
Now I really did it :((


Jun 8, 2008
Girls is it OK if I just share for a moment and read the posts later. I just got off the telemedicine call. The parathyroid expert feels I either have 1. A calcium deficiency which diet isn't helping or 2. Parathryoid disease for which surgery is the only answer.

So she wants me to trial 1200 mg Ca divided throughout the day for a month and retest. She feels my body is struggling to hold onto calcium and I am not absorbing it from diet. So I must supplement. But I have been supplementing half the RDA (600 mg) daily and that didn't budge my PTH. But she feels I need more despite getting Ca from food. If this doesn't work I need surgery to remove my parathyroids. Ugh. So hoping the Ca works.

She said there is 100% something wrong and I cannot let my PTH continue on elevated like it has been for 4 years. It is wreaking damage on my body. @Bayek 's sister died from PTH disease. SO it is a serious matter but all my doctors were just shrugging their shoulders for years not knowing what to do. Ugh. I found this specialist through one of my online medical groups. She cannot take my insurance since she is licensed in Arizona and not NY or NJ unfortunately.

Our morning eye appointments went well enough though both of us have mac drusen which is a precursor to mac degeneration which is in both our immediate families. And in fact when I had genetic testing years ago it said I had a 100% chance of getting mac degeneration. Oh well. But luckily our retinas are both intact and no bleeding or tears. Which Greg had years ago...retinal bleeding so we were overdue for an exam.

OK that's my update. Appreciate being able to share with you. XOXO


Jun 8, 2008
@mrs-b sending you and Tim well wishes and gentle hugs. Feel better sweet friend. XOXO

@MamaBee I am so glad your mom is where she can be properly cared for and you get to visit her often for the most part barring Covid outbreaks. Big hugs.

Love all you girls and hope everything is going smoothly this Monday.


Jun 8, 2008
Just found out a Nor'easter is coming. This shows you how preoccupied I have been because that is something I pay attention to way before the day of the storm. Hold tight girls and hope all of us who are affected stay safe and keep their power! Fingers and toes crossed. I am not really in the mood for a big storm. :errrr:


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope all is well in NIRDIland.

Had a lovely ride today--brisk by the water but otherwise lovely. I was dressed properly. So nice to see people smiling and waving and saying hello.

@MamaBee your family visit sounded wonderful! Take out and toys--funsies!! My Mother needs care 24/7 and requires LTC. She spoke to my sister yesterday about selling her house as she could no longer handle it. Never, ever did I think I'd hear those words from her. She now recognizes the implications of her illnesses and needs. It's sad really. I love her beautiful little house, we all do.

@missy hope your Dr. day went well. I see mine tomorrow.

@mrs-b I hope you all feel better soon!!!!

@MamaBee My DH has signed up to play hockey twice a week in a mixed league. He used to play in a higher category but that is too much for him. LOL. He feels lazy he says. Is your husband retired?

Keep well folks!!!



Mar 31, 2018
Girls is it OK if I just share for a moment and read the posts later. I just got off the telemedicine call. The parathyroid expert feels I either have 1. A calcium deficiency which diet isn't helping or 2. Parathryoid disease for which surgery is the only answer.

So she wants me to trial 1200 mg Ca divided throughout the day for a month and retest. She feels my body is struggling to hold onto calcium and I am not absorbing it from diet. So I must supplement. But I have been supplementing half the RDA (600 mg) daily and that didn't budge my PTH. But she feels I need more despite getting Ca from food. If this doesn't work I need surgery to remove my parathyroids. Ugh. So hoping the Ca works.

She said there is 100% something wrong and I cannot let my PTH continue on elevated like it has been for 4 years. It is wreaking damage on my body. @Bayek 's sister died from PTH disease. SO it is a serious matter but all my doctors were just shrugging their shoulders for years not knowing what to do. Ugh. I found this specialist through one of my online medical groups. She cannot take my insurance since she is licensed in Arizona and not NY or NJ unfortunately.

Our morning eye appointments went well enough though both of us have mac drusen which is a precursor to mac degeneration which is in both our immediate families. And in fact when I had genetic testing years ago it said I had a 100% chance of getting mac degeneration. Oh well. But luckily our retinas are both intact and no bleeding or tears. Which Greg had years ago...retinal bleeding so we were overdue for an exam.

OK that's my update. Appreciate being able to share with you. XOXO

@missy I had to Google the mac drusen. I never heard of it before. My doctor once told me she wished she could bring me to her classes at medical school because I had real life examples of rare things. You have me beat by a mile. I really admire how you cope with all the worrying news you get. Hopefully you won’t need the surgery to remove your parathyroid glands. :(2


Feb 21, 2019
Thinking about you @missy hang in there my friend. Love your pics and icecream! Wish we had a magic wand. I'd use it too.
@mrs-b a butterfly bracelet is now on my wishlist too and I think a hairclip would be beautiful. I love it as a pendant too. Thinking about you and your hubby. Hugs to you too.
Thank you for the shoutouts from everyone. I am thinking about everyone and sending love and hugs to all!


Mar 31, 2018
We’re old @canuk-gal! My husband can’t even play golf without getting tied up in knots! :lol: He retired once…Then he got another job..He’s going to retire January 3rd for the last time. He told me they’re taking him on as a consultant after that. We’re going to move to Virginia after we get the house ready. We also have to look for something for David. This will take awhile. He better not spend too much time on that.

Thats good news that your mom realizes she needs help. My mom was the same way. Now she’s content which makes me happy. Hopefully you and your sister will be able to relax knowing she’s being looked after. I could never manage the amount of care she needs. It seems like she has something pop up every other day. They are on it which is great.

@bling_dream19 A butterfly bracelet would be so pretty with your pendant. Are you going to have one made?
Last edited:


Feb 21, 2019
We’re old @canuk-gal! My husband can’t even play golf without getting tied up in knots! :lol: He retired once…Then he got another job..He’s going to retire January 3rd for the last time. He told me they’re taking him on as a consultant after that. We’re going to move to Virginia after we get the house ready. We also have to look for something for David. This will take awhile. He better not spend too much time on that.

Thats good news that your mom realizes she needs help. My mom was the same way. Now she’s content which makes me happy. Hopefully you and your sister will be able to relax knowing she’s being looked after. I could never manage the amount of care she needs. It seems like she has something pop up every other day. They are on it which is great.

@bling_dream19 A butterfly bracelet would be so pretty with your pendant. Are you going to have one made?

Not for a very long while - I'm in the enjoying season :kiss2: I'm so glad your mom is better and content in her new home. Thinking about you @canuk-gal and sending hugs.


Feb 27, 2007

@Jemi I didn’t realize your hour there was 4 stories high - my knees hurt thinking about climbing all those stairs. Sounds like you’ve found some great treasures; I have found more petrified wood than fossils but also some cool rocks. There was a mica mine near my parent’s cabin.

@missy great pictures. I hope your medical appointments went well. Woo hoo for 8000 miles. I hope the calcium works for you. That’s nice your eye appointments went okay but hate to hear about your diagnosis. Stay safe and warm - I saw your area and the west coast were expecting what they called bomb cyclones - that is what dropped over 3 feet of snow on us last spring.

@MamaBee I agree with you that smaller houses are more cozy; but it’s nice to have enough space you can get some time to yourself - both certainly have advantages. My sisters were quite a bit older than me so they always had to leave the “baby” alone. I hardly remember living there since we moved when I was just starting grade school then. I’ve had my ruby studs for maybe 15 years - I totally lucked upon a gemstone salesman at a local jewelry store and bought them from him. He claims there were Berma rubies and he sold the pair to me for $160. I left them with that jeweler to mount for me in studs and when I picked up my earrings he asked me if I knew what a deal I got and I reassured him I did. I’ll see if I can find a picture of them. I used to always wear 4mm studs because I have small earlobes and one of them curls down a little bit; now my studs are 5mm. I totally enjoy watching clouds too. It sounds like you had a fabulous weekend with the family and your breakfast sounds delicious. I am so glad the nursing home takes such good care of your mom.

@mrs-b oh no - I hate to hear you, Tim and the dogs are sick. Feel better soon! Sending mega dust to Tim so his glucose levels fall and his kidneys improve. Thank you and it’s funny you mention a preference between my pictures and Marty’s - we definitely have a different eye for what we like; not that either is bad just different. I am still leaning towards retiring before Christmas but you never know what might make me move up that date. Your street is pretty and I love the colors in the trees.

@canuk-gal glad to hear you have a lovely ride and got to see so many friendly people along the way. Sorry to hear your mom has decided it’s time to give up her house but it’s good she knows she can’t keep it up. Getting old has so many challenges for us and our loved ones.

@bling_dream19 ooh to a butterfly bracelet.

We had a gorgeous sunrise this morning. As those of you who are friends of mine on FB know - I check out the sunrise pretty much everyday. I was heading that way when Marty sent me a one word text from the gym - SUNRISE! What a great way to start the day. I had a one on one with my boss today and he brought up he thought of quitting last week so I did tell him I have one eye and one foot heading towards retirement including maybe as soon as tomorrow. He wasn’t surprised and brought up again that is why they wanted to find someone to be trained as my replacement. I do know things and do things no one else does so I hated to keep quiet and felt I should tell him I’m leaning that way. I told him I’m old, I ready to retire and that I was anemic and had a misbehaving thyroid so I wanted to concentrate on that. I even cleaned out some stuff and filled up my trashcan. A start out the door.

I stopped at Barnes and Noble on the way home and picked up a few Christmas gifts.

Take care.

The sunrise this morning


Feb 27, 2007
@MamaBee - I can't find a picture of my ruby earrings but if I do I'll post it.


Feb 21, 2019
Wow that sunrise is stunning @marcy I hope you can retire. I hear you on the anemia and thyroid issues. They seem to go together. I know you'll get this figured out soon. And some thyroid meds deplete iron. Hang in there and enjoy your gorgeous rubies! Can't wait to see the earrings too. It's nice to have a set.


Jun 7, 2014
@marcy, I can’t wait to see your new earrings! Your pictures are beautiful. That morning sunrise looks spectacular. You have lots of pretty views where you live. Are you getting excited about retiring? I would have given your boss a heads up too. At least now he can start getting prepared.

@Austina, The floor plan looks wonderful. Your trip to get your driving permit sounds like it went really smoothly. The last time we went to get our drivers license renewed we were there for over 3 hours and we didn’t need to take any tests. I too look forward to seeing the progress on your new home. Good luck tomorrow with the driving test. If you live in the suburbs you need a car.

@junebug17 , I hope you had a great weekend and all is well with you and your family.

@MamaBee, It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend! You were smart to order food in. Who wants to be in the kitchen cooking when there are little ones to have fun with. I’m glad your mom is doing well. Was she able to see the little ones this past weekend? It’s great that she is so close by. It makes it so much easier when you can just drop in and check on her. Your home looks very cozy and you are right about that being hard to achieve when you are decorating a large room. You would have made a great interior designer. One of my nieces asked me how people decorated before pinterest.

@canuk-gal, I hope you are feeling better. I hope your mom is doing better and received good news regarding her evaluation.

@mrs-b, I’m sorry you both are sick. It’s alarming Tim lost so much weight so quickly. I hope he is feeling a little better now. Are you still planning to move to the townhouse soon or are you going to wait awhile? Is your back still feeling well enough to put off surgery? This is my niece’s second child. She is so excited. Another niece said they are trying to have a third child. She has two children that are 18 months a part. I don’t know where she gets all her energy. We have had 4 babies born in the family the last two years. I’m sorry, I don’t live in Australia. I’m in the Chicago suburbs. I wish we were in Australia right now. Wouldn’t we all like another summer?

I’ve been out shopping for clothes and getting Christmas presents for the little ones. The Covid weight isn’t coming off as easy as it once did. I hope everyone is having a great week.


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! Happy Tuesday!

@bling_dream19 it would be grand if we had a magic wand wouldn't it? Big hugs sweet friend.

@MamaBee so glad your mom is settled and content. Remember when you never thought that day would come? Thank goodness all your hard work and persistence paid off. XOXO

@Austina hope your week is going well, good luck on the test and next time you post you have good news to tell us about your driver's license and insurance. Sending you big hugs and lots of good wishes.

@mrs-b big hugs t you and Tim. I keep both of you in my thoughts every day and hope he finds relief soon. It's just crazy what he is going through. I am so glad your back is feeling much better and hope that the postponed surgery can be canceled for good. I remember how much terrible pain you were's like a miracle and that proves miracles happen.

@marcy wow gorgeous photos. I am sure your new earrings will be gorgeous and may you wear them in good health. And I am excited about your retiring soon. I love retirement so much. Thank you for all your kind words about my photos and good wishes for our health. Right back at ya. XOXO.

@Slick1 how is life going and thinking of you and hope your MIL is not causing you any grief. Big hugs.

@canuk-gal keeping good thoughts always for your mom and for you. We are in quite the storm pattern right now. As Marcy wrote above it's a bomb cyclone. I do not like the sound of that lol. No cycling this week for us. Hope you are faring better weather wise and get to enjoy some outdoor time. XOXO.

@springerspaniel thinking of you. I am emailing you. Big hugs.

@sarahb hope you are enjoying a sweet week. XOXO. LOL I just saw your post about the message but I think I sent it to Marcy an hour before that post was even written...unless the clock is messed up on that. But anyway know I get my messages more quickly than PS posts because I don't get email notifications re PS. Hugs and have a good Tuesday. XOXO.

@junebug17 stay safe today...I don't know if your area will be hard hit but NJ does have a state of emergency so sending good thoughts your way.

Hi to everyone else. We had a busy day yesterday and it went fast. Today depending on how bad the storm is we hope to run errands. Tomorrow Greg is bringing Tommy in to see my sister at her practice (3 hours plus away) so I hope the weather will have calmed down by then. If we have to we will reschedule.

Have a wonderful day girls and big hugs.

Bobby (and the rest of our furry crew) sends lots of purrs and love to my sweet girlfriends here.

Screen Shot 2021-10-26 at 5.44.26 AM.png

Have a meowalicious Tuesday!


Mar 31, 2018
@missy I had to comment on Bobby..That face! I want to kiss him all up!


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!

Bright sunny day and walked. Had my Dr. appt and bloodwork and an EKG are in order. Will do that Saturday. I had to check 10 different labs for an appt. that wasn't a month away. Lucked out. My BP was elevated for some reason. I'll check it tomorrow at Safeway.

Spoke to Mom yesterday on the phone. She was very clear but said she was tired. My sister was there with her. Mom was talking about her car, house, etc.

@missy sorry for your scary weather. Hope it doesn't stay long!

@marcy hope you feel better soon. And if retirement is in the cards for you, congrats! Those decisions are never quick or easy.

I bought a huge bag of organic yellow peppers so I stuffed them for supper. They smell great!

@Austina you drivin'?



Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Sorry to have been MIA I just don’t know where the time is going these days.

@mrs-b I’m so sorry to hear you’re all ill and Tim is still struggling to get his levels stabilised. Honestly, I thought the first tenet of medicine was ‘first do no harm’!

Fabulous photos @marcy, they’re so sharp and clear and look so professional. I’m glad to hear you’re putting yourself first and really thinking seriously about retirement.

Sounds like you had the perfect weekend @MamaBee, and definitely getting food in was the way to go, it’s takes so much time to mass cater and clear up. Glad to hear you’re going to be downsizing when S retires next year, life’s too short to take care of a big house. Really good news that your Mum is settled and happy where she is.

Half the battle is won now your Mum knows she’s ready to sell her home and be taken care of @canuk-gal. I know it’s sad for you all realising that she’s now at the stage where she needs help, but her accepting that is a huge step.

I feel you’ve been corrupted by all the NIRDIS and bling @bling_dream19, there’s no stopping you now :mrgreen: It’s great to have so many beautiful pieces for you to choose from and enjoy.

Great photos @sarahb, we had the same woodpeckers in England and the full green ones too.

Ugh @missy, is this nightmare ever going to end? I know when I mentioned about my friend going to Florida for her thyroid problem, it wasn’t something you were thinking about because of Covid, would it be worth contacting them now to see if they could help?

Wow, you’re really organised @Calliecake, I haven’t even thought about Christmas, but I hear you on the Covid weight, and Kim is such a good cook, and is spoiling us rotten.

So, I went for my driving test this afternoon. Is it me, but if someone says “do you see that bus at the traffic light turning right, we’re going to turn right” would you think he meant turn right at the light where the bus is? Well he didn’t, he meant we’re taking the next right turn, so I got marked down for that. He also asked me to change lanes, which I did, checking my rear view and wing mirror and physically looking to ensure it was safe to do do. He was fiddling with his phone, and said I didn’t turn to look, so I got marked down for that too! Anyway, I did pass, but I was somewhat peeved at his remarks. We went straight from the test to get my licence so I’m all legal now :lol:


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls and it's Wonderful Wednesday!

@canuk-gal glad the medical appointment went well and you were able to secure appointments in a timely fashion for the EKG and blood work. My internist does both at the annual visit so interesting you have to make separate appts for that. Good luck and sending you lots of good vibes for those appointments. Glad your mom is doing as well as possible and is clear minded. Glad your sister was able to visit her. The winds are getting super scary here today but hopefully we won't lose power. We shall see. Yesterday wasn't as bad as expected. Thanks for asking.

@Austina woohoo! Congratulations! So happy for you. I never doubted it for a second. What a jerk the tester was. Sounds par for the course IIRC. Kudos to you for overcoming so much and getting your license!

The surgeon I had a telemedicine consult with (totally out of pocket) was the former medical director at NPC. She left a couple of years ago to move to another state and open her own practice. Deva Boone MD. She seems excellent.
Plus I did send all my medical info to NPC for a look over which they will do and then contact me if they think I need surgery. But I will not travel to Fla or Az for the surgery if I need it. I am going to take it one day at a time and see what happens.

@MamaBee happy Wednesday and I hope David enjoys listening to Christmas music. We are on the same wavelength. I think sensitive people enjoy beautiful music :)

@Slick1 hope you are having a good week. The weather sucks. My nieces had something called lockout protocol at school this week. You probably know all about it. Scary times. Really crazy. Stay safe. Hugs to Bear and you.

@bling_dream19 hope the week is going smoothly. Enjoy.

@mrs-b good morning! Next year if Covid has gone we can go to JAWS together. I was so tempted but for me it wasn't worth it. Super crowded during the pandemic. Nope. I'll wait. Allows me to save more money for next year's show :lol:

@marcy just gorgeous. Breathtaking. Hope you are feeling well.

Hi to everyone else. We had a good day yesterday. Lots of errands and the weather wasn't too bad at all. There was lots of flooding on the roads (since we are at the shore) so we had many detours to take to get to where we needed to go but despite taking longer than usual it went smoothly. Today is the scarier weather day with 60 plus mph winds. So expecting power outages everywhere here today.

Greg left at 6AM this morning (30 minutes ago) with Tommy driving to see my sister 3 plus hours away. Tommy needs a check up. He has been losing weight and vomiting and I am so worried. Here we go again. I am praying it is just his thyroid meds that need adjustment but worried it is something more serious. Hoping for the best. Greg is definitely St Greg. Taking Tommy by himself that long way. As he always does. Sparing me. It is also wet out there and so windy so please think good thoughts for a safe trip back and forth. Thanks girls.

We haven't had dramatic color changes here yet this Autumn and it seems the trees are losing their leaves before the color appears. But yesterday as we were running errands I saw this lovely tree. Many leaves already gone but still pretty nevertheless.

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No color editing was done. Just cropping.

Have a colorful day girls. Enjoy and be safe. XOXO.


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Went out and bought myself a home BP monitor. I have hypertension in my family (strong lines) and I got worried when the Dr. told me my reading was high. And it is. Well see how this all unfolds as I continue to monitor it. This might certainly explain how strange I feel at times. MY BP has always been quite low but things change and genetics has a lot to do with things. Anyway full bloodwork panels and EKG on Saturday.

Too windy for anything fun outside today. At least the sunshine is something.

I think we've found a place for our dear Mother. Facility with excellent reputation. Fingers crossed.

Looks like Fall weather is coming--rain or snow. Low overnight temps. Poor Halloweener's will freeze!



Mar 31, 2018
@canuk-gal What a relief for you and your sister that you found a good place for your mom. In the beginning I was nervous that she was there..Now I feel so relieved. They take great care of her. They keep me in the loop with anything that pops up. I call her twice a day to keep her feeling like I’m still taking care of her…I am still very much involved…but the worry about what could happen to her in my house is gone. It was a big fear of mine..I hope you will be able to worry less.

I know you’re a nurse..but…my blood pressure spiked because I was so nervous during the transition from her fall to the nursing home. My doctor put me on a beta blocker in addition to blood pressure medicine. Hopefully yours will stabilize..Stress wrecks havoc on blood pressure.


Apr 19, 2004
@canuk-gal What a relief for you and your sister that you found a good place for your mom. In the beginning I was nervous that she was there..Now I feel so relieved. They take great care of her. They keep me in the loop with anything that pops up. I call her twice a day to keep her feeling like I’m still taking care of her…I am still very much involved…but the worry about what could happen to her in my house is gone. It was a big fear of mine..I hope you will be able to worry less.

I know you’re a nurse..but…my blood pressure spiked because I was so nervous during the transition from her fall to the nursing home. My doctor put me on a beta blocker in addition to blood pressure medicine. Hopefully yours will stabilize..Stress wrecks havoc on blood pressure.

Ain't that the truth! To all of what you said! Unfortunately I have lots of avenues of stress these days--it all adds up.


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

I’m glad you found somewhere to take good care of your Mum @canuk-gal , hopefully knowing she’s being well taken care of will lessen your stresses.

It’s great that your Mum is so close @MamaBee, that must make life a bit easier for you knowing she’s there.

I hope everything went well with Tommy’s visit to your sister this morning @missy. Greg is truly one in a million. The storm hit here about 4am, although it doesn’t appear there was much rain, but it’s been really windy today. Keeping everything crossed for you that you finally get some answers and hopefully, a resolution to your thyroid issues.

I finally got to drive the car today, we went up to the house, and they’ve got the roof on :appl:. They’re waiting for the windows to arrive, so it’s all coming together.

We called in to the local HEB, where we’ll shop, and they have a farmer’s market opposite on a Wednesday afternoon, lots of interesting stalls, so next time, we’ll plan to go later as they were just setting up as we were leaving.

9E20B093-455F-4685-B05B-B24433DF3461.jpeg B0DE2233-C1BC-4186-96DA-61CDC6F25183.jpeg
Might go to Costco tomorrow now we’re mobile again!

Hope all the lovely NIRDIs are having a good Wednesday. :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! Happy Thursday!

@MamaBee you are more than welcome to hug Bobby whenever you want to. He is a love bug but we call him psycho kitty because he can be so loving and purring up a storm one minute and the next second swipe. LOL.

@mrs-b you are awake early...hope you are feeling well and hope Tim is doing much better. Big hugs.

@marcy how's your weather doing? When do you think you anticipate you will be finally done with work and living a life of leisure? XOXO

@Austina love the latest photos and woohoo on everything coming together. The house is looking wonderful. Yay for driving yesterday. I am sure you will be able to get your booster shot soon. Big hugs.

@canuk-gal we have a blood pressure monitor as our internist suggested we get one about 10 years ago due to my white coat hypertension lol. I am sorry your bp is high and hope it is due to the extra stress you are under and that it will go back to normal as soon as things settle down and smooth out. Especially now that you have found a good place for your mom. What a huge relief. Warm hugs. Hope the sun is shining brightly by you today. Our winds have been off the charts but today is supposed to be calmer and we are hoping to go cycling. Hugs sweet Sharon and best wishes to you and your mother.

Hi to everyone else. Hope all is going smoothly. So unfortunately Debbie found a problem with Tommy's heart. He now has a murmur and an enlarged heart. :( We have to do an echo with a cardiologist and see if there is a possible treatment to extend his life (quality wise as I am not going to extremes...I learned my lesson over the decades and will not put my furry babies through any torturous treatments). Otherwise we are waiting on blood and urine results and once we have those we can make a decision. His weight is stable which is great as I thought he had been losing weight. And he is in good spirits.

Today we are heading out cycling despite the cold weather. My initial goal was to reach 9K miles this year but IDK. The next two months are ferocious weather months for cycling so not sure we will reach our initial goal. I am pleased with 8K but if we could hit 9K even better. What is life without goals? :lol:

Stay warm, stay safe and big hugs to my friends here. XOXO.

Leaving you with a photo of Tommy when we first rescued him from the dirty dark basement where he was kept as a mouser starving and lonely. He is the sweetest cat but his early traumatic past has made him skittish. But he is a love and also so smart. He is a treasure.

Screen Shot 2021-10-28 at 5.20.59 AM.png

Look at that tongue.

Have a good day girls!


May 11, 2013
him I’m leaning that way. I told him I’m old, I ready to retire and that I was anemic and had a misbehaving thyroid so I wanted to concentrate on that. I even cleaned out some stuff and filled up my trashcan. A start out the door.

I stopped at Barnes and Noble on the way home and picked up a few Christmas gifts.

Take care.

The sunrise this morning
Jealous! hi Marcy. xo

@MamaBee from what I read here your mom has flown the coop, well thank God, you are the BEST daughter but you really couldn't meet her needs all the time and your family and YOU. Hi sweetie by the way.xo

@missy love you as usual.xoxo

@Austina looking forward to meeting up, we should do lunch or breakfast altho traffic is very very bad in the mornings.. glad all is well and you are here!!! xoxox *hey your house sorta looks like MY house!! ;-) xo

@mrs-b sorry to read that you and hubster aren't feeling up to snuff, thinking of you and loved your insta stuff.. xoxo

@canuk-gal hola girlie! xoxo

so I've only read the last page and for me to go back a year, not sure I can do that.. but I'll try.

latest of my little Auti (who's big now). week and 1/2 ago in Oahu.. that's her mom.

1635459282697.png 1635459282697.png


Jun 8, 2008
@Bayek Love you Kate ❤️❤️❤️
Auti is a gorgeous girl. Like her grandmother ❤️


Apr 19, 2004


Mar 31, 2018
@Bayek Hi Kate!!! I missed you!!!! How are you doing? Auti isn’t a baby anymore! Wow!!
Yes.. I’m feel good that I took care of mom
for twelve years. She needs much more care now. The place she’s in now is wonderful..
Big hugs!!! ❤️


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had to reread the forecast bc I was in shock........5-10 cms of the white stuff forecasted here tomorrow. I CAN'T stand it! LOL

Walked today and chatted with a neighbor--I had no idea she was SO funny! Brisk day but I was well dressed.

@missy Tommy is such a darling--I hope nothing slows him down. Humans live well with functional murmurs, I hope cats can also. I've been taking my BP at different times of the day. Not always high. Good!

@Austina your house is looking like a house!!! Will you have to buy a lot of new furniture? What type of landscaping do you plan on?

@MamaBee how did the handyman work out? Get all your "to do" items crossed off your list?

@mrs-b hope things are OK with you and yours.

@bling_dream19 hiya!

I've been binging the new season of Dynasty. LOL I love that dumb show! Fallon has the best lines. And wardrobe.



Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Hi @Bayek, great to see you back, and YES, let’s do lunch. I’ll call you to fix up a time, it’ll be great to see you again after all this time.

You are such a good daughter, wife and mother @MamaBee and I’m so glad that your Mum is being so well taken care of.

Hoping you’ll find somewhere just as good for your Mum too @canuk-gal. Funny you should mention furniture, more below!

@missy, I know you’d never do anything to let any of your precious furries suffer, and will always do what’s in their best interests, no matter how hard it is for you.

Sending good thoughts to you and Tim @mrs-b and hoping you’re both doing well.

We went to Costco today, just for a mooch, not to buy anything in particular. From there we went to a furniture shop to look for a sectional for the games room. Colin liked a grey leather one, I wasn’t particularly struck on it, then when they priced it, he changed his mind :lol: There’s no rush, it’s an extra room, so we’ll look around to see if there’s anything else we like the look of.

Just had pizza and now we’re stuffed :mrgreen:

Big love and hugs to all :wavey:
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