
Now I really did it :((


Feb 27, 2007

@missy I hope your appointments went well. Love the stars off your sun picture! Very pretty.

I got up at 6:15 - checked to see if the sunrise was going to be pretty and decided not likely so puttered around and got in the shower about 7. Marty sent me a text while I was in the shower to tell me check out the pretty sunrise - sadly it was mostly gone by the time I got out of the shower. Oh well, I bet there will be another one tomorrow.

A friend of mine had hernia surgery on Monday so I made cookies to take over to her today. She is pretty miserable. I was going to send her some flowers but decided oh no what if they make her sneeze? Marty grilled some sirloin for us for lunch and I baked some potatoes for us. Between cookies and lunch I am stuffed. I finished lesson 9 of my class this morning and hope to go out with my camera here shortly. I'll see if the wind dies down though.

Take care.


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

I want to scream, we went up to the house and still no windows, and no new date for installation.

Fed up doesn’t even begin to describe it.

I may be MIA for a few days, stay safe and well lovely NIRDIs :wavey:


Sep 26, 2011
@Austina, I am so furious about your windows not being in yet. Argh. Give 'em hell, gurl!!!

Such a beautiful sunset @marcy.


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! Happy Thursday!

@marcy beautiful sunset photo. How nice you took cookies to your friend recovering. Best wishes to her.

Ugh @Austina I am so sorry. Frustrating to the max. Big hugs to you. It's going to work out but OMG it is upsetting in the short term.

@springerspaniel good morning! Hope all is going well.

@Slick1 hope you are having a good week and all is quiet.

@MamaBee I am not going to ask my endocrinologist. I am frustrated with him. It's OK. I will text you. YAY Emmy!

@bling_dream19 big big hugs. Hope everyone is well and thank you for your sweet friendship and caring.

@canuk-gal how is your mom doing? How are you? I hope everyone is doing well. Keeping good thoughts for all. XOXO

Hi to everyone else. Yesterday went OK. I am a medical mystery. Suffice to say. We are going to enjoy a good hike today. Our weather is incredible right now but will be getting much colder this weekend so we shall enjoy the great weather while it lasts. Big hugs, be well. XOXO

The outdoor coffee table is finished.

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Have a sweet Thursday.


Mar 31, 2018
@missy I will be on the road to Maryland today. I just wanted to tell you I really think you need to find a doctor that is good at figuring out complex diagnoses. I told you before that I’m not comfortable traveling yet due to Covid..but I would definitely figure out a way to travel as safely as I could manage to get a diagnosis solved.. I really hate how you have to try to figure this stuff out all by yourself. Big huge hugs..XO

Greg’s table is a work of art! What type of wood and finish did he use? Did he use Marine varnish? It’s just beautiful.

@Austina I’m so mad for you about your windows. It’s absolutely ridiculous! I hope once everything is done you and Colin will look back on this and laugh. I realize it may take a while..They really messed up..Windows take a long time after an order. It looks like they forgot to order them and now they are stringing you along. Awful..

@bling_dream19 That must have be so fun to try on rings at Tiffany. Do you think you know what size diamond you want? Would you keep the same setting?
Do you have any plans for this weekend? I’m so tired of Covid. I just want to get out and do something. We are going to our other house in Maryland. This will be the first time my husband will drive us. I usually pack everything up and go by myself with David. Now there’s no reason to do that because my husband is retired. I’m just so afraid of his driving. I couldn’t sleep last night. When we take much shorter rides in the car I’m clutching the door. I have to keep telling him he’s going over the line because he’s looking at scenery. The thought of him driving me over two hours has me a wreck. He actually drives with one finger!! I have to nag him to at least keep one hand on the wheel! He drives like Mr. Magoo!

@marcy You and Marty just crack me up. I love how you put the bears and rabbits against each other.
Your photos are so pretty. I’m sorry you missed the sunrise…but you’re right..There will be another one..:kiss2:

@canuk-gal How is your mom? Is her eye better? I’m so sorry she fell again. Do they do physical therapy after her falls? That’s what they do for my mom. It really doesn’t do anything but I think they have to do it.
I haven’t mentioned that my mom’s nursing home has continued to get large numbers of Covid cases. I got another call yesterday that there are eight more. This makes around fifty plus since Christmas. Fortunately the symptoms have been mild with runny noses, congestion, etc. TG She’s been negative so far. I’m waiting for it to be off her floor enough to get her out to visit at my house. My plan is to wait until she tests negative..then wait a day or two after so the staff are also tested. If there’s nothing on her floor one of the nurses will bring her downstairs for me instead of my having to go up to get her. I’m right down the road from her but I haven’t seen her since Christmas.

@junebug17 I hope you are enjoying SC..What do you guys do when you’re there? Do you go out to eat? We do absolutely nothing which is frustrating. I would love to at least go out to a restaurant..but with the Omicron surge here it’s not safe.

@mrs-b How are you feeling! Is your back still doing okay? TG you get little reprieves..Do you have a date set for the surgery?
How exciting you’re doing a three stone diamond ring! I love the sizes you decided on. I can‘t wait to see it. I thought about doing that with Ashlee to give me more finger coverage but she’s a rectangle. It would be easier if she was square..I know what you mean about not wanting to draw attention with Beloved. There are many places I won’t wear my rings..Last time I went to Maryland I was driving when I noticed little balls of light flashing all over the dashboard. It took me a minute to figure out that it was Winter and Emmy! Emmy wasn’t insured yet so I didn’t want to leave her home. I wore Winter on my left and Emmy on my right..I wear her only on my left hand with a band now. That was just to keep her on me for the trip..Emmy gives more impact because she’s a three stone. She’s definitely flashier! I’m so so thrilled with her..
Hi to everyone else…I have to get the car packed. I’m not looking forward to my husband driving us there…:oops2:
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Mar 31, 2018
Quick check in! We arrived alive! He almost caused an accident when we left our subdivision..but was on good behavior for the rest of the trip. I think I only screamed two additional times! :lol:

Talk to you all tomorrow! XO
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Feb 27, 2007

Thank you for the kind words about my sunset picture. I am enjoying my new camera more being retired.

@springerspaniel I hope you are doing well!

@missy sorry you are a medical mystery; frustrating for sure! Greg's coffee table looks fabulous! Glad you had great weather today and planned on enjoying a long hike.

@MamaBee glad you all arrived safely with DH at the wheel. Yes Marty and I are easily amused with our imaginary rabbits and bears stories. I tell people one of these days I'll be senile and people will think I'm crazy because I'll keep telling them that some stuffed rabbit is trying to kill me and is always eating my teddy bears. I hope you get to see your mom soon.

I did get up in time to see the sunrise today - it was quite unusual too - a thick band of very orange clouds and a false sun was reflecting in it. This picture was 10 minutes before sunrise - I made it wide and skinny to cut out excess sky and horizon. The sunset tonight looked gorgeous with lots of pinks but it was really windy so I just enjoyed it through the window.

I picked up groceries this morning and did a few batches of laundry. I did my lifting this afternoon. My temporary crown flaked off more pieces so I get getting it replaced in the morning. I had soup and ice cream for supper.

Take care.



Jun 8, 2008
GM girls and happy FriYAY!

@MamaBee glad you arrived safe and sound and Emmy looks emmylicious! SWOON! I think it's Epay, I will ask him. He loves woodworking so much. Enjoy a wonderful weekend.

@marcy gorgeous photo. Good luck replacing the crown. I "lifted" yesterday too. And now I am sore. Ouch. Good for you accomplishing so many chores. Have a great weekend.

@Slick1 woohoo happy weekend.

@bling_dream19 enjoy a wonderful weekend.

@Jemi thinking of you.

@canuk-gal hope all is well.

Hello to everyone else. Hope all is going smoothly.
Yesterday it got up to 57 degrees F. I was almost sweating during our hike lol.
Loving it. It's another mild day today and then the freeze comes. Enjoying outdoors while we can.
Have a wonderful weekend all. XOXO.

It was a gorgeous day yesterday. Sun was bright and warm and skies super blue with puffy white clouds.

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And the lakes were still partially frozen. Despite the days of 50 degree temps.

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Happy FriYAY!


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I always have big plans for my day off....but I can't seem to get around to doing anything. Just tired. Except for happy hour. I just can't cook.

I wish my life was boring but it isn't. WAAAAAYYYYY too much on my plate. Some of it good and welcome news and some of it (Mom stuff) not. I can't take stuff off my plate unfortunately. I plan to travel next week to see Mom.

I am happy I was not home for the window replacements yesterday. The noise gets on my last nerve. Anyway, they are gorgeous. Some people get VCA , I get windows. :P2

The weather has been very fine. Slushy out there. Rivers are breaking and the mornings are lighter now. YAY!

@MamaBee LOL about your DH driving. My DH has road rage, so I try and avoid him driving with me. I drive.....

@missy your new table is fabu!!! And one day at a time on your medical stuff. What else can one do?

@marcy nice photos! How is our Lotto fund coming along?

@Austina total bummer about your house build timelines. Housing market is here is very things have changed over the last year.....

Keep well and safe folks.



Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! Happy Caturday Saturday!

One more (unexpected) nice day before our snow (oh no lol) arrives.
Great (really mild weather) day yesterday. Enjoyed a wonderful hike.
Hoping for one more hiking day before we get snow.

@canuk-gal I hear you... I'd love some boring in our life. Glad you got new windows yesterday. Sweet. Glad you have the opportunity to travel to see your mom next week.

@MamaBee hope you are having a fun weekend away from stress and you are wearing Emmy and enjoying her to the max.

@marcy hope you are enjoying a sweet weekend.

@bling_dream19 Greg just built me a workout box to deadlift before I get Barbells. Very nicely made. I will take a photo of it later. Hope you are enjoying a nice weekend.

@Slick1 hope all is going smoothly and your weekend plans are enjoyable.

@Austina I am keeping good thoughts for you. I know how frustrated you are and I hope your windows are in soon.

@mrs-b hope all is going as well as possible and you and Tim remain in my thoughts.

Hi to everyone else. Leaving you with a photo from our hike yesterday. This is our local trail right near us and it is one of my favorite trails. I feel very fortunate to be surrounded by so much beauty in nature.

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Have a wonderful weekend and be well.

Since it is Caturday Saturday I am going to share this funny photo with you. As @rainwood says she is all head and whiskers lolol. Even though Gracie's whiskers are cut off I love this perspective. As soon as Greg brings the water in she jumps on top of it. LOL she loves being on top of things no matter how uncomfortable it appears to us. :lol:

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Enjoy a purrrrrfect weekend.


Feb 27, 2007

@missy sorry you are sore from lifting. My temporary crown is a bit tender today; the dentist didn’t put it in and the girl doing it must have pulled it out and put it back over a dozen times. Since part of that took is missing the gum is exposed and got pretty sore. The dentist said they don’t last long because they are made out of aluminum. Beautiful pictures from your hikes and cute Gracie!

@canuk-gal sorry you have so much on your plate. That will be nice to go see your mom next week. I hope you relaxed on your day off and enjoyed happy hour. That’s wonderful to get new windows. We had our windows replaced a few years ago and I was very glad I wasn’t at home the day they put them in. I am glad to hear your weather is nice. We are having a few days of warm weather but I know it won’t last. I do have another $3 win towards out Tiffany fund.

I bought Photoshop Elements yesterday so I’ve been playing with it. You can extend pictures, move subjects closer together, animate them or add animated things like snowflakes. It has a lot of fun features; I think I’ll enjoy it. I have one more week left

Since I had a new temporary crown put in yesterday I ate soft food and chewed on the right side of my mouth. There was hardly anything left of the temp crown I had; no wonder my mouth has been talking to me. I am making tacos for lunch today - wish me luck in chewing something crunchy!

Marty is firmly planted on the couch today so I doubt we do anything exciting. Saturday is his only day off between work and gym.

Take care.


Feb 21, 2019
Happy Caturday and Nirdi shoutout! Thank you for all the love everyone.
@MamaBee so glad you got there safely and your hubby behaved himself driving lol. I hope you can do something fun soon! The weather is getting a little warmer so maybe a cafe outdoors would be nice. They should start outdoor theater!
@missy Yes would love to see the dead lift var! I've heard those are really good for building leg strength which is so helpful. Love your hikes and walks. We actually have hikes near us that I want to try out.
@Austina soo sorry about the house stress. Deep breaths and hopefully it will be all worth it. In the meantime hope you can relax and are enjoying a nice weekend.
@marcy Tooth problems are a pain lol! Hope you feel better soon.
Love and hugs to all! We are continuing to declutter and clean and organize. It's ongoing and Neverending lol!


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls and happy Sunday from the snowy shore! And happy Super Bowl Sunday for those who celebrate.

@marcy sorry about your temporary crown and hope your permanent one is ready to be put in soon. Of course we would rather have a crown on our heads but well this crown comes in handy when necessary. Hope Marty got much needed rest yesterday and is ready to face his week. Hope you have a lovely Sunday.

@bling_dream19 yes deadlifts are great for hips and spine and it is critical to do it with proper form. I hope you get to do the hikes near you. I really love the peacefulness on our hikes and the beauty surrounding us. There is nothing like it. I took a few photos from our hike yesterday.
I will share below. Happy Sunday!

@Slick1 hope your weekend is going well and you are recuperating from your workweek.

@springerspaniel hope you are enjoying a lovely weekend. We are getting snow now after having 60 degree F temps the past two days. LOL.

@Austina hang in there. Thinking good thoughts. You are surrounded by your loved ones. Hold onto that.

@canuk-gal big hugs and hope you are having a good weekend and everyone is doing well.

Hi to everyone else. We had a great hike yesterday. Saw wildlife and well the weather was perfect. Today the weather here is not so perfect. Unless snow is perfect. Haha. What a contrast today is to the past few days.

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@MamaBee find the doe! :)

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These vultures appeared out of seemingly nowhere. Cool.

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That's all folks. Hugs to each one of you and have a good Super Sunday. Be well and enjoy. XOXO.

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Feb 27, 2007

@bling_dream19 I totally get that de-cluttering and organizing is a never ending chore. Good luck! My broken tooth is better today but the gum around it is still tender from being poked so many times. I had a pancake for breakfast; it was the softest thing I could think of to eat.

@missy great photos from your hike. Cool to see so many vultures. I am glad your deadlifts are helpful. I know they sure made a huge difference for my bum knees. I have three periodontal procedures before I can get fit for a permanent crown. Sigh. If in the end I can save that tooth it will be worth it. Stay warm today! Marty only moved off the couch yesterday to eat so yes he enjoyed a lazy day for a change.

I messed around quite a bit with my new software last night and know I'll enjoy it. So far I am using the guided wizards but that will get me more familiar with what it can do. I debating doing errands and chores today or waiting until tomorrow. Tomorrow will be far less windy so I think tomorrow gets my vote.

Take care.


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

I’m glad one of us has windows @canuk-gal! I’m sure you’ll be relieved to be able to go and visit your Mum soon, just as I’m sure she’ll really be looking forward to seeing you too.

Oy to the crown saga @marcy. Usually they can be in for years without issues (if they’ve been fitted properly to begin with!) Hopefully it’ll all be sorted soon. Glad you have the distraction of your new software to fiddle about with. Chores can always wait until tomorrow :lol:

Thanks @bling_dream19, after a miserable wet and wild day yesterday, it’s glorious today. We needed to do some shopping, then we went for a walk. Hope you’re having a good weekend too.

Yikes. It’s a bit unnerving seeing vultures suddenly appear, always makes me think of those films where people are looking for a dead body then spot the vultures! :mrgreen: It sounds like you’re having the same weird weather in reverse @missy. It was foul yesterday and really cold, and today, we’re boiling.

Desperately hoping for some good news on the house this week, but not holding our breath!

Big love and hugs to all the NIRDIs :wavey:


Apr 19, 2004

@Austina I feel your window pain (no pun intended)--everything here was delayed as well. But they are all in and they are GORGEOUS!

@marcy I hope your gums heal soon. I've had alot of crowns and no trouble...but for the last one. My gums took AGES to heal--no idea why. I ended up using a product called Aminogam mouth rinse and gingival gel. Life saver! I still use the stuff although I really don't need it. I highly recommend it.

Chillyish but bright outside. Hit another happy hour LOL but home early bc DH wants to watch the superb owl. I'll watch some paint dry.

I'll meet my friend tomorrow for lunch--my Valentines date--and see her new VCA earrings!!! LOL



Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! Happy Valentine's Day Monday!
You are all in my heart and I wish you a very special day.

@MamaBee hope you had a great weekend and enjoyed Emmy.

@marcy I hope you can save that tooth. I am glad you are enjoying your new software.

@Austina the weather is bipolar all around. Today is freezing but fortunately the snow didn't really stick too much since the ground was warm from the warm weather preceding the snow and colder weather. I am ready for Spring. And for your windows to be installed. Soon.

@canuk-gal we have your same chilly weather. Stay warm and cozy.

@bling_dream19 hope you had a wonderful weekend and your week is off to a good start.

@Slick1 happy Monday and hope you have a good week.

Hi to everyone else. Yesterday we ran some errands and played cards in the afternoon. Our exciting lives haha. Today I have a Telemedicine appointment I am nervous about and then the rest of this chilly day free. Have a wonderful Monday lovely ladies. XOXO

Leaving you with a few photos I took as we were running errands yesterday. The snow is so pretty as it is coming down.

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Love you girls.


Jun 8, 2008
Oh my I forgot to share this. It made me laugh so much. My mom texted this to me yesterday. My sister with no front teeth and omg it just brought back so many memories.

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What an innocent age and time. Pure happiness. No obligations, no stressors, just pure joy and love.


Aug 18, 2013
Hi ladies - Happy Valentine's Day! I hope all of you are treated with the love and indulgence you each so truly deserve!

I'm sitting up in bed as I type, and I just received a beautiful card and a cup of coffee - which, frankly and at this age, is my favorite gift. I also received some beautiful red roses on Saturday, which was very nice. :))

As for the rest of it - another appt with the neurosurgeon coming on Thursday, so REALLY HOPING for a surgery date this time, tho that might be optimistic, Mass Gen is still closed to elective surgery. Still not sure he'll even be willing to do it. Which is insane - it will be just over 2 weeks since I last saw him and I will have spent all 16 days with pain, all 16 days being super careful, spending every movement trying not to exacerbate things, and 7 of those days on my bed on my left side, shoveling down oxy and diazepam, waiting for a flare to subside (inflammation from hurting it to subside and muscles to unspasm). Not a life I want, truth be told.

On Friday, Tim finds out about his job. I'm too stressed to say more than that, but I know we'll be able to work through it, whatever happens. Knowing that's possible helps - but doesn't take away the stress. Your prayers and positive vibes are appreciated, And frankly, even if he survives this round, there will be more rounds 3 months from now - so the stress continues.

But for today, I'm trying to enjoy - even more than normal - how much I love my husband and how wonderful he is and has been to me for 39 years. What a lucky woman I am!

@missy - thinking of you with your appt today. Love to you! oxo. (We're buried under snow again here, after it almost all melting! I feel so deceived by the weather!!). Those snow photos, tho, are GORGEOUS!

@marcy - I'm so sorry you're having crown trouble ('crown trouble' sounds like something that should be waaaay more fun than what you're going through!). I'm hoping it all resolves very soon. But yay to new software!

@canuk-gal - have a wonderful lunch with your friend! And new VCA earrings are awesome, even if one doesn't own them! I'm glad the weather is clear, even if frigid!

@Austina - NO WINDOWS?? Are you *kidding* me?? This is becoming preposterous; you should be IN the damn house by now! Hoping you see some progress very soon! And - are you doing anything for VD?

@bling_dream19 - we are all living through you and your new projects vicariously these days! I'm *sure* you and that gorgeous husband of yours must be doing something for VD - any plans you care to share? And how is your mom doing? A health update on her would be very appreciated. ox

@Tekate - I'm hoping you're getting the weather we aren't; I'm pretty sure our current weather would make you glad you left New England! How are you doing on your forever diamond hunt? And how is Auti and her family re covid? I'm hoping all is well with you!

@springerspaniel - I think of you every day, and hope the job transition is going well. How is Freddie doing? Has he eaten anything else he shouldn't? How is Clyde doing? And are you as buried up there as we are down here? By the time I meet this puppy he'll be graduating high school! ( - or whatever the puppy equivalent is...). I'm sending hugs your way and hoping all is well with you.

Valentine's Day hugs and love to you all and...



Jun 17, 2009
Happy Valentines Day!

@mrs-b, I hope you can get a surgery date set up soon and I'll be hoping for good news for you and Tim on Friday. I'm sorry you're dealing with these stressful situations.
@MamaBee, I hope you've been able to insure Emmy at this point. She is such a beautiful ring, you must be really enjoying her. We don't really go anywhere in South Carolina. We do takeout, dh plays golf and my sister and I visit each other. She and I did go to Barnes and Noble one day. You had asked for a few pics - we are a short walk to the beach.
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@marcy, glad you're enjoying your new software. Your stories of the battles between bears and rabbits made me LOL.
@Austina, I hope you get good news soon. I know it feels a long way away but just keeping thinking of the beautiful home you're going to have. And swimming pool lol, the plans look great.
@missy, that is a very cute picture of you and your sister. Good luck with your appointment today.
@springerspaniel, I hope Freddie is recovering well and things are going ok for you with your job change.
@canuk-gal, lunch with a friend sounds great, especially since you'll be seeing some pretty bling lol. Glad you're getting a break from work.
@bling_dream19, how fun you got to try on some Tiffany solitaires. They look so pretty on you.

Not a whole lot new with me...we're back in NJ and I've just been spending some time cleaning and getting settled. Yesterday was spent watching golf and football. Today I'm joining marcy and doing a few errands.

Thinking of everyone going through stressful times, hope everyone has a good day today.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi NIRDI’s! Happy Valentine’s Day!

@Austina this broken tooth has sure been a PITA and a long, drawn out process. I broke it in August but couldn’t get in to the periodontist for evaluation until November. Then they couldn’t start their procedures until February. Such fun. Speaking of fun - any word on your windows? How utterly frustrating for you and Colin. Glad you guys get along with Adam and Kim okay.

@canuk-gal thank you for the tips on mouthwash and gel; if I continue to have issues I’ll pick some up - my mouth feels better today. I am skipping cheerios for breakfast for a while. LOL to watching paint dry - Marty didn’t even last until half time so I switched over to Prime and watched some more episodes of 24. Enjoy lunch with your friend tomorrow.

@missy I hope your telemedicine appointment went well. Love the picture of you and your sister. That is one project I plan to tackle on my never ending weekends, scan photos and save only a precious few in hard copies. Pretty snow picture too.

@mrs-b sounds like you are having a lovely Valentine’s Day plus pretty roses. Sweet. I sure hope you get your surgery scheduled - this has become totally surreal the stuff going on because of shutdowns. There is no excuse to make you suffer like this. Big hugs to you! Mega dust coming to Tim on his job.

@junebug17 you were living the dream there in SC - peaceful, beautiful and relaxing. Very nice. Hope you get your errands and chores done now that you are back in NJ. I added 2 more errands to my stack for today but it’s fairly decent here for Wyoming. I can almost walk upright. Ha Ha.

I got up early today and have been working on laundry. I got a free 8x10 offer from Walgreens so naturally I sent off one of my recent pictures to get printed and it’s ready for pickup. I should have sent them my flying car but picked a frosty tree instead. We somehow lost our favorite meat thermometer so I spent a while trying to find one just like it since the case doesn’t have a name. Luckily Marty remembered the name and thanks to google I had no trouble finding another one.

Marty has calls all day until he goes to the gym so since I don’t want to go eat supper at 8:30 tonight we aren’t going out for lunch or dinner. I am going to pick up Culvers and take his down to him while he works. I was going to run out to the cemetery while out running errands.

My sister was telling me when we cleaned out our parents house she found 2 baby quilts my mom had started; just the front was sewn together and she had the backing and edges with them so my sister took them both home with her so she finished one of them for her daughter that is expecting in April. That is pretty cool. I remember my mom started them for someone but don’t remember who she was making them for now. My sister has 2 daughters so I am sure she’ll save the other one for my other niece.

Off to run errands.
Take care.


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a lovely lunch I had. My pal treated me!!! I do have sweet friends...and her VCA earrings were icing on the cake. I think we all need a little lunch and VCA these days.

I stopped at Nordy's to get some more Nest candles and bought some new kicks at Browns.

Nippy outside. My DH went to see Spiderman at the theatre. LOL. Left left me a couple of pieces of an cadbury dark chocolate bar and drew a heart of a piece of paper torn out my daytimer. LOL.

@junebug17 what beautiful views! Gorgeous part of the world. Glad you are enjoying it.

@missy it is pretty but I am tired of snow. LOL. Hope your appt went well.

@mrs-b hopefully your surgery will be scheduled soon and get you back on track. Fingers crossed for Tim's job.

@marcy enjoy your take out.



Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! Well my initial impression is the appointment went well. The big question is though can I get the speciality meds approved by the insurance company because I don't fit the exact criteria and it is super expensive so they will deny deny deny. But this specialist agrees I need the med. It's a daily injection in the stomach. Ouch. But I am willing to do it and hope we can get the insurance company to approve it. The physician (nephrologist and bone specialist) spent 90 minutes on the telemedicine call with me (and Greg). He is excellent. I have watched all his lectures and webinars. And he has written hundreds of research papers on this topic. He is a star in the field. Having said that he is not licensed in this state so we are enlisting the help of my endocrinologist who has no clue how to get this med approved so fingers crossed Dr M can help Dr J get this med for me.

@mrs-b you are in my thoughts daily and yes I get it 100%. We went through a very similar scenario with Greg's job in 2008. And they just closed his department so everyone in it lost their job. They let him stay til he found a new job so that was very fortunate. But it was a challenging 18 months because Greg switched careers to make it work and we did well but his new boss was an egomaniac and narcissist and just a demented individual. Fortunately another environmental company recruited Greg shortly thereafter and his current job is amazing. For as long as he decides to work there as he is considering retirement. But I do understand the pit in the stomach feeling not knowing what is going to happen. The unknown can be just so difficult to live with...and the length of time you are going to be up in the air. I explain all this to let you know you are not alone and I am keeping good thoughts for you and Tim. And yes for your upcoming surgery let it be scheduled ASAP. Sending you so many good luck wishes and lots and lots of love. I am here for you if you want to talk.

@canuk-gal aww how sweet of your friend to treat you to lunch and her VCA earrings to gaze upon. Sweet. Sending you warm hugs and warm weather vibes. Big warm hugs.

@MamaBee big hugs and lots of love.

@Slick1 stay well and I hope all is going smoothly. Big hugs.

@marcy glad you had a good chat with your sister and how nice to have those memories and quilts to share with your nieces. Wow you accomplished a lot. Laundry, meat thermometer shopping, and getting your free Walgreens photo. Yasss. I am sorry Marty was so busy working yesterday but when you've been married for so long every day is Valentine's Day. That's how I feel anyway. We didn't do anything special and that worked for me. I am just not in the mood to socialize out with the general public during this pandemic. And spending a quiet evening at home is perfect. For us. Big hugs and happy VD from me and my furry crew to you.

@junebug17 lovely views. Thank you for sharing. Welcome back to NJ. Glad all is well. Stay safe.

@bling_dream19 I hope you had a very loving Valentine's Day with your hubby. You are, in my book, still newlyweds. And the sweetest couple ever. Big hugs and lots of love.

@Austina I hope you had a lovely day yesterday with your loved ones. And I hope all goes smoothly from hereon in. Sending you lots of warm wishes and love.

@Tekate happy belated Valentine's Day! I wanted to call you yesterday but the day got away from me with all I was doing. I was thinking of you and sending you lots of love. Hope all is well.

@rainwood big hugs and lots of love. Lots happening these past few days. We have to catch up. Thinking of you and hoping all is going smoothly.

Hi to everyone else. Hope all is well. Yesterday was a busy day and today I am hoping we get to go for a walk or hike. Not sure of the weather forecast so we shall see. I am supposed to do another 24 hour urine test but not sure I will be able to. I have been collecting it since I woke so we shall see. LOL what an exciting life I lead. Haha. Have a terrific Tuesday girls. And big hugs.

Leaving you with yet another blast from the past. My mom has been sending me lots of photos these past two days. She is going through albums that didn't get destroyed during Sandy. This was from my cruise to Alaska with my best friends including my baby sister. It was a trip of a lifetime. And we were just babies at the time. :)
Y'all know Tom and my sister.

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Have a wonderful day girls. Stay safe and be well and enjoy. XOXO.


Feb 27, 2007

@canuk-gal sounds like the perfect day - lunch with a friend, seeing lovely earrings and shopping. Sweet.

@missy that is great the doctor’s appointment went well and definitely wasn’t rushed. Mega dust insurance pays for your medicine. Great picture from your trip. We did find the meat thermometer; it was on the floor right by the dishwasher. Now we’ll have two. We are kind of the same; we don’t get that excited anymore about anniversaries or Valentine’s Day; just another day. They all tend to be better than bad.

I had a busy day again. I was ready to head to the store when our cleaning lady showed up but since she was parked behind my side of the garage I settled down to playing Angry Birds! After I went to the grocery store I went back out and picked up lunch for us. While I was doing dishes our tax lady called and said she had our taxes ready - woo hoo we owed about 1/4 of what we had to pay last year. I stopped at Walgreens on the way home and got my print and waited patiently for the pharmacy to get back from lunch. Yes, go figure 4 people were working but they all go to lunch at the same time. Whatever. After I get to the window they tell me Marty’s prescription wasn’t ready until tomorrow. They did offer to get it ready but it would take 20 to 30 minutes. I said thanks but we’ll come back tomorrow. I headed to the park about 40 minutes before sunset and picked a spot with some cool trees in view. Sadly the sunset wasn’t typical sunset colorful but I was still happy with the pictures I got.

Our weather was quite nice today - in the low 50’s and not even breezy. Snow and cold are on the way though.

Take care.


Feb 21, 2019
Nirdi shoutout!
@missy I've been smiling all day. Your sweet post makes me happy. I still feel like we are newlyweds too. We had a really special Valentine's day. We had wonderful meals and quality time together. It sounds like you and Greg had a wonderful evening by the sea.
@mrs-b my mom is still healing and she is really a superstar. I'm thinking about you too and I just hope you are pain free soon.
Quick drop in. Life has been good, I'm extremely grateful. Love and hugs to all!


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! Happy wonderful Wednesday!
We had a glorious hike yesterday. So many gorgeous animals. Deer and seals all over the place. It was amazing.

The deer were less than 2 feet away and they are so beautiful.

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I was mesmerized by them. As usual lol. No photos of the seals but take my word for it. They were having a grand time frolicking in the ocean.

There was still snow on the ground from the small storm on Sunday. Sprinkling the landscape. It was so pretty.

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@bling_dream19 aww thanks and right back at ya. You always make me feel better and put a smile on my face. Glad life is going well and big hugs to you.

@marcy stunning sunset. You had a very busy and productive day. Good for you. And glad you have two meat thermometers now. Yay for your weather cooperating. Sweet. Sorry Marty's RX wasn't ready and hope it is ready today as promised. Woohoo for a lower tax bill. I am glad you got to enjoy the park yesterday for a while. I LOVE being outdoors whenever we can be. And while it was cold yesterday for us the sun really warmed it up quite nicely and I felt comfortable. \

@MamaBee I took the deer photos for you. I know you can find them easily lol. They are majestic animals. Good luck with the test. Fingers crossed.

@canuk-gal hope you are having a good week.

@Slick1 our weather is warming up I think. Woohoo. Be well and enjoy.

Hi to everyone else. Big hugs. Enjoy a wonderful Wednesday!


Aug 18, 2013
Hallo all.

Just wanted to let you know - Tim's job - safe. :))

We'll see where we are in 6 months, but for now, all is well. He was actually told early, so that seems like a good sign to me.

Now I might go pour myself a large, stiff, drink.


Jun 17, 2009
Hallo all.

Just wanted to let you know - Tim's job - safe. :))

We'll see where we are in 6 months, but for now, all is well. He was actually told early, so that seems like a good sign to me.

Now I might go pour myself a large, stiff, drink.

Happy to see this good news mrs-b! :dance:
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