
Rolling/Trinity rings


Dec 29, 2006
If you have a rolling ring, what size are the bands? I'm not having much luck finding pics of each one, although I KNOW a lot of PSers have them. If you'd like to post a pic of your ring, I'd love to see it.

I was browsing Cartier's site earlier and I really love both the 1.5 mm ring, as well as the "Classic" 2.9 mm rings. There's a 4 mm ring too, but I think that would be too wide for me. I should mention, I'm not actually getting a rolling ring right now, just dreaming. I can't decide which size to put on my wish list though.

When the time comes, I'd love to get a rolling ring that is high quality and I'd be open to other vendors, not just Cartier. Which ones are good ones to consider?
Zoe, I actually don't own a Trinity ring, but I almost bought one last year and loved the tri colour trinity in the thinnest band width. It looked pretty and dainty. However, the pave version doesn't come in this size. I couldn't decide (primarily because the pave version was several thousand dollars, I.e., not a impulse buy!), so I've left it as a potential future gift idea. The thinnest version is only around 700$ or so.
Zoe, I was able to find this:

I think a lot depends on how you like your rings to fit and how wide the separate bands are and how wide they are together. There's always and I think Blue Nile has an all-platinum version. I love the Cartier ones, especially the diamond, platinum, black ceramic one. My problem is I'm a terrible klutz and am afraid of what I'd do to 18k over time (not to mention the pavé.)
Thanks Kama! I love the 1.5 mm bands of the thinnest Cartier rolling ring, too. If I ever do get a RR, it will probably be that size. I have pretty small hands and my ring size is around 4.75. It could go up or down a bit from there but that's the size of my engagement ring anyway. I think the 1.5 mm would probably look best. I'd love to track down the next size up from there, the 2.9 mm, to compare.

Thanks so much Texaskj! The search function didn't bring up many threads, and I hadn't seen that one. I actually have an extremely cheap RR that I got at a craft fair or something like that many years ago. I love the way it looks, but it's not tri-color. I have no idea how a tri-color would look on me, so I suppose I have to find one and try it on. The closest Cartier boutique is over an hour away, and I'm not in a hurry to go there at the moment. I did browse rollingring's site last night, but I wasn't sure what the quality of their rings is. I'll have to look into that more. I hadn't even thought of BN. Thanks for the tip!
I have the classic sized Trinity ring and love it. Its my wedding ring, it doesn't match my engagement ring properly, but I don't care. Cartier don't actually do the 1.5mm ring in the UK. If they did do it, I would have chosen it over the classic one, but either way, I am happy and love it!
I bought my wedding band in the UK so its the classic sized trinity. I like it because its large enough to be worn alone. I don't have any pictures at the moment, but I'll look for some.

I think if you're planning on wearing it with another ring, then you should go for the smaller size. If you plan on wearing it alone, I like the classic trinity.
I snapped a quick picture, but its not super clear.

I'm glad you love your ring, SL! I wonder why Cartier doesn't do the 1.5mm ring in the UK.

Thanks so much for posting the pic, Chemgirl! I really like your ring!

I'd wear it by itself, as a RHR, and leave my engagement ring and wedding band on my left hand.