
Preggo stuff, Baby Stuff, Toddler your best finds here!!


Aug 8, 2005
qtiekiki + mara-
the quinny buzz definitely looks like it has potential too. much like the orbit, i like how it converts as the child gets older so that you can use the base from birth to toddler and just change out the top piece. space is an issue for us as well, so this seems smart + convenient.


Dec 29, 2004

The type of stroller you need depends on what type of mom you will be. And a lot of that can be determined now. Do you like long outings at the mall? Then you may want a deluxe stroller which allows your baby to hang out in luxury. Does the mall make you ill and you see yourself going into shops only for quick errands? Then an umbrella stroller might be for you. If you enjoy time out at the park, beach, outdoors, then I would recommend an all terrain stroller with “real” wheels (As Tacori said, it makes a huge difference.)

Whether you buy a luxury stroller or an all terrain one, I absolutely believe that an umbrella stroller is super super handy. ESPECIALLY if your main stroller is more than a one piece fold. My friend’s sister (the one who is having triplets…her sis is having twins) wants to get the Peg Perego Duette. I told her, cool stroller, but imagine taking that around for errands…IN THE RAIN. Do you really want to be sitting there, getting your kids in the car, and then breaking down two chairs plus the chassis? Get the Maclaren as well!

My recommendation is to always get the SnG to start. If you can get it secondhand and not spend a ton of money on it, that is best. If you get a luxury stroller where you can pop a carseat in and don’t mind the extra weight, then you can certainly use that to start and get an umbrella stroller later, making you a two stroller person. The Maclaren always stays in the car, so you only have to store one stroller in house.

I got the SnG to start, then the BOB and Maclaren Quest for later. SnG- $59 ( I hear the price went up!). BOB - $212 brought from Australia when they were having a sale. Maclaren Quest – Excellent Used condition on Craiglist for $100. Total stroller cost: $371. A deal compared to some of the crazy prices out there today.


Jun 18, 2004
I also have 2 strollers. We really only intended to have 1, we got a travel system that was a 3 wheeler. So at the begining I had the big stroller and snapped the infant carrier into it. The stupid thing wore out the bearing in the front wheel within 2 months, I got sick of it, and bought an umbrella stroller (Graco IPO). Best investment ever! We started putting him in that at 3 months. Now the jogger just stays in the house for walks. We do plan on taking it for major outings (like the 5K we did a few weeks back), but otherwise I keep the umbrella stroller in the car and use it.

If you only go places that having shopping carts, you could probably do without the SNG, most infant seats will fit right on the top of a cart.

So my total stroller investment was $278 (MIL bought the travel system, so really we only paid the *78 for the umbrella stroller). If I could do it again I would have gone for a better big stroller, and maybe a SNG. Oh well, live and learn!


Nov 8, 2005
I''ve got the 3 stroller thing going on like Mrs, Tgal and Tacori said.

For MY kid, the Snap and Go was not that useful because he hated the infant seat. In theory, it should have been great!

I snagged a Volo new for $70 and I really like it for mall trips. Honestly it seems kind of pricey for what it is, but I haven''t compared with other umbrella strollers. Anyway, it is working well for us and I like having it in the car for quick errands.

The BOB lives in my garage and I use it almost every day for walks and jogs. I take it with me in the car just for longer outings because little guy is more comfortable in it I think. It is long front to back, which can be awkward in a restaurant. It can be a bit heavy to get in and out of the car. Everything else about it I love. It pushes like a dream and should last us for years. I am a long distance runner and I love being able to take little guy with me.

I am happy to hear that the BOB is a trendy stroller in CA! It is not trendy where I live, I don''t think. Here, the "it" strollers seem to be Bugaboo, Quinny and lately I''ve been seeing a few of the Orbits too. Lots of people use travel systems here, esp Graco and Chicco. The BOB works great for me and I love it, trendy or not!

I would encourage everyone to think about the fold of the stroller if you will be loading it into the car very often. I live in a suburban area. My friend has the Bug Cam. While it is a beautiful stroller and seems to push great, it seems like a royal PITA to get in and out of the car. Whenever we meet up, I''ve got A in his stroller ready to go while my friend is still getting her Bug put together.


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 10/21/2009 10:48:23 PM
Author: TanDogMom
I''ve got the 3 stroller thing going on like Mrs, Tgal and Tacori said.

For MY kid, the Snap and Go was not that useful because he hated the infant seat. In theory, it should have been great!

I snagged a Volo new for $70 and I really like it for mall trips. Honestly it seems kind of pricey for what it is, but I haven''t compared with other umbrella strollers. Anyway, it is working well for us and I like having it in the car for quick errands.

The BOB lives in my garage and I use it almost every day for walks and jogs. I take it with me in the car just for longer outings because little guy is more comfortable in it I think. It is long front to back, which can be awkward in a restaurant. It can be a bit heavy to get in and out of the car. Everything else about it I love. It pushes like a dream and should last us for years. I am a long distance runner and I love being able to take little guy with me.

I am happy to hear that the BOB is a trendy stroller in CA! It is not trendy where I live, I don''t think. Here, the ''it'' strollers seem to be Bugaboo, Quinny and lately I''ve been seeing a few of the Orbits too. Lots of people use travel systems here, esp Graco and Chicco. The BOB works great for me and I love it, trendy or not!

I would encourage everyone to think about the fold of the stroller if you will be loading it into the car very often. I live in a suburban area. My friend has the Bug Cam. While it is a beautiful stroller and seems to push great, it seems like a royal PITA to get in and out of the car. Whenever we meet up, I''ve got A in his stroller ready to go while my friend is still getting her Bug put together.
TDM, I''m in So Cal by the beach, and while a lot of people have the strollers, I don''t think it''s trendy at all down here. It''s certainly not a status piece by any stretch nor is it the current "it" stroller. It just fits the local active lifestyle and has been popular for some time yet still low key. Trendy strollers is bizarrely, still the bug from what I can see, but I haven''t been really noticing for the past year or so.

If by trendy, that means "popular", then yes, it is a trendy stroller.

The BOB is terrible in restaurants. No way would I bring one into a restaurant if I could help it.


Oct 30, 2002
I say ''trendy'' here because I mostly see it in expensive small towns with yuppy looking families hehee. I see it in Starbucks. I see it at small breakfast outdoor cafes. I do see sporty looking families with it too...but I just remember seeing it in some small exp towns and going really?? I hardly ever see the Cham or and Bugaboos and I have never seen a Quinny! When I went to some local baby store and pushed a few around, the Quinny was the best to maneuver. TDM I hear you on the fold... and I know for the Quinny we''d need more space. We''ll have to figure out car first.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
JCrow - we couldn''t do the multiple strollers due to storage space issues. I can use mine with just the carseat - just snaps in, or with the stroller seat depending on what I''m doing.

For me, priorities were things like a small footprint, narrow (shops/buses etc), lightweight to push, easy to put together, forward & rear facing, as high up as posssible due to my back and long lifespan. I made a list of these priorities and then assessed strollers against my criteria.

One I considered for example was the Bugaboo Bee - it fitted all the criteria except the height and long lifespan. If the child is tall, they''ll have grown out of it in 18 months, and there is no footplate so their legs just dangle of the ends. At 5ft 10", it''s unlikely that Daisy will be a dinky little thing, so I had to rule it out on that basis.

There are so many options on the market that your best bet is to do what TGal suggests and work out what your lifestyle requires or doesn''t require (eg. I didn''t need off-road and I''ve never jogged in my life), then add a list of what you want it to do. Arm yourself with your list, head to a store with lots of models and try them all out.


Aug 8, 2005
Date: 10/21/2009 11:30:29 PM
Author: Mara
I say ''trendy'' here because I mostly see it in expensive small towns with yuppy looking families hehee. I see it in Starbucks. I see it at small breakfast outdoor cafes. I do see sporty looking families with it too...but I just remember seeing it in some small exp towns and going really?? I hardly ever see the Cham or and Bugaboos and I have never seen a Quinny! When I went to some local baby store and pushed a few around, the Quinny was the best to maneuver. TDM I hear you on the fold... and I know for the Quinny we''d need more space. We''ll have to figure out car first.

although i haven''t seen the quinny in person, i do wish it had cup holders. seems like a big drawback.


Apr 9, 2005
As usual, I agree with TGal about strollers! It really depends on the type of mom you are and where you live.

Here in NYC, I''ve seen them all: Bugaboo, Quinny, Bob, Maclaren, SNG, Orbit, Phil & Teds, Stokke--you name it, someone I know or someone I''ve seen on the street has it! But NYC is a walking city. We don''t have cars so our main means of transportation is the stroller, that''s why most people here can justify spending $$$ on it.

That being said, my first stroller was the Bugaboo Frog. LOVE it. I think it''s a fabulous stroller for my needs which include WALKING everywhere and rarely having to fold it up. For my easy traveling stroller, I got the Maclaren Volo. Small, lightweight, easy to fold and not too expensive. Done.

The problems really start when you have a 2nd child! Bugaboo doesn''t make a double or any kind of doubles attachment or else that would have been my choice. But living in the City and seeing what all the other 2 chlild families do, we checked out the Phil & Teds and if I had been this smart before having my first child, this would have been my stroller instead of the Bugaboo! It''s awesome in every way and you can just buy the 2nd seat to pop on the back when you have another child. What could be better?! It doesn''t break the bank, it''s streamlined which is really important for squeezing into elevators and other tight city spaces, maneuvers really easily, is fairly lightweight for what it is and I can fold it by myself if I have to!

If I was a suburban mom who had to get in and out of a car all the time, I would never consider one of the "luxury" strollers. There is no point when you can have an option like a Maclaren that doesn''t break the bank, has enough bells and whistles to satisfy your needs and can fold up easily. But that''s just me--it has KILLED me to spend so much money on strollers and I would much rather use the extra cash on other stuff!

So really think about how you are going to use the stoller before diving into the purchase. Go and test drive them. Fold and unfold them. That''s really the only way you''ll be able to make the right decision for you and your family.


Aug 8, 2005
we went to bru, baby earth and buy buy baby today. tested out a gillion strollers. i was shocked at how uneasy to fold/open some of them are! we did both really, really like the baby jogger city mini. it seems like it''s lightweight + super easy to fold/open. and it seems like it may be in between a no frills umbrella stroller and a higher end lots of frills bigger stroller.

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
Date: 10/22/2009 7:28:55 PM
Author: jcrow
we went to bru, baby earth and buy buy baby today. tested out a gillion strollers. i was shocked at how uneasy to fold/open some of them are! we did both really, really like the baby jogger city mini. it seems like it''s lightweight + super easy to fold/open. and it seems like it may be in between a no frills umbrella stroller and a higher end lots of frills bigger stroller.

Jcrow - I *think* that''s Dreamer''s stroller (which she loves). We''ll have to get her to confirm or deny that statement though
. As for a cup holder, don''t let that be a deal breaker. I''ll tell you why. All strollers have a bit of bounce to them, so you''ll never want to put a hot coffee into a cup holder (unless you''re not moving very fast) as it could spill on your child. For that reason, the only truly spill proof container is a water bottle, which can go anywhere (diaper bag, underneath basket, etc.). I know a cup holder seems like a good idea, but in reality, it''s kinda useless.


Oct 30, 2002
jcrow you mean no cup holders for like adults? if that's the case, i hardly ever would use one anyway, i almost always drink water so i'd just have a bottle in my diaper bag or purse like i do now. and if i stop at a sbucks it's just on the way to work not while walking, hehe.

i also really liked the city jogger, i don't know if i saw the mini but it might have been that one, at BRU. i thought out of a lot of the rugged walking strollers it had a light but solid feel to it and it was super affordable. i was thinking of getting that one for 'walks' and then maybe doing the quinny buzz for my about town...but again we have to wait for the car thing to see what kind of space we have! but i think if i had to 'just get a stroller right now' i'd get the city jogger since it seemed pretty practical.

wow you have so many stores near you for babies! we only have BRU and babyland with so many options. target has some strollers out but certainly not the same selections.

i considered the bee also because we can get it for free with points through greg's work and it fit all my criteria EXCEPT what pandora mentioned. the outgrow-it factor is really high particularly because of how the seat is shaped, it has these funky 'wings' on the sides that kind of pen the baby in...great for when they are small but not so good for bigger and if you have a big kid or a fast grower the stroller's life span shortens immensely. given that we are both tall and we were both over 8 lbs at birth i was thinking no way is our kid going to be a smallie, so i had to nix the bee.
i loved its small footprint. oh well!


Aug 8, 2005
Date: 10/22/2009 9:20:15 PM
Author: Mara
jcrow you mean no cup holders for like adults? if that''s the case, i hardly ever would use one anyway, i almost always drink water so i''d just have a bottle in my diaper bag or purse like i do now. and if i stop at a sbucks it''s just on the way to work not while walking, hehe.

i also really liked the city jogger, i don''t know if i saw the mini but it might have been that one, at BRU. i thought out of a lot of the rugged walking strollers it had a light but solid feel to it and it was super affordable. i was thinking of getting that one for ''walks'' and then maybe doing the quinny buzz for my about town...but again we have to wait for the car thing to see what kind of space we have! but i think if i had to ''just get a stroller right now'' i''d get the city jogger since it seemed pretty practical.

wow you have so many stores near you for babies! we only have BRU and babyland with so many options. target has some strollers out but certainly not the same selections.

i considered the bee also because we can get it for free with points through greg''s work and it fit all my criteria EXCEPT what pandora mentioned. the outgrow-it factor is really high particularly because of how the seat is shaped, it has these funky ''wings'' on the sides that kind of pen the baby in...great for when they are small but not so good for bigger and if you have a big kid or a fast grower the stroller''s life span shortens immensely. given that we are both tall and we were both over 8 lbs at birth i was thinking no way is our kid going to be a smallie, so i had to nix the bee.
i loved its small footprint. oh well!

hubs + i both have cars, so fitting into our trunk is a concern for us too. the city jogger mini seemed sooo compact. we compared it to the phil + ted''s and it''s so much smaller once it''s folded up.

yeh, we went to target too, but the strollers were up high. there was no way this shorty was going to try to get a few down to test drive. plus, yes the variety was not so hot.

yes, i was talking about a cup holder for me. my one friend that has a child uses hers frequently for sippy cups, etc. today, i did notice that there are cup holders that you can buy separtely [although not a quinny brand]. and for the city jogger mini, they also have tray/cup holder/belly bar attachment that you can use in the toddler area.

we also checked out the bee... and unless it was broken or something we STRUGGLED to get that sucker open + closed. my husband, 2 employees and i all tried. it was ridiculous. again, maybe it was broken??


Sep 1, 2009
jcrow - glad you re-opened the stroller question cuz we're still trying to figure out what's right for us also. oh and ditto on the bee. that is a crazy fold and open....SO could not get it. right now we've got it narrowed down to two options: (please anyone who has any sort of opinion weigh in!!!)

our situation - we live in the city, but have what i would guess a more suburban situation. our city is sprawling so we drive EVERYWHERE. trunk and car space not an issue (SUV and mid size). i'm not really a jogger and doubtlful hubby would take the kiddo on his runs.

1)peg perego pliko switch with peg perego carseat

pros: front and rear facing (LOVE THAT, and SUPER easy to switch back and forth), really easy fold AND open(umbrella style, no need to remove the seat, collapses in and pops open), carseat snaps in on chassis (the stroller seat is removable and the chassis itself is only slightly heavier than the sng), manuevers well, one stroller that works from newborn up to 45lbs, has footrest, has a GREAT canopy (essential for hot southern sun!), kiddie cupholder, parent cupholder

cons: pricier ($450 for the stroller, $270 for the carseat), wider footprint, heavier with the buggy seat versus an umbrella, newer on the market and not as many reviews out

2)graco snugrider with graco carseat for the first 4-6 months then a maclaren umbrella (or other umbrella yet to be determined)

pros: a bit more cost effective ($80-$200 for carseat, $70 for snugrider, $250 for maclern quest sport), each one is lighter and has smaller footprint versus the preg perego, easy fold, carseat snap in to snugrider

cons: two strollers, have yet to find an unbrella with a good enough canopy, worried the carseat may be uncomfortable for longer outings while younger, no rear facing option on umbrella

again, please give me opinions. we are seriously split 50/50, option 2 was the top runner by far until we got seduced by the pliko switch. we may still be blinded


May 9, 2008
ladies, i just wanted to add to the stroller conversation, specifically re: the city mini.

i have this stroller, and love it for all of the reasons mentioned by everyone here, but a big con that i''ve noticed more recently is the fact that the seat does not adjust forward enough for the baby to sit up straight. even at it''s highest position, there is still a recline - and i''ve noticed my son is often trying to sit straight up but can''t because of the recline and seat restraints. because of this he is almost always slouched back even though i know he wants to sit up straight and look at the world.


Dec 29, 2004
Ginger that is a tough one. If you love the peg and don''t mind the weight, go for it. As for the umbrella stroller shade, I bought a rayshade for the hot australian sun and it works fine (as long as there is no major wind.)

I wouldn''t have been happy with the SnG as my only stroller, then the umbrella a few months later...I really needed a more comfy stroller for my longer jaunts out. If you don''t care to do much outdoors (park, beach, walks), then maybe the peg would be worthwhile. I don''t know anything about it, so it''s hard for me to really comment on the peg specifically. It sounds great though, especially if the chassis is not that heavy and would essentially be a SnG type system.


Dec 29, 2004
OK, I just youtube searched the peg pliko switch...what a cool little stroller! I''d go with that one...looks like everything you really need for your lifestyle.

They''ve already come out with so many nifty things since Amelia was born, and she''s only 18 months! Man, maybe I do need to go have another kid just for the fun gadgets/strollers!


Nov 8, 2005

I don't know about the Peg specifically, but did I get this right that you need to spend $270 on their infant seat?!?! That seems really high! You could get a graco seat plus snap and go (or even the Chicco seat and snap and go) and still have spent less than $270. That seems so high for something that they will grow out of so soon. So unless you are planning to have lots of kids (and thus lots of use for the infant seat), my vote would be snap and go and cheaper infant carseat in order to save $, plus the peg full stroller (again, Ive never checked it out myself, but it sounds great!)

If I had to choose between having a full stroller and having an umbrella, I'd definitely choose the full stroller. Although it could be a pain I think I could take the full stroller everywhere that I take the umbrella. The opposite is not true. Plus, if you find later you need an umbrella you don't have to get one as nice as the Maclaren - you could pick up a cheapie umbrella to use if you are traveling or something like that.


Nov 8, 2005
Date: 10/23/2009 1:04:11 AM
Author: sbde
ladies, i just wanted to add to the stroller conversation, specifically re: the city mini.

i have this stroller, and love it for all of the reasons mentioned by everyone here, but a big con that i've noticed more recently is the fact that the seat does not adjust forward enough for the baby to sit up straight. even at it's highest position, there is still a recline - and i've noticed my son is often trying to sit straight up but can't because of the recline and seat restraints. because of this he is almost always slouched back even though i know he wants to sit up straight and look at the world.

That's too bad about the recline! Can you put something behind his back to help him sit up straight?
A couple pages back there was some discussion of a recall that might affect you. Just wanted to mention it again in case you didn't already know.


Nov 9, 2005
jcrow - we have the city mini and seriously love it! I talk about it a few pages back. I have noticed what sbde mentioned RE: recline, but so far it hasn''t been too much of an issue for us. RE: cupholder....we bought the $20 one they sell, but it was a waste everyone else mentioned really it''s only good for water and you don''t need a cupholder for that.

ginger - I REALLY wanted the pliko switch, but the carseat is what made me change my mind. It''s just sooooo expensive for an infant carseat. And I''m so glad because my chubby, almost 5 months old, switched to the convertible carseat a few weeks ago because he was so uncomfortable in the infant carseat. So in our case we definitely would not have gotten our money''s worth! Also, not sure how true this is, but our second choice was the City Mini and the sales guy at buybuy baby actually told us it would last longer than the pliko switch because the frame is plastic on the switch vs. metal on the city mini. Considering the Mini was cheaper and he said that, we went w/ his suggestion and really couldn''t be happier.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Just wanted to add that babies shouldn''t spend more than 2 hours in a carseat at any one stretch.

Other thing I noticed, one of my ''musts'' was a lie-flat option for when Daisy was newborn - I even considered getting the bassinette for the Stokke. Well, madam wasn''t going to lie flat for anything. Even at 3 weeks we had to incline the seat so she could see out!


Aug 8, 2005
Date: 10/23/2009 7:56:31 AM
Author: cdt1101
jcrow - we have the city mini and seriously love it! I talk about it a few pages back. I have noticed what sbde mentioned RE: recline, but so far it hasn't been too much of an issue for us. RE: cupholder....we bought the $20 one they sell, but it was a waste everyone else mentioned really it's only good for water and you don't need a cupholder for that.

ginger - I REALLY wanted the pliko switch, but the carseat is what made me change my mind. It's just sooooo expensive for an infant carseat. And I'm so glad because my chubby, almost 5 months old, switched to the convertible carseat a few weeks ago because he was so uncomfortable in the infant carseat. So in our case we definitely would not have gotten our money's worth! Also, not sure how true this is, but our second choice was the City Mini and the sales guy at buybuy baby actually told us it would last longer than the pliko switch because the frame is plastic on the switch vs. metal on the city mini. Considering the Mini was cheaper and he said that, we went w/ his suggestion and really couldn't be happier.

thanks for the feedback! i'm currently going through this thread from the beginning. i'm on page 7, so i'll look for your previous comments.

question - did you use a different stroller before using the city mini? or were you able to use the city mini from birth?


Aug 8, 2005
Date: 10/23/2009 1:04:11 AM
Author: sbde
ladies, i just wanted to add to the stroller conversation, specifically re: the city mini.

i have this stroller, and love it for all of the reasons mentioned by everyone here, but a big con that i''ve noticed more recently is the fact that the seat does not adjust forward enough for the baby to sit up straight. even at it''s highest position, there is still a recline - and i''ve noticed my son is often trying to sit straight up but can''t because of the recline and seat restraints. because of this he is almost always slouched back even though i know he wants to sit up straight and look at the world.

good to know. how old is he?


Nov 9, 2005
jcrow - we bought the carseat adapter was like $60, but we REALLY don't have space so I only wanted 1 stroller. So we used the City mini as a SNG in the beginning which the kit will allow you to do. But for $60, you could just get the SNG anyway. But for us, it was more of a space thing. By 2 months though we were able to use the stroller w/out the carseat. Lex had great neck control so it wasn't a problem. And like a stated before he was one of the "odd" babies who never liked his infant carseat


Jun 18, 2004
OK, one more stroller question. I was dreaming about strollers last night (could have been nightmares)...

Kyle is 8 months old and average on height an weight. We have a nice umbrella stroller, and a sucky jogging stroller. I don''t jog, but I do walk and we do go places where larger wheels are a plus. I was thinking of ditching my current jogger and getting something different, but how long do you actually use a stroller? And what would be good for us as this stage (that''s under $200)? Size and weight aren''t too much of a concern, I have an SUV and DH has a giant truck, but I would want one that can go through a store without knocking down everything in it''s path.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Mustang, I am planning on using my BOB until she is probably 3-4. Obviously as she gets older she will not need to be in it as often but for long walks/outings 3-4 year olds still get tired. My neighbor''s 4 year old sometimes sits on the front of her BOB. That''s why it is so important to get a nice stroller b/c as they get heavier it does get harder to push.


Dec 29, 2004
I''ve used my BOB since week 1, and we''re still going strong in it at 19 months. And it still looks brand new. I think it will be useful for some time to come.

TDM, good point about the peg carseat. My friend was looking at it a couple of days ago, and I did tell her it was a waste to spend a lot of money on an infant carseat. But it may be OK for Ginger B overall because she would use that as her only stroller, so the costs would all pan out. I just don''t think an umbrella stroller is enough to be the only stroller. You could probably get by (a lot of people do with a lot less) but the PS mommas like comfort for their bubs!


Nov 8, 2005
Date: 10/23/2009 12:25:11 PM
Author: TravelingGal
I've used my BOB since week 1, and we're still going strong in it at 19 months. And it still looks brand new. I think it will be useful for some time to come.

TDM, good point about the peg carseat. My friend was looking at it a couple of days ago, and I did tell her it was a waste to spend a lot of money on an infant carseat. But it may be OK for Ginger B overall because she would use that as her only stroller, so the costs would all pan out. I just don't think an umbrella stroller is enough to be the only stroller. You could probably get by (a lot of people do with a lot less) but the PS mommas like comfort for their bubs!

I've used my BOB since week one also.

I wasn't very clear in my post to Ginger B. I totally agree TGal that the umbrella wouldn't be enough for me either.

I was suggesting to GingerB that she get the full stroller (Peg or whatever she likes best) but INSTEAD of spending $270 for the Peg carseat, to get a $100 graco carseat plus snap and go for $60. This way she spends ~160 on her infant seat and snap and go which saves about $110 over the Peg carseat alone. She gets the convenience of the snap and go, and also gets her full Peg stroller. For further cost and space savings, she can sell her snap and go frame when she doesn't need it anymore and get probably $30 or more for it.

It would just pain me to have spent $270 on an infant carseat to last several months. There is so much else I'd rather spend that $270 on, especially considering that my guy hated hated hated his infant seat. He hated our graco and we actually borrowed my neighbor's Peg and he hated it too.

I was tying fast before as is usual these days and was not very clear!


Jun 18, 2004
OK, for BOB owners, when you go for walks/non-jogging, do you lock the front wheel? That''s one of the things I hate about my current jogging stroller, I have to have the front wheel locked for anything that isn''t smooth (such as side walks and parking lots). I hate having to pick up the front end all the time to go around corners in my neighborhood. I wore the bearings out after 2 months of use on my current one, and Baby Trend did send me a free replacement piece, but also said to lock the wheel on uneven pavement and streets


Dec 29, 2004
I never lock the front wheel of my BOB. Not even for runs (because I don''t run fast.)
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