
Announcement The next PriceScope GTG

Special Announcement:

As a way of giving back to this community, Whiteflash will be providing two lucky pricescopers with an expense paid trip to attend the May GTG!

We will hold a drawing on next Friday, March 23.

If you are able to attend and would like to be in the drawing for the free trip, simply make your intention known by posting to this thread something like “enter me into the drawing”

Each winner will receive one free plane ticket (domestic) and hotel accommodations at the Sugar Land Marriott Hotel and Convention Center, here in Town Square.

(The drawing is designed for pricescopers outside of the Houston area)

Good luck!
yay! enter me please!
Yes, please enter me in the drawing!
Yes, please enter me in the drawing!
Please enter me in the drawing!

Looking forward to this GTG so much!!!
Omgoodness. Please enter me. My DS is looking to get a diamond for his gf and we've been all over your site looking! We would love to see your ACAs IRL!! :appl:
Oooh! This is so generous of WF! Ok, please enter me also in the drawing! Thank you!

Please enter me in the drawing too - thank you - luck to all!
Hi! I just signed up and plan to be there for both days. May I ask if it will be mostly about diamonds or will there be any discussion on colored gemstones? Either way, I’ll be there!

I’m a bit of a newbie on PS... I hope to meet many of you!
And enter me in the drawing please! Thank you.
Special Announcement:

As a way of giving back to this community, Whiteflash will be providing two lucky pricescopers with an expense paid trip to attend the May GTG!

We will hold a drawing on next Friday, March 23.

If you are able to attend and would like to be in the drawing for the free trip, simply make your intention known by posting to this thread something like “enter me into the drawing”

Each winner will receive one free plane ticket (domestic) and hotel accommodations at the Sugar Land Marriott Hotel and Convention Center, here in Town Square.

(The drawing is designed for pricescopers outside of the Houston area)

Good luck!
Enter me in the drawing please!
Any hot and single lady wanna share a room??..
Dreamer ^^^ ;)) lol

Awesome gesture by WF! :)
I'd love to come! Enter me in the drawing please!
RSVP done! Can’t wait to meet everyone!
Special Announcement:

As a way of giving back to this community, Whiteflash will be providing two lucky pricescopers with an expense paid trip to attend the May GTG!

We will hold a drawing on next Friday, March 23.

If you are able to attend and would like to be in the drawing for the free trip, simply make your intention known by posting to this thread something like “enter me into the drawing”

Each winner will receive one free plane ticket (domestic) and hotel accommodations at the Sugar Land Marriott Hotel and Convention Center, here in Town Square.

(The drawing is designed for pricescopers outside of the Houston area)

Good luck!

This is super generous of Whiteflash! And even though I am not attending thank you WF for your generosity. I know everyone attending will have a fabulous and blingy visit.:appl:

We need a NY one!

Yessss! I wish! The problem is the NY vendors don't have the space to host a GTG and the cost would be astronomical to rent a big enough space I think. But if there ever was a GTG planned here that would be awesome.:appl:
RSVP done :appl: add me in the drawing please!

Can't wait to meet everyone!!!
How generous of WF!! Please throw my namecard into the hat as well, why not :)

Add me to the list of folk who would LOVE a NY GTG! I know what @missy means re. cost of renting space though :eek-2:
Work had me in Dallas for a week - my first time in TX - four years ago. My flight was delayed and arrived very late, and all airport rental agencies were out of cars. I was second in line - both of us there on business. After about half an hour two vehicles were returned: a Mustang and a Yukon. The person in front of me of course took the Mustang, which left me with a van the size of a small boat... I’m used to stressing about parking a pint-sized hatchback in NYC, so I was worried, to say the least! Turns out everything really IS bigger in TX though. I manoeuvred my boat all over town without any trouble at all :mrgreen2:
Please enter me into the drawing!
Enter me please!
Who needs to rent a space?!?! Can't we just meet for a bottomless brunch?
Well, I think I could make this meetup as I'm in Florida and its really not that far of a drive:lol-2: Ok who am I kidding, I will likely fly!
I booked my flights! Woot!

If no one is staying at the Hilton maybe I should change to Marriott? Idk. lalala
This is super generous of Whiteflash! And even though I am not attending thank you WF for your generosity. I know everyone attending will have a fabulous and blingy visit.:appl:

Yessss! I wish! The problem is the NY vendors don't have the space to host a GTG and the cost would be astronomical to rent a big enough space I think. But if there ever was a GTG planned here that would be awesome.:appl:
GOG has plenty of room but I talked to rhino about it in the past and then with his son recently. It's ultimately up to them.
I booked my flights! Woot!

If no one is staying at the Hilton maybe I should change to Marriott? Idk. lalala

Stay with everyone at the Marriott if no one is going to be staying at the Hilton. It will be more fun that way. Since you are making the trip out there it's worth the extra money to stay at the Marriott...can you use a credit card that will give you points or something to help offset the extra cost?
Stay with everyone at the Marriott if no one is going to be staying at the Hilton. It will be more fun that way. Since you are making the trip out there it's worth the extra money to stay at the Marriott...can you use a credit card that will give you points or something to help offset the extra cost?
It's $461 Marriott versus $107 Hilton if my dad doesn't have any points.
It's $461 Marriott versus $107 Hilton if my dad doesn't have any points.

Grrrrr. OK then fingers crossed you win the WF raffle drawing!
It's worth staying at the Marriott @PintoBean. It's within walking distance of the WF building. Houston is HUGE! I am so sad to miss this get-together, although I was super fortunate to get to visit WF two years ago! It's such a great place and we enjoyed it so much! For those who don't live near one of these these, there is a Cartier and VCA there, too, if you have free time! Just visiting WF is worth the trip, though! It's a great group of people and a very impressive operation they have there.

I am hoping for a NY get-together maybe in the fall in conjunction with the NY antique jewelry show?!!! It would make the most sense for Diamond District sponsor/vendors such as Yekutiel at IDJ and B2C Jewels to maybe jointly host (Lebish is in NYC, too) because staying in Times Square is so perfect as those who stay an extra night can go see a show, etc. But I don't know where that jewelry show is. It would just be a good 3-4 day trip! Hmm, but they may not be available on a Saturday, so that might not work. I was just thinking dinner reservations for a group could be made, and then the visits to the vendors wouldn't have to be as a whole group. There are other vendors such as DBL and SK that people might want to visit, too.