
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!


Nov 14, 2004
I think I mentioned in the original mommies thread, but M got three new teeth. Two more on top and one more on the bottom, so she has 7 teeth total now. She is becoming more and more playful nowaday, and it's really fun. She loves "walking" with us holding her by her armpits. She can pull herself up on certain things, like the ottoman in her room. She can also now move sideway holding the stair rails. I got the walking wing for her, so we didn't have to bend over to hold her. I tried it, but I am not sure if I like it yet. I'll have to try it again b/c it's either that or a tired back.

I also gave her some small pieces of meat from our dinner last night. She did great. No gagging or anything. I definitely need to give her more table food now.

Welcome to the newborn mommy thread. Kyle is so precious, so alert at 12 hours old. Would love a current pic if you have one.
Wow you had a tough recovery. Glad you two are fine now.
Love the name Kyle. It's one of my boy names.
How had the last 3 months of motherhood for you? It's tough when you are a working mom.
Yay for K rolling over tummy to back. He will roll the other way in no time.

That's nice that you get to spend an extra hour with James in the am. That's one thing that I wish I can do - spending time in the am with M. But it's either spending time in the am or getting home early to spend time in evening. I chose the latter mainly b/c it would be harder for me to leave her in the am after playing with her. Your schedule now is perfect though since you get to do both.
James is such a handsome boy.
Is he crawling everywhere now?

Don't worry. I do plan to meet up with snlee again, if she is ok with it. We can meet you next time.

How funny Chloe grab the cookie instead. That girl knows what she wants. She'll put the puffs in her mouth soon enough. Remember when I posted about M not feeding herself the puffs. Ended up taking her only a couple days before doing it. So just keep offering them to her. I had ate my share of puffs too. Partly b/c I taste them before giving them to M.

You can try different paci. M was spitting the paci out at that age. She wouldn't take any brands, not even the soothie.
Sorry you have to deal with those teenage girls. I never had a problem with crying babies, well except when the parents bring their newborn to the movies. They'll know better when they do have babies of their own.
G is getting big.

Awww cute collage of Hunter. I am so sad that you won't post pics of him anymore. He is such a cutie.
Yay for STTN for 9.5 hours. Yeah good naps definitely lead to good night sleep. It's a mistake when parents are adviced to keep the babies up during the day so they can STTN. So FALSE.
Congrats on the upgrade. I was thinking of an upgrade on our 5th anniversary, but that's not happening.

I don't think a crib is necessary in the beginning since you have the co-sleeper. When you actually need one depends on when you want to transition the baby to the crib. We had M in her crib since day 1, so it was necessary for us.


Oct 6, 2004
A new thread and I''m already behind!

DIVA, yay for James crawling! That''s awesome!

BLEN, hope your trip continues to go smoothly.

PAVE, around 4 months is when I started sleep training D. Things are so much easier when the baby isn''t dependent on you to sleep (rock them to sleep, hold them while sleeping, etc). I know it''s hard listening to baby cry. It does get better. Good luck! Hope T''s tooth comes in quickly.

Mrs, welcome!

NF and DREAMER, yay for STTN! Hope it lasts!

DREAMER, I LOVE the collage! Hunter is adorable!

JANINE and QT, I feel like I''m on the border too. I am going to have to hang out in the 12+ month thread too.

JANINE, I would try puffs! Good luck! I still haven''t given D any finger foods yet. I want to wait until he starts crawling or is more mobile. How funny Chloe fed herself a cookie!

CULY, forgot if I commented on this before but YAY for Lucy crawling!

QT, it was nice to hang out with you last weekend and meet Meena and Mr. QT. Thank you for the cute sweater you got D. You are so sweet! Meena is so adorable! I look forward to future GTGs and our children interacting more. They were so CUTE together!!!

PUFFY, next time you have to join us! If you are up for a GTG, let me know when you are free. I''d love to meet you and B!

MUSTANG, welcome! Kyle is adorable!


May 9, 2006
I''m can''t miss all the adorable pics so I''m going to have to pop in here periodically to get my baby fix!

Diva, DD and Mustang~You all have such adorable little ones!

Blen~I agree with the others about trying different pacis. And, as far as I''m concerned more teenage girls need to hear a screaming baby-birth control!


Jun 18, 2004
Thanks gtiekiki! We had a hard time picking out a boy name (of course we had a girl name all ready), and Kyle was the only one we could agree on. He''s doing really well, almost 14 pounds now (he was almost 9 pounds at birth), and he''s really strong. He''s been sleeping through the night snice he was 7 weeks old, and hardly cries or gets fussy.

I''ve been back at work since he was 8 weeks old. It''s not too bad, DH gets off earlier than me, so he picks Kyle up and has some daddy time before I get home. I found a neighbor who does in home daycare, and we really hit it off well with her. She has 4 kids of her own, and even taught in a pre-school before deciding to be a SAHM.

Here''s a pic of Kyle from last weekend in his bumbo, he loves sitting up, and has recently started grabbing toys and trying to eat them.



Jun 18, 2004
And one more pic for fun, Kyle at the baseball game. He''s already been to 2 games, and did really well at the first one, but was a little fussy at the second. They had the roof of the stadium closed the second time, and it was much louder, which is what I think he didn''t like. So we decided no more games until it cools off enough to open the roof again. (it''s already over 100 degrees every day here in Phoenix) You can tell DH is a Diamondbacks fan

Thank you eveyone for your warm welcome!



Jun 18, 2004
I also have a question: does anyone have experience with blocked tear ducts? Kyle''s eyes are really goobery (technical term there) when he wakes up every morning, and even throughout the day. They weren''t so bad at his last Dr. appointment, and the doctor said he should grow out of it, but they''re really gunking up now. He doesn''t have an appointment again until next month, and it''s not anything serious so I thought I''d just wait until then to bring it up again with the doctor.

I''ve read you can massage them to help open the ducts, anyone try that?


Jul 12, 2008
Hi mommies!

Mustang, I''m glad you''ve joined us here! Congrats on Kyle rolling over - that''s fun! He''s super cute! I''m sorry I can''t offer any advice on the tear duct thing - I''ve no experience with it.

Diva, James is SUCH a cutie!

Blen, I''m glad Gabe did well in the car and I hope you''re enjoying your trip! Like DD said, you may find that Gabe prefers the soothie pacies. Sage liked those the best as well. Sometimes we also need to hold it in her mouth for a few seconds before she realizes it''s there and starts to suck on it so you might try it again for G.

DD, congrats on 9.5 hours AND a new diamond! Hunter looks adorable. I''ve found that Sage sleeps better at night when she has slept better during the day as well. We''re still working on getting her to sleep earlier at night though since she doesn''t seem to want to go down before 9:30 or 10:30...

fiery, we didn''t get a crib for Sage until she was 6 or 7 weeks old. She has taken day naps in it for a few weeks but only just slept in it at night for the first time last night at 8 weeks old. She will probably still sleep in her co-sleeper in our room for a while but I wanted to see how she would do last night. She''s pretty loud at night but we have a sound machine that helps us sleep with her in the room. Like the others have said, you might want to get a crib just in case you find that having her in your room for very long wont work for you. Like DD said, nursing in bed isn''t so easy at first when they are really small so you probably wont find that having her in the room with you helps in that regard. Once Sage got to be about 5 or 6 weeks, she was easier to nurse in bed lying down but even when I do that (rarely), I still usually need to get up to change her.

qtiekiki, congrats on M''s new teeth! That''s so great that she''s so playful now! You''ll have to let us know how the walking wing goes.

Sage took a bottle this morning with very little complaining! I think the key is to give it to her when I KNOW she''s hungry. She''ll take the boob any time with pleasure, but the bottle - not so much.

She''s still having tummy trouble though. She sleeps fine most nights with one wake up between 3 and 4 but by 6 most mornings she''s crying because she''s trying to pass gas and/or poop and it hurts her. I try to help but holding her little knees up to her belly or I let her sleep on her tummy on me but I just feel so bad for her when she cries. She pooped a bunch when she was getting changed earlier and I could see that her stools are really bubbly/frothy. Has anyone else experienced that? I understand that her little system should get better at digesting and she will start having fewer BMs every day... When did that happen for your babies?


Jun 18, 2004
Mrs- Kyle started pooping once a day around 4-5 weeks old, but he was also mostly off breastmilk and on to formula then as well. He did go through pooping trouble at 2 months, and it was a formula issue that we resolved. Nothing we did seemed to help, he just had to grunt and cry through it. He seemed a little happier if I held him on my shoulder and walked around bouncing him, I think it distracted him.

If it''s just gas, have you tried gas drops? I think those helped Kyle also.


Sep 13, 2008
Wow thread is already moving too fast for me lol....but wanted to pop in and say...

DD- hunter is sooooo cute I can''t stand it! And The avi is gorge!...I can''t believe he slept that long! Amazing...I can''t wait for that to happen..send me ur sleeping dust ;-)
I will start taking them out this weekedn :)

Blen- awww about being "that baby"...It will get better! I keep telling myself that everyday lol

Fiery- we bought the greatest bassinetts (imo)...kolcraft ones from bru...they are soooo pretty and comfortable!....we first put them in our rooms but then wheeled and left the bassinetts in their rooms bc of loudness and bc they seemed to like it better there. My cribs are still out at sea (coming from france) but I loooove the bassinetts and will be sad to see them go!

Neat- I duno how u dealt with the 2 babies before the slept thru nite bc I did it for one nite ystdy (sis couldn''t take jackie last nite)...I didn''t get not 1 wink of sleep!...urgh.


Dec 16, 2007
MRs Hunter had the same problem around Sage''s age! I did some research and experimented on my own, and apparently when the poops are frothy and green and baby is having gas issues, it means that she is getting too much of the fore milk and not enough hind milk. When baby first starts sucking the milk is like sugar water, and the longer baby nurses the creamier the milk gets. Too much fore milk means lots and lots of lactose and that can cause gas -- and the frothy green poos. There are a few causes of this 1) If you have an overly abundant supply then Sage would be getting full on the foremilk and so not drinking the hindmilk and so she has an upset tummy! I had this issue with Hunter and this article from the la leche league really helped me solve the problem Another possibility is 2) that you are switching breasts too quickly/frequently. Sage really needs to nurse until one breast is drained before switching, because the longer she nurses the more high-fat milk she will get. 3) It is possible that you notice the morning tummy upset because of what is going on at the nighttime feed. Hunter used to be really sleepy at his nightime feed and wouldn''t nurse long, and I was really engorged because I had gone longer without BFing, and so at that feed he would get lots of foremilk. I used the suggestions in the link I showed yo uto solve this... basically you need to encourage her to drink for long periods on only one breast and your milk supply will regulate itself. Hope this helps!


Sep 21, 2006
so I wrote a big post earlier and it got eaten (don''t you hate that error message that leads to a blank page when you try to go backwards!!). I''ll try to repost from memory:

Snlee: Welcome back! Any pics from the GTG? And how is D doing these days, I miss the teddy shots!

DD: those pics are too adorable, he has the sweetest face (uh, not that I can see clearly in case your DH is reading this ;)). I love the shot of the dog kissing Hunter with his eyes closed!

Fiery: I would recommend getting a crib beforeheand, just because you may feel differently once the baby''s here than you do now--so better to be safe! In my case I thought my LO would go in the crib early in a separate room. Well she ended up in the bassinet in our room, and then co-sleeping (would never have guessed that). She transitioned to the crib at 4-5 months in our room and then her own room @ 6 mo''s.

Qtiekikii: Yup, C loves the chocolate like her mama! And sounds like M is making leaps and bounds, woo hoo! And all those teeth already!

Diva: love the pics, can''t wait to see some crawling ones! And you''ve got some great hours, nice.

Hope you don''t mind if I brag for a moment, but I think C knows how to wave! When someone comes home, she extends her arm and opens and closes her hand. She''s doing it consistently so maybe not a fluke? It''s too cute!!


Jul 12, 2008
Date: 5/13/2009 3:27:22 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
MRs Hunter had the same problem around Sage''s age! I did some research and experimented on my own, and apparently when the poops are frothy and green and baby is having gas issues, it means that she is getting too much of the fore milk and not enough hind milk. When baby first starts sucking the milk is like sugar water, and the longer baby nurses the creamier the milk gets. Too much fore milk means lots and lots of lactose and that can cause gas -- and the frothy green poos. There are a few causes of this 1) If you have an overly abundant supply then Sage would be getting full on the foremilk and so not drinking the hindmilk and so she has an upset tummy! I had this issue with Hunter and this article from the la leche league really helped me solve the problem Another possibility is 2) that you are switching breasts too quickly/frequently. Sage really needs to nurse until one breast is drained before switching, because the longer she nurses the more high-fat milk she will get. 3) It is possible that you notice the morning tummy upset because of what is going on at the nighttime feed. Hunter used to be really sleepy at his nightime feed and wouldn''t nurse long, and I was really engorged because I had gone longer without BFing, and so at that feed he would get lots of foremilk. I used the suggestions in the link I showed yo uto solve this... basically you need to encourage her to drink for long periods on only one breast and your milk supply will regulate itself. Hope this helps!

Thanks for that info Dreamer!! I''m sure that must be the problem since I do indeed have a very abundant supply. I have only been nursing her on one side for each feeding for about 5 weeks now and I have implemented a number of the strategies recommended in that article but it makes sense to me that she may not be getting enough hind milk. I will try having her nurse on the same side for several feedings in a row to see if that helps. Her stool is still yellow (not green) but the frothiness of it concerns me and she does have a lot of gas. She also seems to be spitting up more now which doesn''t actually seem to bother her (except when she chokes on it) so I don''t think she has an acid reflux problem. I think she just eats too much for her little belly to handle since the mild she''s drinking isn''t fatty enough for her to feel full. She seems to eat a lot at night even though she kind of sleeps through the end of the feeding. I''m definitely engorged at that feeding but she seems to drain the breast so I''m surprised that it seems to be such a problem in the morning. I''ll try some of the other recommendations in that article.

One challenge is that I don''t really want my supply to decrease since I''m trying to freeze a good amount for when I go back to work...

Do we have any mommies on here who have gone back to work who still BF? If so, what have you done to make it work? Perhaps I shouldn''t be so focused on freezing milk now, rather I should plan to pump more when I do go back...


Nov 14, 2004
They were adorable together. Like I said, M never interact with her cousin that way. She kind of just turns away from him. So it’s really cute how she was trying to get D’s arm and hand.
Yeah I think it’s because we were all part of the original mommies thread and had gotten to know all the mommies and babies already that we are getting a little bit of withdrawal. I know James and M are the oldest babies here, so we are definitely closer to the toddler end of thing. But I am glad that the thread got split up, so it’s easier for the new mommies to transition since I found PS mommies to be great resources and don’t want other to miss that b/c of intimidationg.

Awww Kyle is soooo adorable. Love his chubby cheeks. We have the same yellow bumbo. Can’t believe he already been to two baseball games. We thought about going to a basketball game with M, but we chickened out. =P
Wow he is a big baby since birth. Sounds like he is a good baby. M is fairly easy too, well except when she was teething.
It’s great that you got in-home daycare with your neighbor. She seems like a great caretaker.
I’ve heard that massaging help the tear duct, but I don’t have personal experiences.

I’ll keep you posted on the walking wing. It seems like a good idea, so maybe I just need to get used to it. We’ll see.
Yay for Sage taking the bottle. I think M is the same way – bottle only when hungry.
M had some tummy/gas problems in the beginning. I did a lot of bicycle legs and rubbing her tummy clockwise. You can try gripe water or mylicon for quick relief if you want.
M didn’t have fewer BMs until we started solids at 6 months, and even now she poops more than once a day on some days.

Sorry about the sleepless night last night. I don’t know twin mommies do it. You guys are awesome.
I don’t think I commented on the pics you posted on the original mommies thread. Your twins are soooo cute. They had gotten quite a bit bigger than when they first got time.

Awww C is waving already. Such a smartie. M just started doing it a month ago. It’s the cutest thing, isn’t it.
I can’t believe M is getting her teeth so fast. Lately she’s been holding our hands and trying to bite our knuckles. I am not complaining b/c at least she isn’t biting on my nips.


Nov 14, 2004
I am still BFing M. I went back to work when she was a week shy of 4 months, and she is 9.5 months. So I had been pumping for 5.5 months. I didn’t really try to build up a big freezer stash before I went back b/c of this article: I did started pumping to build a stash a month before. I ended up with maybe a 200 – 300 oz stash. I haven’t given M any of the stash b/c I prefer to give her semi-fresh milk and don’t rotate the stash. I still have a small freezer stash b/c I do add to the stash whenever I have extra even though I don’t rotate. I think it’s good to have a stash to start with just in case pumping at work doesn’t work out as well as you hope. So maybe start building up one a month or so before your work date.
I scheduled pumping session into my daily routine. So I don’t ever miss or skip a pumping. I was pumping 4 times a day in the beginning (5:30am – before heading to work, 8am, 11am, and 2pm). About a month ago, I dropped one pumping. Now I do 7am, 11am and 2pm.


Oct 6, 2004
Date: 5/13/2009 6:28:46 PM
Author: Mrs
Do we have any mommies on here who have gone back to work who still BF? If so, what have you done to make it work? Perhaps I shouldn't be so focused on freezing milk now, rather I should plan to pump more when I do go back...
I've been back at work for almost 3 months and I'm still BFing and pumping. Pumping is a PITA but it's important to me that I continue BFing so I keep at it. I built up a freezer stash before I returned to work. It's good for about 3 months and helped a lot. I nurse baby around 7:15am, pump twice a day, around 11:30am and 3:30pm, and nurse him around 6:30pm when we get home. I highly recommend building up a freezer stash in case you can't pump enough when you go back to work.


Jan 3, 2005
Date: 5/13/2009 1:50:54 PM
Author: MustangGal
I also have a question: does anyone have experience with blocked tear ducts? Kyle''s eyes are really goobery (technical term there) when he wakes up every morning, and even throughout the day. They weren''t so bad at his last Dr. appointment, and the doctor said he should grow out of it, but they''re really gunking up now. He doesn''t have an appointment again until next month, and it''s not anything serious so I thought I''d just wait until then to bring it up again with the doctor.

I''ve read you can massage them to help open the ducts, anyone try that?

mustanggal-Jake had them for a little while. I just used a warm wash cloth to clean them off in the morning. one time his eyes were stuck shut from the goup. they do usually outgrow it though. I never tried the massage thing. the warm washcloth worked so I didn''t really try anything else.


Jun 7, 2007
BLEN - I agree that you should try the Soothie brand paci. We tried all different kinds for James and he never took to them
He pretty much only sucks on his own fingers.

DREAMER - Awwww, such a cutie little baby. He''s so little! I love your upgrade too!

FIERY - I agree that you should get a crib straightaway. James slept in his carrier for like six weeks (
) and then we transferred him to a bassinet in our room; and once we moved he went into the crib in his own room in about a week - he was probably around 10 weeks old at the time. Some babies are noisy sleepers (James was) and we all slept better in our own beds, in our own rooms.

MUSTANG - Kyle is such a cutie little boy! I love the shot of him at the baseball game. DH and I went to a baseball game the Friday night before I delivered!

Q - James is getting better at crawling every day it seems. He''s still a bit wobbly at first but after he gets going he really cruises!

JANINE - It''s so cute that C knows how to wave!! Nothing like that from James yet. He does give "kisses" now though

I hope all of our mommies and babies are doing well!


Sep 13, 2008
Qt- thanks ...they did get so much bigger...3 more days and we will be 1 month! :)

?...anyone know where to find thin undershirts...almost gauze like? I wanna put it under the onesies sometimes but the regular shirts are pretty thick and would be too hot.


Oct 6, 2004
NYC - have you tried Just One Year by Carter''s at Target? Their onesies are pretty thin.


Sep 13, 2008
Thanks snlee...I will look online first thing in the morning!
I need to get lots of onesies with the closed hands...those are the best! Ppl have gotten us so many open hand onesies I don''t even know what to do with them now! I tried putting the closed hand short underneath but it becomes too bulky and too hot with all that.


Nov 18, 2004
on James crawling.
And um....duplicate picture doesn''t count

New ones please.

DD the collage

Hunter is a cutie and love that last frame!
on STTN. So jealous...he sleeps longer than J!

Welcome and Kyle is a cutie!!
He''s really strong too for rolling over already at 3 months!
MrsS gave you some good tips on the blocked tear ducts.
Take care of it now instead of letting him grow out of it -- sometimes they don''t like my nephew who end up needing surgery to clear his duct at 2.5 yrs.

for STTN too.
Hehe, I know what you mean about jinxing it by announcing it.
So how''s the house search going?


Nov 18, 2004
Ugh, these threads just move too fast.
I think I may just have revert to lurking and just comment on the cute pictures

Keep them coming.


Dec 16, 2007
Well once again I angered the sleep gods
Last night Hunter woke at 1am and 5am to nurse! It is possible that he woke because we had him sleep UNswaddled for the first time, just a sleeper and a sleep sac... I just thought it was time for that.

But I also wonder if he is growing and worry sometimes I don''t have enough milk for him... my breasts don''t feel full or heavy at all between feedings. He definitely gets milk when he nurses and he goes a good while between feeds, but you know how it is. Always wondering.


Jun 18, 2004
I don''t know if I''d try a basketball game, the ones I''ve been to were pretty loud. Kyle did really well at his first baseball game when it wasn''t at loud, but the second one with the roof closed was much louder and he didn''t seem to liek it at all. We had great seats (13 rows up from 3rd base), but I spent most of the time walking up and down the stairs to take him to the food court level where it was quieter. My legs were soo sore the next day!

Thanks, I do a warm wash cloth, but he gets the goobers all day long, I think it might be a more severe blockage. I''ve been massaging, but it doesn''t seem to be doing anything yet.

He figured out the rolling over all on his own too, we hadn''t been coaching him or anything, and actually hadn''t put him on his tummy for about a week before becasue we had company that was holding him all the time. The sitter said he was rolling all over for her yesterday too, but he wasn''t interested when I tried to get him to do it some more last night, he just did push-ups and tried to pull himself accross the bed. I have a cousin that had to have surgery on her tear ducts also, I hope Kyle''s clear up before we have to go that far.

Kyle aslo doesn''t sleep well if he''s unswaddled. We tried it for a few nights when he was about 8 weeks, and he would wake up twice like your baby. When we swaddle him, he sleeps the whole night. He''s 13 weeks now and we''re still swaddling. I have a couple of the Swaddle Me ones that velcro closed. He squirms sometimes and gets his arms out, and the nights that he does that he wakes up around 3:30am and I have to catch his arms and put them back in. I think his arms wake him up


Jan 20, 2006
Oh my goodness, look at all those cuties!!!!!!!!!

Such cute babies around here!!!


May 6, 2007
dd hi. just wanted to say, i also have gone thru weeks where i worry about supply. also experienced not feeling full/getting engorgedc anymore. my bff said hers were the sAme and i dbl checked w a nurse. normal. bbs get very efficient and good at their job. could be a grwth spurt too but h will take care of that for you. isnt it crazy how many ? there are about bf''ing?
last wwk i thought i had a plugged duct bc my bb was sooooooo sore and t had slept 7 hours the night b4 and i was engorged. couldnt find any info on that except plugged ducts. later i went to mommy group and there is a la leche leader there. she knew exactly what i was talking about. said when u get full/go too long it can be really sore! it`would get better in a few days and it did!!!! i wish that info was around on the web but yay that she was there!!!!!
oh are u using cloth diapers? do u do any aio? any recommendations?

mustang(or the mommy asking abt plugged ducts-i cant remember 4 sure if it was for u...
t has(had) a plugged duct too. it would go thru days where it was more goopy. i tried to warm compress(almost impossible! and massage with little finger gently moving down from corner of eye along side of nose. 4 times a day) i never got to it 4 times or even once a day. over the past couple of weeks it seems to have resolved itself. i would agree with q you want to avoid surgery but im not sure if its just case to case or you can really avoid surgery kwim?

i know im so behind but i only have one hand and just wanted to answer those things.
see you all soon


May 16, 2006
Mustang--i apologize if someone mentioned this (just scanning this thread) but breast milk (if you are nursing) is supposed to do wonders for clogged tear ducts. IT has a natural antibiotic so it clears the little infection that causes the blockage. If you goggle it i am sure there is some info for you.


Jun 18, 2004
Jas12- thanks, I actually read that breastmilk was good for them, but unfortunatly I stopped producing when Kyle was 5 weeks.
I''ll keep up the massaging and cleaning, and see if the doc has any ideas next month at his appointmenr.


Sep 13, 2008
Interesting about the sleeping and lo''s were only good sleepers in the beginning when swaddled ..but now they fight to get their arms out andi don''t swaddle them anymore (they are 4 wks today)....but its very hard for them to fall asleep anyway..its just hard until u figure out what is most comfortable for them.

I also have booger issues....jackies nose seems to be clogged all the time! Doc said it was fine but maybe I need a humidifier asap? Anyone have any better nose cleaning tips?...I have the hospital pumpy thing but was wondering if there''s anything else??


May 6, 2007
nyc try saline drops a few times a day- lil noses is one brand- then the pumpy thing if u like. also cool mist humidifier.
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