
Please help finding a loose emerald


Mar 1, 2016
Hi Everyone!

Thank you for all the great information I've read on here!
I'm having trouble finding an emerald for a ring.. I don't know of any reputable local places to go to in Seattle and I've looked through most of the recommended vendors on here with no luck so I'm hoping you all can help!

I need a Colombian emerald, 3 carats or so, that's a good quality (good color, inclusions look good) but doesn't need to be the "best". Has to be certified from Colombia because it's for my girlfriend who is from Colombia and has always dreamed of an emerald from there. I think cushion cut or round/oval is good, but she doesn't like square/rectangle. (I also understand the durability issues with rings and emeralds - this is an engagement ring but she will be wearing her diamond wedding band everyday - not the emerald ring)

Prices seem to be all over the place as well.. I would like to stay around $5000.. it seems like I could do that right? But I will pay for quality if it comes down to it.

So far the best I have found has been Embassy but they are a little small at under 2 carats.. I have emailed them tonight to see if they have anything bigger.

Also.. about GemsNY.. I think I have a handle on how PS users feel about them in general.. BUT they have some emeralds with GIA certificates.. so I feel like with help from you all I could find a decent certified emerald there? They have such a big selection..

FYI I would probably be going through Green Lake Jewelry for the setting.

Anyway.. Please help! PLEEEEAAASE!! :) I propose in a month (but I can do a temp setting to propose and custom design the setting with her together - romantic no?)

Thank you in advance everyone!!


Apr 22, 2004
3 carats is huge for an emerald and even at "Good" quality is going to cost you far more than $5K, especially given that you are limiting yourself to an non-step cut. A good quality emerald will not be heavily clarity enhanced, so look for something that has minor enhancement only.


Apr 14, 2013
SparkliesLuver|1456836221|3997791 said:
I'd email Lee at [email protected]. I'm sure he'll have something for you. :D

What a resource! I had fun looking at the gems and I'm not getting engaged!! Let us know if you pursue this through Lee Wasson. Also, there is an International Gem & Jewelry Show in Seattle on March 11-13. I wouldn't spend high dollars without thoroughly vetting the seller and with a gem guarantee, but thought I'd mention it since you 'may' be able to look at gems there too.


Apr 22, 2004


Mar 1, 2016
Thanks, I emailed him to see what he can do for me!

Chrono - can you expand on why it will be a lot more $$ for that range? I have seen emeralds of that price that look good on the price Scope recommended sites. Can you show me what about these are poor quality? Maybe you can find me something or compare a good and bad emerald? I have done all the research but have not looked at a lot in person.

We can start with this from Gems NY:
It has a GIA certification and is F2 enhanced.. seems like a good stone but the pics aren't great. Can you show me why this is not good?

Then there's this from a recommended vendor, Embassy Emeralds..
That emerald seems nice (for 1.85 carats), but a I missing something? Is it poor quality? Remember, I am not a gemologist.. so when comparing the stone to something of higher quality, like this (which is still in my price range) I going to notice a huge difference? And even if I do, that higher priced stone is still under 5k (for 2 carat).. but I would assume I could get a 3 carat of that quality for $7500 or so, right? Or is that higher priced stone also of poor quality?



Apr 22, 2004
Moderate level of enhancement, although it is not stated what filling was used.
Clarity looks translucent, rather than transparent.
No origin, which you wrote that it has to be Colombian.
Tone looks a little light, which also accounts for the price difference
Good crystal even though emerald doesn't glow. The saturation level is on the lower side but I like the blue modifier. It looks like a beautiful bluish green tourmaline in the pictures.
Lovely glow but due to the clarity, it is more translucent than transparent.
No mention about the level of oiling.

I do not know the quality that you are looking for but there is a stone for every budget; it is a matter of knowing what is a deal breaker for you. Since you are in time crunch, why not order the emerald to see it in person to decide whether it is the right one for you?


Mar 1, 2016
Chrono -

Which stone was it that you recommend me looking at? The GemsNY one says it's Colombian origin in the UGL cert..

Would you say that these are all decent stones? I know the material used to enhance it is important.. how can I figure that out?

Better yet, is there one you recommend or you can find for me? Maybe there's somewhere I haven't looked? I don't think I'm as worried about getting the best because it's already so unique that she is not going to care as much about how it compares to a better one. But of course I want it to look nice and have a good color, which I know is subjective.. I like a deeper green I think but honestly I think she likes all the shades.. she has a small one that is bright green. Also, maybe 2 carats would still be ok.. I don't want it to look like costume jewelry but I also want it to be a statement.



Apr 22, 2004
Sorry, but I would take the UGL origin with a grain of salt. In the Coloured Stone world, UGL is a nobody whereas GIA has credibility. It's not just the type of filler material used but how much of emerald is filled. Oiling is traditional but isn't permanent. It has to be reoiled after several years. A moderately oiled emerald will dry up to show significant inclusions. There are other newer resins that are stable and more permanent.

I looked around but did not point any out in particular because I don't know the quality that you will be happy with. Can you please post pictures of emeralds like you like? Is there a minimum mm size that you'd like to reach (more accurate measurement over ct weight).

Will not be eye clean but the colour is bright (and rather light). Big and slightly over budget. He will send it to GIA for origin and verify the level of treatment if you request that the sale be contingent on the result.


Mar 1, 2016
Hmm.. well I know UGL isn't great but I figured the country designation would at least be legit. Is that not right?

Also, because I haven't seen a lot of emeralds in person, I have no idea what the difference in quality looks like. I was hoping I could get guidance here on PS to get a decent quality one, but I don't really know what "decent" means. Does that make sense? I have researched a lot but that's the equivalent of a book worm who says they know everything about the Sistine Chapel even though they've never been. I know how to take care of them and about the oiling and also the history... but what I can say is that I want one that is a genuine Colombian emerald that will last (and I know I need to re-oil and take care of it). Other than that, the color should at least look real, not too bright I guess but also not totally in the transparent/translucent extremes.. hopefully that is enough for people to help me find one?


Mar 1, 2016
Oh , I like the one you posted.. I thought almost all emeralds will have inclusions that can be seen unaided? This one seems ok in that regard but is it more significant where it will detract do you think? I know it's subjective, but maybe if you're looking at it as a non-prosumer...

So they will have it certified by GIA or something? Where do they send it? What labs are actually able to tell you what filler is used? It would be nice to have a more modern filler.


Mar 1, 2016
Oh sorry, I didn't see that you pointed out it was GIA he would send it to. Is F2 too much treatment on the GIA report? What exactly does that mean? It's more about what material is used right? GemsNY had F2 on that original one.


Apr 22, 2004
It isn't a matter of whether it is legit or not, but how skilled are the UGL graders at spotting the telltale inclusion signs that hints at the emerald's origin. If one doesn't feel comfortable with a UGL memo, why would one feel comfortable with UGL's opinion on the origin?

And herein lies the "problem". CS is a very personal choice. Not everyone likes the top grade colouration and if you don't know what you want/like, we could end up steering you towards stones that you will not be happy with in the long run. What is "Decent" to one person might not be "Decent" to another person because their criteria will be very different.

Size: what mm measurement at minimum?
Tone: light, medium or medium dark?
Saturation: medium or vivid?
Enhancement: minor or moderate?
Clarity: eye clean or some jardin is acceptable? Transparent or translucent?

F2 is the level of treatment, not what is used to fill the cracks. You might find this useful.


Apr 14, 2013
Here's a ring at your price point, right origin, no treatments.........the stone is smaller although 7+ mm is usually a good size on most fingers and it sure looks green! This vendor will answer questions and has a good return policy........


Apr 22, 2004
digdeep|1456862743|3998036 said:
Here's a ring at your price point, right origin, no treatments.........the stone is smaller although 7+ mm is usually a good size on most fingers and it sure looks green! This vendor will answer questions and has a good return policy........
Excellent find, considering the price, quality and most importantly, short time frame. :appl: AGL and GIA will verify a mounted stone for an added fee.


Mar 1, 2016
I like that ring.. it seems like it's used though with some markings on the prongs? It's just a little small maybe..

I understand the UGL thing now.. I was thinking that they ran computer tests on the make-up of the stone to verify its origin. If it's a personal assessment, than yeah I wouldn't trust it either.

Sorry, I realize F2 is the level of treatment.. I was trying to ask that it's more about what is used to treat the stone more than the level of treatment right? (unless it's heavily treated?)

Yeah this is hard because not only is it personal choice, but I don't know my personal choice because I haven't seen a lot of emeralds. However, both me and my gf would probably like a wide range of tone, saturation, and enhancement, as well as jardin (as long as it doesn't look super crazy).

Size: 8 mm or more - in your opinion (anyone that wants to chime in), at what point does an emerald kind of look ridiculous though?
Tone: light, medium or medium dark? - Any tone
Saturation: medium or vivid? - Any saturation
Enhancement: minor or moderate? Either, just not to the point that it's not even an emerald I guess
Clarity: eye clean or some jardin is acceptable? Transparent or translucent? - Jardin is fine, adds to the beauty I think. Not extremely transparent or translucent.. somewhere in the middle of the spectrum.


In all honesty, I'd contact Lee and tell him all these things and see what he comes back with. I feel like part of the "issue" is lack of seeing examples (which is at least better than only seeing a picture of one or two). Once you have a handful or more of options right in front of you, I think you might start narrowing down what you like and don't.

I'd also email George with Muzo Emeralds ( Wonderful man! [email protected]


Apr 22, 2004
SparkliesLuver|1456924140|3998393 said:
In all honesty, I'd contact Lee and tell him all these things and see what he comes back with. I feel like part of the "issue" is lack of seeing examples (which is at least better than only seeing a picture of one or two). Once you have a handful or more of options right in front of you, I think you might start narrowing down what you like and don't.

I'd also email George with Muzo Emeralds ( Wonderful man! [email protected]

I agree with the text in bold above and hence, also agree with the recommendation to contact the people suggested. Your answer to my questions is so wide and varied that it covers poor to good quality emeralds!


Mar 1, 2016
Yeah... I totally agree with what you both are saying. So is it possible to understand what I want through looking at pictures and videos online? I feel like I need to see emeralds in person.. no one is going to send me a bunch of examples, so how do I do that? Anywhere you recommend I venture in the Seattle area? I've already contacted Green Lake Jewelers and they are bringing some in (they don't stock them) but it would be nice to get as much examples as possible.

On top of that.. understanding that emeralds are a personal taste.. will my budget of 5-7.5k even get me a 2-3 carat emerald that will be of a quality that 1) will last and 2) will be of a quality and aesthetic that people like my GF, who don't know the difference in quality, still find visually appealing?


P.S. Lee hasn't emailed me back since I originally emailed him so I'm not sure what to do about that. I'll try calling him I guess.


Mar 1, 2016
Also, about this Jewelry Show in Seattle.. I want to go but I looked it up and it looks kinda shady. Is it going to make me more confused about what to look for in an emerald because of the types of vendors and their quality offerings? Does anyone have experience with this travelling show?


Apr 22, 2004
The intent is not to purchase but to see a variety of emeralds and from there, decide which type appeals most to you, in terms of colour, size, clarity, etc.


Apr 14, 2013
+1 Chrono!!
And this show is GREAT for that purpose!!


Mar 1, 2016
Ok I'll check it out! Yeah, the intent wasn't to purchase but I didn't want to go if there was just going to be a bunch of lab created stones and/or vendors who were going to give me incorrect info about emeralds and just confuse me further. I think that's a fair question.

Also, any input on my previous post re:

On top of that.. understanding that emeralds are a personal taste.. will my budget of 5-7.5k even get me a 2-3 carat emerald that will be of a quality that 1) will last and 2) will be of a quality and aesthetic that people like my GF, who don't know the difference in quality, still find visually appealing?


Apr 22, 2004
If you do see any lab created emeralds, know that their purpose is to mimic the highest quality emerald in that it is very clean and the colour is perfect (glowy and has a hint of blue to the medium dark green colouration).

Question 1
If you want the emerald to last, look for minor treatment only. With care, moderate treatment is fine but is generally not considered a quality emerald. Note that if you are a stickler for oiled only, this is something than is done in a vacuum and that not every vendor knows where to send it to be retreated.

Question 2
Again, this boils down to what she has been exposed to. If she like the emeralds that Hollywood stars wear on the red carpet, then those are of extremely high quality. If she likes the emeralds that one sees in the usual mall stores, then she likes very low quality emeralds. I do not know her and therefore, have no clue as to what her expectations are for an emerald to look like.


Aug 13, 2015
I basically came to say what Chrono just said. That's not really a question any of us can answer for you. Is there a friend of hers you could ask? Does she use pinterest or instagram where you could see if she's pinned or likes any pictures of emeralds/emerald jewelry? Size is another personal preference. 8mm might feel large to some people, others might find it perfect, and there will be others who would prefer something bigger. I have small hands and short fingers with a 5.5 ring size, and 8mm is almost too large for me. But that's just me! Even with my tiny hands, I could just as easily want all of my rings to have knuckle-to-knuckle finger coverage ;)) So that's another question that we can't really answer for you.

The time crunch and the shape are working against you. The most common cut you'll find in an emerald is an emerald cut (hence the name). So if a square or rectangular shape is a dealbreaker for you, its going to make finding one in your allotted time more difficult. I have seen a 3+ ct emerald (oil only) that's under $5k currently for sale, but is emerald cut.

Of all of the emeralds shared so far, which one do you like the best, and what's keeping you from ordering that emerald to see it in person? Perhaps by letting us know that, we'll be able to help you find one that could be a match for you. I'm worried about your time frame!


Mar 1, 2016
Thank you for the input Chrono and Arabella..

What's keeping me from ordering is just not getting much responses from the online vendors I have emailed, plus a lack of understanding of what I should look for to make sure I get a good deal (cost/quality ratio) and what exactly I should be looking for in terms of enhancement and of course I also just don't know what else to ask (I don't know what I don't know).
BUT I am learning as we go along and feel I am making progress! With the upcoming jewelry expo I'm hoping I will get more of an idea.

I am also reading more about emeralds and looking through the links everyone has posted for me!

Also, Green Lake Jewelry said they will be ordering some emeralds in different price ranges for me to look at and they will be here in 1-2 weeks. I'm waiting to here back in the next day or so for them to confirm that they found some for me. So I was going to wait and see what they bring in since I am doing the setting there, so best case scenario is I buy from them.

Also as I stated, I am proposing in a temp setting because I though it would be really fun to let my GF design her dream ring with Green Lake Jewelry, so I have some time still (March 28) and am confident I can find something by then! :)

This emerald looks beautiful but is s little small.. It seems like it's a high quality stone and it's not tens of thousands of dollars..

Anyone care to comment on that stone? And although I've read about untreated stones, I'm interested in personal opinions!


Feb 18, 2015
They are unlikely to have unset stones but both Alexandria Rosoff and Eragem are in the greater Seattle area and are likely to have some good quality emeralds to look at. Both of these specialize in antique jewelry so not what you're looking for, but nice people who'd likely be able to show you some different qualities and sizes in person. I'd suggest calling first to be sure they have emeralds in the 1 carat plus range at the moment...


Nov 4, 2013
The shape you're looking for is going to be a hurdle in your search - emerald rough tends to lend itself to emerald/square/rectangle cuts. Though there are other shapes, it is not the most common to see top quality round emeralds in that size (8mm).

Like the others, I highly recommend seeing them in person, and don't bypass looking at synthetics to get a sense of what "top quality" would be. That way you can get a sense of what you and your future fiancee will like rather than what all of us like :). I also understand that you want a Colombian emerald, which generally command a price premium over other locales everything else equal. Just keep that in mind :). Last but not least, emeralds are usually cut to preserve weight, so most have slightly off shapes that will require a custom setting (i.e., likely more $).


Mar 1, 2016
So I have been talking with Lee and Embassy Emeralds and they are both looking at what they can do for me. I will also be able to see some in person on Monday with my jeweler who is doing the custom setting.

Can I get opinions on what to look for when looking at the stones with my jeweler? I know I want an AGL report to show the type of treatment and origin. And of course I'm looking for what my preferred personal taste is.. anything else to ask/look for?

Also about treatments, how often does one usually have to re-oil a minimally treated stone? Is it a pain in the argh to do?



Mar 1, 2016
Hi everyone.. still here.. still looking for "the one"!

I've looked at some stones finally, and I have a better idea of what I want. I'm hoping to deal with my local jeweler who will be creating the actual ring, but as I've told them I'm shopping around for the best stone!

Embassy Emeralds doesn't have anything that fits what I'm looking for unfortunately because Garrett is great to deal with!

Lee Wasson is still looking for me but hasn't found anything yet.

Someone in this thread recommended George at IEEX... I've emailed him and he will be sending me some videos. Has anyone had any experience with IEEX? They are hard to vet as there isn't much info on them. George has been great so far though.

Green Lake Jewelry is holding a couple for me, but they didn't quite hit the spot.. one is nice but is oval (my gf doesn't like ovals) and one is great but has an inclusion that goes across the entire length of the stone and has a bit of a window. I can post pics when I get them if people want to see. They are trying to get more in for me.

I now know what I would like:
8 mm, cushion or round cut, but I might go with a square cut if it's awesome. Just no rectangles or ovals.
Not too light because I prefer the glow in darker stones over the brilliance in lighter stones.
Light to moderate enhancement, oiling or Excel is ok.
I can spend up to $7000.

I've looked at the recommendations on this thread and I like some of them but nothing is quite right. I like the emerald someone posted earlier a lot - but I would be paying for a setting I'm not going to use and I'm concerned that the price is a little too good? Any thoughts on that? It's also just a little small.

Anyone have additional resources for me to look?

I really appreciate all the help!
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