
Prayers and good vibes requested...


Thinking about you.

My thoughts and prayers are with you, Mariposa. Hang in there, dear. ((((((HUGS)))))
My thoughts and prayers are with you, Mariposa.
good luck mariposa!!!!
I will pray and pray for you Mariposa! Hang in there. My FIL got a stage 4 colon dx and lived many years past the doctor's expectations.
Sending prayers and good thoughts your way!
Thinking of you Mariposa!
Best wishes for a great response to treatment! I remember reading about your cancer in another thread and have always been inspired by your positive attitude.
Best wishes to you Mariposa! My dad was diagnosed in 2003 at stage IV and has survived extensive surgeries, radiation/chemo, etc. He was 64 when diagnosed and just turned 69. Remission is at 3 years now and we are optimistic that he will remain in good health for years to come. Stay positive. We are all rooting for you.
hi there i just wanted to say

trust in God as nothing is impossible for him. Have faith and let him do his work. I will pray for you and just have faith

I rarely ever make it over to this forum, but I''m glad I did....sending lots and lots of dust and positive energy your way, Mariposa! You''ll be in my thoughts and prayers!
Sorry I am late to your thread, but I certainly will pray for that miracle and check back to see how you are doing! {{{{hugs}}}}
I''m late to this thread as well. Wishing you the very best with your treatment, and sending many good vibes.
mari, hearing your situation makes me
... i just can''t handle the *thought* of losing my OH, so hearing about others actually facing it just breaks my heart.

all the hopes and prayers and good vibes i can muster are being sent your way... like every other PS''er i wish there was more i could do to help.

i know it doesn''t seem fair that it keeps progressing, but keep fighting!! like others have said, your attitude is absolutely amazing. just keep staying positive... it may have won a few battles, but you can (and WILL
) win the war!!
I just now saw this thread and want to convey my most fervent wishes for peace and strength to you and your family at this incredibly challenging time.
I''m late to this thread as well but it''s never to late to send you all my prayers and lots of magic dust. You are in my thoughts.
You are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Mariposa, I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. My mother went through breast cancer about 7 years ago and through nine rounds of chemotherapy; I cannot begin to imagine going through 22 rounds. Her doctors gave her five to eight years to live, and she by the grace of God she is happy and healthy going on her 8th year. I believe in God and the power of prayer, and I will be praying for you. Please keep up posted Mariposa! God bless!
I hope to see your new VC set in five years time! Lots of dusts and prayers for you Mariposa!
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Hope you''re doing well today.
Mariposa, I am sending my absolute strongest prayers and healing vibes your way. You are in my thoughts.

I also wanted to thank you for posting this thread. PS is an extremely supportive place, but also a place where people come to escape the monotony of daily life, and when one of us has a difficult time, we all seem to band together in support. I love that about PS. Knowing I''m only a year older than you, I went to do some research on symptoms, and being that colon cancer runs in my family, and I feel I have had some of the more minor symptoms (but enough that a lightbulb went off), I called my doctor today for an appointment to run some preliminary screens.

Please know that I am praying extra hard for you.
Just wanted to let you know you are still in my thoughts and prayers. More dust coming your way!
Just saw this post and i am sending lots of cyber hugs, positive energy and prayers your way.


Please pardon my late reply. Thank you for being so courageous and sharing your current status. It is wonderful to see the love and support that the PS community has poured over you and I know everyone is praying for great healing for you.

I am honored to pray for you and will pray for the Good Lord''s healing hands to take hold of the situation and cleanse your body of the disease. I will also pray for your loving and supportive family as well.

Your great attitude and presence is your best tool and has surely been beneficial to you during this time. Keep your chin up and know that love and abundant caring has surrounded you greatly and with him nothing is impossible.

Most humbly,

Sending you a hug today, Mariposa! (Love your post, Vera!) Still praying!
My prayers are with you Mariposa. May you experience peace, healing and wholeness. Thank you for sharing.
Like so many of my fellow Pricescopers and friends, I am late to this thread, mariposa. There is a lot to read on Pricescope and the important threads do not automatically jump out at one. Once he knows they exist, one can always find them again, but discovering those important threads at all sometimes takes a long time. So I am late to this very important thread.

You are one of us and have been for a very long time. I am sorry that I have not had a chance to know you better through your postings before now. And I am very glad to be getting to know you now.

Right on this page Vera Wages of Whiteflash posted most eloquently. Please let her speak for me, too, since I couldn''t speak about prayer nearly as well as she did. I will pray for you and hold you in the light.

Love and hugs,
healing images and thoughts coming your way....
My best wishes to you Mariposa! You are in my thoughts and I hope your current treatment works better and it goes into remission soon.

You''ve always been positive and I wish you keep your +ve spirit up and we are rooting for you.