
Specific Gravity of Grade B Jadeite

She makes a 54 look big. Like BIG. Cannot imagine how petite she must be. Ok I can as I know people like that in real life. So jelly.

She sells beads too. So if bangles don't fit, she has beads. I got my large huge purple beads necklace from her too. :D
She sells beads too. So if bangles don't fit, she has beads. I got my large huge purple beads necklace from her too. :D

Can you post a picture of this bead necklace. My jeweler is looking for a lavender bead necklace for me too.
@YC , I have put her pictures and my pictures so you can compare.

Her picture of the one I just bought from her:


My picture below:


The purple oval her picture:


The purple, my picture below:


I asked her about a blue transparent one and she gave me a more realistic picture and a video (she sent 5 pictures and a video in total, no attitude involved):

I did ask if it was grey but she asked me to look at the picture and decide. I did not buy this one. It was not expensive. I just decided I prefer colour after all.

For the green and purple above, she had a lot to tell me about these bangles. She could confirm the purple is very purple and it is, and the green has no grey bits and it does not. For this one below, she had not much to say apart from look at the video and the picture.



Thank you @ChaiK ! That's really helpful.
Can you post a picture of this bead necklace. My jeweler is looking for a lavender bead necklace for me too.

I think it is somewhere on this thread.
@mellowyellowgirl I'm near the end of Goodbye my Princess where she remembers everything. So sad. The middle was so sweet.
Why? It is so pretty and icy too. I think it is beautiful.

It has too much grey in it and washed out in a lot of lighting, and it wasn't inexpensive so I had to return and put the funds towards the type I like more. At least the texture is rather nice though, it was good to see an icy type in real life, not a lot of bangles here for me to see in real life.
Oh so that is what mellow means about grey in icy. I wondered what she meant. I do agree with her though because like her I will choose color above icy in all colors except white. That bangle is lovely though. How much was it?
Oh so that is what mellow means about grey in icy. I wondered what she meant. I do agree with her though because like her I will choose color above icy in all colors except white. That bangle is lovely though. How much was it?

I think icy colour is temperamental, if you look at the Redapp example I posted earlier that bangle is just grey and no base colour. This one was a bit less than half, not sure about pricing, but don't like the colour.
I guess that when it is icy it is hard to get an intense color. Of course it is best to get color + icy. But for me, color comes first and then I will try to get it as icy as possible being that I can't afford icy + color. Except for white jade (which is fabulous as icy), I like mine with deeper color being that jade is a colored stone.
I guess that when it is icy it is hard to get an intense color. Of course it is best to get color + icy. But for me, color comes first and then I will try to get it as icy as possible being that I can't afford icy + color. Except for white jade (which is fabulous as icy), I like mine with deeper color being that jade is a colored stone.

Yes that's right, you can go for icy with a tiny streak of colour and a near colourless base, or just go for glow and forego colour altogether. I like colour too so I'll look for one with streak of nice green and a decent texture.

Also your green bangle looks fabulous, so you already have some really nice ones in your collection.
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@Lovinggems texture is fabulous but that shade is a bit of a downer unless someone is into that colour.

Bit khaki/grey.

Was it a nice shade in any light?

Jade is also so temperamental in lighting imo. Except for the solids and the more expensive greens.

My expensive cab is consistent in any light and so are the solids. But yeah.... They are not icy.
@mellowyellowgirl I'm near the end of Goodbye my Princess where she remembers everything. So sad. The middle was so sweet.

I love the scene in middle where she's in the aqua dress, before she jumps. So heartbreaking and appeals to the tragic in me.
Yes that's right, you can go for icy with a tiny streak of colour and a near colourless base, or just go for glow and forego colour altogether. I like colour too so I'll look for one with streak of nice green and a decent texture.

Also you green bangle looks fabulous, so you already have some really nice ones in your collection.

Thank you Loving. I think your idea is spot on. Wish I could have bought one that looks like the Hutton necklace. LOL Can't wait to see what you decide to get. Please post so we can drool.
@Lovinggems texture is fabulous but that shade is a bit of a downer unless someone is into that colour.

Bit khaki/grey.

Was it a nice shade in any light?

Jade is also so temperamental in lighting imo. Except for the solids and the more expensive greens.

My expensive cab is consistent in any light and so are the solids. But yeah.... They are not icy.

Absolutely agree with you.
It was nice in rainy weather, but too many not so nice colour moments. If it's priced quite less I may have kept.
I love the scene in middle where she's in the aqua dress, before she jumps. So heartbreaking and appeals to the tragic in me.

I think she looks best in the red traditional clothing (beginning of the show), aqua dress is nice too. Her bad luck meeting the two male leads, can tell this show is going to have a bad ending.
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I’m dragging my feet on Guardian drama as it’s a sad ending. While reading the fan sites found out that the novel is a happy ending so went to read the novel and have just finished reading so will finally go back to watching the drama as I love Zhu Yilong’s acting. Finally understand his immense popularity. Also, is first BL drama that I like.

Watched a bit of Untamed but the leads and acting never drew me in (though Xiao Zhan is so good looking). But ZYL really can emote with his eyes. :kiss2: So totally ship the drama couple now.
Zhu Yilong other TV series worth watching, he is a good actor, not sure if you've seen these already: The Story of Minglan; The Sound of the Providence; The Rebel (going to start watching this one soon).

The Untamed has a great soundtrack, and a good, natural looking cast.

I've just finished Goodbye my Princess, tragic but appropriate ending, I would like to see the 2 main leads in another
TV series.

Winter Begonia another good TV series.

Jade wise: bought a 53mm d round sample bangle from eBay, probably takes 10 days to ship here.
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I ditched the baggy and foam wash, went for Dettol hand wash, it went in pretty easily. However, just my right hand, need to try left hand too, but I'm left-handed so usually wear bangles on right hand.
This is 55.5mm x 48 oval.


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@Lovinggems well done!!!! Wooooohoooooo

It looks like a really comfortable fit with looooots of room still!!!!
@Lovinggems well done!!!! Wooooohoooooo

It looks like a really comfortable fit with looooots of room still!!!!

Ya I have to see my fingers so know when to squish my little finger knuckle and thumb. Will you get a sample oval and try on? I remember you were looking at an even smaller oval.
Ya I have to see my fingers so know when to squish my little finger knuckle and thumb. Will you get a sample oval and try on? I remember you were looking at an even smaller oval.

I think I'm sticking to rounds unless it's an oval in your measurements or a 54 by 47/48?

I think 53 ovals are too risky! Unless it's 53 by 49 or a slightly bigger measurement than the usual 47/48 for the smaller side.

I change bangles often so better to get something that's not an ordeal to take on and off.

The one on the right seems nicer.

But these water types are difficult to buy.

I have one water + colour but it is in the vault as we are busy moving things around.

I understand why water type bangles would be lovely - they do glow and you get a huge kick out of it. Provided it is truly water and icy.