
Poll: how much is too much?

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Mar 30, 2006
When it comes to buying jewelry for yourself (not engagement rings, and not gifts), at what point do you think, "it''s crazy to spend that amount of money on rock and metal!" In other words, how much is too much for a piece of jewelry? I realize this varies with what people can afford, obviously. But staying within your means (or not!), at what point would your inner common-sense-and-frugality alarm start to blare?
The most expensive piece of jewellery I''ve bought myself was around $250. While I like jewellery, fashion, etc I have trouble spending money on unnessary stuff.

I''d currently probably spend around £250 ($500) just because the exchange rate is in my favor.
300 is my limit for this year's bday. more than that and I start thinking, hmm, I could get a wee little diamond...
I think over $10k is too much...
Keep in mind I only use disposable income...and would never put myself at risk for a material item...

There are certain things I want, that I will do without if I can get something AMAZING for my wife. So if I need to do without a new BMW, or a flat screen TV...or whatever flash-in-the-pan gadget that will be obsolete in a couple months so be it.

With that being said...a new BMW costs 45-80k...

So since we only have/need one vehicle...I think 25k is the most I would ever spend on one item of jewelry. Since we have been together she had one 12k piece, and we are working on one that will end up in the 12k range...

She isn't very flashy either, so we would have to go with an over the top designer and pay WAAAAY over for a piece to get something like that.

25k in reality ain't that much. I know alot of people will preach that it depends what you make, but I insist it's the mindset and priorites you put on money.

Someone who says 25k is too much, I might say that leasing a car for 3 years at 300/mo is ridiculous...or paying 25k for a brand new off the lot car...which many people do.

I purchased a Mercedes(which we sold 2 years later at a very minimal loss.) for 26k. It was paid off, and I bought it privately where it was valued at 15k less than the lot. I was cautious at first what people might think since it was a flashy car, but I got a wicked price...and to me it was classy.

The same people who made judgement calls on my car, often times drove around in these 30-40k pickups, or SUV's...and didn't have a realistic idea of what a high end car(in their minds) could cost.

I am sort of justifying my amount I am willing to spend, since it is a ridiculous amount...but I can do without a depreciating asset, just to put a smile on her face.

Many people flat out WASTE their money on whatever someone wants to spend as long as they can afford it, is fine by me.

Unfortunately I set the bad moderately high when I began.

I have actually never bought jewelry for myself, but I think probably 200 dollars of disposable income is all I would ever be willing to spend.

If I had the money, liked the piece and thought it would hold it''s value I would be happy to spend a lot - but then this is my only real obsession that could cost $$$.

I have no interest in cars/gadgets etc. I like houses, art, antiques, silver, books and above all pretty sparkly things.

I could be very tempted with a top quality ruby, or a perfect tanzanite. Diamonds wouldn''t be hugely high on my list as I think they are overpriced.

I so need to win the lottery - I would spend it so very wisely!
I don't think you can come up with an across-the-board dollar value answer to this question. It TOTALLY depends on the circumstances of the buyer. I have spent enough $ on my own jewelry to choke a horse, but I *have* the $ (which I earn from a second very lucrative job) and my husband doesn't care what I spend it on. Frankly, I have spent over $35K upgrading my diamond (not including the price of the original stone) plus another $10K on a setting to put it in. Oh yes, and then there were those $5,900 diamond hoop earrings I bought myself for Christmas, and my 4.92 ct eternity band, and my diamond and sapphire right hand ring, and ... (you get the point).

Do you see what I mean? If I didn't have the $ or if we didn't make (and save!) a lot this would all be absurd. But given our circumstances it's not.

As far as my inner common sense goes, I think it is more related to the piece than anthing else. I.e., this ring/necklace/bacelet/whatever is not worth it (either intrinsicly in terms of pure value or subjectively in terms of what it's worth TO ME) therefore I'm not spending the $.
i tend to buy a 2000 dollar piece per academic year.
$1400 or so, but I only do this every 5 yrs on my "landmark" b-days. I think I''ll go way over that when I hit 50 though as it will coincide with my 25th wedding anniversary.
Given my current economic position, the most I''d probably spend is $2K and this would be for a pair of diamond studs. I have a pair now that I''ve worn daily for the last four years, so upgrading to a larger pair would make the most "practical" sense. DH and I are doing pretty well income wise, BUT, there are a lot of other considerations, mainly paying for the many expenses having two children entails. We buy organic food and I am addicted to clothes and other more frivolous products like makeup, face cream, etc., so I guess jewelry, although I love it, isn''t as high on my priority item list as other addictions

I''m not sure how much I''d spend if DH and I didn''t have kids and a massive monthly mortgage because we are not in that position. . .BUT, I''d can imagine, I''d probably have already upgraded my earrings and have a modest $1,500 RHR. I''m not into really flashy pieces, but I do love a bit of bling to look and and enjoy!
First, the background info to explain my logic: I''m 28 and have a management position with a software company. I''ve been making what my parents would call a "good" salary for a few years now (say, more than 50K, but less than 100K). My partner has a similar income. We have 1 small child. We rent an apartment for $1100/mo (got rid of the house, that was a pain in the a**). I have no debt and save ~$1000 per month (of my own income). My husband tends to spend his on computers, etc. ;) I also have a small nest egg that was the proceeds of a condo I sold a few years ago.

I started buying myself jewelry as a teen (okay, super cheap silver pieces for like $20). But last year I started getting more serious... I bought several pieces that cost ~$1000/each. I tend to choose smallish delicate pieces that I can wear daily (or at least on a regular basis). I''m planning to buy a 3-4k tennis bracelet this year, and maybe a sapphire ring (3-4k again). So that would make 3-4K my new "max". But I''m sure it will only increase as time goes on... :O

The saver in me feels conflicted about spending money on non-essential items, but I tell myself that since I work hard for my income, and *do* save some of it, I should allow myself to buy some things that I like. Which happens to be vintage/antique jewelry, that usually includes diamonds and/or platinum. ;)

I am sure I will get into the trade-up thing within the next few years. lol

Great question. Over the last several years, I have shifted away from purchasing disposable stuff to saving money for what I really love - jewelry. I have struck a balance of about 5k per year for whatever piece I want. Some years I skip as to save for a more expensive item. We make sure to max out IRAs, 401ks, the HSA, and stock purchase program, so this money is from gifts and my fun money. I save all year and always pay cash. I feel that our financial ducks are in a row, so I can enjoy my bling guilt-free.
I have a couple of bracelets and a RHR that we paid in the $2500-3000 range. I recently got diamond studs at $6000. About the only other items I anticipate collecting are some various color sapphire rings, and I''d mostly like to stay under $5000 for those except I may have to pay more for the blue one.
If it isn't a piece of jewelry I'd wear every day (e-ring, wedding ring, perhaps a diamond pendant) then *I* probably wouldn't spend more than $200. I'm not a huge jewelry person anyway.
for me, anything over $300 would send off alarms. The most expensive thing I ever bought myself was close to $800 and it would be along time before I do that again. I still feel guilty about spending that much on myself!
I have my own small business and my husband wants me to spend what I make on fun things. We have tons in retirement, tons in savings, there''s no use not spending the tokens I make.

I''d spend 1K or more on a new setting for my engagement stone, a diamond pendant (my next purchase and looking to run about $900), and possibly some Hello Kitty jewelry because I''m a collector. I don''t want much jewelry, but the few pieces I do want tend to cost quite a bit.
Date: 1/16/2007 8:55:06 PM
Author: Moosejaw
Keep in mind I only use disposable income...and would never put myself at risk for a material item...

Many people flat out WASTE their money on whatever someone wants to spend as long as they can afford it, is fine by me.

Yes many people buy things that I think are a waste of time. I like art and colored stones and diamonds. I really don''t care about cars AT ALL! As long as it runs I''m happy with it. I''m happy in my house and never want to move or upgrade it at all. We put the upgrades in when we bought this time and we''re done.

All that said I''d like to save more money this year, and begin collecting loose gemstones. LOL
Date: 1/19/2007 6:55:21 PM
Author: bluehue
Great question. Over the last several years, I have shifted away from purchasing disposable stuff to saving money for what I really love - jewelry. I have struck a balance of about 5k per year for whatever piece I want. Some years I skip as to save for a more expensive item. We make sure to max out IRAs, 401ks, the HSA, and stock purchase program, so this money is from gifts and my fun money. I save all year and always pay cash. I feel that our financial ducks are in a row, so I can enjoy my bling guilt-free.
Oh I really like what you had to say. Sounds like the guilt free way to go. What is HSA though?
An HSA is a Health Savings Account. Briefly, it is an account for people with a high deductible healthcare plan, which means we put pre-tax $ into a medical investment account instead of paying premiums. We pay for our qualified medical expenses out of that account up to an annual out-of pocket maximum. Then, traditional healthcare kicks in for 100% coverage. The investment option comes in because Congress changed the rules for HSAs in December 2006 to allow full funding of up to $5650 per couple. So, we can 1) fund the HSA annually and letting it grow tax-free for post-retirement medical expenses; 2) use the pre-tax money for current qualified medical expenses; or 3) some combination of 1 & 2.

Many financial commentators have recently advocated option # 1 becaue the money is never taxed if used after 65 for qualified medical expenses and medical expenses after 65 are generally high. Plus, if you don''t use it after 65 for medical expenses you just pay tax, so the $ grows tax-free like a 401k. If you are interested, search the internet and you will find many stories on the HSA.

Hopefully, you don''t regret asking your question.
And of course, this is not investment advice, but merely my understanding of a complex law.
No, I don''t regret asking. It sounds similar to a pre tax health expense fund we have. But the money has to be used by the end of the year. We use it for what our health insurance doesn''t cover.

I just wanted to make sure we were fully funding everything we should before I start buying colored stones. Maybe my kids won''t want to go to college....or scholarships! Just kidding.
Personally, I spend when I can and if my means allow me to. Some years are more financially intensive than others; new cars, homes, etc... but I believe that jewelery isn''t just for me. It''s part of my heritage that leave behind.

I feel that way about most of my high value items. If I buy a silk scarf, I don''t buy it for me right now because the color Blue is "IN". I purchase classic things that have no connection to fads at all whatsoever, and by spending on something of quality, I would rather have fewer pieces, but better, and when one day if I have a daughter (or daughter-in-law), my platinum pieces, my designer pieces have a nice new home, and don''t just tarnish in the back of a box because they are "hideous and out of date".

Not for resale, but for tradition, I feel the jewelery to me will always be the kind of thing you either do right and get heirloom quality, or you just save your money and wait for something worth buying. So value may be higher, but frequency of buying them is lower. No real cap really, since I am a big antique fiend, I would not have reservations in the future making a collectable purchase in the hundreds of thousands if God willing my wallet and lifestyle permit. Consider something of such status and signed would not lose value, but may even go UP in value based on it''s rarity, quality, condition, and artistic craftsmanship.
I consider buying jewelry and camera equipment in the same budget. In the last two years I have bought a Mamiya, a Canon 20d, an 80mm fixed lens, two rings and a watch.

We have in the same time gone on three vacations.

I love my job but I wish I made more money so I could do more without worrying that I''ll go over budget.
That''s a hard question. I don''t think about it per piece, but keep myself around 1K a year on jewelry & gems. It sounds like alot, but I am modest in buying clothes, other "stuff." I think my husband would hit a limit of psychologically what is "too much" before I would

Since I have a new baby and a car payment, my plan is to take a year off from spending jewelry. We''ll see how it goes!
Hi dear
I think i can spend $300 for myself.
but when the point comes to my huasband's gift my range can exceed upto $800.
I''m incredibly lucky in that my husband buys most of my jewelry and he has very good taste. His purchases throughout the year usually satisfy my jewelry urges. If I see something when I''m out I usually never spend more than $200 - 300 on myself. For some reason I just feel kind of funny buying for myself. Maybe that is why he is so generous in his purchases.
Interesting question. Right now? Outside of my setting? $0 because we have too many expenses. Eventually... I would be comfortable spending more for myself.... Much more. I have a few items on my list around 12K... so that's about what I think my max would be... but it would be cash only. Disposable income and saving up.
ETA: I just thought about it and... I would want most of the expensive items as gifts. To spend entirely on myself, buy myself. $2K would be about the max. A nice pair of diamond huggies.
Not including my e-ring...I would say about $500 and under for jewelry for myself...I am a grad student now
Although, I have no problem spending more on other things (like the new fender guitar I just bought my little brother yesterday with him at the local guitar center that put me back $1000+)....I had a dream last night about all the things I could have bought myself with that money!
I'm with Nicrez, when I do spulrge on jewelry, I do consider the next generation. I save to buy the best and justify it as an heirloom.

WTNLVR: Love your avatar, is it from cherrypicked? Looks just like the stone in my ering.
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