
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months


Nov 18, 2004
Hopefully T will dislike the corner enough so that you can "threaten" her w/ timeout.
I haven''t given J timeout yet, but I''ve spanked her (very lightly though she cried as if I''ve beaten her badly) when she squirmed and refused a diaper change. Don''t know what I''ll about timeout....hopefully I will not have to :razz:

Haha, J is like T too. Just about the only time she''ll hold my hands when we are out is when she''s in an unfamiliar place and need reinforcement. And when she does, it''s to lead me to wherever she wants to go. Once she''s familiar w/ the place, she''ll yank her hands away so fast. DH will be her favorite too. I can just see it. She only wants mommy right now because I''m still her food source.


Nov 18, 2004
Bummer about the nausea starting.....but that''s a good sign.
I''m like you too. We didn''t tell family about J until we had confirmation at our first prenatal at 9.5wks.
Hehe, can''t think about baby#2 until I''m free of my BFing duty, which is not going as well as I wanted.
It probably would be easier in terms of her milk strike if her favorite caretaker didn''t start her maternity leave last week.
I would have delayed weaning her for another month or so, but I''m thinking that w/ each month, it is just going to get that much harder.
She is a stubborn girl.

That''s cute Jake knows to go to his chair for meal times.
So are you going to keep his booster on the floor so that he can seat himself?
I think they like the ability to get in and out of their seats (make them feel like a big kid).
Like I told Burk, J is going on milk strike w/ my weaning.
It''s like battle of the wills.....see who will break first -- of course mommy broke and gave in a bit and BF her last night after not BFing the last 3 nights. Starting over again


Dec 29, 2004
I bought Stride Rite shoes for the kid today. What''s tragically sad is that

A) this was the highlight of the day.
B) It''s more than I spent on shoes for myself in the last 3 years.
C) Amelia couldn''t give a rat''s a** and tried eat them (sadder because she eats nothing). and
D) Did I say already that it was the highlight of my day?

(insert guttural sobbing here.)

And yes, I fully realize the irony of buying more pricey shoes for a kid who can''t even WALK yet, but the PT said I needed to get proper hard soled shoes with ankle support for her (due to her pretty bad pronating). I had been buying target shoes but noticed that they really aren''t good for her and cut into her in places, even when she wears socks. I had her fitted and she''s a 5.5! Damn boat feet! Who knew that you needed so much extra space in tot''s shoes? I would have stuffed her in a pair of 5s and been done with it.

What shoes do y''all buy for your toddlers?

(pics below. The beige ones I bought in the next size up as I like neutral colors and am hoping Amelia will need less ankle support then. Stride Rite has an no time limit on exchange, so I figure if they don''t work in a few months, I will exchange for something else. Both were on sale!)



Nov 18, 2004
Hehe, you don''t have to drink the water....
just hanging on this thread and it''ll get into your system through osmosis

Haha, no haven''t tried mt everest yet. she tried to conquer her pack-n-play.
Got one foot draped over the rail.

Hehe, so did A threw a fruity again when you guys are ready to go home?
Something about sand that kids just go crazy over.

Hey, someone owe us a nekkid pic of A in her size 5 diaper

How''s the little princess doing?
Is she cruising more now?


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 6/15/2009 12:10:36 AM
Author: lili
Hehe, you don''t have to drink the water....
just hanging on this thread and it''ll get into your system through osmosis

Haha, no haven''t tried mt everest yet. she tried to conquer her pack-n-play.
Got one foot draped over the rail.

Hehe, so did A threw a fruity again when you guys are ready to go home?
Something about sand that kids just go crazy over.

Hey, someone owe us a nekkid pic of A in her size 5 diaper

How''s the little princess doing?
Is she cruising more now?
lili, yes, she cruises like crazy. Has been for two months now. She didn''t like crawling much at all as she''d rather be upright, HOWEVER, in the last week she now doesn''t want to stand and walk in public places like parks. She wants to crawl only and get to the sandbox, asap. As soon as I hold her to stand, she''ll bend up her knees and make her legs go limp.

One foot over the rail on the PnP? Wow, that''s impressive!

And yeah, she was really tired as I left Seal Beach at around 6pm, which is close to her bedtime. She cried like a freak. This time we gave her water in a bucket too, so she was a disaster. Have you headed down to the beaches much with J?

And nekkid diaper pics...girl, you are going to have to come find me in order to be able to see them (not that I''ve taken anyway, btw). No more Amelia pics on PS!


Nov 20, 2006
tacori that is the same video monitor we have. i was thinking to try to brave it out and not get a double just cause B doesn''t really like to be in a stroller anyways, but i guess it''s always better to have him contained in the stroller, kicking and screaming, rather than running around causing trouble. any more funny T stories?

burk YIKES, sorry to hear about getting nauseous, but hopefully it won''t stick around too long. furniture shopping is so fun!! we have the same video monitor as tacori, and we love it. we''ve had it since day 1 for B and got an extra camera just cause we knew we would always have more kids. B''s been on the regular potty the rest of the day, so hopefully it will last.

mrsS that''s so funny and cute that jake sits in his seat to wait for his food. you''ve got him trained well! yup, i''m feeling ok, not great, but not much to complain about. we definitely want to find out the sex as i just can''t stand to not know. but DH kinda wants the surprise. *i* am finding out for sure.

tgal i tried msB''s suggestion today and it worked like a charm. B loved his new toy, kissed the belly, and is happy about the baby again, but of course he''s stilling the baby a "puppy." i guess if we don''t get him a puppy, he''ll be really disappointed when an actual baby comes out. we have stride rite''s for B. they''re really great shoes, i think. but he also has a bunch of nike''s, puma''s, adidas, just tennis shoes. i try to put him in the stride rite''s as much as possible, but that kid has a mind of his own. he doesn''t even let me pick out his clothes anymore.

DH is coming home tomorrow after 2 weeks away on vacay with friends. perfect timing cause mama needs a break, but that''s not going to happen. he comes home tomorrow night then it''s off to work tuesday morning.
hope everyone had a great weekend!!


Nov 18, 2004
LOL....I had to laugh at your "boatfeet" description.
A is so tall, she''d look like she''d got her feet binded if they were smaller.
I think J may be a 5 if measured properly.
Wow, my jaw dropped when I saw how much those stride rite shoes cost (and after a 40% sale too).
J is wearing those soft sole pedipeds.
I am actually thinking about getting her some more since they are having a sale right now too.
But hesitated because I don''t know if it would be better for her to wear hard sole shoes now.

Haha, too funny that A make like noodle legs when she''s at the sand box.
That''s how J is too when she doesn''t want to get up and go somewhere.
And she''d collapsed her shoulders too so that she''ll just slide off our hands when we tried to pick her up.

We haven''t taken her to the beach since our trip to HI.
DH is not too keen w/ the beaches here since he''s born and raised in HI.
We may take her to the pool when the weather heats up a bit more....though I''m still a bit unsure about dunking her into those chlorinated water

What? No more A pictures?
I may have to hunt you down then.


Dec 29, 2004
puffy, yup, I did read that it worked! I hope it continues too. As others said, you just have a boy that is too smart for YOUR own good, ha!

lili, don''t buy off the website if you want stride rite shoes. It is in Del Amo (right near Macy''s North) across from Express. They are cheaper in the store for the SAME shoe. Both were 29.95 (whereas one of them sales 39.95 on the web). The full prices are inconsistent as well. Where are the pedipeds on sale? I think they are so cute, but the PT recommended hard soles for Amelia. I think every expert has a different opinion. With a soft sole, she will totally pronate and is on the side of the shoe. I notice that she can''t do that with the stride rite sneakers. Still, barefoot is apparently best for learning how to walk.

Yeah, the beaches on HI are nice, but I think Hermosa/Manhattan is nice. Good, clean sand for the kids to play in.

We have a pool in our apartment, but it''s always got stuff floating in it. My friend has a saltwater pool, so that is where I''ll be taking Amelia. However, I am looking into swim school, which means a chlorinated pool is inevitable.


May 1, 2005

Thanks msb, we get the ok from the pedi to take the bandages off tomorrow.


Tacori, the mental image of Tessa''s head bouncing up and down cracks me up. Little B''s time out spot is our small walk in closet.
I will put him in and I''ll block the door way so he can''t get out. If he get''s really bad like come running towards me to hit me then
I''ll close the door but not completely.

Jas12, sorry to hear about your single motherhood situation. I think it''s so special that your husband is the one building the house.

Janine, good to hear no bad memory of the scar.Little B''s is on the left side of his forehead.

Burk, love the new AV. Tayva''s curls are just so beautiful! Sorry to hear the nauseous had kick in...

puffy, little B is doing well, we get to take the bandages off tomorrow. I guess he can scratch all he can by tomorrow.
Can''t believe you are heading in your 2nd trimester already.

Congrats Steph! sorry to hear about the miscarriage, hope this pregnancy will be a smooth one.

lili, the cut is on the left corner of his forehead. I hope as he grow the scar will stretch and be less visible.

TGal, the shoes looks very comfortable and very cute too.



May 9, 2006
Tacori~I found a monitor on Ebay that I think I''m going to bid on!!

mrss~Thanks! I have the "need to be eating constantly" m/s again. I''ll probably be up 5lbs by the time I have my first appt at this rate! So cute about Jake sitting in his chair to wait for his food! And yay to walking full time!!

Tgal~No water sharing for you? Are you sure?
Cute shoes! My BFF swore by them.

lili~Yea, m/s is good. Like I told mrss it''s the type where I feel horrible unless I''m eating something. Yuck. I''ll be 9.5 weeks at my first appt too. We''ll tell our families if everything is okay at that appt. Then we''ll probably start telling friends shortly after that. I think you''re right that delaying the weaning will only delay the inevitable and probably make it harder. I can totally relate to stubborn (T and her potty training as a prime example). Good luck!!

puffy~Glad the little gifts worked for B! I''m sure it''s a phase and that all kids go through it. I''m not looking forward to it! We probably won''t tell T until I am clearly showing so when that time comes I''m sure I''ll have my jealousy stories to share! I am not really surprised I''m nauseous...was with T so I was expecting it. Just hoping it doesn''t stick around as long as it did last time! I think I''m going to bid on a video monitor on Ebay. Yikes, I know. Hopefully I get lucky. I probably should have just gotten one right away with T but at the time thought it was silly and with my crazy sleeper I think it will be awesome!!



Jan 3, 2005
tgal-I did stride rite''s for my girls when they were little. I still splurge and get them as their main gym shoe for school. Jake goes barefoot most of the time but I do have a pair soft soled tennis shoe''s when shoe''s are a must. He''s got a pair of crocks too that are cute buy hard for him to walk in. I will get him a pair of stride rites probably this fall.

Jake''s milk allergy causing the eczema is completely gone. He ate regular plain yogurt 2 days ago and no reaction whatsoever on his skin. it''s smooth as a baby''s butt and that''s even with daily sunscreen and a dip in a chlorinated pool. I''m just so happy b/c having a lifetime milk allergy would suck.

lili-i think the older they get the harder it is to wean. Jake threw some tantrums too when he wanted to nurse and I just wouldn''t let him. Stay strong and don''t give in to her. Their tantrums don''t get more mild as they get older so it''s important for them to learn who is boss off the bat.

puffy, glad your DH is coming home at least for a little break for you.

bobo-I hope little B is all healed up..

burk-keeping food on your tummy will help a lot. i carried around snacks where ever I went. plus, Coke was one of the things that actually helped so I was bad and drank it.


Nov 18, 2004
Thanks. I''ll go check it out if I have some time.

The pedipeds sale is off their website.
Only selected models are on sale though.
Supply is running low since it is toward the end of the sale.

Yeah, Manhattan and Hermosa beaches are nice.
Isn''t it hard to find parking though?

How nice about friend''s salted water swimming pool.
We may have to tag along

When are you going to let A take swim lesson?
That''s so cute when little ones can swim.


Nov 18, 2004
I mean styles instead of models.
I swear, sometimes I wonder where my head is.


Nov 18, 2004
Little B''s scar will be so faint, if not non-existent.
I have a scar on my cheek that is very faint, and this is on old skin and w/o stitches.
Beside, he may even find it cool that he''s got a scar to show his little friends later -- you know how little boys are.
How is B doing aside from wanting to pick at his wound?
I hope the incident did make him lose any weight.

5 lbs on your tall frame is nothing.
I''m so envious of you tall ladies.....can carry so small.
One of my friend is 5''9" and she was so tiny when she was 36 wks -- look like she''s only in her second trimester.
Can''t wait to see you in your preggo self.

That''s great Jake is good w/ milk.
It would definitely suck w/ milk allergy (practically all the yummies are milk base :razz:)
Hmm....wonder if I should dip J in the chlorinated pool.
Didn''t someone post something about bathing in a mild chlorine solution is good for ezcema skin?
Thanks for the support.
I will stay strong. It would be easier to stay strong through her tantrums if she wasn''t on her milk strike.


Jan 3, 2005
lili- Believe it or not J will forget in a couple of weeks how to nurse at all. Once week after I weaned Jake I tried to nurse him just to see if he would remember. he did and tried to latch and of course I totally ticked him off when I wouldn''t let him. I know, I''m a mean mommy. Around 2-3 weeks after I weaned I tried again and he looked at me like what the heck are your doing? He didn''t try to latch at all or seem to even know what to do. So, you just have to take it one day at a time and offer the sippy or bottle but refuse to nurse. eventually she will get thirsty and drink even if she goes a day without drinking much. My guess is she''ll still eat and if she eats fruits like watermelon they have a ton of water in them so she''s getting liquid and won''t dehydrate. believe me though, I know it hard. and I was really surprised how sad I was to stop nursing even though I don''t really love it like some gals. Maybe b/c I know Jake is my last or that it means that time that belongs to just he and I will be a thing of the past made it really hard for me to just do it and part of the reason I went 13 months with him.


May 9, 2006
mrss~So glad Jake is milk allergy free! What a huge relief! I have had to create a stash of snacks in my purse. Just in case.

lili~I gained 45 lbs with Tayva. Being tall def. helped. I was by no means tiny at 36 weeks though.
My doc thought I had an 8lb plus baby in there!!

I bought T a little pool at Target and got it set up today and she LOVED it. She tired herself out so much that she took another nap, so (2) two-hour naps today!


Nov 20, 2006
bobo glad to hear that little B is doing well. YAY for the bandages coming off tomorrow. i am sure that he will be just fine, cute as can be!!

burk hopefully you won''t have to deal with these crazy jealousy issues!! he''s been better today but he did ask if the baby got him another present. i had to break the news to him and tell him no. but he wasn''t too disappointed. you are going to love the monitor. i''m hoping you get lucky on ebay. hope you are feeling better.

mrsS that''s great that jake''s eczema isn''t flaring up with the milk products.

lili haha, i consider myself to be pretty tall, but i was NOT small at 36 weeks. how is weaning going? i agree that delaying it longer is just going to be harder on her and you. and the sooner you wean, the sooner you can TTC #2!! how is that spunky little girl of yours?

today, i took B to the boardwalk, and he absolutely loved it. i didn''t enjoy the drove so much, but he had a wonderful time, other than it being extremely cold. he wanted to get into everything. it was nuts trying to keep up with him. and of course he took his nap on the way home, so when we got home, he was ready to continue playing, so i didn''t get to nap with him today, and i needed it today. i did manage to get a 10 minute power nap in when he was playing with his toys by himself. and thank goodness DH is home.


Jan 3, 2005
hey r u all doing??

things are good over here...very busy with the baking..things have been picking up (luckily) and its been very hard to keep up with the orders..i work long hours and by the time im home from work and spend time with little K, feed him, put him to sleep, start baking, then frosting, im not in bed before midnite
...but i still love baking, so thats good!

i have next week off for the potty training marathon...then we're off (k, me and mom) to Doha (how exciting..--insert sarcasm here--)for the sis moved there with her husband so it will be nice to go see her..

im in a bit of the office, its me and one other guy in the same level and then theres our boss...the three of us r very close, we work well together and we've also built a the issue is co-worker (male) and my boss (female) do not see eye-to-eye when it comes to the way work should get done..he has his ways, she has her ways and they're constantly clashing..and who ends up in the middle? me!! he comes and complains..then SHE comes and complains and BOTH expect me to pass their views to the other....its horrible being in that position coz i agree with some stuff HE says and i agree with some stuff SHE says but i dont want to voice my opinion as i dont want to be labeled as taking sides! latest episode...yesterday we were setting up the plan for 2010 and he had very 'strong' opinions about the way it was being done and who was assigned to wat task etc...they both got annoyed, but moved on..turns out boss lady was ANGRY and called me up after work complaining and complaining and expecting that i deliver the msg to him that shes very upset and basically expects an me thats totally unprofessional honestly..coz ur OUR boss..u cant come to ME to solve ur issues..if u have issues go to him directly!! anyhow...i bite the bullet and call him and he says that he doesnt believe that hes done anything wrong and that HE expects an apology on something that she had said...(oh man..)..anyhow, came to the office this morning and boss asks wat happened..i relay the message..she gets annoyed all over and now she called him in to the office and a heated discussion is going on...

why oh why am i in the middle of all this?? i really want to tell them both "leave me out of this..this is ur issues, u deal with it", but im not good in that sorta thing!! any advice?

sorry for the TOTALLY self-centered post :)

and in little k news...he can spell his name on the laptop..yes..type it away....and if he presses a wrong letter, he'd hit backspace and then continue typing!

he also knows how to count till 20 (in english) and 10 (in arabic)...isn't that too young to know already??? ANNNDDD we were at a friends house yesterday and he was playing with this truck that had 'openings' where u'd pass thru a square or a heart or an octagon..u know those puzzles? anyhow..first time he plays with something like that..and he got all of them right..on the first try!!!

my kid is turning into a genius and i didnt even know it! ahahahaha


Dec 29, 2004
Real quick, a question for anyone who can help...

Amelia is obviously still not walking but loves crawling around at the park. It''s killing her knees. I looked up kneepad choices, but not a lot available at a retailer for pick up. Did anyone have any solutions for this?


Jan 3, 2005
Date: 6/16/2009 2:26:49 AM
Author: TravelingGal
Real quick, a question for anyone who can help...

Amelia is obviously still not walking but loves crawling around at the park. It''s killing her knees. I looked up kneepad choices, but not a lot available at a retailer for pick up. Did anyone have any solutions for this?

u know those headbands or wristbands used for exercise? like wat tennis players use? i would buy those and modify them a bit to use on her knees... they''re thick enuf to make a barrier between her knees and the floor and are easy enuf to wash and re-use??


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 6/16/2009 2:37:32 AM
Author: msb700

Date: 6/16/2009 2:26:49 AM
Author: TravelingGal
Real quick, a question for anyone who can help...

Amelia is obviously still not walking but loves crawling around at the park. It''s killing her knees. I looked up kneepad choices, but not a lot available at a retailer for pick up. Did anyone have any solutions for this?

u know those headbands or wristbands used for exercise? like wat tennis players use? i would buy those and modify them a bit to use on her knees... they''re thick enuf to make a barrier between her knees and the floor and are easy enuf to wash and re-use??
Thanks msb...I just saw that suggestion on a review of knee pads on amazon. I guess the issue is that they might slip off easily, however, I will try it.

I don''t need them in my house, but the cushy floor of the playground is murder. Its very gravelly feeling....


Jan 3, 2005
Date: 6/16/2009 2:39:24 AM
Author: TravelingGal
Date: 6/16/2009 2:37:32 AM

Author: msb700

Date: 6/16/2009 2:26:49 AM

Author: TravelingGal

Real quick, a question for anyone who can help...

Amelia is obviously still not walking but loves crawling around at the park. It''s killing her knees. I looked up kneepad choices, but not a lot available at a retailer for pick up. Did anyone have any solutions for this?

u know those headbands or wristbands used for exercise? like wat tennis players use? i would buy those and modify them a bit to use on her knees... they''re thick enuf to make a barrier between her knees and the floor and are easy enuf to wash and re-use??
Thanks msb...I just saw that suggestion on a review of knee pads on amazon. I guess the issue is that they might slip off easily, however, I will try it.

I don''t need them in my house, but the cushy floor of the playground is murder. Its very gravelly feeling....

okay this may ''look'' funny, but it mite do the job.. u know those bandages used to wrap a twisted ankle or wrist?? how bout wrapping that around her knees? u can make it as thin or thick as u need and as tight or loose as u need?


Jul 12, 2008
Date: 6/16/2009 2:26:49 AM
Author: TravelingGal
Real quick, a question for anyone who can help...

Amelia is obviously still not walking but loves crawling around at the park. It''s killing her knees. I looked up kneepad choices, but not a lot available at a retailer for pick up. Did anyone have any solutions for this?

I was reading Parenting, the magazine, this weekend and read about another family that cuts off the feet of mens tube socks and pulls the ankle part (folded over for some extra padding) over their son''s knees to prevent scrapes when he''s playing. In this case, I think the little boy was older than A and I think he was already walking but perhaps something like that might work?? Hope this helps!


Jan 3, 2005
Date: 6/16/2009 2:26:49 AM
Author: TravelingGal
Real quick, a question for anyone who can help...

Amelia is obviously still not walking but loves crawling around at the park. It''s killing her knees. I looked up kneepad choices, but not a lot available at a retailer for pick up. Did anyone have any solutions for this?

tgal-I actually didn''t go to a playground very often with jake when he was in the crawling stage because of that reason along with his hands getting into and picking up nasty things and trying to get it into his mouth. If we did go to a park I kept him in the stroller. I did take him a few times and it helped if he was in pants. I had a few cheap pairs that didn''t matter if the knees got worn out. The little knee pads might be a worth a try if you go a lot. I''ll be interested to see what you think.


Dec 29, 2004
Thanks ladies!

msb, I thought about the ankle bandages, and was going to buy some if I couldn''t think of anything else. Good idea!

mrs, ha...that is a creative idea and I''ll see if mine would work for her.

mrssalvo, she loves the park and I can''t just keep her at home anymore as she knows what she''s missing! Fortunately, she doesn''t put much in her mouth still, so I''m lucky I don''t have to worry about gross stuff in her mouth. I checked her hands and they seem OK, but it does seem like they should be more mangled after crawling around at the park.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Tgal, I bought T''s fall shoes a few months ago during a big sale. She has these red mary janes, these adorable eggplant suede boots, and my favorite are these teal and chocolate cuties.

puffy, yeah, just wait it out to see if you need a double stroller. I love the monitor those might have DH mount it on the wall so I get an even better view. We went out to dinner to celebrate DH''s b-day and my MIL took T on a walk before the food got there. I guess she started "talking" to this lady (who ironically happened to be a preschool teacher) then when she had enough she grabbed MIL''s hand and tried to drag her away. Since MIL wasn''t moving she grabbed this stranger''s hand and tried to drag her! Haha. She isn''t shy.

Bobo, see T LOVES being in our closets to that wouldn''t be a punishment for her.

Burk, hope you win your bid.

MrsS, yay for Jake outgrowing his allergy! That is awesome news!

msb, that is so cute that K can type out his name. Sorry about your work situation!


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 6/16/2009 1:12:02 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Tgal, I bought T''s fall shoes a few months ago during a big sale. She has these red mary janes, these adorable eggplant suede boots, and my favorite are these teal and chocolate cuties.
I love the see kai run shoes! I was thinking of buying the teal and choc ones the other night but wasn''t sure if I wanted to spend the money at this point in time for cute shoes. I love the red ones too. Did you buy them from see kai run directly?

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Date: 6/16/2009 1:51:12 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Date: 6/16/2009 1:12:02 PM

Author: Tacori E-ring

Tgal, I bought T''s fall shoes a few months ago during a big sale. She has these red mary janes, these adorable eggplant suede boots, and my favorite are these teal and chocolate cuties.
I love the see kai run shoes! I was thinking of buying the teal and choc ones the other night but wasn''t sure if I wanted to spend the money at this point in time for cute shoes. I love the red ones too. Did you buy them from see kai run directly?

I bought from them directly during there 50% sale. I got all three pairs for just over $60. I figured Target shoes aren''t much cheaper and these are such awesome quality. I love them.


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 6/16/2009 2:09:48 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring

Date: 6/16/2009 1:51:12 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 6/16/2009 1:12:02 PM

Author: Tacori E-ring

Tgal, I bought T''s fall shoes a few months ago during a big sale. She has these red mary janes, these adorable eggplant suede boots, and my favorite are these teal and chocolate cuties.
I love the see kai run shoes! I was thinking of buying the teal and choc ones the other night but wasn''t sure if I wanted to spend the money at this point in time for cute shoes. I love the red ones too. Did you buy them from see kai run directly?

I bought from them directly during there 50% sale. I got all three pairs for just over $60. I figured Target shoes aren''t much cheaper and these are such awesome quality. I love them.
Wow, that is a great deal. I don''t see any similar sales on now, so perhaps I will wait until they have a sale like that again. I signed up for their newsletter and Amelia isn''t exactly a walking maniac yet, so there''s no point.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
TGal, I thought I posted the sale but maybe I forgot. I think they do them twice a year. I bought all size 6s so hopefully that will be her shoe size by then. She currently is in 5s. I''ll let you know if I see any deals. The leather is SO soft. I did love pedipeds but she was destroying the leather bottoms when she started walking. I might get their big girl shoes in the future.
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