
Quick! Feedback on Revised CADs Needed Now!


Jan 26, 2003
Sorry to put on the lights and sirens, folks, but I need to get back to my vendor. The vendor just sent me revised CADs today and asked if I was ready to move forward. I need you to tell me whether I am! Please, please give me feedback quickly! Is there any more revision that needs to be done to these earrings? If there is, now is the time for me to do it. I cannot do it after I have approved the CADS, but I CAN do it now! I would prefer to correct any problems now and you have all (but especially Rosebloom, FancyDiamond, and diamondlover) been extraordinarily helpful to me so far. I wouldn't have had a clue how to proceed without your expert guidance.

diamondseeker is a good friend, so I kind of took her help for granted (sorry, ds!!). (She even gave me more help than you can see here because she also helped me via e-mail!) But Rosebloom and FancyDiamond, I truly appreciate your help! FancyDiamond, you went way beyond the call of duty with your postings and sketches! I cannot thank you enough for your generosity of spirit!

I am posting the photos from the CADs I received and I will also post a link to my original thread about the earrings I wanted so that anyone who wishes to can see what I was aiming at.

Thank you, everyone, for all your help!

Link to Original Thread...[URL=''][/URL]





This is the remaining CAD photo that wouldn't fit into my posting above. I should have added that Whiteflash wrote about the earrings, "The diamond configuration has been made to your specifications and we've also closed in the distance between the prongs. However we will need to bend the prongs in towards each other when setting the diamonds so they will be a bit closer in the finished piece." They, then, politely asked me to review the CADs.


Hey, Deb! I love the 6 and 4 arrangement! In fact, I think we will all be wanting some like these! But I will have to resist since I already have a similar pair without the inside stones! ;( The only difference I note between these and mine is that the sides of my baskets are lower showing more of the stones from the side and allowing for easy cleaning. But this design protects the stones and is fine, too!
diamondseeker2006|1375727886|3497071 said:
Hey, Deb! I love the 6 and 4 arrangement! In fact, I think we will all be wanting some like these! But I will have to resist since I already have a similar pair without the inside stones! ;( The only difference I note between these and mine is that the sides of my baskets are lower showing more of the stones from the side and allowing for easy cleaning. But this design protects the stones and is fine, too!

To get what you have would I simply ask them to lower the basket to where their shared prong diamonds are? I told them I didn't want the U-prong look. Did you ask for a U-prong look? I know your earrings were custom. I was afraid that the U-prong would result in bigger prongs up above-on top of the diamond-although it let one see the sides of the diamonds.

No mine are not u-prong. They were only custom in that I asked for palladium alloyed 18k white gold instead of nickel. Let me see if I can find a picture for you of the sides.

Here is a good side pic:

There is just less metal on the sides but basically the same design. The sides are scooped down lower.
diamondseeker2006|1375729116|3497088 said:
There is just less metal on the sides but basically the same design. The sides are scooped down lower.

I like your sides a heck of a lot more than I like the look of my CAD profile! Those diamonds looked SHORT from the side!!!

Deb, your earrings will be gorgeous when finished! I also prefer that size hoop, & the inside diamonds will really ROCK!!

I'd also ask the Wizards at WF what they think about the side issue also. I do like DS'rs profile....the diamonds sort of pop on her profile!

Can't wait to see your SMTB thread!!
sarahb|1375750158|3497296 said:
Deb, your earrings will be gorgeous when finished! I also prefer that size hoop, & the inside diamonds will really ROCK!!

I'd also ask the Wizards at WF what they think about the side issue also. I do like DS'rs profile....the diamonds sort of pop on her profile!

Can't wait to see your SMTB thread!!

Thanks for the advice and the support, sarahb. I already sent off that e-mail along with the photo of diamondseeker's earring for comparison purposes!

I know this isn't Hangout, but may I tell you about the role of the earrings in my life?

My dog, a Newfoundland named Griffin, has been ill for several weeks. It started with ataxia, a loss of balance and a stumbling gait (and some vomiting and lethargy and no appetite). The worst-neurological problems, i.e. those due to spinal lesions, brain tumor,etc- seem to have been ruled out although he has not seen a neurologist or had an MRI. It was done more by the process of finding other things and fixing them. But one thing that was found was a deep inner ear infection with an antibiotic resistant strain of bacteria-by definition labeled as MRSA. So it's been frightening. He's been walking around with a tilted head and I've had to push antibiotic pills down his throat. Tonight he accidentally bit me and drew blood. He's been on antibiotics for weeks, but in the old days being bitten by a dog with MRSA would have freaked me out. Now I just keep hoping he gets better because he is an angel and I love him...and I hope that my daughter's enuresis is cured by the antibiotics her GYN prescribed today because changing her bed linens has been hard. She wet her bed two nights in a row before I called her psychiatrist, thinking she was just too sedated and sleeping through the signals her body was giving her to wake up. (Of course he was on vacation.) The covering psychiatrist was lovely, but couldn't help over the weekend except with advice. So I spent a few anxious nights giving her less medication and less liquid before bed and waking her up periodically to use the bathroom until we could get a urinalysis today with her GYN!

I won't even get into the credit card theft (by my daughter) and the two visits to our home by the police in the past two or three weeks.

I really hope my daughter gets physically well (she should) and that the dog does (he is more seriously ill) and that I don't get MRSA in my wound. Of course I may be a carrier. For all we know, I may have brought it into the house (my best friend was in a nursing home for several months following spinal surgery) and given it to the dog without knowing it!

The earrings have been a project with which I can divert myself.

Oh my goodness, ::HUGS:: Deb!! I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter, and Griffin - I'll be thinking of you, and hoping they both recover quickly and fully!

I've been following your threads but haven't had anything useful to contribute... but I just have to say that I really like the 6/4 configuration and I love the way they scalloped more of the metal out of the profile in DS' pic!
Oh Deb. I don't even know what to say. If anyone deserves gorgeous amazing perfect diamond earrings, it's you.

And I think that's what you're going to get. The CADs look fantastic and especially if they can incorporate DS's profile. Absolutely perfect.

I really, really hope your family heals, each as they need to. And that you are getting the help you need. Hugs and prayers from your bling sister in Chicago.

(By the way, I lived in CT for four years so I've always felt a special connection to you. I loved it there.)
Yssie|1375758655|3497388 said:
Oh my goodness, ::HUGS:: Deb!! I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter, and Griffin - I'll be thinking of you, and hoping they both recover quickly and fully!

I've been following your threads but haven't had anything useful to contribute... but I just have to say that I really like the 6/4 configuration and I love the way they scalloped more of the metal out of the profile in DS' pic!

Thanks for everything, Yssie. And, yes, I really, really hope that when the earrings are finished that they are very light in metal everywhere: prongs, sides, etcetera. I have stressed that that is what I want!

Rosebloom|1375758759|3497389 said:
Oh Deb. I don't even know what to say. If anyone deserves gorgeous amazing perfect diamond earrings, it's you.

And I think that's what you're going to get. The CADs look fantastic and especially if they can incorporate DS's profile. Absolutely perfect.

I really, really hope your family heals, each as they need to. And that you are getting the help you need. Hugs and prayers from your bling sister in Chicago.

(By the way, I lived in CT for four years so I've always felt a special connection to you. I loved it there.)

Thank you so much, Rosebloom, and thank you for all your support in this thread. I love having a "bling sister" in Chicago, by the by. It sounds extraordinarily cool! (I have never been to Chicago if you can believe that!) I am delighted to hear that you lived in Connecticut. Where did you live and what were you doing here? Tell all!

AGBF said:
Rosebloom|1375758759|3497389 said:
Oh Deb. I don't even know what to say. If anyone deserves gorgeous amazing perfect diamond earrings, it's you.

And I think that's what you're going to get. The CADs look fantastic and especially if they can incorporate DS's profile. Absolutely perfect.

I really, really hope your family heals, each as they need to. And that you are getting the help you need. Hugs and prayers from your bling sister in Chicago.

(By the way, I lived in CT for four years so I've always felt a special connection to you. I loved it there.)

Thank you so much, Rosebloom, and thank you for all your support in this thread. I love having a "bling sister" in Chicago, by the by. It sounds extraordinarily cool! (I have never been to Chicago if you can believe that!) I am delighted to hear that you lived in Connecticut. Where did you live and what were you doing here? Tell all!


Well you must make a trip someday! It's a very fine city!

I was in New Haven attending Yale. I travelled a lot through out New England and really fell in love with the area. I have many friends still in CT so perhaps I need to take a trip to visit them someday and schedule a lunch date with you, your earrings, your charm bracelet, your gold bangles and bezeled solitaire... I really admire your collection!!

Am so sorry to hear the challenges you are dealing with at the moment. I hope your daughter is able to regain her 'center' again--so difficult with a loved one especially a child. & your second 'furry' child--we have 3 here, and am not looking forward to their elder years.

Hang in there--keep the faith, this too, shall pass. Thank goodness for PS--it can go with you & be with you 24/7, it's a great hobby!

Your earrings will no doubt be gorgeous--
sarahb|1375802247|3497567 said:
Am so sorry to hear the challenges you are dealing with at the moment. I hope your daughter is able to regain her 'center' again--so difficult with a loved one especially a child. & your second 'furry' child--we have 3 here, and am not looking forward to their elder years.

Hang in there--keep the faith, this too, shall pass. Thank goodness for PS--it can go with you & be with you 24/7, it's a great hobby!

Your earrings will no doubt be gorgeous--

Thank you very much, sarahb. I should point out that although my daughter is my child, she is not a child. She is 20 years old and will soon be 21 and fully of age (even legally able to drink alcohol, although she does not). She is also troubled emotionally. I have used the term, "mentally ill" about her on Pricescope. I never wanted to apply for any disability benefits on her behalf because I hoped that she would be able to finish school one day, but in order for her to get into a halfway house for the mentally ill she must have either SSI or SSD (Supplemental Security Income or Social Security Disability). Being granted one of these by the Social Security Administration serves as proof of disability and the payment, although tiny, reimburses the halfway house for a part of the resident's room and board. The halfway house can go to the state, to United Way, and other funding sources for the money that actually pays the costs of running its programs.

My point is that I was forced to apply for SSI and SSD for my daughter a couple of months ago because the police have been here so often for domestic disturbances. (They know Griffin well. When a new officer comes and is scared to death of him, he often radios someone else and gets reassured, "Oh, yeah, there's a big , black Newfoundland in the yard.") She got it on the first try, which is unheard of. Everyone gets denied the first time and has to appeal! But my friend called it. A friend who used to be my supervisor when I worked in the mental health unit for a municipality in Connecticut took my daughter for her interview at the Social Security Administration. I had to list all my daughter's hospitalizations; psychiatrists; outpatient programs; etcetera. When my friend saw it she said, "I had no idea what you'd been through" and said, "I bet she gets it on the first try". My daughter-at age 20- has had eight psychiatric hospitalizations and made five suicide attempts. She has had a long list of psychiatrists...good ones. Several well-regarded psychoanalysts before we realized that she was bi-polar and unlikely to respond to talk therapy.

I could go on and on about the schools I took her to, but this is Pricescope. So I hope you forgive me for using this thread for catharsis! And I thank all of you who have been so kind for not only listening to me, but responding to me with so much kindness.

Deb, I have not commented in your thread because I'm a little out of my league when it comes to jewelry only comment would have been to do the 6-4 placement of the diamonds, and someone suggested it before me so there was no sense in repeating it! But I have been following your thread and sharing in your excitement. I just wanted to say my heart goes out to you for all that you and your daughter have been through, I can only imagine how difficult it has been and I hope with every fiber of my being that your daughter can reach a place of peace. ((((hugs))))

Also so sorry your furbaby is having health issues...I'm hoping he recovers very soon!

I like DS's suggestion about less metal in the setting, but even if for some reason it is not possible for the earrings to be done that way, they look beautiful as they are now! I'm excited for you and can't wait to see them on your ears!
junebug17|1375806981|3497625 said:
I have not commented in your thread because I'm a little out of my league when it comes to jewelry only comment would have been to do the 6-4 placement of the diamonds, and someone suggested it before me so there was no sense in repeating it! But I have been following your thread and sharing in your excitement.
I like DS's suggestion about less metal in the setting, but even if for some reason it is not possible for the earrings to be done that way, they look beautiful as they are now! I'm excited for you and can't wait to see them on your ears!

Thanks, junebug. I am feeling a lot better: the dermatologist said I do not have MRSA where the dog accidentally bit me. I think that was worrying me more than I knew. I guess it was just the last straw to be worried about MRSA because I was trying to medicate my sick dog and I got bitten. But since I got a clean bill of health I feel 100% better. And Griffin has been looking a lot better in the past few days, too! So I can enjoy those earrings. Now I will wait to see what Whiteflash says next! Thanks all!

Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend
Oh, Deb! :(( {{{{{hugs}}}}}}

Deb, your earring project looks well in hand and won't they be lovely in your ears!

Healing vibes across the miles..... :wavey:

Deb, you've been on my mind all day. Giant virtual hugs.
Deb, Rosebloom is right, if anybody deserves these earrings, it's you.
(And I was feeling sorry for myself because I had to work all weekend.)
Between you and DS, the earrings will be amazing. I swear, that woman should start a diamond consulting/designing/hand-holding business.
I'm glad Griffin is doing better. Those ear infections are buggers.
And that's good news about your daughter. My grandmother was bi-polar her entire adult life, but there just wasn't much help back then. It's a tough disease on everyone.
Feel free to vent; we're tough, we can take it.
Can't wait to see your SMTB thread!
Deb--my goodness, you guys have been through a lot. I had no idea. Am so glad though, that you can come here & talk, express & get it out. I've not been around for as long as most here, but one thing I've learned, PSer's are a good bunch!!

And those earrings will be humdingers now, won't they!?!

Bless you & your daughter Deb,
sarahb|1375846793|3498040 said:
I've not been around for as long as most here, but one thing I've learned, PSer's are a good bunch!!

Pricescopers are a great lot! And when I am myself I have to say that I appreciate their sense of humor above all else. Well...maybe not above ALL else, but above many other things. I love to laugh and this place keeps me laughing! Once in a while I find I am laughing alone because someone hasn't understood one of my jokes. (I have a very dry sense of humor.) Except at those moments, the laughter is pretty healing for all things!

CAD looks good. Love the 6/4 combination. There is no worry about metal showing in front. I also love the scalloped look, and diamonds appear bigger. Prefer DS's open profile with more of diamonds showing on the side.

Now, your earrings look much, much better, and I feel excited for you.

How often do you plan to wear them?
FancyDiamond|1375895435|3498315 said:
CAD looks good. Love the 6/4 combination. There is no worry about metal showing in front. I also love the scalloped look, and diamonds appear bigger. Prefer DS's open profile with more of diamonds showing on the side.

Now, your earrings look much, much better, and I feel excited for you.

How often do you plan to wear them?

Thanks, FD. I hope to wear them regularly, if not daily. Since I can't imagine sleeping in hoops and am lazy about putting earrings in and out, I doubt I will wear them daily. (I have worn certain studs daily, because I have just left them in...usually plain 24K ones.) Once I take an earring out, however, I always clean it and my earlobe, so it seems like a production to me. So every day is out. But "everday wear" is what I am aiming for.

A new twist: Whiteflash wrote that they had hoped I would like the CAD they did and that originally they thought I might like a U shape. I said in reply that before they did another CAD to tell me whether they could do a U shape while retaining the same look that these earrings have from above (minimal prongs, etcetera). I have nothing against the way a U shape looks from the side. FD's trellis earrings are gorgeous, for example. I just thought that a U shape would demand more metal, and I want minimal metal on top of my diamonds. (You'll never find me with fancy clawed prongs or double prongs!)

Whiteflash redid my CADs once again! I am only posting two photos of them this time: one that shows all the views and one that emphasized the sides, which are dons with U-prongs. They really tried hard to incorporate all my ideas into the design, for which I think they should be commended. Does anyone have any concerns before I tell them to go ahead with this design as it is now? I am deliberately waiting until you can see it to e-mail Whiteflash my final approval! I don't want to make stupid mistakes I could have avoided if I sought advice first!

Thank you all again!



AGBF|1376446280|3502531 said:
Whiteflash redid my CADs once again! I am only posting two photos of them this time: one that shows all the views and one that emphasized the sides, which are dons with U-prongs. They really tried hard to incorporate all my ideas into the design, for which I think they should be commended. Does anyone have any concerns before I tell them to go ahead with this design as it is now? I am deliberately waiting until you can see it to e-mail Whiteflash my final approval! I don't want to make stupid mistakes I could have avoided if I sought advice first!

Thank you all again!


Deb, those are sexy ::)
They look perfect to my eyes!! But I want to hear what DS and FancyDiamond think :sun:
They do look sexy - exactly the right word.

I can't wait for the SMTB!