
Now I really did it :((


Jan 23, 2012
Gosh @missy , sorry to hear your day got worse yesterday. As you soldier on through the rough bits, you’re making progress to the other side. Sometimes hard to see, but progress it is surely, one day at a time… So wonderful @Austina is able to help - our friends are our silent heroes! Sending hugs, prayers and all the best thoughts to you xx

Warm greetings NIRDIs, I am Sue from Australia. Been on PS for many years but have always been a shy poster. Just wanted to say Hi to you awesome girls. Wishing you a fabulous day xx


Jun 8, 2008
Gosh @missy , sorry to hear your day got worse yesterday. As you soldier on through the rough bits, you’re making progress to the other side. Sometimes hard to see, but progress it is surely, one day at a time… So wonderful @Austina is able to help - our friends are our silent heroes! Sending hugs, prayers and all the best thoughts to you xx

Warm greetings NIRDIs, I am Sue from Australia. Been on PS for many years but have always been a shy poster. Just wanted to say Hi to you awesome girls. Wishing you a fabulous day xx

Thank you Sue and welcome to the NIRDIS. Glad you are here. ❤️


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies and welcome Sue

Well we’ve done it! Our home is in a storage depot waiting to be loaded into a container ready for shipping. This is the only house we’ve ever been sad to leave and our neighbours have all said they’re sorry to see us go.

We’re absolutely exhausted, they finished at lunchtime and we’ve been cleaning all afternoon. Sorry for the quick post, we’re going to eat and then collapse.

Will catch up properly over the weekend.
You’re very welcome @missy, happy to help.


Aug 18, 2013
@missy - big, bigger, BIGGEST hugs to you, my friend. Speaking as someone who went down the scary path with a thick uterus lining diagnosis, I'd say - bite the bullet and find out what's going on. I know you know there's no way around this, and sometimes the idea of climbing *another* mountain is just overwhelming. I get it. You know I get it.

But there really is no way through this dark tunnel except to go through it, so I'd recommend getting through it as fast as is humanly possible. My endo cancer was possibly one of the easiest medical issues I've had to face (so far - granted, there is always the possibility of recurrence), and I'm very grateful for how everything turned out.

Which is NOT, of course, to say yours is the same as mine, and here's hoping it's just being induced by the meds. But - worst comes to worst - the sooner dealt with, the easier it will be and quick diagnosis is the number one correlation with good outcome.

As for your injectable not being available in your state - I'm so sorry. Thank goodness for @Austina being able to help! (Austina - I hope all is going well with you and that today sees it all squared away!). On the topic of older doctors, I chose my back surgeon in part on the basis of age. I want VERY steady hands if someone is going to be digging around IN my spinal cord - so I totally get where you're coming from with this!

Is there anything I can do for you? Anything at all? Pls let me know if there is and I'll step up in a flash! In the meantime I'm sending you healthy uterus vibes and all sorts of warm, strong, positive thoughts. And prayers. Lots and lots of prayers.

Much love to you. oxo

ETA. Austina - you posted while I was typing. So relieved to hear things are largely squared away. Straight shot now to Texas!


Aug 18, 2013
@bling_dream19 - is it here? Do you love it??

@MamaBee and @canuk-gal - how are your mothers doing? And how are their respective situations re covid cases in their facility? MamaBee - when did you last see your mother? I hope you can both see your mothers very, very soon. oxo

@marcy - how are you doing? You made me laugh re your comments about your and @canuk-gal's combined $36! I won $100 when I played my one and only scratchie - gifted to me by a friend on my birthday. Happy to throw that into the pot - tho, with $136, let's not get too crazy! How is the anemia going? Tim saw our PCP and was referred to a specialist, so nothing to report on that front. He's getting a lot of sleep, which makes things tolerable for him, but he actually wakes up tired, so he's never 100%. He has amazing resilience tho, so manages to live his life as normal. How are your energy levels? Tell me to buzz off if this is none of my business, but I'm just getting a sense that you're feeling bit flat these days, but trying to keep a stiff upper lip. Am I wrong on that? Suffice to say, I check in on you every day and hope all is holding together for you. How long is it since you've had a vacation? Oh hell - how long is it since ANY of us had a vacation??! I know I, for one, am in dire need! I wish I could spirit all of us away somewhere warm and sunny with turquoise skies.... Hugs to you, Marcy!

And @ringcat - welcome! Another Aussie here, but living in Boston and out of Australia for over 21 years now. Where in Aust. are you?

Greetings to everyone else and hoping everyone is well. Hugs to you all!

Last edited:


Sep 26, 2011
@mrs-b I am so happy that Wendy can come visit this Christmas! I know this means so much to you. How is your back doing? Are the treatments working?

@missy ditto what @mrs-b said. The sooner you establish what is or is not going on, the better. My mother HATES going to the doctor (go figure the psychodynamics, right?) but immediately went when she had post-menopausal bleeding and 20 years later is alive and well. Keep looking for a younger gyn to do the biopsy--another advantage is you will be able to ask for conscious sedation, and because of the culture of medicine, you will more likely be heard. (No one saw me write that, right?)

@Austina what a long journey this has been, and I appreciate your sharing the journey with us. I hope PS NIRDI support has been helpful along the way.

Here is a shot of Freddie asleep on David's lap and on top of Clyde the Incredibly Patient Springer Spaniel. Good thing G-d made baby animals so cute or they would never make it to adulthood.....

fred4 - 1.jpg


Apr 19, 2004

@springerspaniel I adore the cuddle-fest!!!!! Pooch pictures are always welcome!

@mrs-b very generous for you to add your quid! But I think @marcy is correct--not TOO much sparkle at Tiffany for that $$. LOL. Hope you are managing well before your surgery.

@MamaBee Hope things are OK with your Mom. Can't say the same here--new Covid case on her unit. Mom tested -ve yesterday, but always some worry beside the medical conditions.

@missy I hear you on the MD age thing. I actually read a study about this......not a new grad and not someone ready to retire was the gist. We rode today in brisk Fall weather but I layered properly. And gloves.

Renovations have started here. Here to months of hammering.... :rolleyes:

NIRDI shout out!!!!!



Jun 8, 2008
GM girls, happy FriYAY!

So my allergist called me last night. I am heterozygous for the anti alpha trypsin deficiency. Which means I am more prone to developing liver and lung disease. Which means no smoking (check) no drinking (check) and trying to stay away from pollution (harder to do). He was surprised I had it but I wasn't and it's why I asked to be tested. So we do think now that my asthma exacerbation a few months ago was due to the wildfires out west. I am super sensitive to smoke. So now I know. There is no treatment and I feel fine with this because at least I am not homozygous. That was my bigger concern. I do have the MZ allele which means one of the pair doesn't work at all and one works. That is the second worse combo but at least it is not the worst combo. :)

Also I do not yet have a gyn or appointment. @springerspaniel and @mrs-b I appreciate your concern and advice. One problem during Covid is a shortage of physicians. Many have retired during Covid and many others are fully booked. So lots of gynecologists are no longer taking new patients. It's unfortunately a fact. I have a potential and am waiting to hear back from her. I decided I am not contacting Michele's rec. So I will find someone but nothing is happening fast. Because I need an initial appointment and then an appointment for a biopsy. Just wanted to let you know it is something I am working towards but Covid is making everything more challenging.

I also managed to get a telemedicine appointment with a parathyroid specialist. She doesn't take insurance since she is not licensed in my states. But if I can get answers it is worth the exorbitant fee. At least that is what Greg says LOL. If it was up to me I might have kept looking for someone who takes my insurance. I cannot believe in NYC there is no one who can diagnose me properly. Crazy. Anyway my appointment with her is the end of October.

We had a great ride yesterday. PURRRRRfect weather. Incredible. Funny because the forecast last weekend was rain all week and we got to ride all week. Meaning we are running out of produce which I buy weekly lol. But I would rather ride than shop for produce etc. So there you go. LOL.

@springerspaniel Fred is a LOVE. :love:
I am with you re conscious sedation but unfortunately no gyn offers that in their office at least here. They need a special license which none of them have. I guess I could insist on going to the hospital for the procedure but then it will be delayed further and need Covid tests etc. So I might have to suffer the torture of endometrial biopsy without proper anesthetic. Believe me I am not looking forward to that. :/

@Austina woohoo, congrats on being done packing. Now relax and enjoy. Your hard work paid off and now I am wishing you smooth travels. Keeping you in my thoughts fora safe journey. Much love to you and Colin and Adam and Kim. It was a long time in coming but your hard work and patience has paid off.

@mrs-b so pleased you are feeling much better and that your dear friend is going to be able to visit. So happy for you. Lots of continued healing vibes being sent your way.

@canuk-gal thank you for understanding. I am so not ageist or anything like that. Just want someone who is skilled and steady. Which is easier said than done. Glad you are enjoying crisp autumn weather. Lots of continued good wishes for your mom.

@MamaBee how is your mom doing and how is David doing? Hope you are having a good week. I also found out because of my carrier status for this disease alpha trypsin a pneumonia and flu shot is highly recommended yearly. I never got the pneumonia shot. Ugh another shot is not something I want to add. The allergist did all this research for me before calling me. I am the first patient he ever tested for this disease. LOL I am always teaching my doctors new stuff. Lucky me and lucky them. :lol:

@marcy how is your week going? I think you said you are off today. If so enjoy a wonderful long weekend.

@bling_dream19 happy friYAY! Did your ring come?

@Slick1 weekend is almost here woohoo.

@ringcat any weekend plans? I am an Australia-phile. As in I love all things Australia. :appl:
And by the way, you might not be able to tell from my posts but I am shy too. Not when I get to know you but at first. I am good at faking not being shy to put others at ease but those who know me know that inside I am incredibly shy at first. I am what is referred to as an extroverted introvert. :)

Hi to everyone else. Hope all is well.
We have another cycling day today.
Tomorrow is Greg's birthday.
I love him so much. He is my rock and my soft place to fall.
You girls ask how I am so strong. It is because I have him to lean on.
He is the best person I know (along with my dad). So grateful for him.
Thanks for letting me be mushy.

Wishing everyone a great FriYAY.
May there be more YAY than not today.
Big hugs and much love.

Leaving you with our sweet treat yesterday.
Today is M's last day at the ice cream shoppe but not our last day as friends.

Screen Shot 2021-10-08 at 5.49.05 AM.png

May everyone enjoy a yummy day.


Jun 8, 2008
LOL I did manage a few Halloween shots as we were cycling. It was hard to get this all in one scene. It is the Game of Thrones theme and we spoke with the creator of this Halloween treat.

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And another on our cycling route. LOL this one made me laugh out loud. Every time we pass it :lol:
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And a shot of Pythagorus enjoying the cycling trips. Sorry I cut his head off. He is very sassy and refused to hold still for his portrait. :cheeky:

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Have a not spooky friYAY girls filled with fun!


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

I finally woke up this morning without that awful weight pressing down on me! The house is all packed up, and even if I do say so myself, still looks lovely and definitely move in ready. We just popped over as we had a few things to take to the dump and some more documents for shredding.

Now I can get back to concentrating on what’s going on with everyone, rather than it being all Me, me, me, me!

Oy @missy you really are a medical mystery! I’m absolutely shocked at the state of medical treatment there, to the outside world, we tend to think of the US as the be all and end all. I know I don’t have any complicated issues, but I don’t think I’d have had a problem seeing any specialist here during the last few months, as Colin and friends have. Let’s hope you can find a good OBGYN to get things sorted out.

Wow people go all out there for Halloween, it’s not really something that’s a big thing here. I know where Adam and Kim live lots of people put out all sorts of elaborate decorations.

Happy belated birthday to Marty @marcy. How’s his arm doing? Have you had any more thoughts on retiring?

How’re things with you @canuk-gal, how’s your Mum doing? It’s such a worrying time for you.

Have you managed to visit your Mum this week @MamaBee?

Oh @springerspaniel Fred is absolutely lovely, he’s just too cute for words, he’s obviously settling in really well.

Any news on your surgery @mrs-b, are you coping OK at the moment? What happened with your botched delivery, did you get it all sorted out yet?

Whereabouts in Oz are you @ringcat ? (You don’t have to be too specific if you don’t want, just general area please). We visited Oz many years ago and had a great time, and ‘should’ be visiting again next year with friends who’ve never been. I say should because we were due to go in November, but made the decision a few months ago to postpone the trip until next year as we weren’t sure the borders would be open.

We‘re back at the hotel now, so are just going to relax for the rest of the day and catch up on some sleep!

Have a great Friday lovely NIRDIS :wavey:


Feb 21, 2019
20211007_141558.jpg Happy FriYAY friends!
Missy you are on my mind and heart everyday. I'm so glad you have Greg to be your love. Happy birthday to your man! Between you and the doctors, you will be well soon. I can relate to some of the things you are going though. Sending you big hugs and lots of strength. You've already got the joy and positivity! I love the Halloween photos!

And my ring is here dear nirdis! She is a 1.5 P AVC with .8 ctw baby avc sides set in platinum with heart prongs. I'm getting used to the warm colored diamonds bc I've never had warm diamonds. To me, they are a buttery lemon champagne!
@Austina I'm just in awe of you packing up your home and life to move. You are amazing! I've got zero excuses now! I'm working on clothes organization, getting rid of and putting away now lol. Please guard those jewels on your trip and have a very safe flight.
Sending love and hugs to all!


Apr 19, 2004

Nothing doing here--I may pop out to get my ham for Thanksgiving. I don't want the rush on the weekend.

Mom has good and bad days. On good days she eats, is bright and plays cards or does a crossword puzzle. Unfortunately there was another +Covid patient so lockdown continues. Mom has always tested -ve. And she will get her booster. God Covid is ruining my life!

NIRDI shout out!



Jan 23, 2012
@Austina @mrs-b @missy Thank you for the warm welcome wishes!
I am in Melbourne, Vic. Have been here for 25 years. I love this city, have grown up here, built a career, met my soulmate, and it's always felt like home... but funny, for so many reasons, since all the different ways Covid has changed our lives (the longest lockdowns included), I am starting to dream of a life some place else these days... ;-). Just day dreaming... I still have 15 years of work ahead of me and this city is kind to me work wise, but I have found it to be a good pastime looking up other places in this big country that I could possibly like to live... no harm dreaming LOL!

Whereabouts in Oz are you @ringcat ? (You don’t have to be too specific if you don’t want, just general area please). We visited Oz many years ago and had a great time, and ‘should’ be visiting again next year with friends who’ve never been. I say should because we were due to go in November, but made the decision a few months ago to postpone the trip until next year as we weren’t sure the borders would be open.

Congrats on your move @Austina . A huge decision and effort but super exciting to move to a whole new place to experience and enjoy, so many new adventures, new people, and life experience to behold! Wishing you so much joy in your new city and new home!

I am in Melbourne @Austina . When you are able to plan your trip down under again next year, and if you are coming down my way, please do look me up! I would be delighted to meet you, and happy to be of assistance in any way I can :)

@ringcat any weekend plans? I am an Australia-phile. As in I love all things Australia. :appl:
And by the way, you might not be able to tell from my posts but I am shy too. Not when I get to know you but at first. I am good at faking not being shy to put others at ease but those who know me know that inside I am incredibly shy at first. I am what is referred to as an extroverted introvert. :)

Hi to everyone else. Hope all is well.
We have another cycling day today.
Tomorrow is Greg's birthday.
I love him so much. He is my rock and my soft place to fall.
You girls ask how I am so strong. It is because I have him to lean on.
He is the best person I know (along with my dad). So grateful for him.
Thanks for letting me be mushy.

Thank you for the encouragement @missy :). I am going to try to get more comfortable with being and posting online...
I am much the same, shy and introvert, but as I've gotten to middle age now, I find that I can be an extrovert if the situation needs me to be, sometimes with full on dread on the inside LOL. I am not much good at speaking about myself (unless I know the person well), but am great at asking questions and am a much better listener...
This weekend, we are going for a big walk to a local park in our 5km radius... we are fortunte there are quite a few... we are in early spring here and the weather on Saturday is going to be warm (24C). We are currently in a lockdown and only allowed to leave home for a very short list of reasons including exercise so during the week we walk in our local neighborhood streets, and on the weekend we try to get to a local park to "see" something different... I am enjoying all the different spring blooms, but most especially the cherry blossoms!!
Hope you enjoy your cycling today and have a wonderful day celebrating Greg's birthday tomorrow! :appl:

@bling_dream19 Congrats on your gorgeous ring :kiss2: . AVCs are just so delicious!! Wishing you much joy wearing this ring xx

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!! xx


Jun 8, 2008
20211007_141558.jpg Happy FriYAY friends!
Missy you are on my mind and heart everyday. I'm so glad you have Greg to be your love. Happy birthday to your man! Between you and the doctors, you will be well soon. I can relate to some of the things you are going though. Sending you big hugs and lots of strength. You've already got the joy and positivity! I love the Halloween photos!

And my ring is here dear nirdis! She is a 1.5 P AVC with .8 ctw baby avc sides set in platinum with heart prongs. I'm getting used to the warm colored diamonds bc I've never had warm diamonds. To me, they are a buttery lemon champagne!
@Austina I'm just in awe of you packing up your home and life to move. You are amazing! I've got zero excuses now! I'm working on clothes organization, getting rid of and putting away now lol. Please guard those jewels on your trip and have a very safe flight.
Sending love and hugs to all!


Screen Shot 2021-10-08 at 3.53.52 PM.png

Wear in good health and blingy joy my sweet friend! XOXO.


Feb 27, 2007

@missy glad you got the Lexus serviced this week. I could probably ask to be put on the cancel list for my car service but since I have to take the day off to go to Colorado I’ll keep my scheduled appointment. I only have about 3000 miles on my car so I’m sure it will be fine. Too cute the kitties at the door. Glad you are continuing to add up those miles. I am so sorry you might need a biopsy and hate to hear the injection hurt so much. That stinks you can’t get the medicine locally anymore. That is just NUTS that goes on in this country. Nice Austina can help you out. I am sure anyone of us would be glad to assist you with this. Big hugs to you. I really hate you are dealing with this. That makes sense about the asthma flare up and smoke; I check the smoke maps and your part of the country often was under heavy smoke. Glad you got an appointment later this month and hope you find some answers and relief soon. That is too bad about your insurance. Happy Birthday to Greg tomorrow - I remember his is close to Marty’s. I am enjoying the Halloween decorations.

@Austina hope you are not too stressed about finishing everything up and moving. Sending resting and peaceful dust your way. Marty’s shoulder is coming along really well - I told him last night his doctor is going to be impressed or angry at his progress or maybe both. He has progressed more quickly than a normal recovery period. And yes I am thinking all the time about retiring. Right now if I make it to December I’d be surprised.

@canuk-gal I’ve been keeping you and your mom in my thoughts. Good luck with the renovations; what are you having done?

@MamaBee sorry the place your mom is at has COVID cases; the local nursing homes are having trouble keeping cases at bay and yes they are vaccinated.

@bling_dream19 your new ring is so pretty. I had to go look at it again. Are you loving it?

@mrs-b I totally agree you should have a surgeon with very steady hands operating on your spinal cord. Hoping the surgery brings you much relief. Keeping you in my thoughts and mega dust coming your way. All right for adding your winnings to the pot for Tiffany’s - we might be able to get something there but I still doubt it will be a sparkler. I hope the specialist can help Tim; sorry he is so tired. I am sure his resilience is very helpful keeping him going but I hate to think he feels so bad. I would say I feel slightly better than when I finally decided to see a doctor but no I don’t feel like I normally do. I notice breathing abnormalities more than anything and definitely more tired than I usually am. I used to be able to go on about 6 hours of sleep - not anymore. I notice my endurance isn’t what it was. I am sure aging contributes but I don’t feel normal if that makes any sense. Like the rest of the NIRDI’s I carry on as best as I can and thank you for asking.

@springerspaniel as Sharon said - love the cuddle fest. Very cute.

@ringcat welcome to NIRDI’s! Glad you are able to escape the house and go for walks!

It was fun playing “retired” today. My SIL and I went to Denver ring upgrade shopping. I had all my pieces cleaned that are from that store (oh the horror too - the girl that returned everything to me helped me “count” my rings to check I got them all back and she touched each and every table with her finger). Two hours later we headed home stopping at our favorite steak house about an hour from where we live. We saw lots of beautiful golden trees along the way.

I am working on Saturday chores this afternoon so maybe I can be lazy tomorrow. My SIL is heading north tomorrow on the second leg of her see the family retirement tour and I hope we can go back to the mountains to take some photos. Sadly it might snow in the mountains and will be windy. Phooey.

So for my ring upgrade - I used to like the 1/2 carat to 3/4 carat sized gems on rings but once I got larger diamonds on my ering I started upgrading my gemstone rings. I’ve successfully taken care of all my sapphires by now but this jewelry store never has a larger ruby I liked as well (color and clarity) as the ruby I have. It’s a 3/4 carat EC. So once again today I didn’t like any replacement ruby better than what I have so I picked a chunkier ring and added a halo. Funny out of the 4 potential ring upgrades I liked this was the one I thought would look kind of overpower the ruby but it turned out to be the setting I liked the best. The old ring had a thin band with 2 diamonds on each side. I picked a wider band with lots of pave diamonds and added a YG halo. I’ll get it probably next Thursday.

Have a great weekend.

Old ring, Computer "built" set and holding the halo and ruby over the ring.



Aug 22, 2012
Thank you so much @ringcat, I appreciate you chiming in and all good wishes and comforting hugs help. They really do.

@canuk-gal thank you. And haha yes he is isn't he. His name is Pythagorus. LOL blame Greg. :lol:

So it goes from bad to worse but I understand. I even gave my friend the out asking her if she was 100% comfortable doing my biopsy and if so let's schedule it. My girlfriend just messaged me she isn't comfortable doing the biopsy on me since we are friends and she gave me a name of another gynecologist in another practice. But of course their office is closed now. I am a little scared because I am starting on my own all over again without a gynecologist on board. Oy to the vey.
I am So sorry That your friend will not be performing the biopsy. But she sounds like such a great friend and health advocate for you. I am sure she can Make a call and talk with the new gynecologist to get an appointment ASAP. Once the biopsy is done the three of you can have a conference about results and plan. Prayers to you and Greg.


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! Happy Caturday Saturday!!!

@marcy that is gorgeous. You have impeccable taste in jewelry. I cannot wait for you to get your new ring. It is going to be rubylicious. I am sorry to hear you aren't feeling quite right. I wish there was something I could do. I am continuing to send healing vibes your way and good wishes always. Happy belated birthday to Marty. I hope he (and you) enjoys a lovely birthday weekend. Thank you for saying you would help me out too if you could. Ditto. 100% Ditto. I am glad you enjoyed playing retired...soon maybe you won't be playing haha. Smart to leave your car service appointment where it is. No rush. Good idea doing chores yesterday so you don't have to do them today. Hope you accomplished all of them so today is a relaxing and fun day. XOXO.

@Austina I am so excited for you. I cannot wait for you to be here with your son and DIL and grandpuppy. I love it when good things happen for my friends and you have worked so hard to make this dream come true. I had a good phone chat with a mutual friend yesterday and I hope it is OK I told her the good news as I thought she already knew. She was thrilled for you too. Biggest hugs. Enjoy a great weekend knowing you are almost "home". Biggest hugs and lots of love.

@ringcat it sounds beautiful in Melbourne and even better you met your soulmate there. And dreaming is always fun and doesn't cost a thing. Your weekend plans sound purrrfect. I love taking long walks in beautiful green spaces. Especially with my dh. You are making the most of the lockdown situation and I feel for you. Thank you for all your warm wishes. They are much appreciated. We might be able to cycle today despite the highish winds but Sunday is looking wet. It's OK as we are running out of food and must go food shopping lol. When it doesn't rain for the entire week our food inventory gets depleted as I don't like to shop when the weather is nice haha. I adore spring blossoms. I envy you are in spring. And soon to be summer. We are of course in autumn and soon to be winter. My least favorite season I cannot lie...not a fan of the cold weather anymore. I enjoy snow for one day and then I am over it haha. Oh well. In a blink of the eye we will be back in warmer weather. It all goes so fast. Have a wonderful weekend @ringcat and sending you warm hugs.

@bling_dream19 I love that ring so much. It suits you beautifully. It is our favorite day Caturday Saturday....have a fabulous weekend my dear friend. XOXO.

@lambskin thank you. I am very fortunate that I have wonderful people in my life. My genetics might not be great (thanks mom and dad lol) but it beats the alternative (not being born) and I am who I am because of my genetics for the most part. So all my experiences make me me if that make sense. So while yes life can be challenging (as it is for everyone) I have to make the best of it and I couldn't be more lucky with who my loved ones are and how much I love them and they love me. I really appreciate your kind wishes. Thank you. I hope all is going well with you and your family. Hugs.

@Slick1 hope the week went well and you are enjoying a wonderful weekend. Hugs to you and Bear.

@springerspaniel have a great weekend and big hugs.
I hope to have a biopsy appointment previous gynecologist answered my message and she will see me for a biopsy. Yay. That is actually a huge relief. But due to personal reasons she is out of the office now til November. She offered for me to see one of her colleagues but I said I would prefer to wait for her to return. So their surgical coordinator is calling me Monday (she didn't have time to schedule me yesterday don't I called the coordinator Friday after I got Dr S's message in the portal telling me to call. And the coordinator said she could not schedule me that day as she was too busy. Can you believe that? So she said she would call me Monday to schedule me.

Then two hours later (after the office was closed) I got a VM. Darn I missed that call. But anyway the coordinator had called me leaving a message saying OK I can schedule you and here are the possible dates. She gave me four dates in November. And she left instructions to call her Monday to schedule.

So Monday you can bet I am calling first thing to try to get one of those November dates. What a pain it is getting in touch with that office. Seriously takes me a dozen phone calls til they even pick up the phone. But I am relieved Dr S said yes she will do the biopsy on me. Over one hurdle.

And listen to this. We got home from our bike ride and the pharmacy delivered a med to me I didn't even order. The delivery person rang the bell. They never do that. They generally just leave the delivery on the porch. He rang the bell, Greg answered and he said does "insert my full name" live here. It was from Dr S. Two pills to soften my cervix three hours before the biopsy. One to be taken orally and one vaginally. So I guess she might have thought I would go with one of her colleagues in October but hopefully she is onboard with me waiting a few more weeks. I mean what is a few more weeks right?

Whew, sorry for the book! I appreciate so much your concern and I wanted to update you. Have a wonderful weekend and please give Fred the biggest hugs from me and his Uncle Greg. XOXO.

@mrs-b what is your update please. Are you going ahead with the surgery or have you decided you are good right now? How is Tim feeling? Has he had a complete physical? Has his thyroid been checked? I hope he starts feeling less tired soon. That is not fun feeling exhausted. Sending you and Tim big hugs and continued healing vibes. Thinking about you each and every day. XOXO. And thank you so much for your kind and warm and loving wishes. And same from me to you. And also thank you for your kind offer and again same. Anything I can ever do for you do not hesitate to ask. Hang in there sweet friend. We are going to be OK. I believe that. One day at a time. I always remember the wise adage. If going through hell just keep on going. Something like that lol. (((Hugs))).

@canuk-gal big hugs and continued healing vibes to your sweet mom. I hope you and your family are doing as well as possible.

@MamaBee hugs and more hugs. Be strong. Tell Shatzie how it is. Safety first. Men cannot always be trusted to know the best thing to do but you are there to guide and boss him around haha. How is your mom doing?

Hi to everyone else. Hope all is well. We had a great ride yesterday. Another purrrfect weather day. It was M's last day at the ice cream shoppe but we already have plans to meet outdoors for more ice cream with her haha.

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And we ran into our dear friends B and L around the corner from the ice cream shoppe after we finished our ice cream yesterday. So funny. We chatted for a while and L hugged me as we hadn't seen L for over a year due to the pandemic. He lives a few hours away and was visiting B and K with his wife D who was at K's house. Anyway that is confusing haha. All to say isn't it sad how I have to worry about a simple hug? Sigh. But I hugged him anyway and kept my face far away. LOL.

Today we hope to go cycling and tomorrow run much needed errands to get food.
Enjoy a wonderful Caturday Saturday sweet ladies. Lots of love and big hugs to each and everyone of you.


Jun 8, 2008
Ouch. Just got my injection in the ventroglutes. Definitely hurts. But if it stops my bleeding I would do it every day, multiple times a day if I had to. So please universe, let this stop my bleeding. Pretty please with sugar on top. :halo:


I inject 50 units (.5ml/ccs) twice a week. I could go higher but then I will run out of my meds too soon so really hoping the next vial(s) is (are) shipped soon or else uh oh. C'mon lab in Texas please get those raw ingredients and make my med for me. :pray:


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! Happy Sunday!

@bling_dream19 hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

@sarahb hope your October is going well.

@marcy hope with each day you are feeling better and that you are getting to relax and enjoy the weekend. That was the coolest photo. Loved it.

@Austina keeping good thoughts for you.

Hi to everyone else. Hope a wonderful weekend is being enjoyed by everyone here.

We had a great ride yesterday on Greg's birthday despite the high winds of 15-20 mph. It was gusty. Not cold but very windy.
Ice cream was delicious and it was a sweet Saturday.
Today we run much needed errands. Food shopping at Costco, Trader Joe's and Whole Foods.
Hope everyone enjoys a wonderful Sunday.

The clouds were awesome yesterday. Taken as we were cycling. All these photos but the ice cream photo were in action photos so please excuse any blurriness.

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We ran into our friend S and his crazy bike.

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And enjoyed some sweet ice cream.

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and also some Halloween decorations.

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Have a fun and not spooky Sunday lovely ladies! XOXO.


Jun 8, 2008
@canuk-gal Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow!!! Hope your celebration is filled with good food and company and good wishes continuing to be sent to your mom. ♥️


Apr 19, 2004
@canuk-gal Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow!!! Hope your celebration is filled with good food and company and good wishes continuing to be sent to your mom. ♥️


Thank you dear @missy . I hate to be a negative Nelly but I really don't feel very thankful. Covid has infected (pun intended) every facet of my life and it is difficult. Chief amongst my complaints is that I cannot see my ailing Mother but at least I did speak to her yesterday and that is positive. I enjoy your Halloween pictures!



Jun 8, 2008
(((((HUGS))))) Sharon. I am so sorry. It is very challenging all you and your family are going through. I support you feeling your feelings. It is only normal to feel down or sad and not be upbeat at times like this. You are dealing with so much on your plate. Especially your poor mom. I am glad you did speak to her yesterday and I am keeping her in my thoughts every single day. Big hugs and much love to you.


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies and Happy Monday!

Today is the day we complete the sale on our house, so we’re waiting to hear from the solicitor that they’ve received the funds, then we’ll release the keys over to the new owners.

Sorry to have been MIA, but we’ve spent the weekend with our friends, who’ve graciously been feeding us. We’re going over later, and will say our final goodbyes this evening.

I’m so sorry @canuk-gal, this pandemic has been hell on earth for so many people, let’s hope we never see the like of it again. Sending good thoughts your way, and healthy wishes to your Mum.

I’m the first to admit that rubies aren’t usually my thing @marcy, but wowsers, the colour of that ruby and the setting you’ve chosen, are just stunning. I’ve got good news, whilst clearing out the house I’ve found some coins which I’m more than happy to throw in to the pot :lol:

Aww, sorry I didn’t know it was Greg’s birthday @missy, please send him belated wishes from us. I hope you got all your errands done and stocked up at Costco and Trader Joes. Love seeing all the photos of the halloween decorations on your travels, glad you’re still able to get out and ride, hard to believe we’re already nearly half way through October.

Hope you’re doing well @mrs-b, fingers crossed that your surgery happens soon and brings you the relief you so deserve.

Have you been wearing your new ring over the weekend @bling_dream19 ?

I’ll have to check the itinerary of our cruise @ringcat to see if we’re stopping in Melbourne.

Just had the call, the money’s arrived, so the deal is done!!

Colin’s going to rebook our PCR tests for earlier today, so we can get that done and tick that off the list.

Oh my goodness, it’s finally happening!!!!

Big love and hugs to you all :wavey:


Feb 6, 2021
Hello dear NIRDIs.
Sharon, condolences for your stressful situation.

Happy Day to Greg! <3

Things are pretty complicated here -I am in survival mode after letting all the stressors build up over the last couple of years. I hope I didn’t break my brain permanently. LOL Right now that’s the way it feels.

Austina, congrats!!!

A few photos from this last week:
my “sky garden”. truly a peaceful spot. Almost silent except for the birds.
Ki with his beloved
New toy

Village rooftops view from the high road


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! Happy Monday!

@Austina I am jumping up and down with excitement for you! Congrats on the sale of you home! Woohoo! It feels like yesterday you put it on the market but I know how much work you put into getting it into tip top shape. It is happening! And you will be here Wednesday. I cannot believe it. Yassss. So glad you got to enjoy the weekend with friends. I know you will miss all of your friends who you are moving away from but thank goodness for technology. If the pandemic has taught us anything it is that we can maintain close relationships even far away. Sending you so many smooth travel vibes. The weather looks good here this week and may you have easy travels. Big hugs. And good luck with your PCR tests today.

@Jemi love your photos. And I hear you about being in survival mode. I promise you did not break your brain permanently. Sending you big hugs.

Hi @Slick1 I hope today is a holiday from school. When we were little we had this day off but now I am not sure if it is still a holiday. If it is enjoy. Hope the weekend was good.

@bling_dream19 hope you had a great weekend.

@canuk-gal happy Thanksgiving! Hope your mom is doing well and the snow has stopped. Boo to snow. Big hugs to you. It's a challenging time.

Hi to everyone else. We did get to Costco but when we went to TJs a transformer blew and they lost power. LOL we had just arrived. No problem we went to Whole Foods and got everything we needed minus a few of TJ speciality items which we will try to get this week. No emergency though. IT was so weird because we saw the transformer blow as we were driving to TJs. And I said uh oh (we were five blocks from TJ) I hope that isn't blowing TJ's power. And LOL it did. Weird right? And they do not have a generator which means all the refrigerated items will have to be thrown out. Oy to the vey. It was raining but no lightning and it just happens due to age of the transformers. My guess is it got fixed within a few hours as TJ's is in a chi chi neighborhood and I cannot imagine them leaving the residents and store too long without power but you never know I guess. Anyway it was a good day and despite the hiccup we got all our errands accomplished.

Today we are going cycling despite very high winds and cool temps. It is supposed to stay cloudy here all day.
Winter is coming. I feel it. Despite the temps going up this week I know the cold weather will be here soon to stay for a few months. Making the best of autumn weather while it is lovely to cycle outside.

I hope everyone enjoys a lovely Monday. Big hugs.

Leaving you with a photo after the stormy weather and rain yesterday. The evening cleared and it was crisp and cool and windy.

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May your Monday be bright and happy. XOXO.


Jun 8, 2008
My biopsy has been scheduled for November 2nd at 2 PM.
And follow up where I get the results November 15th at 8:50 AM.

Thanks everyone for caring. I am a bit anxious but will now put it out of my head til closer to the date.
They are RXing more meds for me to take four hours before and one hour before the biopsy.
Both oral and vaginal. I never realized you could take valium vaginally.

OK we are off cycling. Have a wonderful Monday girls!


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!! :wavey: :wavey:

Crazy weather here. 5c--cold!! Sunny. Then cloudy. Then rain then snow. At least the snow isn't staying. But big fluffy white flakes. I can see the Rockies are white. Tis the season!

@Jemi you look like you live in paradise! Big hugs from me--hope you feel better soon.

@missy the weather here is too unpredictable to cycle in. Yet I see people out there LOL In shorts no less......

I spoke to Mom yesterday and she is lucid but was upset. They are in isolation b/c of a Covid case on her unit--so she feels like she is in prison. I can't blame her.:((

@Austina congrats on the settling of your home. Safe travels to your new life across the pond.

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