
Now I really did it :((


So glad that someone posted the link to the ring Junebug was considering, very pretty, I was curious because even though I had not liked marquise before some of you also know that I almost bought a marquise ring too a short time ago. Never say never. I never do say I do not like something anymore as the two shapes I had not liked were marquise and heart though I have a thing for cleftless hearts of near cleftless and also for chunky pears and even marquise but even some of the not so chunky ones catch my attention, like I saw a low color 5 carat marquise ring a while ago at auction, ok, so I do like them now.:))) That was a cool ring that got sold, of course hey we are all jewelry lovers here and there are not too many pretty bling I say are not nice. Buying them at a good price can most definitely be very appealing too. We all know that. Junebug, yes you will find your match, sometimes things are not meant to be.

Every day lately I manage only a short post and from Thursday I should have the time to write lots more and lots. I cannot get there yet. As some of you may know this weekend and perhaps even the entire salsa thing did not turn out to be so good at the end and now I lost my carpooling opportunity too but that was my decision in light of the circumstances. It appears to me that life keeps hitting me with bad stuff, I really hope that this will end soon but at the same time I am not really down because I love life and living and some things are meant to be and some are not. Watch it when I may hit a lot again this weekend when alone and of course I have proceeding related things on Thursday too I believe. My attorney will update me on that one.

Missy I totally understand you on the kitties, I do not want to visit rescues anymore even though I volunteered a lot for them in the US and even for the Humane Society, well, that was not good at all but yes I do want to save them all as well. This is tough. Sapphie missed me a lot and so did my dogs, poor Vinnie is getting less attention these days and he is such a lovely and loving boy but him and Sapphie do not mix. Grandma hates grandson ROFL, poor Vinnie boy.

Ok my newest resolution is that I do read the entire part of the thread I missed tomorrow, we shall see but I keep wanting to try.:)))

Hugs to all of you my friends and all NIRDI girls and visitors have a wonderful day.

It appears I missed a bunch of threads yesterday. Oh no!

Callie, I love your idea of frozen mudslides on the beach. That would be fabulous. Mudslides are the only reason I ever want to go eat at Applebees. My in-laws start happy hour early in the day so I am sure there will be plenty of drinking to keep things interesting for me but I so agree 2 weeks with the family is a long time. I will definitely hang out on the beach a lot. I am with your husband just what we see of Missy and Greg’s view of the beach is enough to know it’s fabulous. Are you enjoying some nicer weather this week? I like “when in doubt, don’t.”

How was dress shopping? I left my jacket in the car today; it was really nice.

I am delighted to hear your niece is doing well.

It sounds like you husband dealt with your MIL’s estate for quite a while. It is such a chore. Your comment about dealing with ambulance chasers really hits the nail on the head. I told the guy at one of my parents banks that I feel sorry for someone who can’t handle the stress or pressure of settling an estate; they would probably just give up on it. I kept teasing my nephews we were going to pick one of them to be the executor of our estate and trust me you don’t want it. One of my nephews kept telling me “you look nice today Marcy”. It is a job for sure.

Junebug, I am glad you are getting some decent weather too. It sounds like you have a lot of great ideas for your piece of jewelry. I think finding something is as much fun as having the new piece of jewelry.

Missy, your beach house looks fabulous. I know all of our jewelry would sparkle like crazy on your deck and by the beach. I love your Tommy and bunny picture too.

I completely understand why you treat your beautiful opal with TLC. I had a few opal rings (both pretty small) and I managed to chip one of them.

I am glad you had nice weather this weekend. Did you go to the Flea market? Did you buy anything?

They have Maui Jim glasses at our eye doctor. I didn’t find my prescription lenses as dark as what came in the Ray Bans but I use them a lot in the summer.

The rabbits and bears continue to battle each other. The little bear I call Junior Marty has named “Snacks” because it’s snack size for the rabbits. So I put it in the pantry right by Marty’s snack food. He never mentioned it and it was there for 3 days so Saturday when I had a glass of wine and became rather chatty I asked him if he knew where Snacks was and then proceeded to tell him how funny it was I hid him in the pantry. He wrecked all my fun though not admitting he found it in there.

You are definitely queen of the castle and Francesca is the princess. I am sure she thinks those roles are reversed sometimes.

Good luck at the dermatologist tomorrow.

Jimmianne, you are so right to send the diamond back if you didn’t love it 100%.

What a nightmare for you to have the estate being audited by the IRS. Good luck with that.

I think your neighbor would completely understand why your field isn’t mowed when they see your pretty diamond.

Tourmaline, I feel your pain on your husband being gone a long time. I am your husband is home and will be here for a few weeks. My husband travels a lot too. We don’t have any kids so I know that is even more challenging for you.

The colors of your aqua and tourmaline rings are awesome. What gorgeous pieces.

I am glad you are warming up there soon. Hopefully the snowy season is over there. We get our worst storms here in March and April but they melt fast.

My mom was a sweetie and it was so nice to hear from people who remembered her kindness. Thanks!

Hi Phanie. I want to clarify I’m crazy but I do love jewelry. My furbabies are stuffed but they entertain me.

Kristie, I am glad to hear Finnie is doing okay today. Poor little guy. I hope the doctors fix him up in no time.

I hope Bob is able to finish his mom’s estate this summer. Is he brother and niece being difficult or is it just getting things done? I couldn’t believe some of the crazy, weird and stupid issues I ran in to. My parents estate was very small and I was very lucky the house sold really before it went on the market. My favorite “really?” moment was when I went to get the title of my dad’s truck moved over to me so I could sell it and the county clerk had me fill out all these forms and she’s ready to issue a new title then notices my dad had only been dead 28 days. She told me to come back in 2 days because they can’t issue a new title until a person has been deceased 30 days. I truly wanted to say “what? He’ll be more dead in 2 days?” I will be relieved and sad to get everything done. I am glad you give the IL’s something to talk about. I am sure I do as well. That’s okay; we must be entertaining to them!

I am glad to hear you remember your kind neighbors when you were growing up. My mom was a kindly soul. Everyone was her friend.

Thanks for the movie recommendation. I thought St. Vincent might be pretty funny; I’ll try to rent it soon.

3 weeks till we get to see pictures of your gorgeous spessartite ring. Sweet.

Enjoy that 80 degree weather for me. I hope it’s not warmer than that next month.

Ovi, I am glad you enjoy A Fish Called Wanda. We were laughing every time Kevin Kline was driving on the wrong side of the street and yelling at everyone. It’s definitely a classic movie.

I hope things go well this week for you.

We had temps in the 50’s today. It was fabulous.

I went to the CPA’s during lunch and took checks for our taxes and the estate return. Since I was close to our house I had Marty meet me at Chilis for lunch. We split an appetizer plate.

Marty has been getting calls and now 2 letters from Hertz wanting to know about the accident he had in the car we rented in Arizona last fall. We didn’t have an accident. This is going to be fun! He has called the number back a number of times and can’t reach anyone. He is a member of the gold card and called them and the guy he talked to didn’t see anything on his account but of course couldn’t help him. He did give him a different phone number to try from 8-5 ET. Sigh to that mess.

Have a great evening.
Hi Everyone!

Hope you guys are all doing well. Lots of bling and stuff going on here lately.

Kristie, just caught your comment about Whiplash. I saw it and loved it. I was riveted. Both actors were amazing. JK Simmons deserved that best supporting actor win, and the Miles Teller's performance was really great. I've seen him in other movies and I think this showcases his best performance yet. It really made me think about people and how extreme we can be, and why... I thought of myself, and my long obsession with PS, running, etc.

I do wanna say I miss you guys. Much has gone on and happened since I last checked in. Time marches on. I'm doing well, spending more time my kids, busy season (4/15), running and reading my Bible, I'm not dwelling on stuff as much, and focusing more on our blessings and not holding on so tightly. I'm kinda surprised that I am becoming less and less obsessed with jewelry, and I don't focus on it as much. I still really love wearing my ring, but sometimes I don't even remember I'm wearing it. That is how NOT focused on it I am. I love all my pieces, and am not really wishing for anything else. Has anyone been at a place like that? Content with pieces and not focused on the "next" thing?

I did want to share that I got picked for the NYC marathon, which will be on November 1. I'm so excited. I will be running with two other friends, and we will have a girl's weekend of food, shopping and running. I have another marathon in late August, and a half at the end of this month.

Marcy, I did see a ring with a bunny on it. Guess what I thought of? How are the bunnies and teddies doing?

Missy, I love maui jims too. Primarily, I love them b/c they are so light. I barely remember they are on.

Ovi, how are you? I didn't go back more than a page or 2 so maybe I missed your update.

Everyone else, just saying hi! Stay safe and warm. I think maybe I need to send out another food pack. After busy season is over. :)
I take it back. I am thinking about jewelry, but I want to pick up a piece after I finish the NYC marathon. I'll have to bring an amex card with me, and I'll stop by Tiffany on the way back to the apartment from the finish line.

And if I get the chance to run the Boston marathon next year, I will definitely get that Cartier piece.

I am definitely going to need all your help to decide on my designer pieces. :)
Good morning NIRDIs!

Jimmianne, I totally "got" what you meant and thought it was hilarious. LOL! I agree of course. In fact, your neighbor should take care of mowing your property just for the privilege of gazing upon your new bling to :mrgreen:

I believe today is OEC day!!! Woohoo, please please take pics of her when she arrives as we are all dying to see what you think and how purty she is. Ooh very excited for you! :appl:

Hope Puff and company are doing well and as always sending my hugs and kisses to them all.

Marcy, your mom, and both your parents in fact were wonderful and kind and generous people and I know how much you miss them every single day. Big hugs to you.

So glad we are all experiencing a warm up. It's about time. Tomorrow is supposed to hit 55 or higher here. Drat on having to go to work tomorrow as I would love a "spring" day. But working only 2 days a week that would be wrong...right? :devil:

We ended up just walking around our neighborhood Sunday and skipped the Brooklyn Flea. I wanted to hang out with the rescue kitties more than I wanted to go shopping. Animals trump shopping. That is major LOL.

Sounds like you have the bunny and bear situation under control though they can be challenging at times. Poor "Snacks". He must have been lonely in the pantry all that time. Marty seems to be the primary instigator with the killer bunnies though so I suggest keeping an eye on him. :cheeky:
And yes, you are so right. The roles are often reversed in HRH Francesca's eyes. She can be a handful at times. She has that in common with your brood. Haha.

Marcy, that is unbelievable about them having that 30 day rule and making you wait another 2 days. LOL I loved your response about would he be more dead in 2 more days. Typical government red tape. :rolleyes:

That accident you had in Arizona had to be pretty bad for you guys not to have any memory of it. LOLOL. Seriously though be careful though I know I don't have to tell you guys. Something smells suspicious here and just don't give them any info unless you are the one who initiates the call to a number you are sure you are calling. Hoping this comes to a relatively easy resolution.

I am so sorry for all of you dealing with estates and audits and other messes like that. Ugh, sounds awful and complicated and quite drawn out. Hoping everyone involved with these matters has a successful and more efficient resolution sooner rather than later already. Like it was already said you lose loved ones and to have to deal with this on top of that really is adding insult to injury. :blackeye:

Kristie, I hope Bob can finish his parent's estate this summer too and that you can get a little bling for all his effort. :bigsmile:

Hope Finn is doing well this morning and that the specialist can help him. Just a few more weeks and as you know I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed and sending lots and lots of PS ***DUST*** to dear Finn.

I'm also hoping that your spess ring is finished sooner than 3 weeks. The suspense is killing me LOL.

Those geodes are gorgeous and OMG how much fun are you having polishing them and enjoying them? Thank you so much for sharing!

Ovi, I agree. It is so hard seeing the rescues and not being able to save every single on of them. And there are always so many and of course even more that are not rescued that are out there. It is heartbreaking but you can only do what you can do.

Sorry the weekend had some drama and some unintended issues. I am confident it will all work out and I am glad you still enjoyed yourself despite this wrinkle. And I think taking more Salsa lessons is a great idea!

Hoping this week goes smoothly for you at work with no drama. And goodbye and good riddance to the ex! And love to Sapphie and Vinnie and the rest of your furbabies!

Callie, how did shopping go yesterday with your friend for the MOB dress? Did she find a lovely dress? Did you get anything? I hope you enjoyed the day and are enjoying the warm up in weather too. And thank you for the niece update. I am thrilled she is doing so well! YAY for clear skin and more social life! It is so true how one wants to hide when one's skin is acting up terribly. So happy for her!

Tourmaline, how did shopping for your son's birthday go yesterday? Were you able to get those eggs you were looking for? I have never heard of them but they sound like fun and personally I would choose the ones with chocolate in them if I was shopping for myself haha. Hope you enjoyed the day with your mom and I know you are thrilled your dh is home with you for at least a few weeks. I bet your kids will behave now lol. And I agree with your dh. You should book a pampering massage for yourself. After 4 weeks taking care of your little ones all by yourself you deserve some R&R!

Junebug, Hi! Hope you had a good Monday and enjoy today and the lovely weather. Any new developments in the yellow diamond or perhaps Marquise search?

LLJSmom, Woohoo on getting accepted to the NYC marathon! That is wonderful and I am very happy for you!

And very glad your life is going well and you are feeling peaceful. That is even better news. :appl:

And haha do keep us posted on any new bling. :appl:

Sarah, we are all still thinking of you and hoping your recovery is going smoothly!
Azstonie, Bob's comment made me laugh. ...what good is a diamond ring if you don't have a tractor to ride while wearing it?! Please tell him I will take his advice into serious consideration.

Missy, let me tell you something about your parrot Puff. Yes! yesterday I gave him to you!!! He is now your bird. So - yesterday I was taking a video of your bird sitting on my shoulder and when I said "give me a kiss" he bit me so hard it broke the skin. I deleted the video because it was like watching a horror movie :lol: Please tell your bird to behave. BIrds are such odd beings, difficult to understand and don't seem to be warm & fuzzy ... Kitties on the other hand... :love:

Today IS OEC day! Within 5 hours she will be here! I wish you were all here to open the box with me. Then we will be on to the wait for Azstonie's ring. Two weeks, 6 days!
Oooooooooooooooooooh, its OEC DAY! I can't wait. I like being able to blingify second-hand! I look but I don't inhale, heehee!!!

I love Puff too! If HRH Francesca sees Puff as more like, say, an hors d'eovre (sp), I'll take him!!! Jimmineanne, is he saying much these days? Has he definitely learned your name?

LLJs, that is good news regarding the NYC Marathon! Very exciting and I will think of you when the news report of it comes around! Please come back here and give us the deets when you come back. For sure take that AmEx card and use it with impunity at not only Tiffany but how about some Bulgari, girlfriend? Come on, you're living life more colorful, get something likewise too! I'm going to watch Whiplash today on Amazon :cheeky:

Missy, good luck at the doc's. I hope your trip there is completely uneventful and safe, OMG, your Friday trek home was like a horror movie---cue the screeching violins or at least the viola section!!

Junebug, whazzup with you?

Marcy, Snacks is going to need some therapy if Marty doesn't even NOTICE him :bigsmile: He might start acting out on the others... :twisted:

The last part of Bob's estate duty is to complete the sale of the property that his folks lived on. They lived on a piece of property that now is right on the cemetery. The cemetery grew :lol: not that the ILs minded, dead people make FAB neighbors and the yard always looks good!!!!! No noise or parties at night, heehee. So Bob and his brother have a sales agreement of sorts with the board that owns/runs the cemetery. Bob's dad was a tinkerer with some hoarding tendencies so there was a large amount of STUFF that had to be sold, donated, or hauled off. The last issue with the property is that his niece was living on the property in a trailer. She is a nice girl, working towards her RN and working as an LPN at the local killing center I mean hospital. Bob's brother is moving her 'accommodations' to some other property the family owns BUT a well had to be dug (by Bob's brother) and electricity run out to the location. So its been 3 years, its time for the sale to take place. Yadadada yakety yak GIT 'ER DONE!
Carl has sunny glasses too.

Hi everyone!

Missy, I so understand wanting to give a cat a loving home. I would have pets myself but I'm not home enough right now. But I get how Greg feels too, I"m pretty sure my dh would feel the same…and who knows, maybe he'll change his mind! :Up_to_something: And this slightly warmer weather is great - Can't wait until I don't need a coat anymore ha. And yes, I think the time for a trip to Lambertville is nearing! It's probably smart of me to keep some funds in the bling budget. And yes, I'm just taking my time browsing around and thinking about what I'd enjoy the most. I think I have 20 rings listed in my account on 1st dibs :D A part of me feels a bit superficial but another part of me doesn't care :cheeky:

Oh, and I will definitely be bringing my laptop, there's no way I could be without it, I love that thing! :big smile:

Good luck with the derm appointment, I hope he and you can come up with another treatment to try. So sorry you are continuing to deal with this.

Phanie, welcome and I hope you jump in - I just saw your gorgeous ring in your SMTB thread and it's amazing! :love:

Jimmianne, I'm looking forward to seeing the new stone and hearing what you think of it. I hope this is "the one" but if it's not that's ok too, there are more diamonds out there! :cheeky: Again, I think it's great you are taking your time and not rushing into anything. I'm so sorry for all you are going through settling your mother's estate and the audit, it does sound complicated and stressful. I didn't realize these things could drag on for so long, it doesn't seem right and I can't help but feel there must be a better way to do it.

Kristie, thank you so much for the book recommendation, I'm going to get it, I need a good laugh these days! Sorry about Bob dealing with the estate issue for so long, again, I'm amazed it takes that long. Yep, the trip is coming up (last weekend in March) and I'm looking forward to it. I feel like I need this getaway - the only problem with getaways is you have to come back ;) I am so excited about your ring! Can't wait to see it. Did you ever touch base about the prongs? And yes, you're right, I'm sure I could put together a similar ring to Neils, definitely food for thought. Sounds like Finn isn't feeling well - I'm so sorry, I hope the docs can help and he's doing better soon.

Marcy, nice on Marty winning at poker! I'm glad you're enjoying some warmer weather. I can understand how settling the estate is bittersweet for you, these past years must have been really difficult for you. Too bad Marty didn't cooperate on Snacks, but it sounds like you got a laugh out of it anyway!

LLJsmom, so good to hear from you! Glad to hear you're feeling well these days - and I'm so happy you made it into the marathon! Sounds like it will be a blast, and how fun to pick up some bling as part of the fun. Do you have any specific Tiffany pieces you're thinking about? I think it's great that you are content with your jewelry collection - I have an itch to buy something, and I know it's because I feel I need some kind of distraction right now. Hope you continue to check in once in a while!

Ovi, sorry your salsa weekend ended somewhat badly - even though we are dealing with completely different issues, sounds like some days are going better than others for both of us. I'm sorry you are dealing with some tough things right now. Like you, I'm trying to get some enjoyment out of life whenever and wherever I can. I agree that there are good things to life as well as the bad, I love life too and luckily the good things help keep us going. Stay tuned for my ring quest! I am glad you liked Niel's ring - I have always thought marquise stones are flattering on the hand - and I really like the setting, has a vintage feel to it. But there are many (too many!!!) other beautiful things out there, I will find something. Maybe I will post pics of some contenders, just for fun.

Calliecake, I think it's a great idea to look into having a bracelet made, don't know why I didn't think if it :oops: Zoe the cat is definitely good company, and luckily it's warm enough for a few birds to be flying around, so she is being entertained by watching them. Hope your week is going well!

Tourmaline, how sweet and thoughtful of your dh to suggest doing something special just for you! My husband has traveled throughout his career, so I know how it is to be on your own with the kids and responsible for everything. I have two kids - my son was always an angel but my daughter tended to behave a bit better when dad was around. I'll bet your kids really missed their dad, and I'm sure it's nice to have things back to normal.

Well, I wrote a book and probably still missed something - hope everyone is having a good day!

eta - there were a few posts while I was typing lol - Kristie, not much new with me - actually, I wasn't going to bring this up, but all this talk about settling estates is making me think - my mother has named me executrix in her will, and obviously my mother is alive and fairly well, but I will have to deal with the issue eventually and I am feeling some anxiety about what lies (lays?) ahead. Just wanted to ask real quick - how do you figure out what you have to do? Did Bob consult an attorney? the whole process is sounding very complicated, and I'm just wondering how you figure out all the steps you have to take. I'm thinking about just making an appointment with the attorney who did my mother's will and asking him for some guidance. I guess it seems like I'm jumping the gun here a bit, but I am feeling anxious about it and thought if I'm better informed about what I have to do, I won't feel so nervous.

Marcy, love that pic! :D Those are really nice sunglasses!
Jimmianne, I can't wait to see the OEC!

Missy, I had a nice time with my mom but it proved to be difficult finding the surprise eggs! I didn't realize they wouldn't be readily available. I had ordered a few on Amazon, where they are plentiful, for him months ago but now it's too late to order more in time for his birthday (which is on Friday). So I bought empty eggs and little toys and chocolates, and stickers to decorate. I'm going to make them myself! I couldn't find any toys to do with a couple of his favorite characters, so I am going to find images on Google, print them and cut them into little figures. I hope he'll like them.

Junebug, thanks! Today my husband took the little two out for a while, and I (downloaded, burned and) played a CD of an album I used to listen to 25 years ago, when I was 13. I sang along with it and had a ball by myself in my living room. Good for the soul! :)

I feel a bit strange having just entered the fray here, not knowing some back stories and whatnot. I feel like I crashed a party, hee hee. But you all are so lovely and friendly!
i actually tried making a chart at one point to keep up!
It's like following a reality show. "As the NIRDIS Turn".
LLJsmom|1425963886|3844737 said:
I take it back. I am thinking about jewelry, but I want to pick up a piece after I finish the NYC marathon. I'll have to bring an amex card with me, and I'll stop by Tiffany on the way back to the apartment from the finish line.

And if I get the chance to run the Boston marathon next year, I will definitely get that Cartier piece.

I am definitely going to need all your help to decide on my designer pieces. :)


Thank goodness! I wasnt on Pricescope much yesterday and when I saw the above post that said you weren't interested In jewelry I panicked. It never is a good thing when you think an alien has invaded your friends body. I almost booked a ticket to fly out there to drag you to a doctor. So happy my girl is back to normal. On a serious note, I've missed you and am glad you have just been busy with the kids and other normal life stuff. It was so great to see your post!


LLJsmom, that is awesome you got picked for the NYC marathon. Sweet. Good plan to stop by Tiffany’s after the NYC marathon and plan ahead for jewelry shopping after the Boston marathon next year. I am glad you are spending time with your kids and focusing on your blessings. The bunnies and teddies are misbehaving but I guess I wouldn’t expect anything less. Glad to hear your busy season is over. Mine is just starting.

Missy, I sure thought my parents were wonderful, kind and generous people and they had a ton of friends that agreed with that. I still have friends of theirs call me to see how I am doing. I do miss them all the time.
I am glad you are getting warmer there too. Spring is in the future. I know you had fun with the rescue kitties and wanted to bring them all home. I went with a friend when we were in college to pick out a cat at the shelter and I talked her in to the little shy kitty all by itself in the corner. We later found out it was a totally obnoxious bratty kitty and that’s probably why none of the other kitties played with it. I’d get a phone call starting with “do you know what your cat just did?”
I did rescue Snacks out of the pantry and now the rabbits keep snacking on him. I should have left him in the pantry.
Marty and I must have completely blocked out our terrible accident in Arizona since neither of us remember it.

Jimmianne, I am with Bob – you need a gorgeous ring to be admiring while you are driving the tractor. Puff was being a brat like the kitty I mentioned above. I can’t believe he bit you. How do you train a bird? I have absolutely no idea. I can’t wait to see you OEC.

Kristie, Snacks was hiding behind larger bears today so hopefully the rabbits won’t find him. I agree that living in or by a cemetery does mean that you have very quiet neighbors. I am sure Bob will be glad to get everything settled with his mom’s estate.

Junebug, your trip will be here now before you know it. It is very hard to come home from a vacation. I bet 2 weeks with my IL’s will change that for me though. Ha Ha. I told Marty last night at supper he did ruin all my fun with Snacks.
I know you were asking Kristie about this but I can give some suggestions on preparing to be the executrix of an estate. Get a list of everything you can from you mom. I found 2 CD’s I didn’t know existed and something they listed as an annuity was life insurance. Definitely get with your mom’s attorney; my dad’s was very helpful. Gave me a list of things to do and not do. If you have you name on all your mom’s assets that really helps. When you deal with any bank, broker or whatever ask for information on ALL accounts with them. One bank never disclosed to me the CD or a life insurance policy. It is a chore. My parents owned their home and had very little monetary assets so that helped. My biggest hassle was getting out of a car lease my dad took out about 3 weeks before he died.

Tourmaline, your eggs will be fantastic for your son’s birthday party. Great idea!
I left a roast and baked potatoes in the crock pot today. Easy supper. Sweet.

Marcy, thank you! I was hoping you would comment lol - my mother's "estate" is fairly simple, she doesn't have much, but sounds like it could still be pretty involved -thanks for your advice, it helps!
Carl is rockin' those shades!!!! Carl must do quite well out on the slopes, heehee!!! :appl:
Junebug, I am always glad to help and give suggestions. It was kind of lucky I sat down with my dad maybe 6 weeks before his heart attack to go over the list of things I had. He had already changed most things over to me as his beneficiary after my mom passed away about 4 months before then. Insurance on their house was a massive pain. I would suggest your mom get with her insurance company so they list somewhere in her policy that you can talk to them and authorize stuff if necessary. Biggest issue was that you call an 800 number and start your story over again. I finally called a local agent in a city 50 miles away who helped me. The process kept me busy and focused but a lot of it was busy work, phone calls, paperwork, etc.

Kristie, Marty put less expensive sun glasses on Carl but I already had this picture. I am sure Carl would be very popular on the slopes.
Marcy, Carl looks chill and all but Marty should be informed that Carl has a certain level of j'un ce quois to live up to and the cheapies don't stand up to scrutiny, hahhahahaha.
Kirstie, I love it. Marty should want my bears to dress in style and be properly accessorized.

Marty talked to someone at Hertz and someone in California claims a car with the plates on our rental car hit her in a parking lot on November 26th. Marty told her we never left the state and we were never in an accident. She was going to check the mileage on our rental to see. I figure we put over 600 miles on the rental we had so hopefully wherever that lady lives is at least further than that and back to Arizona.
Hello girls!

Oh no! Jimmianne, Puff did a bad thing. :(. I hope he didn't hurt you and I am so sorry. Sweet Puff didn't meant to bite you. He just got excited. Believe me sweet Puff is nothing like psycho kitty. At least I sure hope he isn't. OMG Psycho kitty will be purring away happily and then all of a sudden take a big swipe at you and you are bleeding. Yup that's our Bobby aka psycho kitty. Pictured below. Oh he looks sweet and innocent but watch out...:errrr:

LOL Marcy, Carl is one handsome bear dude that's for sure. A cool customer. I think he needs some Maui Jim shades though. He would look really cool in those. And he told me he would prefer lighter weight frames and lenses anyway so those would fit the bill. I think the stingray style would look smashing with his features. :cheeky:

Poor Snacks. Send him here and I am sure my kitties will share their love and affection with him and not leave him out of all the fun either.

As for that "accident" phooey. :knockout: I hope it gets straightened out soon. What a hassle.

Haha I love that. As the NIRDIs turn. Aint it the truth. I am away for a few hours and I am already lost. Forget those charts and stuff Jimmianne was talking about. I need more help than that to keep things straight here lol. :lol:

Kristie, I sure hope Bob finishes that last bit with selling the property so you can finally get a little bling as a gift from the proceeds. You know I am counting on that and looking forward to it. I live vicariously through you NIRDIs these days and make no apologies for it. ;))

Junebug, It felt like spring to me today. I LOVE this weather. Ooh bring it on. I am sad that it will rain and be cooler this weekend but that's OK. The good weather is coming. I feel it!

And take your time with the search and enjoy. I love First Dibs too. That antique jewelry store in Lambertville is also on First Dibs but even though they told me their name on First Dibs (it's different than their store name) I have no clue as I never wrote it down. Their prices are higher on First Dibs anyway so I prefer to shop in the store. Of course if we found something on First Dibs and I called them I know they would hold it for me at the price it is in the store.

Tourmaline, I am sorry you couldn't find what you wanted to yesterday but I am sure your little boy will more than love what you got him for his birthday. That is such a great age. And please make yourself right at home here. We are happy you joined us and don't worry about remembering stuff about us. We have trouble too and we've been here for a while haha. :oops: :cheeky:

Thank you all for your good wishes for me today everyone. Nothing new to report. Dermatologist won't put me on the SIBO treatment regime as he thinks the treatment is too harsh and that is not my issue anyway according to him. However if I am willing to see a specialist and get tested and test positive then I can begin treatment. So I am not doing that right now. No more extra doctor visits yanno? The derm thinks my skin is looking like it is improving so fingers crossed he is right and we shall see how it goes. Next appointment 4 weeks. And so it goes.

OK stay tuned all for the next installment of As the NIRDIs turn. 8-) :lol:
Just a sneak peek at next time...

Will Jimmianne love her OEC and if so how will she set it? :naughty:
Will Puff ever learn to say "I love you Aunt Missy" :pray:
Will Marcy's household ever be at peace bw the Killer Bunnies and the Teddy Bears or will it be another war of the stuffed furbabies...will Snacks ever find love? :halo:
And just what really happened with that mysterious so called "accident" hmmm, there is more here than meets the eye... :shifty:
Will Junebug find the yellow diamond of her dreams or will a marquise snatch her heart for good? And just what new jewelry stores will she find on her trip and what goodies will she come home with... :Up_to_something:
Will Callie's friend find the perfect dress or will the search continue and if so will she find that dress in time for her daughter's wedding? 8)
Will Ovi find a new Salsa partner and will he be even better and more dashing than her first? :dance:
How will Tourmaline's son's birthday turn out and just who might show up...surprise guest perhaps? And most importantly what bling will the surprise guest be wearing... :love:

And drumroll please....will Kristie's spess turn out to be the most beautiful spess ring ever in the history of PS and if so will she still associate with us... And even more importantly will she let me wear it when she visits? :mrgreen: :pray:

For these answers and oh so much more please tune in for the next episode of...As the NIRDIs turn... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Before I show off Ms. Shy....
For Bob, a Kubota "key ring"...
Hi Girls,

I need a spreadsheet to catch up again.

Missy, I hope you get to take a nap today! It's warm here today and I'm sure it will be heading your way! Everytime you say you visited an animal shelter I expect to see a photo of a new baby. Greg must be standing firm because as soon he were to say okay I know it would not take long for a new baby to arrive. I used to go look at puppies all the time. The last one tugged at my heart a little two hard. I almost lost my head and came home with one. They are very hard to resist! Still no dress for my friend. Hopefully we will find something she falls in love with before the week is over. I can not get over these Mother of the Bride dresses. Some look like wedding dresses! They are just not white or ivory. Your post is too funny!

Marcy, Carl is a cutie! Your story about your nephew had me laughing out loud. I can hear my nephew telling me I'm his favorite aunt! They are entertaining! I'm sorry you are having to deal with your family estate. I know how hard it was on my husband. We still receive credit cards in his parents names and they have both been gone for years. I had one major credit company refuse to cancel the account because I refused to give them their full social security numbers. I finally told the person on the phone that they had been dead for years and I was doing them a favor by calling to let the know. It was their responsibilty if there was fraud on the account, not mine. I love mudslides on the beach on vacation. I would imagine they would make a stressful situation a little better and easier to deal with.

Jimmianne, WELL....has the beauty arrived! I can't wait to hear your thoughts. The waiting is killing me. I can't believe Puff bit you. I guess he is not to big on kisses. Are you okay? I won't be too upset the next time I ask my furbaby for a kiss and she ignores me. Hopefully Puff is back to being his happy fun self today. I keep picturing you on a tractor with the diamond sparkling like crazy. Bling goes with everything!

Junebug, Marcy's suggestions were wonderful regarding estates. My in laws had everything in order and made my husband aware of where to find everything many times over the years so that made everything much easier. I can only imagine how difficult if would have been if that was not the case. We also had an attorney. Everyone was in agreement with how to handle things which also made things easier. I can't imagine what it would be like to lose your parents and then have fighting between your siblings over financial things. Are you ready for your vacation? Have you made any decisions on the jewelry...large purchase vs. smaller ones? Isn't 1st Dibs the best? I can easily find 20 things I want anytime I look at that site. It's addicting! I just wish they would show every ring on a finger so I could envision the size better.

OV, I hope you are having a less stressful time this week! Are you feeling better this week? How is Sapphie doing?

Kristie, What did you do today? How is Finn feeling today?
Bobbie is so sweet. Me bad psycho kitty? meow yow yow...never!

and I'm sure Puff just wanted to give me kiss that I would always remember.

OK, so I have some pictures. This diamond does not want to have it's picture taken! I hate to name her Ms.Shy ... I was thinking something romantic, however it seems to fit. In person she is amazing but I can't get a photo that even comes close to what I'm seeing. She is light, bright & pastel over golden tones with an active center. You'll have to take my word for it until I unlock her secrets with my camera.

can you share that spreadsheet??

Here's what I think - you never step in the same river twice
or the same NIRD thread twice LOL

moving right along!
onward and upward!
Jiammianne your diamond looks BEAUTIFUL

Missy your next Installment of As The NIRDIS Turn was absolutely hilarious. I was laughing out loud in my office.
Wow, wow, wow, Girls, hi, I was going to bed but I read this thread for two minutes only and I now want to write pages and cannot, sorry because I have to leave out posts and some of you to respond to, please forgive me and will respond more tomorrow and over the weekend. Things have been so fast paced now.

Jimmianne, you are so beautiful and so is your ring! Tell us all about it if you have not yet, is she staying?

Junebug, your post really touched me and thanks for writing, yes I find marquise exciting lately and yes flattering on the finger and so are ovals to me, I sort of want to get a white marquise ring and an orange yellow oval to match my pendant, when will it stop, can you girls tell me?

Missy, hahaha, your post was fun. For now we settled things with my driver, salsa guy but I went alone tonight, I dared to, people were really nice to me actually and I had a guy for a parnter who has been dancing since 84, can you imagine how clueless I felt? Like a mess. I only really had a chance to dance for maybe ten minutes tops and I do think I was really awful, I am thinking about taking private lessons. I will not give up so easily. I still have to find a partner. There was my colleague in Vienna who is also a long time dancer but doubt he wants to dance here and anyhow I did not go in Vienna so now he is probably offended. I am taking it slowly.

I had a pretty bad accident that could have turned out much worse. My darling Sapphie is now acting like my long lost Stella, so much like her I feel that Stella was reborn, now that Sapphie is alone with me she is exactly like Stella was whose loss I could not get over for the last year and a half. Not surprising Sapphie is like Stella as Stella was her daughter but I always thought that Stella was more like her dad, surprise, surprise. Now Sapphie turned on her back and played mom to me, I was her kitten and she grabbed me to groom me, unfortunately she grabbed my eyelid and got caught, I was scared but acting calmly, I did not want to go blind, I had a very difficult time taking her claw out of my upper eyelid and now I look like a tiger attacked me even though she never scratched, it was a foolish accident, she just did not want to let me go and kept grabbing me like her daughter used to do. She did get caught in my eye accidentally though, I think tomorrow will be sunnies day, all day long in sunglasses in the rain that is supposed to be here by tomorrow.

I do want to write to all of you in the next couple of days, tomorrow is still work and then hearing but also some days off, maybe my best friend is coming over for the weekend, that would surely be nice though I wish she came another weekend but OTOH I love the idea. Knowing her she may still cancel. I do want to see her badly though. Now I am really going to bed but I miss you Kristie, Callie, Marcy, LLJsmom and everyone else too. Have a nice evening my wonderful friends and will talk more tomorrow.
Jimmianne, I love this diamond!!!! Look at that finger coverage!!! Those pictures look incredible to me. What are your thoughts?
Are you in love or is it just momentary lust? You know lust isn't necessarily a bad thing!

(Missy I really need an OEC)

OV, Is your eye okay? I can only imagine how happy you are that Sapphie is acting like Stella. I remember you stories about dear Stella.

Phanie, I love your ring. It is stunning!

RegardIng As The NIRD's Turns:

Kristie, You better not forget about us once that gorgeous ring of yours arrives. Once that beauty is on your finger you don't get to move on to The Bold And The Beautiful (another soap opera) . I would be lost without you now. You are loved her and you are stuck with us! Do you hear me!!!

Missy, Don't you worry. Puff will fall in love with you the second he sees you. Just don't let him kiss you! Be careful I hear he likes to bite them and leave them.
Jimmianne, WOW. You already know I am in love with your OEC :love: :love: :love: and now I am in love with your beautiful eyes. So blue and beautiful. And I love your hair too. You are beautiful. We knew you were beautiful on the inside but now we know you are beautiful on the outside too. And Ms Shy is also so beautiful. :love:

She looks HUGE on your hand and is a fireball. So bright and flashy and chunky monkey facets just like we love 'em. And the colors from within. It's a perfect OEC IMO. Really gorgeous. But of course we are all dying to know what you think because yours is the only opinion that matters. Are you falling in love with it yet? And of course what does Puff think... I know he has an opinion on it. :bigsmile:
Calvin and Hobbes are doing the woohoo dance below because Ms Shy is :love:

Ovi, Oh no, I am so sorry that happened! I hope it doesn't hurt too badly and I hope it heals quickly. I am sure Sapphie was so sorry. What is happening with our furbabies today. First Puff and now Sapphie. Of course being on the receiving end of our fur babies accidental bites and scratches I know it is a part of life with them. She didn't get your eye did she? I mean she didn't scratch your cornea right? If she did please get to the eye doctor because you need topical antibiotics. Hugs and hope you are OK!

And glad Salsa worked out well. I am sure you were great given your experience. You cannot compare yourself to someone who has been salsaing for decades. You'll get there and then we all want lessons OK? ;))

Callie, yes I agree. You really *do* need an OEC. Say the word and we shall start the search. :appl:

Marcy, I am glad it gave you a chuckle. That's what I was hoping it would do but I am not 100% on my game today as I have been feeling quite sleepy and foggy all day. SO forgive me for not being as funny as I wanted to be but glad it still made you laugh. The more laughing we do the better IMO. It makes everything seem sweeter.

OV! that's terrible. I'm so glad you are OK. I'm sure she didn't mean it, but you did have a close call!

Thank you everyone for the compliments - my gosh - I immediately regretted posting a selfie, but now I'm happy I did!

Are we going to find Callie an OEC now? :appl: Callie, what do you say?
Missy, Psycho Kitty sounds like he is related to the Killer Rabbits. He's a cutie. Those sunglasses did almost knock Carl over; he should look in to the more lightweight sunglasses. I should try my Ray Bans on him. I bet Snacks and your kitties would have fun together. I agree, I hope the alleged "accident" gets straightened out. At least Marty is dealing with that hassle. I am still laughing over your upcoming As the NIRDIs Turn highlights. That was awesome. I am delighted to hear the derm thought your skin had improved. These things take so darned long.

Callie, we almost need a twitter account to keep up on here. I looked at lots of MOB dresses last summer for my bridesmaid dress and I agree a lot of them look like wedding or bridesmaid dresses. I hope you ladies find a dress for her this week. Cute puppies are very hard to resist. I am glad you have a fun nephew too. My nephew is pretty funny about trying to suck up to me so he won't be named to take care of our estate. I told them all we weren't leaving any information anywhere and would leave them lots of bills. Ha! I hate to hear you are still getting mail and credit card applications for your husband's parents. I regret forwarding my parents mail to our house. I should have moved it to my club’s PO Box. Oh well, too late now. I notified the credit companies by mail but one of them came back with incorrect address. I guess I should have called them and got a correct address but didn't bother at the time. Mudslides on the beach, I am holding on to that thought. Yes, I am I and it makes me pretty happy.

Jimmianne, you go to the top of the spreadsheet with your pretty new diamond. It is gorgeous and HUGE. You and your diamond are beautiful. :wavey: It looks like an amazing diamond. Is Puff excited about your new diamond too?

Ovi, I hate to hear about your accident. So your eyelid is all that got hurt / scratched? You will certainly have a mark there for a while. OUCH. Maybe put ice on it? I bet all those really good salsa dancers started out with a lot to learn. You’ll be fine with more practice.

Missy, I could never tell you are sleepy and foggy today. I am still laughing at your sneak peak. It really amused me. Thanks for the great Calvin and Hobbes photo too.

Work was busy and I was a little irritated with my employees but Missy’s sneak peak got me laughing and completely brightened my day.

I left roast and potatoes in the crock-pot for supper. Marty brewed up some gravy for us and baked some carrots in the oven. We had a snicker doodle for dessert. I love being done with dishes by 6:15. Woo hoo!

Weather here was awesome today. We were near 60.

Take care!