
The December LIW small talk thread

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Gah--so K took me to The Melting Pot for happy hour tonight to make me feel better, which was great except that on the way out, I turned back to thank the hostess, then turned around and walked right into a glass window nose-first. I don''t think it''s broken, but it sure is sore. I''ve been icing it all night.

I just want this week to be''s only Monday, but since I''ve been working all weekend it just feels like the week that never stops.
te:[/b] 12/8/2008 2:47:38 PM
Author: Bia
Thanks Namaste for the suggestions. I think those would be great ideas for my co-workers. But what about my brother? He just got married and seems to have gotten anything and everything he will ever need (in his life)! Any ideas?

BTW: I love your screename! It reminds me of a professor I had in college (I loved her!) who used to sign every email with Namaste...

hehe thanks.. I love the meaning behind the word :)

I dunno if it's just me but I feel like men are soo much harder to shop for! At least the men in my life are..
But I can imagine how hard it must be to shop for someone who just got married though! They probably just got mountains of gifts!

Are you thinking of getting him and his wife something as a couple? Or getting them separate gifts?
Does he like wine? Nice bottle of wine? I know some people don't like to do the gift card thing but maybe a gift card to his fave restaurant? Or if he likes to see movies I know some theaters offer like a "night out at the movies" gift certificate.. ?

I dunno.. like I said before I always lean towards edible treats.. or certificates to restaurants or movies if I know they will definitely be used - rather than knick-knacks and "stuff" (unless it's someone I'm close to and I KNOW it's something that they want/need). I tend not to go the gift card route but there's actually some people who would prefer to get a gift card more than anything! Just depends on your brother..
Date: 12/9/2008 12:04:40 AM
Author: ladypirate
Gah--so K took me to The Melting Pot for happy hour tonight to make me feel better, which was great except that on the way out, I turned back to thank the hostess, then turned around and walked right into a glass window nose-first. I don''t think it''s broken, but it sure is sore. I''ve been icing it all night.

I just want this week to be''s only Monday, but since I''ve been working all weekend it just feels like the week that never stops.

Oh no! I hope your nose is ok!! How embarrassing!!

I''ve done something like that before.. when I was around 11, I went running full speed into a screen patio door (I didn''t see it!!!).. I knocked it out of it''s track and fell flat on my face. Thank god it wasn''t glass or who knows what woulda happened!!

Well, I hope your week goes by fast! Only 4 more days to go!
Date: 12/9/2008 12:14:00 AM
Author: Namaste

Date: 12/9/2008 12:04:40 AM
Author: ladypirate
Gah--so K took me to The Melting Pot for happy hour tonight to make me feel better, which was great except that on the way out, I turned back to thank the hostess, then turned around and walked right into a glass window nose-first. I don''t think it''s broken, but it sure is sore. I''ve been icing it all night.

I just want this week to be''s only Monday, but since I''ve been working all weekend it just feels like the week that never stops.

Oh no! I hope your nose is ok!! How embarrassing!!

I''ve done something like that before.. when I was around 11, I went running full speed into a screen patio door (I didn''t see it!!!).. I knocked it out of it''s track and fell flat on my face. Thank god it wasn''t glass or who knows what woulda happened!!

Well, I hope your week goes by fast! Only 4 more days to go!
Thanks Namaste! It''s feeling better this morning and is only a little swollen still. I think it will be fine.

On the plus side, even though we haven''t heard back about the Egyptian Mau we''re trying to adopt, we did hear positive news about the possibility of adopting a 4 year old Japanese Bobtail! If both of them work out, maybe we''ll have two cats instead of just one!

Here''s a picture of her--she''s a retired show cat and is such a beautiful girl.

LP that kitty is beautiful!!! I hope the adoption goes through!!

I''m sorry to hear about your nose...and your brusied ego. I embarrased myself like that a work last year...I was walking down the hallway and the hem of my pants came high heel got caught and I fell like a ROCK!!! I''m surpised I didn''t break anything...It was right infront of the main conference room which happened to have a meeting going on inside...about 7 people including the CEO came running out to see what the big thud was...It didn''t really hurt but I definitely wanted to cry cause I was soooo embarassesd.

Oh well I can laugh about it now
haha! Ams- I don''t mean to laugh but your story is hilarious. I would be incredibly embarrased if that happened to me.

I actually happen to walk into doorways A LOT. Which is funny because I''m not even a very big person but when I go walking into doorways, I tend to bonk into them! haha it''s kind of funny really. It''s sort of a joke with everyone too because I''m so tiny the doorways couldn''t get any bigger.....
Date: 12/9/2008 1:31:06 PM
Author: Dreamgirl
haha! Ams- I don''t mean to laugh but your story is hilarious. I would be incredibly embarrased if that happened to me.

I actually happen to walk into doorways A LOT. Which is funny because I''m not even a very big person but when I go walking into doorways, I tend to bonk into them! haha it''s kind of funny really. It''s sort of a joke with everyone too because I''m so tiny the doorways couldn''t get any bigger.....
No worries...It''s funny...I can even admit that. What''s funny is that I always wear high heels to work...the 3 1/2 - 4 1/2 inch kind
...anyway everyone at the office would always tell me "your going to fall one of these days"....I would just shrug it off and say..."nah, I''m a professional" my butt! Really though I''m never going to live it down.

I also turn corners too sharply all the time (mostly at work)...I blame it on the color of the''s like a dark shadow-y color. The corners here really do look like shadows....Thats my story anyway

I''m actually pretty clumsy come to think of it...Which is weird since I spent more than half my life in some sort of ballet class or gymnastics or something similar....huh???
Date: 12/9/2008 1:50:26 PM
Author: ams0124

Date: 12/9/2008 1:31:06 PM
Author: Dreamgirl
haha! Ams- I don''t mean to laugh but your story is hilarious. I would be incredibly embarrased if that happened to me.

I actually happen to walk into doorways A LOT. Which is funny because I''m not even a very big person but when I go walking into doorways, I tend to bonk into them! haha it''s kind of funny really. It''s sort of a joke with everyone too because I''m so tiny the doorways couldn''t get any bigger.....
No worries...It''s funny...I can even admit that. What''s funny is that I always wear high heels to work...the 3 1/2 - 4 1/2 inch kind
...anyway everyone at the office would always tell me ''your going to fall one of these days''....I would just shrug it off and say...''nah, I''m a professional'' my butt! Really though I''m never going to live it down.

I also turn corners too sharply all the time (mostly at work)...I blame it on the color of the''s like a dark shadow-y color. The corners here really do look like shadows....Thats my story anyway

I''m actually pretty clumsy come to think of it...Which is weird since I spent more than half my life in some sort of ballet class or gymnastics or something similar....huh???
Same here. I was a ballet dancer for 13 years, and still, I am quite the klutz. My BF calls me "klutsy" sometimes because I''m very accident prone--always dropping things or tripping over stuff...

I can dance my booty off though...
Quick thought...
I was looking and looking for this thread and I just couldn''t find it for the life of me...So I thought to myself I know I posted in it yesterday...What happended between yesterday and now that could have gotten this thread deleted

Well didn''t really think to look at the very TOP of the forum for it as a sticky!!!
DUH!!! It''s early and I haven''t had my coffee yet

Anyway....Hooray for this thread becoming a sticky!!! Really great idea DG.
Date: 12/10/2008 10:19:34 AM
Author: ams0124
Quick thought...
I was looking and looking for this thread and I just couldn''t find it for the life of me...So I thought to myself I know I posted in it yesterday...What happended between yesterday and now that could have gotten this thread deleted

Well didn''t really think to look at the very TOP of the forum for it as a sticky!!!
DUH!!! It''s early and I haven''t had my coffee yet

Anyway....Hooray for this thread becoming a sticky!!! Really great idea DG.
LOL, ams. I know the LIW thread can have some serious drama, but getting the small talk thread deleted? That HAS to be beyond our capabilities... I think...

Yay for the sticky thread! WTG, DG!!

Anyone else suffering through finals right now? Missed my work holiday party last night to study for 6 hours. I''ll be up til 2 or 3 AM studying for tomorrow''s exam. Blech.

Can''t wait for this semester to be O V E R!
ME! I have finals!!! It SUCKS!!!!!!!!!

My computer decided to crash (the hard drive just DIED) so all my stuff is on that computer. I have a paper due today and one due tomorrow, and a test on friday. I can just say I was so upset, I don''t think I have cried so much in a long time. I have to use my bf''s computer, but he doesnt have word, so I have to do a lot of scrambling to find someone with word and then go and print my stuff out. Hopefully all my pictures and music can be saved

and during finals week!!! gah! I had so many pictures saved from here on PS, I don''t wanna start over! But other than that, my finals are going very well. Good luck elledizzy!!!
Date: 12/10/2008 10:59:58 AM
Author: IloveAsschers13
ME! I have finals!!! It SUCKS!!!!!!!!!

My computer decided to crash (the hard drive just DIED) so all my stuff is on that computer. I have a paper due today and one due tomorrow, and a test on friday. I can just say I was so upset, I don''t think I have cried so much in a long time. I have to use my bf''s computer, but he doesnt have word, so I have to do a lot of scrambling to find someone with word and then go and print my stuff out. Hopefully all my pictures and music can be saved

and during finals week!!! gah! I had so many pictures saved from here on PS, I don''t wanna start over! But other than that, my finals are going very well. Good luck elledizzy!!!
OMG ILA! I thought computer crashes during finals only happened on TV! Sorry about all the pictures and everything. That''s really crappy.
What awful luck!!! I would''ve cried too. All the stress of finals, and then that on top of it would have broken me. Hopefully the bad luck on that brings you good luck on exams!!

Good luck to you, and to everyone else taking finals right now!!
Good luck to all the LIW who have finals right now!

So what are everyone's favorite TV shows? The ones we definitely try to keep up on are:

The Office
30 Rock
It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

Yay for Hulu!

ETA: ILA, that sucks! I hope you can get everything printed out and turned in. Would it be possible for you to email it to your professors if you can't find someone who has Word? What about using a computer at the school?
LOVING The Office, and 30 Rock right now.

Can't wait til season 8 of Scrubs comes on in January. I'm addicted to that show. Best. Show. Evar.

I've only seen a couple of episodes of Its Always Sunny, and I wasn't impressed. But so many people speak so highly of it... maybe I should watch more?

Guilty Pleasure: The Hills.. I know, I know. Shameful.
I think Always Sunny is kind of an acquired taste--my mom really doesn''t like it, but it cracks K and I up. We also have kind of twisted senses of humor, though.
Date: 12/10/2008 10:19:34 AM
Author: ams0124
Quick thought...
I was looking and looking for this thread and I just couldn''t find it for the life of me...So I thought to myself I know I posted in it yesterday...What happended between yesterday and now that could have gotten this thread deleted

Well didn''t really think to look at the very TOP of the forum for it as a sticky!!!
DUH!!! It''s early and I haven''t had my coffee yet

Anyway....Hooray for this thread becoming a sticky!!! Really great idea DG.
haha! Thanks sweets
I emailed the admins and asked if it could be made a sticky and they complied! YAY for monthly sticky small talk threads!!!
Date: 12/10/2008 11:14:47 AM
Author: ladypirate
So what are everyone''s favorite TV shows?
#1 is The Office (can''t live without it!!!)
General Hospital
House Hunters
Property Virgins
Ghost Hunters
The Bachelor/Bachelorette
Date: 12/10/2008 11:57:04 AM
Author: Dreamgirl

Date: 12/10/2008 11:14:47 AM
Author: ladypirate
So what are everyone''s favorite TV shows?
#1 is The Office (can''t live without it!!!)
General Hospital
House Hunters
Property Virgins
Ghost Hunters
The Bachelor/Bachelorette
OMG, DG!!!

House Hunters/Property Virgins are my absolute FAVES!!!!

FF and I want the Property Virgins Real Estate lady to help us find our first home. We''d DIE to be on that show!!
Date: 12/10/2008 12:03:43 PM
Author: elledizzy5

OMG, DG!!!

House Hunters/Property Virgins are my absolute FAVES!!!!

FF and I want the Property Virgins Real Estate lady to help us find our first home. We'd DIE to be on that show!!

We recently discovered HGTV and loooooooooove it!! Over the summer we became our very own house hunters (not looking to buy) but just love going to look at homes. We are very much into the Italian/Tuscan style homes. I'm IN LOVE with that style house! So we've gone out to look at several Tuscan style homes in the remote area
I even take my camera and have photos too. Anyhow, one day while changing the channel we came across House Hunters and we haven't looked back!! We put it on almost every night. It's so funny because we have become HIGHLY opinionated on housing. We both have a picture in our heads of what OUR house should look like. Property Virgins is awesome as well. We watch House Hunters International sometimes but not often. What we don't care for is the "fix your house" type shows. Those bother us for some reason. lol!

ETA- Some of the homes we looked at are over 1mil. which is crazy because we will probably never live in one of those. lol
Date: 12/10/2008 12:09:58 PM
Author: Dreamgirl

We recently discovered HGTV and loooooooooove it!! Over the summer we became our very own house hunters (not looking to buy) but just love going to look at homes. We are very much into the Italian/Tuscan style homes. I''m IN LOVE with that style house! So we''ve gone out to look at several Tuscan style homes in the remote area
I even take my camera and have photos too. Anyhow, one day while changing the channel we came across House Hunters and we haven''t looked back!! We put it on almost every night. It''s so funny because we have become HIGHLY opinionated on housing. We both have a picture in our heads of what OUR house should look like. Property Virgins is awesome as well. We watch House Hunters International sometimes but not often. What we don''t care for is the ''fix your house'' type shows. Those bother us for some reason. lol!

ETA- Some of the homes we looked at are over 1mil. which is crazy because we will probably never live in one of those. lol
Oh!! So fun!! I think FF and I will start open-housing also, pretty soon here. We make fun of all of the Property Virgins and how silly they are sometimes. Like when they fall in love with a house because of furniture in it.
You don''t get the furniture, guys!!

I like the fix-it shows, but not nearly as much as the house hunting shows.

House Hunters Intl is interesting. It''s so surprising the difference in housing across the world. Like, how in Japan there aren''t ovens in a lot of apartments. Or how small some places are, but in their country it''s totally normal.

Its still fun to fantasize about 1 mill homes. Our first house will be 200,000 or less. I don''t know if I''d ever really need a 1 mil home in Michigan. That buys a lot more than I''d probably ever use.
Date: 12/10/2008 12:16:05 PM
Author: elledizzy5
how silly they are sometimes. Like when they fall in love with a house because of furniture in it.
You don't get the furniture, guys!!
Oh, don't I know it! That is always hilarious.
But another thing that bothers me is how they talk about knocking down this wall or that wall to open a room up. Do you have any idea how much time/money it takes to knock down a wall and do different things like that? S has his own condo right now and together we have remodeled his one bathroom and painted all the rooms. It's hard work. It probably took us literally 5-7 months to do the bathroom. We had to tear down wallpaper (pain in the ___) re-surface the wall...everything. We would really like to get a place where its move-in ready. Because it takes a long time to remodel things. You only have so much free time. We are kind of tired of remodeling. But that's just us! That is probably why we don't like the 'fix it up' shows. ha!

Another thing to keep in mind is whenever you look at a home and you think of doing this and that to usually don't do it before you move in. So then you move in with all your stuff and your plans never get done because you dont have the time for it.

I was thinking last week about posting some photos in my Who's Who thread about dream housing. I'll have to do that and you can check it out
Date: 12/10/2008 12:25:38 PM
Author: Dreamgirl
Date: 12/10/2008 12:16:05 PM

Author: elledizzy5

how silly they are sometimes. Like when they fall in love with a house because of furniture in it.
You don''t get the furniture, guys!!
Oh, don''t I know it! That is always hilarious.
But another thing that bothers me is how they talk about knocking down this wall or that wall to open a room up. Do you have any idea how much time/money it takes to knock down a wall and do different things like that? S has his own condo right now and together we have remodeled his one bathroom and painted all the rooms. It''s hard work. It probably took us literally 5-7 months to do the bathroom. We had to tear down wallpaper (pain in the ___) re-surface the wall...everything. We would really like to get a place where its move-in ready. Because it takes a long time to remodel things. You only have so much free time. We are kind of tired of remodeling. But that''s just us! That is probably why we don''t like the ''fix it up'' shows. ha!

Another thing to keep in mind is whenever you look at a home and you think of doing this and that to usually don''t do it before you move in. So then you move in with all your stuff and your plans never get done because you dont have the time for it.

I was thinking last week about posting some photos in my Who''s Who thread about dream housing. I''ll have to do that and you can check it out

Another funny this is if you start looking at actual listings with pictures sometimes people take pictures of their actual furniture and I always go umm.. why are you including a zoomed in picture of your fancy dining set?? Does that mean it''s included??

Here''s a blog I came across that''s pretty funny It''s Lovely! I''ll Take It!
DG - Cute thread idea! I wil definitely have to jump in on that one!

HA! Namaste, I just skimmed that blog quickly, but it looks hilarious! I''m going to have to go through the whole thing!
Mind if I just jump in?

FF makes fun of me to no end for my addiction to HGTV. But he''ll sit down and watch ''My House is Worth WHAT?'' He really gets into it. He''ll criticize lack of crown molding, small master bathrooms /suites, and lack of pools. Its really cute. At the end, he usually ends up saying (!) I wouldn''t give them half of that price! Are they nuts?

Its very much a buyers market in his area, lol. Its so fun to watch though, and opens up future ''dream house'' conversations more easily. We just picked our first shared apartment, and it was nice that our tastes are so similar
But unfortunately for him, he''s trying to get rid of my inherited shabby couch thats followed my family to 4 different homes/states... hes not going to be successful

We also love Prison Break, The Daly show, Colbert Report, House, Fox''s animation domination & lots of things on comedy central
Is anyone watching Fringe? Holy cow. That show is awesome! I also can''t wait for 24 to be back!!! I''ve missed it so!

Happy hump day everyone!
Date: 12/10/2008 1:07:53 PM
Author: EveryWakingMoment
Mind if I just jump in?

FF makes fun of me to no end for my addiction to HGTV. But he'll sit down and watch 'My House is Worth WHAT?' He really gets into it. He'll criticize lack of crown molding, small master bathrooms /suites, and lack of pools. Its really cute. At the end, he usually ends up saying (!) I wouldn't give them half of that price! Are they nuts?
haha! That is SO US!
Me and FF are exactly like that while watching our house shows....I sometimes say "YOU couldn't PAY me to live in that place and they buy it?!?" lol (not to be rude but I get into it.)
lady pirate- that is such a cute cat! I love cats. My favorite shows are:

the biggest loser
and I LOVE trutv haha it''s a bunch of reality shows like cops and most amazing videos and stuff.

other than that I dont really have time to watch tv, but I LOOOOOOVE movies.

also- Big Love is coming back and I''m so excited!!!!
same wtih nip/tuck which happens to be my favorite show EVER
Normally, i don''t watch the bachelor/bachelorette, but I watched the last bachelorette, and the guy who won was my old snowboard instructor!!!!!!!! Jesse- it was so weird, I was like hey, i know him!!!!!!

Lady pirate *again* I can use the computers at school BUT it''s finals week and the library is a MAD HOUSE. I go to MSU and everyone decides to cram at the lib, so no computers are open, not to mention finding parking, which is a BIATCH.

I''m just at work right now, writing a paper. woohoo.

Bia- have you thought of what to get them? Maybe something like a gift card to a store or a resturaunt. Or I used to love it when people would give me gift cards to the movie theatres around here.
the betsey johnsons! Oh freke, I have been buying shoes like crazy lately. I could show you the shoes haha if I can fid pics of them online
Freke- I''d go with the Stuart Weitzman''s...
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