
The 3-stone ring with abraded diamonds


Feb 13, 2003
first picture

some abrasions (zoom of picture #1)

second picture

same abrasions (zoom of picture #2)

Other small abrasions are present, but not visible on the pictures.



one more


Hi Queenmum....I know that you were heartbroken and very upset with the damage done to your stones and I'm truly sorry that you had to go through that. Your ring is absolutely gorgeous and blindingly brilliant and I'm sure no-one but you would ever know that there was an issue with the stone. I hope that you won't let anything take away your enjoyment of wearing such an exceptional piece. :love: :love: :love:
Farleysmom|1295815820|2830684 said:
Hi Queenmum....I know that you were heartbroken and very upset with the damage done to your stones and I'm truly sorry that you had to go through that. Your ring is absolutely gorgeous and blindingly brilliant and I'm sure no-one but you would ever know that there was an issue with the stone. I hope that you won't let anything take away your enjoyment of wearing such an exceptional piece. :love: :love: :love:

Very well said Farleysmom! It is just gorgeous Queenmum!
Your stones are incredible. I am EXTREMELY sorry for your experience and the frustration/pain all this caused, nothing really can make that better. However, to anyones eye, those diamonds are gorgeous and extremely brilliant. I am sorry again.
Farleysmom said it perfectly - beautiful ring, and - hopefully one day soon - it will be mind-clean enough to fully enjoy :bigsmile:
Oh QM, what an extraordinarily handsome and magnificent ring!! :appl: :love:

I also was following your heartbreaking story in RT and am so very sorry you had to go through the anguish of finding your precious, beautiful stones tainted by someone's stupid mistake. :nono:

Will you share specs of the stones? Ooh, and if it's not too much trouble, maybe a shot of your 3-stone next to your gorgeous rose gold Grace solitaire? I love it so much. :bigsmile:
This is such a gorgeous ring! I'm sorry there is so much disappointment attached to it. It still looks fabulous!
If it's too painful for you to look at, I'll take it off your hands :cheeky: because it would do nothing short of making my heart soar every day.
It's really too bad there's so much disappointment associated with this ring. While I completely understand why that's the case, the ring is just gorgeous, and those stones are breathtaking. It looks absolutely beautiful in the photos. Honestly, it would be hard for me to tell what was wrong in the zoomed-in pictures if you hadn't circled the problem areas. I can't even imagine how lovely it must look in person. I know it will be hard, but please enjoy your gorgeous piece despite the issues you've had.
But Sweety! Your an ultra-perfectionist! This ring is simply fantastic! Hope I don't hurt you but please, you zoom up to more than 10 times what your nake eyes can see. Believe me your ring is incredible!
What a gorgeous ring! :love:
I sure hope you can get over your dissapointment. I think it is a beautiful 3 stone. I recently lost my 3 stone and been yearning to get a replacement. And we need the specs on that bad boy! :love:
kittybean|1295833738|2830977 said:
It's really too bad there's so much disappointment associated with this ring. While I completely understand why that's the case, the ring is just gorgeous, and those stones are breathtaking. It looks absolutely beautiful in the photos. Honestly, it would be hard for me to tell what was wrong in the zoomed-in pictures if you hadn't circled the problem areas. I can't even imagine how lovely it must look in person. I know it will be hard, but please enjoy your gorgeous piece despite the issues you've had.

I agree with Kitty. However having stated that - the person who inflicted harm on your precious ones must be reprimanded. They can't just get away with not dealing with the damage and pain caused.

It is a beautiful ring! :D
It's still very beautiful Stephen! My old eyes just wouldn't be able to see the abrasions, but knowing they are there would
bother me too. I hope you will be able to enjoy this beauty again. My goodness, it is a sparkler!