


Aug 6, 2019
I am looking at purchasing a diamond. Please can you review and comment on the ideal scope image below. Thanks alot.upload_2019-8-6_11-27-53.png


  • upload_2019-8-6_11-27-40.png
    629.8 KB · Views: 54
Thanks in advance for any help. See below picture of diamond.

Looks pretty good but also looks like there is a small patch of leakage at about 1o'clock under the table.

Have you run the angles through the HCA tool?

Can you link to the stone if you have it on Hold?
Who provided that ideal scope image? It looks kind of odd ... the center appears brighter than the rest of the diamond, so not sure if that’s just how the diamond appears, or if the images were taken improperly.

Have you entered the diamond details from the GIA report into the HCA calculator?

I’d do that first, see if it scores at/under ‘2’ to help weed out diamonds that don’t perform as well as others. Just note that - if it scores just over a ‘2’ - that doesn’t mean it’s a complete dud; there is some wiggle room, but the general consensus is to pass on anything that scores >2.
Hey guys, thanks for taking the time to comment. Much appreciated. I ran it through the HCA and it came in at 0.7. Blue nile provided the image which in my opinion isn't the best. This is my first diamond purchase so have done thorough research but just lack in experience in reviewing the ideal scope images.
Is this for a ring? Generally, diamonds <1 are suggested for earrings and pendants. I am really not familiar enough to comment further on the “why’s” though so hopefully others will opine.

Might you care to share your budget and prioritized criteria so folks on here can suggest some options for you to consider before you pull any triggers?
This will be for a ring - should i be worried about the 0.7 reading? My budget in USD is $5500 for the 1.15-1.2c diamond with stats similar to those listed above. Thanks for any additional help coming my way.
HCA scores under 1 can indicate a shallow ring that may suffer with 'obstruction' issues (where too much goes dark at the same time when viewed from a near distance) - I [think it can only be an issue with short Lower Girdle Facets (<=75%) and small tables (<55%??), because in that situation, the LGFs will take up most of the area under the table (because they are fatter/wider) and therefore if they all go dark with contrast/obstruction, there is not much left under the table to reflect light back and balance it out.

I may well be wrong on that, though... :???: :lol:

FWIW my good lady's CBI stone is HCA <1 IIRC and there are no issues with obstruction :)
The IS image is so badly taken its next to useless.
What are the angles/% from the report?
HCA scores under 1 can indicate a shallow ring that may suffer with 'obstruction' issues (where too much goes dark at the same time when viewed from a near distance) - I [think it can only be an issue with short Lower Girdle Facets (<=75%) and small tables (<55%??), because in that situation, the LGFs will take up most of the area under the table (because they are fatter/wider) and therefore if they all go dark with contrast/obstruction, there is not much left under the table to reflect light back and balance it out.

I may well be wrong on that, though... :???: :lol:

FWIW my good lady's CBI stone is HCA <1 IIRC and there are no issues with obstruction :)

See below link for your information. i know previously you asked. thanks for taking a look!
The IS image is so badly taken its next to useless.
What are the angles/% from the report?
Thanks for the comment and help. DEPTH = 61.3 TABLE=57.0
HCA scores under 1
Garry tweaked the HCA score slightly so ones that were over 1 are scoring below.
You have to look at the pavilion angle.
Assuming it does not have wide ranging angles(dark blobs between the arrows) which this one does not have.
AGS 40.6 is fine, GIA 40.6 can sometimes be an issue but usually isn't.
Below 40.6 is the trouble zone(~40.45 actual)
It isn't showing obvious signs of an severe issue.
Given what data there is, it seems to me to be a well cut diamond but not in the super-ideal class.
That aset is so poorly taken that I can't tell anything! It looks ok and scores under 2 on the HCA, but that pic they took is pretty useless.
Given what data there is, it seems to me to be a well cut diamond but not in the super-ideal class.


Thanks for the input. This is priced well compared to others around the same area so thought i best double check with people like yourself (and everyone else who commented + helped). Should i request anything else to help with investigating the diamond?

Thanks for the input. This is priced well compared to others around the same area so thought i best double check with people like yourself (and everyone else who commented + helped). Should i request anything else to help with investigating the diamond?
properly taken is image would help confirm my thoughts.
properly taken is image would help confirm my thoughts.
I have requested a better image from Bluenile but they say the chances of getting another image from the vendor are slim. Would you proceed with caution buying this diamond for a engagement ring or purchase and review in hand with the option to send back within 30days period. Or select another diamond from a company who provide high ideal/aset images.
I have requested a better image from Bluenile but they say the chances of getting another image from the vendor are slim. Would you proceed with caution buying this diamond for a engagement ring or purchase and review in hand with the option to send back within 30days period. Or select another diamond from a company who provide high ideal/aset images.
Sorry it took me so long to answer and for the answer.
Being in the trade I can not really answer that in a direct way other than repeat what i said earlier:
"it seems to me to be a well cut diamond but not in the super-ideal class."
Unless you've got a list of potentials you're still considering, have blue Nile send you this one and order an IS and ASET yourself to play with when it comes in. They're fun to play with, and you'll be able to post your own IS and ASET images here. :)