
NY legalizes gay marriage

:appl: :appl: :appl: This is brilliant news!! Coming from the UK it just doesn't make sense to me that it isn't legal in the US!
I'm so proud to be a New Yorker :) I watched the vote live last night on, very exciting!!
It's about time!

JuneRose|1309027007|2954877 said:
:appl: :appl: :appl: This is brilliant news!! Coming from the UK it just doesn't make sense to me that it isn't legal in the US!

I know! I live in South Africa and same sex marriage has been legal here for years.

It really isn't a big deal here anymore and this is actually a very conservative country. I can't believe the US hasn't caught up yet.

Let's hope the rest of the US catches up soon!
JuneRose said:
:appl: :appl: :appl: This is brilliant news!! Coming from the UK it just doesn't make sense to me that it isn't legal in the US!

I agree, it really makes no sense that it was illegal in the first place.
Yay one step closer! Now, if we could only get rid of DOMA we'd be in even better shape.
That's really wonderful news. I love NY. :)
hip hip hoorah, NY!
This is a great step!

I don't understand how so many people can't get the difference between a civil and religious ceremony. This seems to fuel the main arguments of opponants of marriage equal rights...they're all hinged around protecting religious institutions and interests which are an optional component to a civil marriage.
:appl: :appl: :appl: So glad it passed in NY!
This is very good news. Congrats to the couples who will finally be able to marry as they wish.
I love NY! It's great when legislators use their hearts AND their brains.
Thrilled. This is progress... I wish my brother was here to see it...
I am super excited and proud to be a New Yorker today, especially since one of the deciding Republican votes was from the city I was born in! Hopefully the rest of the country will follow :appl:
:appl: :appl: :appl:
And about time, too.
In Canada all 10 provinces and 2 territories accord this rght and have for about 5 years, it makes me proud to be a Canadian.

Hopefully this will inspire other states!
:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :bigsmile: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
Congratulations New Yorkers!

Do you think NY PS vendors will see a rise in wedding ring sales?
I was absolutely thrilled to hear this! Big props to New York for supporting equality, and here's to more states following in their footsteps! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Here here!
I'm amazed by this. I grew up in New York State between the ages of 2 and 14, have family there, and have visited there many, many times since I left. You never brought this entire subject up at the dinner table when I was growing up. People literally didn't speak about it. Now this. So great.
SO happy about this! Bf's aunt will finally get to marry her longtime partner! :appl:

(California, when will you grow up?)
Gay Pride parade was today!! Everyone was quite enthused with the overall theme being Marriage Equality!

A friend of mine brought up a good point though -- "morality" and "values" aside, it's quite stupid to keep gay marriage from being legalized simply by the point that the state makes money off of marriages.
Ignoring that logic, as a NYer, I'm immensely glad that many of my friends now have the option to marry whomever they please when they see it fit!
wakingdreams53|1309136982|2955752 said:
Gay Pride parade was today!! Everyone was quite enthused with the overall theme being Marriage Equality!

A friend of mine brought up a good point though -- "morality" and "values" aside, it's quite stupid to keep gay marriage from being legalized simply by the point that the state makes money off of marriages.
Ignoring that logic, as a NYer, I'm immensely glad that many of my friends now have the option to marry whomever they please when they see it fit!

Heh, I was just about to post that Pride today was a trip. Just wonderful to see everybody so happy ....
The wheels of progress are always so slow to turn, but thank the good Lord, it's finally happened. Our Gov. Cuomo is a good man, as was his Dad.
I was thrilled to hear this.