
The not-so-little Fancy Yellow OEC that could...

It truly is a stunning transformation! Proof positive to not save things 'for dress up only'! She was meant to be worn and enjoyed. I thoroughly enjoyed the story and the pictures of your new ring are fabulous! Such a special family ring!
I am in lust with that stone! She is just so dreamy and the color is just divine! W.A.N.T. :love: :cheeky: :love:
Wow! What a makeover!

I am a bit yellow ( :twirl: ) with envy, but also thrilled for you. Wonderful setting choice. It you ever need someone to be on standby for when your hand is tired of carrying that rock around, I am happy to volunteer to give you temporary respite!

And yikes, what was up with that <$10,000 appraisal? How bizarre. I know some do not appreciate old cuts, and they might not have realized it was a fancy yellow, but it is still a beautiful, huge diamond!
This is just so, so perfect. I adore it, and it looks so beautiful on your hand! It's wonderful that your family gave it to you, and that your husband is ok with you wearing it. The diamond and setting are spectacular. Enjoy!
Ughhhhhhhhhh I can't even talk about how obsessed I am with your stone, ring, everything!!!

I have a yellow OEC as well, so obviously I am biased bc I think they are just so fabulous but holy cow I can't even imagine having one in that SIIIIIZZZZZZEEEEE!!!!!!! If I ever reset I want it done just like yours! It couldn't be more perfect.

Lucky lucky lady! Wear it in good health!
Tourmaline|1474381212|4078778 said:
This is just so, so perfect. I adore it, and it looks so beautiful on your hand! It's wonderful that your family gave it to you, and that your husband is ok with you wearing it. The diamond and setting are spectacular. Enjoy!

Thanks, Tourmaline! The hubs said I better wear it as we coughed up more for the reset than what was paid for my original e-ring 7yrs ago. I guess this is my first and FINAL upgrade. Plus he said he likes that people should be able to tell I'm married from across a room! :lol: There's already talk...from me :angel: of getting a stone to match my 1.08ct e-ring and making a large pair of diamond studs. He seems on board, so maybe I can pull that off for our next anniversary in the spring?! I wear 0.80ctw studs all the time now, so that would probably be a final upgrade, too...just maybe with some jackets in the future?! I guess I've been bitten by the sparkly PS bug!
Guess what came in the mail today from e-weddingbands?! Thoughts? I did not expect it to sit flush, but, despite the gallery, it fits so much closer to the ring than I imagined it would. I'm quite pleased!




I've been SO curious just how bad the old setting could possibly have been to hide a diamond this beautiful... And... Well... :P

Would love to see the powers that be add this masterpiece to the amazing hall of fame thread!!
I can't find the right words to describe how much I LOVE your stone and setting!!!
What an amazing transformation :love: Caysie's setting is the perfect compliment to your gorgeous diamond. The band goes perfectly. Congrats!!
This may be my worst case of bling envy to date!
Just so everyone can :lol: LOL :lol: at this, here's a pic from the appraisal my great aunt got on the stone/cigar band setting in 1998. I mean, really?! :wall:

I am totally in love with your ring!!!! Your butter makes me melt!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: don't worry, the PS bug hits me every time I see amazing sparkles like yours!!!!
Mindblowing! You couldn't done any better than choosing Caysie to bring really out that gorgeous stone. Plain band is cherry on the top.
You are lucky woman to have a such beauty. I LOVE Your story behind this goddess. Enjoy and share much more pics!
What a one-of-a-kind stone with a great story behind it! :love: The setting is divine, and the plain band is just perfect with it!
Stunning, stunnng, stunning!!! I'm so glad that you have it and not your brother, since he would have sold it. It is a spectacular stone and it is simply stunning. Wow!
Do you know what, I just cannot BELIEVE the diamond is the very same one?!! I mean, talk about dressing it down in that original vile setting!

You are absolutely right about how a good clean & appropriate beautiful setting can completely transform a diamond. My mind is literally blown!!!

I think your new band is perfect. Absolutely no further bling required for that beauty - you have a right hand for that! I am just dumbstruck by the change & the stunning new setting. You are one lucky lady! And you're so young!! Argghhhh! I'm so crazy with jealousy!
Also, could you possibly post a picture of the basket underneath?? Thanks so much!
WOW. :love: :love: :love:
I am in love with your beautiful fancy yellow OEC and gorgeous setting. Truly a dream combination. :love:
And I am a little jealous too and that hardly ever happens. Glad for you but OMG wish I could have this beautiful ring. Enjoy!!!
What a great story and what an unbelievable ring! It truly is a sight to behold. Enjoy it!

:appl: :appl: :love:
Alex T|1474450756|4079134 said:
Also, could you possibly post a picture of the basket underneath?? Thanks so much!

Alex T, the DH was able to get a decent gallery shot tonight! I will try to get a couple more.

Please keep posting more pictures. This ring deserves a place in the hall of fame! Missy you aren't the only one who is a little jealous.
wow wow wow wow !!!
Still smitten. And for anyone who is wondering, I wear Sweetie Pie everyday! I'm almost used to her, but she definitely feels large in a good way! No DSS! Most people think she's fake b/c she's so large and yellow. I've gotten compliments on my "lovely cocktail ring" and had people gesture to it and say "that's fun!" or ask if it's a sapphire. Lol. I don't care; safer for me! We don't *look* like people who would have something like this, so I get it. Please enjoy so discreet handshots in a dark restaurant and my hubba-hubba modeling it on his pinky along with his precious Omega Moonwatch (aka his bling bling).



I love this thread! The story, the diamond and the ring are all wonderful!
What a stunning ring!!! How could I have missed this..
The design is gorgeous and I love it stacked with the band. And ooooh, that center stone :love:
HOLY MOLY what a transformation!! It's absolutely gorgeous and huge. Did I mention it's huge? You are one very lucky person indeed! I love everything about the stone and the setting. Congratulations!!!
Also missed this thread. Gorgeous ring! :love:
That is unbelievably beautiful!!! Wear it in good health :love: