
Now I really did it :((


Mar 31, 2018
Oh gees, @springerspaniel - you have my FULL sympathies! 2 weeks? Gees Louise.... Had you had all 4 vaccine shots? I was meant to be getting the new shot this evening, but I think that's not going to happen. I can feel this coming on by the hour.

I hope you get fully over this very soon and that the bacterial infection is hit on the head also. Tim and I have an appt with our dr this afternoon for paxlovid (FINALLY!) - so I'm hoping that helps. Hugs to you!

@mrs-b Are you and Tim going into the office to see the doctor???


Jun 8, 2008


Jun 17, 2009
Hi all -

@springerspaniel, oh no, so sorry! Glad you've tested negative and I hope the infection is resolved quickly. Sending good thoughts, take care.
@mrs-b, continuing to think of you and Tim. I'm glad Tylenol gives him some relief and I hope he's feeling better soon. And sorry to see you have symptoms too, ugh. Good news about getting the paxlovid. Hang in there, I'm hoping you're both past this soon.
@marcy, thinking of you, hope your trip home went smoothly.
@missy, Happy Rosh Hashanah - love that pic of Gracie, so cute. She looks warm and cozy. We're definitely heading into blanket weather but hopefully the days will stay mild for a while.
Hi @bling_dream19, good for you for tackling your clothes. I need to do that too!
@MamaBee, I'm sure your mother enjoyed seeing everyone, sounds like a nice visit for her, and I know that she really enjoys your visits too. You had asked about seeing family in sister lives nearby so I get together with her while I'm there. My kids weren't able to make it but they do come sometimes.
@Austina, hope you had a fun visit with your friends.
@canuk-gal, sorry to hear about the stomach issues, and I'm glad your sister is finally starting to feel a little better. Take care and I hope you have a good week at work.

Not much new for me to report, a few appointments and some errands to run this week and that's about it. Take care everyone!


Aug 18, 2013
Feeling less than stellar this afternoon. Took a second test. The line is faint, but there's definitely 2 lines there. Ergo - covid positive.

Sigh. Like I need this right now - altho, to be fair - as if *anyone* needs this.


Apr 19, 2004
Shana Tova @missy and anyone else celebrating!
Gracie Frances is soooooo pretty..:kiss2:


Hot day, no wind, and no clouds just my kinda of day! Except all I did was errands. And a quick walk.

Oh and a bear was sighted in the hood early this AM!!!

@mrs-b May you be as well as possible. Hope any infections is mild for you both. My sister is improving, thank you. And I have an appt. with my GP on Thursday--they fit me in and I am grateful. The fact I have some (mild) dysphagia is worry some.



Aug 18, 2013

Hot day, no wind, and no clouds just my kinda of day! Except all I did was errands. And a quick walk.

Oh and a bear was sighted in the hood early this AM!!!

@mrs-b May you be as well as possible. Hope any infections is mild for you both. My sister is improving, thank you. And I have an appt. with my GP on Thursday--they fit me in and I am grateful. The fact I have some (mild) dysphagia is worry some.


Thanks Sharon - and you, too. <hugs>


Feb 27, 2007

@canuk-gal I hate when those jewelry bills show up on the Visa bill. Your emerald ring is worth it though, it’s so pretty. I notice some of our leaves turning already too. Pretty colors but we know what follows next. I hope your sister is feeling better. How awful you were almost hit by 5 cars on your ride, glad you made it home okay. I was eyeing pumpkins myself yesterday. They look so bright and cheery. I hope you are feeling better today.

@junebug17 glad you enjoyed a relaxing weekend and everything is going well.

@missy yes those fall leaves mean the white stuff is not far behind. Darn. You and Sharon are right about being colder by the water. I sure notice that too. Glad you are getting more miles on the bike even though it’s chilly. Your ice cream looks delicious and hi Gracie! And Happy Rosh Hashanah to you and anyone else celebrating!

@MamaBee Marty’s brother has stage four lung cancer. The cancer is now only in one lung, but it has spread to his brain, lymph nodes and maybe his kidney. He recently has started having pain in his lower back. That’s great your husband is enjoying playing golf. I am glad you got to visit your mother.

@mrs-b oh no - I hope you and Tim are feeling better. I am sorry to hear about the issues just making phone calls for appointments and prescriptions. How frustrating.

@bling_dream19 glad to hear you aren’t downsizing jewelry. Good to be organized.

@springerspaniel I hope you feel better soon.

Thanks for the kind words for my BIL and of my pictures. My BIL is doing a bit better - or as he can be after getting home, getting some rest and food down.

Our trip home made for a very long day. We got up at the beach house at 1 am out time, left for the airport (a 2 hour drive) an hour later. Got home 15 hours after we got up. We stayed up until about 9:30 our time so were up roughly 21 hours. Why does traveling wear you out so much? I did 5 batches of laundry though before going to bed. I washed everything in our suitcase.

Yesterday I spent a lot of time rebuilding our astronomy club website. About a month ago a captcha showed up on it and Marty found some links to some rather unsavory sites so I told him delete it all and I’ll start from scratch.

I had my biopsy this afternoon. I guess the mass is 2 x 2.5 centimeters and right by my clavicle. They took four samples. It wasn’t awful, but I’m getting a bit sore now. I can kind of smell the stuff they put on my neck but I hate to go wipe my neck off with a washcloth. They said the doctor should get results on Thursday.

Tomorrow morning I will get my broken tooth finally prepped for a crown. More needles, great! Buy yay to getting a crown in a few weeks.

Take care.


Jun 17, 2009
@mrs-b, oh no! so sorry and I hope you have a mild case. Continued healing vibes to Tim too.

@marcy, oh my gosh, that's a long trip! You and Marty must have been exhausted. Glad your biopsy is over with and it's too bad you have to do the crown prep tomorrow but it sounds like you're anxious to get going on it.


Apr 19, 2004
@mrs-b, oh no! so sorry and I hope you have a mild case. Continued healing vibes to Tim too.

@marcy, oh my gosh, that's a long trip! You and Marty must have been exhausted. Glad your biopsy is over with and it's too bad you have to do the crown prep tomorrow but it sounds like you're anxious to get going on it.

+ a billion


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls and happy terrific Tuesday!

@mrs-b hope the rest of the day went as well as possible and you and Tim are doing OK and have Paxlovid on hand should you need it. Healing vibes and gentle hugs.

@canuk-gal glad your sister is feeling much better

@junebug17 looks like we are in for a lovely stretch of weather.

@springerspaniel glad you are on the mend and doing better. And hope your research is going well

@marcy my fingers and toes are crossed for good news for your biopsy. Keeping you and your BIL in my thoughts. Good luck with the crown work today. It should be crowns for our heads lol.

@bling_dream19 hope you are enjoying a nice week

@Slickk hope school is going smoothly

@MamaBee hugs just for being you. You are a sweet lovely warm kind generous individual. That's all I wanted to say.

Hi everyone else. We had a good cycling day yesterday. Filled with everything I love doing. I am sending well wishes and lots of love to each of you. XOXO

Furry babies, ice cream and lots and lots of cycling under purrrfect weather conditions.

Sorry the sun glare was real.

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I don't know if you can see both pups. They are a hoot.
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And lastly sweet treats :)
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Enjoy a sweet Tuesday all. XOXO


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

I hope I’m up to date with everyone, so here goes!

@mrs-b I’m so sorry that you and Tim have both got covid, and hope that you’ve accessed the paxlovid to help get through it without too much difficulty. I’m also sorry to hear about your back, and it sounds as tho the new Dr is on the ball. I had to :lol: at your choice of name for a beagle, that’s what Kim originally wanted to call the baby.

Good luck with the dental work today @marcy and everything crossed that the biopsy comes back quickly and all clear. I hope your BIL does as well as he can. Yes, travelling is hard work and you did well to get all your laundry done and keep going all day.

Poor you @springerspaniel, hope you’re feeling all better now.

Lovely to see you posting @bling_dream19 and continuing to send good wishes your way.

Glad you enjoyed your time in SC @junebug17 and have come back relaxed and refreshed.

Fingers crossed that you find a buyer soon @MamaBee and can move on with your plans.

So glad the Dr could fit you in on Thursday @canuk-gal, I hope you’re not feeling too awful, and good news that your sister is on the mend. Was the bear carrying a little case containing a marmalade sandwich?

Glad the weather is co-operating and you’re enjoying cycling, sand and ice cream @missy. I think we should rename Gracie to Gorgeous Gracie, she’s such a beauty.

We’ve had a blast with our friends, and the visit has just whizzed by. We’ve talked our heads off and laughed till we cried. Sadly they’ve now gone back, we took them to the airport yesterday afternoon, and their planed landed a couple of hours ago.

Just after 9am yesterday morning, baby A was delivered by elective c-section (she was still breach), weighing exactly the same as her Daddy, 8lbs 6oz! She was a little lethargic due to low glucose level, but they gave her some gel to perk her up, and she was soon fine. Adam says she looks like a sumo wrestler. He sent us lots of pictures during the day, and FT last evening, so we could get a good look at her. She has Kim’s eyes, but the big rosy cheeks and rosebud mouth are all Adam, and she has lots of black hair.

We’re looking after Bertie all week while they’re both are in hospital, they may be allowed home tomorrow, we’ll have to wait and see.

So, busy day doing laundry and getting the house straight again, we’ll be walking Bertie lots to tire him out - and us probably too!

Big love and hugs to you all (and sorry if I’ve missed anyone) :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
Woohoo congrats @Austina!!! Best wishes to therapy couple, proud grandparents and beautiful baby A!!!:kiss2::appl:
Big hugs to everyone. Mazel tov!!!


Aug 18, 2013
Congratulations, @Austina! This is wonderful news!

Lucky Bertie that he gets to spend a few intensive walking days with his human grandparents! And you know what they say - a tired dog is a well behaved dog! (Can I send you my two??). Thank you for the get well wishes - I could do with them, frankly. I'm glad you had fun with your friends - it sounds like it was wonderful. :))

@marcy - how are you feeling? All my warmest thoughts are with you today as you get your tooth prepped for the crown. I will be so relived for you when this is DONE - this tooth stuff has dragged on relentlessly! Thinking also of your brother in law and hoping for peace and a reduction of pain. When do you get your biopsy results back? You have so much to deal with right now - I'm praying that your results are very good and don't require any treatment which is too difficult. Sending you hugs. Big ones. <3

@missy - when do your results come back? I know you have to go and get them in person (like - seriously??) - do you have an appt booked? Are you cycling today? You are seriously my workout guru! And can I just say (and I know I've said this before, so pls take this in the spirit in which it's meant) - your ice cream photos just 'do it' for me! They are SO pretty, and SO delicious - every day it makes me just that little bit happier, seeing that delicious creamy confection when I open this page. ::):love::)):appl::wavey: There was one where you had a deep crimson and a pink - maybe...strawberry and blueberry? Goodness me, they looked wonderful! Every day I try to guess what they each are. Look, I know this is such a small thing, but - honestly - I've learnt that when so many big things are tough, it's the small things that make life worthwhile. Love you, AG! oxo

@canuk-gal - how are you feeling today? I'll be glad when it's Thursday and you can, hopefully, start getting some answers! You mentioned a couple of weeks ago that you were having a few family issues; I hope those things have resolved - and I'm very pleased to hear your sister is feeling better. Hoping you can get out and ride/walk today. As @marcy - we're into autumn and after that...the white stuff! So I hope you can get a little more good weather before we get to that!

@MamaBee - please forgive my ignorance on this but....what does BI stand for? I see it's in relation to your mother and a nasty episode she had, but I've missed so much stuff while my back has been in and out - I'm not sure what it refers to. My apologies! If you have a minute, bring me up to speed? otherwise - just tell me what the initials stand for and at least I'll be on the right page! Are you back in VA now? Was the water in the basement issue in MD resolved? And when does the house go on the market, or has it already? On a different note - I'm thinking of buying a small sapphire - but prices have gone up *so* much recently - even a little one will cost me thousands, so I'm not sure. Going back and forth on this....

@junebug17 (glad you had a nice time in SC and hope it was a lovely rest for you), @bling_dream19 (I love our phone chats - thank you so much!), @springerspaniel (really hoping things have fully resolved for you re covid!), and beautiful @Slickk - hugs to you all!

As for me - woke up today with a temp of 101. This is pretty high for me as I normally run very cool - 97 at the most - more normally in the high 96's. I felt *so* groggy and woozy and dizzy - ugh! Since I only tested positive yesterday afternoon, my dr didn't prescribe paxlovid for me when I saw her yesterday - just for Tim. But since I'm definitely positive now, we have a 3pm appt and we'll talk through whether I should have it. The main issue is that I'm on blood thinners and I need to go off them when on paxlovid. So we'll see what she says. I'm also on statins, so I'll have to go off them as well while I take the paxlovid. Crohn's, which causes systemic inflammation, causes SO many issues, but I'm hoping I have sufficient reservoirs of good health for the 5 days I'll be taking paxlovid. I definitely want to take it if I can - I feel like crap. Tim, on the other hand, is much improved. He expects to feel back to normal by Friday, and I suspect he will be. The main impact from covid for both of us has been tiredness, so sleep is the ticket at the moment. Thank you for all your get well messages - I do appreciate them. :wavey:

So - NIRDI question......

What is everyone's opinion re plastic surgery? Yes? No? Some small things but nothing too major? It's just part of good grooming? Give me your opinions, if you wouldn't mind - I'd love to hear!

Wishing you all a wonderful Tuesday and hugs to you all!
Last edited:


Mar 31, 2018
Good morning girls! I’m going to visit my mom soon but just wanted to pop in to say hi..
@missy Thank you so much for your kind words..Big hugs back to you…You know I think you are one of the best..with the biggest heart..❤️❤️❤️

@mrs-b Bowel Incontinence…:sick:
That’s great news Tim is feeling better. My fingers and toes are crossed for both of you..
@springerspaniel I hope you are all better and back to normal!

Catch you girls later! XO


Jun 8, 2008
This is for you @mrs-b

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I hope and pray you start feeling much better soon!!

To answer your plastic surgery question I feel it's none of my business who does what and each person does what they think is best for them. I am a scaredy cat and will not do anything elective. Having two broken bones and being in the hospital for 4 nights and 5 days was enough surgery to last me a lifetime lol. I also believe personally in aging gracefully. I want to grow old and not fight it every step of the way if you kwim. But I don't judge anyone for doing what they need/want to do. We are each unique and should do what feels right/best for us.

But this scaredy cat is not doing any plastic surgery. Nope. :snooty:
Though I do have lines on my face I wouldn't mind gone magically. Hahaha

OK feel better and big big (but gentle) HUGS!!!!

ETA: Sorry @mrs-b I forgot to answer your question. Yes we just got back from cycling. Another glorious day.
Greg is picking up my US report tonight after dinner. Yes he has to go in person. It's 25-30 minutes each way.
No other option. Crazy I know in 2022. But I go there because of the tech. She's wonderful. And I think I have done 5 or 6 of these transvag US. Anyway that's my update or lack of...please take it easy and rest and recover. You must rest. It is critical so you heal. ((((Hugs)))


Jun 17, 2009
@Austina, congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter! She sounds precious. Sending my best wishes to baby, her parents, and grandparents. Such a special time for you all!

@mrs-b, great news about Tim - sorry you're feeling so lousy, take good care and feel better soon!


Apr 19, 2004

@Austina Babies, babies, babies!!! YAY for some wonderful news today! Health and wellness to everyone!

LOL to the marmalade sandwich. Just waddling along for the camera: nothing to munch in sight!



Mar 31, 2018
OMG! How did I miss a new baby!!! Congratulations @Austina! I’m so happy for you and your family! I hope we will get to see photos of her!


Jun 8, 2008
Just a quick post as I have a dental appointment.

@mrs-b how are you feeling? I hope Tim continues to make improvements and that you are on that road soon. Sending you so many well wishes.

Hi everyone else and especially our newest grandma. Love to you all. Be well.
See you later. XOXO


Aug 18, 2013
Good morning, @missy :))

Feeling both better and worse today. Temp is down and I feel less wobbly/groggy - but my throat/sinuses/ears are worse. I haven't been awake very long, so maybe it's just that. When I went to bed last night I was feeling better, so - is it possible for the paxlovid to be kicking in so soon? Perhaps. Or maybe I'm just fighting it off well with the antibodies I already had from all the vaccines. Either way, I'm hanging in there and hoping for improvement today. My oxygen sats are regularly up 1-2%. (I was sitting at 94-95% yesterday, which worried me, as my sats are always 98-100%), and now sitting at 96%. So that's a good thing. Tim is still coughing, but sounds way better and was dancing around the house this morning. People don't dance around houses when they feel lousy. =) He says this is the best he's felt since it started, and his temp is back to normal. We're really hoping he feels fully like himself by the weekend. We also had a chat this morning and we're rethinking the whole 'traveling for work' thing.

Did you get your report? How did it go? Been thinking about you.

And thank you for your comments on plastic surgery. I actually can't have it at this point in my life, as I'm on blood thinners that can't be stopped for this sort of elective surgery - which is high risk bleed surgery. But I have a number of people close to me debating the topic, so it's pretty fascinating to me. At this point in my life, I'm more in the weight loss group, which I think would probably do more for my looks than anything else. But, short of having my back miraculously healed (so I can exercise) and going off all the Crohn's drugs, I'm not sure what I can do. I've been absolutely slogging away at it for 2 months and have lost 11 lbs, but it's excruciatingly slow going.


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Goodish news that you think the paxlovid is having some effect @mrs-b and it certainly sounds like Tim is on the mend. I’m sorry you’re having to go through this, Adam has always said he thinks it’s inevitable that most people will get it, no matter how careful they are. Hopefully your ox sats will stay up, and you’ll start to feel better soon. With regard to plastic surgery, I don’t think a little tweak here and there are a bad thing, but I’ve seen so many women on cruises who’ve had so many face lifts their eyes are practically on the sides of their faces! I’ve seriously thought about getting my nose fixed, but just never got round to it. When I was 50, I had a little botox and fillers, and I was happy with the result. Nobody commented that I looked radically different, it was very subtle and made me feel better. I haven’t had it done again, but I don’t rule it out if my face started to slide off my skull!

Thank you all for the congratulations, Kim & Alyna are staying in hospital for another day, but Adam is going home to sleep tonight :lol: Not sure when we’ll see her in the flesh, we want to make sure we haven‘t picked anything up while our friends have been here. We’ll still wear a mask around her just to be doubly safe.

I hope your US results came back A-OK @missy, and that your dental appt went well this morning. You’d really enjoy the weather here earlier today, high 60’s, low 70’s. It’s warming up now, but it was nice while it lasted :mrgreen: Will the results of the US determines where you’ll go from here?

I was out mowing the grass before 8.00am while Colin was walking Bertie with our neighbour. Then I came in and finished the cleaning. I hate this feeling of getting the house all sorted after friends leave, it feels like they were never here :(

Hope all the lovely NIRDIs are doing well, sending big love and hugs to you all :wavey:


Aug 18, 2013
I was out mowing the grass before 8.00am while Colin was walking Bertie with our neighbour. Then I came in and finished the cleaning. I hate this feeling of getting the house all sorted after friends leave, it feels like they were never here :(

Awww - sending you hugs, @Austina. As a fellow immigrant, I know exactly what you mean when friends leave. After Wendy visits, it always takes both me and the dogs 2 weeks to get back to normal. I wish I could get all the people I love into the one place to live.


Jun 8, 2008
Yay @mrs-b !!! Fingers crossed for continuing big improvements!!! Thanks for thinking of me.

Thanks @Austina for your good wishes too.
Our weather was 60s/70s here for the past week plus. No complaints from me lol!
And awwww I get that feeling. It’s hard when dear friends leave. The house was so full of good energy and love and suddenly it’s gone. Hugs.

Ultrasound report still shows the area of adenomyoma/adenomyosis but it’s a bit smaller. My lining is 4mm so that’s stable. The new gynecologist’s office called me this afternoon telling me I can wait for the pelvic mri that the imaging radiologist recommended. I’m seeing this new gyn November 1 so he said we’ll discuss what to do then. I’m seeing another new gyn October 5th so I can decide which if either can help me. But at least it’s not worse and I’ll take that. Thanks again for asking and for caring.

I’ll be back tomorrow to check in on everyone. Big hugs and much love to you all. ❤️

Leaving you with Gracie’s cattitude expression :)



Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! Happy terrific Thursday!

@mrs-b I hope you are feeling better with each day. And the Paxlovid is working well.

@MamaBee any house updates?

@bling_dream19 thinking of you

@Slickk hope you are having a good week at work and all is going smoothly

@springerspaniel hope you are feeling 100% and that your new research is going well

@Austina hope you are feeling cheerier this morning and enjoying a nice week despite missing your friends

@marcy any health updates? Thinking of you and your BIL too

@canuk-gal we had quite the run of lovely fall weather but it feels very chilly today. And windy. We're still riding today though. And getting ice cream haha.

Speaking of ice cream... yummmmm

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And, speaking of ice cream (haha a recurring theme around here)- Jimmy is coming over this morning (outside) to pick up a bike of Greg's. He was looking for a fixed gear (fixie) bike and Greg has a number of them that he doesn't ride anymore. So he fixed it up his Zeus for Jimmy (selling it to him for a great price) and he is coming over to pick it up this morning. Jimmy is getting a sweet deal and I hope Greg won't regret giving it to him. But he does have a lot of bikes so hopefully Jimmy will enjoy riding it. I know he loves the custom paint job and is excited to start riding it.

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My dental appointment went well yesterday before we went cycling. In fact we are hoping to hike with my friend (our dentist) and her husband and dog this Sunday though as of now the weather looks iffy. But we made plans so we are keeping our fingers crossed the weather cooperates.

We had a great cycling day yesterday. The weather has been ideal. Today is cooler (50s-60s) and windier but still a good day to cycle. We will get a good workout for sure lol. Have a wonderful day girls. Stay well. Be safe. Enjoy.


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Busy enough with work this week--not horrible. No low level of stress, tho, that's for sure.

The weather here has been glorious. 30C!! Just my cuppa. Today was weather weird....gloomy and smoky this AM, then a spot of rain. 19C. Then sun. The winds picked up when we cycled, so we headed back early, and when we got home 10 minutes later the sun is out! What the heck!

I saw my wonderful GP and he ordered a barium swallow and some blood work. Pantaprazole BID. I likely have an inflammation--yet I don't feel like I have acid reflux. I guess drinking litres of lemon water and eating popcorn late at night doesn't help. Oh and stress. I'm not invincible. Who knew! But, frankly, I'm not interested in being a patient, so there is the stress of that.

@missy I think it is wonderful Greg sold one of his (no longer ridden) bikes to a friend...cuz that is what friends do. Your friend sounded thrilled. I'm glad your US report didn't show worrysome progression.

@marcy I hope your BIL is comfortable. When we get back from holidays, I just throw the suitcases in the garage and tidy up another day. I'm lazy that way.

@springerspaniel I hope you are better. I feel sad you were unwell for two weeks.

@mrs-b Glad your DH felt like dancing--worth celebrating! Hope you are on the mend as well. I might start to stalk estate websites for a locket.

@MamaBee Lovely to hear your Mom is good! Good luck on the house stuff. Moving is such stress and a heavy workload.

Well, my big plan is to buy MORE pumpkins this weekend. Living large!!!



Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Glad you were able to get out and ride today @canuk-gal, hopefully that does help destress you somewhat. Yuk to the barium swallow, hope it’s not too awful.

I’m sure your friend will be thrilled with his ‘new’ bike @missy, it’s always good to help someone out, especially if it‘s something you’re not using. Glad the dental appt went well, we need to schedule appts soon too.

Thanks @mrs-b, I know I’ll feel like this for a while, it’s been hard not seeing our friends. I used to see T every week, and yes, she’s also (was) my hairdresser as well as being a great friend, and the 4 of us used to have dinner together twice a month. I hope you and Tim are both feeling a little better with each passing day.

Had the men come today to fix the hole in the laundry wall caused by the over zealous fixing of the EV charger by the solar people. After that, we went out and did our food shopping and collected Colin’s new prescription sunglasses.

We took Bertie out for a long walk this evening, and chatted to some new neighbours along the way.

Kim & Alyna came home from hospital this afternoon, she looks tiny in her cot :lol:

TGIF tomorow, it’s been a busy week!

Stay safe and well lovely NIRDIs :wavey:


Feb 27, 2007

@missy great pictures while you were out doing everything you love. I adore the picture of that sweet puppy in that little car/cart (not sure what it was). I am glad your dental appointment went well and glad to hear your US results showed the lining is stable and you have two different gynecologist to see where to go from here. I hope one or both of them are awesome doctors for you. How nice of Greg to give Jimmy a bike, it looks nice. Nice to have cooler weather but nice enough for cycling.

@Austina congratulations on the new baby. How exciting! Enjoy Bertie setting this week. I am glad you enjoyed time with your friends. That’s great Kim and Alyna are home. I am sure grandma and grandpa will see she is spoiled.

@mrs-b I totally agree with you – this tooth drama has gone on FOREVER!! I am so sorry you are feeling so bad, I hope you are doing better soon and your oxygen levels go up. I am glad to hear Tim is feeling better. My opinion on plastic surgery is that is a total personal choice. Do whatever makes you happy.

@MamaBee I hope the visit with you mom went well.

@canuk-gal mentioning the marmalade sandwich made me think of the great sketch of the Queen with Paddington Bear. That was so cute. Good luck with your upcoming tests. Seems like most of us NIRDI’s are spending far too much time at the doctor and dentists. Your day of assorted weather sounds familiar. It has certainly cooled off here

Thank you for all the well wishes. The dental visit was not the best, a spot certainly wasn’t numb enough for drilling but I hope to get the crown put on in a few weeks. That area is sure tender but the tooth has been broke for over a year and just had oral surgery so it’s not like a normal dental issue.

My doctor’s office called me yesterday to schedule an appointment for the follow up to my US. So even though they probably got the results today, I won’t know squat until next Thursday.

My BIL is in the hospital. I guess he had a seizure today. My SIL caught him so he didn’t fall. He is sedated and incubated and the seizure hasn’t stopped. It doesn’t sound good at all. I suggested Marty fly out there this weekend but he is understandably uncertain what to do. Hard to say what will happen.

Take care.


Aug 18, 2013

@missy great pictures while you were out doing everything you love. I adore the picture of that sweet puppy in that little car/cart (not sure what it was). I am glad your dental appointment went well and glad to hear your US results showed the lining is stable and you have two different gynecologist to see where to go from here. I hope one or both of them are awesome doctors for you. How nice of Greg to give Jimmy a bike, it looks nice. Nice to have cooler weather but nice enough for cycling.

@Austina congratulations on the new baby. How exciting! Enjoy Bertie setting this week. I am glad you enjoyed time with your friends. That’s great Kim and Alyna are home. I am sure grandma and grandpa will see she is spoiled.

@mrs-b I totally agree with you – this tooth drama has gone on FOREVER!! I am so sorry you are feeling so bad, I hope you are doing better soon and your oxygen levels go up. I am glad to hear Tim is feeling better. My opinion on plastic surgery is that is a total personal choice. Do whatever makes you happy.

@MamaBee I hope the visit with you mom went well.

@canuk-gal mentioning the marmalade sandwich made me think of the great sketch of the Queen with Paddington Bear. That was so cute. Good luck with your upcoming tests. Seems like most of us NIRDI’s are spending far too much time at the doctor and dentists. Your day of assorted weather sounds familiar. It has certainly cooled off here

Thank you for all the well wishes. The dental visit was not the best, a spot certainly wasn’t numb enough for drilling but I hope to get the crown put on in a few weeks. That area is sure tender but the tooth has been broke for over a year and just had oral surgery so it’s not like a normal dental issue.

My doctor’s office called me yesterday to schedule an appointment for the follow up to my US. So even though they probably got the results today, I won’t know squat until next Thursday.

My BIL is in the hospital. I guess he had a seizure today. My SIL caught him so he didn’t fall. He is sedated and incubated and the seizure hasn’t stopped. It doesn’t sound good at all. I suggested Marty fly out there this weekend but he is understandably uncertain what to do. Hard to say what will happen.

Take care.

@marcy -

Sending you love and hugs for your US follow-up appt and for your brother in law.
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