
One ring to rule them all?


Oct 23, 2011
I LOVE your ring. Victor's work is amazing, but that setting is to die for. I know what you mean about not having enough to sell and buy outright. I could swing the three stone if I sold both rings. If I couldn't I wouldn't even consider it.....

With the kids getting older and college looming, adding another ring outright to my collection is probably not going to happen...
Soxfan, could you upgrade your new 5 stone with IDJ for a 3 stone? They won’t be ACA’s but they are ideal. I suggest this Bc it seems like you are a one ring kind of gal. And your 5 stone might not get a lot of love after you get your 3 stone.


Jun 20, 2013
Soxfan, could you upgrade your new 5 stone with IDJ for a 3 stone? They won’t be ACA’s but they are ideal. I suggest this Bc it seems like you are a one ring kind of gal. And your 5 stone might not get a lot of love after you get your 3 stone.

No, I want a pretty big 3 stone. I know what you are saying, if I found myself not really wearing the 5 stone, I'd size it up and wear on my right hand:)


Mar 27, 2016
@soxfan please mull over it a lot. You’ve had your five stone for only a short time. You may revert back to your other rings in six months. Give it at least a year to see. It’s a big project that will require a lot of work, selling etc.

I agree- give it some time. I am trying to force myself to do this....I just got two new things (three if we’re talking in the last calendar year) and it feels a little....excessive.

I only took my ruby on vacation and I loved wearing it as an e-ring and started scheming on how to sell off everything else. But then I came home and felt like Gollum being reunited with my most recent purchase. Poor canary hasn’t seen the light of day recently. I’m considering selling it in favor of “One ring to rule them all” but feel I really need to hold back and give it some time.

Seems like good advice for you too since you have some very unique things- it would be hard if not impossible to replace them if you felt the pangs of regret.


Dec 14, 2009
I wish I could do a one ring to rule them but, like you, PS has ruined me. I also like having lots and lots of choices for all accessories. Have you ever sold anything and regretted it or are you OK with parting with jewelry?
I have bags of potato chips stashed throughout the house. My boy, DH, is on a low sodium diet and I am not. I also have chocolate stashed throughout the house because you never know when a chocolate emergency can happen. If I had a cat it would eat cat food.


Jun 20, 2013
I wish I could do a one ring to rule them but, like you, PS has ruined me. I also like having lots and lots of choices for all accessories. Have you ever sold anything and regretted it or are you OK with parting with jewelry?
I have bags of potato chips stashed throughout the house. My boy, DH, is on a low sodium diet and I am not. I also have chocolate stashed throughout the house because you never know when a chocolate emergency can happen. If I had a cat it would eat cat food.


No, I haven't regretted a thing I've sold. Except my sapphire and three stone ring. I also realized I sold it for WAYYYYYY less than what it was worth:(


Apr 23, 2018
Just wanted to clarify my comments earlier that several of you asked about. I only compared rings to guns for the fact I can better relate to "needing" a lot of them. I probably shared more than I should have about my life and much of this is based on experiences I cannot share in detail with you; however, nothing is of illegal activity and most are happy to see me coming with guns ablaze, even some of your Brit boys. ;)2

Anyhow, carry on and sorry for the disruption I caused. :cool2:


Oct 24, 2012
Just wanted to clarify my comments earlier that several of you asked about. I only compared rings to guns for the fact I can better relate to "needing" a lot of them. I probably shared more than I should have about my life and much of this is based on experiences I cannot share in detail with you; however, nothing is of illegal activity and most are happy to see me coming with guns ablaze, even some of your Brit boys. ;)2

Anyhow, carry on and sorry for the disruption I caused. :cool2:
@sledge also to clarify It was clear in your initial post that you and your fiancé are clearly proficient. I am not concerned on that aspect. I am just sorry that your services are even necessary. I will just say thank you for your service. =)2


May 15, 2009
This topic has been on my mind a lot lately.

In the rest of my life I'm a minimalist. I don't keep or buy a lot of shoes or clothes. I don't really have a lot of anything and I don't think of myself as a collector - except when it comes to jewelry. I'm not very sentimental either and don't keep very many things for sentimental reasons - except when it comes to jewelry.

When it comes to vintage jewelry though, I'm a hoarder. Every time I see a pretty sparkly, I want it. It's a very happy addiction. I just love opening a box and getting something new and sparkly and taking it out in the sunshine and enjoying the fire and rainbows and watching the show as I type on the keyboard all day. Sadly, my budget doesn't allow this to happen often. My dream ring has always been an OEC, AVR or tranny between 2 & 3 cts in the I/J range. But I don't have one because I keep getting distracted by other things. I do have a gorgeous AVR that I plan to trade-up to my dream diamond as soon as Jonathan gets one that meets my specs. In the meantime, I'm positively smitten with a tranny that is huge and I want so bad. :love::love::love: So I've spent the last few days obsessively stalking the listing and hoping (and not hoping) someone else buys her before I break down. She has the ideal specs on paper, but I'll definitely have to "thin the herd" to justify her. Meaning I'll have to either sell my beloved AVR or my original e-ring. BTW - I planned to sell my original e-ring when I bought the AVR but when it came down to it, I felt too sentimental to part with her since she was there on the very best day of my life. :wall: Hubby says he doesn't care as long as the bills are paid and we still have a saving account. (In reality I could keep all three but I'd have to get past the guilt)

Anyone that would like to chime in on this dilemma is welcome. :wavey:

So, yes I would love to have one ring to rule them all, and I love the idea, but in reality my ADD (lack of focus and self control) is getting in my way and I do like having options (but I only have so many fingers).


Jun 23, 2005
I have always been in the one ring to rule them all camp. I don't want to have to make a choice about which ring to wear every day. It is just that simple. That's why I have traded up to the size I wanted in the color and clarity that I truly wanted. To me it is worth it. To others, it is probably boring to wear the same ring day in and day out. I admire other rings but just don't feel the desire to own more than one engagement ring. I would not enjoy having rings that are too big or uncomfortable for daily wear. I buy what I wear all of the time and would feel if I had jewelry sitting around in boxes unworn that it would be a waste of money. Interesting how we are all different and come at it from different angles. I also have no desire to buy and sell as that is nerve wracking to me and I don't want to have to invest the time in it either.

Having said that, life is short. If there is something that you really want, have really given yourself time to process it and it won't break your budget, go for it! Few in my world really understand the love of a beautiful diamond like me - that's why I love PS so!! We can share our love for the sparklies and understand and accept that we are not all alike in our wants and desires For all of you that like collecting rings and jewelry - my hat is off to you! I love looking at and sharing these beauties with you!!


Dec 3, 2011
God, this thread is killing meeeee!!!! Not you too, @soxfan!!! LOL I love love LOVE my 9.8 mm Jovyn soli, but I've been dreaming about what a 3 stone would be like... ya know... for a little "Happy 40th" gift next year to remind myself how effing awesome I am. (because I am ;-) )

But then I wonder if I'd be sad and miss my soli bc it's so dang wearable... then I wonder if I should just have Caysie make me a wrap of sorts (a la Bliss) for when I'm feeling froggy? Good grief... PS has absolutely ruined me. RUINED MEEEEEE!!!!! #firstworldproblems #stillproblems

ETA: new game! everyone drinks when someone upgrades! ;-)


Feb 12, 2018
Am I the only person who thinks she has too many fingers for just one ring to suffice?

Don't mind me, obviously just trying to rationalize the guilt over some recent purchases. :whistle:


Jun 6, 2010
I’m not sure where I fall?? I have what I consider to be two statement rings (Bertie and SS oval) and a Carl Blackburn ring for less blingy days (ohh, and Grandma Bertie’s sapphire/rose cut halo). I’m done with rings, although I won’t lie....sometimes I think I might like Bertie in a soli with a bevy of bands....:twisted2:

Did I just say that out loud?? o_O


Oct 23, 2011
I actually sold a lot of my rings for my last upgrade. And then I started the cycle all over again! But I have no plans to go bigger than my 2.20 carat. My favorite shape is a round, but I think that 3 carats would be the max size I could pull off in a round. And I can't justify selling all my other lovelies for a .80 carat size difference. I love switching up my right hand rings! I do daydream about a 4 carat emerald cut, but idk if I would miss the round shape. I can see how you would consider this, since most of your rings are Engagement ring styles. I don't feel comfy wearing two erings at the same time, so my rhr's are usually very different than my ering.
So I posted this over a year ago. Lol. Then I upgraded my 2.20 to a 2.52. And I still feel the same way about my limit. Except I have more clarity now. Now I know that I value cost as my 5th C. I could easily sell all my treasures to hit my 3 carat ideal mark, G VS2. But. It wouldn’t be financially mind clean for me. I like knowing that I own a lot of lovelies that I can wear and sell in a heartbeat if I had to. Whereas my ering, hopefully I never have to sell it, Bc I would be screwed. Lol. So even though I have the means, I choose not to.


Jun 23, 2005
God, this thread is killing meeeee!!!! Not you too, @soxfan!!! LOL I love love LOVE my 9.8 mm Jovyn soli, but I've been dreaming about what a 3 stone would be like... ya know... for a little "Happy 40th" gift next year to remind myself how effing awesome I am. (because I am ;-) )

But then I wonder if I'd be sad and miss my soli bc it's so dang wearable... then I wonder if I should just have Caysie make me a wrap of sorts (a la Bliss) for when I'm feeling froggy? Good grief... PS has absolutely ruined me. RUINED MEEEEEE!!!!! #firstworldproblems #stillproblems

ETA: new game! everyone drinks when someone upgrades! ;-)

Just a note about a three stone ring - I really love mine and I love the finger coverage. I would never try to dissuade someone from having one. However, the caveat is that after having owned one, I can't - though I've tried - conceive of going back to a solitaire. I love a gorgeous solitaire but after having the sparkle and coverage of a three stone, I just can't go back. Just a little public service announcement from someone who has been there. . .


Dec 3, 2011
Just a note about a three stone ring - I really love mine and I love the finger coverage. I would never try to dissuade someone from having one. However, the caveat is that after having owned one, I can't - though I've tried - conceive of going back to a solitaire. I love a gorgeous solitaire but after having the sparkle and coverage of a three stone, I just can't go back. Just a little public service announcement from someone who has been there. . .

Noted! ;-)


Jun 20, 2013
Ahhhhh....commiseration. Keep it coming....:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


Apr 23, 2018
Ya'll are cracking me up.

In my head I see it this way....


Shortly After Joining PS:

Intermediate Level PS'er:

PS Pro:

PS Admin:


Apr 7, 2017
I know. PS has ruined me too . I’ve even thought of selling my very beloved asscher ring to get a HPD engagement ring.

My other solution is TWO rings ro rule them all :eek2::appl:

Oh no!! Don’t cross over to the “dark side”!!! We need you in Step Cut!!! :lol-2:
Of course....adding your Asscher to my collection would be a win-win! HA!!! :bigsmile:


Feb 29, 2012
@sledge please make a post about the visual levels of addiction caused by PS


Jan 11, 2006
Okay, the reason I have mulitple rings is because I love them. If I were continually trading my diamond for something different, it would never end. So I strongly recommend to those of you wishing for something new to please consider keeping what you have if you love it, and then add a new ring.

@soxfan and @LLJsmom , I cannot imagine that you both wouldn't be sorry later if you gave up your OEC rings. Both are set in fabulous settings and I am sure they must get compliments! You, too, @whitewave, if you love your asscher, I can't imagine selling it to buy a modern round.

Sure, I'd love to have a WF ACA three stone ring. Or a three stone with center or side ACAs with a sapphire for the other stone(s). But I can't see giving up an AVR or antique asscher that I love for something totally different. The only thing I can see selling is one of the light yellow diamonds, since I have two. But it's even hard to decide which of those I could give up!

@sledge I, too, and thankful for those who make the world safer for the rest of us.
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