
Packrat's five stone AVC ring project

I do plan to wear them together..I'd talked to Jonathan about it for just a second, not real in depth or anything, and he didn't say anything about any potential shank problems but I'll ask. Are you meaning that the shanks of the two rings wouldn't be the same height, the graduated band and a band of .11's, or am I not grasping properly?

Mara suggested shrinking the picture down to real size so I could print it and cut them out and see if I'd be able to tell a difference in the sizes IRL as opposed to a magnified picture. Is that something you could help me w/ Yssie? I don't know how to shrink it down. My computer skills are sooo lacking.
Yssie|1325967571|3097383 said:
packrat|1325951928|3097263 said:
Hey Skippy! There are new stones coming in next week I believe, so I've got my fingers crossed there's some goodies for me! I'm actually tossing around some different ideas that I emailed Jonathan about this morning. Sometimes I wish I didn't get so obsessive and anxious that I'm going to decide on something and then later wish I'd decided on something else.
1-increase ends to .15's, do .42 center, use the .11's for a 7 or 9 stone wedding band, or sell them and do a wedding band of .15's
2-increase ends to .15's, center closer to .5, same wedding band ideas as above
3-nix the graduated band and do five .25's for ering and same wedding band ideas as above

I want to get it right and not feel like ohhh dangit I wish I'd gone bigger for whatever part of it. But I also don't want to spend an arm and a leg either. But I am ok w/doing the five stone, graduated or not, this year and waiting until next year to do the wedding band.

My 2c - I don't like #3 at all - I think the band will overpower the five .25s from face-up, but I also think the five .25s won't reach as far across your finger horizontally, so there'll be a mismatch in terms of the band being significantly deeper/higher off your finger at the sides of your finger (where it meets third finger and pinky I mean). Unless you have a very, very, very deep/high shank of the same depth as 10pointers I guess?


Yessie, you bring up a good point. My SO and I are considering doing a five-stone with 25-30 pointers, similar to the one in this video:

I guess I don't understand how you are saying that the band will overpower the stones, do you see that in this video? I do have chunkier fingers, but they are very short, so I am somewhat concerned about the stones not reaching completely across my finger and looking strange. I also don't want to have the shank be as wide as the stones, or extremely high for that matter.
Snow, your link doesn't work, can you repost?
Thanks Joey!
Hm... The link works on my iPad and iphone, But it's the GOG video of the five-stone AVC. Not sure how to fix the link :confused:
I wonder how come it doesn't work for me..ah well, I've seen that video about 50 times already so I know exactly what ring you're talking about-it is goooorgeous!!
packrat|1326044350|3097949 said:
I wonder how come it doesn't work for me..ah well, I've seen that video about 50 times already so I know exactly what ring you're talking about-it is goooorgeous!!

It definitely is!

I have been following your journey since the beginning and am so anxious to see what you end up with! I am currently debating between the five-stone like in that video, or a smaller seven-stone with ten pointers or so. It is so hard to decide!

And then that last option that Yessie showed is beautiful, too! The one with the smaller center stone and .05 larger end stones.

If only there were a way to try to each of these options before deciding :Up_to_something:
Myself, between the five stone in the video and smaller 10 pointers, I'd go w/the five stone. They're bigger and you can see the facets better. That's just me tho!

I shrunk down the pic Yssie did, in Gimp, and like it better now w/the bigger center and bigger ends. But Mara suggested cutting out and shrinking them individually, so I'll do that next w/the originals on both sides and the +.05 ends on both sides and see how they look. Cleaning time so will post the others later.

You know, I was leaning towards the larger five-stone, until my SO and I went to look at rings this weekend (eek!) and tried on an eternity band with 10 pointers. Granted, it had round stones, but I was really surprised at how large it look on my super short fingers.

Do you mind if I also print out the smaller, life-size pictures of the AVCs to see how they look?
heck no, go ahead! I don't know how "life size" they are tho skillz be not mad skillz
Hah, sorry, I mean a couple of different things.

Mostly whether you'd want the focus on the fivestone, to be able to clearly make out and appreciate each individual stone, or whether you'd rather the Super Blingy Mass Of Bling look - when I wear diamonds next to my five stone, even teeny tiny little ones, all you see is a giant mish-mash of sparkle - you can't make out the individual stones despite the center being significantly bigger than the sides, and you don't appreciate the individual rings. I did find that channel bands with wider metal shoulders were different - the metal provided some demarcation and allowed me to better appreciate each individual band. I'm not big on pave so I opted for the plain band anyway, but MGR has a channel with her threestone and I think it looks incredible in her pics -


It's surprising how much variance there can be w/ how far the diamonds spread across your finger depending on how the ring is made - the five diamonds in my new DBL spread just a hair wider than the three in my old WF, the same five spread much further on the old VC because the endstones weren't angled so much! Anyway - #2 is what I mean by mishmash of sparkle, #3 would drive me batty with the difference in depth, #4 fixes that with a thicker/deeper shank

Ohhh ok, I get ya, and it makes sense now. If the band stones were wider across the finger than the five stone I think it would make me crazy. I think I'm ok w/the sparkle mish mash..I could maybe get a spacer or something to separate them if it started to bother me, or just switch it to my right hand. I love all your descriptive pictures!

Do you think I shrunk down the sets well enough to be close to real size? When they're shrunk down like that, I like the bigger center better but I'm not sure about the ends.
packrat|1326144222|3098711 said:
Ohhh ok, I get ya, and it makes sense now. If the band stones were wider across the finger than the five stone I think it would make me crazy. I think I'm ok w/the sparkle mish mash..I could maybe get a spacer or something to separate them if it started to bother me, or just switch it to my right hand. I love all your descriptive pictures!

Do you think I shrunk down the sets well enough to be close to real size? When they're shrunk down like that, I like the bigger center better but I'm not sure about the ends.

They're actually miniature on my screen! But I don't know how to shrink to "life size" - I know it's something to do with your monitor resolution and pixel settings... anyway I shrank so that the center on the L is 4.5mm on my screen and I think I still like the bottom L a bit better, with the smaller center and smaller graduation, but it's not like you could really go wrong with either!

Methinks it's time for some paper cutouts :naughty:
hahaha they are miniscule aren't they? When I did it I just kept picking random numbers to scale it down until the middle L set was 17.5mm across..or as near as I can eye ball it w/my ruler pressed up against the computer screen. Talk about making the eyes cross. I'll see if I can get it printed at my gramma's and cut them out w/out screwing them up.
Couldn't get it to print. Emailed it to Jonathan and he thought they looked to small. Maybe an update tomorrow!
Does anyone at GOG have a similar finger size to you, and could they kind of set the diamonds in a row on a finger to show the different sizes to scale of a hand? Maybe even just pop them into a stock 5 stone setting to give a visual?
Ahhh I was going to ask Jonathan about that last week and forgot! He did link me to a couple pics on FB that I'd seen and forgotten of a .25 band and one of a .10 band and they I think were on a 5 1/2 finger and mine is 4.5 to 4.75, and they looked nice in the pic.
Fun project!!
Thanks Amy!

I ended up going w/the .42 center for now b/c Jonathan said I can always use the trade in policy on it if I feel I need a bigger center since one hasn't come in yet. This way I'll have the ring on my hand and can see how I feel about the center. It's just going to be a stock basket five stone setting for now and I'll save towards that will be another thread for ideas!

Not sure how long it will week maybe I'll have it?
Great! I can't wait to see it!
awesome!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

oh wow i can't wait to see this finished!! it's going to be AMAZING!!!
This is very exciting - I can't wait to see it! :appl:
I was hoping you'd choose that one. :cheeky:
It's done! Thread in SMTB in a sec!
Yay! Can't wait!!!