
Now I really did it :((


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! Happy Terrific Thursday!

@marcy haha I have no clue. Between this house and our Brooklyn home I have lots and lots of RX sunglasses. But what hurts are all my Maui Jim non RX sunglasses (literally over 30 pairs) that I no longer wear since I no longer wear my contact lenses. Sigh. But upwards and onwards. Woohoo for the afghan increasing in size. I am glad Marty is feeling a bit better and hopefully soon he will feel all better. Darn I missed looking for the planets (well I am looking down now so see one ha) but it is raining here so wouldn't have been able to see it anyway. Thank you for the good wishes for Greg's appointment today. It's going to be a LONG day because after the marathon heart tests he has a big meeting tonight for our Brooklyn home. And it might be a bloodbath. He is president of the board so the entire meeting falls on him basically. Looking forward to tomorrow and today being over. LOL. And cmon earrings. We need, I mean you need them! :) Gorgeous macro shots. You are a skilled photographer. XOXO

@MamaBee thank you for the good wishes for Greg. His appointment is today. He is getting a nuclear stress test plus echo today. The doctor said the nuclear stress test takes 5 plus hours. OMG. Remind me never to get that one lol. Fingers crossed it goes well. Did you see a new booster might be coming out from Moderna? Not sure when though but supposedly it is Omicron specific. Hugs.

@Slickk ooh that is a good sign. Happy 34 year anniversary! And I hope the ring arrives soon. Today maybe? Please let us know we are on pins and needles for you. And you are still a child bride! Any special anniversary plans? XOXO

@bling_dream19 looking forward to our chat and hope all your appointments go well today. Big hugs.

@Austina glad it is all coming along and that your AC is working (mostly at least). Cannot wait to see and hear more about your new home. Thank you for the good wishes for Greg's appointment today. Hugs.

@canuk-gal hope the rest of your week is going smoothly. XOXO

@mrs-b hope you and Tim are doing well. Hugs.

@springerspaniel thinking of you and hope the rest of your week goes smoothly. XOXO

Hi everyone else. Overnight we had lots of thunder and rain and a bit this AM too. Supposed to clear up though. It was so warm yesterday. We had a good ride and then in the middle of the ride the wind shifted to the East and it got so much more comfortable and cooler. It was a relief. Today I am staying around the house and doing some chores that desperately need to be accomplished. Vacuuming for one. With 4 kitties that cannot be neglected but I have neglected it and now we have cat furry balls all around lol. Takes a long time to vacuum this house. But I sort of enjoy sucking up all the dirt. OK enough about that. Enjoy a terrific Thursday all. XOXO

Leaving you with a few photos during our cycling adventures yesterday.
Look who said hi :)

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And then of course delicious ice cream to cool us off and then the wind changed to the East.
Ahh sweet relief.

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I had coffee ice cream with Strawberry and what an amazing combo that is. Yummmm.
Greg had his usual Cherry Bourbon. That is one of his favorites.

Have a sweet Thursday. (((Hugs)))


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Finger’s crossed for good news for Greg today @missy, hope everything comes back A OK. Another sunny day here, currently 94 degs, but we’re cool and comfortable inside!

I can’t wait to see your earrings @marcy, they’re going to be so pretty. Oy, sounds like your new employer has your number, although I’m like you, if I have something to do, I just want to get it done.

Your ring has turned out beautifully @Slickk, many congratulations on your anniversary.

I expect your anxiety levels are quite high waiting for your ring to come back @MamaBee. It’s going to be beautiful.

Hope things are stable health wise @mrs-b and things are progressing with the adoption. Exciting times, look at it this way, you get all the fun without the poop, screaming and tantrums! :mrgreen:

Big shout out to all the other lovely NIRDI, hope things are good with you all.

New counter top was supposed to be installed yesterday and didn’t turn up, the guy turned up today, but it had a huge scratch all the way across, so he took it away and we wait for a new one. Returned an item to Wayfair today, so easy, dropped it off at Walgreens which is just down the road. Did a bit more tidying, ordered a few more things for the house, and registered all my appliances.

The BIG news is we finally got our refund from BA, must’ve been the negative comments I’ve been posting all over their social media accounts :lol:

Cabinetry people are coming tomorrow to put the soft close hinges on the kitchen units, garden furniture being delivered, as well as Colin’s new desk.



Jun 17, 2009
Hi all!

@marcy, glad you had a great birthday, LOL to that card. You're the busiest retired person I know! Glad the job is working out so well. Looking forward to seeing your new earrings.
@MamaBee, sending healing vibes and I hope your finger is back to normal by the time you get your ring. Can't wait to see it.
@canuk-gal, I'm glad you're holding strong on your workdays. So nice you got dressed up and went out for a nice meal, sounds like fun.
@mrs-b, congratulations on the adoption being finalized. Very happy for you and Eleanor. I hope your back isn't acting up too much and Tim is doing ok. You had asked about the weather in was warmer than usual, upper 80's and sunny most days. Have you decided on whether you're going to do a 3 stone ring?
@bling_dream19, sending good thoughts your way.
@missy, that style looks very nice on you, it's a flattering look. I hope Greg made out ok with his test and he gets good results. Nice that you and Greg have been able to cycle so much, it's great warm weather has finally shown up in NJ.
@springerspaniel, so glad the new job is going well. I am very sorry about the loss of your mother in law, it's good you and dh were able to see her.
@Austina, great news about the refund, what a relief. You and Colin have definitely had an exhausting few weeks. I'm glad things are settling down. What a pain about the counter but it will look beautiful when it's done. Yes, I actually do have something to had told me a while back to never say never and I guess you were right on that one lol!

Dh suggested I get some new bling so I spent a few months looking at the usual suspects. I did order a ring from Victor Barbone and it was pretty but didn't wow me. When ChristyDanielle posted her ring in pre-loved I said Bingo that's the one. 3.5 ct N. I'm thrilled with it and am really enjoying wearing it. Today is our anniversary, 38 years, so this is a nice way to celebrate.

Hope everyone has a restful weekend!


Feb 24, 2017
Congratulations @junebug17 it’s a gorgeous ring and looks stunning on you. Happy Anniversary, wishing you many more happy years together.


Mar 31, 2018
@junebug17 What a gorgeous diamond and setting! You must be so thrilled!


Apr 19, 2004

@junebug17 you have a stunning ring and a fabu man of 38 years! Doesn't get better than that. Oh and your hands are gorgeous. It is ll good!



Jun 17, 2009

@junebug17 you have a stunning ring and a fabu man of 38 years! Doesn't get better than that. Oh and your hands are gorgeous. It is ll good!


Sharon, thank you for the kind words, I really appreciate them!


Sep 26, 2011
Hi all!

@marcy, glad you had a great birthday, LOL to that card. You're the busiest retired person I know! Glad the job is working out so well. Looking forward to seeing your new earrings.
@MamaBee, sending healing vibes and I hope your finger is back to normal by the time you get your ring. Can't wait to see it.
@canuk-gal, I'm glad you're holding strong on your workdays. So nice you got dressed up and went out for a nice meal, sounds like fun.
@mrs-b, congratulations on the adoption being finalized. Very happy for you and Eleanor. I hope your back isn't acting up too much and Tim is doing ok. You had asked about the weather in was warmer than usual, upper 80's and sunny most days. Have you decided on whether you're going to do a 3 stone ring?
@bling_dream19, sending good thoughts your way.
@missy, that style looks very nice on you, it's a flattering look. I hope Greg made out ok with his test and he gets good results. Nice that you and Greg have been able to cycle so much, it's great warm weather has finally shown up in NJ.
@springerspaniel, so glad the new job is going well. I am very sorry about the loss of your mother in law, it's good you and dh were able to see her.
@Austina, great news about the refund, what a relief. You and Colin have definitely had an exhausting few weeks. I'm glad things are settling down. What a pain about the counter but it will look beautiful when it's done. Yes, I actually do have something to had told me a while back to never say never and I guess you were right on that one lol!

Dh suggested I get some new bling so I spent a few months looking at the usual suspects. I did order a ring from Victor Barbone and it was pretty but didn't wow me. When ChristyDanielle posted her ring in pre-loved I said Bingo that's the one. 3.5 ct N. I'm thrilled with it and am really enjoying wearing it. Today is our anniversary, 38 years, so this is a nice way to celebrate.

Hope everyone has a restful weekend!

Holy s##t that is beautiful!!!!!


Feb 27, 2007

@missy you know I just had to be obnoxious and ask you about your sunglasses. I’d say that’s how I roll but Marty would say I’m not hip enough to talk that way. I’m just glad you have plenty of sunglasses for protection and you should always be able to find pair. You can see all 5 planets through early July and with your horizon being the ocean probably until about July 10th. I hope you enjoyed staying home today and getting things done around the house. Greg definitely had a long day! Hoping his tests went well and the board meeting wasn’t chaos. As for my earrings they are still in production. It’s like they have other pieces of jewelry to put together or something. How rude! Great pictures from yesterday and how nice of the deer to pose for you.

@Austina yes it sounds like we are alike - why put off to tomorrow what I can get done today. Marty is the exact opposite - taught me some patience and caused me much stress over the years. Oh no the counter top was scratched. Hope it doesn’t take too long to get a new one. Woo hoo and finally to getting your refund from BA. That is pretty poor customer service how long it took.

@junebug17 happy anniversary and your new ring is beautiful! Wear it in good health. It looks perfect on your hand.

I had a busy day - periodontal cleaning, grocery shopping, cooking lunch, working, lifting and running a few other errands. I forgot to pick up my prescription that was ready but I am getting a haircut in the morning so I’ll get it then. My boss told me I was a godsend today so I guess I won’t get fired this week.

Take care.


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! Happy FriYAY!

@marcy no, you could never be obnoxious. I think I will donate most of my Maui Jims since I do not plan on needing them. I do love them though. Thanks for that info and maybe I will get a chance to see the planets. So cool. I cannot wait to see your new earrings. I am loving all the blingtastic pieces the NIRDIs are getting! Thanks for the good wishes. Yesterday went very well and while we have yet to speak to his doctor (I think they want Greg to schedule an appt which is not happening anytime soon) the doctor who was there during his tests indicated they went well. But couldn't say anything officially and since I wasn't there I couldn't read the room. So we shall see. But Greg said she said that his exercise capacity was amazing. The best she's seen. LOL. I will wait to hear from his cardiologist however. Fingers crossed it is good news. Aww that is great that your new boss knows your worth and feels you are incredibly valuable to them. Not a surprise to me. Hugs to you and have a good FriYAY!

@bling_dream19 big hugs and bucketloads of healing vibes to you. No matter what the next few months entail I am sending you the strength to make the right decision for you and may good health and a happy long life be yours. Lots of love and hugs to you and T and your parents. XOXO

@mrs-b you and Tim remain in my thoughts and I am sending you big hugs. May your back pain be relieved earlier and earlier in the day to the point where you are completely out of pain. That is my fervent wish for you. And if you need to have that surgery in September may it go as perfectly as possible. Or as my furry crew would say as purrrrrrfectly as possible. All my love to you and Tim.

@Slickk Ooooh my goodness! SWOON!!!! OUT of this world!!! Happy 34th my sweet friend. I am so happy for you! Wishing you another 34 happy and healthy years at least. That ring. GORGEOUS! Big hugs.

Speaking of gorgeous rings @junebug17 that is a beauty. Wear her in good health and happiness and happy anniversary. 38 years is impressive!

@rainwood what adventures we experience. We could write a book. Oh wait, haha. Hoping the neighborhood gets much deserved peace and quiet soon and that all remains well. And that the summer plans progress as hoped. Big hugs and lots of stay safe vibes.

@springerspaniel woohoo it's the weekend already. Almost. Have a wonderful weekend. XOXO

@Austina glad things are coming along and going smoothly. And the finances got straightened out finally. You should be having sweet dreams in your new home and with peace of mind. That is everything. Big hugs and good wishes today and always.

@MamaBee good morning. I hope you have a fun weekend in store and cannot wait to see what bling is coming your way. Biggest hugs to you. And thinking of your mom and hoping she is doing as well as possible.

@canuk-gal it's almost the weekend. Any cycling plans? Ours looks pretty rainy this weekend so we shall see. I do need to head to Brooklyn to pick up some things. It is amazing to me I have been here two plus years with most of my clothing and possessions back in NYC. Yet here I am fine and happy. I guess I don't need all those things. Including most (99%) of my bling lol. Shhh don't tell anyone they might take away my PS card. :lol: Have a wonderful weekend. XOXO

Hi everyone else. Yesterday was a good day. Greg did his cardiology tests and had a good meeting that night with our brooklyn shareholders (went much better than anticipated but all because of Greg) and I caught up with friends and got to vacuum. All in all a successful day lol. Today is cycling woohoo. Have a wonderful FriYAY all. Be well and stay safe and have fun.

This is for @mrs-b
We didn't have ice cream yesterday but I wanted to give you an ice cream photo.
From a year ago...
For now this will do. But one day in person!

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Have a happy FriYAY my sweet friends.
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Jan 3, 2013
@junebug17 congratulations on such a gorgeous piece. I’ve always loved that ring!! Enjoy it and all of your other gorgeous rings!! You have fab taste!!


Feb 27, 2007

@junebug17 I keep looking at your beautiful new ring. You must be admiring it all the time. Congratulations.

@missy I am glad things went well for Greg yesterday both at the doctor and board meeting, Yay! And yes, I am obnoxious. Good idea to donate some of your Maui Jim glasses. I looked at them recently when we got new glasses, but I went with Oakley again. I have 2 pairs or computer glasses and don't need 2 pairs anymore so I am taking one pair in with me to donate when I go by the vision clinic sometime. Gorgeous sunrise photo and delicious looking ice cream.

I edited a few articles today and got a haircut. I am whittling down the list of places to notify of Marty's change of address. I could work on another article but think I'm done for the day. I picked off dead flowers, about 6 plants are completely dead so might pick up a few more plants in the morning. I am almost done with skein 4 of the afghan. One more to go!

Take care.


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Glorious weather....finally!!?? 24C. DH got up early today and sunned himself...LOL...I slept in. No wind. By the time I got up the wind came in, but nothing that would stop our activities....we rode our usual 14K loop and then I walked a large park, myself. I needed the my space and DH had done his fare share of exercise this week while I worked...I am good on my own and mostly I prefer it. We met for happy hour on a patio . Perfect.

I am not going to talk about work. But I will say I look forward to Jurassic Park this weekend at the theatre! Gosh, I CANT wait to hear "that" roar!!! Family event. Fitting since I read the book when I was a new Mother, up at night, like new Mothers are. Perfect.

I cleaned some of my jewellery today for the first time in ages. Makes such a difference. Perfect.

While the world, or is anything near perfect, I'll set the intention it is.



Aug 18, 2013
Hallo NIRDIs :))

@springerspaniel - thinking of you this weekend with your MIL's memorial service. Hugs to you. <3. And of course your work colleagues must have realized what a find they had in you when you did your presentation - well done you!

@missy - I LOVE the new hair look@. If it's a 'keep or return' scenario - definitely keep!! Your face looks beautiful! And I just love a woman who has dozens of pairs of glasses/sunglasses. :mrgreen: Great news re greg's test and good job re the board meeting.

@Slickk - I'm pretty sure your ring was trying to make its way to me in Boston!! Sadly for me, it clearly redirected itself and is now with you. Yay for you! It's a beauty, Slickk - and congratulations on 34 years! Wishing you many more years of bliss, lots of bling joy, and an end to what I gather has been a difficult term. Hugs to you!

@marcy - how much longer till the earrings arrive? From what I can see, you work *all* the time, so clearly deserve a new sparkly! And the afghan sounds awesome! I need to learn how to knit another stick another than plain!

@junebug17 - your new ring is beautiful! I'm glad you picked up that awesome deal on that gorgeous jewel! it looks beautiful on your hand. And yay for husbands who suggest we go bling shopping!! Tim and I are 38 years this year as well. <3

@bling_dream19 - a joy, as always, chatting with you yesterday. Thinking of you this weekend and sending big love from Boston!

@Austina - can't wait to see photos! And I do hope things are easing; the list of things to-do is just endless when one moves - I can't even imagine what it's like when you've built from scratch!! Hoping there are some mimosas amongst all that nesting. :))

@canuk-gal - how are you doing? Have you been able to keep work to 2 days a week? Do you ever work on the weekend? I love the sound of your evening out and of getting all dolled up! Tim and Eleanor and I are going out tomorrow evening for an early birthday celebration and I'm looking forward to it! I don't know that we'll be all dolled up, but at least we should all get out of sweats. :roll2: We're planning to see Jurassic Park this weekend also - hoping it's GRRRRRRRReat!

As for me - my back/leg continues to ache, but it is what it is. I hope my body holds together till September and that the surgery, when I have it, helps; I am pretty much over this pain.

On the upside, Tim and I have booked a vacation on Grand Cayman Island for next March, which will be 40 years since we met and our lives changed forever. We've booked a ground floor, beach front room with a lanai at the Westin Grand Cayman Resort on Seven Mile Beach, which opens onto the sand and then straight to the beach. And boy - do we need it! It's pretty pricey, but anything else wouldn't be *exactly* what we wanted, so we've decided to spend the money and get exactly the vacation we crave. Here's a link to the resort:

And here's a photo of the room:

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Isn't this lovely? Praying that things improve after September and we make it to our much needed time away.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend - NIRDI shoutout!


Jun 7, 2014
WOW @junebug!!! I’m so happy for you! Your new ring is gorgeous!!! It looks like perfection on your hand. I don’t think this diamond is capable of taking a bad picture. It’s STUNNING! Happy Anniversary to you and your DH. I hope you had a wonderful anniversary.

I‘m sorry I missed your birthday @marcy. I‘m glad you had a happy one. It’s nice to read that your new job is appreciating all you do. I think we can all agree you are not retired! I can’t wait to see your new earrings.

@mrs-b, What a beautiful and heartwarming gift idea for Eleanor. The picture you posted with Eleanor is lovely. She will treasure this gift always. I’m so very happy for you both. I hope you and Tim have been feeling well. That hotel looks wonderful.

@Austina, It’s wonderful news that you are in your new home. I can’t wait to see how you decorate it. I’m sure it’s going to be beautiful. You have such great taste. It must feel great to have this move over with and get settled into your new home.

@springerspaniel, I’m sorry to hear about the loss of your MIL. I’m glad you are enjoying your new job. It’s always stressful the first couple months in a new job. Your post about your job made me laugh.

@MamaBee, So exciting you will get your new ring soon. Has the swelling in your finger gone down? Even though your vacation didn’t turn out as you had hoped it still sounded like a great time. Do you know when the work will be complete in your home? We had work done in our home the past few weeks and I feel your pain.

@canuk-gal, Don’t forget to bring the champagne when you visit Austina. Have fun seeing Jurassic Park.

@Slickk, Happy Anniversary!

It’s been a fun week. One of the little ones had a birthday this week. It’s always fun when they love their gifts.


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls!

@mrs-b woohoo Grand Cayman and happy 40th to be! So much to look forward to and so happy for you regarding Eleanor's adoption soon. You deserve only joyous events and happiness. I know things will get better. One day at a time. Sending you lots of love.

@marcy I need a haircut. Glad you got one and edited some articles too. Almost there with the afghan. Enjoy. And congrats to Marty and his change of address. Have a wonderful weekend.

@Slickk how are you going to decide which ring to wear? Lots of blingdlicious choices for sure.

@bling_dream19 have a wonderful and peaceful weekend. Lots of love.

@canuk-gal enjoy the movie. Let us know how it is. Hope you have a warm weather weekend.

@MamaBee can you find the deer? :)

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Hi everyone else. We had a great cycling day yesterday and looks like the rain might hold off til tonight fingers crossed so cycling we shall go. We hit over 2K last week I believe. Have a wonderful weekend and be well.

@mrs-b and anyone else who LOVES cold delicious ice cream, this is for you.
Greg's flavor was espresso. Very rich. I stuck with strawberries. \
Fresh and organic and oh so delish.

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To all my friends may you enjoy a sweet filled with good things weekend.


Aug 18, 2013

"Very rich espresso"....OK!! I'm telling you, @missy - it's only a matter of time till I adopt one of these photos as my PS profile shot! I mean, jewelry is one thing. But ice cream.... :kiss2::kiss2::kiss2: Strawberry and coconut are normally my 2 favorite flavors, but today, you had me at "very rich".



Apr 19, 2004

LOLS. We went out for a ride--my DH said the rain is coming and it did. Thundershower and got a little wet. DH was mad. Seems I picked the only time of the day it would shower!! Didn't bother me at all--my Pearl Izumi jacket did its job!! Sunny and warm all day except for the we were out. LOLS. As my Mom would say, a little rain never hurt anybody.

@missy good on ya for donating sunglasses. Those items will be very well received! Glad Greg's tests and meetings went well.

@Calliecake sounds like you had a fun week. :wavey:

@Austina are you pooped out yet? Bet you have a few aches, but it is worth it. And congrats on BA refunding your $$.

@marcy we need a picture update on your afghan. Please!

@mrs-b your anniversary trip sounds divine. And yes, I am holding fast to working two days a week. I've been rather frustrated lately , that I might even drop to one day. My DH suggested as I no longer look forward to working--then why go? (as we all need something to look forward to or get pleasure from). Hang in there!

@springerspaniel thinking of you this weekend.

NIRDI shout out!!!!



Jun 17, 2009
Hi @Calliecake, so good to hear from you! Thank you so much for the nice words about my ring and sharing in my excitement. How fun for you to celebrate a little one's birthday, seeing them excited and happy is such a day brightener.
@mrs-b, beautiful room and wonderful destination! Nice to have something to look forward to. Thanks for the lovely comment on my ring - fun to share with people who get it. I'm sorry about your pain and I hope it eases soon.
@canuk-gal, yay to warm weather but it's too bad about the rain. Have fun with the family and enjoy the movie. And dh has a good point about work, just sayin!
@missy, thank you for the compliment and the anniversary wishes.
Thank you for that nice comment on my ring @marcy, made my day. Sounds like you had a productive day and I hope you have a relaxing day tomorrow. Any idea when your new earrings arrive?

Quiet weekend here, ds and I are planning on catching a few episodes of Stranger Things. Love that show!

Take care all!

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Hello dear NIRDI friends
Long time no see
Im just hopless at keeping track of it all
My mental capacity hurts

But i wanted to pop in and see how @missy 's Greig is
im glad the tests went well

Hello to you all
belated happy birthdays, marry Christmass, happy holidays, happy mother's day and enjoy your summer

We have had rainy weather for days so no planets for us
yummy looking ice cream

and nnaturally some lovelly rings

take care everyone
Stay safe


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! Happy Sweet Sunday!

Aww thank you Nikki @Daisys and Diamonds we don't have his results yet. We have to talk to his cardiologist and unsure as to when that will happen. There was a doctor administering the cardiac tests but she didn't evaluate them so we really don't know the results. She did say his exercise capacity is excellent. But we have no info as to the results of the nuclear stress test or the echocardiogram. He was there for six hours doing the tests and had an IV administered. Appreciate you checking in and I will let you know when we know. Hope all is well with you and Gary. XOXO

@canuk-gal well haha we went cycling yesterday and had a brief (30 minute) storm interlude that became incredibly heavy with lighting and thunders so we sought shelter from the storm. Luckily it passed in about half an hour so we continued our our way. It was smart not to brave the storm at its height as it was very dangerous. A nice woman who passed by asked if we wanted to wait in the garage of the building we were near. We politely declined as we were mainly protected by an awning but that was super nice of her. Hope you are having a terrific weekend. Hugs

@mrs-b I cannot wait to have you sample all the flavors in person. XOXO

@junebug17 you are very welcome. Glad you are enjoying Stranger Things. We are watching a hilarious comedy called Working Moms. And we saw a good movie last night about a memory stealing disease. It was sad but romantic.

@Slickk I am still swooning over your anniversary ring. It's GORGEOUS. I am so happy for you and may you wear her in good health, blingy joy and many more decades of wedded bliss. XOXO

@springerspaniel I hope you are having a lovely weekend. Ours is now a washout but most of yesterday was nice albeit a brief downpour with lightning and thunder. It was worth cycling despite the interruption. If we waited for purrrrrrfect weather we would never cycle. LOL. Big hugs.

@marcy I second the request for an afghan photo pretty please. Hope you are enjoying a terrific weekend. XOXO

@bling_dream19 hope you are doing well and enjoying a lovely weekend sweet friend. Big hugs.

Hi everyone else. We had a good ride yesterday despite a brief interruption with the storm and enjoyed furry babies (Milton, Jenny, Daisy), deer, and ice cream. A purrrfect Caturday Saturday for sure. Hope everyone has a good Sunday. We might head to Brooklyn so I can pick up some things but not sure if I have the energy to make the trip. And see our apartment as for some reason that makes me sad. IDK. We shall see. I am going to workout now and wish my sweet friends here a lovely Sunday. XOXO

Our sunrise this Sunday

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And of course our ice cream selection yesterday.
For @mrs-b

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Sweet Sunday sweet friends. XOXO


Jun 8, 2008
I took a quick video. Before the storm got bad but it gives you an idea.
Gotta love the Jersey Shore weather. One second beautiful and next second a monsoon. LOL



Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

It’s going to be amazing @mrs-b, Grand Cayman is lovely, and I’m not sure if I’m remembering correctly, but I think you can go to Hell there :lol:

I’ll swap you some sunshine for rain @missy, it’s HOT, HOT, HOT here! Hopefully you’ll be able to speak to someone soon about Greg’s results, but no surprise at his fitness level being so high. I have to thank you for your recommendation on Maui Jim sunglasses, I bought some and wear them in the car, the lenses are great. Amazing photo of the sunrise today, whatever you’re doing, enjoy your day. I don’t think I ever answered your question about my favourite flavour of ice cream - it’s coconut, closely followed by mint choc chip :lickout:

I still can’t believe your ring is N colour @junebug17, it’s absolutely stunning in every way.

Glad you enjoyed your soggy ride @canuk-gal, and good for you for sticking to your guns about your work hours. I eventually felt that way about working at the dentist, I ceased to enjoy it, so stopped doing it. It’s amazing how easy it is to fill your days.

Sending warm thoughts your way @bling_dream19 and wishing you nothing but good things.

Thanks @Calliecake, it really does feel good to finally be settled after all this time. It’s been a long haul to get here, and now we finally feel home.

You’re always so busy @marcy, I hope you find some time for yourself this weekend. Any ETA on your earrings yet?

Hi @Daisys and Diamonds, how’s life treating you? I hope you and Gary are doing OK.

I hope everything is going well with your job @springerspaniel, and it’s not causing you any major stresses. How’re the pups?

We’ve had another busy few days, the guy came to do the cabinet hinges and drawers on Friday, and whilst talking to him, he said he could fit the handles on the units for us, and install the sink etc., in the laundry for me.

Adam came yesterday as our internet was spotty in some parts of the house, so he bought extenders and set it all up for us, helped me set up Robo Vac, and set our a/c controls. Kim had her sister and twins over, so I think he was glad to get out of the house :lol:

We had a long FT session with our friends this morning, and are just about to unpack some more things and set up our back porch furniture.

Leaving you with a couple of photos, the house looks a bit bare because we’ve yet to put up pictures and mirrors.


26F3F6AE-0634-4B2C-90DC-6E9FBEA8F694.jpeg 1E6DF6AC-A252-456C-8A23-F573EB651616.jpeg D6888E65-622F-4386-A8AE-1B44A424750F.jpeg


Jun 17, 2009
Thank you @Austina! I'm so pleased with this ring.
Wow, your house looks beautiful! It's a home now, and yay to Adam for being such a big help. Congrats again, it's so wonderful that what you and Colin have been dreaming of for years is now a reality.


Aug 18, 2013
Congratulations on really being *in* your new home now, @Austina! Your furniture fits in beautifully and I hope it's now much more familiar and home-like for both you and C.

@missy - I LOVE that rain weather! Don't you just love the sound? I sleep to the sound of rain every night. Gotta love it! :)) Did you manage to get to Brooklyn?

@junebug17 - what do you think of Stranger Things? Do you feel as tho it's getting...well...stranger? Eleanor has been watching it but is starting to disconnect from it because, in her words, "It's getting too weird." The photo of the recent episode with the little boy with the bleeding eyes was more than enough for me!! I hope your weekend is relaxing and regenerative.

@canuk-gal - I have to say, l'm with your husband. If work is no longer enjoyable to you, then why? I'm glad you're holding fast to 2 days - how are your knees, shoulders and back in general? Nursing is a bear of a thing for joints! I hope your weekend is going beautifully. :))

Hi there, @Calliecake! So - who had a birthday and what was the gift they enjoyed? Having little kids in the house for birthdays and Christmas is sooo much fun!

@Daisys and Diamonds - how are you? It's so nice to 'see' you on this thread! How is Gary? And how is my tree?? Is it still with you or has she had the chop? Out of curiosity - have you ever heard of the NZ annual film festival? It's on once a year and showcases New Zealand movies and cinematic talent. It's run by a friend of mine - Marten Rabarts. I just wondered if you'd heard of it.

As for things here - it's my birthday soon and so Tim, Eleanor and I went out to dinner last night, as Eleanor goes back to California tomorrow morning. We went to my favorite restaurant in Boston and ate and drank our hearts out! Here's 2 photos of my darling girl and my beautiful husband.

Eleanor Menton June 11 2022.jpg

Tim Menton June 11 2022.jpeg

Last Friday, Tim had a biopsy on the sarcoidosis manifesting on his lymph nodes under his clavicle. That was about as painful as that sounds like it would be. They biopsied 4 sites - 2 fine needle, 2 core punch. We're waiting for the results and hoping for the best. Prayers and warm thoughts appreciated. On the upside, his new employer put out a press release about Tim joining the company, and he's had past business associates coming out of the woodwork to say hallo. It's been very enjoyable for him.

As for me - back still crap. Assume that to be the case unless I say otherwise. Hoping to get on the plane out to LA on Wednesday - fingers crossed I make it.

I hope everyone is having a lovely weekend! Love to you all! <3


Feb 27, 2007

@canuk-gal that’s great you are having nice weather. We are too. It is in the 90’s today. Wow to so many miles on the bike and walking a large park. I bet you felt great and enjoyed that. Nice to meet your DH for happy hour. I hope you enjoy the movie and sweet to have clean jewelry. That’s great your jacket keep you dry and warm from the rain.

@mrs-b I am sure enjoying knitting so much again. I put it up for years (a mental thing) but started again last year sometime. Sorry your back and legs are still giving you such pain; hurry up September surgery! The trip to the Grand Cayman Island sounds wonderful and how nice to celebrating the 40th anniversary of meeting. I swear @missy makes me want ice cream all the time.

@Calliecake thank you for the birthday wishes and yes I’d agree I can no longer say I am retired. I apparently enjoy being busy. Sounds like a fun celebration for one of the little one’s birthdays. I am sure you helped spoil them.

@missy the deer was easy to pick out in your pictures only because of the distinct shape of the ears. It’s hiding but not very well. Woo hoo to over 2K miles already this year. You and Greg are amazing at the miles you put in! Great video of the storm.

@junebug17 I have not watched Stranger Things yet but hear a lot of people like it. I rented the last season of 24 today, I needed something to watch while knitting. Enjoy your quiet weekend.
@Daisys and Diamonds glad you got some rain and hopefully you can catch the planets; all 5 are visible through early July.

@Austina your home is beautiful! You have a lot set up already and that’s great Adam got your internet working better. We had to put a repeater in the dining room because our router is in the basement; it really makes a difference.

I have had a quiet weekend. Saturday I ran quite a few errands and watched movies and knit. Today, I did laundry and knit. I am on skein #5. Woo hoo!

My earrings still are listed as expecting to ship on June 13 but they are in production not quality check. So probably delivery sometime this week. I sent off my sapphire halo ring to be repaired for a missing diamond that made me kind of nervous. I forgot about the FedEx won’t insure packages for over $1000. I find that strange because the company I sent it to wants you to send repairs in by FedEx and insure it for cost. Um, you can’t! I am sure it’ll be fine but I will be happy to see confirmation of delivery tomorrow.

Take care.

Marty's feet hang off the end of the couch so I do need about another 12 inches on this.


Feb 27, 2007
@mrs-b mega dust coming Tim's way on his test results. Looks like you had a great dinner out with Eleanor and Tim. When is your birthday? Happy almost birthday!
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