
PLEASE, dust for my little boy!

So I heard back today... Apparently there was not enough tissue for an accurate read. We have decided to return to the first surgeon who operated on him when he was first born, as the lack of communication form this hospital has left a bad taste in my mouth. He will have another biopsy on Monday morning to look for Hirschsprung's. This surgeon remembered my son from when he operated on him before. He has been following my son and even gave me his pager number in case anything came up! He knew exactly who we were when we called today and he threw his weight around to get us in asap. Thank god for him. I will post results when I know them!!
Tuckins~ More prayers being lifted. It sounds like the current dr is a good one, hope he can get things figured out. Until then, deep breaths, stay positive! (((hugs)))
Tuckins -- I'm sorry to hear about this. I hope the doctor can figure this out soon, and I also hope for a speedy recovery for your little guy.
Sorry things are not clear yet, but the new/old doc sounds great! Prayers that he is still feeling okay until a diagnosis or at least some progress is made!
OK, so we have the results of the biopsy, and they show no evidence of Hirschsprung's. That's great, because he won't require surgery, but we still don't know why he can't poop!
I am so sorry you don't have your answer yet.

Sending you dust and love by the bucket load.

Susan xxx
I'm so sorry to hear this, sending dust that there's an answer soon, and that it is something that can be resolved quickly and completely, and in the best possible way.
I read your post, and immediately asked for an intercession. I hope the good lord is listening. Stay strong.
Tuckins, I'm so sorry there are no answers. Hugs and dust being sent your way for you sweet baby boy.
Dust and more dust...I hope you get answers soon.
Tuckins loads of dust, prayers and well wishes coming to you and your family. As a mom of 2 premies(28 and 26 next month), I have walked in your shoes and know how hard and nerve recking this is for you. Seeing that he already did have surgery before I'm assuming that they ruled out necrotizing enterocolitis not pooping is one of the simptoms for this (both of mine had this). Whatever it is I'm sure the doctors will figure it out soon, and remember preemies are fighters they may be tiny but ohhhhh the resiliance. Try and get some rest when you can xo
My thoughts are with you and your little boy.

*Sprinkle, sprinkle, sprinkle*
Tuckins, I'm still praying for your precious child and family.
I am glad you (and your medical team) have ruled out one bad thing, Tuckins. Hang in there! Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Please keep posting!!!

Well, I wish you to get the answer soon. I wish the best to your little kid.
You guys are so sweet to keep thinking of us! I'm trying to move up our appointment with the GI doctor so we can start looking into different ideas... My son is doing well, as long as we keep him pooping with suppositories and such. He's still the sweetest little boy ever!
Hey guys, just want to check in and say that the baby has started pooping on his own!! Looks like things are starting to work for him! Thanks for all of your support and kind thoughts!
Aww, great news!! :) You must be so relieved!
WONDERFUL news, Tuckins!! I'm so happy for you (and your son, of course!)
Tuckins1|1313097540|2988816 said:
Hey guys, just want to check in and say that the baby has started pooping on his own!! Looks like things are starting to work for him! Thanks for all of your support and kind thoughts!
that's good news... :appl: :appl:
Yay for pooopy diapers!
Great news! More dust and good thoughts outgoing for you and for your baby.
Poop Poop Hooray!!
Never thought I'd be so happy about poop :tongue: Yay Tuckins, I'm so glad!
Great news!
Oh Tunkins I just wanted to say how happy I am that the little man is going #2 on his own. When I read your post it really hit home with me as I have a son who was born a month early (premie by no means but it was still scarey since it was my first child), and all those emotions just hit you so hard. I'm so happy that things are working out and that little man is getting stronger. :appl:
Ohhhhh Tuckins you can't imagin how releived I am and sooooo happy that your little guy is pooping on his own, be careful though because you'll be finding yourself doing the happy poopy dance everytime he goes lol xo
Great to hear! Yay for poopy diapers!