
Rings on or off?

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Aug 8, 2005
Date: 5/16/2006 6:07:22 PM
Author: cutey TT
ON ... not sure why, but I do and always have. I also sleep with my watch on as well.

I do throw my ring in the US in the morning when I shower so that it's ultra-clean and sparkly once I've finished getting ready and putting lotion on.

ha! that's my regime too! exactly!!

no, wait. minus the watch. tee hee!


Oct 21, 2004
Date: 5/16/2006 6:09:29 PM
Author: Mara

Date: 5/16/2006 5:59:02 PM
Author: hlmr

my right eyelid seems to be experiencing the forces of gravity with age, more than my left eye. Could it be because I sleep on my left side so there is more blood circulating on the left during the night?
maybe you should put your ring on the right eyelid before you sleep has magical healing properties!!
LOL Mara - hey why not?! it''s worth a shot!


Jul 19, 2004
I take mine off and put them in a box on my nightstand. I can''t sleep with rings on because my fingers swell.


Jan 2, 2006
off. my stones are set very high, and i will end up poking myself, hubby or sleeping kitty in bed.


Mar 6, 2006
I wore mine 24/7 for the first few years. But after having to take them off for months at a time during pregnancies I can''t stand sleeping in any jewelry. Even my plain wedding band. All my jewelry comes off at night when I brush my teeth and get ready for bed.

I use to work with a woman who required eye surgery because she poked herself in the eye with her ring prong while she was sleeping. Caused bleeding in her eye and she ripped something in her eye OUCH!!


Mar 10, 2005
i''ve taken my jewelry off at night for years. My original W-set has a marquise center stone, which used to hurt if I rolled on it the wrong way. So I haven''t slept with my rings since then...also, I find that the oils from my skin and hair get all over my stone and I don''t like it, so I take them off.


May 5, 2005
I used to wear my rings to bed every night and hardly ever take them off. The white gold prongs wore down after 9-10 years (which I guess is a long time!) and it go to the point where I would have to have the entire head replaced since all 4 wore down.
Now with my current e-ring I take it off and leave it in the jewelry box overnight. I don''t know if it helps prolong the life of the prongs but I think it does.

Lynn B

May 9, 2004
Date: 5/16/2006 6:07:22 PM
Author: cutey TT
... I also sleep with my watch on as well.


OH! I do have to say that I DO sleep with my watch on!!! Weird, huh?!!


Feb 12, 2004
See, I think that if it wears out my ring, that is a plus, i.e. an actual real reason why I need a new one.

I didn''t realize I was in such a minority, wearing my rings all the time.
I usually only take it off to clean it, which I do regularly.
LOL- I did not tell my Mom or sister that I recently upgraded (went from 1.0 to 1.2).

They EACH noticed "Did you just clean your ring? It sure looks good!"
Yeah, cleanliness & 20 points will do it every time!


Aug 5, 2004
I CANNOT stand to wear jewelry to bed. In fact, as much as I love jewelry, I cannot stand to wear it around the house! Its the last thing that goes on before I leave and first thing that comes off when I walk in the door. My fingers swell in the am and after having to cut off a ring on my finger once I never want to have that "too tight" feeling again. I dont like washing my hands with soap while the rings are on, nor do i like the feeling of water underneath my rings either so I dont wear them to shower, cook or clean, and since I have to wash my hands after every patient, I dont wear my set to work either. It would drive me nuts to take the set on and off 15-20 times a day. Plus I would bang it against my equipment at work. sacrilege I know, but I wear a $30 4 mm white gold band I bought ebay most of the time to work, work out, travel, etc. Its so much easier to not have to worry about it. I wear my set for going out and other times and enjoy them immensely!


Aug 5, 2004
Date: 5/16/2006 6:54:59 PM
Author: asscherisme
I wore mine 24/7 for the first few years. But after having to take them off for months at a time during pregnancies I can''t stand sleeping in any jewelry. Even my plain wedding band. All my jewelry comes off at night when I brush my teeth and get ready for bed.

I use to work with a woman who required eye surgery because she poked herself in the eye with her ring prong while she was sleeping. Caused bleeding in her eye and she ripped something in her eye OUCH!!

Good gracious! Thats one thing I have not seen in practice yet and hope to never!


Jun 17, 2005
I simply do not like the feeling of any jewelry on my ears, wrists or fingers. Strangely, I do not mind a necklace occasionally, but hate to feel things around my fingers and wrists, they constrict me. And earrings always poke me!


Nov 12, 2004
Date: 5/16/2006 9:55:39 PM
Author: PunchNPie75
I CANNOT stand to wear jewelry to bed. In fact, as much as I love jewelry, I cannot stand to wear it around the house! Its the last thing that goes on before I leave and first thing that comes off when I walk in the door. My fingers swell in the am and after having to cut off a ring on my finger once I never want to have that 'too tight' feeling again. I dont like washing my hands with soap while the rings are on, nor do i like the feeling of water underneath my rings either so I dont wear them to shower, cook or clean, and since I have to wash my hands after every patient, I dont wear my set to work either. It would drive me nuts to take the set on and off 15-20 times a day. Plus I would bang it against my equipment at work. sacrilege I know, but I wear a $30 4 mm white gold band I bought ebay most of the time to work, work out, travel, etc. Its so much easier to not have to worry about it. I wear my set for going out and other times and enjoy them immensely!
My thoughts exactly, PunchNPie! I cant stand wearing my jewelry to bed, hate wearing it at home, and DEFINITELY not to work. I too, wash my hands constantly, and hate the feeling of water underneath my rings. Plus, I am always banging my hands left and right. My ring would never survive what I put my hands through on a daily basis!


Apr 15, 2004
Off - I get totally aggravated to have jewelry on when I sleep. Even if I end up falling asleep on the couch I''ll wake up feeling all twitchy or something if I still have earrings or rings on. Plus, my earrings poke me in the head if they''re left on. I''m a really light sleeper - tossing and turn a lot... hit the headboard, knock my knuckles on the nightstand... I could probably ruin a ring pretty fast the way I sleep.

Putting on my jewelry in the a.m. is part of my ritual and I have a ring holder for it on my vanity in the bathroom. I''ve made it a habit to ALWAYS put it there whenever I''m not wearing it so that, if it''s not on, I know exactly where it is - and if it isn''t there or on my finger, then it is time to panic. I learned from my mom, who had a stunning one-of-a-kind custom diamond and emerald anniversary ring that she would just kinda take off for doing dishes, household chores, etc. and lay it on the counter wherever she happened to be at the moment. One day, it disappeared... and she''s pretty sure that she took it off to do dishes and put it on the large garden window sill above the kitchen sink - the carpets were being cleaned that day & we are almost positive that it was stolen (we checked the sink drain thoroughly). But, since she never had that ONE PLACE where she ALWAYS placed her rings when she wasn''t wearing them, it took her a while to figure out it was gone... And of course by then, it was loooooooooong gone.


Dec 9, 2002
Date: 5/16/2006 5:54:33 PM
Author: Gypsy
I wear mine to bed. But my setting is super secure. My jeweler (after three years of wearing it with no adjustments needed) asked me if I ever wear the thing! I get it checked every couple of months for the prongs... but seriously my setting is like a mack truck. It hasn''t moved. But I know that when I get my halo, I''m gonna be taking it off for bed and showers and cleaning.
I have a new halo, about 4 weeks old,and the same melee diamond has popped out twice! Agggh! Right now its hanging on my paper towel rack. grrr... I sleep, shower, etc with it on, but take it off for housecleaning (always have, even before resetting in a halo)

Mebbe I should rethink this?



Apr 20, 2006
I sleep with mine on, maybe thats why my WG yellows so quick... Yeah they are a little snug in the morning, but I like it, its the only time I can really feel them on, because I get so used to having them there. Plus I like the fact that it feels a little like I am missing something when I don''t have them on. I can''t stand sleeping with anything else on, not even other rings. Has anyone heard of platinum wearing down from fabric???

I didn''t think putting your rings in the US evey day is good for them, I heard it can make the stones loose, especially for longer than a few minutes. I thought about adding the US to my daily routine, but decided against it, out of fear of loosening the stones. Does anyone know if it''s okay to use the US everyday? Has anyone had any problems with it? (sorry for the thread hijacking)


Nov 30, 2005
Hmm, you guys are making want a bezel-set e-ring.

I wear my necklace to bed, and I also wear my watch to sleep unless a certain someone reminds me to take it off. I told him that the ring won''t be coming off so he''d better pick something he can live with at night.


Jan 2, 2006
Date: 5/16/2006 5:41:46 PM
Author: Scintillating
I came across Cross Jewelers when I was researching my ering.
They have some really interesting info on ring care - Here

Please read an exerpt from their site: Most important for ladies who wear GOLD - which wears away over time. (Platinum displaces.)

''Fabric... Many years ago, we reset a family diamond into a 6 prong solitaire for a woman who worked in a local department store''s yardgood department measuring fabric. Within 60 days she was back, holding her diamond in one hand and her new mounting in the other hand. The prongs holding the diamond had completely worn off. Upon discussion we learned that when she measured fabric, she would set her left hand on the counter and pull the fabric from the bolts across her hand. Molecule by molecule the gold was slowly but repeatedly, all day long, being pulled from the surface of the prongs until they were worn flat.

Another example of wear caused by contact with fabric: A woman requested we attach an adjustable shank to enable her to wear her ring. Six months later she returned for a cleaning and safety examination. The tips holding the diamond were worn flat, the shank was wafer thin. The ring appeared to have 20 years of wear. Questioning her, we learned that she made beds at a local hotel. Tucking sheets in, dozens of times a day, had accelerated the wear on her ring.

Sleep... Certainly it would seem that wearing rings and jewelry to bed would be safe, and yet prongs on rings can wear out in half the time if worn at night. How? Gold against fabric. Time lapse photography shows that most people move hundreds of times during the night while they sleep. A few molecules of gold here, a few molecules of gold there, multiplied times hundreds of nights over the years, represent a considerable acceleration of wear on your fine jewelry. This wear can be substantially increased if the bed sheets include even the slightest trace of a cosmetic, which is often comprised of microscopic substances possessing a hardness of 7 or more. These substances act like fine sandpaper against gold, causing accelerated wear. All jewelry should be removed prior to going to bed.''

Copyright Cross Jewelers - Portland Maine

dawning expression.... light bulb goes on.... Ohh this is why i have had to replace my plain 6 prong tiffany setting twice in ten years. I sew!


May 9, 2006
Actually, I often remove my rings as soon as I get home from work. In the event that I''ve left them on all day, I always make sure to take them off before going to bed. Lessens the wear and tear on them.


Aug 10, 2005
Date: 5/17/2006 7:17:42 AM
Author: ladykemma
Date: 5/16/2006 5:41:46 PM

Author: Scintillating

I came across Cross Jewelers when I was researching my ering.

They have some really interesting info on ring care - Here

Please read an exerpt from their site: Most important for ladies who wear GOLD - which wears away over time. (Platinum displaces.)

''Fabric... Many years ago, we reset a family diamond into a 6 prong solitaire for a woman who worked in a local department store''s yardgood department measuring fabric. Within 60 days she was back, holding her diamond in one hand and her new mounting in the other hand. The prongs holding the diamond had completely worn off. Upon discussion we learned that when she measured fabric, she would set her left hand on the counter and pull the fabric from the bolts across her hand. Molecule by molecule the gold was slowly but repeatedly, all day long, being pulled from the surface of the prongs until they were worn flat.

Another example of wear caused by contact with fabric: A woman requested we attach an adjustable shank to enable her to wear her ring. Six months later she returned for a cleaning and safety examination. The tips holding the diamond were worn flat, the shank was wafer thin. The ring appeared to have 20 years of wear. Questioning her, we learned that she made beds at a local hotel. Tucking sheets in, dozens of times a day, had accelerated the wear on her ring.

Sleep... Certainly it would seem that wearing rings and jewelry to bed would be safe, and yet prongs on rings can wear out in half the time if worn at night. How? Gold against fabric. Time lapse photography shows that most people move hundreds of times during the night while they sleep. A few molecules of gold here, a few molecules of gold there, multiplied times hundreds of nights over the years, represent a considerable acceleration of wear on your fine jewelry. This wear can be substantially increased if the bed sheets include even the slightest trace of a cosmetic, which is often comprised of microscopic substances possessing a hardness of 7 or more. These substances act like fine sandpaper against gold, causing accelerated wear. All jewelry should be removed prior to going to bed.''

Copyright Cross Jewelers - Portland Maine

dawning expression.... light bulb goes on.... Ohh this is why i have had to replace my plain 6 prong tiffany setting twice in ten years. I sew!

Glad to help Lady K! (Glad someone read it too
DBGaap - did you read this? I''d hate for your beautiful new set to wear out.



Dec 8, 2005
Good question.

I take mine off RIGHT before I get into bed to fall asleep.

I've had a problem with allergic reactions to white I started taking my WG rings off before I went to sleep at night. Same thing with my off it came.

Now, I take my ER off as well, before I go to sleep. It is platinum, and I haven't had any problems with it, but I figure better safe than sorry...

And I have a little box where I keep my jewelry over night and I always position my ER so that it is sitting at the very top of the box, and I can watch it sparkle as I lay down. Cause I'm a dork.

I put it on in the morning as soon as I've finished getting ready. Don't want to get any hair gunk on it!


Jun 24, 2005
I don''t sleep with my engagement ring, watch or bracelet on. I put them on in the morning right before I leave the house & only take them off if I am cooking, cleaning or working out.

Oddly, I do wear my necklace 24/7. I only take it off to clean it every once in awhile (I''m sure it''s gross), but most times I don''t even realize it''s on my neck.


Jun 24, 2003
I wear mine pretty much 24/7! I stick it in the US once a day, and take it off if I''m painting or working with tools.

When I upgraded, because of my klutzy ways, I got a platinum bezel set halo I don''t have to worry about wearing it all the time!


Jan 2, 2006
Date: 5/17/2006 12:41:34 PM
Author: Scintillating

Date: 5/17/2006 7:17:42 AM
Author: ladykemma

Date: 5/16/2006 5:41:46 PM

Author: Scintillating

I came across Cross Jewelers when I was researching my ering.

They have some really interesting info on ring care - Here

Please read an exerpt from their site: Most important for ladies who wear GOLD - which wears away over time. (Platinum displaces.)

''Fabric... Many years ago, we reset a family diamond into a 6 prong solitaire for a woman who worked in a local department store''s yardgood department measuring fabric. Within 60 days she was back, holding her diamond in one hand and her new mounting in the other hand. The prongs holding the diamond had completely worn off. Upon discussion we learned that when she measured fabric, she would set her left hand on the counter and pull the fabric from the bolts across her hand. Molecule by molecule the gold was slowly but repeatedly, all day long, being pulled from the surface of the prongs until they were worn flat.

Another example of wear caused by contact with fabric: A woman requested we attach an adjustable shank to enable her to wear her ring. Six months later she returned for a cleaning and safety examination. The tips holding the diamond were worn flat, the shank was wafer thin. The ring appeared to have 20 years of wear. Questioning her, we learned that she made beds at a local hotel. Tucking sheets in, dozens of times a day, had accelerated the wear on her ring.

Sleep... Certainly it would seem that wearing rings and jewelry to bed would be safe, and yet prongs on rings can wear out in half the time if worn at night. How? Gold against fabric. Time lapse photography shows that most people move hundreds of times during the night while they sleep. A few molecules of gold here, a few molecules of gold there, multiplied times hundreds of nights over the years, represent a considerable acceleration of wear on your fine jewelry. This wear can be substantially increased if the bed sheets include even the slightest trace of a cosmetic, which is often comprised of microscopic substances possessing a hardness of 7 or more. These substances act like fine sandpaper against gold, causing accelerated wear. All jewelry should be removed prior to going to bed.''

Copyright Cross Jewelers - Portland Maine

dawning expression.... light bulb goes on.... Ohh this is why i have had to replace my plain 6 prong tiffany setting twice in ten years. I sew!

Glad to help Lady K! (Glad someone read it too
DBGaap - did you read this? I''d hate for your beautiful new set to wear out.

my hubby thinks it''s because i put them in the ultrasonic cleaner every day. hah!


Oct 30, 2002
I US my rings daily (sometimes 2-3 times daily!) and have not had a problem with prongs or melee falling out and I''ve had my US for almost a year now. But I think part of it is the setting ... aka my setting is not delicate in the least!! I know some vendors don''t recomend US''ing pave or halos etc.

Add me to the list of the girls who gets irritated by sleeping with jewelry or even sometimes wearing it around the house. I wash my hands all the time and my hands tend to get really dry so sometimes the heaviness of the metal really tends to irritate me so sometimes I just take them off while watching TV and leave them on the ottoman (where I can see them) just to give my hands a break. I also don''t put them on for a few hours each morning typically, aka if I am working from home then I will be home for about 4 hours in the morning after waking up and I don''t put the rings on til I leave the house.


Jan 22, 2003
Gosh no. I have my wedding ring on at all times (though sometimes I''ll even take that off if I''m doing something that might really scratch them or if I''m handling something particularly messy), but I take off my e-ring the minute I get in the house.


Jun 7, 2005
Yes, I wear my rings to bed, and also my watch. I wear my rings and watch at all times (I only remove them to clean them). I guess I''m afraid my ring will get lost or something if I don''t wear it all the time, and it is just too expensive to get lost!! I am lucky because my husband is the cook in the house so I don''t worry about dirtying it in the kitchen. I think I wear my watch to bed all the time because it''s a holdover from the days when I wore contact lenses, and I would wake up in the middle of the night and couldn''t see the clock because I didn''t have my contacts in. Then I got LASIK about 4 years ago, but I still wear my watch to bed. I guess old habits are hard to break.

That article you posted the link to, Scintillating, was funny. I thought, "Whoever wrote this must''ve been OCD."
Now I have even more reasons to be anxious about what I do with my ring on. Applause, the beach, sheets, etc. YIKES!!!!! It all makes sense, but now I am even more worried about something happening to my ring!!!!


Dec 9, 2005
I take my e-ring off at night. I can''t sleep in jewelry- especially rings. They drive me crazy! I may wear my wedding ring at night; I don''t know. I just can''t wait to get my US so I can put it in that every night!!


Apr 15, 2004
This thread (especially those that wear their watches to bed) reminded me of an old roommate of mine that had a charm bracelet. It was very cute and all... except that she wore it to bed every night... and both of our bedrooms were loft-type rooms... and every little noise traveled... and I''m a light sleeper. Some nights I wanted to storm into her room and rip that stupid bracelet off her wrist!!! I do not know how she slept with that thing on - not only was it quite heavy but very noisy!!!

I do sometimes sleep with my necklace on - the chain & pendent are so small that I don''t notice them unless they get stuck in my hair. But my watch - no way, that would drive me nuts.


Apr 20, 2006
Date: 5/17/2006 6:27:18 PM
Author: Mara
I US my rings daily (sometimes 2-3 times daily!) and have not had a problem with prongs or melee falling out and I''ve had my US for almost a year now. But I think part of it is the setting ... aka my setting is not delicate in the least!! I know some vendors don''t recomend US''ing pave or halos etc.

Add me to the list of the girls who gets irritated by sleeping with jewelry or even sometimes wearing it around the house. I wash my hands all the time and my hands tend to get really dry so sometimes the heaviness of the metal really tends to irritate me so sometimes I just take them off while watching TV and leave them on the ottoman (where I can see them) just to give my hands a break. I also don''t put them on for a few hours each morning typically, aka if I am working from home then I will be home for about 4 hours in the morning after waking up and I don''t put the rings on til I leave the house.
Thanks I''ve heard mixed things about the US, I think mine would be okay. They are channel set princess stones, and the center is a pc in a 4 prong setting.
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