), hope my AFC is less crappy soon! If Jan/Feb fail and/or I don't respond well to Femara I'll move to a combo cycle. The cost is actually fairly livable thanks to our insurance, so I'm ready to get this show on the road. :devil:


Dec 9, 2005
I think that sounds like a good plan, Tammy. Wishing you and the other TTCers a lot of luck!


Aug 19, 2009
thanks Tammy...

:oops: Erm, with all the craziness of me passing out, the concussion I got from it, lots of deadlines at work, and then the tragedy in CT, I forgot to go have my CD3 blood drawn :oops: So, I guess I'm just going on vacation and dealing with it in Jan...the RE is going to think I am flaky and/or an idiot. Oh well...


Apr 14, 2006
Hi ladies!! Check in from Fisher and lots of wishes, hopes, and prayers for a rockin good 2013!!

Keep the faith and positivity flowing- I know it's hard, but I also know it makes the journey easier to travel.

Much love to each of you. And Bright, I'm so sorry about your grandma. I don't believe there is any *good* time to lose a family member, but Christmas time sure is super hard! Big hugs to you, sweet lady.


Jun 27, 2007
fisherofmengirly|1357143703|3345472 said:
Hi ladies!! Check in from Fisher and lots of wishes, hopes, and prayers for a rockin good 2013!!

Keep the faith and positivity flowing- I know it's hard, but I also know it makes the journey easier to travel.

Much love to each of you. And Bright, I'm so sorry about your grandma. I don't believe there is any *good* time to lose a family member, but Christmas time sure is super hard! Big hugs to you, sweet lady.

Hey Fisher!
I asked about you in the Preggo thread the other day. Hadn't seen you check in in a while, so just wondering how everything was going. How's the pregnancy? Have you found out what you're having? I hope that all is well. How is your MIL?

Happy New Year to everyone on this board - may 2013 bring us the blessings we've been hoping for!


Apr 14, 2006

I hope you're doing we'll, lady. I took a PS break for several weeks while Martha was at her sickest. She passed away in December and it breaks my heart that a grandchild she prayed for steadfastly even years before conception won't meet her on earth. We did do a grandparent memory book with her, so that will become a treasure in our child's life, I suspect.

Baby is doing well, and for that we are so thankful!

Thank you for thinking of us, Sha. 8)
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