
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months


Jan 3, 2005
tacori-I do think the exact same thing that I will never have to worry about Lily falling into pear pressure b/c she is so stubborn they will never be able to get to do something she doesn't want to do. so the strong will can be a big plus.

tgal-jake doesn't mess with our tree either. I even put out presents thinking i may have to put them back be he doesn't even touch them. i'm glad though. Oh and I don't think Jake has anywhere close to 30 words. off the top of my head I can think of 10 that he says and that are very understandable. he babbles others words a lot but nothing anyone else would know what he was saying or trying to say. I agree with not worrying. I also think that some kids who talk later start off just talking in sentences and do have near the amount of babytalk, if that makes sense. with the exception of Co and J who are both child prodogies
and of course your Amelia is multilingual so she's a genius too!

oh and when Lily was 2 she totally broke out in hives for no apparent reason. the ped. told me the same thing and to think about anything new she could have come in contact with, christmas decorations (i.e. a live tree), different soaps, detergent etc. I switched to dye free detergent, dye free fabric softener, changed her bath soap etc.
I could not figure it out and still to this day have no idea what caused it. they eventually went away and I went back to my regular detergent etc. and the hives never came back so who knows. I hope the benadryl works, it did work for Lily. I'm with you that I don't think it was the booster.

it's seems to be lily day for me on here..

curly-have fun on your mini vacation. it's so nice you get some time alone with you DH.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
T always has been a babbler. I mean she has entire conversations even at a year with herself. We always wondered what she was saying. Interesting enough she says the same "words" over and over again so they obviously mean something and aren''t just random sounds. I think kids are either verbal or physical. T was physical. She was an early crawler, early walker, etc. But like TGal said something magical happened at 18 months and her vocab is huge now. She even knows random words. Can count to 13 and sing at least 6 different songs. She still babbles as well. She isn''t constantly saying full sentences but she will ask questions, answer questions and follow directions. Of course she also IGNORES directions as well. Point is do not worry. I think the playing field levels out somewhere around first grade.

TGal, A is such a great listener! T does call out tree "no touch" but don''t be fooled. If I left her alone long enough she would be tearing it apart. I guess I never associated her with the word spirited before. Sassy and spunky yes. Sorry about the hives. I got them once when I was in elementary school. Never knew why. Kids learning more than one language obviously do catch on a bit slower. That is a lot of info! We have a friend who only speaks spanish to their son at home (he is 2 1/2) and he says much less than T. Doesn''t matter b/c in no time he will be able to talk circles around her in spanish OR english.

Janine, I feel like at her 18 month it said something about knowing 10-20. I bet she says more than you think she does. Now I cannot even count the words she knows.

Diva, don''t worry. I am sure James is on track.

Curly, Lily and T are similar aren''t they. Except T does not cuddle
T only makes simple sentences like "where''d it go?" (if she throws a toy or drops something) or "mommy you okay?" (when I stubbed my toe and was on the floor. Stupid toe hurt for a month). Of course she does have "more cookies please" down pretty good. My favorite is "oh thank you mommy! Thank you! Thank you!" Manipulator.
You are NOT a bad mother. I left my kid when she was 5 months old! Remember?!? I think it is good for mommies and daddies to get a little break. Good for the kids too.

iluv, I will have to look up the article!


Apr 17, 2008
Nope, not working. Sorry


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 12/8/2009 4:59:11 PM
Author: iluvcarats
I think this should work.
Is your child a hot house flower?
It isn''t hard to find..just went to the link and searched for the title. Thanks iluv!

Just found out my other friend is preggo with #2. Holy guacamole...what''s in the water these days....I''m scared!!


May 1, 2005
lili, the pedi didn''t mention anything about the booster shot. The pedi said they don''t know when they''ll get their next H1N1 shipment so i assume they won''t have anything for a while since little B took the last vaccine.

QT, thanks for the info.

Janine, little B only had the H1N1 shot that day. The pedi push back the MMR and his thyroid and carbon dioxide test due to him getting the H1N1 shot that day. Little B cried the moment he saw the nurse walked in with the vaccine, he knows...but didn''t cried too long.

I think on little B''s 15 months or was it 18 months, the pedi said he should know at least 20 words and pulled up a "questioner" on the computer and told us to to go thru it with him.

Thanks Burk, poor Tayva, she must have a hard time eating. I hope she get better soon. *HUGS*

Tacori, Sorry to hear Tessa is sick too, hope she get better soon. How cute of her saying bye bye to everything. Have nice Tuesday when T is at school.

MrsS, looks like little B is a spirited child too, reading your post made me think about how little B''s behavior is a lot like Lily. Especially the part where heading toward the street...

Thanks TGal, I didn''t realize little B will need a booster shot until now reading lili and your post. Pedi didn''t mention anything about a booster shot. Sorry to hear about the hives, hope Amelia will be hives free soon.

I thought little B was slow in the talking dept. but DH reminded me that he listen to my MIL speaks in Taiwanese, us in Mandarin and TV in English so it''s probably hard for him to pick up. But he is starting to talk a lot more...

Curly, yay on the "vacation", Enjoy yourself!!!


Nov 18, 2004
Bummer about the SD card.
Would have love to see that expression on M''s face...especially since her expressions are always so funny.
That''s great that you''ll get the clothes and other items from your SIL, then you can save the $$ to buy your little boy a nice expensive toy or put it toward his college fund ^.^

Thanks. I''ll have to look into a good acupunturist down here.
Too bad I''m not closer to where my SIL is since her acupunturist has a pretty good success rate.
I''ll have to remember to get on the ball when it comes time for it.

LOL...that''s too bad that santa came out that late.
They should have known better and have picture taking at the beginning when the kids look fresh and new ^.^
You are right, I''m around your 37.5.
I know it''s doable to have kids at 40, but personally I set my cutoff before 40.
My original cutoff w/ being done w/ kid is 36, which went out the door w/ me taking too long to find someone and then the fertility issue (or more like dillydallying for 3 yrs)

Diver-- I can to go and find that souffle recipe.
Any luck on your earrings?

Poor T....viral and sinus infection.
I hope she feels better soon.
Hmm...your description of T''s viral infection got me thinking if J''s having the same thing.
She''s drooling incessantly and is always putting her fingers in her mouth.
And her mouth smells too...but then again, I don''t know if it''s because we didn''t brush her teeth well.
Were you able to see the blisters and sores yourself?
Bummer about DH being out of town...but yay for the extra day at home due to snow.
Wow...10"....great day to just cuddle up and read a book w/ T, lol...if she''ll sit still.

LOL....T sounds like a party.
I think J is a spirited child too. More of everything.
She was actually pretty tame and quiet during the first 8 months.
Now, she''s a raging maniac. She''s especially hyper when we have guests.
Her cousins and granddad was here over the weekend and she was just enjoying every minute of it.
Running around and laughing like a crazy girl.

LOL...I had to laugh at T''s obsession w/ goodbyes and singing.
J''s the same. She''d say goodbye (or good night) to everything in sight as we walk from into the bedroom.
Hehe...and she loves to sing those songs too...though they are still very broken.
And of course there''s her own made-up song. Like T, it''s just an utterance of some words that I can''t seem to make out, but it sounds the same every time she sings it.
I tried having her teach me, and she just looked at me and laughed.

How''s your essay coming along?
Or has it been sent already?

It''s so interesting when you have more than one kid.
You can see how different and alike some of their traits are.
So, would you say that Jake is more like C or L?

Wow, your friend may be having 5 newborns in the family before the end of the year.
Is she planning on having help once the babies arrive?
there''s going to be some fun times during the holidays and birthdays for them.
Forgot if you told us, is the sister having boys too? Or is she going to be surprised.

Poor A w/ the hives.
Hope the Benadryl does the trick and hope you find the culprit.

Hehe, I used the same expression too.
J would always go "mommy goes ai-yaaaaaaaa" when I said it after her accidents.

I don''t think A is behind verbally.
I think she''s just categorizing all the things she heard and decides when she''ll use them -- spanish for you ^.^
Don''t know if they use what is easier or what is fun.
I know J likes some words just because she likes the way it sounds.

That''s great that she''s exposed to so many languages.
DH is very adamant about speaking English at home, so I don''t speak chinese to J. but then again, my chinese is not mainstream chinese so not really useful in this society.
She does get exposed to spanish at daycare though, so she picks up some words here and there.
It''s funny sometimes she''ll ask for water and she''ll say "water, aqua" "aqua, water"

I think there''s a broad guideline for speech development.
I''ve read 5-50 words for 15 months (or was that 18?) and that they should understand about 200 words by that time.
Also, you really don''t know if they mean mommy audible or general public audible ^.^
I think if they are babbling something, then you don''t have anything to worry about.
Most kids'' speech development picks up around 18-24 months like the others have said.


Nov 14, 2004
Will catch up tonight...

But have anyone seen the replacement straws for munchkin cup in store? I want to buy them in store because they end up being $4.99 with shipping online and I can get two new cups if I just add couple dollars.



May 9, 2006
Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts for Tayva. I feel horrible because there is really not much we can do and the nurse said it usually takes a long time to get through being in the mouth. Great.

The "spirited" child talk has me laughing....because my "spirited" child drove me CRAZY today. She is clearly in a lot of pain due to the mouth thing but instead of wanting to cuddle or lay low she instead is more demanding, bossy and short tempered than usual. She has been telling ME when she needs her medicine. Seriously?

Tgal~yes, I strongly believe in children fearing their parents!! Sorry about A''s hives. Glad they cleared up.

Curly~Have fun on your vacation!

Bobo~She has eaten next to nothing since Saturday. Her pedi says as long as she''s staying hydrated that''s all we need to worry about for now.

lili~Oh I hope poor J doesn''t have it. It''s terrible. T is tough...I mean really fall off a chair and not even think about crying and this has really been bad on her. DH and I couldn''t see the sores because she wouldn''t let us near her mouth. The doctor had me and a nurse holding her down in order to see in her mouth. The breath is absolutely terrible and you can smell it right after we brush her teeth. Her drool has the oder to it as well. There was no cuddling today... T doesn''t know what that is even when she''s sick.

Okay, gonna go do some laundry. Got another snow day tomorrow!! Hopefully T is more fun to be around!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Opps...guess I should have updated you all. My application IS submitted. So the admissions is a paperless office so everything had to be filed online (except official transcripts) and I think they notify you online as well. So on Sunday (after the deadline) reminding me to check my status online. So when I did it said incomplete!
The strange thing is it lists everything you need and besides everything it says completed or received. For the life of me I cannot even imagine what I am missing. So I e-mailed them right away and called twice (left messages). Finally someone e-mailed me today saying she was having someone looking into it. So hopefully it is just an oversight b/c that would suck to not get in b/c my application was not (really) done in time.

T loves school. I am thinking if we can get her a spot (now they said to come at 4 am b/c their doors OPEN at 5 am. Yikes!) I always spy on her and she was dancing like crazy with this other little girl. It was adorable. She still gets so excited when she sees me which makes me feel good. They made these raindeer hats and she insisted on wearing it in the car on the ride home. I need to get a picture b/c it is pretty adorable. There is this little girl who EVERYTIME tries to go home with any mom she sees. It is so sad. I always beat her mom so she tries me. Then when she sees she is not getting anywhere moves onto another mom. Poor kid.

TGal, I am such a fat girl. The first thing I thought of when you said "holy guacamole" was "wow, guacamole sounds really good now. Where can I get some?" Haha.

Lili, T has ALWAYS been spirited. I mean I knew I was in trouble when I had to be induce and push for almost 3 hours. She is BOSSY. Can you even imagine a playdate with all the PS kids. It would be so funny.

Burk, Your T cracks me up. I bet those sores hurt. Is it foot and mouth disease? Sounds like what my friend''s son had.

Bobo, little B looks like a little boy now! Where did his cheeks go? He is stinking cute. T got the spray so I don''t think she needs a booster? Hope not b/c I didn''t make an appointment. My pedi has a form with a bunch of questions on it that I guess helps them see if there are any issues or signs of autism. Luckily we have never had any red flags. T had a great time in school (and so did I)!


Jan 3, 2005
lili-Jake is definitely showing signs of being much more like C. He''s still got all the boy climbing stuff going on but I took the kids to a fill santa''s sleigh event over the weekend and Jake sat and colored at a table for about 15 minutes. C would and still does love to sit and color/draw. lily doesn''t have the patience or desire to sit at a table very long and color, she''d rather be up dancing or cracking jokes.

all the talk of the H1N1 boosters has reminded me that I need to call my ped. and set up the time for my kids. my girls had the mist but I read on the CDC website that if your kid hasn''t had any flu vaccine before they do need the second dose so we''re going back for boosters for all of them. hubby and I ended up getting the mist a few weeks ago when the health dept. was set up at the mall. I never would have taken time to go to the dr. to get it but since I was already at the mall and there was no line I figured why not

tacori-yay for getting your application in. how long do you have to wait until you find out if you got in?


Nov 20, 2006
just wanted to check in real was a super busy weekend. DH''s birthday was great. B''s birthday was a blast. he had a wonderful time at his gymboree party with his friends. and the party at home was nice and mellow, well as mellow as i expected it to be with 30 adults and 10 kids. everyone had a wonderful time and i am just glad that it is all over.
i''ll try to get caught up tomorrow.


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 12/8/2009 8:10:09 PM
Author: qtiekiki
Will catch up tonight...

But have anyone seen the replacement straws for munchkin cup in store? I want to buy them in store because they end up being $4.99 with shipping online and I can get two new cups if I just add couple dollars.

Nope, had to buy the straws, and yes, it''s not much cheaper than the cups. Ridiculous.


Nov 18, 2004
Date: 12/9/2009 2:25:30 AM
Author: TravelingGal
Date: 12/8/2009 8:10:09 PM
Author: qtiekiki

Will catch up tonight...

But have anyone seen the replacement straws for munchkin cup in store? I want to buy them in store because they end up being $4.99 with shipping online and I can get two new cups if I just add couple dollars.

Nope, had to buy the straws, and yes, it''s not much cheaper than the cups. Ridiculous.

Same here.
I''m planning on ordering from
They are around 3 for a pack of 2.
You get free shipping if your order is more than $49.
So I''ll just order a box of diapers or something (since the price is comparable to what I can get at sam''s club).
Also, I need to get at least 3 packs since J loves chewing those straws.


Sep 21, 2006
curly: thanks for chiming in! You have such advanced children, maybe daycare provides that extra boost! I hope C starts speaking soon, I don''t want to be counting words and worrying (even though I know everyone is different). She talks/babbles alot, so does communicate--just doesn''t care to use words. I hope the TV isn''t the culprit, I try to limit it, but she does watch it regularly. And have a BLAST in LA!!!! You deserve it :). And a great time to get outta NYC, I can''t take the tourists everywhere! DH and I went to Europe for 7 nights in the summer and I did feel guilty but wish I hadn''t since when I returned, C looked at us like "oh you guys are back." (deadpan look). I was like..ok, next time I''ll stay longer, haha.

Lili: I understand about wanting to be done by 40--I feel the same way if there is #2. I hope it works out for you soon. And I think we might be the same exact age? My b''day is in June so I''m almost exactly 37.5! (eek that number looks bigggg).

Oh and has anyone bought their toddler a laptop? C is obsessed with mine so I''d like to get her one. I''ve seen a few that look pretty good (for age 1+), but has anyone actually got expereience with a particular one? I need to get cracking on Xmas gifts. I''m getting a 3+ laptop for my cousin (who yes is only 3 years older than my daughter! LOL).


Sep 21, 2006
Oh and regarding babbling and children who love attention--C always tries to "talk" louder than me if I''m talking to someone else (DH,etc). She just yells out and goes "Dadadalalala...dooodooododo" and looks at my mouth! It seems like she only wants me to talk to her!


Nov 20, 2006
iluv hi!! i''m good. thanks for asking. it''s coming down to the wire...i am so ready to get this baby out of me. haha. but he is NOT budging, guess he is a very happy camper in there.

lili hope #2 comes quicker than expected for you guys. december is definitely super busy for us over here. can''t believe both our boys are going to be december bdays. and poor DH''d bday doesn''t really count anymore. oh well. haha. we actually got the proofs and ordered some of the pics, so when those get in, i''ll scan a few to post maybe.

bobo awww, that''s so cute that he is able to have conversations now. it''s the best, isn''t it? B and i are doing well. he is as happy as can be. and i am just happy that he is a happy child who doesn''t throw too many crazy tantrums. but i am so ready to get this bay out!! how is little B?

qt all bdays were a great success and we all had a wonderful time. thanks for asking. how are you doing? so cute about M and the snow!!!

burk ALL our christmas stuff is officially done!! i am so happy to be done with everything. i''m so sorry to hear about T. how is she?

tacori T sounds like a blast as usual!! such a funny character she is!

tgal it''s so fun when they pick up more words! i loved it, but really now it seems like B just knows WAY too much. i''m always like huh, how do you know that?!?!


Nov 14, 2004
The snow festival is probably really fun for the kids. SIL and I were kind of disappointed since we were expecting a large snow area, but it’s ok as long as the kiddos had fun. We did have the camcorder, and DH said he’ll extract some pics from the video. I have no idea no to do that. I also took a pic of DH and M with her tattoo on his phone, which he uploaded on FB. I’ll have to share that with you ladies.

C’s Xmas party sounds like a blast. So funny that C didn’t want anything to do with Santa. We haven’t take M to see Santa yet, and I am not sure if we will or not. We don’t want to do the whole Santa pic thing at the mall. We just want a Santa to snap pics with. Hehe.

C probably knows more words than you know. And “there” does count. According to our pedi, the word doesn’t have to be a real word. It’s considered a word if it’s being associated with something, like M call a dog “woof woof” and pedi said that’s a word. But I know why you are concerned b/c we had the same convo with our pedi.

Poor Tayva. How is she doing?

How cute that T always wants to shop for Kade and plays in his room. M is aware of my big belly now. She likes to pull up my top to kiss my belly or poke my belly buttom or play drum on it.

I haven’t bought much for the baby at all since a lot of M’s newborn stuffs were neutral (it was my planning to reuse the clothes for the second kid) and SIL offered us her DS’s clothes if we have a boy. So I am hoping she’ll bring the clothes over after the baby is born. I did buy a few boy onesies and pants from baby gap. So if we need more, then we’ll just go out and get more. To be honest, I haven’t been very excited with boy clothes, and that’s why I haven’t bought much. I am sad that we don’t get to reuse M’s clothes, but I am saving those for when and if my sisters have a girl.


Nov 14, 2004
How are you and T feeling?

How adorable is that, T saying goodbye to everything and singing “sing a song” to grandma. It’s like the Goodnight Moon book. So much personality for a little person.

The book about spirited child sounds interesting. What’s the name of the book? It’ll be a good read.

Did you find out about your application yet? Hope everything turns out ok.

I agree with Tacori that those will be great traits in an adult.

I don’t think I will leave this thread. I have to keep up with all your kiddos somehow. Hehe.

A has more Xmas presents than M so far. We were talking over Xmas gifts the other day, and we might not get M any gifts from us since she’ll get gifts from her aunts and uncles and she really doesn’t know about Xmas yet.

Glad your friend is doing well at 26 weeks. Not too much longer for her to go.

Yeah I have a bad habit of not putting the SD card back after I load the pics on my comp. I need to stop doing that.
So did the benadryl clear up A’s hives? Funny how Tguy decided that the vaccine caused the hives.

I’m going to follow A’s verbal development since M is around a few languages in our house.

Just have to suck it up and buy the straws. Maybe I’ll have a few to make the shipping worth it.


Nov 14, 2004
Glad the girls are doing well. Keep putting the Mederma on. Hehe.

Hope you and your DH have a good time in LA.

Hehe. At least you all speak one language each. I have a hard time speaking all Cantonese, so I mix it up with English a lot. That’s how my sisters and I talk to each other. And then the InLaws mixed different dialects of Chinese. M is probably all confused.

I think snlee mentioned that the first vaccine provides 90% of the protection, as far as antibodies production.

Yeah she had this blank look on her face, like what just happened. It’s kind of funny. She does make a lot of facial expressions, and some are not very friendly.

How’s Miss J? She is speaking so much now.

Glad the parties went well.

How are you feeling? Just a couple more weeks before B’s little brother is here.

I was hoping amazon would have to straws and then we can buy other things to make up the $25 for free shipping. But the one amazon carries is $5.99 for two straws, and I am not paying that.


May 1, 2005
Burk, poor poor Tayva, hope she recover soon. I guess lots of milk in the meantime. Will drinking lots of vitamin C help?

Thanks Tacori, hope your application mess gets sort out quickly. Little B still got some cheeks but it''s disappearing fast.

Janine, We got little B a laptop when he was a baby but he wasn''t really into it. I just bought a leapfrog text and learn that look like a black berry (baby version) hopefully he''ll like that more. I was going to get the LeapFrgo clickstart my first computer but I thought that is a little too advance for him so I went with the text and learn.

puffy, it is great to be able to actually understand what little B is saying and have a mini conversation with him. Hanging there, baby will be in your arm before you know it. little B is doing well, talking, singing and dancing a lot. Always make us dance with him, i think if we video tape the dances we might win something on America Funniest home video.

QT, thanks for the info. I think M might be confused now but she''ll pick it up very soon...little B now talks in mandarin and english...


Nov 20, 2006
bobo the new AV. what a cutie pie!!

qt i''m ok, just anxious. and these last few weeks are not going by quick enough. i just hope i have him next week or after christmas as i want to be with B during christmas.

took B to a little christmas in the park thing today where they had a bunch of christmas trees, exhibits, and carnival rides. he had a blast, which is always nice he even asked to go back tomorrow. haha.


May 16, 2006
Wow, this thread was busy ....

Tgal--thank goodness co has gone back to regular nap-routine (insert big sigh of relief). They aren''t as long, but naps none the less. Must have been a fluke. Not sure if i''ll go back to regular posting in the newborn thread. I am not good at even keeping up with this one and i have more time here at work to read/post so i doubt i''ll be on much at home.
Just curious, how sure are you that A will be a one and only? Can we persuade you?

Tacori--really hope that the application is okay. That''s annoying, i am sure it was a just a processing error. Hope you are both feeling better!

Janine--yep, huge variation for talking (as there is other skills), don''t sweat it. Around 2 seems to be the magic time for development

Burk--poor tayva. Snow days are not so great when you are a prisoner in your own home

. Did the banana bread get baked? I was getting stir crazy by 4pm yesterday (and that was even with co in a good mood, but i gave him a cookie we baked and he was hyped). So stupidly i decided we should go visit his Nona. I live on a busy street and the plows go by constantly leaving a huge bank at the end of our driveway. Being the Canadian driver i am i usually take a run at it and try to bust thru...well, i got stuck, with half my car in the busy street, half in the drive way A raging blizzard going on, -20 temps and co in the back of the car
. I ran and got a shovel and dug myself out while traffic just zipped around me and Co looked at me like i was insane thru the window. I then pushed the car over the bank (ay, smart idea when pregnant) i was soaked and huffing and puffing but we made it to nona''s no worse for wear. All that b/c i needed a change of scenery

Puffy--whoa presents. Co has ONE from us--haha. The fam will take care of the rest. Can''t believe you are due soon. Can you?

Lili--add me to the list of moms with a kid that says goodbye to everything!! So weird eh? Must be a developmental thing of some sort. Cute. I want more vids of J signing--that was just the cutest thing ever. I watched her twinkle video like 20 times!

Curly--the girls sound great! Enjoy the holiday. I had trouble going away in the summer, i didn''t obsess, but i felt guilty. But of course he was totally fine. So i learned my lesson--enjoy it. And i agree totally with Tgal, your relationship is SO important and it''s good to get away and reconnect. I had a lisp until i was 5--and it was bad but went away on its own! I still have a teeny tiny trace of it (according to my BF whom is deaf and lip reads) but it is not detectable to the average person.

QT-we are taking the same strategy to xmas gifts--not getting much until he knows that he should get something under his tree at home!

MrsS. Love your lili description, she is a really cool kid (all your kiddies are acutally)
we''ve had luck with co and the tree too--he wants to make sure the lights are on, but other than that he knows not to touch & ignores it. I hope it stays that way.
Things are consistently crazy in my household. Charlie is working till midnight every night on the house. i am finding it tough. I am tired and busy but i am so looking fwd to xmas that i am still in a cheery mood.
Co is a crazy boy. He parroting like crazy and is super attitudey at moments. His fave expression is "i said Nooo" and he picks up on the oddest things. The other day the phone rang and i picked it up and read out to myself "no data" when i saw the name on the call display. Charlie then walked in the room and asked "who called" Co jumped in and answered: "no data dadda "
. Fun age.

Mrs Mitchell

Sep 22, 2006
Date: 12/10/2009 12:05:09 PM
Author: Jas12

Burk--poor tayva. Snow days are not so great when you are a prisoner in your own home

. Did the banana bread get baked? I was getting stir crazy by 4pm yesterday (and that was even with co in a good mood, but i gave him a cookie we baked and he was hyped). So stupidly i decided we should go visit his Nona. I live on a busy street and the plows go by constantly leaving a huge bank at the end of our driveway. Being the Canadian driver i am i usually take a run at it and try to bust thru...well, i got stuck, with half my car in the busy street, half in the drive way A raging blizzard going on, -20 temps and co in the back of the car
. I ran and got a shovel and dug myself out while traffic just zipped around me and Co looked at me like i was insane thru the window. I then pushed the car over the bank (ay, smart idea when pregnant) i was soaked and huffing and puffing but we made it to nona's no worse for wear. All that b/c i needed a change of scenery


Please, please don't do this again! OMG! I'm not a worrier by nature but you just worried me
I know what you mean about cabin fever though!

So, Amelia has a few words, some of which I can understand and some of which are harder to make out. The one she used for the first time today was clear enough though. Oh, you bet it was.

Darling sweetheart knocked her water cup over at breakfast and said "oh f*ck."

I know she didn't hear that at day care and I'm very careful (ok, a bit prissy) about what I say in earshot, so that leaves one culprit, who'll be home from work any minute and we'll be having a chat.

I have noticed that I can say a word or phrase over and over again to her and she totally ignores it, but a single word she's heard once somewhere will be repeated at random sometimes. (It was camel after the zoo last week) I'm therefore putting this down to a one off slip on DH's part, but yeah, a chat is in order. I'm just glad it wasn't her first word!


Dec 29, 2004
Jas12, in honesty, it would be hard to persuade me. A lot of it is out of my hands. With the dental issues I''ve been having, it looks like it won''t be all resolved until next October. I have to get xrays along the way and I obviously don''t want to expose a fetus to that. So next Oct, I will be a month shy of 38. I feel for me, that is pushing it to try to have a second child. However, I do have an appointment today with the specialist (dental) so I will ask him what he thinks.

Second, I have not lost much of the pregnancy weight. This leads me to think that ballooning up from here would be a BAD IDEA.

Third, I have a great kid on my hands that was conceived on a near fluke. If she is the only one I''ll ever have, I feel blessed more than I can say. I don''t wanna be greedy you know.

lili, wanted to comment on the language thing. I disagree with your husband that Chinese should not be spoken at home, if he thinks that''s for J''s sake. The tongue is capable of making so many sounds, but early on most of it goes away as we can only start to say sounds we hear. Korean was my first language...the only language spoken at home until I went to school. And yet I learned English so quickly from TV and when I went to school, it was over...Korean was left far behind. Still, I can pronounce words that I probably would not have otherwise.

Does DH speak mainstream Chinese? As we all know, so many things are made in China. Doors are open if you can speak the language...the world does business with China, and not enough people can speak the language.


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 12/10/2009 12:29:54 PM
Author: Mrs Mitchell

Date: 12/10/2009 12:05:09 PM
Author: Jas12

Burk--poor tayva. Snow days are not so great when you are a prisoner in your own home

. Did the banana bread get baked? I was getting stir crazy by 4pm yesterday (and that was even with co in a good mood, but i gave him a cookie we baked and he was hyped). So stupidly i decided we should go visit his Nona. I live on a busy street and the plows go by constantly leaving a huge bank at the end of our driveway. Being the Canadian driver i am i usually take a run at it and try to bust thru...well, i got stuck, with half my car in the busy street, half in the drive way A raging blizzard going on, -20 temps and co in the back of the car
. I ran and got a shovel and dug myself out while traffic just zipped around me and Co looked at me like i was insane thru the window. I then pushed the car over the bank (ay, smart idea when pregnant) i was soaked and huffing and puffing but we made it to nona''s no worse for wear. All that b/c i needed a change of scenery


Please, please don''t do this again! OMG! I''m not a worrier by nature but you just worried me
I know what you mean about cabin fever though!

So, Amelia has a few words, some of which I can understand and some of which are harder to make out. The one she used for the first time today was clear enough though. Oh, you bet it was.

Darling sweetheart knocked her water cup over at breakfast and said ''oh f*uck.''

I know she didn''t hear that at day care and I''m very careful (ok, a bit prissy) about what I say in earshot, so that leaves one culprit, who''ll be home from work any minute and we''ll be having a chat.

I have noticed that I can say a word or phrase over and over again to her and she totally ignores it, but a single word she''s heard once somewhere will be repeated at random sometimes. (It was camel after the zoo last week) I''m therefore putting this down to a one off slip on DH''s part, but yeah, a chat is in order. I''m just glad it wasn''t her first word!
Bahahahaha....sorry, that was funny!

Mrs Mitchell

Sep 22, 2006
Hmmm. I had to leave the room to laugh in the hallway because there was something (inappropriately) comical about an annoyed looking toddler saying that.

I'm still not pleased, though! DH was a Naval Officer and has retained some of the bad habits, I fear.


May 16, 2006
MrsM---oh gawd, i would have died laughing. I sometimes say to DH you are such a ''dumb dumb'' (kinda an inside joke) and i heard Co say "dadda dum dum"
--we have to be careful!!!
oh and i realized my story sounded really dangerous. I assure you Co wasn''t in any real danger, most of the car was still in the drive and the traffic was really not zipping, more like crawling, but ya, not a real smart move on my part! I won''t do it again, i promise

Tgal--well, that''s understandable. I know you are worried about the toxemia too (on top of everything else). I think sometimes i am pushing my luck with kids too. My hips and pelvis are still in bad shape and expected to get worse with this kid, but mostly worried b/c like you i have a (mostly) easy baby now and i am bound to have a challenge this time. Oh well, too late. I guess Tguy is on the same page as you? I hope the dentist gives you encouraging news. And i am only prying b/c you are a great mom and great moms have great kids.

Lili--i agree with Tgal. This is the opportune time for kids to learn multiple languages. I so wish i could afford to put Co into a french daycare 2-3 times a week. Everything is bilingual in canada and so he knows some french words from things like the cereal box or signs outside, but i don''t speak enough to give him much of the language. I am still mad at my grandparents for not speaking Italian to my mom at home. They were embarrassed as immigrants and tried to be ''english''. As a result, my mom didn''t know enough to teach us and that part of our heritage was lost in just one immigrant generation. So start speaking. J is so bright she''ll learn both no problem. And she''ll thank you later!!!

Mrs Mitchell

Sep 22, 2006
I''m pretty sure Co was in no danger at all, it was more the stressed, crazy pregnant lady in the snowdrift ram raid I was thinking of!

Sort of on the same subject, DH had a close call on the drive home last night, there was a bit of a pile-up on the motorway. The car in front of him and the car behind him BOTH ended up in it, so at least I know he''s paying close attention when he drives with A. He was very late home with her as a result so I kept her home today and I am a little shaken at such a close run thing. I''m pretty sure that she''s survive armageddon in the particular car seat I picked for her, but I never, ever want to test the theory.


Sep 21, 2006
MrsMitchell, that is hilarious. Very disciplined of you to leave the room to laugh. I would have laughed right there causing child to want to repeat (I have already made this mistake when C's been gassy). This reminds me of my little sister...she was 2 in the tub, splsashing away when some bath toy did not cooperate and she muttered "sH*t!". OF course everyone denied saying it in her prescence.

TGAL: Be curious to see if you stick to wanting one! We are the same age (more or less). I am leaning towards one but still can't quite close the door. I would be trying at 38 if so. We are doing a major house expansion which won't be done till summer. My thought is if there was #2 I'd have it at 39 and still meet the 40 cut off and have kiddies 3 yrs apart (more manageable in my opinion). Also be in a better position to stop working in a few years than now. But that's alot of if's. The biggest reason for #2 would be for C. I feel exhausted when I think about it though and not crazy about being pg again (the physical part), so this isn't a good sign. I sometimes also think some moms are better cut to multitask children, I get nervous if I'd be able to!
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