
Request for kitty dust...


Nov 16, 2008
Thank you Enerchi!


Nov 16, 2008
She is one very content sleepy kitteh... :love:



Apr 2, 2006
I hadn't checked your thread in awhile and then I come back to see...


WHat wonderful news! :appl: :appl: :appl: I hope she'll soon fit seamlessly into your household!


Dec 31, 2006

Tinkerbell is such a tiny lovebug! I love her! :love:

And you're right that one pet could never replace another...but it does help to have another lovely kitty to give love to...she's adorable.


Nov 16, 2008
So, it's been 6 days and Tinks is getting more and more curious and brave every day. She had, up until this morning, spent her days in our master bedroom and/or living room, not venturing any further down the hallway. Peanut, coincidentally spends his days on the other side of the house in our spare bedroom mostly, but also in the dining room and kitchen. So, up until today they've pretty much avoided each other. Well...this morning as I was getting ready to leave I noticed that Tink was in the dining room and was peeking in on Peanut sleeping in the spare bedroom. I'm so glad she's making progress. I know that Peanut will not hurt her, he's just curious, but she has seemed very nervous up until today.

I stayed home from work yesterday and she spent a good amount of time with me on the couch, just slightly out of reach. She doesn't seem to be a lap cat (at least not yet anyway), but does love to be petted. My only concern is that yesterday she started stretching and making scratching motions on our very expensive leather couch :-o I scolded her and told her that we don't allow that. She didn't seem to be digging in, but we need to discourage this behavior ASAP. We've never had an issue with Peanut or EQ scratching the leather, so I'm not quite sure what to do. I've never had luck getting cats to use scratching posts before, so...I'm kind of at a loss. When I left today I put pillows and blankets over the couch to deter her, but she could just as easily scratch the sides and/or back of the couch if she wanted.
Any suggestions?

I'm still waiting on my pendant and my porcelain urn for EQ. I did open the urn yesterday. The ashes are wrapped in some sort of thick white tissue paper, which I wasn't expecting. I was expecting a plastic bag. It made me cry, but I had to do it sooner or later, since I am planning to put the ashes somewhere else and needed to know what the packaging was like. I didn't unfold the paper, however...I'm not ready to do that yet.

The woman who is making my pendant is starting to get on my nerves. I emailed her last week asking for a progress update and she told me that she started working on the CAD but it turned out to be too complicated so she was talking to someone to see if it could be hand-molded. That was on the 12th. I've sent 2 more emails since then asking for updates and she hasn't responded yet. :nono: I know it's the holidays and everything, and I don't want to *bother* her, but I'd kind of like to know what is going on, since I've already paid her the majority of the price of the pendant. I suppose I could call her, but like I said, I don't want to be a nuisance. What do you guys think?

Sorry for the novel. I just felt like I needed to update! Thanks for listening. :wink2:


Dec 31, 2006
Lil Misfit|1355853150|3334737 said:
So, it's been 6 days and Tinks is getting more and more curious and brave every day. She had, up until this morning, spent her days in our master bedroom and/or living room, not venturing any further down the hallway. Peanut, coincidentally spends his days on the other side of the house in our spare bedroom mostly, but also in the dining room and kitchen. So, up until today they've pretty much avoided each other. Well...this morning as I was getting ready to leave I noticed that Tink was in the dining room and was peeking in on Peanut sleeping in the spare bedroom. I'm so glad she's making progress. I know that Peanut will not hurt her, he's just curious, but she has seemed very nervous up until today.

I stayed home from work yesterday and she spent a good amount of time with me on the couch, just slightly out of reach. She doesn't seem to be a lap cat (at least not yet anyway), but does love to be petted. My only concern is that yesterday she started stretching and making scratching motions on our very expensive leather couch :-o I scolded her and told her that we don't allow that. She didn't seem to be digging in, but we need to discourage this behavior ASAP. We've never had an issue with Peanut or EQ scratching the leather, so I'm not quite sure what to do. I've never had luck getting cats to use scratching posts before, so...I'm kind of at a loss. When I left today I put pillows and blankets over the couch to deter her, but she could just as easily scratch the sides and/or back of the couch if she wanted.
Any suggestions?

I'm still waiting on my pendant and my porcelain urn for EQ. I did open the urn yesterday. The ashes are wrapped in some sort of thick white tissue paper, which I wasn't expecting. I was expecting a plastic bag. It made me cry, but I had to do it sooner or later, since I am planning to put the ashes somewhere else and needed to know what the packaging was like. I didn't unfold the paper, however...I'm not ready to do that yet.

The woman who is making my pendant is starting to get on my nerves. I emailed her last week asking for a progress update and she told me that she started working on the CAD but it turned out to be too complicated so she was talking to someone to see if it could be hand-molded. That was on the 12th. I've sent 2 more emails since then asking for updates and she hasn't responded yet. :nono: I know it's the holidays and everything, and I don't want to *bother* her, but I'd kind of like to know what is going on, since I've already paid her the majority of the price of the pendant. I suppose I could call her, but like I said, I don't want to be a nuisance. What do you guys think?

Sorry for the novel. I just felt like I needed to update! Thanks for listening. :wink2:

What's helped me get my cats interested in the posts has been to use catnip...sprinkle it / rub it on there...and remember, every cat is just because none of your previous cats have liked scratching posts doesn't mean that she won't...

Sorry to hear about the ashes not being what you expected... :blackeye: I had so many and up down emotions around that whole subject. Just as a case you go through the same thing...I spread the ashes in what I thought was the perfect place...then woke up in the middle of the night FREAKING OUT thinking he was all alone out there and feeling lonely and cold. I almost got in my car and drove to the place, which is like an hour away...

Did you talk about deadlines/estimated dates for when things would get done? I think that the last thing you want is to have any negative association/thoughts with this pendant. I hate the phone - with a passion - but I think you should call her...and just have a conversation with her, let her know you don't want to bother her, and that you know she ran into some complications, but at the same time, you're starting to feel a little anxious (or whatever word you want to use) because you're so eager to get the pendant. Hopefully - the way she handles the conversation, and hearing her voice, will put you at ease...but I'd shoot for specific dates...


Nov 16, 2008
Hi CJ,
I'm not upset about the way the ashes were packaged, just surprised. They are actually wrapped very nicely. It made me cry because I know she's in there, but not in the way I remember her, ya know?

I will try catnip. EQ loved catnip but Peanut could care less about it and I know some cats are like that. We will see. Thanks for the suggestion.

The jeweler told me initially that the pendant would take a month and possibly longer (but not specifically how long) and then when she sent the proposal she had an estimated shipping date of 1/5/13. I think I will give her until Friday and then call her if I haven't heard anything. Thanks again.

I'm sorry to hear that you had doubts about where to spread your baby's ashes. I couldn't even consider having EQ's ashes scattered anywhere...I want to keep her as close to me as possible. I know everyone is different, though, and I hope that you have since accepted your decision.

Are you feeling better about things? It's been a little over 2 weeks now and I'm doing better. I still have crying episodes, but not all day every day like before, so that's a plus. I'm still not in the Christmas spirit, though, and cannot wait for all this happy-go-lucky bullsh!t to be over with - LOL :lol:


Dec 31, 2006
Lil Misfit|1355855857|3334770 said:
I couldn't even consider having EQ's ashes scattered anywhere...I want to keep her as close to me as possible.

I know you didn't mean it in any way other than sharing how you really feel...but it kinda hurt :(sad

He didn't like catnip at all, actually...but for some reason it did help attract him to use the post...

I misread how you had felt about the ashes...I guess I'm thinking those kind of surprises can kind of bring on sadness...

I am definitely doing better - I have bouts of crying and an intense longing to want to hug him...and sometimes I really cannot believe he really is gone...but I am doing better...I think what's saved me are the few things I did to physically represent him...I sometimes hug the box his ashes were in.

ETA: I hope things with the jeweler clear up so this can be an all around positive thing. I am looking forward to seeing your pendant.


Nov 16, 2008
CJ2008|1355858143|3334810 said:
Lil Misfit|1355855857|3334770 said:
I couldn't even consider having EQ's ashes scattered anywhere...I want to keep her as close to me as possible.

I know you didn't mean it in any way other than sharing how you really feel...but it kinda hurt :(sad

Oh honey, I'm so sorry. It was not my intention to hurt you. I was afraid that you might take what I said the wrong way, and probably should have kept my mouth shut. I know everyone is different about how they choose to honor their loved ones. EQ was never an outside cat, so it didn't make sense for her to be anywhere but in our home, where she always was. There wasn't anywhere else where she would feel comfortable or at home, IMO. That's all I meant. If we lived in a house with a yard (instead of a shared condo) and she spent time in the yard, and I knew we would never move, I would have considered burying her there. But, we don't, so I didn't. That's all I meant. Again, I'm sorry. :(sad


Dec 31, 2006
Lil Misfit|1355859743|3334834 said:
CJ2008|1355858143|3334810 said:
Lil Misfit|1355855857|3334770 said:
I couldn't even consider having EQ's ashes scattered anywhere...I want to keep her as close to me as possible.

I know you didn't mean it in any way other than sharing how you really feel...but it kinda hurt :(sad

Oh honey, I'm so sorry. It was not my intention to hurt you. I was afraid that you might take what I said the wrong way, and probably should have kept my mouth shut. I know everyone is different about how they choose to honor their loved ones. EQ was never an outside cat, so it didn't make sense for her to be anywhere but in our home, where she always was. There wasn't anywhere else where she would feel comfortable or at home, IMO. That's all I meant. If we lived in a house with a yard (instead of a shared condo) and she spent time in the yard, and I knew we would never move, I would have considered burying her there. But, we don't, so I didn't. That's all I meant. Again, I'm sorry. :(sad

I know you didn't mean to imply anything by it...but thanks so much for saying all that...and I'm so glad you didn't keep your mouth shut and you shared with me exactly as you felt it...really, I wouldn't change that at all.


Nov 16, 2008
CJ2008|1355860749|3334847 said:
Lil Misfit|1355859743|3334834 said:
CJ2008|1355858143|3334810 said:
Lil Misfit|1355855857|3334770 said:
I couldn't even consider having EQ's ashes scattered anywhere...I want to keep her as close to me as possible.

I know you didn't mean it in any way other than sharing how you really feel...but it kinda hurt :(sad

Oh honey, I'm so sorry. It was not my intention to hurt you. I was afraid that you might take what I said the wrong way, and probably should have kept my mouth shut. I know everyone is different about how they choose to honor their loved ones. EQ was never an outside cat, so it didn't make sense for her to be anywhere but in our home, where she always was. There wasn't anywhere else where she would feel comfortable or at home, IMO. That's all I meant. If we lived in a house with a yard (instead of a shared condo) and she spent time in the yard, and I knew we would never move, I would have considered burying her there. But, we don't, so I didn't. That's all I meant. Again, I'm sorry. :(sad

I know you didn't mean to imply anything by it...but thanks so much for saying all that...and I'm so glad you didn't keep your mouth shut and you shared with me exactly as you felt it...really, I wouldn't change that at all.

Thanks. And big hugs to you!


Nov 16, 2008
We received a very nice, personalized sympathy card from the 2 vets at the Cat Hospital who took care of EQ through the years. They had wonderful things to say about her, especially her feistiness. They even included a copy of her actual paw print, which we plan on using in our memorial tattoos. That was very nice of them and got me ;(


Nov 16, 2008
Thanks Jennifer! I picked up an arched cat scratcher with 2 different surfaces at Target tonight. Tinks is not interested. I even put catnip on it, like CJ suggested, and put her paws up on it. Not interested...sigh. Peanut, however, who normally has no interest in catnip was sniffing and eating the catnip. Go figure! LOL


Mar 2, 2005
Do your cats like to chase stick toys (with feathers on the end)? If so, engage in some play and move the sticks up and down the scratch post - when they go for the stick, their claws get stuck in the post and a little light bulb goes off on their heads. At least in my experience.


Aug 11, 2008
What a gorgeous new addition! She looks like a lovely girl!!!

I am glad that you were able to open your heart and home to Tinks, I am sure she will be an integral part in your healing. I hope she and your Peanut begin to get along very well.


Nov 16, 2008
LAJennifer|1355896083|3335338 said:
Do your cats like to chase stick toys (with feathers on the end)? If so, engage in some play and move the sticks up and down the scratch post - when they go for the stick, their claws get stuck in the post and a little light bulb goes off on their heads. At least in my experience.

Gah....just lost an extremely long post! :angryfire:

Will try to type it again after my morning meeting.


Nov 16, 2008
Ok....let's see if I can remember what I said before I lost my post.

Tinks isn't a playful cat, so I don't think the feather will work. She also seems frightened of the scratch post/tunnel. I caught her digging her claws into the leather and she did manage to put a few small holes into it. :nono: I shooed her away and covered every surface of the couch with blankets and sheets. Not the best solution, but it will work for when we aren't home, until we can come up with something else. Not sure what that will be, but....

She's also more inquisitive and has been exploring the house more every day. We are hoping that by the end of the weekend we can transition her food bowl into the kitchen and show her where the litter box is (in the laundry room), so we can get rid of the one we've been keeping in the bedroom for her.

The jeweler got back to me on Wednesday and said that she IS going to draw a CAD and should have it ready for me to review in about 10 days. She also said that she will need more than 200 of the black rhinestones, but didn't know quite how many...considering she is charging me $1 for each one, I hope it's not that much more. :errrr:


Jun 23, 2011
Just popping in to HIGHLY recommend Soft Claws for Tinks. We use them on my Einstein because he's bad with furniture to the point where we don't trust him. I'd never declaw so this was our only option. Even keeping his nails trimmed very short did nothing! We do have to replace one or two of the claw caps every once in a while but we can do it ourselves at home (I even buy them on Amazon now sometimes). As a bonus, you can get almost any color that you want! :cheeky: Here's a pic of him sporting purple ones! :lol:



Nov 16, 2008
We've used those before on Peanut. They seemed to always be falling off. I got a Feliway plug-in diffuser and wiped all surfaces of the leather with Pledge lemon wipes. She has not scratched or attempted to scratch it we shall see.

In other news, I got the proofs for the custom urn we're having made for EQ's ashes. It looks beautiful! So perfect. They really captured her calico/brown stripes that you could only see in certain light. I am pleased. :))





Nov 16, 2008
BTW, if anyone is interested, the site where I found the urn is I've been very pleased with their customer service. The president of the company (one of 3 sisters) personally sends you emails and makes sure that you are happy every step of the way.


Oct 4, 2011
That is so precious! What a fantastic representation! Very sweet of you to do this. you are a very loving fur mom.


Nov 16, 2008
Thank you Enerchi. I am doing everything I can to properly honor her memory. She was my world.


Nov 16, 2008
EQ's urn came today. It's honestly a lot smaller than I thought it would be, but it turned out beautifully! It's kind of hard to see the details in this pic, so I'll take some more this weekend when it's light out. We dedicated a whole shelf to her memory. You can see her paw print that the vet took for us, as well as her food bowl, and some of the prints we had framed.




Nov 16, 2008
We transferred the ashes from the urn we got from the crematorium. It was hard, unwrapping the paper, not knowing what we were going to find. Luckily, they were inside a plastic bag, so it was easy to transfer. DH couldn't look at them...he got too choked up and didn't want to see them. :((


Dec 31, 2006
I love the wings on that urn...and the picture of EQ in the adorable.

Any news on the pendant/locket?


Nov 16, 2008
CJ2008|1356569144|3340340 said:
I love the wings on that urn...and the picture of EQ in the adorable.

Any news on the pendant/locket?

Thanks CJ. I'm waiting for the CAD drawings...I'm hoping she'll have them by next week.

How are you holding up?


Dec 31, 2006
I'm good, LM...still hard to believe he really isn't here and isn't coming back. It seems like it all happened so fast.

How is Tinks doing?


Feb 18, 2010
I tink we need more pictures


Nov 16, 2008
CJ2008|1356571582|3340362 said:
I'm good, LM...still hard to believe he really isn't here and isn't coming back. It seems like it all happened so fast.

How is Tinks doing?

I know what you mean. We still see her out of the corner of our eye sometimes...Tinks is the same size as EQ was and in the dark,'s hard to tell the difference.

Tinks is adjusting well. She's been here for 2 weeks and gets braver every day. We moved her food into the kitchen on Monday and removed her litter box out of the bedroom and comingled her litter with Peanut's litter box...she was a little freaked out at first, as she's been hesitant to go to the back part of the house, but I showed her where everything was and she's working up her courage and going in there to eat and relieve herself. She and Peanut are still having some stare-downs but no fur is flying, so I think it will be ok. She sleeps with us in bed every night and has been getting closer to becoming a snuggly buddy every day. :love:
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