
Now I really did it :((


KaeKae, good deal for getting an offer on your house already and at full price. I hope everything goes through without issues.

Missy, I doubt you’d like either of those movies. John Wick is pretty gory and violent and that movie Life did kind of creep me out - alien monsters sometimes stick in my mind. You certainly have had a nice, long vacation. Lots of miles on your tandem. Your ice cream looks delicious. Yes I can see the Heath bar crunch and I can almost taste it. I haven’t had a Heath bar in a long, long time but it sure sounds great. Next time Marty is in LA I’m having some Cold Stone ice cream for supper. I like the cake batter flavor there.

Austina, we have cows everywhere around here too but there are quite a few places in Wyoming that have bison herds. It sounds like you guys are having a lovely time. Sweet. Tell your DH happy birthday for me. That is cute Dottie is watching bunnies.

PierreBear, I am glad you have a nice weekend spending time with your DH before he left on his travels for work. That is too bad you had small portions at the restaurant you tried but it’s always fun to try someplace new. That sculpture is very interesting. I watched friends but I don’t remember the smoke alarm episode with Phoebe. She was quite amusing. There are some cool places to see in Wyoming. I was excited we ran across the bison. My allergies are back to their normal bad instead of I can’t breathe which I had Saturday. I became more of an indoor girl the worse my allergies got. I took shots for years but it never helped. Allergy meds make me a total crazy b***h. Not kidding - it’s like the Marcy from an evil parallel universe takes over my body. I don’t think I could get Marty to wear pink pants or a pink shirt. I always try to get him to buy a pink shirt or tie when we go pick out dress clothes. He ignores me.

We had a nice thunderstorm roll through here both this afternoon and evening. The afternoon one had wind so bad Marty thought a tornado was outside; the storm this evening was just rain. We had a fabulous double rainbow again tonight too.

Work was interesting. This morning I had a guy say “well hello good looking” in front of a director and another lady. It made me very uncomfortable so I mentioned it to his boss. He must like the color lavender or mauve because when I wear that color he’s said things like “you’re looking foxy today” or something like that. As a boss I know you just aren’t supposed to say that to people. He doesn’t come across as creepy but that was enough. I told his boss I’m not trying to get him in trouble nor do I want to take it to HR but he needs to know he shouldn’t say those things to people. Sigh.

I had a one on one with my employee who complained to HR about her review. I used Marty’s method of asking questions and I got her to admit that she doesn’t always follow procedures, to admit that she was using the wrong source document which led right back to not following procedures then completely stumped her with an example of 2 mistakes she makes all the time when I said “help me understand how you have been doing this job for 11 years and you haven’t figured out how to not repeat this same mistake?” Since she didn’t have an answer I gave her an assignment that by our next one on one I want her to come up with a way she won’t make those mistakes anymore.

Have a fabulous Tuesday.

After the storm some crepuscular rays


Do you think the pot of gold is under those trees?
A little more good news. We countered because the offer included closing in 21 dayso. Too fast for us, DD1 needs to find and move into an apartment and DD2 is committed to her summer camp job through 8/18. We said 45 days and she agreed. Thank goodness!

We still were showing the house today though. Six today. The dogs and I , and both girls were out of the house from 12:20 to nearly 8. (DD2 actually from 8am) Thank goodness many of our restaurants and Starbucks have outside seating that welcome dogs. And, of course, dog parks nearby. But we are exhausted !
KaeKae, 21 days is short to get packed and moved; so it's great they accepted your counter off of 45 days. Hope everything proceeds smoothly for you. Congratulations!

They used the rainbow picture above on our local news tonight with the weather segment. I'm infamous now. :lol:
Pierrebear, what an incredible sculpture! Thanks for sharing.

Marcy, you were always in-famous here lol and I'm glad your audience has expanded. We can say we knew you "when".

Missy, a friend I biked with on my vacation just wrote to say that in your honor he has removed the toe clips from his bike pedals.

I posted photos of my bathroom "before & after" on another thread
Since the new format with PS, and my computer not functioning properly, it's a beast trying to post photos and also they are posting GIANT, no little tab for thumbnail. When I figure out a solution to the issues, I'll post some vacation shots.
[edit-ugh didn't mean to post a giant me, but it looks OK so I'll leave it. I'm wearing my "vintage" biking outfit, which includes wearing a vintage dress to pedal around during the festival. I could not be official because my bike was not made before 1957!]

Last edited:
Marcy--The rainbow picture is so cool--no wonder they posted it on the news! I am impressed with how you are dealing with your employee and the review. Those are skills that do not come easily to me. I am hoping you get some resolution. I especially like your "help me understand how you have been doing this job for 11 years and you haven't figured out how not to repeat the same mistake."

Jimmianne--lovely picture! You look very regal.

PierreBear--I didn't know there was a Friends episode where the smoke alarm was involved like that. I also wrapped the alarm in a blanket before I threw it in the drier. What a great idea for surprise date night by the way! Glad you were able to shake things up after 8 years of marriage.

Hi to everyone else--got to get to work now.
Morning! Had a friend over for dinner yesterday night. Made polenta with cajun shrimp on top with veggies on the side. I’m more so an introvert, whose voice doesn’t carry far, so cooking at home is more enjoyable than meeting over drinks. Was also glad that my cat stopped throwing up before my friend came over too. Nothing like hearing the “wuhh wuhh wuhh wuhhhhh” sound of a cat throwing up. How does so much noise come from such a tiny thing? Well, I say tiny when compared to some dogs. He does love his food and is probably closer to 15 lbs, which I think is normal for a male cat.

@marcy – Way to go for being daring enough to speak up when things are not appropriate. You sound like a great manager and I wish my own boss would have some stronger leadership skills. He is very absent and tends to have personal priorities take over work duties. Or rather he delegates everything, which allows him to leave earlier than everyone else. Frustrating but he’s the big boss so everyone just lets it be and now it’s the culture norm.

Gorgeous rainbow photos and so neat that the local news used that same shot. What’s underneath that rainbow you say? I think it looks like the fire from your ring in your avatar. Haha!

@KaeKae – Great to hear that you got additional days to feel settled. What type of summer camp job is DD2 doing? I feel like I missed out as a kid, not really going to summer camps. I suppose it’s never too late to be a camp counselor one day to relive those dreams?

@Jimmianne – Oh yes…. I saw your thread and am excited about your redecorating plans. Great job on the before and after photo. Neat photo that you put up. Is there significance to it? Goes great with the chandelier!

Thanks for sharing a photo of yourself on vacation. You are adorable with your hat, braided hair, and vintage dress!
Good afternoon from NYC girls! We are back and the 12 days just flew by. The kitties behaved on the car ride back with Fred meowing the whole trip (as he always does but only when we are heading back to NYC and never when we are heading to the beach...weird right?) while Francesca kept fidgeting in my lap. Now as is par for the course she is sitting in front of the apartment door meowing as if the beach house is just on the other side and she can get back there if I would just open the door for her. And when I do she runs out looks around in the hall and looks at me as if to say what have I done with her beach house. LOL it's always an adventure.

Austina glad Dottie is having a blast. Exercising, bunny watching and just relaxing. The perfect getaway.

Junie hope you are continuing to have a wonderful time at your beach house with your family. And that Zoe is enjoying every moment. If she is like my kitties she won't want to return back to your other home.

PierreBear love that sculpture.

Marcy thanks for the movie warnings. No gory or violence for me if I can help it. Thank you for remembering. Good going re handling the challenging work situations as always. You are excellent in your position and they are very lucky to have you. I like cake batter flavor too. LOVE your newest photo additions!

Jimmianne, beautiful as always! Stylish and elegant no matter what you are doing. Love the hat, love the shades and love the dress and pigtails. I love it all and the smile is best of all. The smiley emojis have disappeared for me. Not sure where they went hmmm.

KaeKae that is wonderful news! So glad it is working out and so fast. Perfect.

Hello Springerspaniel and everyone else. Hope everyone is enjoying this Tuesday.

Greg has been enjoying swims in the bay now that the water is warmer. In between conference calls. Haha.
I snapped a quick pic this AM. And also took a photo of the side canopy Greg made so I can now enjoy shade from the side too. If I like it he will add to the other side. Right now it is interchangeable and can be moved to either side as the sun dictates.



Have a great rest of the day girls!

Jimmianne, I love the picture of you; you look fabulous and what a beautiful big smile. You can always tell people you know me. They might give you a blank stare but you can try. I’ll check out your thread.

SpringerSpaniel, I learned a lot of my employee techniques from Marty. He had about 90 employees and they kept him very busy. I am not direct enough so being a boss is hard for me. I try to treat people the way I’d want to be treated. Those smoke alarms can be so darned loud too.

PierreBear, dinner with your friend sounds fun. Sorry to hear your kitty is sick. I hope he is feeling better. I hate to hear your boss serves himself more than his employees. I kind of feel my job is helping my employees succeed and I don’t want them to hate their job. I’m hoping that pot of gold is under the rainbow. New rings for us all!

Missy, sounds like Fred and Francesca are telling you they want to go back to the beach. That’s Greg is enjoying a nice swim. The canopy looks fabulous. Good idea you can move it to the side where the Sun is coming in.

Not much going on here. The Porsche is pretty mad at me; I haven’t had it over 63 for 2 days now. What the heck?

A friend brought supper over for us and we played cribbage. Marty beat us twice.

They are having our community picnic tonight but we didn’t go since my friend came over. Marty went over and set up our big tent this afternoon. Poor guy is over there now taking it down in the rain. He’s been gone quite a while so I hope he has help taking it down.

Jimmianne, you bathroom remodel looks amazing. What a difference! Good job. :wavey:
I love reading everyone's updates. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up well enough to keep it all straight.
Thank you all for the well wishes. This move is a hard one for me, but having the house in contract so quickly is a blessing. Because our agent has 48 to inform disclose the offer (and be sure all parties sign it) the info that we are now is escrow didn't go out until today, so we still had two showings today, but in comparison to yesterday's 6 and Sunday's 5, that was nuthin' The dogs and I had a ride to Petco for one and went to the empty at midday dog part during the other.

Pierrebear, It's a great camp in the SoCal hills. I WISH my girls could have gone to it. They offer so many activities from the pool, to hiking, to archery to rock climbing. DD is a Pony Specialist, which is just as it sounds. She and another staff member are in charge of the ponies. Basic care, teaching the students about the ponies and their care, giving rides. On the July 3, they painted the white pony. So cute. They kids made stars or hand prints. I'll have to see if DD will send me a picture to share. They also have goats, sheep and an alpaca named Al. The ponies are Salt and Pepper.
Pierrebear, what an incredible sculpture! Thanks for sharing.

Marcy, you were always in-famous here lol and I'm glad your audience has expanded. We can say we knew you "when".

Missy, a friend I biked with on my vacation just wrote to say that in your honor he has removed the toe clips from his bike pedals.

I posted photos of my bathroom "before & after" on another thread
Since the new format with PS, and my computer not functioning properly, it's a beast trying to post photos and also they are posting GIANT, no little tab for thumbnail. When I figure out a solution to the issues, I'll post some vacation shots.
[edit-ugh didn't mean to post a giant me, but it looks OK so I'll leave it. I'm wearing my "vintage" biking outfit, which includes wearing a vintage dress to pedal around during the festival. I could not be official because my bike was not made before 1957!]


Your are beautiful JA. Beautiful. I am glad you are in your mileau!

Good morning girls! It's a hot week here. Heat indices reaching the 100s by tomorrow. And the humidity super high the rest of the week.

Marcy Cribbage and dinner with your friend sounds like a lot of fun. LOL on your Porsche being upset with you for not going over 63. Yes Fred and Francesca and Bobby and Tommy are quite peeved at us. Tommy has been expressing his displeasure all yesterday afternoon evening and morning meowing at me. Except it is his way of yelling at me really. He comes up to me and meows loudly and when I go to comfort him he doesn't allow it. This is his MO when he is not happy. I don't blame him. It's nicer at the beach house when it is this hot and oppressive. Poor babies.

Was the Community picnic last night organized by your neighborhood? Sorry you missed it but your evening sounded lovely and spending time with your friend and dh sounded perfect.

KaeKae I know it will be a relief to take this off your to do list and selling your house so fast is amazing. I love ponies. Salt and Pepper. Adorable names.

Have a good Wednesday girls. Stay cool. No smileys still showing up for me so just imagine a girl emoji with long eyelashes and wearing sunglasses inserted here. And she is being fanned by a handsome boy emoji who has a lovely big fan while she is lounging on a comfy chair eating bon bons. Hahaha.
Today's pics. From beach house security camera overnight...



Callie honey I'm sorry but they are so sweet appearing the little bandits lol.
And only the smallest can fit into the feeding station so we are doing the best we can to let the hungry feral kitties eat and keep the adult raccoons out. Though I do feel badly about that but I know it's the only way.

Weird the emojis show up on my iPad but not laptop.

Hello ladies! I would like to report that I cut open my first watermelon ever in my life. DH usually does this for me but as he’s out of town, I had to give it a go. I’m attending a pot luck dinner event this week and was asked to bring dessert so I opted for cookies and fruit. I always assumed it took some man power to slice up a watermelon, but it wasn’t bad at all. Much more difficult to cut up beets. I haven’t perfected the best way to slice though. Juice was pretty much all over the kitchen island. Other than that small random tidbit, my other confession is that I am really enjoying CVB’s Casablanca ring that soxfan has been displaying with her stacked bands. It’s nice to get excited about different designs but gosh it makes me doubt on whether I’m ready for a future upgraded ring if I’m still uncertain of what I want as all the designs are so different. Do ya’ll experience that by chance? We are planning a trip to Cali (first time to LA and San Diego) to visit family who moved to that area a few years ago. I’m going to drop by SingleStone and try on all their rings, including the ones that I wouldn’t usually go for. Hopefully that will help point me in the right direction but I never thought a lady who was loving a classic solitaire would start considering an octagonal halo look. Anyhow, hope ya’ll have a great one and be safe!

@missy – I’m so very impressed that your cats can travel with you. Do you have to give them a nausea pill or any other sort of treatment to help them with the ride? My cat inevitably throws up or what is worst, makes a run for the litter box but sometimes doesn’t make it.

By the way, have you and Greg ever delved into triathlons? I see the cycling and wonderful swimming photos. There is only one other discipline left! Love the new change on the side canopy. Maybe I need to add a canopy to my own bikes. Haha… Who gets to sit in the front and how does the steering work? It’s just the front steering? I hope to do a tandem ride with DH one day but I know I wouldn’t work as hard as when trying to keep up behind him to get close enough to draft.

@marcy – Thanks for your concern but my cat is back to normal. I figured out the next morning that his autofeeder wasn’t going off. If he doesn’t eat timely (two times a day at the same time), he gets an upset stomach. I think it might have to do with acid building up? He’s a sensitive one who needs special expensive food…. but what else are you going to do other than love them like a kid.

Ohhh you were driving a Porsche…I can see the appeal of speeding now. Is it manual as I assume most sport cars are these days?

@KaeKae - Wow that camp sounds like a blast and a great exposure to activities that one wouldn’t get to try. Awww painting a pony. What a great activity to create memories. Hope your DD has fun this upcoming summer!
Missy, I'm doing everything in my power to keep the raccoons away from my house and you are inviting them to keep coming back. I still traumatized after last week's raccoon issue. I haven't seen any but am concerned they still be living under the porch. The furbaby is also upset that I won't let her go outside. I forget to tell you that the animal control people told me that they have many raccoon who got into people's attic during the colder months. That sounded like a nightmare.

Pierre Bear, I'm so jealous you are going to San Diego. LaJolla is one of my favorite places to go. They have incredible jewelry stores!

KaeKae, My husband I had to be out of our old house in 14 days and honestly it probably was for the better. The buyer wouldn't budge on the closing date. Everything was done and over with in a blink of an eye and better because I didn't have the time to stress about it. Although I imagined it would be much harder when you have children.

Marcy, How are your flowers doing?

Junie, I'm glad you had a great time on your vacation.

Hi Jimmieanne and Sharon
@Calliecake - Yikes, I hope the raccoon finds a better place to live other than your porch!
What jewelry places should I visit in San Diego? I've only been thinking about Singlestone in LA. I would love any recommendations to try on all different styles/shapes/sizes and have an open mind. Thanks in advance!
PIerre Bear, Prospect Street in LaJolla has quite a few jewelry stores with big beautiful diamonds. There are 2 H. Moradi stores that are located across the street from one another.
Pierre Bear, I posted a thread on my visit to H. Moradi about a year ago, I think. If you are driving into the village, get there EARLY or you will have real parking problems. There is street parking right in front of the 2 Moradi shops, try for those.

Across street from Moradi is George's on the Cove, FANTASTIC food and the outdoor dining area on the cove is truly beautiful (bring a hat).

In San Diego, please visit Andrew Gulij, a lovely guy, at Gemfix. He has once in a lifetime colored stones and jewels. His prices are reasonable.

In Fallbrook, visit world famous Larson HQ, The Collector. Fab.U.Lous jewels.

All these places have websites
Hi NIRDIs!:wavey:

KaeKae, what is the empty - a park maybe? Glad you didn’t have to leave your house for too long for the 2 showings. Your DD’s job sounds really fun. I hope she sends you a picture for all of us to see.

Hi Sharon.

Missy, that is pretty darned cute that your kitties let you know they are not amused you took them away from the beach. The community picnics are sponsored by our local police department then local businesses donate their services, food, etc. I guess there were 23 of them scheduled around town. It’s really pretty cool. The police bring t-shirts for the kids and let them play with sirens and stuff like that in the police cars. They have local bands provide entertainment and since ours is in a park they get a bouncy castle for the kids. I would say ours usually has over 200 people come. How is your toe doing? Great pictures of the little bandits. I'll use some emoticons for you. :appl:

PierreBear, you are allowed to play with knives? Practicing on a watermelon is a good place to start. How was the pot luck? Cookies and fruit would certainly be favorites of mine at a pot luck. In you post college days I used to hallow out watermelons, cut the sides as zig zap then use both halves as bowls for mixed fresh fruit. They usually got emptied out fast. I have been pulled many different directions by jewelry I see here on PS. I think it’s a great idea to go try on all types and styles of rings to see what really makes your heart sing. Some of my favorite rings were ones I didn’t even want to try on. Glad to hear your kitty is back to normal. I have a Porsche Macan GTS - it’s a SUV that truly handles like a sports car. I absolutely love it. It’s an automatic but you can change it over to manual shifting. It goes way fast and gets there quickly; you can’t feel the speed at all.

Calliecake, oh no to having raccoons at your house. My sister and BIL has a family of raccoons that show up in their backyard every summer. Their cat sure keeps an eye of them. My flowers are doing good. The petunias and geraniums are doing the best. The pansies are not liking the heat so they aren’t blooming much. The daisies aren’t doing as well either. How are your flowers doing? How is your shoulder doing?

Krisite, I sure liked the selection of gems at Gemfix. Very pretty gems. I’ve broken up more pieces of my Yogo ore but nothing blue is sticking out yet. Is it still really hot down there? We talked to my in-laws tonight and they said they are looking forward to it getting under 100.

Not much going on here today. Marty is at the gym now. He was still working when I got home and I’d made myself a grilled cheese for supper and he decided that sounded good so he made himself 2 grilled cheese for supper. I swear I am starting to think whole wheat bothers me. I had a regular hamburger bun at lunch and didn’t notice anything but then used whole wheat for my sandwich tonight and I have a stomach ache and my lips are swollen and itchy. I’m still not craving chicken though. :lickout:

They had our summer burger burn at work today. It was kind of chilly outside since it rained some this morning but I stayed out and talked to people for about an hour. It was way more fun than work.

Well I am hungry so I best go to bed. :snore:

We had a gorgeous pad sapphire color sunset tonight but there are too many houses in my way now to get a decent picture. I guess i will have to start going for rides about 8:15. Ha!

Take care. :wavey:
Girls! Please say hello to our new little one <3
Still lives with his mommy, but will move to us after the holidays :-) Love him already!
Good morning girls!

PierreBear, So glad your cat is A-OK! Good for you cutting your first watermelon. That is impressive. I am on a knife ban due to more often cutting myself than the object I am attempting to cut so no knives for me...but it's good to know what one's limitations are and I am nothing if not a realist.:cool: I love California and love San Diego and you are going to enjoy I am sure. Ooh to Singlestone!

Greg steers and we both pedal. I enjoy being the stoker because then I get to sit back and enjoy the view without worrying about people in the way. Plus supposedly the lighter person should be the stoker and the heavier person the Captain but I think it could work either way. We both have a similar inseam/outseam so we could switch positions and still have the bike fit us if we so choose at any time. LOL to drafting and not having to work so hard doing it when tandeming. True dat.:P

We don't give our kitties any drugs when we travel because they handle it all OK. I think after doing this for all these years (since we have had them as we have had a beach house the whole time we have had the cats and always bring them) they are just used to it. I am concerned with Fred as he is older and he does meow the whole way back and I have been considering trying that Feliway calm spray but not sure it is necessary as he doesn't seem too upset when we go there. Just on the way back. (Like his mama lol). Weird.

No way to triathlons. I am so not an athlete. Though I used to be on the swim team in HS I am not athletic in any way. KLUTZ to the max. But thanks for thinking perhaps I had the ability. :cheeky:

Marcy your community picnic sounds like fun and how nice that people come together like that. One of the advantages of living in a smaller community. My toe is hopefully healing. Trying not to look at it because when I do I get anxious as it is red around the skin where the procedure was done but my body has weird reactions so though I know it isn't supposed to be red I think for me that is just a normal reaction. But since I am not completely sure I cannot feel at peace yet with the toe. But hopefully that is all it is and thank you for asking.

Scandi, you know I am already in love with your newest addition to the family. Yes I cannot wait to meet him snuggled and smuggled safely in your pocketbook.:whistle:

Callie hope the info re the raccoons and protecting your property is helpful. Fingers crossed it works.

It's a scorcher here today girls. Hope everyone is cool and comfortable and have a good Thursday.:wavey:

I have tried dragging the emojis but I can see it probably won't work as it is showing up now as question marks for me but going to hit reply anyway. :halo:
Scandi! I LOVE YOU NEW BABY!!!!! How precious. He already has my heart!
Pierre Bear, Just a word of caution and please know this is just my experience, you may feel completely differently. . I too have always been a solitaire or big stone with one small baguette on each side kind of girl. 5 years ago I stopped in a jewelry store and tired on a halo with a row tiny diamonds on the shank. I thought this would be my dream ring, It's very pretty and gets tons of complements every time I wear it. Seriously, people will stop me in the mall and grab my hand to look at my ring, After wearing the ring for a month or two I realized it just wasn't me, A year later I bought another stone and have it set with one small baguette on each side. I still have the halo ring but I probably only wear it once or twice a year. I wish I had bought a CZ halo ring and worn that for a few months to see if I really loved it on me before making such a large purchase and regretting it.

Marcy, The weather has been crazy here. All my flowers looked much prettier last year. We are stil, working on the raccoon problem as I don't want them to get trapped under the porch. Greg gave me some great ideas to fix the problem.
Oh Scandi--he is adorable!!
Hello girls! Life is hard. Probably a luxury problem, but the breeder called yesterday. All the puppies had been to the vet and our baby was not recommended for hard training and competitions. He has a little omphalocele (please blame the dictionary!) or umbilical hernia if you know what I mean by that. So they recommend that we take another dog instead. The one we wanted will then go to a loving home for regular small-time hunting, but no big exertions. So sad. But can't buy a dog that is better suited for a "retired hunter" home. The sad puppy above has just realised that he will have to come and live with us.... Not sure whether to change the name or not.

Sorry for this me me me post. Just a bit sad today.

Missy, I can't wait to see you!
Jimmianne, you look absolutely wonderful! And so happy if I may say so! France is suiting you!
Marcy, I really need some cookies. Can you make me some?? I prefer chocolate ones....
Callie, wish I was seeing you too in NY! Come to Hawaii and say hi?
Springerspaniel, I know! Total sweetheart!
Hello! I was at a work training/conference event yesterday. Part of it was a snooze but there was a “motivational speaker” that had a very different approach to presenting. It was a nice break from all the other technical mumbo jumbo that was more relevant to the industry. He walked the crowds and would ask “are you listening” and wanted everyone to respond back with “I’m listening.” It felt a bit cheesy but for the first time during that whole conference, you could tell that no one was looking at their phone. He shared some life lessons from his father so it was a good reminder that there are some nuggets of wisdom that apply to everyone. Anyhow, glad it’s Friday though and the weekend is here and DH is coming home tonight!

@Azstonie– Thanks for the recommendation on the jewelry stores! Will put it on my to-do list and hopefully there will be plenty of time.

@marcy – I hope I’m allowed to play with knives! I actually am taking cooking/baking classes on the side. Just one class a semester as it’s just a hobby of mine and I don’t intend on changing careers. I’m not great at either but just have the intentions of improving or feeling more comfortable about hosting people in our homes with a home cooked meal. Thanks for following up with the pot luck event. It’s a weekly dinner with our church small group, so it’s about 15 people that we see all the time but I was embarrassed with what I brought. There is a lady who usually brings desserts (she is an awesome baker!) but since she’s out of town, I signed up to encourage me to practice what I learned in school. Well…. I might have made tried a new recipe instead of using a tried and true one. It was something I found on pinterest and had plenty of pins. I wish I took a picture to show but the butterscotch cookies just did not spread! They were essentially like little biscuits about 2 inches for the circumferences and 1 inch high. Looked more like biscuits so I was embarrassed but luckily I had some other cookie dough frozen that I baked off with them as an alternative. Everyone was kind and still ate them though. Tasted fine but texture wasn’t ideal etc. Lesson learned to not try something new right before serving!

Porsche SUV sounds fun! I’ll be honest that I’m not a car expert and had to look it up. Looks like a beauty and very fast. I’m an SUV lover and it was just last summer that we got our first one. I see what everyone is saying about how it’s more comfortable to be up high.

@Scandinavian – Adorable puppy. So sorry that your puppy had medical issues. Very sad and unfortunate. *hugs*

@missy – I have a swimming background as well and started when I was young. No hand eye coordination here. Haha!

@Calliecake – First off, thanks for the ideas on jewelry stores to visit. Also, I appreciate your word of caution and have experienced it myself. I used to be enamored with VC’s Emiliya setting but tried on something similar in stores and was surprised that it just didn’t feel like me. I was drawn to the beauty through online pictures but agree that it’s something different when it’s on your finger. I think deep down, I’m a solitaire girl but wanting something that will give variety from my current ring and interchangeably wear them. That part is my struggle is to find something a bit different to justify this future change. If I just kept my current setting and put a larger stone in it, I wouldn’t be happy with it.

I’m sorry that you feel that you regretted your purchase. I’ve seen other ladies do resets and sell settings etc. Have you ever wanted to go down that path? Would love to see pictures of your ring if you feel comfortable sharing.
Scandi, This little baby is beautiful too. When will you be able to bring him home? I understand you being upset because you were already attached to the other baby. I promise you will love the new baby. Who wouldn't fall in love with that face. Have you met him in person yet? I'm sorry I'm asking so many questions. I'm also sorry :cry: I won't be in NY when you visit. I would live to meet you in person!

Missy, I'm still hoping your weather gets nicer today.

Pierre Bear, When you find the perfect setting you will know. I still love halos on everyone else's finger. I have no idea why I wasn't thrilled with the look on my hand, it's crazy. I hate making expensive mistakes. I also won't sell it because my nieces like the ring. They could always wear it as a right hand ring.

Marcy, How are your children doing this week? Did everyone play nice together or did you have to take the sissors away,
Good afternoon girls!

, I'm so sorry:(. I sure hope that little one gets a great home even though it won't be with you. And that the little one you are adopting is super lucky. I wish you could adopt both perhaps?:kiss::halo:
I cannot wait to see you too Scandi! And your sweet family!

Callie it's still raining but a perfect day for errands and the temps have dropped so ahhhhh. I'll take it and it forces me not to cycle today and I do need the break as you know...yay for your reunion with your dh tomorrow!

PierreBear we have swimming and bicycling in common and no eye hand coordination. Sisters! So glad you can play with knives. I cannot. Yay for your dh being home tonight and getting to enjoy the weekend with him.:appl:

Marcy How are you feeling? No more whole wheat for you OK? Chicken verboten and whole wheat on the back burner for now. I am sorry. Having food intolerances can be no fun. Sometimes I think I have a life intolerance.:wink2: Or it just feels that way. Rashes, bruises, hives, swelling, sores, breathing difficulties, allergies to everything, etc. Yeah things can be challenging but we are troopers and soldier on.:!: Hope today is going well for you.

It's a rainy day here at the beach and we got here this morning and just got done with errands and we also scored some fresh bluefish from the seafood coop so Greg will be grilling bluefish this evening woohoo.
Hope everyone is enjoying this Friday.:wavey:
Morning lovelies. We are home after a marathon near 5 hour drive:x

We decided to leave yesterday afternoon as the forecast for today wasn't great, and I'd rather drive in the dry rather than rain. Only because it's all motorway, and people don't make allowances for the wet conditions.

We had a lovely week, apart from Tuesday, it rain from 4 am and didn't stop all day.

We have visited some beautiful beaches with fellow Spinonistas, and Dottie has had the time of her life. We have walked many miles (think I'm 2" shorter!) and met some lovely people.

I will have a proper catch up later, just wanted to say hi and wish you all a lovely weekend.