
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!


Feb 27, 2006
My SIL''s lent us her laptop, so apparently I can get online after all!

Our cousin''s 19 month old is also here and is so incredibly cute. The first part of the graduation ceremony was today and she was happy while they were walking in and while there was music playing, but about a minute into the first speech she said "all done" and then when the guy kept talking she started saying "done done done". I couldn''t stop laughing. And then later tonight, George was sleeping in his car seat and she walked up to him and said "Hi George" and rocked the seat some. He didn''t wake up, so she said "Hi George" again and patted him on the head, and then - when he still didn''t wake up - said "no fun" and stomped off.

PP sex for me has been a lot better than sex before the baby, which makes no sense to me. I wasn''t really expecting it to be enjoyable, at least not for a long time. I had some tearing, but not enough to require stitches.

NYC - I''m sorry that you had a frustrating night too. It seems like we''re all there at times. Have fun tonight!

DD - I''m jealous of all of that sleep right now! I''m glad that you were able to get swaddle free.


Sep 13, 2008
Well shoulda listened to my ps ladies....DTD and it was awful
....very painful and the after effects were bad!...burning and I even got the chills!???... ......
jon started makin noises in the other room...urgh..all in all..not a good idea!

Sorry for the TMI!

Mrs- u were right!
DD-so were u!

Blen- cute story about the little girl..made me smile :)

Jon did the same song and dance tonite with the non sleeping ...but dh was here and I was fine! ...but he generally isn''t home at nights and it still makes me frustrated!


Dec 16, 2007
LOL! NYC I shouldn't laugh but give it some time. Now maybe after seeing that it is so not fun for you, your DH will give you more time and space. I thought our first time pp was pretty lame too... I had a little tear and that hurt, and things didn't "feel" the same.


Well Hunter is doing ok without the swaddle but like MustangGal said, he gets so distracted by his hands! Last night woke himself at 2am to suck his hands and I woke to those sounds (seriously sounds obscene, he tried to stick his whole hand in there!). He went back down then until 6 am when I woke to hear him laughing! I brought him in bed and nursed ten we both went to sleep until 9:45am when the phone rang.

DH went golfing! He used to go up to 2x per week prebaby, but we put his membership on hold because of maternity leave finances and also I don't want him away that much. So he is "allowed" to go 2x per month as long as he tees off before 8am! So he and his father left the house this morning at 6:30am! haha... I shouldn't laugh but it makes me a little gleeful that he has to get up so early to go and play!


May 6, 2007
Hi Ladies

Hope everyone is enjoying your saturday morning...

Nyc The whole dtd thing is tough after a baby. I have been physical with dh but seriously afraid of the actual deed. My ob suggested LOTS of lubrication and baby steps. Maybe next time you could try that. I''m sure it''s hard on the husbands out there but what areyou gonna do? Glad your dh is back. It is so scary being alone(at least for me). oh i know this is late but sorry you were feeling crappy the other day. I used to think tyler was so unlucky to get me for a mom. I couldnt'' stop crying and felt so overwhelmed all the time and really wanted someone to take him away(at least for a little while). It did get much better, especially after I started getting sleep. He is still tough but gosh I love him. I would not let anyone take him now but that just changed over the past 6 weeks or so I would say. Hows that for honesty? too much?

DD good job on the swaddle. I''m still too chicken to end the routine. My baby gets his arm or two out overnight which works out fine. Maybe soon? He was taking his fingers to calm himself but now just chews(he''s teething). T woke after 4 hours last night and dh put him back to sleep without feed. He has gone as long as 7 hours without eathing o/n so I know he can do it. Is that mean? Then he ate at 2 ish, and slept until 530 when I had dh bring him to me because I was seriously engorged on my one side. He woke up around 6 30 I guess. Do you know if since his sleeping habits are so variable, I should be pumping when he goes so long? please say no. I am enjoying the sleep when I get it and really don''t want to wake up topump. but i don''t want to lose my supply. what do you do when hunter sleeps 9 hours? you lucky dog,haha. oh by the way aio is all in one(cloth diaper). I like them so far.

Blen thanks for the tips on the diapers. I am afraid of prefolds. I guess I want to look at that link you gave me. I have been noticing htat my aio are holding things in better than pampers or g diapers. I don''t find they take too long to dry but maybe I have a different threshhold for too long? Sorry your dad was being a butt head. they don''t mean to sometimes. and our hormones make things very tough right now. I rmember last year in march(pre pregnancy) I was late for my period and my family was visitng. My brother hugged me and I started to cry because he squeezed me and my bbs hurt sooooooooo bad. He felt terrible and didnt really understand what was going on. I swear I think I had a chemical pregnancy that time becuase my symptoms were so very intense. I never had pms like that. but i digress. sorry

Hi puffy- good job on the potty training. How are youfeeling? when is your next appt?

Qtiekki that sounds like a wonderful party. I am into smaller gatherings. My wedding only had 27 ppl and I think 7 of them were kids. I wonder what I will want when t is actually 1 yr old. You know how you surprise yourself sometimes? we will see. we don''t actually have much family in ca but do have a good amt of friends. I hope you get to do what you want

diva we need pics- are you sick of hearing htat hahah. what a cute story about James. sweet boy.

mrs is sage taking bottles from you? that is awesome. You are a nice wife to fake it. not so easy huh? my dh is pretty understanding thank god but he is getting impatient. life is just so full of the baby. I worry that things will go down hill if I don''t make an effort, so I try.

baby awake. gotta go. maybe more later?


Sep 13, 2008
DD- I thought it was funny too lol....sad but funny! I won''t be doing it again anytime soon!

Pave- lubrication was involved but didn''t help unfortunatley....luckily didn''t take

?....for mamas with boys...anyone thinking about circumcision???


Jun 7, 2007
NYC - We got James "cut" two days after he was born - before we were released from the hospital. This is a hot topic for some people so be cautioned. We did it for personal reasons. The doc that did the procedure used a numbing agent so James felt very little pain and it healed quickly - although I don''t remember how long it took.

TO ALL MOMMIES - Check out my Enablers thread in RT for an update on my Mother''s Day/Anniversary/Birthday project


Sep 13, 2008
Diva- thanks for sharing...I didn''t realize it was a hot topic?? Just interested how it works ..I didn''t do it at hospital bc they were preemies and doc didn''t recommend it until he reached about that weight is coming up and im conflicted on when and how and where to do def smthg I want for hygiene purposes. Im glad u said they use numbing and it didn''t hurt bc I am so worried about that..more for my behalf bc I know it really doesn''t hurt for all but a few seconds.

Sorry if it is a hot topic...but still curious what everyone else is doing.


Sep 13, 2008
Btw...we are 1 month old today :)


Jul 12, 2008
nycb, yay for the twins being 1 month old today! Sage is 2 months old today and it boggles my mind how fast the time has gone by and how much she has grown and changed so quickly! Sorry about the sex being so bad last night. I was worried for you!

Diva, congrats on your new rock! That''s so fun that you were able to upgrade! Can''t wait to see pics!

Pave, I wouldn''t worry about pumping when T sleeps for a while. As long as you''re still comfortable and not too engorged, I don''t think it should be a problem since he''ll probably just eat a little more when he does wake.

blen, you''re so lucky that PP sex is better! your cousin''s LO sounds adorable.

DD, that''s too funny about Hunter trying to eat his entire hand! Sorry it prevents him for staying asleep though! I hope your DH had fun golfing. You were smart to require him to go before 8AM! I was so bummed this morning since my DH had to work. He just started a new job on Monday and it turns out he has a standing Saturday morning meeting every week for 3 hours! SO annoying. I know once I go back to work I''ll probably appreciate having the alone time with Sage but right now I''m honestly so bored and another morning with just her was making me a bit batty today...

Sage has been very cranky today - I think her tummy has been hurting her a lot... She tried out her activity mat for the first time today and seemed to like it which was cool. nothing else to report really. hope you''re all well!


Sep 13, 2008
Mrs- thanks for being concerned for me :)
Do u give Sage anything for tummy pains? Im wondering if I should give the mylicon or gripe water for gas relief at times?

DD- funny about Hunter and eating the hand...jon would be doing the same if it weren''t for the closed hand onesies..I highly recommend those!....when he''s so hungry he makes animal like gestures...when an animal is ripping up a piece of meat from side to side...except he does it to his hand! LOL its hilarious!


Feb 27, 2006
we're heading back home tomorrow morning. i'm looking forward to seeing our dogs again and to sleeping in our own bed, etc, but really not happy about leaving family. it's awesome having this much support around and i'll definitely miss it. g's great-grandparents were extremely excited to meet him yesterday, as he's the first Lastname in his generation - and since he's a boy, he'll even be able to pass down the name. we got a photo today of 4 generations of Lastname men, which is the first time that there were 4 generations alive at the same time to the best of their knowledge.

pave - i haven't tried aio and had just read reviews that say that. so if you like them and don't think the drying time is too much, there's no reason not to just go for them! i do like having something w/o built in covers available so i can sometimes let his butt breathe more if i think he's on the verge of getting diaper rash - fitteds work for this if prefolds are intimidating. i'm not sure about the pumping, as george is not yet sleeping that much.

nyc - so sorry that it didn't go well! it does get better. and congrats on 1 month old! circumcision - it's a hot topic in part because some people do believe that it's genital mutilation and are pretty impassioned about the issue. other people believe that there are compelling medical/hygiene/cosmetic reasons for doing it and that people who don't circumcise their sons are doing them a disservice. and of course there are religious reasons for choosing to. i feel like people here are pretty good at handling hot topics in a respectful manner, but it can get pretty hairy elsewhere on the internet. we chose not to circ, as we're not convinced by the hygiene and medical arguments for it which basically leaves cosmetic reasons, and we think that our son should have the right to make cosmetic decisions about his body. we'll support whatever decision he makes when he's older. i've read that some places still don't really use adequate pain relief for infants, so please make sure that he's getting enough - i wouldn't want him to be in more pain than he needs to. does your ped have recommendations about the when/how/where?


Sep 13, 2008
Blen- yay for being home! But I see how u may be torn bc I know how much family means and how helpful they are when around! I would have a total mental and physical breakdown if it weren''t for soo much sure of it!
Thanks for sharing your beliefs!...I haven''t spoken to my doc about it yet (stalling!) sooo scared of it but I know I need to do it would I tell if its enough numbing meds? ..grr hate this part.
Also will be piercing jackie''s ears in about a week :)...can''t believe how fast everything is moving and how big they are getting!


Nov 20, 2006
nyc happy 1 month to the kiddos!!!

pave thanks, but i can''t take too much credit on the potty''s all B. i''m doing ok, thanks for asking. my next ultrasound will me this coming tuesday where we will hopefully see the little bean. how are things with tyler?

hope all of you are having a wonderful weekend!!


Sep 13, 2008
Thanks puffy!
Exciting about u/s!...I miss those days...but don''t get me wrong...I won''t be doing this again! Lol.


Jun 18, 2004
nyc we had Kyle''s circ done when he was 1 week old, our doc preferred to make sure the baby was healthy and fine before doing it. I wasn''t there (i was back in ICU when DH took him), but DH said he only cried for a few minutes, and he gave him a bottle right after which made him happy, and he was fine after that. He healed really quickly.

DD Kyle also tries to eat his whole hand! I chickened out on trying unswaddled, but he got his arm out around 3:45 this morning and woke himself up again. I popped it back in and he slept until 6:30. He''s been going 9pm-6am most nights now, so I''m afraid to stop swaddeling and mess up his sleep pattern.

re: sex... the first time hurt for me at 6 weeks pp (I think DH was counting the days), but it''s gotten better. It still isn''t quite the same as it used to be, but I think we''ll get back there eventually. dWe''ve used lots of lube an condoms just to make sure, since I''m not bfing any more.


Sep 13, 2008
MGal- thanks for sharing circ story! Can u tell me how the healing process went...did u have to put creams or anything etc?


Jun 18, 2004
They just had us put petrolium jelly on it for a few days so it wouldn''t stick to the diaper.


May 6, 2007
Date: 5/17/2009 11:23:49 AM
Author: MustangGal
nyc we had Kyle''s circ done when he was 1 week old, our doc preferred to make sure the baby was healthy and fine before doing it. I wasn''t there (i was back in ICU when DH took him), but DH said he only cried for a few minutes, and he gave him a bottle right after which made him happy, and he was fine after that. He healed really quickly.

DD Kyle also tries to eat his whole hand! I chickened out on trying unswaddled, but he got his arm out around 3:45 this morning and woke himself up again. I popped it back in and he slept until 6:30. He''s been going 9pm-6am most nights now, so I''m afraid to stop swaddeling and mess up his sleep pattern.

re: sex... the first time hurt for me at 6 weeks pp (I think DH was counting the days), but it''s gotten better. It still isn''t quite the same as it used to be, but I think we''ll get back there eventually. dWe''ve used lots of lube an condoms just to make sure, since I''m not bfing any more.
MOMS and Mustang- just wanted to pass along - not sure if I misunderstood your post so sorry if I did, but Breastfeeding is not a form of birthcontrol. Just ask my friend from mommies group who is 5 months pregnant and has an 8 month old!!!!!
I will never forget the morning after T was born, I got no sleep, was totally swollen, etc and in pain from vag birth, and the n.p. woke me up to assess me. One of her first questions was "what are you using for birth control" I had to laugh because I could not even remotely imagine having sex at that point. haha. but she made sure she told me that I could get pregnant and she needed to ask me and that breastfeeding is not a form of birth control. I think it may keep some people from getting pregnant but is not considered birth control. Ok I will stop repeating myself, but I just thought that was important to say. can you tell I don''t want to get pregnant anytime?


Jun 18, 2004
Pave, I know! I''m making sure I don''t get preggo anytime soon! We''ve been using condoms, and I got an IUD 3 weeks ago. I''m still making DH do the condom thing until the IUD has been in a month just to make sure it has time to start working. I had a co-wroker get preggo 12 weeks pp, and I know I don''t want to go that rout!


Nov 14, 2004
You are welcome. Working and BFing is really HARD work, IMO. I am here for support if you ever need it.
Glad Sage had been taking the bottle well.
DTD had been better for me since giving birth. I think it''s b/c I got sewn up. Sorry TMI. Although I will say that I was very nervous before the first time doing it after giving birth. I kept telling DH that we have to wait until my 6 weeks PP appt.
Yay for Sage liking the activity mat.

Yay for Hunter sleeping without the swaddle. He is learning about his hands.
DH used to go golfing at least once a week too. He hasn''t golfed since M was born. You are much nicer than me. LOL.

Glad things had been going well for you. And welcome to the thread.

Did the saline drop help?
I don''t think I ever saw closed hand onesies, but Carter''s has closed hand sleepers.
Sorry DTD was not enjoyable. Let your body rest a bit more. Pregnancy really take a toll on our bodies.

Yeah babies always go for things they are not supposed to play with. M is always grabbing remotes and laptops. She was reaching for the outlet once; I said NO and she stopped going for it.
Wow you are really on top of it with the party planning. It''s a great idea to get James a cupcake to smash. I might steal the idea.

Your cousin''s 19 months old sounds adorable.
How did George do at the graduation?

Yeah I''m going to ask DH again a week or so about the party. I know his relatives are expecting one b/c they had already asked me about it.
How''s Tyler doing?

How are you doing?

It''s been rough for us since we got back from our Mother''s Day trip. M is not putting herself to sleep anymore. She can now pull herself up in the crib, so she stands and cries. I think part of the problem is she can''t sit herself back down, so she is stuck standing. Last night she fell asleep nursing, but she woke up at 4:30am, got up and cried. Tonight she against fell asleep nursing, but woke up 30 min after I put her down, got up and cried. Both times, I went in after 20 min to lay her down with the paci and she fell asleep. I hope she doesn''t wake up in the middle of the night tonight again.


Sep 21, 2006
qtiekiki: I''m sorry you''re having sleep issues with M--you must be exhausted!! I think she is probably going through a phase, and this will pass. Like you said, she''s learned to pull herself up, but not to go back down, so is probably frustrated and tired, but she''ll figure it out. Hang in there! I''m so impressed you are still nursing by the way, you bf''ing moms are great, makes me wish I''d tried harder!


Feb 17, 2007
Just wanted to pop in and say HI to all my mommy friends. This week has been nuts-house hunting madness (waiting to hear back), OOT guests, graduation parties, the works.

Hope everyone is well!!!


Jun 18, 2004
qtiekiki- we''re doing great. Kyle''s been sleeping from 9pm-6am almost every night. Now if I can only get the dog to stop waking me up at 5am I would get a nice full night sleep! We went to a movie Saturday alone for the first time, a friend watched Kyle for us. It was kinda nice to be baby-less for a few hours. I''m sorry you''re having problems with your little one. Maybe help her learn to sit back down when you''re playing?

Any suggestions for a decent umbrella stroller? I know the McLarens are good, but I don''t want to spend that much when I know I won''t use it often. I was hoping to spend less than $70 or so...


May 9, 2006
Date: 5/18/2009 1:37:21 PM
Author: MustangGal
qtiekiki- we''re doing great. Kyle''s been sleeping from 9pm-6am almost every night. Now if I can only get the dog to stop waking me up at 5am I would get a nice full night sleep! We went to a movie Saturday alone for the first time, a friend watched Kyle for us. It was kinda nice to be baby-less for a few hours. I''m sorry you''re having problems with your little one. Maybe help her learn to sit back down when you''re playing?

Any suggestions for a decent umbrella stroller? I know the McLarens are good, but I don''t want to spend that much when I know I won''t use it often. I was hoping to spend less than $70 or so...
I got my McLaren at TJMaxx for $70!


Jun 18, 2004
Thanks Burk, I''ll have to check that out! There''s one on the way home

I was thinking of trying Burlington also. I''m not in a hurry, since he''s only 3 months, but he''ll probably be able to go in one soon, then I won''t have to lug the monster around.


May 9, 2006
No problem Mustang! I didn''t want to spend much, either, since I don''t use it all that often but it''s so nice for quick errands or a trip to the mall. Trying Burlington is a good idea, too!


Jul 12, 2008
nyc, good luck deciding what to do about snipping Jon or not. We probably wouldn''t/ wont do that when/if we have a boy next but I know others feel strongly that it''s the right thing to do for hygiene purposes.

I gave Sage gas drops early on but stopped since I wasn''t sure they were doing anything. I''ve never tried grip water though - I might look into it. Thanks for asking.

blen, I''m glad you had a good trip. I hope the car ride home went well. That''s cool that Hunter is the 4th generation. I only have one grandparent living, my mom''s mom, and it will be really special to have Sage meet her in the fall when we head back east to visit.

puffy, I hope your U/S tomorrow goes well and you get to see the bean!

Mgal, I''m glad sex has gotten better for you. It''s gotten a bit better for me to but not so much so that I actually want to have it... poor DH. Yay for Kyle sleeping through the night!!! I hope your dog cooperates tonight!

pave, I cant believe the n.p. asked you about birth control the day after you gave birth!! too funny. INdeed, I''m well aware that bfing isn''t a form of BC which is such a bummer since I hate condoms. I don''t want to go on the pill until I stop bfing since I know if can affect your supply and the one you CAN go on while bfing isn''t quite as effective. boo

q, thanks for the offer of support re: bfing and working... I''ll need it! And glad you like sex better now - that''s wonderful! Also wanted to let you know you looked great in those dresses from Target! You have such a nice figure! I''m sorry M isn''t sleeping so well now. That''s hard. I hope tonight is better!!

neat, good luck with house hunting and everything else with week!

I had kind of a rough day - S got her immunization shots today. 2 in each thigh
. She did really well and stopped crying very soon thereafter but she was so startled and I felt really bad. She slept most of the day but when she wasn''t sleeping she was crying for the most part... I really hope she sleeps okay tonight... She weighed in at 12 lbz 2 oz which is 83rd percentile for weight but only came in at the 16th percentile for height. Girl needs to start growing up instead of out! The dr said I should start giving her multi-vitamin drops since we''re still bfing. Any of you do that for your LOs?

In other news, I kinda went off on DH tonight since I feel like I do all the work around the house with respect to S. I feel like more often than not, I''m the one who baths her, feeds her, and puts her to bed at night... he has never once done her laundry or washed a bottle or given her a bath on his own... and it''s just really hard to do it all myself sometimes. especially when he''s just watching a baseball game. I feel like I need an extra set of hands and he''s got them but doesn''t offer to help. frustrating. I''ve been trying not to bug him about it since he just started a new job last week and I know that must be stressful but I fear that I''ll continue to be expected to do everything when I go back to work as well and that would be really rough. He got really defensive but then kind of apologized later. I know I could have expressed myself better as well... Anyway, I hope he''s more helpful tomorrow. we''ll see!

hope you''re all well!!


Sep 13, 2008
Qt- saline drops work for a while but then her dryness kicks in again and there goes the piggy sounds lol....lots of boogies all the time in there...

Anyone have a good recomendation for a humidifer??

...sorry about the sleeping
...I am devastated with the night shift! ..just put jon down after 3 hrs of fussing!

Mrs- poor Sage with those not looking forward to those and def not the circumcision

I would be soooo upset with dh if that was the case...u def need to express your feelings more often and not wait til the breaking point of frustration. My dh does most stuff regarding baby but not too much dealing with actual babies lol..he does laundry,cleaning etc but he works nights and never has to take care of the kiddos. I totally get how u feel! And u are right on! Hopefully once ur feelings are known things may change!
I tried the gripe water and jon seemed to like it (smthg other than formula is great I suppose lol)... he did release some gas afterwards but it doesn''t seem to be helping the pooping or tummy..he still fusses and cries. But its an all natural product so can''t do any harm.

Neat- glad to hear from ya! Hope everything goes well!


Jun 7, 2007
Q - Go ahead and steal the cupcake idea
I thought of it because James is 10.5 months and still not eating much table food. He just gags on it - even if we puree it
Oh well. I''m sure he won''t go to college still on Gerber
Like M, James is into everything now that he''s crawling
It is sooo nervewracking for me and DH. He''s also trying to pull himself up - does M do that? Sorr to hear that she''s not sleeping too well. I''ve been there. Hang in there, it will get better!

MRS - We give James vitamins too but he does not like them at all and he''ll only take them from DH. If I try sneaking it into his bottle or food he''ll take one sip/bite and then refuse
Maybe DH is stealth about it or something. Sorry to hear about your DH not helping out much. I too had that talk and it''s gotten much better. We are taking more of a joint approach to raising our son. We trade off feedings, changings and bath time. DH always gets the last feeding + bottle and puts James to bed since he has "the touch" and I don''t. I care for James by myself in the mornings so I figure it evens out. Sometimes men just don''t get how hard it is to care for an infant. Hope things get better soon.

I hope I''m not the only one happy the thread doesn''t move as fast anymore. I''ve gotten busier at work so I don''t have as much time to lurk and now that James is crawling you can''t take your eyes off of him for a second.

I''m so excited because my new e-ring should be done today. If not then definitely tomorrow!! I can''t wait to get it onto my hand and take some pics of it.


Feb 27, 2006
G started to develop a diaper rash on Saturday. We had a lot of naked bum time yesterday and it''s now less red but peeling. I feel so bad for him. My m/w''s coming by today for our 6 week checkup, so maybe she''ll have some suggestions. I''m also curious about how much he weighs - he was 11.3 lb in diaper and sleeper on a produce scale a week ago, and I feel like he''s had a bit of a growth spurt since then.

I go back to work on Thursday and am NOT feeling ready. Luckily I only have two days of work followed by a 3 day weekend, so it should help ease me into things I would hope.

Q - George did ok for about half of each of the graduation ceremonies, and hubby and I took turns with him outside once he started not being happy anymore. He was fine at the second ceremony until some idiot started repeatedly blowing their air horn near us.
Poor M, and poor you. Hopefully she''ll learn how to sit herself back down pretty soon!

NF - good luck with all of the stuff you have going on!

Mrs - Sorry you''ve had a rough day. Hopefully your DH will start being more helpful. I usually have to ask mine to do specific things, other than things like dipe changes if he''s already holding G, but he''ll do them if I ask.

NYC - I''m not really sure about pain relief, to be honest - I haven''t really looked into it since we''re not doing it. I''d ask them what they do and use your gut about if that''s adequate.
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