
She got a makeover... and she looks great!


Apr 19, 2010
Sooo my future husband proposed in December 2009 and I posted pics of the ring here:


Don't get me wrong, I love my diamond and my ring, but I just didn't love how "fat" the band was. So I finally got the nerve to have the band thinned out. The original ring was almost 4mm and now its just under 3mm. I like the ring soooo much better now and my fiance was perfectly ok with my decision. Before the adjustment, the diamond sort of blended into the band and now it really stands out. Overall, it doesn't look that much different, but I am very happy with the slight change.

So please let me know what you think, and I won't be offended if you liked it better before. I know some people prefer the wider band.

Ring with her makeover: :wink2:

djfdkfja 049.JPG

djfdkfja 041.JPG

djfdkfja 036.JPG

djfdkfja 020.JPG
A few more...

djfdkfja 061.JPG

djfdkfja 059.JPG

djfdkfja 056.JPG
What a difference it made to the ring. I really like it and the diamond looks bigger!
wow, I love it! Huge difference in the way the whole ring looks.
I love it! I think it looks much better now.
Oh yes, I definitely see a difference! The diamond does stand out more now, it looks great!
I was have to agree with the other ladies that your ring does look better!
Wow, it's only 1mm, but it makes a HUGE difference! Looks gorgeous now!
I love it! It really makes your diamond pop!!!
I really liked your first one - I looked at the link first. Then I saw the "new" pics and I liked it even more! I personally just like thinner bands. Your diamond looks a lot bigger than a .79! :love: :love:
She is lookin' good after a little lipo. The centerstone does stand out more.
Wow! What a beautiful change. I definitely liked it before but it's perfect now! I love that you were able to alter the original rather than getting an entirely different setting.
good decision!
the ring was pretty before, but its GORGEOUS now! it makes it look huge! :)
Thank you ladies for all of your kind words! I am very happy with my decision :)

Lauren - You're right, just over 1mm can sure make a difference when you're dealing with jewelry. At first, I wondered if the change would even be noticeable but the ring really does have a different look now.

Haha at Kelpie - the lipo did give her a little boost :wink2:

iugurl - My finger is a size 4 so it definitely helps to make the diamond look a little bigger. Definitely not a bad thing :D
It's GORGEOUS! :appl: :appl: :appl:
the thin band is so elegant on your hand - i love it!
I like it much better!
Great makeover! I agree, the diamond looks much larger and more prominent now! Good call!
Really did make a difference - looks great!
Beautiful!!! :love: I think you made exactly the right decision! Your stone does look bigger!
Wow- it looks stunning! I like thinner bands as I have a thing for the more "delicate" look for an e-ring (although I love the chunky look for other jewelry) and it also makes the stone look bigger! :appl:
It looks really nice. The thinner band really makes your diamond pop! :appl:
I love it with the thinner band!! ::)
Love the new look. Very beautiful :love: