
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!


Sep 13, 2008
Re CIO: I get so worried bc ppl say crying too much can cause hernia and I notice belly button starts poppin out when they cryin too hard??!...I doubt it can cause much harm but im such a worry freak. I let them cry maybe 5 mins tops and they don''t seem to ever want to stop

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Kid on knee so quick one...

RE: screaming for hours in carseat v CIO in a cot, I think the difference is that with the carseat you are still there and can talk to them, prod them occasionally etc whereas you feel like you''ve abandoned them in a cot...


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 6/25/2009 4:18:22 PM
Author: Pandora II
Kid on knee so quick one...

RE: screaming for hours in carseat v CIO in a cot, I think the difference is that with the carseat you are still there and can talk to them, prod them occasionally etc whereas you feel like you''ve abandoned them in a cot...
I can''t walk and chew gum at the same time, so I''m just driving without talking or prodding.


Jun 18, 2004
I''ve managed to pop a paci back in while merging onto freeway traffic
This of course involved twisting my arm backwards like a pretzel to reach the back seat. Not something I recommend doing...


Jun 7, 2007
I wanted to pop in to comment about the CIO method. We have started doing this with James because he must learn how to put himself to sleep. So far so good, although it''s only been a few days. He usually only cries for about 5 minutes, then will talk to himself and then nod off. He''s almost a year old so we put him to bed with a blanket and he also has a stuffed toy with a rattle in it.


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 6/25/2009 9:26:23 PM
Author: DivaDiamond007
I wanted to pop in to comment about the CIO method. We have started doing this with James because he must learn how to put himself to sleep. So far so good, although it''s only been a few days. He usually only cries for about 5 minutes, then will talk to himself and then nod off. He''s almost a year old so we put him to bed with a blanket and he also has a stuffed toy with a rattle in it.
Diva that''s great!

Hunter seems to do that too most of the time... Am I strange that I don''t think of 5 minutes as "crying" it out? I have friends whos kids cry for 45 minutes or more
That I don''t think I could do.


Feb 27, 2006
Brgirl, he''s just adorable! Thanks for checking in with us.

George kind of rolled this afternoon. DH put him on his tummy for tummy time, but didn''t put him squarely on his tummy so he was kind of leaning to one side, and he managed to roll onto his back from that position. I just happened to have the video camera and caught it.
But I''m not counting anything as his official first roll until he starts flat on his tummy.


Nov 8, 2005
hi there! I am an occasional poster to PS (have been around a long time though!) My DS is 3 months old. I've been reading this thread and Pandora, I totally empathise - my DS sounds a lot like your Daisy in terms of naps, wanting to be held, etc.

Blen, my little guy "A" is just a few weeks older than your little guy, and they look a LOT alike!

Question about carseats. We have the Graco Snugride, and my son seems to hate it. However, it may just be that he doesn't like to be put down in that position. THe seat doesn't seem to have much padding at all, though. Do you all think it is worth trying a more plush carseat (like the Chicco or even the fancier Graco) or maybe just buy a convertible seat? I thought we'd use the snap-n-go, or use the carseat on top of a shopping cart when we run errands, but he cries nearly the whole time he is in the seat. It's getting increasingly harder to take him anywhere. I usually end up wearing him in a front carrier when we run errands, but even that is hit or miss.

I posted this question about naps on the other moms thread as well, but wanted to get insight from you all too.

We are following the Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child book and things are going very well for night sleeping. I also read Babywise, No Cry Sleep Solution, and am reading Baby Whisperer right now, and the experts seem to agree on many things. My son is 3 months old and exclusively breastfed. He has a loooong feed around 7 pm, followed by a story and lullaby, then sleeps in his crib. He is not sleeping thru the night yet but goes to sleep pretty well and then is up 1 or 2 times in 12 hours for a quick feed. I'm pretty happy with his night sleeping.

Trouble is naps. We do eat-play-sleep (or EASY) during the day. I am putting him down in his crib at the first signs of drowsiness, and trying to keep him up for no more than 1-2 hours at a time as suggested by most of the experts. But, he fights and fights having a nap in his crib - or else sleeps just 10 or 20 min and wakes up screaming. I am OK with letting him cry a little bit, but he just gets himself all worked up and does not seem to settle himself down at all. Then it is time for the next feed and he hasn't had a nap. My mom said I was the same way as a baby, and slept very little during the day.

I can get him to nap quite well in his swing, though, or in the stroller while we're walking. If we stop walking, or I stop the swing, he wakes right up screaming. I know the motion is a bad habit, but I've tried and tried for still naps in the crib and am just not having success. I;ve decided that naps in the swing are better than no naps at all, but do you all think I am setting myself up for bad habits? Any suggestions?

ETA Enjoyed the recent posts by DD and TGal about CIO and DD's nap success. I wish my guy would settle himself after a couple minutes - but he doesn't, and I don't have the heart to let him CIO for more than 5-10 min at this age, UNLESS we are in the car and I can't do anythting about it as you all mentioned!


Jul 12, 2008
Hi ladies! sorry for the pity party I threw myself the other day. As you all know, it''s just really hard to have a sick baby.

Pandora, I''m sorry Daisy is sleeping so poorly during the day - how exhausting that must be for you! I have no words of advice - DD''s suggestion sounds smart though. you have my sympathy!

Courtney, how''s the "boot camp" going?

DD, congrats on finding that Hunter can soothe himself! That''s great!

Mgal, How''s the new job going?

brgirl, Welcome! Alex is adorable! Congratulations! Good luck to you on the sleep front!

Diva, I''m glad COI is working for you!

Blen,congrats on the roll - that''s cool even if it wasn''t official yet.

TDM, welcome and congrats on your LO! re: car seats, perhaps you could take him to BRU and test out the others to see if he likes them better? re: naps - I have the same trouble with my LO who is also 3 mos. She likes to nap in her swing and in the stroller/car seat but not so much in her crib. I keep trying the crib when I can catch her at the right time and sometimes she will lie in there and play for a while and then doze off but more often that not she ends up in the swing. Like you, I feel like a good nap (in the swing) is better than none at all for the time being. I''ll let you know if I find a way to get her to like her crib more during the day.

Hi to all the other mommies!

S and I are still sick but I think we''re over the worst of it. Last night was better in terms of sleep and she seemed to have more energy today. We stayed home to recuperate but I hope we''re well enough to go to daycare and work tomorrow since I feel like such a jerk being out sick already 3 days only my second week back at work!

I''ve discovered that S needs an earlier bed time than we''ve been giving her. This week I''ve been putting her down at 7 or 7:30, instead of 8, and I''ve found that she goes down MUCH easier. Very little crying, if any at all. She just closes her eyes and sucks on her paci and falls asleep. It''s great.

I hope we have an okay night again tonight. I find that I need to give myself a pep-talk to sleep myself these days since I am so reved up listening for her... I keep telling myself that she''s fine, she''s sleeping, and she will let me know if she needs me and I will be better able to help her if I sleep too....

Anyway, I hope you''re all well!


Sep 13, 2008
Mrs- I hope u both are ALL better soon! So good about the sleeping!!

Quick post...
Jon ate at 630 last nite went down at 8...I had to wake him @1230 bc that''s 6 hrs w.o. Food and plus I thought he''d sleep so long that he''d be up all nite..and I also wanted to give him a he ate at 1 went down fully asleep by 3 and woke at 730 not too bad!

Can u believe my sis is letting us leave on a getaway for 3 days and will watch the kids (with the help of my fam) we are off in a few hrs ...I booked a room with a jacuzzi, pool and fireplace :)...bringing some wine...cuz I need a drink!...ok a few drinks ;-)...
im excited to get way bc im really pooped (its been a long yr to say the least)..I became insta-mom with 2 kids and a minivan overnight! But I will miss dem kids.
Kool sis no?


Nov 18, 2007
Quick post also as Alila is crying!

She slept 9 to 9 last night only waking up once at 4! I''m a happy mom.

alila smiling.jpg

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
By the time I read the posts, I have to I never get the chance to post!!!!!!!! haha.
Like, Blen - I'm still wanting to respond to your "lets just be nekked" post. I spent the first 10 days naked (well, in boy short undies) crying. haha. Most of the time now I'm still half-dressed.

Alila is too cute.

DD and Tgal. McLovin the CIO discussions. Romy was getting in this annoying habit of needing to be rocked to sleep - for 45 mins sometimes!!! So DH and I nipped it in the bud by letting him work it out (dawg) in his Basinet with a paci. He konks out now after a few mins. The problem is that he's not great with the paci yet, so we have to stay close to pop it back in for him until he falls into a deep sleep. This is SO MUCH BETTER than walking around for the better part of an hour! wow. Now I'll have a paci habit to break, but I think it's the lesser of two evils.

Mrs. Dont appologize for having a "moment". We're all entitled and you certainly have earned it.

NYC - I downloaded that white noise that Tacori posted. That plus the paci = HEAVEN. Doooo iiiiiiiiiit.

gotta go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Jun 18, 2004
Welcome TanDogMom
Maybe try a convertable car seat? We have one that we''re not using yet, and it feels like it has sooo much more padding then the infant seat. And good luck with naping!

Mrs - glad to hear you and Sage are feeling a bit better! And thanks for asking about the job, I moved to my new cube yesterday (a whole 10 feet from my old cube
), but I''ll be doing my old job as well as learning the new one for the next few weeks.

Mela - Nice to "see" you again!

Courtney - 9 to 9 with onely 1 wake up is awesome!!!

nyc - wow, that is one nice sis you have! Enjoy the break!

We actually went and looked at a house last night, Kyle seemed to like it
. We do own the home we''re in now (have had it over 5 years), but with the baby and lots of relatives visiting it''s starting to feel a bit small. With the housing market the way it is, we could upgrade to a 4 bedroom (with a 3 car garage for all of DH''s junk) and have the same mortgage payment! We would then rent out our current house until the market recovered. It''s a bit scary to think of having 2 mortgages through! Anyone else considering something similar?

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Date: 6/25/2009 10:58:04 PM
Author: TanDogMom
hi there! I am an occasional poster to PS (have been around a long time though!) My DS is 3 months old. I''ve been reading this thread and Pandora, I totally empathise - my DS sounds a lot like your Daisy in terms of naps, wanting to be held, etc.

Blen, my little guy ''A'' is just a few weeks older than your little guy, and they look a LOT alike!

Question about carseats. We have the Graco Snugride, and my son seems to hate it. However, it may just be that he doesn''t like to be put down in that position. THe seat doesn''t seem to have much padding at all, though. Do you all think it is worth trying a more plush carseat (like the Chicco or even the fancier Graco) or maybe just buy a convertible seat? I thought we''d use the snap-n-go, or use the carseat on top of a shopping cart when we run errands, but he cries nearly the whole time he is in the seat. It''s getting increasingly harder to take him anywhere. I usually end up wearing him in a front carrier when we run errands, but even that is hit or miss.

I posted this question about naps on the other moms thread as well, but wanted to get insight from you all too.

We are following the Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child book and things are going very well for night sleeping. I also read Babywise, No Cry Sleep Solution, and am reading Baby Whisperer right now, and the experts seem to agree on many things. My son is 3 months old and exclusively breastfed. He has a loooong feed around 7 pm, followed by a story and lullaby, then sleeps in his crib. He is not sleeping thru the night yet but goes to sleep pretty well and then is up 1 or 2 times in 12 hours for a quick feed. I''m pretty happy with his night sleeping.

Trouble is naps. We do eat-play-sleep (or EASY) during the day. I am putting him down in his crib at the first signs of drowsiness, and trying to keep him up for no more than 1-2 hours at a time as suggested by most of the experts. But, he fights and fights having a nap in his crib - or else sleeps just 10 or 20 min and wakes up screaming. I am OK with letting him cry a little bit, but he just gets himself all worked up and does not seem to settle himself down at all. Then it is time for the next feed and he hasn''t had a nap. My mom said I was the same way as a baby, and slept very little during the day.

I can get him to nap quite well in his swing, though, or in the stroller while we''re walking. If we stop walking, or I stop the swing, he wakes right up screaming. I know the motion is a bad habit, but I''ve tried and tried for still naps in the crib and am just not having success. I;ve decided that naps in the swing are better than no naps at all, but do you all think I am setting myself up for bad habits? Any suggestions?

ETA Enjoyed the recent posts by DD and TGal about CIO and DD''s nap success. I wish my guy would settle himself after a couple minutes - but he doesn''t, and I don''t have the heart to let him CIO for more than 5-10 min at this age, UNLESS we are in the car and I can''t do anythting about it as you all mentioned!
Oh dear, you poor thing - it seems like we have identical problems!

Daisy HATES the carseat with a vengeance AND the car - and hers is very well padded, it''s just that she doesn''t like being strapped into anything and she''s not attached to us. I even have one of those mirrors in the car so that we can see her and vice-versa (I don''t drive at all) and it still doesn''t help.

The baby carrier is great - as long as you don''t stop moving, the minute you stand still she starts up again... I do many a weird dance in the supermarket while selecting fruit and veg...
Ditto with the pram - I took her out on the terrace yesterday thinking that if I pushed her up and down till she fell asleep I could do a few things. Yeah right, everytime I snuck off she''d wake up and bawl again.

Bouncy vibrating chair with all singing, all dancing lights, music etc gives us about 10 minutes of peace and quiet...

I LOATHE the 20 minute naps though as they just mean that she has recuperated enough for the next 6 hour stretch.

On the other hand, she is an angel at night. Last night she fell asleep at 11.30pm so I went to bed and just stuck her in her cot. She woke up at 4am for a 15 minute feed then back to sleep until 7.30am when she came into bed with me, fed and then fell asleep next to me until 10am. DH says it''s quite funny as we both sleep in exactly the same position right down to our hands.

Interesting that your mother said that you were the same. Both mine and DH''s mothers have said that neither of us would sleep in the daytime (and he didn''t sleep at night either) and that we need to wait for her to be able to walk or talk to grow out of it - apparently that was when we both stopped being such PITAs.

I''m avidly studying the Baby Whisperer in hope of an epiphany...


Feb 17, 2007
Hi all! Love all the new baby pics!

We FINALLY got DH's job offer letter so we are MOVING! YAY! Good thing too because I am off in a few hours to fly to SF to do inspections on our new house! And DH is making quite a bit more than we estimated so double wahoo!

Boys both have a fever poor things-that's the only "exciting" thing with us.

MustangGal Just FYI-it is really hard these days to be allowed to hold two mortgages at once. So if you haven't done so already I would make sure to talk to a mortgage broker/your lender ASAP to see if it is even a possibility. We are in the process of buying (we rent now) and our broker told us that many people want to do exactly what you want to do but that the lenders almost always say no unless you can carry both mortgages on your job income alone and still meet the income/debt ratios.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Nov 8, 2005
Date: 6/26/2009 12:55:16 PM
Author: Pandora II
Date: 6/25/2009 10:58:04 PM

Author: TanDogMom

hi there! I am an occasional poster to PS (have been around a long time though!) My DS is 3 months old. I've been reading this thread and Pandora, I totally empathise - my DS sounds a lot like your Daisy in terms of naps, wanting to be held, etc.

Blen, my little guy 'A' is just a few weeks older than your little guy, and they look a LOT alike!

Question about carseats. We have the Graco Snugride, and my son seems to hate it. However, it may just be that he doesn't like to be put down in that position. THe seat doesn't seem to have much padding at all, though. Do you all think it is worth trying a more plush carseat (like the Chicco or even the fancier Graco) or maybe just buy a convertible seat? I thought we'd use the snap-n-go, or use the carseat on top of a shopping cart when we run errands, but he cries nearly the whole time he is in the seat. It's getting increasingly harder to take him anywhere. I usually end up wearing him in a front carrier when we run errands, but even that is hit or miss.

I posted this question about naps on the other moms thread as well, but wanted to get insight from you all too.

We are following the Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child book and things are going very well for night sleeping. I also read Babywise, No Cry Sleep Solution, and am reading Baby Whisperer right now, and the experts seem to agree on many things. My son is 3 months old and exclusively breastfed. He has a loooong feed around 7 pm, followed by a story and lullaby, then sleeps in his crib. He is not sleeping thru the night yet but goes to sleep pretty well and then is up 1 or 2 times in 12 hours for a quick feed. I'm pretty happy with his night sleeping.

Trouble is naps. We do eat-play-sleep (or EASY) during the day. I am putting him down in his crib at the first signs of drowsiness, and trying to keep him up for no more than 1-2 hours at a time as suggested by most of the experts. But, he fights and fights having a nap in his crib - or else sleeps just 10 or 20 min and wakes up screaming. I am OK with letting him cry a little bit, but he just gets himself all worked up and does not seem to settle himself down at all. Then it is time for the next feed and he hasn't had a nap. My mom said I was the same way as a baby, and slept very little during the day.

I can get him to nap quite well in his swing, though, or in the stroller while we're walking. If we stop walking, or I stop the swing, he wakes right up screaming. I know the motion is a bad habit, but I've tried and tried for still naps in the crib and am just not having success. I;ve decided that naps in the swing are better than no naps at all, but do you all think I am setting myself up for bad habits? Any suggestions?

ETA Enjoyed the recent posts by DD and TGal about CIO and DD's nap success. I wish my guy would settle himself after a couple minutes - but he doesn't, and I don't have the heart to let him CIO for more than 5-10 min at this age, UNLESS we are in the car and I can't do anythting about it as you all mentioned!

Oh dear, you poor thing - it seems like we have identical problems!

Daisy HATES the carseat with a vengeance AND the car - and hers is very well padded, it's just that she doesn't like being strapped into anything and she's not attached to us. I even have one of those mirrors in the car so that we can see her and vice-versa (I don't drive at all) and it still doesn't help.

The baby carrier is great - as long as you don't stop moving, the minute you stand still she starts up again... I do many a weird dance in the supermarket while selecting fruit and veg...
Ditto with the pram - I took her out on the terrace yesterday thinking that if I pushed her up and down till she fell asleep I could do a few things. Yeah right, everytime I snuck off she'd wake up and bawl again.

Bouncy vibrating chair with all singing, all dancing lights, music etc gives us about 10 minutes of peace and quiet...

I LOATHE the 20 minute naps though as they just mean that she has recuperated enough for the next 6 hour stretch.

On the other hand, she is an angel at night. Last night she fell asleep at 11.30pm so I went to bed and just stuck her in her cot. She woke up at 4am for a 15 minute feed then back to sleep until 7.30am when she came into bed with me, fed and then fell asleep next to me until 10am. DH says it's quite funny as we both sleep in exactly the same position right down to our hands.

Interesting that your mother said that you were the same. Both mine and DH's mothers have said that neither of us would sleep in the daytime (and he didn't sleep at night either) and that we need to wait for her to be able to walk or talk to grow out of it - apparently that was when we both stopped being such PITAs.

I'm avidly studying the Baby Whisperer in hope of an epiphany...


Wow - our babies are doing the EXACT SAME thing! I know just what you mean about the carrier being great but only if you are moving. I do the same dance in the supermarket (and anywhere, really) if I need to stop walking! I am afraid someone will see me from behind moving all around, not see the baby, and think I am some sort of weirdo. We do what we have to do, I guess! The only place he will (sometimes) be content is in the swing. Otherwise, he needs to be held and even then he is not always happy. A (my baby's initial) also really hates being strapped in, same as Daisy. And, if he falls asleep while we are moving he'll stay asleep for maybe 5 or 10 minutes if even that, before waking up. I had really hoped to take him out more, visit friends, etc, but it's very hard with a fussy baby.

We will have to compare notes and maybe one of us will find something that works :)

In GREAT news, A slept through the night for the first time last night! I hope, hope hope it will be consistent. Unfortunately, I didn't sleep at all! I am taking a medicine for poison ivy outbreak that caused me to have insomnia! Also I am very itchy! So not a great night for me, but glad to know that he CAN sleep through the night. Hooray!


Nov 20, 2006
just wanted to say really quick...

neat CONGRATS to your DH on the job offer!!! and YAY for the move to the bay area!!


Dec 16, 2007
Sorry to be MIA, we are in the process of looking to buy a home and I am spending all my spare time talking to mortgage brokers and realestate agents
I''m glad I''m on mat leave or I would never have time to do all this! It is so much work

But great news about all the babies starting to sleep better
And whoopie for Neatfreak''s hubby''s job!


Jun 7, 2007
My big news of the day.....


DH had just gotten done changing him and was on his hands and knees playing when James pulled himself up let go of DH, DH then sat up fully and James took two unassisted steps towards him! I''m sure it was a fluke since James then plopped himself down but still! So so so cute!


Dec 29, 2004
Congrats Neat!

DD, hope things go well in the househunting department!

Diva, aw...that''s great! I haven''t even experienced that with Amelia yet.

And for the tough nappers...just thought I''d throw in the boring sleep area thing. No printed sheets, bumpers, mobiles?


Jan 3, 2005
Date: 6/25/2009 10:01:04 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Date: 6/25/2009 9:26:23 PM

Author: DivaDiamond007

I wanted to pop in to comment about the CIO method. We have started doing this with James because he must learn how to put himself to sleep. So far so good, although it''s only been a few days. He usually only cries for about 5 minutes, then will talk to himself and then nod off. He''s almost a year old so we put him to bed with a blanket and he also has a stuffed toy with a rattle in it.

Diva that''s great!

Hunter seems to do that too most of the time... Am I strange that I don''t think of 5 minutes as ''crying'' it out? I have friends whos kids cry for 45 minutes or more
That I don''t think I could do.

dreamer, my ped. told me to let Jake cry for an hour at his 6 month visit b/c he wasn''t sleeping through the night. She told me I had to be commit to it or not do it b/c going in every few minutes would just confuse him. I knew at the time I did not have it in me so Jake didn''t really start STTN until he was 9 months or so. I was so tired from not sleeping and having my other kids to take care of etc. that I decided I would do it. Jake seriously cried about 50 minutes. it broke my heart. I told myself I would give him 5 more minutes and if he didn''t stop I was getting him...well, he stopped. the next night he cried maybe 20 minutes or so and it was only a couple more nights and he stopped waking up in the middle of the night. Each kid is so different though. my oldest didn''t start sleeping through the night until she was 5...yes 5. She would get up in the middle of the night and come into our room and I''d walk her back to her bed. this went on for ages and her dr. said once she was in school full time she would probably sleep better. my middle daughter never had to cry it out, she was a great sleeper from the get go and still is. Jake is a great sleeper now too, thankgoodness. Now, if I could only figure out how to get him to sleep until 7:00am instead of waking up every day at 5:45-6:00am life would be perfert


Oct 6, 2004
Diva, yay for James!

NF, congrats! That''s great news!

Hi everyone!
Things have been busy here and I haven''t been able to keep up with the two mommy threads. D is doing great! I can''t believe he''s 9 months today! He sits well, stands with assistance, and rolls around like crazy. He often sticks his butt up when he''s on his tummy. He''s not crawling yet but I''m in no rush for him to be mobile! He smiles all the time, even to strangers! I think he saves the big baby laughs for mommy and daddy, which we love! We can never get him to laugh a lot when other people are around.

D had his 9 month check up and he''s 17 pounds and 28 inches. I was expecting shots but none were given. In a month or so, D has to get a blood test done though to check if he''s anemic, since he was born early. I''m not looking forward to that. I hope it''s not too painful for him.

In a few months, I''ll have a ONE year old! CRAZY! Time flies! D''s birthday party will be in our NEW HOUSE! We''re about to close escrow on a house so we''ll be moving soon! We''re getting some work done first before we move in (hardwood floors, plantation shutters, quartz countertops, painting). It''s a very exciting and busy time!

Sorry for the snlee-centric post here. I hope to have more PS time soon!


Nov 20, 2006
diva YAY for james!!! you must be such a proud mama!! before you know it, 2 unassisted steps leads to 4, then 8 then he''ll be walking in no time.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Date: 6/26/2009 10:24:28 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Congrats Neat!

DD, hope things go well in the househunting department!

Diva, aw...that''s great! I haven''t even experienced that with Amelia yet.

And for the tough nappers...just thought I''d throw in the boring sleep area thing. No printed sheets, bumpers, mobiles?
Nope, the only possible distraction is a plain old boring spit-up cloth...

I never got round to getting a mobile and then heard that they were ''over-stimulating'' so didn''t bother...


Dec 16, 2007
MrsS Thanks for the advice. I think it may come to that eventually, but for now thankfully we don''t have to do it. If he is still waking at night at 6 mo then I will give it a try.

Pandora Interestingly, now the mobile is a real saviour for us. Hunter stares at it as he falls asleep instead of rolling all over the place and getting himself stuck leading to screaming (see below).

for walking! So many fun changes going on with James these days!

Court What a cutie Alila and whop whoop for the long sleeps!

Blen Yah for rolling!! And you got it on video, how awesome!

TDM I have little advice at this point as all craziness has broken out in our house and I can''t even figure out my own kid
My instinct is to suggest that you keep trying with the crib since that is where you want him to be in the end, but I know what it is like when it isn''t working and sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do!

Mrs Great discovery about the sleeping!

NYC Yippee on vacation! Will you miss them too much being away for 3 days? I couldn''t do it to be honest.

Mela We went through a similar stage with Hunter around Romy''s age I think. Glad you found a solution! Don''t worry about the paci, kids like to suck.

MG We are buying a house too! I am finding it very stressful because we will need to spend 100k more than I would like to get a house... we can afford it, but we won''t have a very fun lifestyle...

snlee I can''t believe how big Derek is getting... they grow us so fast!


As for us, Hunter has a baaaaad night last night. He woke at 12am, 2am, 4am, and then 6am for the day when I said to DH "Take him!!" I suspect his newfound rolling "skills" are the culprit. Every time I went in he had managed to roll onto his belly and then got stuck like that! So he is able to roll back to front and front to bad, but apparently not in succession
Same thing is happening when we put him down for naps -- he rolls all over the place and eventually gets stuck like a turtle on its back and yells for help! It is really funny but not at 2am when he gets so worked up and needs to nurse himself calm again. I think we are going to just have to leave him when he gets stuck so that he learns how to get himself unstuck, otherwise we are in for a long haul!

Any advice??


Jul 12, 2008
NYC, wow, that''s so nice of your sis to watch the kids so that you guys can get away! enjoy!

Courtney, congrats on the great night of sleep you got the other night! Great pic! She''s a cutie-pie!

Mela, glad you were able to break the rocking habit! The paci habit is better though really annoying sometimes too.

Mgal, sounds like you''ll be very busy t work for a while - I hope it goes well! That''s neat that you might move - I hope it works out!

Pandora, I''m glad Daisy continues to sleep well at night but sorry she''s such a handful during the day! I hope the Baby Whisperer helps!

neat, congrats on finally getting the offer! I hope the inspection goes well!! And I hope the boys feel better!

TDM, that''s great that A slept through the night! bummer about the poison ivy though - I hope you get well soon!

DD, how''s the house hunting going? That''s a bummer that you''re finding you''ll have to spend more than you would like. I''m sorry you had such a rough night last night. I think your instinct to let him be is probably spot on. If you always go in to rescue him, he wont learn to roll back on his own. I know that''s hard though and given how young he is, you might prefer to wait to do that. Whatever you decide, I hope it works and I hope you get a better night tonight!

Diva, yay for first steps!! That''s so exciting!

snlee, I''m glad D is doing so well! And congrats on the new house!

We''re doing okay though still sick. Yesterday I finally went to the dr since my ear was hurting on top of all my cold/flu symptoms and sure enough, I have an ear infection. They gave me an Rx for antibiotics so now S and I are both on meds... Then I started to get the gunky eye thing that S has and realized that it''s pink eye! ug! So we both have it in one eye. At this point all this sickness just makes me laugh because I don''t think it can possibly get any worse! She had an okay day yesterday though she didn''t want to eat much - I think the medicine, which she hates, hurts her tummy a little. But she ate relatively well last night and this morning so I hope she''s feeling better now. She still sounds like a baby bulldog at times with all the congestion and we both have pretty hacking coughs. Oh well. We''ll get better eventually. Amazingly DH hasn''t gotten sick at all. His parents are arriving today for a few days so I hope they don''t get sick either! We''ll see.

HOpe you all have a great weekend!



Oct 25, 2006
Dreamer- Just popping in to say two words: SLEEP POSITIONER

That should do the trick! I'll see if I can find a pic, but it is basically a piece of fabric connecting two pieces of triangular foam. You just place the baby wedged between the foam and he can't roll. Most babies hit this stage where they are emerging rollers, but haven't mastered it enough to always get themselves back.

ETA: Here ya go-


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 6/27/2009 11:31:00 PM
Author: mia1181
Dreamer- Just popping in to say two words: SLEEP POSITIONER

That should do the trick! I''ll see if I can find a pic, but it is basically a piece of fabric connecting two pieces of triangular foam. You just place the baby wedged between the foam and he can''t roll. Most babies hit this stage where they are emerging rollers, but haven''t mastered it enough to always get themselves back.

ETA: Here ya go-
Thanks Mia! I am fairly certain tha the could still roll even with the "walls" beside him! But it is worth a try!


Nov 9, 2005
hey ladies...hope all is well w/ your little ones!

We had quite a scare the other night....Lex was fussy in his crib around 4:00 am Friday morning, I went to check on him and picked him up and he was bright red, gasping for air, eyes huge and saliva coming out of his mouth! I turned him over and patted his back and he caught his breath (thank goodness). My DH and I didn''t know what to do, but figured we''d call our pedi in the morning, but as soon as we put Lex back down, it happened again!!! We freaked this time and once we got him breathing normally again, we rushed to the ER. After 2 days in the hospital, and a 12 hour sleep apnea/acid reflux test, we''re finally home. But no real answers as to why he was choking. The test did show minor reflux and we now are doing the sleep apnea monitor at home for the next 2 months. I honestly CANNOT get the image out of my mind when I picked him up and he wasn''t breathing well! It makes me cry every time I think about it. They don''t lie when they say the love for your child is like nothing else!!! My DH and I pretty much just want to hold him forever now.

In good news, the new formula seems to be helping a lot w/ the gas! He''s in a lot less pain the past few days. NYC - If you are still having formula issues, I''ll second Burk''s recommendation for the Alimentum ready serve (not the powder).

I''ll keep you ladies updated! But right now, I want to kiss and hug my little man



Dec 16, 2007
Wow cdt! We had an experience like that with Hunter when he was about 3 weeks old. It scared the life out of me, but only happened once so there was no problem. I'', sure that Lex will be fine, but no hurt in keeping a monitor on him. Newborns do all kinds of strange things with their breathing...
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