
Now I really did it :((


Oct 2, 2020
@marcy OMG, sorry to see what happened to Marty’s truck! Something similar happened when a drunk driver slammed into our parked car a few years back. The frame was bent but we had to fight our insurance company to write it off as totaled. They wanted to just pay for repairs. NO NO NO. Bent frames can never really be fixed properly, and as you said these vehicles will never be safe to drive. Eventually they agreed and we got another vehicle. I’m glad we didn’t have to take the case to our state insurance commissioner which would have been our next step. Anyway, this lady should be in prison for DUI and then rehab. Grrr...

@Austina How awesome that you and your post lady are so close! The other day I got into an argument with ours for not wearing a mask in our building’s mailroom, which she is supposed to wear. No Christmas presents for her this year!

@missy What a stressful time. I’m so glad Greg was able to get the biopsies today and the surgeon was thorough on that. Also that he gave Greg such a good prognosis. Hang in there, the wheels are finally in motion. Huge hugs!!

Nothing new to report with me or my DH or Noodle, our little poodle mix. She‘s getting much better about using her pee-pee pads for her Cushing’s-related accidents. We’re happy about that and praying the medication starts working soon so she feels better.

Best wishes to everyone!


Jun 8, 2008
@missy I'm trying to catch up.. has the stent been removed? I can't find that you said it was. Greg's one year anniversary on his new knee is coming up in Jan! good news and he's fit as a fiddle.. I hope you don't have parathyroid disease, but since you are in a group you know everything, sometimes they place the one gland in a person's arm! you probably know this, you only need 1/2 of one! are you taking HRT? jeeze.. I feel terrible that I was off in my nether world of inner self reflection and depression... I'm here for you.. Is MrsB okay? I keep trying to read her posts.. she and you, and all of us, are wonderful wonderful women.

Dear @Bayek I am just catching up and am reading one post at a time. Greg's stent came out last Thursday and he is A OK. It caused him a lot of discomfort but now he is pain free. Yes his knee surgery anniversary is next month. And his December 2019 surgery anniversary is around now too lol. When he had his latest kidney stone surgery this December they joked about him making it an annual Christmas celebration lolol. Not.

I read about the parathyroid in the arm. Maybe. I am taking HRT. No difference yet. Still waking every hour to two during the night and getting up by 4AM the latest. But one day at a time. I am OK. More nervous for Greg and his upcoming thyroid and parathyroid surgery.

How is this doing?? did they take the nail off? Didn't you have the nail off a few years ago? jeeze louise Missy girl. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

The gift that keeps on giving. So a few days ago the podiatrist texted me asking for a photo of the toe. I had a one week follow up 2 weeks ago and thought I was OK. I sent it to him and he said he has to see me. But I could go in as we had the Lenox Hill appt for Greg yesterday. So I am going in today first thing because he is booked and he has to "tweak" something. Oy. I know it doesn't look good. It's bloody still and a bit of yellow puss is around it. I don't think it's infected but it doesn't look pretty...hoping it's nothing major that needs to be done and I hope he doesn't have to put me on antibiotics. I am already taking too many meds.

@missy you are going through such a trial Missy, Greg will be fine.. it's good you all are pushing to get diagnosis and treatment. Do you get enough VIT D Missy? I am all over the place here trying to catch up so I may sound disjointed (ha nothing new there!)..

Love you Kate. I do take 5000 IUs of D3 and K2 and lots other supplements. My recent blood tests show sky high bone breakdown. I am thinking it could be parathyroid and the first surgeon felt I had hyperparathyroidism. I didn't mention it to the surgeon we saw yesterday for Greg's second opinion but as soon as he is taken care of re his surgery I will make an appt with Greg's surgeon who we saw yesterday and be evaluated. It would explain a lot. But if I don't have it I am at a loss why all my bone markers are high and my bone is still breaking down at an alarming rate despite being on meds to slow it down. Hyperparathyroidism would explain it so I am actually hoping I do have it. Though I do not want to have surgery. I still remember my leg surgery and it was very unpleasant. I am not a fan of being in the hospital. At all. But I digress. Thank you for caring. XOXO.

@mrs-b @missy two of the most kind, classiest women I have met from PS... love you both.

Right back at ya. You are one of the most generous and warm loving individuals I have the honor of knowing. And you are real. Genuine. Not fake. You are da best girlie. Love you. XOXO. And when this is all over we will get together and celebrate.


Jun 8, 2008

My shift got cancelled so I booked to see my Doc for a swelling in my neck. Got an ER ultrasound also! Couldn't believe it happened so quickly. Anyway busy day.

@missy healing vibes Greg's way! You got to see another Specialist very quickly--very good! Some vaccine is here and our ICU workers are first in line, if memory serves.
@Bayek I am sorry you took a tumble!!! Your house does look gorgeous!
@MamaBee I hope your Mom isn't suffering from her biopsies--and I hope they are benign.

NIRDI shout out!!!


Dear Sharon, how are you doing? I hope your neck is better and whatever caused the swelling is healed and gone. Big hugs. Thank you for all your continued good wishes. XOXO.


Jun 8, 2008
@missy I truly don’t know what to say...Big hugs and love to you and Greg. I really feel everything is going to be okay for both of you.
I will catch up tomorrow. I was hoping for snow here in Maryland tomorrow.....but we’re only getting rain. My house in Pa will get about 8 inches...I miss snow...I like the feeling where I have to stay home and hang out in pjs when it’s snowing...I know how to party..:dance:

Aww thanks sweet Joanne. Love you. How are your mom and David doing? Stay where there is no snow. I am not excited about it but Greg is. My warmest coat is in Brooklyn darn it. LOL. I have 4 Olangs here so I am prepared to walk in the snow but I do need my warmest coat. Hugs and love and my regular days are in PJs so I don't need snow for that. :lol:

Hugs to you and be well. And thank you for all your good wishes. XOXO.


Jun 8, 2008
Hi Ladies

@missy You must be exhausted. I am glad that you have some answers and they told you that Greg should be okay. ***HUGS***

Thank you sweet lady. How is your niece doing? How are you feeling? I so appreciate your good wishes and support. Hugs to you @MMtwo. You are a dear. XOXO.


Jun 8, 2008
@missy windy and a snow storm moving in - it’s like you relocated here. Good luck, stay safe and warm! I guess the EC ruby I am interested in was already on hold for a customer to see today. Right now it’s still listed online but who knows. Oh well, there will be more rubies. You are right Marty would never kill me but he might want to threaten to throw out my bears. I hate to hear the doctor agrees that Greg has cancer. Glad the surgery is scheduled for mid January. Hugs to both you and Greg. That is good you liked the surgeon and yes it is kind of strange both of you might have been exposed to radiation. Hi Samson, he is a cutie.

Bwahahaha yes it is like we live in Wyoming with our crazy weather. Oh no I hope the EC ruby is available if you want it. But you are right. There will be more rubies if this isn't the one. If Marty throws away your bears I will punish him by giving him Oliver. I bet that threat will change his mind. Haha. Thank you for all your love and support and right back at ya.

Oh no about the car accident and thank goodness Marty wasn't in the car. I am so sorry. I don't know what to say except I am thankful Marty is safe and sound and I hope you can easily get the money from your insurance company. Very traumatic but again so glad he didn't get hurt. Cars are replaceable. Big hugs to you and Marty. Life can change in an instant.


Jun 8, 2008
@missy What a stressful time. I’m so glad Greg was able to get the biopsies today and the surgeon was thorough on that. Also that he gave Greg such a good prognosis. Hang in there, the wheels are finally in motion. Huge hugs!!

Nothing new to report with me or my DH or Noodle, our little poodle mix. She‘s getting much better about using her pee-pee pads for her Cushing’s-related accidents. We’re happy about that and praying the medication starts working soon so she feels better.

Best wishes to everyone!

Dear @SallyBrown thank you and huge hugs to you too. I am glad Noodle is getting better about using the pee pads. I hope the meds start working soon for her Cushing's disease. Sending you lots of good wishes and hugs.


Jun 8, 2008
Hard to believe what you are going through dear @missy I'm glad to hear you all met with a good surgeon and biopsies done. Processing the radiation factor and not sure what that means. I know you wore some fun leggings and boots to the doctor! I'm enjoying my Christmas tacky leggings lol! Hang in there sweet friend.
And @mrs-b always thinking about you too. Your dh is your everything too and I just hope his eyes heal.
Shout outs to all! I'm sorry to not mention all. Thank you all for the anniversary wishes. I remember each of your messages and how helpful and comforting you each were last year, while I was planning our wedding. And you all continue to be and I am so grateful.
Sending many hugs and love to all!

Dear @bling_dream19 thank you. I did wear fun leggings and boots haha. I am glad you are enjoying your christmas leggings too. Happy anniversary again and I am so happy you are doing well and I am always sending you good thoughts. I read what you wrote in that other thread and want you to know I am sending more good energy your way. It's all going to work out I know it. Love you and looking forward to sweeter times and sharing more ice cream together at Days. XOXO.


Jun 8, 2008
I painted the doors in the hall today, and I’m definitely done now, and I mean it this time :lol: My neck and shoulders are killing me.

I had a surprise yesterday evening, Graham (Kitchen man) emailed to say they’re coming on Thursday to see if they can fix the issue, so please keep all your fingers and toes crossed that they can.

As I was in the hall painting, I managed to catch our post lady today, we had made up a hamper for her for Christmas, she’s on her own, so I managed to get individual portions of Christmas cake and panettone, some champagne truffles, mince pies, dark chocolate florentines, some nice cheese and a couple of small bottles of Prosecco, she seemed really pleased. She always so cheery and offered several times to get us shopping if we needed her to.

I see an early night on the cards, I’m zonked.

You are amazing. Woohoo on painting the doors and being done now. Sweet. And I will keep my fingers and toes crossed that Graham will come and fix the issue tomorrow for you. How nice you got to vive your post lady a lovely holiday gift and I am sure she appreciates that very much. I would have loved that hamper too haha. Yummm dark chocolate and Prosecco. Right up my alley. Hugs to you and hope you are having a good morning.

@Slick1 hope your week is going well. Big hugs to you.

@springerspaniel thank you for your continued support and well wishes. I feel your presence here even when you don't post and appreciate it. How are the sweet furry babies doing and how are you doing? Any paper updates? XOXO.

Have you girls read the books “The Count of Monte Cristo”? It’s been a few years but I’m pretty sure it ends something like “life consists of two things. Waiting and hoping”
Kind of sums up 2020 is you ask me.

Re your kind questions, no development re my mother and grandmother. So no news is good news for now.


Dear @Scandinavian yes exactly. You are wise. It does sum up 2020. I keep your mom and grandmother in my daily thoughts and always sending you good wishes and virtual hugs across the miles. I want you to know that. Hugs.

@mrs-b thinking of you always and sending you continued healing dust. How is your DH doing? How is your back feeling? Hugs and love and please let me know how you are. I really care and I hope you can feel my good energy going out to you. ((((Hugs)))).

Hi to everyone else. I am sorry if I missed replying to you but you are all in my thoughts and I appreciate your warm and generous loving support. More than I can say. I hope you are all well and life is sweet. Big hugs and much love.

See you later. XOXO.


Jun 8, 2008
@bling_dream19 here are the leggings I wore yesterday. For good luck.


And Greg waiting for the surgeon.


My darling sweet handsome hubby. Love him so much. OK I am signing off for now. Need more coffee and food before my podiatry appointment. Love you ladies. Have a wonderful Wednesday.


Sep 20, 2009

@missy windy and a snow storm moving in - it’s like you relocated here. Good luck, stay safe and warm! I guess the EC ruby I am interested in was already on hold for a customer to see today. Right now it’s still listed online but who knows. Oh well, there will be more rubies. You are right Marty would never kill me but he might want to threaten to throw out my bears. I hate to hear the doctor agrees that Greg has cancer. Glad the surgery is scheduled for mid January. Hugs to both you and Greg. That is good you liked the surgeon and yes it is kind of strange both of you might have been exposed to radiation. Hi Samson, he is a cutie.

@Scandinavian glad to hear no news is good news with your mother and grandmother. Sounds like they are holding their own and that is good. I like that saying; it does work for 2020.

@Bayek Happy Birthday! I hope you had a lovely day. John will hopefully agree to that G ACA upgrade some time - it would be a perfect birthday present. After I “see” something in a diamond or gemstone; I always look for it. Sweet that you will start moving this weekend. Pretty exciting. When we started moving in on the 22nd we didn’t decorate at our old house or new house. I got out my little single LED tree and that was it. Too much other stuff going on when you are moving. My legs are stronger, my right knee has been catching again but not as bad. I am hanging in there; thank you. How is your shoulder doing? I will gladly send you some snow. It could take a while to recover from a concussion; I am so sorry you hit your head that hard. I do love emerald cuts.

@MamaBee did you want to go to a G ACA too? I didn’t answer your question earlier about GIA and ACA but the last I knew all ACA are AGS0. They have both AGS0 and GIA XXX in their Expert Selections.

@Austina that would have been funny to tell Marty I bought him that coat for Christmas. He has this “junk” basket on the shelf on the coffee table and I find stuff in there that I bought him for his Christmas stocking - so naturally I put it in the stocking again. Saves me buying things. My ruby looks iffy right now for a few reasons but the search will continue. Good luck getting your kitchen issue fixed and that was so sweet to give a lovely hamper full of gifts to your post lady.

@canuk-gal I hope they figure out what is going on with your neck and get you on the mend.

@bling_dream19 I bet it doesn’t seem like a year has gone by since you got married. Did you have your one year cake from last year?

Work was busy but my day was nothing compared to Marty’s. About 3:15 he was lifting and looked out the window at his pickup and saw a lady ram right in to it so hard she pushed it forward about 12 feet. Did a lot of damage to the pickup, totaled her car. Marty called 911 and the lady who answered asked if it was a blue Tahoe and Marty said yes. Apparently she’d been report hitting a curb so hard it bent her wheel in a round-about about 5 minutes earlier. She was huffing - which being a naive person had to ask what that was (inhaling aerosol). She was so high she passed out. She was trying to start her car and take off. It was her boyfriend’s car, not registered as the plates on it belonged on his mother’s car, she has a suspended driver’s license. Good luck getting a penny out of them. Marty’s pickup looks to have a lot of damage. The bed is definitely bent and crooked so we are worried the frame is bent. That means it would never drive or handle right again. We’ve had it 14 months. Our insurance will go up with a major claim since she doesn’t have insurance. She got tickets but not arrested - they aren’t arresting or prosecuting people because of COVID. Grr! If Marty’s truck hadn’t stopped her she would have gone through a busy intersection and maybe killed someone or herself. She was probably save by her airbags deploying. Pretty rotten.



Hi @marcy
Your husband's poor truck! I am so glad no one was injured. It's a bad time to have to deal with this, I am so sorry. Hope the frame is okay.

For the young lady, it's so good that she didn't kill anyone, including herself. You just never know what people are thinking.


Jan 23, 2016
Marty’s pickup looks to have a lot of damage. The bed is definitely bent and crooked so we are worried the frame is bent. That means it would never drive or handle right again.

O M G !!! Poor car!! Please be careful re the frame, that could be dangerous if it’s bent/squashed..
Nothing new to report with me or my DH or Noodle, our little poodle mix. She‘s getting much better about using her pee-pee pads for her Cushing’s-related accidents. We’re happy about that and praying the medication starts working soon so she feels better.

Oh poor little thing! Hopefully she will feel better soon!
Oy. I know it doesn't look good. It's bloody still and a bit of yellow puss is around it.

Seriously. 2020 is... not good.
but as soon as he is taken care of re his surgery I will make an appt with Greg's surgeon who we saw yesterday and be evaluated.

Yes please do!! I just keep feeling that too much s**t is heading you way this year, and it’s time it stops and perhaps a new diagnosis could explain more, and thus make it more fixable.


Jun 8, 2008


May 11, 2013
OMG @marcy this is horrendous... I never knew what huffing was until one day one of my co-workers at my job said, "oh God, Alan is so high from huffing" he was outta of his mind, walking back and forth, muttering, it was horrid, if this woman was huffing and driving that is a damn scary thing.. I am so sorry about the damage to Marty's truck, I remember when you guys drove and got it! I was hit by an unlicensed, uninsured driver years ago, my insurance did not go up, but my insurance company pushed me to sue her, I declined because I thought it was moot because the girl was an idiot, stupid, and a dippoop. So sorry Marcy,. :(

ugh I go offline for a month and PS redesigned or some crap, I dislike it.

@missy honey, if you have puss you have infection, now maybe they will let you use antibiotic cream or something... If you have parathyroid disease you MUST MUST promise me Missy, you will get the enlarged glands OUT.. you know the story of my sister Genevieve.. please please Missy.. you know they call hyperparathyroid disease the Moans and Groans disease, pain, my dumb butt sister would make fun of me and say 'ha my sister has had both her hips replaced because of osteoarthrits and I can live with the hip pain" her calcium ended up being off the charts, she was always 5'6" and I was 5"5" when she left she was no taller - I swear to God - 5'3"... her bone loss was incredible.. I am sorry, this illness is close to my heart Missy, very close.. let me KNOW if I can do anything for you. The handsome, wonderful, kind, funny Greg.. cool leather jacket.. yeah Greg is mucho cool too. Let me know how all things are going. If Greg has to have the thyroid out then there are meds as I am sure you know... love you..xoxoxo

Greg... I dunno, I wonder if the both of you had some weird radiation thing.. jeeze it's odd..... I feel crappy that i was in my blue funk and you were going thru this.. I apologize. :( :( xoxoxo

@MMtwo that pix is soooo beautiful, I love snow, I love VA, I love CT, NY, PA, MA, ME! I don't love Texas, where I live, not one bit. thank you for sharing, your home is lovely! love the pix! xo

@Scandinavian hey! you hiding another piece ofd GORGEOUS jewelry under that heart ;-) beautiful pix Scandi.. just beautiful.. xoxo

@mrs-b how are you? the wonderful hubby? thinking of you, where are you? CA? MA? Aussie? keeping up with all you ladies with many homes is hard! I hope your back is feeling okay, having been in constant pain from hips, and shoulders and jaws, I feel you and I feel for you.. thinking of you. Kate xoxoxo

to everyone who is experiencing snow, you lucky dogs! and to us southern folks, we can dream! actually it was 38F this a.m. chilly..

miss and love all you NIRDs..


Apr 19, 2004

@marcy your story is devastating! I am thankful Marty wasn't in the car or anyone else! People are just crazy.

@missy I don't know what the issue is with my neck. I know the results are with my Doc--but I haven't heard today, so it must be normal. 2020 is just full of wonderful surprises....:twisted:

Warm weather=slush fest. I did find the roads icy to walk. I see the spikes on my boots are wearing, they need to be replaced. @missy have you noticed this with your boots?

I need to start baking or at least make my pastry. And cabbage rolls. I've got time yet before our BIG Christmas celebration. LOL. NOT. I bought gift cards at Safeway today--that is the extent of my shopping. High roller here.



Sep 20, 2009
@canuk-gal I love cabbage rolls. That sounds so good today.

@Bayek thank you. It's helping with cheer. I've been in a funk lately. I know I am not alone.
Come on vaccines!

It's forecast to be 39 for tomorrow's high, so that should clear the ice off. Hubby said it was calling for ice fog.



Feb 27, 2007

@SallyBrown glad to hear Noodle is doing better. Sending hugs to your DH. I hate to hear you had such a hassle getting insurance to total your car; I am rather concerned they will try that with the pickup. My dad was a mechanic and I would never feel safe driving a vehicle with a bent frame. I might have to pull a Gordon Ramsey on our agent if it comes to that. It is very frustrating that lady wasn’t arrested. One of Marty’s clients is married to a former local policeman and she said sometimes they arrest them when they appear in court. We will probably never know.

@missy I hope your toe isn’t infected but it sounds awful. That would be funny to give Marty Oliver - he wouldn’t be as easy to “control” as a teddy bear. Ha! Yes, life can change in an instant. Yay for stars on your leggings and of course Bubbalah looks fabulous as always. Tell Greg he looks way more calm in the doctor’s office than I do. They swear I have white coat syndrome; I get so nervous my BP is always high.
@MMtwo that lady was very lucky she didn’t kill anyone or get hurt. She was passed out when Marty went outside and she woke up and was trying to start her car and she asked Marty - did I hit that truck? Marty saw the sign she knocked over and could see parts of her car in the roundabout this morning. He looked as he went down that one street to see if he noticed any sideswiped cars but he didn’t. As out of it as she was I can’t imagine she didn’t hit something going down that street. The first thing I notice about your snow is all of the snow looks even; we get sideways snow here with our wind. Very pretty view. Love your house too. Be careful with that freezing fog; I hate that.

@Bayek it is awful what huffing does to a person isn’t it? That is too bad what happened to you and it is frustrating the insurance company you pay wouldn’t help you sue for damages. That is pretty much what they told Marty. I had someone back in to me that took off; I got their license plate but it was registered to a Jeep in the county so the city couldn’t go talk to them. All they could do was call and ask if they hit a car and left the scene; they denied it off course. It would probably cost more in lawyer fees than any of us would get in a settlement.

@Scandinavian I agree about the frame; I am rather concerned about that. Great picture of you and the sweet furbabies.

@canuk-gal yes people are crazy. Yay for melting but sorry it was so icy to walk; I am a big chicken walking on ice. I hope no news is good news on your neck and hope it gets better soon. Mmm to cabbage burgers. I ate some of my Christmas cookies today. Yes, 2020 has been awful. I keep wondering who the heck had black cats walk in front of them, walked under and ladder and broke a bunch of mirrors? Thanks for mentioning gift cards; I need to pick some up for my employees.

So I just lifted 2190 pounds. Okay, technically it was spread out over 45 different reps but still. The total sounds more impressive.

I didn't sleep well thinking about the wrecked pickup and what we'll have to do. I love how someone being totally stupid, irresponsible and breaking multiple laws behind the wheel of a car has now become our problem. There will be our deductible, our eventual policy fee increase, we just lost our vanishing deductible, a car rental fee for probably 2 weeks, if the pickup is totaled we will have to pay taxes on a new car and oh we won't have a vehicle to trade in on a new pickup. We haven't been with Farmers very long so I don't know how they are to work with on a claim. We have an appointment Tuesday morning to have the pickup evaluated. Since it was pushed about 15 feet who knows what damage may be lurking with the transmission, wheels, tires and other things. Grr. Okay I'll quit whining now but it is upsetting.

I was too distracted to concentrate on work today; it was hard getting my tasks done. I am home again tomorrow so hopefully I can concentrate better. We have a lot to do to cover 2 days off next week.

My ring was supposed to arrive tomorrow but I just got a notice my shipment is delayed due to weather. Um it’s 100 miles from here and right now there is no storm brewing. WTH???



Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Ugh @marcy, it makes me sick that people are so careless about other people’s lives. That stupid woman so concerned about getting high and not even thinking about the havoc she’s caused to other people. The only saving grace is that Marty’s truck stopped her, no consolation to you both, but it really doesn’t bear thinking about what she could’ve done. A girl I worked with years ago had her father killed just before Christmas by a drunk driver who mounted the pavement. Thank goodness Marty wasn’t injured, and I have no doubt it’ll be a monumental pain dealing with the insurance company. They’re always happy to take your money but far less keen to pay up.

It looks like a winter wonderland @Scandanavian. Have the woofers got their snow booties on?

So glad you managed to get an ultrasound so quickly @canuk-gal, fingers crossed it all comes back clear.

Ugh @missy, I hope your podiatrist appt goes well, and that your toe is ok. What else is life going to throw at you? Greg looks very calm at the Dr’s office, and yes, I totally agree, having met you, I can confirm that he is indeed a very handsome man! Just keep telling yourself that you’re going to get through this hellish year and next year things will get better. You’re always in my thoughts and I’m willing you both well across the ocean.

Did you do anything for your anniversary @bling_dream19 ? It’s ours next week but we’ve decided not to go out, we’ll order something nice in.

I hope the meds kick in soon for Noodle @SallyBrown and you start to see some improvement.

Your house looks Christmas card pretty @MMtwo, would you believe it’s a bright sunny day here, I don’t think we’re forecast any snow here this year.

We made our last trip to the shops yesterday to get a few things, again Wednesday after 2pm seems to be the best time to go. We won’t be venturing out again as we also had a food delivery yesterday and one booked for next Wednesday.

We’re having an incredibly frustrating time at the moment, nothing compared to what some of you are going through. Colin is trying to upload important information to site that is constantly kicking him out, and we’ve got the electrician and kitchen people here.

It’s not going too well at the moment, they’re just about to start taking up the floor as literally all else has failed to get to the cable, but it has to be done. I imagine my BP is through the roof at the moment, but as long as it gets fixed, that’s the main thing. Sorry to whine, but I need to vent.

Wishing you all a peaceful and calm day, take care lovely NIRDIs :wavey:


Sep 20, 2009
Good morning NIRDI's


@SallyBrown glad to hear Noodle is doing better. Sending hugs to your DH. I hate to hear you had such a hassle getting insurance to total your car; I am rather concerned they will try that with the pickup. My dad was a mechanic and I would never feel safe driving a vehicle with a bent frame. I might have to pull a Gordon Ramsey on our agent if it comes to that. It is very frustrating that lady wasn’t arrested. One of Marty’s clients is married to a former local policeman and she said sometimes they arrest them when they appear in court. We will probably never know.

@missy I hope your toe isn’t infected but it sounds awful. That would be funny to give Marty Oliver - he wouldn’t be as easy to “control” as a teddy bear. Ha! Yes, life can change in an instant. Yay for stars on your leggings and of course Bubbalah looks fabulous as always. Tell Greg he looks way more calm in the doctor’s office than I do. They swear I have white coat syndrome; I get so nervous my BP is always high.
@MMtwo that lady was very lucky she didn’t kill anyone or get hurt. She was passed out when Marty went outside and she woke up and was trying to start her car and she asked Marty - did I hit that truck? Marty saw the sign she knocked over and could see parts of her car in the roundabout this morning. He looked as he went down that one street to see if he noticed any sideswiped cars but he didn’t. As out of it as she was I can’t imagine she didn’t hit something going down that street. The first thing I notice about your snow is all of the snow looks even; we get sideways snow here with our wind. Very pretty view. Love your house too. Be careful with that freezing fog; I hate that.

@Bayek it is awful what huffing does to a person isn’t it? That is too bad what happened to you and it is frustrating the insurance company you pay wouldn’t help you sue for damages. That is pretty much what they told Marty. I had someone back in to me that took off; I got their license plate but it was registered to a Jeep in the county so the city couldn’t go talk to them. All they could do was call and ask if they hit a car and left the scene; they denied it off course. It would probably cost more in lawyer fees than any of us would get in a settlement.

@Scandinavian I agree about the frame; I am rather concerned about that. Great picture of you and the sweet furbabies.

@canuk-gal yes people are crazy. Yay for melting but sorry it was so icy to walk; I am a big chicken walking on ice. I hope no news is good news on your neck and hope it gets better soon. Mmm to cabbage burgers. I ate some of my Christmas cookies today. Yes, 2020 has been awful. I keep wondering who the heck had black cats walk in front of them, walked under and ladder and broke a bunch of mirrors? Thanks for mentioning gift cards; I need to pick some up for my employees.

So I just lifted 2190 pounds. Okay, technically it was spread out over 45 different reps but still. The total sounds more impressive.

I didn't sleep well thinking about the wrecked pickup and what we'll have to do. I love how someone being totally stupid, irresponsible and breaking multiple laws behind the wheel of a car has now become our problem. There will be our deductible, our eventual policy fee increase, we just lost our vanishing deductible, a car rental fee for probably 2 weeks, if the pickup is totaled we will have to pay taxes on a new car and oh we won't have a vehicle to trade in on a new pickup. We haven't been with Farmers very long so I don't know how they are to work with on a claim. We have an appointment Tuesday morning to have the pickup evaluated. Since it was pushed about 15 feet who knows what damage may be lurking with the transmission, wheels, tires and other things. Grr. Okay I'll quit whining now but it is upsetting.

I was too distracted to concentrate on work today; it was hard getting my tasks done. I am home again tomorrow so hopefully I can concentrate better. We have a lot to do to cover 2 days off next week.

My ring was supposed to arrive tomorrow but I just got a notice my shipment is delayed due to weather. Um it’s 100 miles from here and right now there is no storm brewing. WTH???

@marcy thank you. The hills here protect the drifting issues. We also had a fair amount of ice pellets yesterday, so it's helping everything stay put.

Awesome workout there! Good for you. I have an impinged shoulder will need to addressed after COVID vaccine. My left arm is a T-Rex arm for now.

It's so maddening that one person can be that selfish and impact the lives of others without the responsibility of fixing the situation. Maybe your insurance will not increase at all. The car was not being driven. I don't know much about insurance, but since it was parked outside, would it be covered by property damage on your homeowners? just a passing thought. On your end, it was not a driving issue at all.

I'm sorry that all this stress is dumped on top of a pandemic and holiday rush. This will be a year we look back at and shudder. I hope the future feels like sunshine and 2020 a bad dream. For everyone. I've had days where my concentration is just broken. I think it's burnout.

Hope that ring gets there quickly! Maybe that can give you a smile.
HUGS, hope things come together well on the auto front.

Hello lovelies

Ugh @marcy, it makes me sick that people are so careless about other people’s lives. That stupid woman so concerned about getting high and not even thinking about the havoc she’s caused to other people. The only saving grace is that Marty’s truck stopped her, no consolation to you both, but it really doesn’t bear thinking about what she could’ve done. A girl I worked with years ago had her father killed just before Christmas by a drunk driver who mounted the pavement. Thank goodness Marty wasn’t injured, and I have no doubt it’ll be a monumental pain dealing with the insurance company. They’re always happy to take your money but far less keen to pay up.

It looks like a winter wonderland @Scandanavian. Have the woofers got their snow booties on?

So glad you managed to get an ultrasound so quickly @canuk-gal, fingers crossed it all comes back clear.

Ugh @missy, I hope your podiatrist appt goes well, and that your toe is ok. What else is life going to throw at you? Greg looks very calm at the Dr’s office, and yes, I totally agree, having met you, I can confirm that he is indeed a very handsome man! Just keep telling yourself that you’re going to get through this hellish year and next year things will get better. You’re always in my thoughts and I’m willing you both well across the ocean.

Did you do anything for your anniversary @bling_dream19 ? It’s ours next week but we’ve decided not to go out, we’ll order something nice in.

I hope the meds kick in soon for Noodle @SallyBrown and you start to see some improvement.

Your house looks Christmas card pretty @MMtwo, would you believe it’s a bright sunny day here, I don’t think we’re forecast any snow here this year.

We made our last trip to the shops yesterday to get a few things, again Wednesday after 2pm seems to be the best time to go. We won’t be venturing out again as we also had a food delivery yesterday and one booked for next Wednesday.

We’re having an incredibly frustrating time at the moment, nothing compared to what some of you are going through. Colin is trying to upload important information to site that is constantly kicking him out, and we’ve got the electrician and kitchen people here.

It’s not going too well at the moment, they’re just about to start taking up the floor as literally all else has failed to get to the cable, but it has to be done. I imagine my BP is through the roof at the moment, but as long as it gets fixed, that’s the main thing. Sorry to whine, but I need to vent.

Wishing you all a peaceful and calm day, take care lovely NIRDIs :wavey:

@Austina thank you. What part of the country are you in? I am so sorry that the working has come to this. I would need to vent too! Digging up a kitchen floor for a wiring issue is highly unusual and just too "extra" at Christmastime.

Hope things smooth out, your floor is quickly fixed and they leave your kitchen in good shape. You HAVE been through a lot.


May 11, 2013
OH I LOVE THIS!! I love snow, it's just PERFECT.. Merry Christmas!

@canuk-gal I love cabbage rolls. That sounds so good today.

@Bayek thank you. It's helping with cheer. I've been in a funk lately. I know I am not alone.
Come on vaccines!

It's forecast to be 39 for tomorrow's high, so that should clear the ice off. Hubby said it was calling for ice fog.



May 11, 2013
Yup, good news they haven't called! I sent my son and DIL Amazon cards and they have already bought a new unit for their HUGE TV to be placed on.. Auti I got whatever Cara asked for and Christopher? I got him oodles of food stuffs and 2 bottles of wine, he's gotten it all already, I sent it early in case of bad weather and covid related slowness and good thing, Brooklyn was hit with a snowstorm.. Hope you are feeling well Sharon. Merry Christmas!



@marcy your story is devastating! I am thankful Marty wasn't in the car or anyone else! People are just crazy.

@missy I don't know what the issue is with my neck. I know the results are with my Doc--but I haven't heard today, so it must be normal. 2020 is just full of wonderful surprises....:twisted:

Warm weather=slush fest. I did find the roads icy to walk. I see the spikes on my boots are wearing, they need to be replaced. @missy have you noticed this with your boots?

I need to start baking or at least make my pastry. And cabbage rolls. I've got time yet before our BIG Christmas celebration. LOL. NOT. I bought gift cards at Safeway today--that is the extent of my shopping. High roller here.



May 11, 2013
Okay off to the house by 10:00 am my time CST, have 2 meetings up there, then I have a call with my high school reunion committee with a call with our class tomorrow, sick of this committee but I can't leave because I committed myself and that's that.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day, those with snow? lucky dogs!

@missy have a wonderful, day, did you get snow in Jersey?

pix from yesterday.

1608211911435.png 1608211965734.png

1608212118569.png they are going to finish off the top of the hood with the trim on the cabs. they painted the trim below a different grey. lol I just don't care anymore.

Flowers my bestie Kath sent me for my bday!


master bath - my area


John and the microwave


I will try to log on tonight again.

sending everyone love.



Jun 8, 2008
GM lovely ladies and happy Snowy Thursday from the Jersey shore. We got a bit of snow about 6" not too bad. Hope you are all safe and cozy and comfy.
@missy honey, if you have puss you have infection, now maybe they will let you use antibiotic cream or something... If you have parathyroid disease you MUST MUST promise me Missy, you will get the enlarged glands OUT.. you know the story of my sister Genevieve.. please please Missy.. you know they call hyperparathyroid disease the Moans and Groans disease, pain, my dumb butt sister would make fun of me and say 'ha my sister has had both her hips replaced because of osteoarthrits and I can live with the hip pain" her calcium ended up being off the charts, she was always 5'6" and I was 5"5" when she left she was no taller - I swear to God - 5'3"... her bone loss was incredible.. I am sorry, this illness is close to my heart Missy, very close.. let me KNOW if I can do anything for you. The handsome, wonderful, kind, funny Greg.. cool leather jacket.. yeah Greg is mucho cool too. Let me know how all things are going. If Greg has to have the thyroid out then there are meds as I am sure you know... love you..xoxoxo

Greg... I dunno, I wonder if the both of you had some weird radiation thing.. jeeze it's odd..... I feel crappy that i was in my blue funk and you were going thru this.. I apologize. :( :( xoxoxo

Aww you are the best Kate. Thank you for caring. My toe is OK and not infected. The podiatrist added more of Gentian Violet to it and said I'm good to go. I am supposed to keep it covered during the day and now uncover it at night.

Thanks for all your advice. I am not taking this hyperparathyroidism lightly I promise. It's just Greg's cancer outweighs my health concerns right now and we need to take care of him first. We cannot both get the surgery in January so I want him to go first. And after he is well I will make an appointment to see this surgeon and be fully evaluated. Believe me, breaking my vertebrae terrifies me like nothing else. And my back is in almost constant discomfort. I think it is osteoarthritis causing the discomfort as I have that diagnosis. But yeah I am concerned and will be on it as soon as Greg has recovered from his upcoming surgery. Fingers crossed that goes well.

I am so sorry about your sister. That is heartbreaking and I think about her often and what she went through. I am so sorry. :(

How is your family? Your sons? And Katie? And Auti? And everyone? Sending you all good wishes and hugs.

We got some snow here Kate. Not too much. About 6". I wish you could be here to play in the snow with us. ((((HUGS)))). Love you girlie.

@missy I don't know what the issue is with my neck. I know the results are with my Doc--but I haven't heard today, so it must be normal. 2020 is just full of wonderful surprises....:twisted:

Warm weather=slush fest. I did find the roads icy to walk. I see the spikes on my boots are wearing, they need to be replaced. @missy have you noticed this with your boots?

I need to start baking or at least make my pastry. And cabbage rolls. I've got time yet before our BIG Christmas celebration. LOL. NOT. I bought gift cards at Safeway today--that is the extent of my shopping. High roller here.

Dear Sharon, how are you feeling today? How is your neck swelling? As for the spikes on my boots I haven't used them enough to say if they are not wearing well. I generally wear them with the spikes in not out as we haven't had much ice here since I got them. Perhaps that is why I continue to buy them lol to stave off the icy weather haha. I hope you can just order new spikes and replace them on the boot. Hugs to you and have a wonderful and warm cozy day. XOXO.

It's forecast to be 39 for tomorrow's high, so that should clear the ice off. Hubby said it was calling for ice fog.


Such a pretty photo @MMtwo. Hope you enjoy some fun in the snow and have a great day. XOXO.
How is your niece doing? Hope she is doing well. Hugs.

@Slick1 hope you are warm and cozy at home and that school is getting a snow day. Big hugs to you.

@bling_dream19 did you get any snow? Hope you are enjoying a cozy comfy day at home and that work is at a minimum for you today. Are you taking time off for the holidays I hope? Hugs and love to you sweet friend.

@missy I hope your toe isn’t infected but it sounds awful. That would be funny to give Marty Oliver - he wouldn’t be as easy to “control” as a teddy bear. Ha! Yes, life can change in an instant. Yay for stars on your leggings and of course Bubbalah looks fabulous as always. Tell Greg he looks way more calm in the doctor’s office than I do. They swear I have white coat syndrome; I get so nervous my BP is always high.

Yes you guys were very lucky indeed. I am so glad Marty and you were not in the car. What is freezing fog? Snow is always pretty when it first falls and out here it stays cleaner than in Brooklyn. I have white coat hypertension too. I think it is fairly common. Greg is very calm compared to me. Thank you for the legging compliments. I will never be too old to wear them because what fun would life be then? There is no age limit on fun. Nope.

So I just lifted 2190 pounds. Okay, technically it was spread out over 45 different reps but still. The total sounds more impressive.

I didn't sleep well thinking about the wrecked pickup and what we'll have to do. I love how someone being totally stupid, irresponsible and breaking multiple laws behind the wheel of a car has now become our problem. There will be our deductible, our eventual policy fee increase, we just lost our vanishing deductible, a car rental fee for probably 2 weeks, if the pickup is totaled we will have to pay taxes on a new car and oh we won't have a vehicle to trade in on a new pickup. We haven't been with Farmers very long so I don't know how they are to work with on a claim. We have an appointment Tuesday morning to have the pickup evaluated. Since it was pushed about 15 feet who knows what damage may be lurking with the transmission, wheels, tires and other things. Grr. Okay I'll quit whining now but it is upsetting.

I was too distracted to concentrate on work today; it was hard getting my tasks done. I am home again tomorrow so hopefully I can concentrate better. We have a lot to do to cover 2 days off next week.

My ring was supposed to arrive tomorrow but I just got a notice my shipment is delayed due to weather. Um it’s 100 miles from here and right now there is no storm brewing. WTH???

Amazing workout. You are da bomb Marcy. I am in awe of you. And speaking of awe....Aww that is understandable how you are feeling re the accident. I am sorry and I feel for you. Vent away. You have every right to. It is upsetting and I hope you get relatively good news on Tuesday. Ugh about your ring being delayed. Tis the season and all. Here's hoping you get a happy surprise and it gets delivered sooner than you think. Big hugs to you marcy. XOXO.

Ugh @missy, I hope your podiatrist appt goes well, and that your toe is ok. What else is life going to throw at you? Greg looks very calm at the Dr’s office, and yes, I totally agree, having met you, I can confirm that he is indeed a very handsome man! Just keep telling yourself that you’re going to get through this hellish year and next year things will get better. You’re always in my thoughts and I’m willing you both well across the ocean.

Thank you dear @Austina my toe is OK. Thanks for your compliment re Greg. When he first asked me out I was flabbergasted as I did not see it coming and he also wasn't my "type" though I obviously was crazy because how could super handsome not be anyone's type lol. I used to go for the dark and swarthy vs the Paul Newman/Robert Redford combo. Hahaha. Of course his true beauty is from within and in that regard he is the most beautiful person I know (along with my dad and my grandmother may she RIP). Anyway I digress. Thank you so much for your well wishes across the ocean and one day when things are better we shall all celebrate in person. And you will be here on the same side of the ocean. Big hugs and much love to you and Colin.
We’re having an incredibly frustrating time at the moment, nothing compared to what some of you are going through. Colin is trying to upload important information to site that is constantly kicking him out, and we’ve got the electrician and kitchen people here.

It’s not going too well at the moment, they’re just about to start taking up the floor as literally all else has failed to get to the cable, but it has to be done. I imagine my BP is through the roof at the moment, but as long as it gets fixed, that’s the main thing. Sorry to whine, but I need to vent.

I hope the electrician and the kitchen people figure it out and fix it all today. Sending you lots of good wishes to make that happen. And vent away. We are here for you. It is very stressful I know. I am sorry you are still dealing with this. Hang in there. It's going to get fixed and I hope today is the day. XOXO.

@SallyBrown how is your sweet pup doing? Have the meds started taking effect yet? Hugs to you.

@Scandinavian hope you are having a lovely day. XOXO.

@springerspaniel just saying good morning and hope your week is progressing smoothly. Hugs.

@MJ_Mac how are you guys doing? XOXO.

Hi to everyone else. Yesterday after the podiatrist I worked out and Greg went to Costco and then later on we ran some errands and were home for the rest of the day watching the snow fall. It was and still is super windy here and very very cold. We got a call from the first surgeon we saw last week and well I explained it all in the healthcare thread. Not going to repeat it here but to say the surgeon has covid 19 and the staff told us only he was exposed not that he had it! And they said we didn't need to quarantine! But OMG we were there with him while he had it and might have been exposed. I am annoyed for many reasons. Just praying we don't get it. Oy.

Today we hope to brave the elements and walk in the snow and ice (carefully) but not sure we will. We will assess later and see how it looks. I have my spikes on the boots and Greg has his mountaineering boots so hoping we can get outside for a bit.

Hugs to all of you and have a cozy and warm and safe day. XOXO.

Leaving you with a photo of my friend's Christmas tree. Cheers to all.


And I cannot resist this photo from Asbury park in the local paper.

Screen Shot 2020-12-17 at 8.46.15 AM.png


Aug 18, 2013
@marcy -

I know this sounds a bit odd, and I don't mean to be trying to sound like Sally Sunshine here, but - when I saw Marty's truck, and read what you said about it intercepting the driver at fault from plowing through the intersection, I felt like your truck was sacrificed to save a bunch of people. Maybe, annoying and heart-breaking though it was - maybe this was your gift to a lot of other families? I know that doesn't help you at all, and speaking as someone whose car was totaled by someone with no insurance, I feel your pain! But I can't help but feel that poor, totaled Marty-truck laid itself on the line for a genuinely greater good. I hope you're able to get through this shitty situation and out the other side as quickly as possible, and I'm so sorry for the cost and inconvenience inevitable in a situation like this. big hugs to you, and RIP Marty-truck!


Aug 18, 2013
@Scandinavian - Your dogs are clearly enjoying the cold! My setters were having a wonderful time, too...right up until last night when it started bucketing down. We're under at least 12" up here in Boston, and we've just discovered...our snow blower is not working. Yaaaaay!


Oh, good.


@Bayek - I'm currently in Boston and will be here for the foreseeable. My back - always dodgy - has been getting worse lately. I had an MRI yesterday - 1 1/4 hours in the tube - UGH - and I have a telemed visit with the surgeon on the 22nd. I think I'm looking inevitably at another discectomy (I had one 16.5 years ago and they told me then I'd need another one in between 15 and 20 years) and, frankly, will be pleased to have it. The pain is...considerable. My life is a combination of ice packs and back braces at the moment. Starting Humira has been pushed back till the spring.

Your new house - which I'm sure is driving you insane - looks FABULOUS. I'm so jealous! You have all the things I want to add to *my* house here, and which I don't see happening any time soon. This whole pandemic has obliterated bonuses this year and probably for the next couple as well, so major house fiddling is on the back burner. The way, waaaay, WAAAYYYYY back burner, sadly. Ah well! Maybe one day I'll get my pool. We perpetually um and ahh about where we'll be living in 5 years, so it's hard to spend major money on a house when there's a chance you'll end up moving anyway, y'know?

@missy. <sigh> What to say? I'll be counting off the days till January with you. Do you have a date for Greg's surgery yet? I'll be thinking of you both and praying for a smooth, issue-free experience. And - how is his kidney feeling? The man has been through no small issue recently. I'm pretty sure your household and my household need to form a bubble....

If you want to see something hilarious, you should be looking out my living room window right now. One of our neighbors is walking her corgi. In 12" of snow. A corgi... Oh lordy....!!!

@canuk-gal - Sharon - swelling in your neck?? What's all that about? Have you had a result yet? Unexplained swellings are always a worry - I'm thinking of you and hoping all is ok.

@Sally Brown - I've been following along with your Noodle's journey. :)) I'm glad she's doing well with the wee-pads. I really hope the meds kick in soon for her and she's back to her old self.


Feb 24, 2017
:dance: It’s fixed, well it’s been tested and working, but I haven’t used it yet!

What a palaver. They came about 8.30am, and the kitchen fitter dismantled the island so the electrician could get at the cable. They drilled out a hole under the island, and Colin offered them the use of his snake camera. Just as well, because they discovered the cable didn’t run where we all thought it did.

They then had to make the decision as to which tile to start with, and fortunately they made the right decision, because once they’d got through the tile and sub floor, they found the cable. Try as they might, they could get the cable from the hob out to there, but they couldn’t shift the cable from there to the outside. So they made the decision to cut in to another tile near the wall. They weren’t quite as lucky because even though it was in a straight line from the other hole, the cable wasn’t. They did manage to get at it eventually and get the cable out. Then they had to finagle the cable back in, and get it all connection. The electrician rewired it all back up and tested the hob, and it was working. He then left and the kitchen guy had the horrible job of getting the remainder of the two tiles up, and cleaning up all the adhesive underneath, patching the holes and putting the island back together.

It could’ve been a lot worse, and fortunately we have spare travertine, so all that’s left is replacing 2 large tiles, grouting, sealing and polishing it.

I was getting seriously worried because I heard the kitchen fitter on the phone saying there was a problem.

Colin had to go for an exercise test today, and the Dr wants him to take a quarter dose of beta blockers for a month because his heart is beating a little fast at times, but nothing to worry about. He’ll do another 24 hr monitor test in a month’s time. I’m hoping after a few weeks of rest things will have settled down, it’s all been a bit stressful lately.

I can breath again now.


Jun 8, 2008
Woohoo @Austina !!!! Yes now you can breathe and I am glad Colin is in great hands and being taken care of well.

@mrs-b surgery is scheduled tentatively for the 13th of January. Interestingly enough our surgeon called us his afternoon with the blood results. What is it with both surgeons calling us from their cell phones lol. No complaints at all. He is a really nice guy and he seems to be giving Greg the necessary attention. Anyway we wait to see what the CT scan shows this coming Wednesday. He said Greg might have normal calcemic hyperparathyroidism or something like that. Biopsy won't be back for another 2 weeks or so. My heart went into my throat when Greg's mobile rang and it was the surgeon calling us today. I thought no it's too soon for the biopsy results. Oy it took a while for my heart to stop racing.

LOL I wish I could have seen your neighbor walking the Corgi in the deep snow. I bet the dog enjoyed himself. :)

Off to beat Greg at cards again. :sun:
It's too icy for a walk so we are inside for the day.
Hope everyone is having a cozy warm day.
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