
*stands up* My name is Arcadian and I''m a gemaholic

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Sep 23, 2009
Great posting, Arcadian! I thought I was the only one who got honked at a traffic light while moving my newest gemstone ring around to catch the sunlight JUST RIGHT!

Pricescope, we ought to organize a meet at the Tucson Gem & Mineral Show 2010 and get a good discount for the volume buying we undoubtedly will do!


Sep 17, 2008
Date: 10/23/2009 11:04:08 PM
Author: tourmaline_lover
It''s slightly embarassing when you''re at a work meeting and you''re trying to hide your hands under the table in order to not let coworkers notice your baubbles. They inevitably do, especially your manager, who thinks you probably don''t need a raise if you can be wearing all of that bling.

Sometimes I even zone out at meetings and stare at my rings under the table. My rings are a lot more fun and interesting than meeting topics - that''s for sure!! LOL!

Todays early morning meeting started out with "Wow, we haven''t seen that one before!"

The joy of being a 1099er is that they don''t what I wear care as long as I do the job. However because of the times I actually go into the office, I''ve gotten my direct report in on the act
(it WORKS!). Women everywhere love good looking stuff even more if they don''t have to pay an arm and a leg...and they love to recieve good looking stuff too.

HER boss found out I knew about jewlery and asked some questions. I helped him save a ton and he got a kicken piece for his wife''s birthday

TL, I honestly believe that most folk feel intimidated because they''re just uneducated about gems and the entire jewerly process. They think I spend a lot too until they ask. Once they know that a little education and footwork goes a long way and there''s no need to settle for the crap at the mall, it opens their eyes! So yeah, they know I''m a nut and a gemfreak but they also know I''m all about finding a deal.



Dec 12, 2008
Date: 10/23/2009 8:54:13 AM

I get excited watching the jewery channel even though I wouldn''t buy anything on there.
A gemstone purchase has me frantically checking the mail box...
I give myself 30 minutes of gem playtime before I go to work.
I not only get excited about my own projects but everyone elses too.
I clean my rings before they go out to dinner.
I also stare at my hands... A LOT.
I''ve been honked at in traffic because I kept staring at my rings.
I have lots and lots of jewelery art and photography.
I have my jeweler on speed dial.
I keep a spreadsheet on gems I plan on buying next, which changes depending on whats actually out there.
Hubby''s eyes has glazed over more than once as I''ve talked about what stones I really really REALLY like.
He also no longer tries to suprise me with jewelry, instead he gives me MONEY that I spend on jewery.
Gem shows are orgasmic.

But really, I''m not a fanatic, just slightly addicted. What can I say? I like shiny rocks

And I know I''m not the only spill it!


Yep that''s my problem too.... I read Pricescope too much, became a gem snob, started emailing Wink and Richard Homer.... then had to become a jeweler.... *sigh*

Unfortunately the addiction only gets worse....



Aug 31, 2009
Date: 10/25/2009 11:54:50 PM

Author: AustenNut


I might actually have to start limiting my PS intake. Every day before I go to work, I browse the PS threads. Every day when I come home I do the same. And if I have enough time during my mini lunch break, I''ll take a couple of minutes to relax looking at the PS eye candy.

I also check out the gem cutters daily to see if they''ve got new stuff.

And my boyfriend definitely knows I''m now obsessed. All because I was being a good girlfriend and researching e-ring stuff. Ack! I blame him!! (So which step am I on if I blame others for my own addiction?

Ack! Ditto! I can''t be a real gemaholic because I only have a couple pieces and they''re all gifts or inherited, or gifts I helped design (
) but I think I''m a wannabee or in training, which might be worse, because I could still escape if I want to, but I don''t want to!
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