
Please help! Cushion cut search!


Jan 20, 2018
Hi! I was advised to ask for PSers help in finding my perfect diamond! If anyone happens to come across a cushion cut that is 1.5 ct or larger in the $4000 range I would be really appreciate it! I understand it’s not a lot and I might be unrealistic. I know in that budget I will have to compromise on certain things but I just don’t have the knowledge that some of you do to avoid things like mush, and light and yellowing and all that jazz. And I am really hoping for as square as possible - not elongated. Any thoughts, input THANK YOU!!!
I put this in your other thread but will add here so we keep everything together. This is a FANTASTIC stone for the size, color, price. I advise you put it on hold while you decide!!

I didn't see anything else worth considering above 1.5 carats for less than $4,500.

Definitely nice!

Edit...I checked BN, Adiamore and enchanted and saw nothing in this size/price range.
Not only is that stone ac117 found a good price its also a beautiful cushion with really nice light return.
Ok thank you so so much! Why is it so much prettier than the other one? Is it just that difference in the color? Is it cut better? I have to figure out if I’ll be able to see it in real life I’m not sure if they let me do that like the other store
Ok thank you so so much! Why is it so much prettier than the other one? Is it just that difference in the color? Is it cut better? I have to figure out if I’ll be able to see it in real life I’m not sure if they let me do that like the other store

The faceting on the stone I found is defined and crisp, especially under the table - it has a nice amount of contrast and facets that turn on and off as you rotate the stone in the video...whereas the Ritani stone has a lot of mush under the table so the light return won't be as good and is more in the flavor of a "crushed ice" cushion. It will give off more pinpoint sparkle as opposed to chunkier flashes of light. Now some people like that and there is a great debate among some members of the trade here about crushed ice performance, but most PSers generally prefer stones like the one I recommended.
I missed it. I went back around 1 to hold the stone and it was sold. That was a steal. Thank you so much for help if anyone finds another please share. Thank you!!
Bummer bc that was a beauty and a fantastic price!!

Any wiggle room in the budget? This stone has stunning faceting and at this size should be eye clean, as well:

This stone is nice and would be eye clean *for me* but there are people who prefer mind clean:

An 8 main similar to a round but with a cushion outline - arrows are skinny for my taste but just giving you more options:
AVC is beautiful! You would not be disappointed.:love:

@rubyjim - have you thought about how you plan to set your stone once you find the right one?
Thank you so much! What is AVC? You are all so helpful and I am continuing my search, everytime I love one, it's GONE!! I see how fast they go! I called Ritani and they were very understanding about me changing my mind about the L stone, but can you look at this??? I found it on Ebay and I am positive it is the same stone but does it look so pretty here? It looks white I can't see the yellow. Please tell me what you think!!
I have thought about my setting I love love the Leon Mege halo with the very thin diamond band, also the Victor Canera Emilya!
I hope this copy paste works
Octo 2005 and AC117 oh my gosh your rings are gorgeous!!!!!
Thank you so much! What is AVC? You are all so helpful and I am continuing my search, everytime I love one, it's GONE!! I see how fast they go! I called Ritani and they were very understanding about me changing my mind about the L stone, but can you look at this??? I found it on Ebay and I am positive it is the same stone but does it look so pretty here? It looks white I can't see the yellow. Please tell me what you think!!
I have thought about my setting I love love the Leon Mege halo with the very thin diamond band, also the Victor Canera Emilya!
I hope this copy paste works

the picture posted is just a sample image, its not actually a picture of the stone.

an AVC is August Vintage Cushion. An antique cut cushion, cut to perfection:
Are you serious!!?? OK thank you! Ahhhh, the AVC is beautiful!
I've been following your thread & I clicked on the 1st K stone, it's available! Put it on hold, NOW. LOL Beautiful stone. Looks so bright.
Go back and look at the stone that @ac117 posted for you for comparison. See how the main facets and most of the area under the table have very crisp definition to the facet. Its showing you that it is reflecting light well, when you have the under table that the facets are not cut well and light is being lost /not reflected back out the way that it should.
ok I will do that!! ... there is a video on the b2c one and when I look at it the diamond looks completely clear and sparkly and bright.... if you get a chance can you please look at the video? Are they using a different stone in the video because it looks completely different!!!