
Please tell me if this is a good deal...

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I just read the Source data for HCA: %’s vs angles and it says the angles are more accurate.
It's all in the angles. You can do much better than that for your money.
Can someone enlighten me on what is an ideal cut, because according to the AGS Ideal Cut Chart this diamond would at least qualify as one? I appreciate the advice and I will be continuing my search. Thanks.

Table Diameter: 52.4 - 57.5%
Crown Angle: 33.7 - 35.8
Pavillion Angle: 40.16 - 41.25
Girdle Thickness: Thin, Medium, Slightly Thick
Culet Size: None, Pointed, Very Small, Small or Medium
Here's a hint:

Take a look at some of the websites who list a lot of statistics about H&A stones. Sites like GoodOldGold, NiceIce and SuperbCert. Then start asking yourself the following questions:

1) What is it that all these stones have in common?
2) What is the range of proportions of the stones listed in these sites?
3) Why don't they have stones outside those ranges for sale?

The answers will become clearer.

The more you understand about what constitutes the BEST stones, the more you will begin to understand about why a stone that falls outside the BEST proportions is a little "less" ideal than others.

Remember, to a certain extent, the concept of "Ideal" as it is phrased by the industry is a marketing tool. Yes there are "Ideal" stones, but not every stone marketed as "Ideal" really is. Look at the numbers on the best ones and you will begin to see a pattern.
Take a peek at the current post thread that is entitled 'when will GIA say cut'...there is always a hot debate on AGS ideal...what it is...if it matters, etc. You will find in your research that AGS 0 or AGS Ideal as they term it, does not necessarily 100% of the time equal an excellent cut stone. It is a RANGE of potential dimensions that may perform well, but sometimes may not. My stone is an AGS 7 and looks just as good as some of the lower AGS scored stones I have seen around. Does it compare to an H&A AGS 0 ACA or similar, definitely not. It also very much comes down to personal preference. Your personal preference may be for one of the tweaked facet SuperIdeal stones, or it may be for an unbranded amazing H&A like what Rhino carries...or it may be like my stone, an AGS 7 or AGS 5 (rhino has one on his site that performs well) that has dimensions that most would consider odd or 'off', but in person looks really amazing.

So don't pidgeonhole yourself TOO much into AGS Ideal range. I think that is term is best used in conjunction with an excellent HCA score, or true H&A (seen under a scope) or great Bscope results, or similar. AGS 0 means that you probably don't have a dud of a stone, but not always. I have also seen AGS 1 and AGS 2 stones perform better on the HCA than some AGS 0's.

Good luck...keep reading
You're getting deep now!!
Can someone enlighten me on what is an ideal cut, because according to
the AGS Ideal Cut Chart this diamond would at least qualify as one?

Frustrating, isn't it? To illustrate I've posted 2 simulated IdealScope images following that are both AGS "0" 's.

The problem is that the relationship between the crown and pavilion angles is of utmost importance. Some angle relationships that fall within the AGS 0 parameters suck bigtime. The first image for example, has the crown and pavilion angles you listed. It has what we refer to as a "steep & deep" profile. Steep crown angle with deep pavilion angle creates what somebody on here (Rhino?) once referred to as the "ring of death", that white area you see just inside the table.

That area is light leakage, and will show up as a darker area than that exhibited by a more "ideally" cut stone.

Robin-Todd posted a profile that characterized what he-she referred to as the "sweet spot" in proportions that they look for in their stones. It's a good ideal to seek after if you're really looking for top proportions. The closer you can get to it, the better:

Total depth between 59-61.8%
Table diameter between 55-56%
Crown angle between 34.3-34.8'
Pavilion angle between 40.6-40.9'
Girdle thickness between 1% thin to medium, faceted preferred
GIA Excellent or AGS Ideal polish & symmetry
If you are really interested in easily separating out the duds from the winners and are planning to buy offline, suggest you get the IdealScope ( for $35 or whatever it costs. You will put potential stones under the scope at a jewelry store, and it will show you images like the ones that Rich posted. The more red and black the better. White is leakage, which is obviously bad. Get a few #'s on a few stones like you did, and plug them into the HCA and get people's opinions, AND look at them under the IS. Most of the time, the nice ideal looking image under the scope WILL coincide with the excellent HCA score and good crown and pav #'s. It will be a huge help for relatively little money, plus it's fun.

Good luck!!
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