
Now I really did it :((


Feb 27, 2007

@bling_dream19 glad to hear your mom is still healing and life is good.

@missy great pictures from your hike. Cute deer. I didn’t venture out to get Marty’s prescription - I guess if he needs it today he will pick it up after the gym tonight. I did walk the trashcan out and bring it back in after they came by and picked trash up. We have at least 2” of snow so far today.

@mrs-b that is great news! Glad to hear Tim’s job is safe.

@junebug17 hope you are doing well.

@mrs-b hoping you get a date for surgery SOON! Big hugs coming your way.

I woke up this morning when Marty left for the gym so got up and started a roast in the crock pot - cooking at 5 am? What was I thinking? At least it was ready for lunch that way. And no wonder I am yawning at 3:45 pm.

I had lesson 11 of my class and skimmed through this session since I don’t really plan on rating my pictures and categorizing them.

I finished Marty’s wool hat version 2 this afternoon because he’ll need it when he goes to the gym. I made it quite a bit longer so he can double it up more over his ears. Next project is a hat and scarf for a friend of mine.

Take care.


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls and it's terrific Thursday!

@mrs-b woohoo! So happy for you and Tim! Keep the good news coming please. Surgery date soon fingers crossed. Big hugs.

@marcy love marty's new hat and the model is purrrfect or should I say arfilicious.
Hope you didn't get too much more snow. Hope you got a good night's sleep after being awake so early yesterday. XO

@Jemi big hugs. Hope all is well. Hugs

@bling_dream19 good morning! XO

@Slick1 woohoo it's Thursday.Hugs

@MamaBee cannot believe how fast the weeks are going. XO

Hi everyone else, hope all is going well. We enjoyed a beautiful hike yesterday on our local trail and looks like one more decent weather day so another hike today. Have a beautiful day and enjoy.

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Jun 7, 2014
It’s such great news about Tim’s job @mrs-b. I‘m so glad you can put that stressful situation behind you and can just concentrate on your health. Have they been able to get your pain level under control? I hope your appointment with the surgeon goes well today.

Marcy, You are so talented. You could have a whole new career with your beautiful pictures. I’m sure Marty loves his new hat. Your niece is are going to love the quilt your mom made. There won’t be a dry eye in the room when she opens this present. I got goosebumps reading what you wrote.

OMG @junebug17 that beach picture looks like heaven! Living in the midwest makes you really long for warm weather and putting your feet in warm sand especially at this time of the year.

@canuk-gal, I’m so happy you have a visit planned with your mom. Have a wonderful time with her. It has to be so hard for you not living close by. How fun you had lunch with your friend and her VCA’s. My stepdad was hospitalized last week and then the paramedics had to be called for my mom when he was in the hospital. It‘s hard watching their health rapidly decline. I’ve gotten to the point where as long as they get to come home, it’s all good. You deal with the crises as they come and are just thankful it isnt worse.

@MamaBee, Is your mom’s floor still doing well regarding Covid? Is she doing well? I know this has been really stressful for you. Hopefully you will be able to see her soon.

@bling_dream19, You are still newlyweds!!! It’s so much fun looking at each new piece you purchase. I’m glad your mom is doing well.

@springerspaniel , Your furbabies are precious! I hope everything is going well for you.

@Austina, Hopefully the window will be installed soon. It’s common for things to be delayed when building a home in the states. Covid has made the delays much worse. It’s has to be frustrating not seeing the progress you are hoping for. Your home is going to be gorgeous when it’s finished. You have great taste and I can’t wait to see how beautiful it will be.
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Jun 8, 2008
@mrs-b keeping good thoughts for you as you have your appointment. Praying it goes exactly how you want it to and relief will be yours very soon...((((Hugs)))).

This is for you.



Aug 18, 2013
March 16th; surgery date.



I'm so relieved. Scared, sure. but relieved, too. I'm also going to Hawaii for a vacation on May 20th, so I have my eyes FIXED on that. It's my reward.

The only down side - I may have to have a second surgery if this doesn't address the issues. But that wouldn't be for another 6 months after the one in March, as I'd need to heal before I could have it. So for now, this is the biggest step forward. I've also started the surgical path with a dr - so if I *do* need more, he's locked in to doing it.

Between this and Tim's job, things are looking up for me right now. Thanks to you all for your friendship and support. @missy - bless you for your text this morning, and @springerspaniel - thanks for your lovely email yesterday; it was nice to think of *anything* other than my health! ox
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Mar 31, 2018
@mrs-b I‘m so happy that your surgery is scheduled, Tim’s job is secure..Hawaii here you go! This is great news…

@missy You are such a special person. I have never met you in person but I can see who you are. You are the best of the best. I just want you to know that. Big hugs..XOXO

You make me laugh when you tell me to find the deer or Greg..:lol:

@Calliecake I‘m so sorry your step-dad and mom are having health issues. It’s scary…I haven’t seen my mom since Christmas Day. There has been over 80+ Covid cases at the home since Christmas. She’s been negative so far..TG..I won’t go to her floor until her floor is free from Covid. I dropped off KN95 masks for her to wear when they come in to wrap her legs and do vitals. She’s pretty safe in her room..but it’s isolating. I’m going to get an antibody test next week to see if I have any antibodies. Depending on the results I will pick her up when she tests negative and there’s a break on her floor.

@canuk-gal That‘s so wonderful you were able to have lunch with your friend. I’m sure you are looking forward to seeing your mom. Are you going next week? Will you also see your sister?

@Austina I hope those windows arrive soon! It will be a distant memory…Have you met anyone in your new neighborhood? I found the people in Texas to be very friendly. The only negative I had when we lived there were the palmetto bugs. I met my neighbors when they heard my blood curdling screams! :lol:

@bling_dream19 I love that you are still a newlywed. I remember that time with fond memories. I got pregnant within three months…It wasn't on purpose..We didn’t get that time together in the beginning. You make me smile when I hear you describe what your life is like now. I remember you were nervous before you got married. I’m happy you are loving married life.

@junebug17 Thank you for the pics! The photos are so pretty! I would love to live by the water. I do but not the ocean.

Hi to everyone else..Hubby just got back from NJ..


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

I hope your appt went really well today @mrs-b and that you’ve got a date for your surgery. Woohoo, great news about Tim’s job, one less worry for now. In answer to your question, no we didn’t do anything for VD, we rarely do :lol: How fun to have a trip to Hawaii to look forward to. We went there 39 years ago when I was pregnant with Adam.

What great photos @junebug17, not quite beach weather here, but we’ve had some lovely warm days, interspersed with some cold miserable days.

We did meet the neighbours to the left of us @MamaBee, and would you believe they’re also English, though from a very different part of the country to us. I hope you can see your Mum soon, I know it’s a worry that there are covid cases there, but you’re doing all you can to keep her safe.

I’m so sorry that your Mum and step-father are having so many health issues @Calliecake, it’s such a worry for you.

So glad you got to catch up with your friend @canuk-gal and drool over her VCA.

5am @marcy o_O You’ve got to knock that habit in to touch immediately! No wonder you were tired by early afternoon. The hat has come out great and is expertly modelled by the bear.

What a cute photo of you and your sister @missy, nice to have the happy childhood memories to look back on. I’m so pleased to hear your telemedicine call went so well. What a change to have someone spend the time and listen to your concerns. I hope something good comes of it and you can move forward and get the insurance co. to approve the drugs you need.

How’s the pupster now @springerspaniel, all recovered from his misadventure?

Any projects on the go @bling_dream19 ?

We’ve had a busy few days. We had an email on Tuesday morning to say the site manager had spoken to the window people, and the windows were going to be fitted on Tuesday. We went up to see the house on Tuesday, and you’ve guessed, no windows :angryfire: What we did notice was that one of the 3 high level windows in the master bathroom had been enlarged.

We went to Ikea yesterday, just for something to do, and I managed to get us there and back :mrgreen:

Late yesterday evening we had another email to say the windows were being fitted, so after lunch we went up to the house again, and hallelujah, we’ve got windows, not all of them, but most of them. 2 of the big windows in the living room were missing, but there were windows everywhere else :dance: The house was also full of plasterboard (Sheetrock), so hopefully they’ll be getting on with that soon. At long last, some progress.

Big love and hugs to you all :wavey:


Feb 24, 2017
Oops, forgot the photo, taken from inside the car, hence the green tinge.



Mar 31, 2018
Oops, forgot the photo, taken from inside the car, hence the green tinge.


I see windows!!! Oh..Happy Day! The house looks so nice!!!


Jun 7, 2014
I hope you get to see your mom soon @MamaBee. I’m glad she has been able to stay safe in her room but it has to be hard knowing she is so isolated. Does she seem to be handling it ok? Were you able to get your 4th shot?

@Austina , WINDOWS!!! I can see the smile on your face from here. It’s really exciting when they start putting up the drywall.


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls and happy FriYAY!

@mrs-b I am so happy for you! Your good news made my evening. And this is the beginning of a better tomorrow for you and Tim and sending you both the biggest hugs and much love. Always.

@MamaBee you are the sweetest truly .Thank you for always being there for me and for being a beacon of light. Everyone who knows you and to whom you are a friend is a very lucky person. Sending you lots of love and big hugs. XOXO

@springerspaniel sending you lots of hugs and good wishes for your new career and hoping Freddie and Clyde are doing very well. Virtual hugs outgoing to all of you.

Woohoo Windows @Austina yay!!! Finally!!! So happy for you :appl:Before you know it you will be in your beautiful new home. NIRDI party! Haha. Maybe one far is the drive from NY/NJ to Austin? :)

Speaking of Texas @Tekate sending you lots of love across the miles and hoping all is well.

@bling_dream19 happy FriYAY! Hugs.

@Slick1 it's almost the weekend woohoo. We are getting a lot of rain right now. There won't be any snow left after this. Until the next storm that is lol. Hugs.

@canuk-gal speaking of snow how is it going by you? Hope your momma is doing well. XOXO

@marcy how much snow did you end up getting? Have a great weekend and stay warm and cozy. Our temps got to 72 degrees yesterday and we slept with the AC last night. Yup. AC. It was too warm for February that is for sure. Crazy weather. But it is cold today...30s I believe. Anyway have a great day and hope all is well.

@rainwood I hope your week has been going smoothly and all is well. Big hugs.

Hi to everyone else. Our temps were in the low 70s F yesterday. It was super warm for February and we had to sleep with the AC last night lol. We had a good walk/hike and the days are speeding by as usual.

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Love you ladies. Stay well and enjoy. XOXO.


Jun 8, 2008
Our morning sun (without any sun) rise.
Through the raindrops.

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Aug 18, 2013
Our morning sun (without any sun) rise.
Through the raindrops.

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I love this view of a beach - moody, windy - just gorgeous. I used to love going to the beach back in Australia when the weather was warm, but overcast like this. I envy you this view, @missy, for sure!

It's been raining here overnight and it was 63 yesterday, with 62 forecast for today. ( Massachusetts. In February. Ok.....). Anyhoo, it's taken virtually all the snow with it and I am BEYOND grateful! Cold again tomorrow and a little snow forecast, but at least we'll be starting with a clean slate, rather than piling snow on snow on snow. Back in the 50's forecast for a few days next week, so hopefully we'll get rid of the last of it. I always breathe a sigh of relief in March - the month it goes from 'frigid and indoors' to 'cold/cool with outdoor possibilities'. Altho - having said that - back permitting, I'm heading off to California next Tuesday for a few weeks, prior to my surgery. I'm trying to get my Crohn's under control before my op and a change of scene will do me good. It's also Eleanor's 21st while I'm out there, so that will be a bunch of fun. :)) By the time I get back (March 14th) we should be over the worst of it and looking closely at spring. Yay!


Feb 27, 2007

@missy I did sleep in - thank you. Photos from your hike look lovely and cold. Wow to 72 degree weather there. Nice. We got about 3 inches of snow but temps were higher today and melted the new snow. Our iceberg is going down on the front lawn but is hanging in there. Next week is going to be frigid here though with some more snow.

@mrs-b I hope you aren’t in too much pain and can get that surgery behind you. Ooh a trip to Hawaii sounds fabulous. Nice your winter will be over in March; I wish I could say that. Enjoy your warmer weather and stay safe. Big hugs to you.

@Calliecake thank you - I do enjoy taking pictures. When I worked at the photo lab in the old days of 35mm film I used to take pictures all the time. I hope you niece does treasure that quilt; it is certainly special. I know my mom would be thrilled with another baby in the family. I hope you are doing well. Mega dust to your mom and step-dad.

@MamaBee what are palmetto bugs? Are those the bugs that are so plentiful they cover the ground? Ewe!

@Austina small world that your neighbors are English too. Marty didn’t think the puppy modeled his hat very well but I was amused. Woo hoo you finally got windows!!!! Progress for sure. We had plywood covering our bathroom window for months when we moved in because they cracked that window installing it; I don’t remember now why it took them so long to get a new one. Yay for driving to Ikea and back okay. Marty got me in an Ikea once - I’d rather not go there again. I didn’t like you basically have to wander the whole store but we did get some nice stuff for this house when we moved in.

I met Marty for breakfast then finished my Lightroom class. I only got an 83% on my final exam - I am so ashamed but some of the questions weren’t on my 12 quizzes and I had not desire to dig through 12 PDF lessons to find them. Two of them I missed I had the correct answer first then changed them - I know better than that but lets say I haven’t been a student for a long time. A friend of mine came over for lunch and to play cards. We ordered in lunch from Applebees. After she left I knit on a scarf and watched more episodes of 24. Someone told me the movie about Lucille Ball is pretty good so I will try to watch that sometime soon.

Take care.


Feb 21, 2019
TGIF happy FRIYAY nirdi friends! I hope everyone is ready for a relaxing weekend.
@missy your pics are gorgeous! Hugs to you my friend.
@mrs-b I'm so glad your husband's job is secure. I hope you're feeling better as well!
I hope everyone is well and happy! Love and hugs to all!


Jun 8, 2008
Happy Caturday Saturday girls!!! Happy weekend!

@marcy not bad 3" and yes to melting. Same here. Oh no, snow next week for you...and colder temps. We are getting colder temps now and it is in the 40s but with our wind gusts (up to 40 mph today) it will feel chiller.The meteorologist said it will feel frigid. It is getting colder as the weekend progresses. I am looking at our 10 day forecast right now. Crazy weather. 30s and 60s in the forecast both. A wild ride lol. Sorry about the 83% but that isn't bad. Glad you enjoyed lunch with your friend and played cards too. I might be the only one who feels this way but I did not like the new Lucille Ball movie. Let me know what you think after you watch it.

@bling_dream19 thank you and same! Big hugs sweet friend and have a wonderful weekend!

@Slick1 happy weekend! Hope you enjoy well deserved time off from work.

@mrs-b I took that photo just for you. And I took some video yesterday because as usual our hike ended up at the ocean. If we ever move from the coast I don't know how I will be missing the sea...I truly love everything about the ocean. The sounds, the smell, the feel.

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@mrs-b we have much in common. One of my tests indicates I might not be absorbing nutrients as in a GI issue...I looked up some of the treatments and some of them are scary. Anyway sending you so many well wishes and thoughts for a successful surgery and relief. Much deserved and much needed relief for you. Happy 21st to Eleanor (yesterday was our youngest niece's 14th birthday omg where is the time going) and have a beautiful time in sunny California.

Hi to everyone else, hope all is going well. We had a fun (though exhausting) hike yesterday (and as I wrote to mrs-b) and we ended up at the sea as we usually do if we have time. The ocean is magical and nothing is like it. Nothing. I am soaking it all up in case one day we move away from the sea. Greg wants to stay here forever though but I am thinking about us moving one day to a city/state where the weather is less extreme but still beautiful and where everyone does outdoor activities all year. I love Colorado (near Denver probably) but that is a long way off. Just thinking out loud and in the meantime I love living here.

Have a happy Caturday Saturday lovely ladies. Big hugs.
Speaking of which hot off the presses Frisky Oliver. Rascal that he is.

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Jun 8, 2008
My niece got an Air Tumbler Track for her birthday. She is into gymnastics etc.



May 11, 2013
Hola NIRDI's! sorry been MIA again, lots going naton and then nothing going on :)

updates: my best friend, whom I hadn't seen since October 2019 (not even zooming) called me, we talked for a bit (she's got a new grandson Theodore! what a cool name, I thought they would call him Theo, kind of Britishy! but they are calling him Teddy, he was an early bird, weighed 6lbs 1 oz and was 18 inches long, he was 2 weeks early, he looks so tiny in pix, Auti was 8lbs 9 oz and 21 inches. So bestie has been up to see him and is there now, THEN! she invited us for a visit this past week and we spent almost 75mins together, she get's very tired and hoarse :( but we have chatted 2x since then too. She is being told she will need a heart transplant and she doesn't want one, but she's only 57 and has 3 grands, 5, 4, 1 month, and has a lot to live for. Her DIL is a scientist and they plan to move whever son and DIL go to, except Wisconsin which is in the running, too cold she said.. we shall see. She has to see her heart failure doctor, her cardiac electrophysiologist m.d., every week, both of them, plus an endrocrinologist once every other week, and a bunch of other health specialists, it's been a real tough journey for her, I hope she comes around to accepting to get on the transplant list, but if I say much she cuts me off, naturally I think she is totally depressed, but it could be the meds she takes. That was a wonderful step forward for her and for me to start to feel normal, she's my ballast in life for the last 37 yrs. So I'm very upbeat for a change!

I had training this week to be a poll worker in Williamson County TX and all I can say is this: It's going to trip up a lot of older people (like me) who are used to the old way of voting.. so many rules.. ugh ugh.

For some reason this post POSTED! just typing away and it posted so I'm going to finish this now with a nothing new otherwise. going to read now. xoxoxo


May 11, 2013
Hello lovelies

I hope your appt went really well today @mrs-b and that you’ve got a date for your surgery. Woohoo, great news about Tim’s job, one less worry for now. In answer to your question, no we didn’t do anything for VD, we rarely do :lol: How fun to have a trip to Hawaii to look forward to. We went there 39 years ago when I was pregnant with Adam.

What great photos @junebug17, not quite beach weather here, but we’ve had some lovely warm days, interspersed with some cold miserable days.

We did meet the neighbours to the left of us @MamaBee, and would you believe they’re also English, though from a very different part of the country to us. I hope you can see your Mum soon, I know it’s a worry that there are covid cases there, but you’re doing all you can to keep her safe.

I’m so sorry that your Mum and step-father are having so many health issues @Calliecake, it’s such a worry for you.

So glad you got to catch up with your friend @canuk-gal and drool over her VCA.

5am @marcy o_O You’ve got to knock that habit in to touch immediately! No wonder you were tired by early afternoon. The hat has come out great and is expertly modelled by the bear.

What a cute photo of you and your sister @missy, nice to have the happy childhood memories to look back on. I’m so pleased to hear your telemedicine call went so well. What a change to have someone spend the time and listen to your concerns. I hope something good comes of it and you can move forward and get the insurance co. to approve the drugs you need.

How’s the pupster now @springerspaniel, all recovered from his misadventure?

Any projects on the go @bling_dream19 ?

We’ve had a busy few days. We had an email on Tuesday morning to say the site manager had spoken to the window people, and the windows were going to be fitted on Tuesday. We went up to see the house on Tuesday, and you’ve guessed, no windows :angryfire: What we did notice was that one of the 3 high level windows in the master bathroom had been enlarged.

We went to Ikea yesterday, just for something to do, and I managed to get us there and back :mrgreen:

Late yesterday evening we had another email to say the windows were being fitted, so after lunch we went up to the house again, and hallelujah, we’ve got windows, not all of them, but most of them. 2 of the big windows in the living room were missing, but there were windows everywhere else :dance: The house was also full of plasterboard (Sheetrock), so hopefully they’ll be getting on with that soon. At long last, some progress.

Big love and hugs to you all :wavey:

Austina! looking pretty awesome, gorgeous windows, moving along finally, although I'm surey you do love being with Adam.. English neighbors! who would ever have thought.. xo


May 11, 2013
@MamaBee you remind me of when one of my previous dogs ate a long red thick string of yarn and...yup...I had to help it move along. Thanks everyone for the well wishes. Freddie is as energetic as ever and appears much healthier. He had become dehydrated and bony and is now filling out. He is sharing the cone experience with us all, bonking us with it whenever he can. Thank goodness for pet insurance, by the way!

@missy I am grooving on all of your pictures, especially the seals. Sometimes I can see them up in Lubec ME but rarely in such abundance. We have several deer families that we follow in our backyard and our camera captured an owl mid-flight recently. All the best for Greg's US and hope you can get out for a walk this weekend after this latest storm.

I am so happy you are back @Tekate, matur-er than ever before! I wish I could meet you in person. You are so well-loved here, and I can tell you have a lot of love to give. The job I am leaving was such a deep and abiding part of my identity for 20 years that it feels painful to leave patients and their care to folks who clearly do not feel the same way about medicine that I do. On the other hand, it is liberating to finally put my family and myself first.

Hey @marcy people keep coming up to me and saying they have heard I am retiring. You make it sound so tempting! If only I hadn't been so profligate about jewelry.

Will come back to say more, but I need to get ready to finish out another week with people that treat patients like widgets and not people. Blech. Love to all from Freddie and Clyde!!

So nice to see you too girl.. My SIL is a retired pediatric cardiologist at UVA, she retired a year ago, she is a great person, she is 3 yrs younger than I am she stayed until the class that she was seeing through graduated from medical school and that was her cutoff, no new doctors, she said at first life felt Kafkaesque for her, from always moving (the woman has had at least 3 foot operations (both feet) in her career, so she enjoys playing pickle ball!) she became a grand mother last September and they babysit their grandson 2 days a week, her daughter is a nurse and her SIL is a state trooper and they both work crazy hours, they're building a house (bil and her) and so she is very busy, she also still volunteers as a physician once a month for a day to go to the appalachian's to check kids hearts, I love my SIL.. altho she can be strict!.

Please put yourself first, and family! congratulations on your change of life and you will begin to love it.. but I do understand your care of your patients.

Love to you and Freddie and Clyde! all my best girl.


May 11, 2013
@junebug17 Hello Junie, your pictures are beautiful. My husband said NJ is supposed to get cold this week, bundle up! How's the kids? Your husband? xo to June.

@mrs-b I am so happy to read Tim did not lose his job! that you are going to Hawaii, you will enjoy as you know! I'm hoping the operation is a success and I'm sorry about your gastro problems, my son has he same thing, he's been going to a gastro for 2 years and they cannot make heads or tails of his problems. :( How is your jewelry trek going? xoxo to you.

@marcy Your pictures are so so so beautiful, we seem to have a plethora of great photographers here. I would love to live in Big Sky country. Enjoying retirement? I'm working on trading Ever in for a higher color, will probably have to go down from a 2.94 ACA, my I is just too off to me in certain situations.. I might not too because I'm cheap :) .. Hope all is well. xoxoxo

@missy My beautiful friend, the Marvelous Missy. How are you, sorry I've been away from the board the life things got in the way, Kathleen called me! your neice is beyond beautiful, she looks so much like you! How is Greg? Kidney, I've been skipping around so you might have said already, sorry. How's the kids? Your pictures make me very happy Missy. as always you are wonderful. Do you go into the city at all? tell Greg I said Hello! I miss you. xoxoxo Kate

@MamaBear Hope your mom is okay, retirement is tough on the wife, when my husband retired he treated me as his whole workforce, me! I never took direction in the best of times. We eventually found a way to work around his need to manage and my inability to take direction, I tell him to shut up and he tells me to shut up, it all works! xoxoxo (take care).

@Calliecake hello Callie, how are you? what is new with your nieces and grands? I so hope you're well! xoxoxo

As I said before I'm good and things feel as though they are getting better.

Auti last Tuesday (I watch her every Tuesday now)


Auti and Grandpa in great deep conversation about robotics (she is scared of the robot in the pool - which looksl ike a train to me :) )



Feb 27, 2007

@bling_dream19 I hope you had a lovely and relaxing weekend. Did you look at all of your pretty jewelry?

@missy our weather has been up and down too. It was pretty nice today but starting tomorrow will be getting snow and frigid all week. I hate to hear you might not be absorbing nutrients. You should move to Colorado - that’s close to me. Hi Oliver.

@Tekate that is awesome you spent time with your best friend. Mega dust to her and hope she comes to terms with needing a heart transplant. That is sad. Yes, there are many wonderful photographers on here; I love looking at pictures. I am totally enjoying retirement. Oooh to be considering upgrading your ACA, Ever is gorgeous but you like what you like and I am definitely a colorless diamond gal. Cute Auti is sure getting big.

Not much going on this weekend. I finished season 5 of the show 24 and allowed season 6 to start playing. Marty got engrossed yesterday and said “darn you” since he didn’t get his scheduling for the gym done. I’ve been knitting a scarf and spent an hour this afternoon untangling the skein that got knotted up. Now I remember why I only used that yarn once when I used to knit a lot. I wrote my March article for the paper and emailed it out. This morning I went grocery shopping and then when Marty got home from the gym he started taking down our Christmas decorations outside so I went out and helped wrap everything up and get in our storage bins. The iceberg finally melted enough Marty could safely use a ladder out there. The really long extension cords were too big to hold folded up in my tiny hands so that was kind of funny; I finally started kind of holding them tucked in my elbow and that worked.

I was going to make chicken Alfredo for lunch but after shopping and taking down decorations I ordered us lunch from Outback. I’ll make the chicken Alfredo tomorrow.

Take care.


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls and happy (how did it get here so fast???) Monday!

@Tekate sweet great kate so nice to see you here. Biggest hugs to you and John and Auti and all your family and your sweet niece Katie. Please tell her we say hi. How is her jewelry business going? I am so happy Kathleen called you. I felt confident eventually she would. When someone goes through such a challenging time people can go a little crazy. She loves you no matter what but it took her time to work through all she was dealing with...I am sending her lots of healing vibes. And sending you lots of love and big hugs. And I LOVE your photos! Auti is a young lady already. And she is beautiful. Like her grandma.

@marcy that would be sweet. I love Colorado and while it has been a long time since I visited I know it is still a beautiful state. Probably would want to be near Denver..anyway right now that is a pipe dream but dreams do come true. And we have to dream it first to make it happen. Nice you are knitting a scarf but sorry it got tangled up. That is no fun detangling. Great you already finished and mailed out the March article. You are ahead of schedule as usual. LOL re your Christmas decorations. Our tree is still up...Greg keeps asking me when should he take them down and my answer is when it is light out at 7PM. We keep the tree lights on at night in the living room when we are relaxing watching movies and it is comforting. I don't know what Chicken Alfredo is but I hope you enjoy it. It's Monday but what is a Monday when one is retired. :) XOXO

@MamaBee hope you had a good visit with your mom and all is going as well as possible. Big hugs.

@mrs-b I hope you are enjoying a wonderful time in sunny California and looking forward to relief being yours soon...and yes recovery will take time but be good to yourself and allow yourself to rest and be pampered. Your DH wants to pamper and take care of you. I am here for you anytime as you know. Anytime. Big hugs and lots of love and healing vibes.

@Slick1 happy Monday. Before we know it Friday will be here. XOXO

@bling_dream19 hope you had a lovely weekend and a good week. XOXO

@springerspaniel I hope all is going smoothly and things are getting easier and sweeter. You deserve that and more. Big hugs to Freddie and Clyde and you.

@canuk-gal how is your momma doing? How are you? Our temps are cuckoo. Today is predicted to get into the 50s. Have a good week and big hugs.

Hi to everyone else. We had a good weekend. Errands and hiking.
Leaving you with a couple of photos.

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And finally this reminds us so much of a Hopper painting. I had to take a photo of this barn during our hike. It is Hopper esque. Also reminds us of our favorite living artist Freidlich. I might send this photo to him. Maybe it will inspire him to paint it but it already looks like some of his paintings.

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Enjoy a marvelous Monday lovely ladies. Big hugs.


Jun 8, 2008
And forgot to share this on Caturday Saturday so here you go.
Sir Tommy. Looking regal and ever so handsome.

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Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Happy MonYay!

I’m sorry @mrs-b, I missed that you now have a date for your surgery, thanks goodness. Sending lots of positive vibes your way for a well rested surgeon, and a completely successful outcome.

I’m so glad you’ve heard from Kath @Tekate. I’m sure the prospect of such major surgery is totally daunting for her, but hopefully she’ll come to see that, with so much to live for, she needs to do this. Wow, I can’t believe how grown up Auti is, she changes so much between photos.

You’d enjoy the Lucy film @marcy, we watched it a little while ago, I found it really interesting, lots I didn’t know about her. We’re supposed to hit 80 today and tomorrow, then it’s going to plummet again.

Love the photos of the kitties @missy, how are they all doing? Wow, your niece is so bendy :lol: Oh to be young and flexible again, instead of stiff and creaky! Glad you’re enjoying the great outdoors, the scenery is stunning.

Thanks @Calliecake, we’re finally seeing some progress on the house.

Hope you had a relaxing weekend @bling_dream19

We’ve had a couple of busy days, we went to Costco and I got the cordless vac I wanted and it was $50 off - result :mrgreen: We went to the dog park yesterday with Adam, then went up to the house, as he hasn’t been for quite a while, AND we have some Sheetrock:dance: They should have it all done either today or tomorrow. Finally, things are starting to move along.

We have to do a big food shop today, other than that, no much else going on.

Have a great day lovely NIRDIs :wavey:
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