
Old cut / New cut

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Date: 12/11/2006 11:04:40 PM
Author: mishelly
No, no, I don''t want an ideal round (at least not in my e-ring, maybe for a RHR or a diamond necklace). I LOVE LOVE LOVE my e-ring unique squarish,cushion look. All I''d want from any sort of cutting would be to get more sparkle (and if possible, be able to reduce the amount of colour it currently shows--not sure if this is possible).

I had it appraised for insurance purposes but there''s no info on table, crown, etc, symmetry, etc like I see on all the appraisals that get posted here. Crappy appraisal I suppose! All I''d want from a recut is to simply make it sparkle more. I think that some of the angles are not that well/crisply cut, def not ''excellent''. I''d just want to ''sharpen'' up the edges a bit. I''m sorry if I''m not explaining myself very well, I don''t know the terminology as well as I should!

I hope I can take pics of the heirloom stuff around xmas time. My wedding band has some old single cut diamonds from the collection too, taken from another piece of jewelry from ''granny''s ol'' stuff'' that was otherwise not being used.

I can understand crisping it up - I *might* consider that for the right piece.... as for the color, I think you''ll just have to embrace it. My stone shows every single bit of its color but I don''t consider it a bad thing. I think if it was a round it might bother me??? I doubt it but maybe, but with the antique cut I rather like the warm color - it makes it look more antique IMO :) I wouldn''t mind an ideal rb in *addition* to what I have, but I wouldn''t have it instead. I also wouldn''t want a "white'' stone for this cut, I dunno, I think the warm colors are better for it. If you did sharpen up the stone, I would get it sarin''d or helium''d (scanned) while it was unset.... love to get info on old OMC stats!! and I wouldn''t close up the culet... but I love culets. I was disappointed that mine was so small even though it said on the cert "slightly large" LOL
I think any old/rose cut stones should be left as they are.
Symmetrical and centred? they were cut "sort of" round and "sort of" faceted into shape,and not too much worry about it.
You either like or not,some better than others,all different.
I was lucky to work in a small english village jewellers for a while and lots of "rich old granny`s" brought their old heirlooms in for checking.
Rather more interesting than just plain brilliant cut over and over again.
Thats all from me on this.
This thread has me a little worried. I told my boyfriend that I wanted an OEC, but after looking at that stone, I''m not so sure. Is that typical, of an OEC? I''ve only ever seen them in pictures already set, so maybe I didn''t realize they were so irregular. I don''t mind a little off-round, but that''s just too much. I''ve got a couple of questions

1) Does anyone have any pictures of other OEC''s that are not set?

2) Are there any suggestions of what to look for when shopping online in order to get a nice stone? I have been looking at, and their stones look much nicer, but it is hard to tell because I can''t see a lot of detail in the diamond.
Olive Oil....I wouldn''t worry. The stones posted here are examples of "funky", and probably much less likely to find their way into the place of honor in a ring mounting.

If you do a search, you''ll find lots of pictures of beautiful more symetrical OMCs. In fact, just look at related threads started by Cehrabehra and you''ll see quite a few! LOL

Date: 12/11/2006 4:47:23 PM
Author: Cehrabehra

Date: 12/11/2006 1:58:18 PM
Author: Londonchris
I don`t think the picture quite does either stone justice.
Both are good quality,and i would like to add,old cuts are all different and unique which gives them character.
I like them,as a solitary stone,historic and interesting (sometimes comical looking) ...
Interesting to hear all your rejections and only 1 or 2 understanding their importance.
I think you misunderstand.... at least where I am concerned. I''d take a culet over a non culet any day... but it also depends on what the stone is for, how large it is etc. I know nothing about the two stones other than ''old cut / new cut'' and in my head I''m picturing two carat stones set as a solitaire - not sure the one on the left would hold its own well in THAT situation. Not all old cuts are that *off* and I kinda hate to see old cuts represented at such an extreme skew. I know they have value to antique jewelry repair and others who love them for their ultimate in quirkiness, shall we say.... but that one there is particularly off on its sym. Almost looks like it was an OMC that is half way to being recut to the stone on the right and someone said stop let''s catch a pic before its lost forever and it was already partly changed.... I was looking at a stone in my aunt''s ring which was a gift to my great grandmother for her 16th birthday - the diamond is a *chip* really, maybe it weighs 20 points but from the side it is almost half crown - almost a full natural shape with just a tiny tip off one end and a larger tip (table) off the other.... looking straight down the culet isn''t super large but it is way off to one side (think cornucopia lol) and yet it is just the most charming thing, in its original setting from a hundred years ago. It''s not that these stones don''t have value, even beauty, and there are antique stones I''d wear without hesitation certainly, but for it to be a large stone centerpiece I''d prefer it have a bit more symmetry than the one you posted above lol
Ditto Except that I don''t really like Round Stones. The only Round stone I''ve really really liked was an OEC.
Olive Oil -- Don''t let those photos scare you off. I have seen several STUNNING OEC''s at jewelers. They are wonderful. It''s just that round stones don''t look good on my hand. So I now have a rectangular cushion. Which has chunky facets.

Why don''t you search PS for photos of OEC''s there are some lovely ones on here.
Date: 12/13/2006 4:03:24 PM
Author: Olive Oil
This thread has me a little worried. I told my boyfriend that I wanted an OEC, but after looking at that stone, I''m not so sure. Is that typical, of an OEC? I''ve only ever seen them in pictures already set, so maybe I didn''t realize they were so irregular. I don''t mind a little off-round, but that''s just too much. I''ve got a couple of questions

1) Does anyone have any pictures of other OEC''s that are not set?

2) Are there any suggestions of what to look for when shopping online in order to get a nice stone? I have been looking at, and their stones look much nicer, but it is hard to tell because I can''t see a lot of detail in the diamond.

1) I think that the "old cut" is probably an OMC, which is an older cut and less precise than an OMC.

2) You can look at Fay Cullen for ideas. My DH bought me earrings from Fay Cullen for a wedding/b-day gift, but he wasn''t crazy about the service he got (he wanted to have them sent to my parents'' house like the week of the wedding and they sent them to his billing address by mistake forcing him to drive 2+ hours to get them like days before our wedding.) We bought out wedding bands through Leigh @ antiqueengagementrings and it was a good experience. I know that when he gets rings in he removes the stones and has them "graded/appraised" and then sets them. Maybe call and ask if he has any pics of the un-set stones of the rings you are interested in.

3- I am in the process of having an OEC put in a halo pendant- I will see if I have any good pics of it- probably none of it close-up unset. Do a search though because I know lots of people have hunted for OEC''s and OMC''s and had them put in gorgeous rings. Also look for "transistional brilliant" stones- that''s what''s in my e-ring. That style cut is a step between OEC and Modern RB.
Date: 12/13/2006 4:03:24 PM
Author: Olive Oil
This thread has me a little worried. I told my boyfriend that I wanted an OEC, but after looking at that stone, I''m not so sure. Is that typical, of an OEC? I''ve only ever seen them in pictures already set, so maybe I didn''t realize they were so irregular. I don''t mind a little off-round, but that''s just too much. I''ve got a couple of questions

1) Does anyone have any pictures of other OEC''s that are not set?

2) Are there any suggestions of what to look for when shopping online in order to get a nice stone? I have been looking at, and their stones look much nicer, but it is hard to tell because I can''t see a lot of detail in the diamond.
Look for very good symmetry - if the stone is loose it either has been scanned or can be scanned.
Date: 12/13/2006 8:36:07 PM
Author: widget
Olive Oil....I wouldn''t worry. The stones posted here are examples of ''funky'', and probably much less likely to find their way into the place of honor in a ring mounting.

If you do a search, you''ll find lots of pictures of beautiful more symetrical OMCs. In fact, just look at related threads started by Cehrabehra and you''ll see quite a few! LOL

ha ha ha :P lol Actually in the fancy guru thread there are all of those awesome omc''s that DG cut!!! last pic on this page is a very well cut square OMC but there are pics of them on almost all the pages here.... dunno if there are any OEC pics, I''ve forgotten...
this is a site I haven''t looked at in a long time.... there are lots of great old stones - the 9 carat antique marquise (with culet) on the first page of rings is gorgeous!!! but geez how overpriced *are* they selling a 3 carat SI stone for 70k!
Thanks Widget, Cehrabehra, Stonehunter, and dtnyc! I feel much better after browsing those other threads. Those stones really are beautiful!
Good. I''m glad you weren''t scarred off.
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