
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months

lover in athens

May 21, 2006
i loooved the aden and anais blankets. we STILL use them frequently. we also really liked the "swaddleme" blankets (by kiddopotamus, i think). some people say their kids break out of them, but coby was pretty strong and never did if we wrapped him tight enough (and we swaddled until 6+ mo!!!). fwiw, i hated the miracle blanket...


May 9, 2006
Mrss~poor Jake and poor you!! Glad he''s alright. I am so paranoid of the steps. We''ve never put up a gate (2 story house with basement so 2 sets of stairs) and have gotten pretty lucky I think.

snlee~Sorry to hear poor D had a bad stair incident as well!

Bobo~Hoping we can get some things knocked off the list this weekend. My sister and her DH and my DH and I go in on a few gifts (usually my parents and my little brother so we can get them something big) and my sister will be along so hopefully we can finish those at least!!

lili~So funny about J and her Dora bandaids!! T is doing pretty good. She is still on one nebulizer treatment a day (right before bed) and has been a champ about it. She even gets it out and brings it in and turns the machine on herself! Her breathing has been really good so far (knock on wood) so hopefully we can have a good winter!!

LIA~Yuck to the poop!!! Let us know how the party goes!!

QT~Just ordered some aden and anais blankets...thanks for the head''s up on the other thread!! T hated to be swaddled...hoping this kid has a different attitude!


Feb 17, 2007
So I think I just sent a friend request to one of you thinking you were Ebree (lives in the same city and is friends with a lot of the mommies). So if it was you and I was wrong I am so sorry for my mommy brain but we can still be friends!

MrsS So sorry about Jake and glad he is ok! One of my friend's little boy did that the other day-scary!!! It's the only time (besides earthquakes!) that I am glad to live in a little ranch house!


Nov 20, 2006
lili J sounds adorable!! i love it when they think that they are the funniest person in the world and do just about anything to try to get a good laugh out of us. B does it all the time. if he does something funny and i laugh, he will keep doing it over and over again. i know...i can''t believe my little guy is going to be 2 and i''ll be holding a newborn soon after that. when is #2 coming along for you?

janine have a wonderful time at the party, i hope C enjoys herself!

burk have a great trip to kansas and get some shopping done. thankfully, i got a ton of shopping done and most of the gift are wrapped and ready to go. i figure i better get a move on it before the baby comes.

mrsS i hope 2 is a fun time. everyone keeps asking me if B is going through the terrible 2s yet as he is so well behaved in public. i just hope he doesn''t decide that he''s going to pull a fast one on me and start throwing crazy tantrums everywhere. at home i can deal with them. how are the kids?

bobo how is little B? he doesn''t look that little anymore in your AV, but still super cute!! B''s got a ton of gifts coming his way for his bday and christmas. it''s insane how much WE got him, not to mention all the other gifts from other people. hope you find time to get everything you need done.

hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!! i''ll be super busy getting ready for B''s 2nd bday...and today is DH''s bday so we''re off to celebrate later after B takes his nap. it''s going to be a busy weekend.


Apr 17, 2008
I just lost my (long) post

I really hope that you post some pics - I would love to see them!
I can't believe that D is turning 2!
Doesn't it go by so quickly?
How are you?

hahaha - your booger story was funny!
J is a smart little girl!
Her pic in your AV is adorable

My kids are good, thanks.
busy and more busy

What's new with you?

Hi there!
How are you doing/feeling?
Do you start maternity leave soon?
What is the latest with T? Is she excited for her little brother?

Mrs S
Glad to hear that Jake is OK.
That *thump thump thump* is one of the worst sounds ever
Labs just have a way of finding the worst places to puke.
We have mostly hard woods too. If we had no area rugs, he'd probably puke on the bath mat

He's lucky he's cute...

I will have to go back a few more pages to catch up on more of you, but hi Bobo, QT, T-gal, Tacori, LIA, Mrs. M, NF, JG and Jas12

Hope I didn't miss anyone - sorry if I did.
I will catch you up on my life later.
Dinner awaits.. (or at least it will once I make it


Nov 18, 2004
Haha, we take everything for J -- no gender discriminatons

We got alot of the big items toys as hand-me downs, so we hardly spent anything.
That and factor in the fact that we never got a crib and stroller and the infant seats, J was actually pretty cheap for us.

Re tests: Dr ordered some bloodwork and a hsg to make sure that my hormones are in check and that my tubes are ok.
If everything is in order, then clomid would be the next step.
Though I think I may give the good old acunpuncture a try.
My SIL had the same issues with first and secondary infertility.
Both she and I had to have a laparascopy for the first treatment because of endometriosis and got preggo the first cycle after w/o clomid.
Her second HSG revealed that everything was ok, but they still couldn''t get pregnant after 6+ months of trying.
Dr wanted her to start on clomid as well...but she went to see an acupuncturist and got preggo that month or month later.
I was hoping that I wouldn''t be following her footstep, but it starting to look like it

Haha....but being the monkey boy that he is, I''m sure it won''t be long before he attempted it again.
That''s cute he''s using the one-step to practice!

That''s so cute that T knows what to do w/ her treatment....but at the same time, it is sad to see that since it means that it has become such a routine for her already

I hope this winter will be better to her too....and you as well.

Wow, so much going on for you already for Dec. And now you are throwing one more bday into the mix? least you''ll be done w/ everything in a can use the first 11 months of the year to plan for all 4 events -- 3 bdays and christmas.

working on #2. Like I told QT, it is not looking like it''s going to happen soon.
I''ve already consulted my doctor and he''s ordering tests for me and see where we''ll go from there.

Can''t believe you are going to be 37 wks.
And you are small woman.
So when will you get your proofs for your maternity pix?

LOL...I hate it when that happens too.
And when it does, I''m much too lazy to type everything over again, so I resort to a one-liner response.
Thanks...there was another that I wanted to put up where it captures the devilish laugh I see everyday, but I kind of like this smile.
Not much new w/ me except that I''m enjoying my laughs w/ J''s gabbing incessantly.
Any plans for you and the kiddies (and of course your DH) ?


May 1, 2005

lili, hope you guys get preggo soon, sending you preggo dust.

LIA, *ouch* for Coby.

QT, we used the carter''s receiving blankets too, let me know which one you prefer after you use it.

puffy, little B is doing good, he isn''t little anymore. My baby is all grown up. We''re starting to be able to have a conversation with him, not just listen to him babbling stuff we don''t understand. How are you and B?

Hi iluv!

We took little B for his MMR vaccine and thyroid and carbon dioxide appt. this past Friday and end up all three of us getting the H1N1 shots. His pedi said they have the last H1N1 vaccine in the office and they don''t know when they''ll get another shipment and he really want little B to have this instead of MMR because he feel it''s more urgent.

He said he know a lot of people died from H1N1 and he haven''t heard anyone die from the vaccine and I think that statement changed DH''s mind on the vaccine and because little B is high risk DH and I both got the shots too and I guess we''re lucky to get it too since they only have limited supplies and they don''t give the vaccine to just anyone. But I have to said I feel achy and dizzy and headache after the shot. Anyone experience side effect after the H1N1 shot?



Nov 18, 2004
That''s good B had the H1N1 shot.
Does he need to go in for the booster shot?
We need to take J in for her second half dose of the H1N1 this week.

I didn''t get the H1N1 shot yet...since it was for those in the high risk group when we took J in for hers.
I will probably get it when we take her in for her booster shot.
I did get sick from a flu shot the first time I got a flu shot in college.
That was the last time I''ll get a flu shot until I got preggo 2 years ago.
Ever since, I didn''t have any side effects from the flu shots.
Hope you feel better soon.

Anyway, thanks for the dust. I need as much as I can get.
My window is not too big since I''m not that young.


Nov 14, 2004
Thanks for your response. We stopped swaddling M early on b/c it was hot in Aug and she didn''t have problem sleeping. But I thought we might need to swaddle longer this time since it''s Jan.
How''s Coby?

You are welcome. M didn''t hate being swaddled, but she also didn''t need to be swaddle to sleep well. But at least we can use the A&A blankets for other purposes if swaddling failed.

You had a busy weekend. So you will have three December birthdays to celebrate soon. That''s a busy month for you guys. How did the birthday celebration go?
B is mature for his age. I bet he''ll just skip the terrible two phase.

How are you and your kiddos?

We would''ve taken everything, but nothing was ever offered last time. The SIL who is offering this time had her second son 4 weeks after I had M, so she needed the baby stuffs for herself. Since they aren''t having any more kids, she plans to pass down all the clothes.
I''ve read a lot of success stories with acupuncture. It doesn''t hard to try. Good luck.
We also had an appointment set up for a second dose H1N1 vaccine this Friday for M, but I am not sure if they still have supply of them. They will call me to let me know Thursday.

I will let you know how I like the A&A blankets.
Glad you were able to get the H1N1 shots. I didn''t have any side effects or reactions to the H1N1 vaccine, but I think some of the preggos on the preggos were tired and achy from the shot.

We took M to the community snow festival yesterday. There were just two small area with snow, one for younger kids and one for older kids. M didn''t want to touch any of the snow. She did get a temporary tattoo on her arm, which she kept touching. Her 5 yrs old cousin took her on the sled run, and both of them were a bit shocked afterward. When it came time to get off the sled, M just laid there and wouldn''t get up but she didn''t cry or seem scared. I forgot that I took the SD card out of the camera, so we didn''t get any pics. Such a bummer.


Sep 21, 2006
lili: keep us posted on everything, I hope it works out soon. How old are you? (if you don''t mind me being so forward). Because I don''t remember you being any older than me so I think you still have plenty of time. I have 2 friends this year who had #1 at 40, that''s a bit extreme, but it makes me realize it''s ok to take some time.

bobo: great that you all got h1n1. How did little b take it..that''s a lot of big shots! I am scared for MMR---C has it next month. She does not handle any kind of prodding, constraint well at all.

qtiekiki: snow festival sounds fun! bummer about the camera--I resort to phone camera when that happens.

C had her xmas party this weekend--I didn''t know what to expect but it was fun, chaotic and exhausting at the same time. All in 2 hrs! They had a huge open gym space with mats, balls toys and kids were running wild! C saw it all and was pointing yelling and running, it was so cute. Mostly she was going after all the balls...wherever they were (even if in another kid''s hand or between a parent''s leg). So that was fun to see. She was one of the youngest and tiniest so I had to keep an eye for some of the older hyped up boys who were running wild! Then it was snacks and arts & crafts which C will appreciate more next year. By then she was getting fussy and in came Santa. All the kids kind of huddled away from him, kind of funny. This event is part of one of the Clubs I joined, so I have a feeling Santa was just someone''s hubby. Anyway, by the time it was C''s turn she was not having any of it so photos are mostly of us in unflattering positions and redfaced! Oh well! I was always suspicious of perfect Santa photos with kids anyway, haha.


Dec 9, 2002
Elailla: I made the chocolate souffle''s. I''m doing a "test" kitchen, mind you, so my son has graciously volunteered to eat any ''brown cake'' I made.

The paula deen recipe I found ? Eh, not so much. A lot of flour & confectioners sugar. Blech.

The Mexican chocolate recipe you posted on my FB? Outstanding flavor...OMG....yum!!!! but the texture wasn''t enough, kwim? I wonder if I did something wrong or if a touch of flour would help. (most of the other recipes call for 1tbs of flour, paula''s was 1/2 cup and then a ton of the powdered sugar).

Also, a very nice restaurant by my house does molten chocolate polenta cakes, and I did some research on the polenta in them, basically add a bit of fine ground cornmeal instead of the flour.

I am hooked on the Mex choc flavor though. Mmmm good goood good.

Also, my insides aren''t as runny as they should be. But that could be because I am making only 2 ramekins instead of 6 or 8 so it doesn''t need to be in the oven as long. (one for me, one for Jake)

I''m not a good baker, which is why I''m testing these. I want to have it right by xmas dinner.


May 9, 2006
Hey there ladies!! Been a rough few days at the Burk house. T was not acting like herself on Friday and was up a lot of the night (crazy inconsolable crying, talking about her mouth hurting, weird bad breath, drooling more than she did when she was an infant and just couldn''t get comfortable even if DH or I was with her) continued and by Sunday morning we decided to take her to the ER. Turns out she has a viral infection in her mouth (lots of soars and swelling according to the ER doc) AND a sinus infection. Poor, poor baby. She is one tough cookie and this has knocked her on her butt. Today was a better day so hopefully tonight will be better too. To add to the misery DH left yesterday morning for a business trip he couldn''t cancel. Good news is school is canceled tomorrow due to a snow day (supposed to get 10 inches!!) so I don''t have to take a personal day to be home with her. Ahhh the things that make me happy!

Going to catch up now.....


May 9, 2006
puffy~hope all the birthday celebrations go well! I''m sure you''ll have a blast! I cannot believe you''re next on the preggos in waiting list!! Crazy!! I can''t imagine how organized you are having to be with a baby due so close to Christmas. My SIL was the same way last year...she had our nephew on the 16th so she had to have all her Christmas stuff done in advance and I was envious she had everything done when my list was still a mile long!!

iluv~HI!!! I am doing great. Starting to feel pretty huge, but I guess that comes with the territory. T is so excited for her baby Kade (although I doubt she has any clue what she''s in for
). She always wants to shop for him and plays in his room more than her own!! I plan to work through the end of January at least. We shall see how I feel a month from now. The good thing is we have a lot of school breaks between now and my due date so I have a lot of free leave time. How are you? The kids doing well?

lili~Baby dust your way!! I know you''ll be giving J a little brother or sister soon!! It''s nice that T knows the routine and doesn''t fight the nebulizer treatments but it breaks my heart that has to be a part of her every day.

bobo~I had the H1N1 shot but no side effects. Hopefully you no longer have them!!

QT~I read a bunch of good stuff about the blankets. Have you bought much for boy clothing? I was kind of sad that I don''t get to reuse all the cute stuff I have for T but am finding myself going a little crazy buying boy stuff!

janine~Christmas party sounds like fun!!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
I am too behind so this is going to be a selfish post. Poor T seems to have a cold (which she seems to have given to me) but she is as silly and happy as ever. I started reading about (forgot the real name) raising a spirited child and she is spirited. I realized she laughs louder than her peers. Sings and dances more. Talks more. Pouts more. Whines more. Demands more. She is like the book says "more." I haven''t gotten very far but so far it is interesting.

She has a new habit of saying good bye to everything. We will walk downstairs and she will say "goodbye room. Goodbye bed. Goodbye gate. Goodbye stairs." It is so funny. She also will say "goodbye car" when we run errands. Such a goof.

Another funny story is that T is INTO singing. She actually knows most the words to several songs (ABCs, Twinkle Twinkle, Row Your Boat, Itsy Bitsy Spider, etc) so I asked her to sing my mom a song on the phone. She started singing "siiing a soong. Siiiiing a soooong." Too funny.

Miss ZoeBarlett babysat for her the other night. I guess they had a crazy dance party while I was gone
Of course T was talking about her the next day saying "bye bye zoey. Bye bye." Is it strange my kid is obsessed with saying goodbye to people and things?

Hope everyone is having a great week. Tomorrow is T''s school day. Ahhh...I love Tuesdays


Sep 21, 2006
Burk: oh my goodness, poor T! Good call on the ER, at least they identified what it is. I hope she feels better soon.

Tacori: sorry about the cold! T sounds so cute, "more" of everything, hehe. She sounds like quite a little ball of energy and maybe you have a little future performer on your hands.


Jan 3, 2005
burk, yay for the snow day! poor T, I hope she gets to feeling better soon.

tacori-I have a spirited child too. My lily is what I like to call very "passionate" about everything. I try very hard to channel it for good but that same passion show up in whining and tantrums from time to time. But, that same passion will show up in her kindness and thoughtfulness towards others. for example, she brought home a coloring book from school. My oldest wanted to color in it and I told her no b/c it belonged to Lily. Well the next day Lily came home with another coloring book to give to her sister and I was so proud of her for thinking of her sister without any instruction from me to do so. anyway, it''s definitely more challenging raising the spirited kid vs. those that are more compliant. I have found having very tight boundries works well and just will not tolerate poor and inappropriate behavior from her. I have to be a lot more strict with her than I do with my oldest who just makes better choices in general and follows the rules, rarely pushing the envelope. When lily was about 2 we were all outside and Lily started heading toward the street. We told her to stop and she kept going, walked right to the curb, looked back at us and put one toe into the street. You can''t tell me she didn''t know exactly what she was doing. but I can also say that Lily always keeps me laughing and just is always full of life and brings excitement and joy to where ever she is. T sounds like she is the same, the class clown but also one to get into trouble..

diver-how are your practice deserts turning out?

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
janine, I know we all think our children are headed for huge, successful careers but I would NOT be shocked if T became an entertainer of some sort. She loves attention and the spotlight.

MrsS, Oh no! Lily=Tessa! That is so something she would do (running to the street)! Even my friends are shocked by how far she pushes me. It is good to know this is not par for the course b/c I am not sure I can handle TWO spirited children.
I am not sure if you feel this way about Lily but I take comfort in the fact my T probably will not get pushed around. KWIM? She is a tough girl who is not afraid to fight for what she wants. Unfortunately her personality traits are not the best in a child but I think they will be beneficial in an adult.


Dec 29, 2004
Hi ladies!

MrsM, I can''t believe your Amelia is over 18 months. Mine is 20. Back when they were wee things, the 2 month gap seemed like such a difference. Now all of our kids could easily play together. Time flies...

Diver, did you find the earring?

Jas12, I was excited to see your ultrasound too! Wow, all these wonderful babies/toddlers around the world (or North America) whom I''ve never met but feel like I know so much about their''s freaky! And speaking of...

Re: All you preggos with number 2''s....I swear you are all going to have to go back into the newborn thread again. Who are we going to be left with? And no, we are still not trying. We do think Amelia is going to be an only child. This thread is going to slooooooooow down once you guys have all your kids!!

Oh, and Jas12, how has Co''s naps gone?

MrsS, congrats to your sister!!

Tacori, thanks for the compliment on our tree. I was happy with how it turned out. I was scared that Amelia would pull on it but we taught her quickly that it''s OK to touch, but not pull, and now she pretty much ignores it. She freaked out when she first saw it though...I should post the video. It''s hilarious. And I think you''ve always known that T is spirited. She just sounds like the life of the party to me. Book sounds interesting!

snlee, glad you are over your cold girl!

Burk, T being afraid of time out and being keen on listening cracked me up. See, who says kids don''t operate well when the fear of god has been put in em?

LIA, always good to see you over here. I hope you fired your nanny!

Puffy, time is flying...can''t believe B is almost 2 and you are due with your second any day. 50 presents??! Girl, you are full on! I have 2 presents for Amelia and was thinking of saving one for her birthday, lol. I guess a lot of it is how one grows up. We were poor so we got ONE gift each and I really treasured each gift (I still remember my Mandy doll.) We''re not poor anymore so I do have to fight the urge to buy her everything cool in sight. I need to lean a bit on the other side and buy her more things though...all her toys are old. Fortunately, she''s most interested in books anyway, which I am happy to buy her any time.

lili, my friend''s sister is schedule for c-section on Christmas Eve. My friend is still holding strong at 26 weeks. Since triplet mommas give birth usually between 28-32 weeks, it''s really not long to go. Freaky. I''m still scared to death for her, but I know she will manage. I hope things go well for you re: TTC baby#2. The world needs more cuties like J.

Bobo, you were lucky to get the shot at the doc''s office. I still have not gotten mine and I think at this point I am going to just wing it (with a lot of hand sanitizer) since Amelia just got her second booster last week. Hope you feel better.

QT, bummer about the SD card! Read your post then immediately made sure my cameras were all loaded. Seems like M had a good time! And I know I mentioned it to you offline, but yes, I prefer the miracle blanket.

Hi to all the other mommas I missed!!


Dec 29, 2004
As for my Amelia update.

The kid has a case of the hives. Started Sunday night at 5 pm and by 6:30 she was covered in them. I called the off hours ped line and they didn''t diagnose it as hives right then. I did take her to the doc the next day, even though they had cleared by 8pm the night before. Clear all day then another round started at 3pm.

So she''s on Benadryl and if that doesn''t work, they move on to steroids. Ai-ya (which is an Asian/Korean sound for ugh/eek/gah.) Of course we have no idea what triggered it and the ped said don''t rack our brains over it. Most hives are a non issue. She''s in good spirits and not wheezing so I am not too concerned. TGuy has decided it is the H1N1 booster that caused it. I''m like, whatever dude. So ridiculous that you can "decide" what caused the hives. I''m like, uh, what about the bag of hand me down clothes I got from a friend (who had it for months in her garage because they are hand me downs from her sister''s kid) that Amelia rubbed her face and body all over just 24 hours before? Could be anything!

She''s finally starting to pick up more words at a much more rapid fire pace. She likes prepositions. But the latest word used in context I like best was when I said yesterday, Amelia I am going to take you to the doctor, ok? She said, "Dodgy!" I know it was cowinky dink, but it made me laugh because TGuy really wants her to pick up some Aussie lingo. She''s still behind verbally in my book though, although she is speaking words in 3 languages. Agua, nina, deht-da (Korean for all done), etc. I think she chooses whichever word is easier to say.

Oh, and she''s definitely started to become more "spirited" herself. Boy, terrible twos, here we come!!!


Sep 21, 2006
TGAL: ugh, hives are annoying! I hope they disappear before steroids have to be resorted to. Ai ya--love your explanation for this phrase and know exactly what you''re talking about! Sounds to me like Amelia is doing fine with language...20 months and words in diff languages?

Speaking of words, our pedi told us C should know 3 words by 15 months--anyone else hear the same thing? She understands alot and talks in baby babble, but short on words. She likes to say no ("nah nah") and recently did say squirrel (more like "skwool") of all words, but no mama dada..or at least to us! She does say "there" when she turns on the TV (don''t ask, she grabs the remote and turns it on), but I don''t think that can count as a word...


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 12/8/2009 1:21:17 PM
Author: janinegirly
TGAL: ugh, hives are annoying! I hope they disappear before steroids have to be resorted to. Ai ya--love your explanation for this phrase and know exactly what you''re talking about! Sounds to me like Amelia is doing fine with language...20 months and words in diff languages?

Speaking of words, our pedi told us C should know 3 words by 15 months--anyone else hear the same thing? She understands alot and talks in baby babble, but short on words. She likes to say no (''nah nah'') and recently did say squirrel (more like ''skwool'') of all words, but no mama dada..or at least to us! She does say ''there'' when she turns on the TV (don''t ask, she grabs the remote and turns it on), but I don''t think that can count as a word...
Ha, I had to laugh when I read this! I took Amelia to the ped at 16 months, but since I had made the appointment too late, I got a slot with the fill in ped and not her usual doc. The woman (whom I didn''t think wasn that great) said by 15 months, they should know 30 (THIRTY!) words. I was like...uh, I''m lucky if she knows 5!

At 19 months, I went to see the doc again for her 18 month check. I told him what the other doc said. He said, in an ideal world, sure. But at this stage, if she knew 5-10 words, she was fine, plus she had the whole multiple languages being thrown at her thing going.

Anyway, at 19 months, she wasn''t that interested in saying too much. Now at 20 months, she''s definitely interested and trying, although she''s not too good at it yet. I remember Tacori saying that Tessa had a verbal explosion between 18-24 months so I''m not too concerned. The doc (her regular one) said that if she is following instruction and seeming to understand, there probably is nothing to be concerned about.


Jun 7, 2007
Date: 12/8/2009 1:21:17 PM
Author: janinegirly
TGAL: ugh, hives are annoying! I hope they disappear before steroids have to be resorted to. Ai ya--love your explanation for this phrase and know exactly what you''re talking about! Sounds to me like Amelia is doing fine with language...20 months and words in diff languages?

Speaking of words, our pedi told us C should know 3 words by 15 months--anyone else hear the same thing? She understands alot and talks in baby babble, but short on words. She likes to say no (''nah nah'') and recently did say squirrel (more like ''skwool'') of all words, but no mama dada..or at least to us! She does say ''there'' when she turns on the TV (don''t ask, she grabs the remote and turns it on), but I don''t think that can count as a word...
Re: Words. James doesn''t say too much. He says dada and mama the most and every now and then he''ll say hamburger, grampa, beep beep or bye bye. He babbles tons though! He knows what things mean - like "no" or go get _____ but he just doesn''t talk intelligently yet. He has his 18-month appt in January so I''ll ask his pedi about it and see what she says.


Sep 21, 2006
Date: 12/8/2009 1:29:55 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 12/8/2009 1:21:17 PM
Author: janinegirly
TGAL: ugh, hives are annoying! I hope they disappear before steroids have to be resorted to. Ai ya--love your explanation for this phrase and know exactly what you''re talking about! Sounds to me like Amelia is doing fine with language...20 months and words in diff languages?

Speaking of words, our pedi told us C should know 3 words by 15 months--anyone else hear the same thing? She understands alot and talks in baby babble, but short on words. She likes to say no (''nah nah'') and recently did say squirrel (more like ''skwool'') of all words, but no mama dada..or at least to us! She does say ''there'' when she turns on the TV (don''t ask, she grabs the remote and turns it on), but I don''t think that can count as a word...
Ha, I had to laugh when I read this! I took Amelia to the ped at 16 months, but since I had made the appointment too late, I got a slot with the fill in ped and not her usual doc. The woman (whom I didn''t think wasn that great) said by 15 months, they should know 30 (THIRTY!) words. I was like...uh, I''m lucky if she knows 5!

At 19 months, I went to see the doc again for her 18 month check. I told him what the other doc said. He said, in an ideal world, sure. But at this stage, if she knew 5-10 words, she was fine, plus she had the whole multiple languages being thrown at her thing going.

Anyway, at 19 months, she wasn''t that interested in saying too much. Now at 20 months, she''s definitely interested and trying, although she''s not too good at it yet. I remember Tacori saying that Tessa had a verbal explosion between 18-24 months so I''m not too concerned. The doc (her regular one) said that if she is following instruction and seeming to understand, there probably is nothing to be concerned about.
30 words by 15 months??? OMG. I know you are not a fan of that doc, but hoping this isn''t a common guideline!


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 12/8/2009 1:40:16 PM
Author: janinegirly

Date: 12/8/2009 1:29:55 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 12/8/2009 1:21:17 PM
Author: janinegirly
TGAL: ugh, hives are annoying! I hope they disappear before steroids have to be resorted to. Ai ya--love your explanation for this phrase and know exactly what you''re talking about! Sounds to me like Amelia is doing fine with language...20 months and words in diff languages?

Speaking of words, our pedi told us C should know 3 words by 15 months--anyone else hear the same thing? She understands alot and talks in baby babble, but short on words. She likes to say no (''nah nah'') and recently did say squirrel (more like ''skwool'') of all words, but no mama dada..or at least to us! She does say ''there'' when she turns on the TV (don''t ask, she grabs the remote and turns it on), but I don''t think that can count as a word...
Ha, I had to laugh when I read this! I took Amelia to the ped at 16 months, but since I had made the appointment too late, I got a slot with the fill in ped and not her usual doc. The woman (whom I didn''t think wasn that great) said by 15 months, they should know 30 (THIRTY!) words. I was like...uh, I''m lucky if she knows 5!

At 19 months, I went to see the doc again for her 18 month check. I told him what the other doc said. He said, in an ideal world, sure. But at this stage, if she knew 5-10 words, she was fine, plus she had the whole multiple languages being thrown at her thing going.

Anyway, at 19 months, she wasn''t that interested in saying too much. Now at 20 months, she''s definitely interested and trying, although she''s not too good at it yet. I remember Tacori saying that Tessa had a verbal explosion between 18-24 months so I''m not too concerned. The doc (her regular one) said that if she is following instruction and seeming to understand, there probably is nothing to be concerned about.
30 words by 15 months??? OMG. I know you are not a fan of that doc, but hoping this isn''t a common guideline!
Well, that is the doc that dismissed the little red bump on Amelia''s forehead which turned into a gushing faucet of blood.

From what I''ve seen from the current group of toddler moms, there is a wide range of verbal skills by 18 months. I remember puffy said B was speaking in full sentences by around 18 months. Tacori''s Tessa said a few words but exploded in vocab afterward. Jas12''s Cohen spoke much earlier than some of our April babies and now lili''s J is singing entire lines to songs.

So I think it''s certainly possible for babies to be saying 30 words by 15 months. I also think it''s possible and normal for babies at 15 months to be saying only 3 words.


Apr 9, 2005
Just chiming in on the "talking" talk! It is really so different for every child. I thought Lily was an early talker--had at least 10-15 words by 15 months, stringing 3-4 words by 18 months and full sentences by 2 years. Now I can't get her to shut up EVER! She also has always loved singing so between the talking and singing, there is never a quiet moment!
Then came along Miss Lucy. She is for sure an early talker and I think it's because she has her older sister constantly chattering. She says hi, bye, ball, doggie, mommy, daddy, thank you, book, milk, blue, yellow and a few others in addition to some words in Spanish thanks to Dora (hola, salta)!! So my kids like to talk which doesn't surprise me because I'm a talker. Plus they are in daycare where it's non-stop talking all day.

I have a friend whose daughter just turned 2 in October. She didn't start saying anything until around 18 months and even then it was more like sounds rather than real words. In the past 2 months since she turned 2, she has had a word explosion! She's not making sentences but is starting to string words together and can be understood.

We go to the same pediatrician. According to the pedi, all of our children are "normal". I think there are definitely ranges for these things and by the time they are 3, it seems like it all evens out. I would enjoy the silence while you have it because once they start to "get it", they will NEVER shut up!!


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 12/8/2009 2:00:24 PM
Author: curlygirl
Just chiming in on the ''talking'' talk! It is really so different for every child. I thought Lily was an early talker--had at least 10-15 words by 15 months, stringing 3-4 words by 18 months and full sentences by 2 years. Now I can''t get her to shut up EVER! She also has always loved singing so between the talking and singing, there is never a quiet moment!
Then came along Miss Lucy. She is for sure an early talker and I think it''s because she has her older sister constantly chattering. She says hi, bye, ball, doggie, mommy, daddy, thank you, book, milk, blue, yellow and a few others in addition to some words in Spanish thanks to Dora (hola, salta)!! So my kids like to talk which doesn''t surprise me because I''m a talker. Plus they are in daycare where it''s non-stop talking all day.

I have a friend whose daughter just turned 2 in October. She didn''t start saying anything until around 18 months and even then it was more like sounds rather than real words. In the past 2 months since she turned 2, she has had a word explosion! She''s not making sentences but is starting to string words together and can be understood.

We go to the same pediatrician. According to the pedi, all of our children are ''normal''. I think there are definitely ranges for these things and by the time they are 3, it seems like it all evens out. I would enjoy the silence while you have it because once they start to ''get it'', they will NEVER shut up!!
LOL Curly, I am SO with you there.

One of the reasons I thought kids were so tiring back before I had them was the constant chatter and when they are understandable, they understand YOU and want you to converse with them. Except I didn''t find it all that interesting to talk to children. (Of course now, I find it much more amusing.) It just seemed like the most mentally tiring thing about hanging out with kids, and I would never tell a child to shut up if it was happy, time/circumstance appropriate chatter. Wouldn''t tell a kid to shut up actually at any time but I might tell them to SHHHH!

Recently we found tapes of me and parents when I was young. I was a very early talker and boy did I chatter chatter chatter! I got sick really fast of hearing myself talk! So no, not in any hurry to hear it, even though I''m sure it will be endearing to me when it happens.


Apr 9, 2005
TGal, sorry about A''s hives. Hope the Benadryl works wonders for you. Let me know if it makes her drowsy, just curious!

mrssalvo and Tacori, add my Lily to the list of spirited children! She knows exactly which buttons to push on me and does it CONSTANTLY. I have seriously had moments where I had to leave the room because I thought I might cause some serious harm to her! Not really, but she drives me batty. And then 5 minutes later she''ll be all snuggly and lovey dovey. I do find that I have to be much more "militant" with her and force her to do things. I make the rules and they may change from day to day but I''m still in charge. She thinks she''s the boss so we have to knock her down a few pegs when she tries to run the show.

In mynews, both girls got the first H1N1 shot last week. Hopefully the booster will be available next month. Lily had her 2.5 year appointment. She weighs 32 lbs. and is 38" tall--about 75th% for both. She has a lisp which concerns me but the doctor said she could barely hear it and most kids grow out of that by the time they''re 4 and if not, she can have speech therapy to get over it. The pedi said that at this age, we should be able to understand 50% of what Lily says but she said that in her observation, she could understand 100% so we don''t have to worry about any developmental issues! We just need to take her to the dentist soon and keep doing what we''re doing. She also said that she would be concerned if Lily wasn''t having any tantrums so her annoying behavior is normal!
Lucy is just trucking along and being a sweetheart. We''ve been putting Mederma on her scar at least twice a day in hopes that she won''t be permanently disfigured!!

And the best news is that I have to go to LA for work tomorrow and I''m bringing DH with me and leaving the kids with my in-laws!!!!!
This will be our first "vacation" alone in over 3 years so we are pretty psyched even though I have work stuff to do. We have never left the girls with anyone overnight so our first trial will be leaving them for 4 nights while we travel 3000 miles! No turning back now. I absolutely CAN NOT WAIT! And I don''t care if anyone thinks I''m a bad mother because I''m excited to leave my kids.
I might miss them by the 3rd day but I''ve never been one of those people who feels like they have to spend every moment with their children. This is just the first time that anyone has volunteered to take them so we can get away and work on salvaging our marriage which has fallen by the wayside while we juggle our jobs and 2 children. I''ll give you all a full report when we get back!


Dec 29, 2004
Sounds like the kids are doing well...was going to ask you about Lucy''s healing Curly.

Have a great time in LA! Hopefully the weather will be good.

And no, oddly benadryl has NO effect on this kid when it comes to drowsiness, go figure!!!


Dec 29, 2004
And Curly, I went to Oz for 9 days. While I did miss Amelia, I didn''t miss her "like crazy", if you know what I mean. We went to Carmel a few months before that for 5 days and one day I actually forgot to call home...was having too nice a time with my husband!

So put me in the bad mother camp along with you. I was a wife before I was a mother and couple time without obssessing over the kids is important too. I always felt kind of bad for the hubbies when on vacation with the wives would constantly have to deal with a freaked out, worried wife over the kids. If you trust the people you leave em with, let em be. They''ll call if there is something wrong. Odds are, everyone will live and the kid is having the time of her life.


Apr 17, 2008
In Lieu of all the spirited child talk, there was a really interesting article in the NY Times yesterday.
Is Your Child An Orchid or a Dandelion?
I have one of each!
The Atlantic article is worth reading as well.

link isn't working
but it is easy to find.
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