
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!


Jan 22, 2007
My ped is very sweet and said she will see him as much as we need. He has been seen 4 times in the last 2 weeks and I was worried that I would look like a loon if I went in today and his lungs were clear again, I was fully ready to stay in that office until we came up with something to help him.

I mentioned Whooping cough to her but she said that whoop doesn't present with wheezing, more like a spasm. Just 6 more days of nebulizer and 2 more days of antibiotics and I hope we will kick this illness to the curb!


May 17, 2009
Lanie|1295648471|2829144 said:
Kunzite -- so hopefully the barium test was just him drinking, and then the eventual spit up? I don't know if ours will come to that, but in case it does, I'm not excited about it. That is a funny comment the nurse said. Almost discounting the whole procedure. Cute pic! I know noel asked you about the Asian eyes thing, but you and your DH aren't Asian, right? His eyes are very pretty as well.

Lanie - The test was him drinking the contrast that is mixed in glucose water and then they take images as it goes down. We still haven't talked to the doctor about the results but the nurse did leave us a message that they want to switch him from Zantac to Prilosec. So I'm assuming they saw something. In hindsight I think we wouldn't have done the test. I didn't realize that they use radiation to do the imaging because I was just too busy to look into it. I don't think he's fussy enough to warrant a test that involves radiation, but it's a moot point now because he's already had it! I just started reading HSHHC and a lot of what he describes as an extreme fussy/colic baby describes what O is doing so I'm starting to doubt that reflux is the crux of his problem. Sigh. He just needs to tell me why he's upset!! No, neither DH nor I have any Asain in us. DH gets asked a lot though. At O's opthamologist appointment this week (yes, he had three doctors appointments this week!!) the Dr. asked us if he was half Asain. Haha. I have a feeling we're going to get that a lot! DH's half sister gets that question quite a bit too. I think his grandma has some explaining to do!!


Feb 20, 2008
Allie -- good to hear there's a diagnosis, and hopefully he (and you) will be feeling better soon!

Kunzite -- I need to get that book. Like NOW. I think I have a monster on my hands.

Mommies -- my little sweet precious gorgeous baby is turning into a monster. He cries ALL.THE.TIME. Here's the most likely scenario: he wakes up crying to feed (understandable). Then after he's done he either a) falls right asleep or b) cries some more. Then any combo of solid crying for the next 3 hours, usually with breaks in between where he looks around and is enthralled with lights, fans, toys, etc but then back to crying. Then 2 hours after he's eaten a full bottle, he'll start wailing again bc he's hungry. I already feed him the "max" my pediatrician told me, so he shouldn't be hungry. Then repeat. Every 3 hours. I would probably say that when he's awake, he cries 3/4 of the time. He didn't do this the first 3 weeks of life. He was super chill. He's 4 weeks and some days old now. Tell me this is normal. *fingers crossed* By the way, I do the 5 S's, I put him in his Ergo and walk around, I rock him, I keep him still, I put him in quiet, dark rooms, I play white noise, I do everything. The only thing that really works is a car ride.


Dec 16, 2007
Lanie It is normal for many babies! Around that age is when it can show up, too, because they are "waking up" more and more. It might just be his temperament to be emotional and sensitive. I have a few friends with babies with that temperament. That said, a couple ladies here had babies who acted that way and in one case it was chronic severe ear infections, and in the other reflux. I have no clue how you differentiate between the two. My friends with babies with the temperament, both kids grew out of it between 7 and 9 months. I know that is not very reassuring. ETA oh, and feeding every 3 hours is totally notmal. I think Hunter ate every 2.5 hours or even 2 hours at that age. I BFed him on demand. You could try more frequent feeds with less in the bottle each time?


Mar 15, 2005
Lanie - could it be colic? I thought that's supposed to go from around 3 weeks to 3 months. I'm so sorry you're having to deal with an inconsolable baby.


Feb 20, 2008
DD--that's good to hear you fed him on demand. I'm scared to do that and turn himinto a porker. I know a huge part of the problem is that he's hungry and I was trying to space his feedings out to every 3 hrs, but feeding less in less time makes sense. I'll try that. I guess it's the reflux that is causing this!

Drk--yeah, colic is what my mom says. It seems like it's a catch all term for babies that cry for no apparent reason all day long!'s so frustrating but thanks for chiming in. There will be a happy end soon!


Nov 2, 2006
Lanie are you BFing or FFing? Aidan's colic started around 3 weeks and peaked at 6. It was gone by 8. A lot of what got rid of it (sadly) was going from BM to formula. It's clear that there was something in my BM that his system wasn't agreeing with and cutting out the usual suspects (dairy, caffeine) didn't help at all. I'm not saying you should make the switch, just take into consideration that there could be something in your diet that is triggering it. Our problem was compounded by reflux as well. If your LO has reflux then he might be eating frequently because it soothes the esophagus. I would feed on demand and don't worry about over feeding. LO will turn away when he's had enough.


Dec 16, 2007
Lanie|1295808930|2830599 said:
DD--that's good to hear you fed him on demand. I'm scared to do that and turn him into a porker. I know a huge part of the problem is that he's hungry and I was trying to space his feedings out to every 3 hrs, but feeding less in less time makes sense. I'll try that. I guess it's the reflux that is causing this!

Good lord, don't even worry about your baby getting too fat! Hunter was never porky and as I said, he fed very very often. I think he was on a 2 hours cycle for a long time -- wake, eat, alert/play, eat, sleep. That pattern worked very well for us. Babies wil leat what they need. They are not like us who eat for emotional needs. If you are BFing and he nurses for a very long time, he will not be sucking milk when he is no longer hungry and will instead just use the nipple like a pacifier. Their bellier are really little at that age and empty really fast, so I personally think frequent feedings on demand are great. I never used bottles so I cannot really give advice in that domain, with BFing you just nurse until they are done and they regulate the amount. But my intuition is less milk more often with little babies, to keep them from getting too hungry.

And I know that some babies do get reflux, but it is not that common. Don't assume there is something inherently wrong right off the bat. Sometimes babies like to cry, it is self-stimulation. I know it is terrble to listen too, but it is a blink in the eye in terms of your life. Try different things, go with the flow and do whatever works. Many moms, me included, suggest that you don't worry about habit and routines and the "right thing" in the first 3 months, or even longer if need be! Do what works to keep you sane, baby relatively happy, and then let the rest play out as it will. You can work on routine and habits later ;))


May 17, 2009
Lanie - YES!! Read HSHHC right now. Seriously, send your dh out to get it right this minute! I wish I would have started reading it a week ago before all of this reflux started. I literally just read a line that says, "Gastroesophagael reflux disease is the newest popular diagnosis in fussy and crying babies, but research has shown it to be a coincidental finding and not the cause of irritability in babies." It goes on to suggest the 5 S's to soothe a baby with colic. I agree with everything that Dreamer said. At this age you can't create bad habits so soothe A anyway that you can. Colic will peak at 6 weeks and then decrease (either slowly or suddenly) until about 12 weeks. The book goes on to say that most problems after 12 weeks are due to parenting practices affecting sleep patterns since the baby no longer has colic and should have a sleep schedule at that point.


Nov 2, 2006
Kunzite|1295821614|2830762 said:
Lanie - YES!! Read HSHHC right now. Seriously, send your dh out to get it right this minute! I wish I would have started reading it a week ago before all of this reflux started. I literally just read a line that says, "Gastroesophagael reflux disease is the newest popular diagnosis in fussy and crying babies, but research has shown it to be a coincidental finding and not the cause of irritability in babies." It goes on to suggest the 5 S's to soothe a baby with colic. I agree with everything that Dreamer said. At this age you can't create bad habits so soothe A anyway that you can. Colic will peak at 6 weeks and then decrease (either slowly or suddenly) until about 12 weeks. The book goes on to say that most problems after 12 weeks are due to parenting practices affecting sleep patterns since the baby no longer has colic and should have a sleep schedule at that point.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With all due respect, many of the babies with reflux that I know of were diagnosed via tests. Aidan's was confirmed with an abdominal u/s by a pediatric gastroenterologist. If you're a mom and you feel something is off about your kid and their moods, then say something to your doctor about it. You're going to feel HORRIBLE if you ignore it or brush it off and then find out in a month or two that your kid DID in fact have reflux and has been miserable and in pain for most of their short life because of it. My kid's personality did a 180 once we were treating his reflux.

And wait until your LO is 4 months old and see where their sleep schedule is. Aidan was sleeping through the night at 12 weeks and then it's gotten progressively worse since then and our routine hasn't changed a bit. The sleep regressions keep rolling in one after another. You get it with the 3 month g/s, then the 4 mo wakeful, mix in a little cold virus, possibly teething, rolling over, sitting up, etc etc etc. Sometimes these things hit our LOs right on target and other times they hit either early or late. But they do hit and their sleep habits and moods WILL change... This link talks specifically about the regressions and why the bolded statement above is kind of a crock (and I've read HSHHC and agreed with a lot of it)...


Dec 16, 2007
Kunzite|1295821614|2830762 said:
Lanie - YES!! Read HSHHC right now. Seriously, send your dh out to get it right this minute! I wish I would have started reading it a week ago before all of this reflux started. I literally just read a line that says, "Gastroesophagael reflux disease is the newest popular diagnosis in fussy and crying babies, but research has shown it to be a coincidental finding and not the cause of irritability in babies." It goes on to suggest the 5 S's to soothe a baby with colic. I agree with everything that Dreamer said. At this age you can't create bad habits so soothe A anyway that you can. Colic will peak at 6 weeks and then decrease (either slowly or suddenly) until about 12 weeks. The book goes on to say that most problems after 12 weeks are due to parenting practices affecting sleep patterns since the baby no longer has colic and should have a sleep schedule at that point.

Be carfeul about giving too much credence to things like this. Many babies are stull fussy after 12 weeks, and taking the burden on yourself as the parent is a recipe for guilt and an excerice in futility. You really need to take those books with a grain of salt. They want to sell them, so they promise the moon, but the reality is very different.


May 17, 2009
Now, now ladies. I was quite obviously generalizing and summarized an entire book in a few sentences. Obviously I believe some babies have reflux as I'm going through that right now myself. And obviously not all babies are on the same schedule. I was just telling Laine that there is light at the end of the tunnel.


Jun 25, 2007
Lanie, I don't really have a lot of advice. I pretty much fall apart when N's upset. It just breaks my heart. What I can tell you though is that every time things feel like they're really getting rough, we catch a break. I hope the same happens for you! Oh, and for long sleep stretches swaddling worked wonders for us.

DRK, what a great pic of K! She looks like she's having the time of her life.

Oh, and how could I forget - N finally completed the back to tummy roll-over yesterday. His one arm was the hold up. Yesterday, he rolled to his side and pulled the arm out from under him and voila! he was on his belly. He cried though because he hates being on his tummy!


Dec 16, 2007
Kunzite|1295824824|2830807 said:
Now, now ladies. I was quite obviously generalizing and summarized an entire book in a few sentences. Obviously I believe some babies have reflux as I'm going through that right now myself. And obviously not all babies are on the same schedule. I was just telling Laine that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

My point is not that reflux does or does not exist, but simply that you have to take the books with a grain of salt. In my experience, reality rarely if ever matches to what the books say is possible.


May 1, 2006
Pupp -- Yay for N rolling from back to tummy. T hasn't done that yet, though he does frequently sleep on his side now so I figure it is a matter of time before he figures out how to get that arm out of his way. He is, however, sitting up really well on his own. He's doing it so much better than he was even last weekend. They learn so darn fast.
Are you gearing up for solids? I was eating a protein bar today, and T tried to take it out of my hand. He's really been watching us intently when we eat and drink (I've even given him a couple of tiny sips of water from a cup -- he drank it, but was a bit confused). I don't know if I'll make it to the 6-month mark or if we'll try them a week or two before that. Are you planning to start with rice cereal or something else?

Lanie -- I'm so sorry. T went through a few weeks where he consistently got really fussy in the evenings around dinnertime. I think it started for us around 3 weeks. The miracle blanket was a lifesaver for us -- the tight swaddle helped us get him calm and down for bed (well, for at least a few hours!). He also found comfort in the pacifier and the ocean sounds from the sound machine.
Oh, and I don't know if you're exclusively breast feeding or not, with my EBF son I felt like my nipples were permanently attached to him for the first two months. He ate every 2 or 2.5 hours up until 10 weeks I think, and each feeding session was often 30-45 minutes. He is a big baby, but I really wouldn't worry about creating a fat baby. So I completely agree with DD -- do whatever makes you and your LO happy.

Allie -- I hope he is better soon!


Mar 21, 2008
don't have any advice to add as it looks like everyone does what they think is best.

just want to say I am going into surgery tomorrow and will have to stay in the hospital 4-5 days, so you know why I am MIA. can't wait to come back home and read all the updates and see photos.


Aug 22, 2009
noelwr|1295871790|2831256 said:
don't have any advice to add as it looks like everyone does what they think is best.

just want to say I am going into surgery tomorrow and will have to stay in the hospital 4-5 days, so you know why I am MIA. can't wait to come back home and read all the updates and see photos.

Lurker popping in to say best wishes on your surgery and recovery, Noel. We'll all be thinking about you, your DH, and Miss Skye.

(PS: Adorable babies, ladies!)


Mar 13, 2008
Noel, I'm a lurker too, but wanted to wish you the best of luck tomorrow. Will be thinking of you, your DH and your precious Skye


Mar 15, 2005
Good luck Noel!


Feb 20, 2008
Good luck Noel! I hope everything goes smoothly and you get home to Skye very soon. Will she be allowed to visit you in the hospital?

HH--I'm pumping and feeding bmilk only. I nurse once a day and bottle the other times. I'm on day 3 of no dairy...we will see.

Thanks everyone for the advice.


Aug 19, 2009
Noel, I am thinking about you and hope that the surgery goes well, gets everything, and that you have a quick recovery!!!


Aug 15, 2008
Noel - I wanted to wish you a successful surgery and a speedy recovery, so you can get back to Skye and your DH soon. I will be keeping you in my thoughts today.


Jun 25, 2007
Good luck, Noel! I'm so glad you can put this behind you soon and really get to enjoy your family! *See* you soon!


Apr 23, 2008
Lanie|1295883663|2831383 said:
Good luck Noel! I hope everything goes smoothly and you get home to Skye very soon. Will she be allowed to visit you in the hospital?

I hope she can! I know that would be a big lift to your emotions to see her. I hope all goes well, Noel, and you return to us quickly! I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.

I have absolutely nothing to help with the whole reflux/STTN issue. Micah didn't have reflux, but he did have bad tummy pains (I'm guessing gas - it would make him SCREAM like he has never done otherwise) right after eating with the regular formula, so we went to Enfamil Gentlease and he's done great since then. Unfortunately, he also doesn't STTN. The best I can get is the occasional night where he only wakes up once. Sigh.

He's such a love, though. Yesterday I was doing laundry so I put him in the playpen and offered him a stuffed monkey he has had and loved since birth. "Monkey," I said, because we tell him what everything is to encourage him to learn and speak. He took it, looked it over for a bit, then looked at this blanket my SIL gave him with a monkey face stitched on one corner, and pointed at it and said, "That?" He totally made the connection between one monkey and another. I have a baby genius, rofl. Now if only he realized how awesome it is to SLEEP!


Jul 22, 2007
Noel~ Best of luck, lots of dust, and heartfelt prayers for you!

Lily is already antagonizing JT. I was feeding her on the couch this morning and JT was sitting next to me. She kept scooting her butt down and stretching her toes out to kick him. lol When she was in her exersaucer, JT touched a toy on it, she gave him a dirty look and whined until he let go. Then she looked at me like "did you see that?!" And so it begins!


Jul 22, 2007
I forgot to ask for some advice,

Lily should be eating solids by now and although she attempts at times, she really doesn't have much interest anymore. If it's yogurt, she's all for it, but cereal, veggies and even fruits she usually ignores. She likes the puffs although I have to watch her like a hawk with them because she just horks them down-swallows them before they melt. Obviously, these also don't count as a meal. She's still drinking her 40 a day so I'm not concerned about her nutrition, but am wondering if anyone has had similar feeding issues. JT WANTED to eat off the spoon and yelled between bites. Lily just closes her mouth and turns her head when she sees the spoon coming. Thoughts?


Apr 23, 2008
Hudson_Hawk|1295894833|2831596 said:

I always wonder - what parent was folding or unfolding the thing while letting their child PUT THEIR HANDS ON IT? I mean, really. How awful.

SS, I would just let her go at her own pace. Some babies just aren't into solids as much as others. She will want them eventually - keep offering, and soon she will realize how delicious banana is :tongue:


Nov 17, 2004
Just a quick note for noel... I hope everything goes smoothly and you're home with Skye soon! We will be thinking of you.


Oct 30, 2002
Lanie...the ladies are right about the 2 week wakeup (sounds like your little guy waited one more week!). When J was about 2mo to 4mo it felt like he cried all the time... or at least 1/2 of when he was awake. It was very hard to take, he also had light reflux. Once we took care of that and he got a little older it really changed. So hang in there! I think around 4mo is where J really seemed to change.

SS..I'd let her go at her own pace with food, every baby is different. J didn't seem as into food all the time, it was really inconsistent. And he'll have his interest days and other days he really would prefer to drink more. She's prob still very young and just slowly discovering the joys of solids. can go to and listen to a baby with whooping cough, it's a very distinct noise.
Noel...good luck tomorrow!!

re: babies and cream cheese/buttercream--our photographer does a lot of cake smashes and she said a lot of babies really do not like buttercream, something about the consistency on their hands also kind of freaks them out? so i'll make J a cream cheese cupcake, not sure what flavors though. though not sure if she meant italian buttercream which to me is REALLY slimy or a regular confectioners/easy buttercream which to me is less slimy. We'll be having dinner with my family for J's actual bday and I'll make him a cupcake!
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