
PP Tahitian pearls on sale!

Pirard, that necklace looks lovely on you. I can see why your client admired it.

Ckrickett, Squattie – I love it! Your new green strand looks great on you -- the color really pops.

CMD/PMD, Thanks for the group shots. They are all lovely. I can see why you would reach for the silver circled ones a lot – that color goes with everything and there is something about the circles I find mesmerizing.

DMZ, the colors in your replacement strand are amazing and it looks great on your lovely wife. What a fabulous present!

I love that this thread just keeps going. I think Icy-Jade and I might be in competition for last to receive strands, lol. I finally chose my clasps last week (Orbit in WG), and Chenai has to add a few pearls for the lengths I want. She’s working on it this week, so I may have “in-progress” pictures of the layout soon.
You know what would be a great resource? If everyone posted pictures of their glamour shot and IRL shot in a reference thread....that way first time buyers could have a great decision making tool and the rest of us can drool over the photography. :cheeky:
Excellent idea! Why don't you start it and we'll add on.
bsomlo|1410202621|3747105 said:
Excellent idea! Why don't you start it and we'll add on.
Will do!
My last strand arrived today. I think it's a pretty good colour match with my other silver-blue strand. It looks a bit more green in the picture, but this isn't obvious IRL. Pics:

For once it looked like I was expecting it to! Plus, it links up easily to make a rope with my other strand.


Thanks for all the eye candy ladies. I'm living vicariously since I'm still waiting for both my strands.

Kay: We are the finalists indeed. I've requested a different arrangement for my off round rope and am not sure when I'll get the arrangement mock-up. So maybe last place will go to me. Not that I'm really keen on last place mind you, but hey good things are worth the wait ya? I've chosen Orbit in WG too. :D
cmd2014|1410230999|3747476 said:
My last strand arrived today. I think it's a pretty good colour match with my other silver-blue strand. It looks a bit more green in the picture, but this isn't obvious IRL. Pics:

For once it looked like I was expecting it to! Plus, it links up easily to make a rope with my other strand.

Very exciting,I think it's a good color match too! I saved the he original glamor for comparison since I am looking for some silvers, I'm not creeping on you really, hee hee. The original glamor shot looks really silvery/blue not green. Post more in indirect light.
cmd2014 - I really like the two strands together!!
CMD, the new strand looks wonderful with your skintone. You wear it well!
icy_jade|1410235303|3747527 said:
Thanks for all the eye candy ladies. I'm living vicariously since I'm still waiting for both my strands.

Kay: We are the finalists indeed. I've requested a different arrangement for my off round rope and am not sure when I'll get the arrangement mock-up. So maybe last place will go to me. Not that I'm really keen on last place mind you, but hey good things are worth the wait ya? I've chosen Orbit in WG too. :D

I guess great minds do think alike. ;)) I'm supposed to get my mock-up this week, so we'll see. I knew you were extending from 50" to 60" -- what else are you changing?
CMD, your 2 silver strands look great together.
Kay|1410284563|3747791 said:
I guess great minds do think alike. ;)) I'm supposed to get my mock-up this week, so we'll see. I knew you were extending from 50" to 60" -- what else are you changing?

I'm changing the arrangement for the graduation of the pearls. Not sure if it'll look weird so I'll give more details when I know better. :)
Frost Me|1410283618|3747773 said:
cmd2014|1410230999|3747476 said:
My last strand arrived today. I think it's a pretty good colour match with my other silver-blue strand. It looks a bit more green in the picture, but this isn't obvious IRL. Pics:

For once it looked like I was expecting it to! Plus, it links up easily to make a rope with my other strand.

Very exciting,I think it's a good color match too! I saved the he original glamor for comparison since I am looking for some silvers, I'm not creeping on you really, hee hee. The original glamor shot looks really silvery/blue not green. Post more in indirect light.

Yah...that was you hanging out in the bushes behind my house wasn't it! :lol:

I was tempted by a few of the very first strands listed on the Tahitian page....numbers 965 and 967 look particularly pretty to me. If they were more banded they'd look the most similar to my first strand of silver blues (and I would have gone for one of them). There is also a silvery blue round strand (1481) that I have been drooling over.

Pkinnew & Mapo...thanks! I think my eye is getting better in regard to light box vs real life thanks to hanging out here. But those might be famous last words.

Icy Jade & Kay...I suspect we will all be soooo jealous once your ropes arrive and it will be our turn to live vicariously! Also, yours will be exactly the way that you designed them, and that always makes things special.
ok just finally getting 'round to posting photos! 4ranchgirl, kay, and blaire have all seen the first strand in person, i wore them all over san diego!

glamour shot:


the strand, four different lights. it is REALLY hard to capture the color on these. really, they are pink cherry! some have deeper green bands, one almost looks like a little christmas tree with its cherriness and green. i made matching earrings, even!


they look closest to what i see here, although in some lights they just go straight silver. pearls are crazy creatures!
Wow, the rings make them almost look hand carved. They look just beautiful on you!
i know (and thanks ! :) ) what you mean about the hand-carved thing. i've never seen such ringed pearls with such luster and depth! at church on sunday one woman i know (who knows a thing or two about pearls, even) asked if they were hematite or pyrite! that would be one heavy necklace!

and the pistachio - first, glamour shot:


and next, a few wearing occasions have come up in the week since i got these:
Juliebeth, both those strands are gorgeous, but I am a particular fan of the circled strand. I agree with Bsolmo, they look carved. It's stunning!
juliebeth|1410399221|3748767 said:
ok just finally getting 'round to posting photos! 4ranchgirl, kay, and blaire have all seen the first strand in person, i wore them all over san diego!

glamour shot:


the strand, four different lights. it is REALLY hard to capture the color on these. really, they are pink cherry! some have deeper green bands, one almost looks like a little christmas tree with its cherriness and green. i made matching earrings, even!


they look closest to what i see here, although in some lights they just go straight silver. pearls are crazy creatures!
Julie I am so glad I got to see your strands inperson because at dinner I was mesmerized because they were showing all their colors. It is such a beautiful strand on such a lovely lady :wavey:
juliebeth|1410400096|3748778 said:
i know (and thanks ! :) ) what you mean about the hand-carved thing. i've never seen such ringed pearls with such luster and depth! at church on sunday one woman i know (who knows a thing or two about pearls, even) asked if they were hematite or pyrite! that would be one heavy necklace!

and the pistachio - first, glamour shot:


and next, a few wearing occasions have come up in the week since i got these:
I am so glad you finally posted a picture of this strand and outed yourself as the owner of the afore mentioned pistachio Tahitian strand. Love the picture of it with the green top. Beautiful strand, enjoy :appl: :appl: :appl:
Oh! So you got the pistachios! Glad it went to a good home and your circled strand looks fab too... Now... If only PP will do a circled pearls special...
Cmd, both your strands look great on you. :appl:

Julie beth, you have lovely colors in your strands. :appl:
juliebeth - Gorgeous strands! The circled pearls are yummy and the pistachios are amazing (or should I switch that around lol?!)! Wear them in the best of health - and often!!!
I received my 26" Tahitian strand and have decided the best pictures for me are taken on cloudy days (I don't have a light box) so here are plenty of pictures of this strand and a few pictures include some pearly friends. I also took closeups of a few special pearls (I studied each pearl and fell in love with them all). I was hoping for some "white" Tahitians but I think this looks great as it is!




Oh, these are just beautiful!!! I'm probably jumping in and you are uploading more pictures. Neck shots, please!

I like your real life shots more than the glamour shot!
Some more pictures...



Aaaah -- you are a Tahitian delight to the eyes!!! I can imagine looking over each pearl lovingly and repeatedly!
Here are pictures with my rope from the sale. The first picture is the rope by itself (love the peacock!) and then you'll see them together.



Neck shots of the two sale strands together! I will try and take pictures in the sunlight but I'm afraid the pearls won't show their true colors - we'll see!


I need to rub my eyes...too much gorgeousness for one viewing!
Pkinnew: Omg such delightful eye candy! I love both your ropes! Do you have a glamor shot of your off round rope too? Or if you plan to post in the vendor vs IRL thread, I'll check it out there.