
Show us your Traditional Charm Bracelets....

Date: 1/18/2010 10:30:18 PM
Author: Gayletmom
I love this thread! Thanks, Ringthings for starting it. I love charm bracelets and as Deb mentioned, I have been thinking about them alot lately.

I inherited one from my grandmother a few years ago and I will post pics soon.

In the meantime, here is the one I recently ordered from Beladora 2 to start my own charm bracelet. What does everyone think?
This bracelet if gorgeous. I have a similar one (wider). I have some charm bracelets (one was my mother''s) that I never ever wear and am thinking about selling them. I will post some photos later when I am my computer that has the photos.

BTW, I fell in love with 2 eternity rings on the Beladora site.
Date: 2/13/2010 10:53:28 PM
Author: AGBF


I love your bracelet and I appreciate your posting photos. I do not know if you have the stamina to take any more photos of the bracelet, but if you do, I would like to see more photos. As with Rachel''s bracelet, I have the feeling that your first photo(s) are not showing us everything. The first photo is obviously the correct (or close to the correct) yellow gold color, but it is not close enough to show any detail on the charms. The second photo is closer up, but the color is off and it still isn''t close enough!

If possible, I would love to see a few more photos and really see all of the charms close up. It is a beautiful bracelet (I, also, love the pail) and I really want to look at it! Thank you for posting, Monnie!



Deb, stamina I GOT! Will take more pics tonight and try to do better.

Whitby, thank you for the compliments and I agree there is plenty of space for more charms! I still would like a sand dollar, a conch shell, etc. to keep up with the tropical theme, and of course fill in with whatever other symbols of life''s events along the way. I really, really prefer substantial, 3D charms but they get pricey.

The pail makes a LOVELY tinkling noise (very faint, but still audible)with the shovel inside. It''s probably my favorite charm on the bracelet. The one I have says "Destin" but I''ve seen them many other places with other vacation town''s names engraved on them.

Love everyone''s bracelets!
Since I don''t have a ton of charms, I thought I''d post pics of each individual one. This guy is pretty cool, I like his toes.


Manatee. Not the most attractive charm I''ve ever seen, but it represents a very special moment spent with my dad.

Requisite palm tree. Please do not ask me to name the variety of palm, because I have no idea. King or coconut, if I had to guess.

Inside the bucket. It is so hard to get a good pic of this thing!


Flip flops. Nothing special, but finding something representative of Jamaica was kind of hard.


On my wrist, for size/comparison.

Last one. Thanks for looking!


Thank you so much for taking and posting all those extra photographs. I love them! And, although I still lust after your pail, I have fallen for your manatee and your flip flops, too, now that I have seen them close up! The manatee is exquisite! It is the finish on the charm that makes my knees weak. It is so satiny! I think your bracelet is just out of this world...but then yellow gold often has that effect on me and when it is combined with a beautiful, traditional, charm bracelet, naturally I am in awe!

Thank you again for taking more photos!


Date: 2/17/2010 8:32:50 PM
Author: AGBF


Thank you so much for taking and posting all those extra photographs. I love them! And, although I still lust after your pail, I have fallen for your manatee and your flip flops, too, now that I have seen them close up! The manatee is exquisite! It is the finish on the charm that makes my knees weak. It is so satiny! I think your bracelet is just out of this world...but then yellow gold often has that effect on me and when it is combined with a beautiful, traditional, charm bracelet, naturally I am in awe!

Thank you again for taking more photos!




Aw, Deb, thank you! And it was no problem taking more pics, I just wish I had better lighting, those were taken in the bathroom that has the brightest lighting, believe it or not! I just remembered to check this thread tonight and I''m glad I did. I am SO flattered that you like my bracelet, really. It is one of those personal pieces that is special and visually appealing to me but I don''t think of it as something others would really admire that much I suppose. I wish you could hear the noise it makes (the pail), it is "charming."

You know, I actually don''t wear the bracelet often, it''s not insured and I worry that I''ll catch it on something and lose a charm or worse. But, I wore it every single day when my father was going through his cancer treatments and surgeries until it was pronounced that he was in remission. It was a total of about 18 months. It meant good luck to me and I am not a superstitious or religious person but I felt like wearing it was good fortune. Maybe I should still wear it every day because it seemed to help during all of that! I''m still not super close with my dad, we have always had a nice father/daughter bond but our relationship has not translated into my adulthood so easily. He was never very emotionally available to me growing up and some of the times I actually felt close to him during my teenage and college years were the times we spent together on family vacations. That it was given to me for my college graduation has very special meaning as well; you see, my father went to 4 different colleges over the course of 7 years and never obtained a degree. Different life matters got in the way, his parents, Vietnam, etc. and instead of finishing school he was there for his parents and his country instead. I was the first to graduate from college in my immediate family. The first time he ever told me he was proud of me was the day I received my BS. He put me through school, and I gave him my diploma. I am crying right now just remembering that very special moment.

Anyway. I know you are an avid fan of yellow gold and high karat gold as well, and it means a lot to me that you appreciate my bracelet. I steal peeks at Gurhan a lot on Pearlman''s website and would never have been turned on to it had you not proclaimed your love for it here on PS!

I need to go back through this thread and get to know all the other bracelets and their stories. And one of these days I HAVE to get over to my grandmother''s and get some pics of her charm bracelet. It is fantastic, although I haven''t seen it for quite some time.
Awww...Monarch. Your story made me cry too... I love hearing of beautiful memories attached to beautiful jewellery :)

AGBF...I love, love, love that cupcake charm. I sometimes wish my daughters bracelet was gold. I would buy it in a heartbeat. We love to make cupcakes together whenever we can..*Off to look for a silver, thomas sabo cupcake charm lol
Date: 2/17/2010 11:14:09 PM
Author: AussieNic
Awww...Monarch. Your story made me cry too... I love hearing of beautiful memories attached to beautiful jewellery :)

AGBF...I love, love, love that cupcake charm. I sometimes wish my daughters bracelet was gold. I would buy it in a heartbeat. We love to make cupcakes together whenever we can..*Off to look for a silver, thomas sabo cupcake charm lol

Thanks AussieNic. Sorry to make you cry! Hope you find your cupcake charm, that is a really "sweet" thing to add to your daughter''s bracelet!

I have to add something to my post above but it''s been too long and now I can''t edit it. I wanted to add that it seems like my mother is sort of absent from the bracelet but that is not true. She searched (like Gailey searched) for a substantial and pretty foundation bracelet for almost a year. I forget where she finally found mine, but she did and I have always been pleased with her choice. Also. She''s a quilter, and she made me the most beautiful quilt of sunny yellows and grass greens and sky blues for my graduation to accompany the bracelet. She named the pattern "Star Garden" and labeled it as such on the backing of the quilt. It is a less durable work of art than a piece of jewelry so I take great care with it and don''t use it much, but sometime I''ll take pics and post on a different thread. I just felt bad that I made my bracelet seem very one-sided. My mother deserves just as much credit as my dad does for the bracelet. Just had to get that out there, thank you for letting me.
BTW. Deb, and others: I noticed tonight that there are really dark almost tarnished looking spots uniformly on the actual bracelet. They look like they are at the points where the links were soldered? Any time I've taken the bracelet to a jeweler to have the charms soldered on, the bracelet has come back looking perfectly yellow and without the dark spots. Why, when I store the bracelet, is the darkening thing going on? Is there anything I can do to avoid it? I have polishing cloths and a US cleaner but the US doesn't help in this regard. Polishing with a cloth just doesn't cut it either. Weird. It's 14K. I guess I don't know as much about gold as I thought...very curious.

ETA: a good visual of what I'm referring to is the beagle pic above. Thanks.
monnie -

these are terrific quality charms - beautifully made with lots of detail.

your only problem will be in getting other ones of similar quality.

love ''em!

If the spots come off the gold, there is nothing to worry about! Obviously they are not being damaged in any way! And there was no reason to feel guilty about not mentioning your mother...except that you did feel guilty! Obviously you love your parents very much. There is no reason you can''t put a picture (or pictures) of the quilt up in this thread, you know!

I have really enjoyed hearing more about how your bracelet started and also about your family. I am so happy that the charm bracelet brought you to talk a little bit in this thread. Maybe if you post the quilt you''ll tell us some more?


2/17/2010 11:14:09 PM
Author: AussieNic

AGBF...I love, love, love that cupcake charm. I sometimes wish my daughters bracelet was gold. I would buy it in a heartbeat. We love to make cupcakes together whenever we can..*Off to look for a silver, thomas sabo cupcake charm lol

May we help you look? It is so much fun to look for charms! Please, please post in this thread any cupcake charms you find...even if you don't want them. I'd love to see all of them!!!


This is the Tiffany sterling silver cupcake charm. Have you seen it? Do you like it? (I don''t know what size it is going to come out, but you can go to the Tiffany website if you cannot see it well here.)


Rembrandt seems to have more than one cupcake charm. I saw this one pictured on-line.

I also saw this Rembrandt cupcake charm.

Isn't this charm adorable!!!? I found it on Etsy! There are many silver cupcake charms on Etsy, by the way. Take a look. Although I think =tags&includes[]=title:2o8h065d]this one is great! (It reminds me a bit of the gold, bejeweled, Tiffany one!)


Here is another lovely =tags&includes[]=title:2o8h065d]cupcake charm I found on Etsy. This one is solid, fine silver and the artist making it will make minor changes in it for you (see the description). I love the sprinkles!


OMG AGBF!! Those cupcakes are divine! Thank you so much for finding them. I will have to sit down with my girl and see what she thinks, then get one and put it away for christmas. ;) Her charms are not soldered on though, they have a clasp so they can be removed and changed between the necklaces, earrings or bracelets. I took a pic of the Eiffel tower to show you.. I wonder if I was to buy a charm and see if i could find someone who could put the clasp on it?? Definately something to think about


2/18/2010 11:08:18 PM
Author: AussieNic

Her charms are not soldered on though, they have a clasp so they can be removed and changed between the necklaces, earrings or bracelets. I took a pic of the Eiffel tower to show you..
I see what you mean, AussieNic. You must have to buy charms from a certain manufacturer. I wouldn' worry. Eiither you can find a way to modify the charm or you can start a new bracelet for your daughter that has permanent charms! (Of course if you do that, you have to decide whether you want to do it in gold. But maybe you want to do one for yourself in gold?)

I confirmed last night that my daughter, a few years ago, destroyed her gold charm bracelet along with other very special jewelry I had had made for her. Only people on Pricescope would know how devastating this was for me. After all, it was, "only money". But it wasn't "only money" to was a lot more. A ring she destroyed was made for her when she was a baby out of an E colored diamond taken from my band when I had my solitaire reset. I picked the charms-mainly Rembrandt charms-carefully for that bracelet. I bought beautiful, large charms of the many musical instruments she played throughout elementary and middle school and looked for shoes and other items to represent her study of ballet and tap. She also destroyed a diamond necklace...and pearls. I knew she had destroyed a lot. I just hadn't realized what she had had in her jewelry box and what I had had in mine! (I had been hoping I had custody of the charm bracelet!)

Date: 2/19/2010 3:58:03 AM
Author: AGBF

2/18/2010 11:08:18 PM
Author: AussieNic

Her charms are not soldered on though, they have a clasp so they can be removed and changed between the necklaces, earrings or bracelets. I took a pic of the Eiffel tower to show you..
I see what you mean, AussieNic. You must have to buy charms from a certain manufacturer. I wouldn'' worry. Eiither you can find a way to modify the charm or you can start a new bracelet for your daughter that has permanent charms! (Of course if you do that, you have to decide whether you want to do it in gold. But maybe you want to do one for yourself in gold?)

I confirmed last night that my daughter, a few years ago, destroyed her gold charm bracelet along with other very special jewelry I had had made for her. Only people on Pricescope would know how devastating this was for me. After all, it was, ''only money''. But it wasn''t ''only money'' to was a lot more. A ring she destroyed was made for her when she was a baby out of an E colored diamond taken from my band when I had my solitaire reset. I picked the charms-mainly Rembrandt charms-carefully for that bracelet. I bought beautiful, large charms of the many musical instruments she played throughout elementary and middle school and looked for shoes and other items to represent her study of ballet and tap. She also destroyed a diamond necklace...and pearls. I knew she had destroyed a lot. I just hadn''t realized what she had had in her jewelry box and what I had had in mine! (I had been hoping I had custody of the charm bracelet!)

I''m curious, what do you mean by "destroyed" like tore apart to make new things?

2/19/2010 7:40:18 AM
Author: Sizzle

I'm curious, what do you mean by 'destroyed' like tore apart to make new things?
No. I mean took apart with scissors and threw into the garbage, possibly secretly so that no one could find it. She did this with her jewelry; her expensive, designer purses; and her clothing (both designer jeans-True Religion-and non-designer) for years. Last night she told me that she must have had 30 pairs of True Religion jeans in her life, and she has 5 now. Her grandfather, who lives in a small house with no garage and works for a living at age 89, gives her the money for these because he loves her and wants to see her happy. And she is a skinny clothes horse. One of the only pleasures she has in life is dressing up. She barely eats. Trying to keep her weight at 105 (she is 5' 5") is a labor of Hercules. I hadn't planned on making a public exhibition of myself, but from time to time I guess I need to...because I have shared on Pricescope before. Here is some of the back story.

Finally got a chance to post my ever lovely New Jersey charm bracelet. My sister and I have identical bracelets and my dad has no clue when we got them. All I know is that we had to be very young. My sister and I never wore ours, so it just sits in my jewelry box.