
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!


May 18, 2008
Ugh Sophia lost 1.4lbs in 3 days. They gave her some medication and she had trouble breathing so we hung out there for two hours. My heart aches for her. I just want it to go away

I called the LC because she isn''t eating but she said that as long as she eats something she''s ok. I''m hoping she starts to get better soon


Nov 9, 2005
Fiery - Hope Sophia gets well soon!!

Tao - the pics are adorable!! Love them!

Sabine - Jacks is so cute!! Love the pics

China - RE: jumperoo/exersaucer....we started the exersaucer at 3.5 months, but Lex was already "jumping" on our lap by then and he was definitely tall enough for it (in fact he's already on the second height adjustment). We started the jumperoo at 4 months, again he was tall enough then as well. He could sit in the bumbo at 2 months he was strong really early. I have a Canon camera...I think the 850?? something like that

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
I had to nix the Bumbo very early on as Daisy just threw herself out of it backwards. I''ve tried again a few times, but it''s just not safe to leave her for a second.

Cameras... DH is the photographer, and we use a mix of Canon G10, Canon 400D or Canon 5D MkII. If I''m taking them then it''s either a very old Nikon Coolpix 3100 or the Canon G10.

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
Just doing a super duper uper quick drive by, since I''m in Miami for 4 days with my best girlfriends. HI GIRLS!
Fiery - so sad that DD is sickies, and that you''re dealing with your MIL, but LOVE being in your city and partying like a singal gal again. Kinda wish I could meet you for reals in your city. Boo. No time this trip but I would def like to. I would live and die for a pregnant PS GTG. Just sayin''.


Sep 13, 2008
hey mommies! im soooo sorry that i just do not have the time anymore to post regularly
and its so busy here with all the new added moms
..that i cant catch up anymore!...i love all the new pics ..Tao sooo cute!!

Mela - ENJOY, ENJOY, exciting getting time away esp with the girlies!! i am dying to do that! let us know how it went..i will live thru ur fun lol!!!

DD- that montage was too cute! congrats on house!

Pandora - yay for tooth!! Jon has his first tooth too

Mandy- i read ur MIL post..and i just relived MY life! same exact story over here!!! MIL did the same thing with talking behind my back to dh and making me and my fam look bad and her try to look smart! lets just say i also tried and she did help me for the first 4 months but she hasnt seen my kids now in 3 wks and i dont think it will be anytime soon..we had a major blowout! hang in there..sympathies!!! sorry about Bfing..u gave it ur all

Sabine- what a cutttte lil monkey hehe!

im all confused about the excersauces vs jumperoo things debating what to get...they are sitting but with assistance....
everything is good over here...still hard not having dh around evening times but i manage with help from family...daytime i have a sitter who is working out pretty well
sleeping is ok...jon had a regression weekend but it was teething/cold and time change related....time change really did affect him and he started going to bed and waking earlier but is getting back on schedule now....

heres a pic of jon in his D&G sweatsuit
..trying to upload jackie''s pic
sorry again for being a bad ps''er and HI
to everyone !!!!!



Sep 13, 2008
wow that was huge ..sorry about still not a good pic poster

heres jackie....



Feb 17, 2007
Hi all-we're going nuts around here with house repairs (it NEVER ends but my twin mommy group is coming over this week so I want it to look nice) and the boys are so much fun but SO tiring. But wanted to say two things.

1. For ladies with DH issues-NIP IT IN THE BUD NOW. They DO NOT get to continue on their merry way with their lives while you take all the burden. Not fair. Nip it in the bud now. I went out with all my girlfriends the other night who are all other twin moms and we all were talking. There are a few of them who are MISERABLE and very resentful of their husbands because their husbands still do everything they want to do at the expense of the family. So much easier to figure it out in the beginning so that resentment doesn't build. That resentment is a relationship killer IMO. Sit them down and explain that you don't feel supported, that you BOTH need to give up things you want to do, and that you need to plan your lives around the family with personal activities coming in second. Period.

2. Mandarine Seriously, pumping for three weeks without getting anything is DEDICATION. Do not feel bad for one little second. Those boys are going to grow up beautifully and be wonderful little men with or without being breastfed. Your sanity is much more important.

Everyone else hang in there! It gets better! I can't believe my boys are coming up on a year old. Where did the time go???



Apr 30, 2005
Neat I remember this time last year when you were still cooking those little guys and we were working together in RT, still miss you and your great advice!!! How they have grown, they look fantastic!!!!


Feb 17, 2007
Aww thanks Lorelei. I can only dream of the amount of PS time I had when I was on bedrest...


Feb 27, 2006
Well, we got here in one piece. I thought that the ride would be awful, as G has hated the car lately, but it actually went really well - the dogs were in the cargo area and so George could watch them, which was great because he thinks that they''re hilarious and they easily keep him entertained, and he fell asleep about an hour into the ride and slept the rest of the way through. So if anyone is considering taking a long trip with an infant, leaving around baby bedtime and driving through the night works well.
I developed a fever and chills on the car ride down which just lifted this morning, and G has a cough and a runny nose, so we just laid low while DH had his buddies come over and help unload the truck.

DH''s cousin called last night to see if we''d like her high chair and exersaucer, and so we no longer need to go high chair shopping!

Mela - glad you''re having a good time!

NYC - Jon and Jackie are so cute! And you are so much better at dressing them up than I am.

tao - I love all of the pictures! He''s just adorable.

China - We just have a normal digital camera, nothing fancy (I can''t remember what brand it is and I''m not sure where it is right now - it''s packed somewhere). I think practice helps quite a bit, as does playing with settings until you find something that works well. As for jumperoo/exersaucer, if you hold him in a sitting position with your hands around his waist, can he hold up his torso and head pretty well? That''s probably what I''d use as a guideline.

Sabine - just adorable!

Fiery - poor Sophia. I hope she feels better soon.

NF - your boys are getting so big! I can''t believe how time flies.


Sep 13, 2008
Neat- too cute! as always

Blen- congrats on makin it in one piece lol! i agree about goin on the car ride when they are sleepy and nightime is even better. thats so good that u dont have to spend on highchair and saucer...its so much money urrgh!..the dressing is thanx to my sis ..otherwise my kids would be all mismatched lol.


Mar 20, 2003
Fiery, so sorry that Sophia is sick!

Well, things haven''t been the greatest around here. DH has been great, but Friday we found out that Claire hasn''t gained enough weight and is still half a pound from her birth weight (was it the single-side feeding?), and with DH wanting to be crazy busy man and adjusting to being home alone with Claire, I was already worn out physically and emotionally. So now we''re supposed to supplement and pump again, only the pump really hurts! DH got me bigger phalanges yesterday (ironically since I am small in that area, but I think it has to do with where the cup hits the areola), but it still hurts and I''ve gotten broken blood vessels in that area from pumping. And I''m supposed to pump after I feed, so there''s not much there, which is making me doubt that I have enough milk which is probably affecting my milk supply.

We''re waking Claire up every 3 hours at night now and trying to feed even more often than that during the day and then giving her the formula and/or expressed milk, but it seems like it''s the wrong way to go because it just makes her less hungry when we try to force feed her, and she doesn''t latch on or suck as strongly. Last night I slept through the alarm once, and when we finally woke up and fed her after 4.5 hours, she was back to her good sucking.

So I am just pooped. DH has cancelled most of his and our plans for this weekend and has told people they can''t come over, but he still did the Friday night ride and is out riding now. He put "his girls" down for a nap before he left, and just as she did Wednesday when he went on a ride, Claire decided to spit up/poop/get fussy/need two outfit changes as soon as he left. So no nap for me. I think my ability to relax has passed.
But DH has definitely figured things out better, the ride now notwithstanding. He made me waffles for breakfast yesterday, made me lunch both days, picked up sushi for us last night, took me out on a walk, has cleaned the breast pump attachments over and over, done the laundry, done all the formula feedings, and taken care of Claire basically all weekend except for right now. He even told me that my job was to feed Claire and his job was to feed me yesterday, so I figure a friend who''s a dad must have given him that advice or else he read that on here.

I definitely have the baby blues. I don''t have any of those scary feelings like wanting to harm your child or yourself or anything, and I''m able to get out of bed and take care of her and me, but really all I want to do is lie on the couch. But wouldn''t anybody who hasn''t slept more than a few hours at a stretch for 16 days feel like that? Every day I make myself go for a walk with Claire, and I feel a lot better after; the sun and endorphins are really helpful.

I''m interested to see how I act as a parent. As a teacher, I have learned not to react emotionally to bumps in the road, and I don''t think I''ve ever expressed any exasperation or negativity towards Claire. Sometimes I hear DH saying in an exasperated voice, "Oh, you''re OK!" or "Now Claire, put your foot down!" We''re like clones of my parents in that regard. If my mom ever expressed disappointment in me, it was really unbearable since she was usually so stoic and even-keeled. My dad was more emotional and expressive, just like my DH. I''m just glad to see that even when I''m feeling down, I''m able to be cheery and gentle with Claire.

We go back to the doctor on Tuesday. I''m hopeful that this force-feeding marathon will do the trick. We''ll see.


Dec 8, 2005
I'm working on a big mammajamma response to everyone, but I wanted to comment PG, because I similar BFing problems with Calvin.

The pediatrician wasn't happy with how much weight he'd gained early on, so we had to supplement and I had to pump after each feeding.

Couple of things I wanted to say -

1. Pumping stinks. It is hard work. I had some pain at first too - but it should get better.

2. Don't be AT ALL discouraged that you aren't getting much after you feed Claire. When I first started pumping after he'd eat, I'd maybe get a 1/2 ounce total. I still don't get tons if I pump right after he eats. But he's been EBF for the last 7+ weeks and he's gaining weight just fine now. So the fact that you aren't getting much when you pump doesn't mean the baby isn't getting enough. They are much better at getting milk than the pump! And really, the point of the pumping is so that your breasts will be stimulated to make more milk...not so much to get milk out, if that makes sense.

3. Have you seen a lactation consultant? I went to see one after Calvin's first appointment...and I'm so glad I did. They weighed Calvin after I fed him and we realized that he wasn't eating enough. Turns out our problem was that he was a relatively lazy eater and would sort of doze and not really suck...she came up with a really good strategy and it made a huge difference.

4. I've been taking fenugreek pills to increase lactation. My ped recommended it...and I think it has made a difference in my supply. And even if it only had a placebo worked for me!

Finally, it will get better. The first month is just hard. No two ways about it. Sleep deprivation is a KILLER. Add to that the BFing and pumping and everything is really tough. If you are having real issues with depression (or even post partum anxiety for that matter), talk to you doc about it. There are many many options out there!


May 18, 2008
PG-im sorry about your troubles. Is the pump maybe too high? Also, as a side note on pumping after a feed you should only get 1/2 to an ounce expressed otherwise its an oversupply issue. Hope Claire gains some more weight! Baby blues sucks but it does pass.

Sophia is still miserable. Her chest is so congested. Last night we let her sleep in her swing because when we would put her down flat she would suffocate. Other than that she tries to be her bubbly self. She finds it absolutely hilarious when I sneeze and is obsessed with wheels on the bus. I''ve run out of things on the bus so I''m on repeat lol


May 18, 2008
Also something happened to my supply. Both of my breasts feel completely drained befoe each feeding and Sophia tugs a lot. I was taking robitussen dm that was approved by my lc so I don''t think its that. I did start my period which I think is weird


Aug 17, 2007
Blen- Hope you feel better and the move on the other end goes well.

NYC- Love those pictures, such attitude in Jon''s face, I love it! How old are they now? They look like such little people.

Neatfreak- Aww, so happy to see a picture of your boys. Can''t believe they are almost a year. Which one is which? Do they have totally different personalities? Ok, that was a stupid question, of course they do. I guess I should ask what are their different personalities?

Phoenixgirl- Hang in there. Of course, what else can you do, right? That sounds like a lot all on you right now, but it WILL get better. I think what you are describing is a lot more normal than what we expect. Those first few weeks were pretty miserable for me. I was so exhausted and it just felt like I never got a break, that O was so needy and what he needed was me and only me. I felt lonely and isolated and a little scared. And I cried a lot and wondered what happened to my life. Don''t get me wrong, I LOVE my little guy and did from the moment I met him and I wouldn''t have traded him, but it was HARD. Add in Claire''s feeding issues and no wonder you''re so exhausted and feeling the baby blues. I cried all the time, even if I wasn''t sad, it just made me feel better. Also, I did think when you mentioned that Claire was sleeping 8 hours or whatever she was doing that perhaps you should be waking her up to eat- my ped told me to wake O up to eat every 3 hours for the first few weeks. Then I could let him go 4 hours, then 6, and now as long as he wants. It seems like it will never end, but it will. And glad your DH is helping out. I understand how you feel about wanting to let him still have some normal stuff, but at the same time being a little annoyed at their assumption that we just will be in charge 24/7. And walks were the only thing that gave me some sanity-that and a shower and a bath. I took lots of baths and read some stupid book, anything to get out of my own head. Anyways, point being, you aren''t alone and you will get through it. Hugs.

Fiery- Oh poor Sophia.
I am so dreading when O gets sick. Maybe your supply is being affected because you are stressed over Sophia being sick? Is she doing any better. Thinking of you!

Thanks to everyone that has commented on the cameras and the exersaucer/jumperoo. I tried out the Bumbo today and I was wrong, he can totally sit in it. We have a jumperoo (still in its box) so maybe I will just get it out and see how he does. I really don''t want to put him in anything he''s not ready for.


Jun 28, 2006
Real quick driveby, still haven't had a chance to catch up on posts, but felt this was important enough to post in here as well as in a separate thread:

Maclaren to Recall 1 Million Strollers

One article I read said it was all Maclarens from 1999 until today that were being recalled, but this says it will be specific models. I guess we'll just have to wait until tomorrow to find out. Until then though, I wouldn't use your Maclaren! The issue is that the hinge can amputate fingers!


Jun 18, 2004
Quick post...

China - we had Kyle in the Bumbo from 2.5 months, it really supports their body, so your LO should be fine in it. The jumperoos and things they''ll need to hold their bodies up better for though. And for cmaeras, we have a big Nikon DSLR (D-90 I think), and a small Kodak. I just had to mess around with them and find good settings.


Feb 27, 2006
Robbie - THANKS for the info about the Maclarens!

Fiery - ovulating and menstruating both can lead to a decrease in supply, if I remember correctly. Also, when I called my pediatrician a couple days ago to ask what I could take, she said not to take any robitussin as it could affect my supply. I''m not sure if there are specific types that are better than others, but I feel like an LC should know what''s okay and what''s not, so I''m not sure why the difference in recommendation unless your LC was giving advice from the perspective of what can pass to the baby and not if it could have an affect on your supply.

ChinaCat - the exersaucer that we were given has a warning on it not to use before 4-5 months, FYI.

Poor George has been coughing so much that his throat is so hoarse that he has problems crying.
Not that I want him to cry of course, but it breaks my heart when he tries to.


Jun 28, 2006
Another quick driveby from me,

China, we started putting Des in the jumparoo when he was 11 weeks old. He had great head and trunk control, but was way too short so we piled up receiving blankets underneath. Even now at over 4 months old he''s still too short for it on the lowest setting. We just remove some of the blankets as he gets taller.

Re cameras, I have a Canon Rebel XSi. The picture quality is much better than what I was getting with my old sony cybershot, but I still find myself needing to do some editing in photoshop to make them really pop.


Mar 20, 2003
Thanks for the tips LL and CC. We''re heading out to see a LC in about an hour. I''m trying to steel myself to find out how much she weighs now; I really hope she''s gained as a result of our supplementing etc.

I''m feeling better today. I think it was just such a shock to go from having my mom and DH around to help and then it just being me over night. But DH has definitely figured things out now. I also think the fact that I have to get these essays graded by the end of the week (that I stupidly didn''t get done before I went on leave) has been adding stress, but yesterday I knocked out a bunch in a short period of time (sorry kids!) so I feel like I can handle it now.

Blen, so sorry about George! It seems like everyone is sick right now.


Dec 16, 2007
pumping and supply Don''t judge how much milk you have by the pump at all! I BF a 20 lb. boy who is growing like mad and often still only get 1oz. There''s more in them there hills!


Nov 9, 2005
NYC - Jon and Jackie are so cute! Can't believe how big they've gotten!

Neat - Your boys are adorable! Love the so cute...and not sure if I ever mentioned, but I just love their names!

Dreamer - yay on Hunter sleeping better! FWIW, I couldn't do CIO either. In theory I wasn't against it, but Lex would get sooooooooooo worked up, I couldn't do it. He was only ever waking 1 or 2 times a night, so I decided to do the gradual reduction of milk (like I would only give him 2 oz recently). It seemed to work. As of last week, he's not waking at all...he sleeps from 6:30 - 6:00 am now. No CIO needed!

Phoenix - Glad your DH is helping!!! That's great! Hang in there, it DOES get easier/better!!!

Fiery - Hope Sophia feels better soon!

Mela - JEALOUS of your girl's getaway! Hope you're having lots of fun!


Mar 20, 2003
The LC appointment went well. She took 1.5 oz during the feeding and we got almost 0.5 oz pumping after. The LC said that I need to scrunch up my breast during feeding because Claire is sliding off from her initial good latch and also she''s a sleepy/slow eater. And she''s gained 5 ounces since Friday. I also got a new bra (the Bravado).

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
PG - I''m so sorry. Hang in there, I''ve been exactly where you are with Daisy, took forever to get her back to her birthweight, about 5 weeks I think. It will all get better I promise, try to get as much rest as you can and be kind to yourself.

I spent days crying and feeling totally miserable - but never felt angry or bad towards Daisy, I was just tired, frustrated, emotional and overwhelmed by everything.

You are doing a great job, and it sounds like your DH is stepping up!


May 18, 2008
PG-hang in there. Sounds like Claire is doing great. Compressions do help.

Well I pumped 6 times today and got 4oz total
I''ve had her on my breast all night. Even when she fell asleep I just let her comfort suck so that my body knows to produce, produce, produce! I did have to supplement though because she was so hungry. I feel heartbroken even though I know its temporary. I never thought I would feel this connected to bfing and I''m not ready to give it up.

Question: since I only have about 5oz for tomorrow what do you think is better? Giving it all in one bottle and the rest of the day formula? Or break it into several feedings? (I know not to mix in case she doesn''t finish the bottle) TIA


Feb 27, 2006
PG- glad the LC was able to help!

Fiery - I''m so sorry. When G isn''t feeling quite well he sometimes won''t take a full 5 oz, so I''d probably divide it into two just to make sure that none is wasted and then supplement for the rest of the feedings. But that''s just me; I''m not sure what the right answer is. I''m also going through a dip in supply right now (I think it''s because I''m sick), and I poured my entire freezer stash down the drain before leaving MI, meaning I have no backup. I feel for you. We''re all in great shape right now, aren''t we?


Mar 22, 2008
It''s amazing how our bodies react when we get sick.

i put Evan on the boob last night...and he nursed for about 10 minutes on one side and about 5 minutes on the other. I almost cried I was sp excited! Hopefuly he will keep this up!


May 18, 2008
Good Morning everyone

Blen-I hope you guys feel better soon and the supply issue corrects itself.

Tao-I don''t remember if I commented on how great those newborn pics are

LL-Calvin is adorable

Robbie-How is your uncle and MIL doing?

NYC-Jon and Jackie are so cute and so big!

Neat-The boys look so grown up!! Any thoughts on the first birthday?

We''re still sick over here. I''m still tyring to get my supply back up. Last night before bed I latched her on and she kept tugging and getting so angry that nothing was coming out. She''s used to my really quick letdown and doesn''t like working for her milk
I gave her a bottle of similac which she wouldn''t take from me so FI had to give it to her. She only ate about 3oz before falling asleep and slept from 9 until 3am. When she woke up, I latched her on, she had a nice long meal and then fell asleep. This morning not so much but they definitely feel fuller than they did yesterday.


Mar 20, 2003
Maybe we should just call this the BreastFeeding thread?

Fiery and Blen, sorry about the supply issues. I feel you! Tao, glad things are looking up!

I feel like all I do is feed, mix formula, pump, and wash the formula/pump parts. And then it''s time to start over again by the time I finish.

Claire is up 5 ounces, but her appointment was a mess because Mommy is sleep-deprived. I thought the appointment was at 9:45, and I was supposed to feed her at 8. I snoozed a few too many times and then turned off the alarm, so I roused myself at 8:20, got dressed, and thought to double-check the appointment time. At 8:30 I called DH and he said it was at 8:45! Claire was still asleep in her crib! So I threw her in the carseat with a dirty diaper in her nighty
and rushed over to the doctor, which thankfully is only half a mile away. But then obviously Claire was hungry since we were already behind on her feeding, so she started wailing. I gave her the half an ounce I''d pumped after the last feeding but it didn''t really help, so then we were both crying and I had to feed her in the doctor''s personal office. The doctor even comped the copay; I must have really been a mess!

Off to feed her again . . .
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