
PEPCA Pearls!!


Aug 14, 2009
So folks who’ve followed the Takahashi pearl box thread know that both @MakingTheGrade and I just bought PEPCA certified pearls. And not just the two of us - other PSers got yet more PEPCA pearls from this box :bigsmile: @MakingTheGrade and I had our pearls shipped out together, and she very kindly offered to let me receive them (I really really really wanted to see her Supearl in-person!!) :love: I'm sharing my thoughts and pictures here with her blessing.

New thread beceause I wanted to focus on the PEPCA paper and not-ignore-exactly-but-mostly-ignore the fact that we happened to buy them from Takahashi.

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So... Well - first - collating some info about PEPCA that's scattered through other threads:
Posts #26, #27
Posts #9, #14, #21, #25, #28-30, #32

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@MakingTheGrade's SUPEARL WSS.

With my admittedly small sample set of three Paspaley pearls (the three that @Crystal_Dreams picked out for me!) and one Supearl… I’m convinced. Ain’t nothin’ better out there.

The Supearl holds its own 100% with the Paspaley Pearl Board gems.
The Paspaley Pearl Board gems hold their own 100% with the Supearl.
They’ve got different overtones - all three Paspaley pearls have more teal, the Supearl errs pink and violet. But in terms of smoothness of skin, sharpness of reflections, contrastiness, and “metallic-ness” - to my eyes there’s zero quality differential here.

Pricing and buying... Well, it's probably no surprise to anyone here that Paspaley's stuff costs more than Takahashi's. Even with PEPCA certification. :bigsmile: Supearl pearls are rare. But Pearl Board quality gems from Paspaley also aren't exactly growing on trees. For someone looking for the best of the best WSS, availability is (still, always) going to be the biggest bottleneck. On the rare occasion that both a Supearl and a Paspaley gem that check all the boxes turn up at the same time, I should think one could purchase on price alone and rest assured she or he is buying a world-class specimen! But realistically the odds of having that choice are slim... And as Yy explained (more details are in the posts listed above) - Supearl pairs aren't currently a #Thing, so if the ask is for a pair, well, Paspaley's the only practical option. But - despite the fact that Paspaley offers no independent evaluation - my experience thus far suggests that one can buy those gems from Paspaley and have confidence that the pearls would indeed be Supearl-worthy.

And given the Supearl rarity, and given Paspaley’s standing in the WSS world, I really don’t believe it’s possible to go any higher in quality. I don’t believe WSS oysters are capable of better than this. I really believe that in my photos I’m holding some of the most beautiful WSS in the world :love:

This is kind of in contrast to Ten-nyo from PSL for akoya: I would guess that all Supearl akoya would merit the Ten-nyo designation if submitted to PSL, but I can state for fact that not all PSL Ten-nyo akya would earn the PEPCA Supearl title.

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Granpearl is lesser than Supearl. We saw that in Takahashi’s pearl box - the Supearl clearly outshone the Granpearl WSSs. Pic in @Sprinkles&Stones' opening post:

Yy explained that there's never been a loose Supearl GSS. So if you want a PEPCA certificate, and you want gold, and you don't want a whole strand, it's Granpearl or nopearl.

But the fact of the matter is still that Granpearl is lesser than Supearl.

My Granpearl is beautiful. And it's huge!! And it's one of the smoothest-skinned golds I've got. But it's not world-class: Some of my Pearl Paradise deep golds have equally strong and colourful overtones, and are a bit more contrasty and metallic. Proof that unlike the Supearl situation, a Granpearl title clearly doesn't - and shouldn't! - convey the sentiment that these pearls are the epitome of their type.

This fact changes the conversation. It's no longer a binary answer to "are these the amazingest or not" - now it's a discussion about value for money. Which is a lot more difficult to evaluate!! For me, I wanted a PEPCA pearl. I knew I already had top tier WSS, so it made more sense to try a gold. Had I had a chance to see this particular pearl before buying it, and compare it to my other GSSs, I probably wouldn't have bought it. But the only way I could see it was to buy it! And I was chatting with another PSer recently - when it comes to pearls I personally am hypersensitive to FOMO!! I would much rather buy a specimen and realize I could have done without it than always regret that I'd missed out on something.

I'm totally ignoring body colour (hue, tone, and saturation) here by the way, because colour is super subjective... So subjective that it's actually apparently one of the reasons there's never been a loose Supearl GSS - can't get everyone on the panel to agree on an #Ideal :lol:

So my purchasing thoughts... I don't have any golds from Jewelmer, which would probably be the quality benchmark. So I don't actually know what the highest quality in GSS looks like. I might have some specimens that meet that bar? But I also might not!! The fact that some of my Pearl Paradise deep golds are objectively better may mean a lot, or it may mean not much of anything, because my biggest Pearl Paradise gold is 11.8mm, and the Granpearl is 13.1mm. And we all know that extraordinary becomes exponentially more rare with increasing size. Would Pearl Paradise have a Granpearl-quality 13mm+ pearl? I've got no idea. But in my humble opinion, given Pearl Paradise's huge inventory and generous return policy, for a US buyer it would definitely be worth finding out before buying a Granpearl GSS blind.

All that said, no regrets on this one for me, I got a mind-clean experience. I'm always happy to send more business Takahashi's way, Yy is a darling to work with, and now I feel like I've tried the whole PEPCA thing and I know what they're about and what I can expect ❤️

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Our pearls are the Supearl and the 13.1mm Granpearl:

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I’ll add that @yssie’s Papsely WSS were from the annual pearl board of best of the best. Not exactly something you can buy via their site (fortunately or unfortunately depending on your wallet lol)
So many nuances. @yssie you and @MakingTheGrade could teach a pearl Masterclass!

Now, the burning question-what will you do with your Supearl and Granpearl?
Starting the photos - tons of photos coming!! - with some of my pics of @MakingTheGrade's Supearl :love:

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And copying over some of the pics @MakingTheGrade shared on the Takahashi Pearl Board thread ::) I'll let her answer the question about what she's going to do with it though :bigsmile:


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Supearl and three Paspaley Pearl Board gemmies ::)

Left to right - Paspaley 14mm, Supearl 13mm, and Paspaley 12mm pair.

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Left to right - Paspaley 14mm, Supearl 13mm, and Paspaley 12mm pair.

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Luster comparison. Not too much to compare here :lol:

Left to right - Paspaley 14mm, Supearl 13mm, Paspaley 12mm, and Paspaley 12mm.

For anyone who might be curious - I had the camera focused on the Supearl in both photos with aperture way way wide open - so there's some vignetting/blurring at the edges, just artifacts of photography!

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Mini-story. Some folks might recall that a few years ago I blindly waltzed my way into an utterly spectacular pair of WSS from Pearl Paradise. A pair that looks right at home with my Paspaley gems. So actually, the colour of @MakingTheGrade's Supearl is a dead match with my lucky Pearl Paradise pair!! They seriously look like they were meant to be a set. Kinda crazy.

Sadly Pearl Paradise hasn’t had any 10mm+ WSS of this quality since 2020. And nice WSS are only getting more rare and more difficult to source. So… I gotta say, awed as I am by my own Pearl Paradise WSS, if friends or family asked me for help I'd say "by all means enquire, you might just get lucky too, but be prepared to continue searching elsewhere".

Supearl in the middle ::)

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And some Supearl glam pics ::)

I got a gorgeous bouquet anticipating that I'd get our package within a couple days. Then US customs held it for three weeks. And one day tracking randomly updated from Stuck In Memphis over breakfast to On Truck For Delivery at lunchtime, and I rushed to the grocery to find anything floral. Scored the last hyacinth bulb for $4.99 :lol:


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And my Granpearl!!

Couple pics from Yy first. She recommended the 13.1 over the 13.5.



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Another pic of the photo in the cert. The certificate - and Yy's closeup - capture the overtones in this pearl very honestly. The colours are so pretty, purple and green and pink :love:

I poked the camera lens through a white piece of paper to take this photo and I couldn't for the life of me figure out how I was still seeing myself in the reflection in the pearl - I should have been hidden behind the paper! Took me a good thirty seconds staring at it to figure out the person wasn't me, it was whoever took the photo for the PEPCA report :lol:


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The Granpearl is a touch deeper than my Pearl Paradise GSS studs, but they’re very close - certainly close enough for me to call them matched and wear them together. I’m going to ask Erika Winters about customizing a Grace solitaire for it :bigsmile:

Oh those GSS! :love:
Granpearl with my two deep gold bubble bracelets. All the pearls in both bubbles are from Pearl Paradise.

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I think these photos show the difference in "metallic-ness" that I mentioned earlier really well. The bracelet closest to palm has my nicest Pearl Paradise golds. They look like molten metal IRL, metallic and rich. The bracelet at my fingertips, those pearls look more like orange balls coated in high-gloss lacquer. They're much more plastic-ey. And the Granpearl is in-between - but definitely closer to the molten metal side than the plastic!



The plastic-ey pearls actually have sharper reflections. But when looking at SS IRL I and everyone I know values "metallic-ness" over everything else, including sharp reflections!!

Glam pics of Goldy...

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Ok. Running over to the Pearl Paradise website now... :lol-2:
And a few of them together. Gotta say these would have made for some killer asymmetric studs. :bigsmile:

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Omg but if you drilled the Supearl for studs I would have cried!!

In terms of my plans, it’ll go into a net necklace similar to yssie’s lavalier style. It’s being custom made now so once it’s done and shipped to me, I’ll update this thread with it in its forever home. I love that I can wear it without drilling it because it is literally flawless all around.

Currently I’m wearing I in a temp necklace.

So many nuances. @yssie you and @MakingTheGrade could teach a pearl Masterclass!

Now, the burning question-what will you do with your Supearl and Granpearl?
Ok. Running over to the Pearl Paradise website now... :lol-2:
Haha I'm all pearled out TBH!! I'm going to ask Erika Winters about putting her into Grace - but in YG of course :love:


I feel like the Supearl and Granpearl designations are very honest. Supearl really *is* the best. And Granpearl is "really good but not quite best" - and there's clearly a range for Granpearl. More honest than PSL. I remember Takahashi saying that they had non-certed pearls of similar quality and for Granpearl I totally believe it!! I wouldn't bet on matching Supearl outside of another Supearl or Paspaley though.
But for real, for US-based SS buyers, Pearl Paradise has a huge inventory and such a generous return policy - I feel like there's no good reason not to at least find out what they've got before going overseas!! I do love me some Pearl Paradise :bigsmile:
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Haha I'm all pearled out TBH!! I'm going to ask Erika Winters about putting her into Grace - but in YG of course :love:


I feel like the Supearl and Granpearl designations are very honest. Supearl really *is* the best. And Granpearl is "really good but not quite best" - and there's clearly a range for Granpearl. More honest than PSL. I remember Takahashi saying that they had non-certed pearls of similar quality and for Granpearl I totally believe it!! I wouldn't bet on matching Supearl though.
But for real, for US-based SS buyers, Pearl Paradise has a huge inventory and such a generous return policy - I feel like there's no good reason not to at least find out what they've got before going overseas!!
...I do love me some Pearl Paradise :bigsmile:

Technical question @yssie. Would the Granpearl nacre get scratched if it is set in a metal setting? I just assume that the pearls that get set into rings don’t generally have a flawless finish all the around…
Technical question @yssie. Would the Granpearl nacre get scratched if it is set in a metal setting? I just assume that the pearls that get set into rings don’t generally have a flawless finish all the around…
Takahashi half-drilled it for me. So I'd have Erika add a peg into the basket and glue it down, and I'm not sure if the prongs would actually help hold it in or if they'd be strictly decorative - I'd leave that up to Erika if she'll take the project. But yeah, it definitely could get scratched during mounting, and I'd definitely be very sad because it's flawless all over right now!! I trust Erika to take good care of it for me though ❤️
Takahashi half-drilled it for me. So I'd have Erika add a peg into the basket and glue it down, and I'm not sure if the prongs would actually help hold it in or if they'd be strictly decorative - I'd leave that up to Erika if she'll take the project. But yeah, it definitely could get scratched during mounting, and I'd definitely be very sad because it's flawless all over right now!! I trust Erika to take good care of it for me though ❤️
Thanks for answering my pearl noob questions!
Lol I feel like noone who makes it into PS pearls is actually a newbie :bigsmile: It’s a legit concern though. And wearing a pearl in a ring is a dumb idea anyway, you *know* it’s gonna get banged around. So from that perspective I’m not entirely unhappy that this gold isn’t, like, the most amazing GSS in the world… I want a ring and I want to not feel guilty wearing it! :halo:

But that’s a ways off. Hopefully by the end of the year. Bling fund is crash dieting right now ;(
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Supearl and three Paspaley Pearl Board gemmies ::)

Left to right - Paspaley 14mm, Supearl 13mm, and Paspaley 12mm pair.

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Left to right - Paspaley 14mm, Supearl 13mm, and Paspaley 12mm pair.

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Luster comparison. Not too much to compare here :lol:

Left to right - Paspaley 14mm, Supearl 13mm, Paspaley 12mm, and Paspaley 12mm.

For anyone who might be curious - I had the camera focused on the Supearl in both photos with aperture way way wide open - so there's some vignetting/blurring at the edges, just artifacts of photography!

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Mini-story. Some folks might recall that a few years ago I blindly waltzed my way into an utterly spectacular pair of WSS from Pearl Paradise. A pair that looks right at home with my Paspaley gems. So actually, the colour of @MakingTheGrade's Supearl is a dead match with my lucky Pearl Paradise pair!! They seriously look like they were meant to be a set. Kinda crazy.

Sadly Pearl Paradise hasn’t had any 10mm+ WSS of this quality since 2020. And nice WSS are only getting more rare and more difficult to source. So… I gotta say, awed as I am by my own Pearl Paradise WSS, if friends or family asked me for help I'd say "by all means enquire, you might just get lucky too, but be prepared to continue searching elsewhere".

Supearl in the middle ::)

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OMG my eyes just about popped out of my head looking at that reflection to buy lotto ticket i think
Great write up and thanks for sharing.

DK :kiss2::kiss2::kiss2:
Thanks for all the photos and awesome write up as usual!!

If you have time Id love to see the WSS with your gem akoya to see the similarity and differences. These WSS are even sharper luster I think but yet softer in a way? I can’t quite describe it much less capture it in a photo
This is a great thread, @yssie! So educational, thank you.