
Old Mine Cut vs Old European Cut


Aug 14, 2011
I have been shopping around for a while looking for a nicely cut RB for a pendant. Also been knocking around the idea of maybe an Old Mine Cut or Old European Cut stone, but haven't had much success locating any. A local jeweler told me they're as scarce as hen's teeth! What is the difference between an OMC and OEC? Any ideas where I could find some on-line? My BF's mother has a gorgeous OEC and I've always admired it. Such brilliance! Thanks for your help!

Ask Ari, Heather or Patti what they have available, since much of their loose stone inventory isn't listed on the website. They are awesome to work with really want their clients to love what they get.

is another, though I've had some less than pleasant exchanges with Adam and wouldn't personally give them my business. I can't comment on the quality/prices of their stones.
Hi (spongebob) Squarepants!

The difference between Old Mine Brilliant and Old European Brilliant have to do with shape, and facet pattern.
An OEC is usually very similar to a Modern Round Brilliant in it's shape- the facets are similar, but "chunkier"

An Old Mine Brilliant is generally not round- more or a round cornered square or rectangular shape. And the facets are arranged differently.

They are pretty rare, but modern stones with these designs are being cut at this time- increasing availability somewhat.
If you are looking for the look of an OMC but not necessarily seton getting an antique stone check out GOG and their AVR and AVC stones.
I prefer OEC's and transitionals, personally. And they aren't as scarce as hen's teeth. Your jeweler just doesn't have a source and doesn't want to admit his own inadequacies.
Gypsy|1313445628|2991484 said:
I prefer OEC's and transitionals, personally. And they aren't as scarce as hen's teeth. Your jeweler just doesn't have a source and doesn't want to admit his own inadequacies.
Yep, my preference is OECs as well (though not so much transitionals as many are balanced towards brilliance over fire frequently). OMCs can be beautiful, but they vary a lot in appearance and can be hard to find a nice one- harder than OECs anyway IMO. They're even quirkier than OECs- and thus, there's a *lot* of unattractive ones IMO. Also it can be hard to find one with reasonable face up size- they tend towards very deep. (OECs can as well, but they're more all over the map with quite a few shallow OECs out there too.)

An OMC has a more cushion-shaped outline, they were cut before diamonds could be rounded by machine. And they tend to have a more... rustic appearance. The line between an antique cushion and an OMC is kind of foggy- they're very similar and what I'd call one, someone else would call the other.
LGK--I still don't know if my stone is an OMC or an antique cushion!

Squarepants--Good luck on your search for the right stone. I agree with the other posters that they exist and you can certainly find what you want if you work with the right people.
I should clarify and add that I prefer OECs, then transitionals, then (the illusive and extremely hard to find) non-wonky OMB. Simply because most transitionals tend to be easier to find in a more appealing facet structure than the often quirky OMB's I've seen. However by far I prefer OECs.

Haven, I consider yours an OMB-- one of the few of it's size that I really love. That way it's both an antique cushion and an OMB. LOL.
Gypsy|1313471732|2991737 said:
I should clarify and add that I prefer OECs, then transitionals, then (the illusive and extremely hard to find) non-wonky OMB. Simply because most transitionals tend to be easier to find in a more appealing facet structure than the often quirky OMB's I've seen. However by far I prefer OECs.

Haven, I consider yours an OMB-- one of the few of it's size that I really love. That way it's both an antique cushion and an OMB. LOL.
Yeah, I think Haven's is actually one of the most beautiful OMCs (or whatever you want to call it :bigsmile: ) I've seen. The shape, the face up size, all of it- it's pretty much perfect- I would love to see it in person! I bet it's unbelievably fiery.
Gah! Thank you Gypsy and LGK! Your words are so kind that I'm blushing.

I'm hoping to make it to the next big PS get together, so if it happens, and if you are there, we can ogle each other's sparklies as much as we want! I will say that I cannot capture the stone's real look in photos or videos, but that doesn't keep me from trying. That fact alone makes me wish that we could rent out a museum space and put everyone's (all PSers', that is) rings on display so we can see what they all REALLY look like. Can you imagine how fun that would be? I'm drooling just thinking about it.

OMB, OMC, antique cushion . . . when people ask what it is I usually just say it's an antique cushion. That seems to be what people understand best, anyway. Whatever it's called, it's all mine and I love it. Mwuahahahaha! :devil:


LGK--It is unbelievably fiery. One of my friends out in North Carolina still doesn't believe that it's a diamond because she doesn't believe diamonds can have that much fire. She seriously thinks I was duped!
Haven could you post a picture or a link to your ring? I know very little about OMC, OEC's, AV's and the like. What I would really like to see would be pictures of them together, but could I start with a link to your ring? :love:
Begonia|1313510821|2991920 said:
Haven could you post a picture or a link to your ring? I know very little about OMC, OEC's, AV's and the like. What I would really like to see would be pictures of them together, but could I start with a link to your ring? :love:
Happily! Here it is:

I'm sorry I can't tell you what kind of cut it really is, though! The link to the diamondexpert website (which I found on one of the PS threads linked in this thread) says that OMCs have 33 crown facets. I counted the crown facets on my stone and lo and behold! There are 33 of them. I don't know if there are 25 pavillion facets, though, because the pavillion is covered by my setting. SO, it could be an OMC, but who knows?
Oh yes, of course. I know this ring well. Blame the hot flashes coming throught the night for the brain misfire. Really a beautiful ring, and one of my top 3 favorites on PS. That is just the kind of stone that I would have aside from my EC which I do love very much (and miss at the moment - in for inspection). :bigsmile: